Just out of curiosity, I decided to see how much I had to worry about optimization in Lua. I downloaded a Lua binary from http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/ and ran a few tests.
Fresh boot, AMD dual core 2.6ghz. In case you're curious, that's a pretty old computer; it was at the price-performance sweet spot when I bought it, but parts are going to start failing soon.
local time = os.clock(); for i=1, 10^7 do if i==0 then break end end; print(os.clock()-time)
Note that this basic loop consists of 1 increment, 2 compares, and 1 jump. Every loop that follows is going to be the same, except sometimes they have 1 less compare (the if in the middle of the loop). I can run it more than 20 million times in a second. If I was doing this in ToME, I wouldn't notice any difference in framerate until I did it around 2*10^4 times every frame. That would drop my framerate from 30 to 29.
local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = math.sqrt(i) end; print(os.clock()-time)
Takes about four times longer to do a square root loop. I could only do 5000 square roots every frame before affecting Lua framerate.
local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = i^0.5 end; print(os.clock()-time)
Huh, that's funny. For the non math inclined, i^0.5 is the exact same thing as sqrt(i). I repeated this several times to be sure-- sure enough, ^0.5 is faster. And, I might add, easier to type, and easier on the eyes. So adjust that square estimate to 9000 a frame until we affect framerate.
local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = math.sin(i) end; print(os.clock()-time)
Slowest yet. Looks like I could get away with 4000 sines. I'm going to assume tan and cos work at similar speed (maybe not a safe assumption in light of the surprising square root discovery!)
local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = math.exp(i) end; print(os.clock()-time)
About the same as trig. Can't imagine wanting to do a lot of this.
local time = os.clock()local p = "test"; for i=1, 10^7 do if p~="test" then break end end; print(os.clock()-time)
Comparison of strings isn't any slower than comparison of numbers. That's because of how Lua handles strings. p is a pointer to a string; "test" is a pointer to the exact same string.
TL;DR: Unless you're writing display code or pathfinding code, there is almost nothing you can do that will noticeably impact the performance of ToME. Don't worry about speed-- worry about having your code do what it's supposed to do, and do it clearly.
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Reference implementation? Meh.
See title.
LuaJIT is your friend (regarding performance), DarkGod. :)
Repeated with JIT
Using http://sourceforge.net/p/safelua/wiki/LuaJIT%20binaries/ since I'm a lowly windows user and amateur modder :)
Respective times: 0.015, 0.094, 0.093, 0.469, 0.279, 0.015
Analysis: about ten times faster with JIT in general, but only 5x faster with math.sin; difference between math.sqrt and ^0.5 disappears; comparison of number and string act the same, fluctuate between 0 and 0.32
So, rough rule, you get ten times as many instructions with JIT :)
edit: oh, and no longer a fresh boot, which probably matters; i have little doubt that I am part of multiple botnets since I'm the kind of guy that just downloads binaries instead of compiling from source :)
Looking at the number of brutally basic instructions in the first loop, and doing a little math, it appears that I'm processing about 2.6 billion instructions per second with Lua JIT. Which makes sense, since I'm running a 2.6gHz processor, I'm just surprised to see perfect efficiency. 0.016 appears to be the limit of precision returned from os.clock()-- that's about a 60th of a second, so that's a good amount of precision.
memoization test
math.randomseed(1234); local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = math.sin(math.random()*math.pi*2) end; print(os.clock()-time)
math.randomseed(1234); local sintable = {};local sin = function(x) if not sintable[x] then sintable[x] = math.sin(x) end
return sintable[x] end; local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do p = sin(math.random()*math.pi*2) end; print(os.clock()-time)
Conclusion: random is too good, we're not memoizing anything :)
math.randomseed(1234); local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do a = 360*math.floor(math.random()*math.pi*2*360);p = math.sin(a) end; print(os.clock()-time)
math.randomseed(1234); local sintable = {};local sin = function(x) if not sintable[x] then sintable[x] = math.sin(x) end return sintable[x] end
local time = os.clock(); local p; for i=1, 10^7 do a = 360*math.floor(math.random()*math.pi*2*360);p = sin(a) end;print(os.clock()-time)
Conclusion: don't bother memoizing sin tables, not worth it.
Rule number 1 of
Rule number 1 of optimization: Premature optimization is the root of all evil :)
Oh and ToME uses luajit2 already
test of algebraic simplification
for i = 1, 10^8 do p = 2*5 end
for i = 1, 10^8 do p = 2*5*8 end
for i = 1, 10^8 do p = 2*5*8*math.pi end