Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.4 |
Addons | Clean UI 1.7.2Replaces default interface styles with cleaner versions to enhance readability. First release focuses primarily on replacing everything related to the default interface styles in the base game. Future releases will enhance individual styles and take care of minor tweaks. Content consists of only graphic assets to try and have the highest possible compatibility with future patches. Audiomancy 1.7.4Version 1.2.1 released Jan 16, 2023; see change notes. Audiomancy is an audio enhancement for ToME that does not affect music. It started with the High Quality Sounds mod (thanks to Gurkoz), but it does a bit more than replace sounds. It enhances the code introducing random variance, layering, and new trigger points. Weapon types (sword, great axe, mace, sling, bows, etc.) have distinct sounds in combat, along with NPC types having different impact sounds. Many weapons have distinct critical hit sounds as well. Ranged weapons have separated attack and hit sounds. Melee and ranged talents you would have expected to produce sound before likely will with this mod. Multiple hits trigger multiple sounds, e.g. the Volley talent. There is still more to do, especially in terms of providing distinct sound effects for various game mechanics and talents, but the code as-is will affect almost every sound played in the game while adding more. I attempted to maximize compatibility, replacing a single function and using superloading and hooking for the rest. Feel free to reach out to me with any issues you discover or ideas/suggestions you may have on Steam or at theclawhorn@protonmail.com. Credits: https://pastebin.com/xirEZ2FY Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805820365 PS: Somehow the website tags got duplicated and I'm unable to edit them. Version 1.2.1: Version 1.2.0: Version 1.1.0: Automatic Notes 1.7.0Automatically collects notes about unvisited zones and unactivated features/events that the player has seen and may wish to return to later, updated as the player revisits said points of interest. Notes will reflect:
Notes for a level are updated when the player enters or leaves the level, and when bringing up the auto-collected notes list manually via <Alt-Shift-A> (configurable via the "Key bindings" dialog). The auto-collected notes list will also optionally pop up when you load a character, configurable via the game option "UI | Automatic notes". Frequently Asked Questions: Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
OldRPG - Overdrive - 5 of 6 (A) OldRPG Player Sprites 1.6.5OldRPG Player Sprites continued. There are two different versions of Part 3-6, A and B. This version (A) uses the OldRPG sprites and fixed paperdolls for almost all races. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns.(Required, load A or B but not both) Shimmer Pack: Plumpkin Daper 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! EquipDoll - Clean Item Names 1.7.2Makes clearer view of EuipDoll by replacing item egos list with actual name, and tuning a font a bit OldRPG - Overdrive - 6 of 6 (A) OldRPG Player Sprites 1.6.5OldRPG Player Sprites continued. There are two different versions of Part 3-6, A and B. This version (A) uses the OldRPG sprites and fixed paperdolls for almost all races. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns.(Required, load A or B but not both) Nekarcos's Quality of Life 04: Healing Reduction (v2) 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
OldRPG - Overdrive - 3 of 6 (A) OldRPG Player Sprites 1.6.5Rework of OldRPG for compatibility with 1.6.5 and Forbidden Cults. Missing tiles from DLC are replaced by the original default tiles instead of blank tiles or ascii. There are two different versions of Part 3-6, A and B. This version (A) uses the OldRPG sprites and fixed paperdolls for almost all races. Glass Golem, Whitehoof and Yeti use the original tiles. Not every race/item combo has been tested so there may be some misalignments. New sprites for Worm That Walks and tentacles, all other Cults artifacts currently use the original sprites. You can also use a custom player sprite if you don't care about the paperdoll overlay. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns.(Required, load A or B but not both) Prodigious Progress 1.7.0Include information in certain prodigies' requirement descriptions about how much progress you've made thereto. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Escorts Enhanced 1.7.0Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: OldRPG - Overdrive - 4 of 6 (A) OldRPG Player Sprites 1.6.5OldRPG Player Sprites continued. There are two different versions of Part 3-6, A and B. This version (A) uses the OldRPG sprites and fixed paperdolls for almost all races. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns.(Required, load A or B but not both) Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Restart Sustains 1.7.0Mark sustained talents for easy reactivation after being disrupted by an enemy attack. From the Restart Sustains dialog (bound to <alt-shift-s> by default), you can select sustains to be restarted, arranging them in tree order as needed to ensure that certain sustains are activated before others. In addition, if any of these selected sustains is forcibly deactivated by an attacker, you will be notified with a log message and a noticeable particle effect. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack Frequently Asked Questions: Showing Items Tier in Inventory 1.7.2This addon add a column to inventory which show items Tier and allows sorting to show higher Tier first There is an option under "Game Setting"->UI->Sort Items by Tier by default items which is going to be transmo- and of type scroll (rune,infusion..), tinker or other without Tier specified will be placed at the top of the inventory to avoid occasional transmo of valuables This mod is safe to use without starting new game (new) Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Improved Combat Text v2 Custom Edit 1.6.0This is a custom edit of the "Improved Combat Text v2" mod. All credit for the original work goes to to the original mod by Codefly
DescriptionThis addon replaces ToME's floating combat text:
Custom Edit
The original addon is great, but I was always frustrated with the excessive amount of floating talent text and other garbage that just wasn't relevant to combat.
* For Steam users: subscribe to this mod Remove: or make it easy in game:
Note for LeoMaven or CodeFly
If either of you want to just steal my code and put it in your addons that is completely fine with me. Items Vault 1.7.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Nekarcos's Quality of Life 03: Summoning Timer 1.4.8This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay. Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Faster Run/Rest/Explore 1.0.6Important: this addon will have no effect if left unconfigured! Please read the description! Recommended settings:hit escape -> video options
Description:Enables faster run/resting by use of FPS dividers. These dividers simply divide the game's requested FPS by their respective values while resting or running. After starting a new game or loading a saved character, configure this addon by hitting escape -> video options. Setting these dividers to something greater than one can substantially reduce the amount of time required to finish resting/running on older computers. Just be careful when resting on an escort mission... Changelog:See the forum discussion for the changelog. Turn Separators v2 1.6.0Description I just fixed OoDChecker. This was good idea with update mod in a time, but ... Original Turn Separators mod by Codefly Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Это моя улучшенная версия оригинального мода. Убрана проверка версии клиента. Замечали когда-нибудь, что новые строки в журнале битвы не всегда соответствуют концу своего хода? Этот мод помещает "------" между строками хода, что бы можно было легче визуально отделить минувшую очередь действий. Мод по прежнему добавляет разделитель между игровыми ходами для большей наглядности. Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Nekarcos's Quality of Life 05: Various (Fatal) Warnings 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
OldRPG - Overdrive - 1 of 6 1.6.5Rework of OldRPG for compatibility with 1.6.5 and Forbidden Cults. Missing tiles from DLC are replaced by the original default tiles instead of blank tiles or ascii (if you are interested in contributing sprites for Cults please contact me!). After downloading and installing all 6 parts, make sure OldRPG 64x64 is selected as the tileset in game. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns. Part 1 of 6 contains all terrain textures. (Required) OldRPG - Overdrive - 2 of 6 1.6.5Rework of OldRPG for compatibility with 1.6.5 and Forbidden Cults. Missing tiles from DLC are replaced by the original default tiles instead of blank tiles or ascii. Original work done by krazycure, daftigod, chrambo, blooo, sevenredreturns. Part 2 of 6 contains all NPCs, Objects, Shaders, etc. (Required) Shimmer Pack: Iron Throne Couture 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Go to Landmark 1.7.4Adds a new game menu option "Show known Landmarks", which presents a list of landmarks (up/down stairs, golden chests, zone entrances and the like) that you've seen on the current level and allows you to go to them or view them on the map. You can also set your own landmarks for later reference by right-clicking on the map and choosing "Set landmark". Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Plenum Tooltip Custom Edit 1.7.4Plenum ToolTip Custom Edit: Enhanced Plenum tooltip display for ToME version 0.3 for ToME 1.6.1 This addon replaces the normal tooltip for actors in TOME with a more detailed description of monster abilities and characteristics. It adds to the standard tooltip detailed information on speed, main-hand, off-hand, and ranged damage, and damage modifiers and extra crit power, including damage penetration and damage affinities, plus retaliation damage, depending on what options are selected (from a tab in Game Options menu). This makes it much easier to inspect multiple monsters and quickly identify the most threatening. By holding a meta-key (ctrl, alt, or shift) and hovering the mouse over a monster, information on its status immunities and talents is displayed. In addition, information on temporary terrain features (like smoke and darkness) and map effects (from spells and the like) will be displayed in the terrain tooltip if the appropriate options are enabled. This addon is originally developed by Hachem_Muche and continued by sSs1897. version changes: version 2.7 for ToME 1.5.0: -- updated for cold flames custom edit version 0.1 for ToME 1.6.1: version 0.2: version 0.3: version 0.4: Better Item Description 1.7.4This addon makes items description easier to read and determine on a glance it's usefulness Most important thing to remember it's not recommended to use this mod if you'r new to the game High Quality Sounds 1.7.2Replaces a selection of sounds with higher quality versions. First release focuses primarily on UI, Actions and Talents from the base game. Future releases will handle the DLC's, various creatures and minor adjustments to tone down some sounds that prove to be an annoyance. Content consists of only sound assets to try and have the highest possible compatibility with future patches. DISCLAMER: These are not sounds I personally created from scratch but where taken from various sources. I take no credit in the creation of these sounds, only the selecting, editing, converting and packaging all this as a mod. I do this just for fun and to enhance a game I love to play. If you are an original creator and is somehow not cool with this, please let me know and I will remove that material. Shimmer Pack: Pyromania 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Nightmare Roguelike |
Sex | Male |
Race | Yeek |
Class | Summoner |
Level / Exp | 6 / 27% |
Size | small |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by chitinous ritch at level 6 on the 78th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 12:50 / 1 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 10 (base 13) |
Dexterity | 9 (base 11) |
Constitution | 5 (base 10) |
Magic | 10 (base 10) |
Willpower | 33 (base 27) |
Cunning | 22 (base 16) |
Life | -7/122 |
Equilibrium | 29 |
Healing Factor | 0.94571268249155 |
Regeneration | 0.80385578011782 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Infravision | 5 |
See Stealth | 22.531537443297 |
See Invisible | 22.531537443297 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 24 |
Accuracy | 23 |
Crit Chance | 6% |
APR | 12 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | 24 |
Accuracy | 23 |
Crit Chance | 6% |
APR | 12 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 10 |
Crit Chance | 5% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 27 |
Crit Chance | 7% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 2 (30%) |
Defense | 8 |
Ranged Defense | 8 |
Fatigue | 6 |
Physical Save | 10 |
Spell Save | 15 |
Mental Save | 19 |
Defense: Resistances
Fire | + 16%( 70%) |
All | 0%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Confusion Resistance | 35% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: RegenerationUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 100 life over 5 turns. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 14% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: HealingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 50 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. |
Class Talents
Wild-gift / Summoning (distance) | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (utility) | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (melee) | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Wild-gift / Call of the wild | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Mindstar mastery | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Survival | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Race / Yeek | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
You have been tasked to remove at least one of the threats to the yeeks. Following The WayProtect the Way, and vanquish your foes. * You have explored the underwater zone and vanquished Murgol. * You must explore the ritch tunnels. | done |
You must find a way to Maj'Eyal through the tunnel to the north of the island. Light at the end of the tunnel | active |
Tool | ![]() 2.0 T1 wand charm [Ego] Arcane Fire a magical bolt dealing 105 cold damage Puts all charms on 15 cooldown Magical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells. |
Main armor | ![]() 9.0 T1 light armor [Ego] Master While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +2 Defense +3 (+3 eff.) Fatigue +6% Resists +16% fire A suit of armour made of leather. |
In main hand | ![]() 3.0 T1 mindstar 1H weapon [Ego] Nature/Psionic Power 2.5 - 2.8 Nature Uses 50% Wil, 30% Cun Mastery Psiblades Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Acc uses Wil Apr +12 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: Stats +2 Cun dps ---------- Mind.crit +1% Crit.mult +6.00% Mind.pwr +2 (+1 eff.) ----- def ----- Max.HP +10.00 HP.reg +0.60 ---------- misc Talents +1 Attune Mindstar Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
In off hand | ![]() 3.0 T1 mindstar 1H weapon [Normal] Nature Power 3.0 - 3.3 Nature Uses 50% Wil, 30% Cun Mastery Psiblades Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Acc uses Wil Apr +12 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Mind.crit +1% Mind.pwr +2 (+1 eff.) ---------- misc Talents +1 Attune Mindstar Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
Cloak | ![]() 2.0 T1 cloak armor [Ego] Master While equipped: ----- def ----- Defense +6 (+6 eff.) Phys.save +5 (+5 eff.) A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Light source | ![]() 2.0 T1 lite [Normal] While equipped: ---------- misc Light +3 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
![]() 3.0 T1 mindstar 1H weapon [Normal] Nature Power 2.5 - 2.8 Mind Uses 50% Wil, 30% Cun Mastery Psiblades Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Acc uses Wil Apr +12 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Mind.crit +1% Mind.pwr +2 (+1 eff.) ---------- misc Talents +1 Attune Mindstar Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() 2.0 T1 head armor [Ego] Master While equipped: Stats +3 Dex ----- def ----- Armour +1 Fatigue +1% A cap made of leather. |
![]() 14.0 T1 heavy armor Reqs Heavy armour training Str 14 [Normal] While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +4 Defense +2 (+2 eff.) Fatigue +12% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() 9.0 T1 light armor [Normal] While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +2 Defense +3 (+3 eff.) Fatigue +6% A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() 0.0 T1 black gem [Normal] While equipped: Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil +1 Cun +1 Con Item imbue powers: Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil +1 Cun +1 Con Latent Damage Type: Acid Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 green gem [Normal] While equipped: Defense +2 (+2 eff.) Phys.save +2 (+2 eff.) Spell.save +2 (+2 eff.) Mind.save +2 (+1 eff.) Item imbue powers: Defense +2 (+2 eff.) Phys.save +2 (+2 eff.) Spell.save +2 (+2 eff.) Mind.save +2 (+1 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Mirror of Reflection (Portable) Mirror of Reflection (Portable)0.0 mirror [Plot Item] Unknown Change your appearance. Uses 1 power out of 1/1 A strange mirror, the reflection inside seems somehow .. off, as if showing what could be instead of what is. |
![]() 2.0 rod charm [Plot Item] Unknown Recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns. Uses 202 power out of 400/400 This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
![]() 2.0 sher'tul chest [Plot Item] Unknown While carried: Transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level). Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000 This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() 0.0 T1 yellow gem [Normal] While equipped: Phys.crit +1.0% Spell.crit +1% Mind.crit +1% Dmg.mod +2% all Item imbue powers: Phys.crit +1.0% Spell.crit +1% Mind.crit +1% Dmg.mod +2% all Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Chitinous ritch hits summonedwalrus for 18 blight damage.
Ritch impaler hits 3-headed hydra for 16 blight damage.
Ritch flamespitter spits flames!
3-headed hydra hits Ritch impaler for 11 physical damage.
Ritch flamespitter hits Ritch impaler for 13 fire damage.
Ritch impaler hits 3-headed hydra for 15 blight damage.
summonedwalrus misses Chitinous ritch.
summonedwalrus misses Chitinous ritch.
Ritch flamespitter spits flames!
3-headed hydra misses Ritch impaler.
Ritch flamespitter hits Chitinous ritch for 13 fire damage.
Talent War Hound is ready to use.
Ritch impaler rushes out, claws sharp and ready!
Chitinous ritch hits summonedwalrus for 19 blight damage.
Chitinous ritch hits summonedwalrus for 19 blight damage.
Chitinous ritch hits 3-headed hydra for 16 blight damage.
Ritch impaler hits 3-headed hydra for 16 blight damage.
Ritch impaler killed 3-headed hydra!
Summonedwalrus summons a War Hound!
Ritch flamespitter spits flames!
Ritch flamespitter hits Chitinous ritch for 13 fire damage.
Chitinous ritch hits summonedwalrus for 18 blight damage.
Chitinous ritch hits summonedwalrus for 19 blight damage.
summonedwalrus the level 6 yeek summoner was diseased to death by a chitinous ritch , who incubated her eggs in the corpse, on level 1 of Ritches Tunnels.