Quantum Slider

Quantum Slider

Adds a new race: the Vorloth.

Vorloths are not from Eyal, they are from planet Luxam.
They are unique sound creatures, fragile but powerful.
Vorloths have their own starting zone, and they have a unique post-game boss fight.

Adds a new Chronomancer subclass, the Quantum Slider.

The class has a very unique way of gameplay: you should run & teleport as fast and as many times as you just can.
Running with very high speed and teleporting gives you several benefits. Sliders are always on the Run.

Quantum Slider has only the Spellbinding (locked) tree from the original chronomancy trees.

Their new, unique trees are:

- starting unlocked class trees -

Quantum Theory - for paradox management and unique mobility benefits (defense & utility)
Quantum Coherence - the knowledge about molecular bonds and structures (defense & utility)
Reality Sculpting - the knowledge about re-shaping reality (AoE damage & DoT with debuffs)
Field Extension - manipulating spacetime (defense & speed-realted self buffs)
Chronodynamics - slowing down and damage your enemies (AoE damage & speed-related debuffs)

- locked higher (from lvl 10) class trees -

Paradox Mysticism - overcharged by speed causes very dangerous electrical properties... cook your enemies while running fast!
Pocket Universe - gives debuffs to enemies through running fast & buffs on teleporting (indirect defense & utility)
Googolplex Existence - Teleport based attacks & debuffing enemies
Core Dweller - adds a time golem summon, thats helps in spellcasting but also deals damage

- starting unlocked generic trees -

Prajna - extended senses and enlightenment (tracking, other vision effects, immunities & buff)
Beads in a String - curve spacetime (mobility & utility)
Wanderlust - speed up yourself (movment buff, healing & utility)

Paths - contains 8 individual "MINI-PRODIGIES" (specializations)

- locked generic trees -

Quantum Fusion - enhance your spellcasting (damage enhancement, buffs & debuff)
Anomaly Alchemy - change enemies into weaklings and imbue your spells into your items!

Quantum Sliders also have a Class Evolution, the: Táltos.
Be aware, this can result is crazy powers!

The addon also contains new effects and new damage types for the class.

The possible power level is higher than with a paradox mage.

Slider is a very strong class if it's played in a simple way, but the more complex
way it's played the stronger & stronger it will be.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Quantum Slider forum discussion thread
See addon usage in the character's vault.
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great addon confusing prodigy

I love the class it's very fun to play with lots to do but can also be played simply for easier enemies
I'm having trouble meeting the evolution prodigy requirments though how can I get 1500 paradox I think it's related to cocoon but I'm not sure how any advice would be helpful

Táltos prodigy

Hi, thank you for your kind feedback, i am glad you enjoy playing with Slider.

You are correct in suspecting, you need Coccoon.
While Coccoon active: it eliminates your chronomancy failure chance and you can not trigger any anomalies,
so you are free to cast your spells even at very high paradox.

I would also tun up my paradox with Spacetime Tuning to the maximum : 1000 as a first step.
Then i would activate Coccoon and cast some spells that has high paradox cost, to further increase my paradox.

Then i would avoid doing anything that reducing back my paradox (e.g. waiting or resitng).
Then i would activate Coccoon again and cast my spells again, under Coccoon.

Sorry for the bit later reply, i hope it helps, without total spoilers. :)

great addon confusing prodigy

I love the class it's very fun to play with lots to do but can also be played simply for easier enemies
I'm having trouble meeting the evolution prodigy requirments though how can I get 1500 paradox I think it's related to cocoon but I'm not sure how any advice would be helpful


Quite interesting, and I find myself in agreement with some comments above. I also would like to see some additional way(s) to get absurd movement speed - not just 1 talent plus as many Movement infusions as you can force into yourself...


Thanks for trying and for the feedback!

Currently I am making new trees, Slider will get 1 more class & 1 more generic tree
and I am planning to add another way to gain movement speed.

However currently Slider can reach a continous movement speed buff from Too Fast to See.

Too Fast to See has an original 20 turn cooldown.

With Quantum Theory - Dimensional Tuning you can lower it to a 10 turn cooldown.

With Field Extension - Steal Fate you can have 35% spell cooldown reduction,
so you can lower the cooldown to 7 just with talents.

Too Fast to See has an original 3 (+1) turns duration when maxed, but note:
it is a chronomancy spell so the duration is affected by paradox modifier.

The class has a tool - in Pocket Universe tree - to tune up your preferred paradox
to high value and still cast spells safely, so you can have a 1.5 x paradox modifier.

So with high paradox, Too Fast to See will have 4 (+1) turn duration.

Furthermore, Slider also have Chronomancy - Spellbinding:

With Matrix sustained, you can have a 5 turn cooldown Too Fast to See
with a 5 turn long duration.

With Extension sustained, you can have a 7 turn cooldown Too Fast to See
with a 7 turn long duration.

So, basically by mid-end game Slider do not need any Movement Infusion at all.

Class Comment

Stopped by to say one of the coolest classes i have played. Inertial Twine seems to not alwas proc its split behavior, not sure why. Seems to happen about 30 ercent of the time. Still great ability.


Hey, hi!

Thank you, it's good to read you enjoy playing with Slider.

I am not sure what do you mean on "Inertial Twine" ... I guess you think Inertia Beam's
enhancement skill: Stasis Web ?

When you learn Stasis Web, if you directly target an enemy, the enemy will take 2 hits, not just 1.

Furthermore, IF there are other enemies withing the given radius in a line of the original target,
then extra Inertia Beams will trigger and hit those targets.
One enemy can just trigger maximum 1 extra beam.
So, if there is just a single foe alone, there will be no extra beams (but the foe will take 2 hits).

I just updated Slider, gave new content and - I hope - increased the FUN-LEVEL. :)


I also recomend TWO movement infusions =]


Haha, yes :D

Slider really like 2 movement infusions. :)

Also, Slider's movement skill - Too Fast to See - is very cool, because it is not removed
on non-movement actions. So you can continue running and cumulating spell-speed
with Alpha Strike in loops.


Chaos on the screen, never stop running, spell combos- very fun to play.

Incredible mobility allows you to escape from problems- always nice.
Lot of AOE spells, even debuffs- make comfortable game.
Lot of double usage/effect skills.
Lack of direct damage spell. It like 3?

Class tree.
Quantum Theory. Always on the run- find little usage, maybe for proc of 'Too Far too long' after 'Too fast to see' or Movement Infusion
Quantum Coherence. Polymorf ok, but other 3 skill boring and weak. Maybe add some combo or sinergy?
Reality Sculpt. Every 'Emit photon' usage feel like waste of time, it and 'Tears of forsaken' just spell for combo begin, nothing bigger. 'Sands of time' fun debuff.
Chronodinamic. 'Inertia beam'- amazing damage and debuff. 'Temporal ignition' like waste of time, spell just for part of combo.
Field extension. 'Alphe stike' find too litle usage, just as openeer for fight (but need Movement Infusion spam, for not loose stuck). 'Quicksilver armor' nice, but very bad stuck with skill point invest. 'Steal fate' like all 'on-kill' skill just useless in 1vs1 fight, so no need more than 1 skill point.
Paradox mysticism. 'Electric repulsion' useless- it need vs elite+ rank, but its deal nice damage only versus common enemies. 'Lightning fury' very fun, just take every movement speed buff and run around enemies.
Pocket universe. Nice debuff tree, conceptual and mechanical. 'Cocoon' too little stuck with skill point invest.

Generic tree.
Pranja. 'Shorteen distance' no need more than 1. Nirvana nice debuff clean, but second effect(our and enemies damage reduction) have too short duration for running out of combat.
Beads in string. Amazing tree.
Wanderlust. Amazing tree. 'Paradixical Rearrange' clones maybe too powerful.
Quantum fusion. 'Heart of glass', 10% all damage affinity in non-instant skill, rly?

Dont find any race sinergy. Its like Cornac for skill-generic-category point, Higher for no-resurses cast(but not a big deal), Halfing for crits(we have 1 skill that require crits), and Ogre for inscription cooldown.
Shalore 'Timeless' dont affect 'Too fast to see' and 'Lithing fury'.
Drem frenzy effective on non-instant class skill. We dont have non-instant class skill that useful in double usage.

thank you

Wow, thank you for the long & detailed feedback!
I am glad that you tried & enjoyed to play with my class.

Direct damage skills: 1. Empit Photon, 2. Inertia Beam, 3. Temporal Ignition,

   (unlockable): 4. Chain of Collapse, 5. Electric Repulsion, 6. Lightning Fury

Yes the class is operating just ~67% with direct damage skills, a very significant amount
of damage comes from Sands of Time DoT.
What can be further buffed with Quantum Fusion - Q Energy, so it can be really high.

Quantum Theory - Always on the Run:
The function of Always on the Run is to reach 100%
charged state and then you can activate "Just a Blur".
Just a Blur is a stronger version of Wraithform, you can also go through trees, not just walls with it
and you also tune your paradox with every movement action while it's active.
NOTE: if Just a Blur is active YOU CAN TELEPORT INTO WALLS with your teleporting spells. :)
Always on the Run is charging with every movement action, not just once per turn, so
you can activate Just a Blur very often, to enhance your already great mobility.
(you can run inside walls too)

Quantum Coherence tree:
Yes, Polymorph is a very good spellcaster negater.

Adapt just gives you a small flat damage reduction, but it has synergies with otehr talents.
If you learn Quntum Fusion - Q Energy, then you will also gain +% ALL DAMAGE for every Adapt stack
you currently have. This can go up to +60% ALL damage.

Bondbreaker looks weakish at first glance, but basically it is an "inverse" Stone Wall.
You can dig 1 tile of wall, but you do not need line of sight for targeting.
So you can dig a 1 tile hole in the middle of walls and than you can instantly teleport
into your hole, if you want to rest at a safe place.
So, instead of walling yourself around to create a safe place, you dig 1 tile (then run or teleport in)
to create a safe place. This is invaluable in Madness, where you will be surrounded by a lot of enemies many times.

Emit Photon:
The main purpose is: it eliminates magical darkness (the the darkness demons casts and you cannot remove it)
AND it reduces enemy stealth & invisibility.
Not just for starting a combo.

Tears of the Forsaken:
It also heals you and it applies a debuff on enemies (Distraction) that halves enemies Confusion immunity.
Quantum Fusion - Uncertainity of Momentum allows you to apply Confusion on enemies freely, so
Tears of the Forsaken also softens up enemies to Confuse them.

Temporal Ignition:
It deals temporal damage and it applies a good burning DoT.
With Paradox Mysticism - Chain of Collapse, you can trigger huge AoE explosion if you hit a burning enemy.
But I will change the talent into a better & more direct damage spell.

Alpha Strike:
Is continously charging on every movement action, not just once per turn.
So after you cast a spell, you can continue running (your Too Fast to See is NOT removed on non-movement actions)
and then you can cast again with high spell speed.

Quicksilver Armor:
Is also increasing your Damage Shields power on every movement action.
I will change the talent, becasue you can reach theoretically an infinite damage shield
with Quicksilver Armor + Coccoon with continous running & teleporting.
So, the skill is too strong currently.

I am also changing Steal Fate a bit.

I am also nerfing a bit the Paradoxical Rearrange clones.

I am also chaning Heart of Glass into instant speed.

Yes I also use Cornac mostly on my runs, the extra points are really good for the class.

For me Shalore - Timeless working on Too Fast to See & Lightning Fury.
Timeless is reducing the cooldown of non-fixed cooldown talents. This works with both talents,
becasue they do not have fixed cooldown.
But Timeless' duration increase just works on physical/mental/magical effects.
Too Fast to See & Lightning Fury are both an "other" effect.
But this means: enemies cannot disperse/remove them from you, so you cannot loose these effects.

I am currently working on the next patch, I will change some talents (some of that you mentioned too) and
I will add new content too.

Thank you for this detailed feedback!


I love to play as paradox mage around anomalies and teleporst, so i wanna to check this class in future,
But i have a question: what about Aetherwalk, weapons with lightning ego (plus 10-100%+ movespeed which can be in BOTH hands bcs daggers have this ego) and some "speed" prodigies? Do u tested them as Slider? I wanna to check this synergy (boots especially), but don't wanna get some really broken shit :D

btw 5 Minutes Alone can be learned before lvl 8, when Everywhere at Once require 12 lvl to learn. That's a bit strange.


Hey, hi!

First of all, thank you to trying my addon.
I will try to answer your question one by one:

1. Aetherwalk

If you want to use or even abuse Aetherwalk, then a Temporal Warden or Paradox Mage would be way better.
TW & PM has Wormhole and with 1 or 2 movement infusions, they can teleport ~12-15 times per turn for 4 turns.
You can easily spam a raw ~300 arcane damae with each teleport, what can be way higher with gear.
We can count a 15 x 4 x 700 = 42 000 total AoE damage in radius 3 in 2 locations over 4 turns just from it.
Quantum Slider do not have Wormhole and not capable to teleport that much as TW or PM.

2. Breaking the game with items

You can definately make the class stronger with special items, and I am aware of 1 talent being OP becasue of this.

But you can already break the vanilla game with items too:
- with Archmage you can reach 100% spell cooldown reduction with a Suncloak imbued staff & other 10-10-10%
spell CD reduction items. A 0 turn CD Archmage is way stronger than this class, but a 1 turn CD too
Same for a Paradox Mage with 70% spell CD reduction

- you can use 2 x Heroism infusion on any Yeek and pre-set a ~ 800 turn long -1 000 000 die_at on yourself
before engaging fights

. . .

I designed this class to be strong, but some vanilla class with the right items can be as strong or even
stronger than this class.

3. Yes, I simply forgot to add the requirement tag for 5 Minutes Alone ... :)
Thank you for noting me about that.

A few players already tested my addon and found some issues, so I am currently working on
the next patch to make the class better, changing the possibly OP talent, add new content, ...
In several days I will update it! :)