Announcing Tales of Maj'Eyal next expansion: Forbidden Cults
My minions, I have some grave and dark news for you.
Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind.
Lately the number of sightings of horrors have grown tremendously. People wander off the beaten paths only to be found years later, horribly mutated and partly insane, if they are found at all. It is becoming evident something is stirring deep below Maj'Eyal.
That something is you.
I am happy to announce Forbidden Cults the third expansion to Tales of Maj'Eyal!
It works just like Ashes of Urh'rok, adding new and *wonderful* stuff to the base game instead of a new campaign like Embers of Rage did, but adding more!
So, what does it add you ask? Take a look:
Forbidden Cults makes two new classes available to play:
- Writhing One: Give in to the corrupting forces and turn yourself gradually into an horror, summon horrors to do your bidding, shed your skin and melt your face to assault your foes. With your arm already turned into a tentacle, what creature can stop you?
- Cultist of Entropy: Using its insanity and control of entropic forces to unravel the normal laws of physic this caster class can turn healing into attacks and call upon the forces of the void to reduce its foes to dust.
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Forbidden Cults makes two new races available to play:
- Drem: A corrupt subrace of dwarves, that somehow managed to keep a shred of sanity to not fully devolve into mindless horrors. They can enter a frenzy and even learn to summon horrors.
- Krog: Ogres transformed by the very thing that should kill them. Their powerful attacks can stun their foes and they are so strong they can dual wield any one handed weapons.
Forbidden Cults adds many new zones for you to explore and die in:
- Kroshkkur: An ancient Sher'tul Fortress laying half in ruins that serves as a focal point, and home, for all kinds of creatures seeking lost knowledge.
- The Maggot: A huge living corrupted worm about to destroy Kroshkkur! Teleport inside and save your sanctuary of horrors!
- The Godfeaster: Deep undergroud the ground shakes as ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
- The Scourge Pits: On the south of the Iron Throne lays a fool pit of ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
- Forbidden Tomes: Find special artifact books of ancient lore. But, read at your own peril, for the story they tell may very well suck you in... quite literally.
Maybe you will even find The One That Writes... - Occult Egress: A strange, extremely old, contraption of unknown origin. It seems to require some kind of code sequence to activate. Maybe you will find some during your adventures?
- The Entropic Void: So you think you are strong? Powerful? Invulnerable? In the end, entropy always wins, as you will learn...
What would an expansion about horrors be without a bunch of new horrors to torment you with? Please give a warm welcome to:
- Searing Horrors: You liked luminous horrors? You loved radiant horrors? You will absolutely adore their searing big brothers!
- Nethergates: It sleeps. Maybe it should stay that way.
- Netherworms: Vampiric worm masses that are bound to tickle your fancy! And tickle hard.
- Fearful Symmetry: Geometry has never been so lively!
- Entropic Shards: Take an entropic crystal, shatter it with tentacles. And die.
- And more ...
"DarkGod, is that all?" Obviously not! You will also find your usual addition of:
- Lore: Delve into the dark forgotten secrets of the world, where sanity is a very tenuous idea. Learn the true nature and origin of the dwarven race.
- Artifacts: Discover new objects of power and use them to further your own goals.
- New wyrmic tree: Unlock the scourge drake for your wyrmics.
- Glass Golem: Unlock the glass golem option for your alchemists.
- Events: Discover new strange contraptions in familiar zones. What could go wrong?
- Achievements: Because there can never be enough!
"DarkGod, please take my money, I want it now!"
Sadly you will have to wait as it is still in development so the release is still to be announced. However fear not for it will not take years!
"DarkGod, how much will this cost?"
Still undecided but the upper bound is no more than Embers of Rage.
"DarkGod, where will it be available?"
In all the places where the game is available, that includes, Steam, GOG and so on. As usual.
"DarkGod, can you spoil me more please?"
Sure, for example I can tell you that the new ... a giant tentacle slithers behind DarkGod and grabs him before he has time to reveal any more info.
Have you been nautghy? I shall hope so!
So my minions, have you been naughty?
If so you may want to log in and wait for the corresponding message and then head straight to Last Hope or Kruk Pride (or the next level in the Infinite Dungeon) and see what naughtiness got you ! :)
PS: Only active from 24th to 26th december!
The Santascape has come!
Rejoice in all the cold corners of Eyal for the Santascape has come!
Log on, jump on your characters and enjoy the cold feeling of and merry presents!
Will you find your presents or your doom? You have until the 1st of january to find out!
Meet the friendly local elementals!
Have a hug with the cuddly snowmen!
And finally meet Nikolas to see if you deserve your presents!
The Santascape is a yearly special server event, triggered every 10 minutes by the server to all players currently logged in. There are others such events, come find them all during the year!
- darkgod's blog
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New game by Purequestion: Monolith!
My minions,
Less than a month ago I have told you have an old ToME dev creating his own game,; well it happened again!
I am very happy to say that Purequestion (the creator of a good many artifacts for ToME) and his graphical friend have made their own game: Monolith. It is a retro-looking roguelite shmup and it is FUN!
While I'm not involved in the dev I've had the pleasure of playtesting it and it is very neat (as should be expected from ToME-taught people ! :> ).
If you like roguelites, shoot'em'ups and bullet hells with a retro vibe you'll feel right at home there. In Pure's own words "Smooth, gracious, fast action gameplay, tailored to feel good to play." and I'll gladly agree with him. But words don't matter, just go check it out on Steam for yourself: or watch the trailer below:
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.5 aka "Whoops" is out!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.5 ! See
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
- Fixed shops
Have fun in Eyal!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.4 "The Match" is out!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.4 ! See
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
- Fixed damage bonus, resistance penetration and resistances to correctly appear in online charsheets
- Buffed Athamaton, also it can now speak! Enjoy your deaths
- Added support for visible talents, items and playerdoll images on online character sheets on
- Fixed joining chat channels on star in some rare cases, one of the reason for "server doesnt work: it did work you just didnt saw it
- Talents that generate resources state "FOO gain: X" instead of "FOO cost: -X"
- Improved data synchronization with the server to lighten load
- Fixed trying to capture a fearscaping npc while in the fearscape with a possessor
- Modding: Support for "hated_by_everybody" property
- Modding: DLCs/Addons defined resources should now correctly appear in the charsheets
- Modding: New resources parameter "switch_direction" to indicate the resource prefers to be lower
- Modding: New Actor:alterTalentCost method
- Modding: New static method Object:descCombat() to let addons pass a custom combat table and get a correct description
Have fun in Eyal!
New game released by Susramanian and myself: Oafmatch!
A new game from an old Tales of Maj'Eyal developer!
My dear minions,
A few years back when when Tales of Maj'Eyal was still very young, there was a player named Susramanian who made/suggested cool things like the Mindslayers, many vaults, the inscriptions system, the shield block system, the elemental staves system, many many egos, some quests, and so on.
Tales of Maj'Eyal owes him some nice stuff indeed!
So today I'm pleased to announce that for the past years he's been working with a friend on his own game Oafmatch and when I tried an alpha long ago I really liked it and decided to join up and help them. So here I am today, the game is now released on Steam, and on
But DarkGod, what is Oafmatch?!
I'm glad you've asked! To put it simply in a few words: Oafmatch is an hybrid RPG/Match3 game with some roguelike elements that combines traditional RPG turn-based combat with match-three mechanics. It even involves an actual story!
You build up a party of four .. let's call them heroes to be kind .. from a roster of 30, each with their own unique skills and you equip them with two of the many weapons the game offers.
The game's strategy and tactics revolve around six colors: red, yellow, green, white, blue, and purple. Each character is assigned two colors, a major and a minor one. A properly formed party will have all six colors represented; at least in minor form. Neglect a color at your own peril!
And then? You battle, matching gems to power weapons' special attacks to help turn the tide of battle! Or as our hero, Knuckles, says it rather eloquently you fix problems with violence! :)
Enough small talk, what are the actual features?
- RPG / Match-three hybrid combat system: match gems, earn mana, trigger terrifying skills to crush your foes.
- Sixty unique, equippable weapons, each with five different ability ranks.
- Dozens of wildly different monsters to wreak havok upon your poor party.
- Thirty playable classes, each with their own unique traits to master and levels to attain.
- Huge campaign worth over 30 hours of pain, death, and light-hearted dialog.
- Roguelike dungeon mode for an ever-changing (and ever-punishing) experience.
- New Game Plus option, with shuffled loot and extra playable classes.
- And full controller support.
DarkGod, this sounds dapper! Where do I throw my money?
That's rather easy to answer, simply click one of the two buttons below to snag it!
Oh and because I'm a nice god of darkness (yeah...) if you buy Oafmatch I will throw in a little bonus for your Tales of Maj'Eyal pleasure and give you one more Item's Vault slot (for how to get it look at the Netcore Games menu) !
Oh and please if you like the game do remember to review it on Steam, every bit helps :)
And now go minions, go have fun!
My minions,
As your probably noticed, I have updated and reskinned to look (hopefully) much better!
This update, combined with version 1.5.4 when it'll be out will also improve the online character sheets, including your actual character doll (so you can show off your fashion sense with the shimmering feature) and clearer talents & items tooltips with included icons :)
Have fun!
Dropping support for OSX version lower than 10.9 soon
My minions,
I always try to support even the most antique systems as much as possible, but sometimes I just can't anymore.
Up until now the game worked on 10.6+ but I'm soon going to use code that requires more recent compilers.
Thus bumping the requirement to 10.9 (which is already nearly 4 years old).
The steam page has listed 10.9 has a requirement for a long time now anyway so this is more an official announce than a surprise :)
Have fun in Eyal!
PS: If some mac pros can explain to me how to compile C++11 (or ideally more!) on and for OSX 10.6, I will not have to drop it ;)
- darkgod's blog
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Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.3 "Never give up, never surrender!" is out!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.3 ! See
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
- Cannibalize penalty is now displayed in the assume form dialog
- Cannibalize penalty is currently removed for body clones
- Removed the info about timed effects for Assume Form as taht was old stuff that was never actually done
- Fixed the description of Assume Form
- Fixed Infestation's carrion worms poping over npcs/you sometimes
- Fixed crippling poison on items (fixes Assassin's Surprise in Embers of Rage)
- Fixed Chants and Hymns for escorts
- Sanity checks to prevent a rare dmage shield error with Minimalist UI
- Reckless Strike can not kill the user anymore
- Fixed Aeyrn sometimes being hostile in the end fight
- Fixed challenges sometimes auto-failing or auto-succeeding in the Infinite Dungeon
- New hook "Actor:startTalentCooldown"
- Disabled portal greater vault as it keeps on bugging weirdly
- Fixed the item's vault not appearing in the Infinite Dungeon
- Eldoral Last Resort bonus talent changed to Scatter Shot
- Adventurers start with combat training unlocked
- Randboss/rares can not generate with random talents from the "other" trees (which are hidden or npc specific stuff)
- Fixed a rare bug that could void player's armour or saves
Have fun in Eyal!
- darkgod's blog
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