

Adds a new Celestial subclass proficient in the Celestial Talent Trees Sunlight, Radiance, Light and Chants and the Spell Talent Trees Phantasm, Fire, Wildfire and Divination

See addon usage in the character's vault.
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Name Module Version Required Released File
Final Sun-Mage 1.2.4 2014-11-08 01:40


Loving this class. Never run out of resources, slaughter everything with doubled-up damage-type bonuses. Only problem is that luminous terrors make me run away screaming. Better rank up Wildfire faster.

Mind this, please:

This addon does not alter or add any talents, nor talent-trees.
It includes NO new Zones, Classes, Monsters, Items or whatsoever.
It simply fuses the talent-trees Spell/Fire, Spell/Phantasm, Celestial/Sunlight, Celestial/Light, Celestial/Chants and Spell/Divination, unlocked, in one celestial subclass.
Sunmages are also granted these locked talent-trees: Spell/Wildfire, Celestial/Radiance and Cunning/Survival.
I created this addon for my entertainment purposes only in the first place!

Why not "Sun-Mage", as they appear in the game?

I wasn't able to reference correctly to "Sun-Mage" within the code, so I just let it be as it is, since it's just the name!

W00t pixie is making addons

W00t pixie is making addons now ! yay :)

All thanks to you and the community

...Since I can't do anything right alone! ♥
I got alot of information from your tourist class addon and the psiooze and archreaver addons made by Micbran!
When you see the (I think you call it) variables and factors, you most likely understand them after staring 2 hours at them, breathing XD
So I could take bits and pieces of different codes and merge them together into a simple little addon which doesn't add anything at all but a compilation of trees to play just like the way i love it!