worm that walks

Worm that Walks as Fast as You

Short Name: 

Adds a fortress action that allows you to spend some fortress energy to enhance your worm that walks to match your speed.

Worm That Talks

Short Name: 

Original idea by Scott Bigham ("Zizzo"), Mod link
Add a new talent call as 'Interract with the Worm' wich allow you to communicate with creature worm that walks (Demented / Friend of the Worm tree), like if u'll interract with Golem as Alchemist class.
Now u can change wear, lern talents, take control and change he's name.
-reduce Insanity cost by 0.

For Steam users: subscribe to this mod
From site: Download the '%mod_name%.teaa' file and copy them to Game Addon directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
Check (or set) Auto: Active status on this mod in 'Addons' tab on start screen

For Steam users: If you would like to remove this mod, you'll have to unsubscribe it's first from Steam and then delete the file named '%mod_name%.teaa' from C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
From site: Delete the file named '%mod_name%.teaa' from C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons

or make it easy in game:
On start screen: Open 'Addons' tab and select "Manual:Disabled" in %mod_name%
That's all.

 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Оригинальная идея - Scott Bigham ("Zizzo"), дополнение по ссылке
Добавляет новый талант, называемый 'Interract with the Worm', который позволяет взаимодействовать с существом worm that walks (ветка Demented / Friend of the Worm), как если бы мы делали это за класс Alchemist с Golem.
Теперь вы можете менять снаряжение, изучать таланты, брать управление и менять имя.
- уменшено требование ресурса Insanity на каст до 0.

Для пользователей Steam: Подпишитесь на мод
С сайта: Скачайте файл '%mod_name%.teaa' и скопируйте его в директорию Аддонов игры: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
Проверьте, что в игре в меню 'Addons' напротив мода стоит Auto: Active

Для пользователей Steam: Если хотите удалить мод - сперва отпишитесь от него в Steam, а затем удалите файл '%mod_name%.teaa' из директории C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons
С сайта:Удалите файл '%mod_name%.teaa' из директории C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\TalesMajEyal\game\addons

или в игре:
На стартовом экране: Откройте меню 'Addons' и выберите "Manual:Disabled" напротив %mod_name%

Interact with the Worm

Short Name: 

Adds new talent Interact with the Worm, allowing Writhing Ones from the Forbidden Cults DLC using the Demented/Friend of the Worm talent tree to manipulate their worm that walks' equipment and talents (and name) in a more convenient manner similar to Alchemists' Interact with the Golem talent.

Horrors Don't Walk

Short Name: 

An edit of the Worm's Don't Walk Addon, prevents Worms That Walk, Nightmare Horrors, and Dreaming Horrors from being spawned.

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