
Root's Classes

Short Name: 

Contains several classes developed by Root of All Things, including:

  • Raider: A Tinker who fights with a melee weapon in one hand and a steamgun in the other. The Raider has mastered the deadly art of throwing explosives everywhere, even if they risk hurting themselves with it.
Coming Soon:
  • Animist: A Wilder who is blessed by the spirits of fire, ice, wind and earth. The Animist conjures weapons that scale with his talents, and switches between them based on a set of Stances.
Update Notes - v1.0.0 - Raider, Revived
  • Now compatible with ToME 1.7.
  • Many bugfixes.
  • Strength scaling removed. Now starts with daggers and scales primarily with DEX and CUN.
  • No longer has access to Technique/Combat Veteran, Technique/Combat Techniques or Technique/Conditioning.
  • Steamtech / Physics is locked, but you start with a point in Smithing still to make Steamguns.
  • Now has access to Technique/Mobility at 1.3 mastery.
  • New class, unlocked category: Technique / Seaward Charge. Move with the wind at your back!
    * Seaward Charge - Charrrrge!: Rush to the target spot. If targeting a creature, strike them with your sword. If targeting an empty spot, shoot the nearest foe.
    * Seaward Charge - X Marks the Spot: Periodically mark a tile within range while in combat. Reaching this tile grants a boost to your attack and steam speed for several turns.
    * Seaward Charge - Storm Voyage: Foes that damage you are marked, granting you vision of them. Movement towards marked foes refunds energy.
    * Seaward Charge - Pirate's Wrath: A long cooldown buff that grants critical hit multiplier.

  • New class, unlocked category: Steamtech / Crewmates. A valiant raider never fights alone!
    * Crewmates - Mechaparrot: You're accompanied by a robotic parrot who periodically harries nearby foes, blinding them and disrupting their talents.
    * Crewmates - Roboswabby: You summon a robotic deckhand who taunts nearby enemies.
    * Crewmates - Autobosun: Your first mate disciplines those who strike you. Attacks that deal a percentage of your life or more summon him assault your foes.
    * Crewmates - No Surrender: Your Roboswabby and Autobosun now explode when killed, based on the total damage they took.

  • New class, locked category: Steamtech / Boarding Party. Arm your crew with deadly weapons.
    * Boarding Party - Ship's Armory: Your Roboswabby and Autobosun are now armed with steamguns in addition to their melee weapons, and know Roaring Powder and Steel and Shot.
    * Boarding Party - Mass Charrrrge!: Whenever you Charrrrge!, your Roboswabby and Autobosun jump with you, before attacking nearby enemies.
    * Boarding Party - Parrot of Ill Omen: Your Mechaparrot curses those it strikes, causing them to hurt themselves when they fail to use talents.
    * Boarding Party - Shipboard Melee: Your attacks and those of your Roboswabby, and Autobosun mark foes. Attacking already marked foes stuns the target.

  • Many many talent changes.
  • Blast resistance adjusted. Mainclass Raiders start with 50%, with a possible additional 45% coming from various talents. Adventurers and other non-Raiders start with 0%, with a possible 95% coming from talents.
  • Shiny new SFX and particles for many talents.
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