
Addons Contest 2014

People of Maj'Eyal, my minions!

2013 has seen the modules contest, which brought out many new interesting games that I hope will continue to be developed into even better version of themselves by their authors.

So this year, while they work on that, I will turn my focus towards a new goal: addons.

There are already a whole lot of addons that exist and this is great, be they classes, races, UI stuff, ... but one category is still sorely lacking: quests!

So, in the spirit of promoting the creation of new, quality addon based quests for Tales of Maj'Eyal I would like to create a new contest!

During this year 2014 up until the 1st December your task will be to create new, amazing and fun quests for Tales of Maj'Eyal. Anyone can, and is welcome to, participate (except me obviously) !
When the contest closes there will be a big vote where ToME players can elect the "best" addons.
Players will be asked to rate each addon on fun, polish and integration in the game, the winner being determined by the best average of those factors.

In addition to fame and pleasure of having created a fun addon the 1st place will also grant a 300€ reward, the second a 200€ reward and the third a 100€ reward (by paypal). Additionaly if you want and if I agree your quest may be addon to the main game someday.

The rules to participate are as follows:

  • Addons must be released by the 1st December (you can, and are encouraged to continue dev on it afterwards obviously)
  • Addons are encouraged (but not required) to release often during the year. Remember for players to like your addon they must be able to play it!
  • Addons must be published on http://te4.org/ with a tag "contest2014"
  • The prime focus of each addon must be a new quest (or quests)
  • Quest/zone/.. must be at home in the existing game's lore, this is the "integration in the game" part. If in doubt ask on the forums and I'll gladly answer all your lore questions.
  • A quest will probably not require a whole year to create, the idea is that you should try to produce many of them to have more chances of ranking one in the top 3 position. Try to make one addon per quest or quest "group"
  • Eyal is a wide world, be wild, be fun, be amazing! (yes this is a rule!)

You are very welcome to join #tome on irc.rizon.net where nice people can sometimes help you and post about your addon/progress/questions in the addons section of the forums!

Now open your code editors and start coding!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.5 aka "Stoke Me a Clipper" is released!

Yeah this made me laugh, thanks rexo! :)


My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.5 ! See http://te4.org/

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all (on Windows).

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!


This update already hit the servers some hours ago but I had to get out and then sleep so I couldn't post until now :/


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !


Release highlights:

  • Some fixes


Expanded changelist:

  • Fixed unarmed display of combat speed on gloves/gauntlets
  • Fix Temporal Form prodigy
  • When the game refuses to load a savefile due to the stone warden addons being offline, it will let you force it to load -- at your own risk
  • Made the portal in the Slazish Fens more visible in ASCII mode
  • Fixed Bill's Tree Trunk
  • Changed the way the Steam builds are done, this may help reduce the download size on new patches (not thsi one thougth)
  • I've had enough trying to justify the breeding pits. Or seeing un-intended, by me - the maker of the game, references to real world terrible events. It's gone now.

Have fun!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.4 aka "Balance of Power" is released!

My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.4 ! See http://te4.org/

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all (on Windows).

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many important fixes
  • Tons of new artifacts


Expanded changelist:

  • Altered the orc breeding pits encounter to make it a little less unconfortable and more obvious into what you're getting into
  • If the stone wardens addon can not be enabled due to failed login, savefile loading will abord instead of damaging it.
  • Buffed the rune of reflection to match the description
  • Fixed Bloodspring log message
  • Fixed Lichform doesnt preventing removing points from necrosis talents
  • Fixed weird graphical bugs on windows
  • Fixed insidious poison infusion description
  • Fix push kick
  • Name highlighting in chat works even for people with weird names
  • Store dialog should fit better on small screens
  • Melinda wont re-die randomly on the beach
  • Improved Flameshock description
  • Added BSD support
  • Vor always gets his manasurge rune
  • Fixed usable artifact gems
  • When the server receives a donation, notify & thank the player that did it
  • Tons of new artifacts to find & enjoy!
  • Madness mode now features an HP multiplier on NPCs, scaling with level and rank.
  • Insane and Madness difficulties now give random classes to fixed bosses
  • In Madness difficulty the Hunted! debuff lasts much longer
  • Added image for the No Way! achievement
  • Unified speed displays in the character sheet
  • Game will not warn you if you try to load an already tainted savefile in developer mode
  • Speedup server connection on boot by ignoring empty commands
  • Speedup hash validation

Have fun!

The results are in, TE4 2013 Games Creation Contest!

For this first year of the module contest we have 6 winners (because they all succeeded at making a game). However as was announced at the start the 3 top ones will get a reward. The order was determined by a weighted sum of the individual grades, with 'fun' being worth twice more. As such the lucky three are:

  • Qi Daozei from Castler, earning him the 500€ reward and top position!
  • Mosaic from Darren Grey, earning him the 150€ reward and second position!
  • The Veins of the Earth from Zireael, earning her the 50€ reward and third position!


Each vote cast by each player is bound to her/his account and required the player to actually have played the game (as tracked by the server) so we can be relatively sure no funky vote-cheating was done.

I, DarkGod, would like to personally congratulate each and every participants. You have created great fun games, for many of you without any prior knowledge. Even if you were not in the lucky three, I want to tell you just a few things: continue, code, create fun and make people know about your games!


See the full details there: http://te4.org/contest/vote/2013/results

Module Contest: Last day of voting!

The last day of voting on the modules contest is at hand!

Those of you that didn't participate yet, take a look; those games are fun, well made and for most very roguelikish !

The top 3 will get monetary rewards, and you want them to, it encourages the developers to go on!

Take a look: http://te4.org/contest/2013/gallery

OSX version of Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.3 is available!

My minions,

I am happy to announce that ToME 1.1.3 is now available on the download page for OSX.

A huge thanks to doctornull who provided the environment to do it.

Hopefully there should now not be much delay in new versions :)

I will be away for the weekend but when I come back you can expect the Steam version to feature OSX too!

Tales of Maj'Eyal is 8th in the Indie DB Indie of the Year 2013 ranking!

Good news my minions!

The title says it all mostly, so here goes the link :)



Thanks to you my minions, and here's to hoping it brings me even MORE minions!


PS: You can celebrate byvoting for ToME on the Roguelike of the Year poll ;)

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.3 aka "Oh Christmas Troy!" is released!

So my minions, have you been naughty?


If you have, then here is your Santascape gift: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.3 ! See http://te4.org/

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all (on Windows).


Since I wanted to give you all a little present in addition to boring bugfixes I've rushed a little on something I wanted to do for a long time:

A new Doomed tree that gives them some nice & fun utility!


The Roguelike of the Year 2013 poll is still running, if you like ToME, go help it there (and check out all those other nice games too!):


Also the modules contest is still running too:



Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !


Release highlights:

  • New Doomed tree
  • Many important fixes


Expanded changelist:

  • New Doomed tree: One with Shadows
  • Fixed dying as you win the Derth arena
  • Fixed correctly dying while killing the chronolith twins
  • Added the missing unlock text for Madness
  • Sanctum portal has a message about requiring the orb of many ways
  • Fixed achievements borders ingame for various difficulties
  • Corrupted Shell also provides 20% armour hardiness
  • Wait longer for login
  • Fixed the video options dialog
  • The game will detect if it was not started sucessfully (up to the main menu) last time it was run and automatically enable safe mode in this case
  • A few sanity paranoid code checks
  • Moderators are shown as such
  • Achievement tiles for most online events

Merry Santascape to you all!

Ho, Ho, Ho ... *SPANK*

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.2 aka "Starburst" is released!

My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.2 ! See http://te4.org/

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all (on Windows).

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!


The Roguelike of the Year 2013 poll is still running, if you like ToME, go help it there (and check out all those other nice games too!):


Also the modules contest is still running too:



Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !


Release highlights:

  • New random worldmap event, get yourself a kitty!
  • Many important fixes


Expanded changelist:

  • New Game option will show the module list if there are incompatible modules found
  • Fixed item's vault duplication bug
  • Improved error messages of the Item's Vault
  • Added requested window positioning option to the VideoOptions dialog. Useful for borderless windows and multi-monitor setups.
  • Achievement images for the santascape event
  • Enabled window position saving & restoring
  • Entity:addTemporaryValue will not lose value for higest/lowest/last number setting
  • Fixed Lichform in ID or Arena
  • Learning Solipsism gives psi pool
  • Fillarel will only talk once
  • Flash Bang Trap now also deals physical damage
  • Reduced Gravitic Trap damage
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes the tooltip did not appear on targeting
  • Celia now has mana
  • Alchemists can correctly make lapis lazuli and fire opal gems
  • Using Venomous Strike with a ranged weapon now correctly deals nature damage
  • New rare cute worldmap encounter
  • Artifact gems are wearable for the alchemist golem
  • Shade of Telos will always track the player
  • Fixed Legacy of the Naloren
  • Fixed the "stores wont talk to me" bug
  • Fixed multiple artifacts
  • Fixed undying npcs
  • Shadows summoned by summons will not attack the original summoner
  • Fixed a strange bug when the player managed to die in the transmo dialog between a level switch
  • New gameplay option to disable mouse targeting
  • New color for ingame chat moderators & general helping guys: gold!
  • Animus Purge can be used while a husk exists, it will dispell it (even if no new husk is made!)
  • Glimmerstone has a description
  • Wormhole does not respect automelee targetting
  • Ardhungol quest is available without having gone west after level 20
  • Yeeks now have a way, under certain circumstances, to not do waht they do at the last battle
  • New achievement for having Aeryn survive the last battle
  • Fixed Curse of the Meek
  • New video mode: borderless window

Have fun!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.0 aka "Full Steam Ahead" is released!

My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.1.0 ! See http://te4.org/

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.

The patch is huge this time because I've re-organized the way the game is packaged so the later updates be smaller and easier even if the game grows.

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !


Release highlights:

  • New necromancer tree: Animus
  • All achievements now feature beautiful 128x128 images
  • Improved Alchemist interaction with its golem
  • Tons of fixes and balance adjustements
  • Many improvements for addon creators, including a way to enable debug mode and a tool (inthe debug menu) to register and upload addons to te4.org directly from the game.
  • Includes a Fez. Fezzes are cool!


Expanded changelist:

  • Shadowstep now will work if the target is seen and either: is not in vault or is in LOS
  • Fixed Indiscernible Anatomy
  • Achievements are not gained in debug mode
  • Murgol lair has the underwater effect
  • Fixed Unstoppable
  • New "callbackOnArcheryAttack"
  • Put in a failsave in the lost wife dream
  • When slasul make his portal, he will move if he stands on it
  • New colors.hex1 function, use like: colors.hex1"ff45d5"
  • The various callbackOn* of talents now also work on temp effects
  • New callbackOnMeleeAttack when the actor attacks
  • Ambush should be safer
  • melinda always erupts
  • Much improved Melinda quest line, she looks less a dummy too
  • Spacetime Tunning is now given upon learning a paradox using talent
  • Fixed tooltip offset in charsheet
  • Fixed Revisionist History on autocast
  • Cauterize now protects you until the next time you can act
  • Switched over the Yeek Wayist dialog so that the hostile action is not the default one
  • Removed the "secret" room of Reknor 4
  • Changed mindlash gfx
  • Fixed Probability Travel debuff name
  • Changed Wrath of the Wood icon to remove confusion with Heorism
  • Improved the look of out of time zones
  • Actors can implement canWearObjectCustom for additional wear checks
  • Alchemist's Refit Golem split into two talents: Refit and Interact
  • Alchemist's Interact talent lets the player change talents, name, tactics and inventory without switching to the golem. Inventory in this mode is special, the equipment side is the golem's and the inventory side is the player's
  • Stores display gold remainig in their title
  • Disabled the advanced tutorial until it can be updated
  • Eclipse will only increase the positive/negative regen when below the threshold
  • Fixed Alchemist Golem Blighted Summoning
  • Solipsist's Projections can not create Thought-forms
  • Fixed Lay Web
  • Character sheet records the number of creatures/elites/rares/bosses killed
  • *Perhaps* fixed the rare double-death bug
  • Fixed Living Mucus limit
  • Fixed Umbraphage cooldown
  • Adventurer items start in the transmo chest
  • Default Inventory tab is "all"
  • Fixed inventory tab traversal after re-opening
  • Protector Myssil has learnt Tricky Defenses and Unbreakable Will prodigies
  • Big particle error should no longer bring down the game
  • Online events forbidden in tutorials
  • Tutorial character is correctly having infinite lives
  • New achievement frames, looks much nicer
  • starting to add rexo achievements picture
  • Reduced the cooldowns on the talents of the mice in the dream of vulnerability
  • Stone Alchemy cant destroy tagged items
  • Fixed Defiling Touch 6+
  • Tree of Life will not spam the log
  • Split tome team file into 3 files for easier packaging & update
  • Mystical Cunning only gives traps/poisons depending how what you know
  • Made the alternate ruined dungeon orbs more obvious
  • Ruined dungeon guardians will not be wall-walkers
  • Fix Psiblades with "clone" effects
  • Reduced the power of ego diggers
  • Fixed self targetting with spells
  • Bone Grab range now scales with talent level
  • Buffed Gorbat a little bit
  • Made Summoners more awesome looking
  • Fixed speeds on the character sheet
  • Fixed merchant artifact offering for antimagic characters when browsing the misc category
  • Make alchemists look somewhat more awesome
  • Fixed setting armour hardiness on training dummies
  • Shadow of the player is now trigger when bone shield is either drained or removed
  • Fixed cancelling Fearscape
  • Can not Reload when at full ammo
  • Tweaked some artifacts
  • Better ingame registration handling
  • Never Stop Running does not cost a turn to enable
  • Never Stop Running cost fixed
  • Ambuscade shadow now will dissipate if out of sight for too long
  • Fixed Shadowstep to make it respect LOS
  • Fixed "all achievements tab"
  • New fbo:png() method
  • New Necromancer's tree: Animus
  • Sher'tul Fortress Control Orb now displays the current energy count
  • Cheat mode (called Developer Mode) can be enabled/disabled from the options in the main menu
  • Shader uniforms are now available directly as autogenerated methods of the shader, i.e: fooshader.shad:uniMyuniformname(5)
  • Shaders uniforms are set much more efficiently
  • Short staves are now dual wieldable by characters that have talents to do so (like Reavers)

Have fun!

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