Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.5 aka "Fanning the Embers" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.5 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A few bugfixes
Expanded changelist:
- Fixed Aertherwalk teleporting on the opposite side of the target area
- Stores can now ignore material levels with ignore_material_levels=true
- Addons can have a new init.lua parameter like "requires_addons = {'foobar', 'lulz'}" to only activate if those addons/dlcs are also active
- Spellhunt Remnants can not be upgraded witha tinker inside, and says so
- Flat damage resistance is now subject to disminishing returns, usign the same formula as foo-powers and saves; except on base of 40 (so up to 40 there is no disminishing at all)
- Can not recall out of subvaults
- Fixed VaultLevel generator to not abide "required_rooms" of parent zone
Have fun!
- darkgod's blog
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Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.4 aka "Once More, with Teasing" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.4 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
This release will be required to play Embers of Rage. Update now, for Embers of Rage is out in a few days!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A few bugfixes
- A few compatiblity changes for Embers of Rage.
Expanded changelist:
- Lichform now properly functions in Arena mode
- Adventurers also start with a shield and a 2h sword
- If lore somehow ends up in inventory it can be used to read it
- Made Arcane Destruction not double-scale
- Nerfed Arcane Might a bit
- Moddable tiles can define head "underwear" (default tile when not wearing stuff) and rename default underwears
- Added shoulder attachement locations to all player dolls
- Randart generator saves the naming scheme for possible reuse
- Fixed Zone:setEntityEgoList
- Randarts display as such in their description
- Fixed a bug in command staff dialog tree
- Trees are correctly diggable in the slazish fens
- Fixed Worm Walk range
- Fixed Block erroring when disarmed
- "attack_recurse" also works on archery.
- Achievements can now have a category
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.3 aka "Before the Rage" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.3 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A few bugfixes
Expanded changelist:
- Fixed crash when using a gamepad
- Possible fix to the reaver's plague bug
- Fixed Oozewalk too (for real)
- Prevent Telekinetic Leap from jumping walls (for real this time)
- Fixed not seeing the "Play" button after doing a tutorial
- Creeping Darkness will be a dark purple instead of black in ascii mode
- Blighted Summoning creatures come up with max vim
- Fix Cloak of Deception buff being lost if resurrected by the Eidolon.
- Exiting the Eidolon plane triggers callbackOnChangeLevel.
- Fix Stalk talent not updating EFF_STALKER and EFF_STALKED properly when hitting the stalked target, and not triggering learning hate pool when learned.
- Clarified tooltip for Reality Smearing.
- Prevents a talent from trying to deactivate twice in some very strange corner cases
- Added a Levelup button to the charsheet
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.2 aka "Stunt Forever" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.2 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A few bugfixes
Expanded changelist:
- Fixed Oozewalk being able to enter vaults
- Telekinetic Leap can not enter vaults
- Reverted towns items tiers limits to 1.3 ones
- Vim talents correctly increase Equilibrium again
- Fixed a bug that prevented to correctly unlearn talents when using objects with powers
- Fix a few zones trying and failign to load some vaults
- Fixed buying one item of a stack in stores
- Quest popup can be dismissed with enter
- Cursed Bolt informs players if it fails due to not having a shadow in sight range
- Buff damage of Cursed Bolt
- Tweaked particle effects for Shadow's Path
- Clarify descriptions of Shadow's Path and Cursed Bolt
- Fixed Shadow's Path on no-teleport maps
- Improved Shadow's Path performances on more closed maps
- Fixed interactions with Shadow Senses
- Fixed error caused on zone change
- Stop trying to rest for air
- Fix Paradox bar color without shaders
- Shadow Mages correctly give spellpower bonus to shadows
- Movement infusions are tier 2
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.1 aka "You Shall Not Crash" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.1 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A few bugfixes for some people
Expanded changelist:
- Protected Doomed talents that use shadows from being activated with no shadows
- Fixed Vim color bar when not using shaders
- Fix Spellhunt Remnants so that they have stats if they generate below material level 2
- Fix Ascii mode
- Kill Bill is achievable again even on insane & madness
- Fixed crash on startup error for some rare people
- Fix taking a screenshot while loading a level
- Egos are again displayed in the NPC's tooltips
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.0 aka "We are Doomed" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.4.0 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
This is a major release, as such saves are not guaranteed to work from older versions, though they mostly should. If needed the game will prompt to download the old game client.
Now I can work full steam on putting the finishing touches to Embers of Rage! ;)
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- Big improvements to Doomed class
- Big improvements to Reaver class
- New cool default UI skin
- Many misc UI improvements, with special attention to streamer's needs
- Less need to scum for a good insane/madness start
- Many code updates to let addon & modules developers get wild
- Tons of various improvements and fixes
Expanded changelist:
Big Changes
- Adds bleeding damage to Bone spells.
- Sometimes, rarely, a special room will appear in the Infinite Dungeon to let you access the Item's Vault (if you have it active and are a donator)
- New Doomed tree "Advanced Shadowmancy"
- Allow selecting spell for Arcane Combat
- Command Staff talent available to NPCs, which will now spawn with the most appropriate aspect selected.
- Added the Staff Mastery talent to many casters (including bosses) that primarily equip staves.
- NPCs will try to equip their drops if possible.
- NPCs can now use item's power they have! Beware!
- Vault loot can be 1 material tier higher
- Adjusted material tier for many znoes.
- Fearscape sustain cost drastically reduced but vim drain per turn increases each turn
- Updated the Rush talent to allow targeting unoccupied spots
- New Reaver tree "Rot
- Buffed Corrosive Worm/Poison Storm
- Deus Ex Machina achievement altered and now possible to get
- Roguelike mode characters can now enter the Eidolon plane by a special exploratory farportal event, thus making Utterly Destroyed achievement possible even in Roguelike mode
- Feed does not take a turn
- Doomed Fears tree is at mastery level 1.3
- Gesture of Pain doubles the damage bonus from mindstars and if dual wielding mindstars will proc their on hit effects
- Made Gesture of Deflection not pitiful
- Hateful Whispers returns more hate with levels
- Rounded up Hateful Whispers range
- Reproach does a bit more damage and at high talent level looses less damage per foes
- Shadows summon cost reduced slightly
- Focus Shadows now forces max shadows to appear before focusing
- Shadows take reduced damage from their master, up to 100% at level 5
- Unseen Force scales way better
- Deflection now regens on rest, displays its current value on the icon, absorbs more damage and regens faster
- Rares/randboss can not be Skirmishers, until they can be rebalanced next big version
- Starting gold bonus on difficulty levels: 100 for Nightmare, 250 for Insane, 500 for Madness
- Starting level bonus on difficulty levels: level 2 on Insane, level 3 on Madness
- New default UI skin "Dark"
- New big quest popup (disable-able)
- Added an option (on by default) to auto swap tinkers when swaping items
- Made the zone load tips look nicer
- Big Character Sheet update
- Show message if player fails to move due to encumberance.
- New UI option to make a small flyer with talent icon and name upon talent use, for both player and NPCs; disabled by default
- New UI option to get a visual feedback when using a hotkey
- Right clicking on an object in the hotkeys bar will give a removal prompt instead of removing it directly
- Main menu will now take on the UI theme configured instead
- New option to zoom the whole screen, for use on veyr high DPI screens where the game may look too tiny
- New tinker tab on the inventory for characters able to use them (like demonologists in Ashes of Urh'Rok)
- Warn the player when stores restock
- Difficulty and Campaign are set to the last values when you make a new character
- Trying to force a recall from an exploratory farportal will not assume "Escape" key to mean "OK!"
- Protect chat from urls with # inside
- Resurrecting removes sufficating effect more promptly
- Make Displacement Shield have priority over other shielding so that it can actually be usefully used in conjunction with them.
- Corrected Harassed tooltip display (was 100x too high)
- Lowered difficulty of Murgol Lair, specifically the alt version
- Clarified Tricks of the Trade to make it more obvious that it does not teach Stealth
- Devouring flames (and similar effects) will not try to heal the source if it's dead
- Ritch Hive Mother is correctly set as female
- Quest items/plot items can not be sent to other party members
- Undeads cant use infusions instead of only being able to use runes (doesnt change anything for vanilla)
- If the rod of recall fails to activate it wont go on cooldown
- Buffed curse of nighmare to start triggering at level 4 (as the description was implying)
- Yeeks summoned Wayists do not drop items
- Party members are cleaned of debuff when going to the Eidolon plane
- Primal Infusion scales with constitution
- Mitotic mindstars do not copy if tinkered
- Windblade has 0 range, so NPCs won't misuse it
- Warn player that the exploratory farportal is broken even if there is less than 45 energy
- Sludgenest drops Maj'Eyal items
- Added new horrors
- Updated Cyst Burst description to reflect that it can spread any disease.
- Adds more zone-wide effects in. About half of them explain special level mechanics, the rest are just for flavour or some minor gameplay spice.
- Shield damage correctly reflects no off-hand penalty.
- Dug sandwalls have a tooltip.
- Arcane Combat now interacts correctly with the Hidden Resources prodigy.
- Adds a center view on player key command (Ctrl-Home by default).
- Reworked interface Archery to properly handle multiple missile launchers.
- Dwarves can no longer stone walk throught foes
- Allow damage shields to merge
- Clarify Arcane Shield talent description
- Adds some failed necromantic experiment creatures to the Blighted Ruins.
- Horrors are their own faction
- Added achievement image for Best Album Ever
- Altered/added a variety of Undead enemies
- Draebor is even more annoying.
- Reduced the cap on how much Sandman effects Insomnia to 12%
- Reduced Paradox cost on Time Shield, Webs of Fate, and Temporal Fugue
- Twist Fate gives audio feedback when an anomaly is held
- Twist Fate gives better messages when an anomaly is targeted
- Paradox Modifier can not reduce duration below one turn
- Added text to antimagic quest to explain why Ogres can do it
- Reckless Charge can once again go through crowds
- Makes doors and known traps detected at range remembered (and on the minimap)
- Makes non-player actors get the effects of their on-birth stats.
- Make ALL_DREAMS unlock be granted even after killing the Mindworm.
- Cancelling secondary target for Nature's Equilibrium now targets self
Dev Stuff
- Added "callbackOnChangeLevel"
- If a module or addon errors out on the loading screen it will jump into a "safe mode" to display the error message and then go back to the main menu
- Changes disease spreading code to be more general to works nicely with any future or addon diseases.
- Added Map:setScroll
- Opening a door triggers a "on_door_opened" event on all entities at the same spot on the map
- New ActorProject:getTargetLimited method
- Added a util.show_function_calls() function to help find infinite loops and such
- Combat:combatSpeed can take an additional speed
- Added Map:findObject method
- Added a generic way to get total shield block value, actor:combatShieldBlock()
- Simplified support of double shields by enhancing actor:hasShield()
- Forest map generator can require rooms
- GameState:findEventGridRadius also returns the center of the grids
- Generic triggers mechanisms added to let static maps do funky stuff
- Moved greater vaults into data/maps/vaults/auto/greater; any files that addons add there will automatically be added to the list (for zones that do not enforce a specific list)
- Entities lists loaded with Entity:loadList now remember which files were used
- Modify module() a bit to prevent leaking the global namespace into each and every module and object.
- Added an options menu to the birther dialog, for addons registering to it with "ToME:extraBirthOptions" hook. Only appears if addons fill it.
- Added Game:isAddonActive method to let an addon check the presence of an other addon
- Added "superload" function
- Added hook ToME:birthDone
- Resources now can have a wait_on_rest flag to make resting wait for them (if possible)
- Move useResources to engine/interface/ActorResource.lua
- Object's special_desc can return nil
- Weapons can now have the "double_weapon" property to enable two handed weapons to count as dual wielding
- "callbackOnTemporaryEffect" can now return true to cancel
- New callback callbackOnDeathbox
- Added hook "Faction:setReaction"
- Allow static maps to define callback to be ran when the level is finished generating
- Moved Resource definitions to data/resources.lua
- Added support for depleted resources canceling sustained talents (resources_def.depleted_unsustain and talents_def.remove_on_zero flags).
- Temporary effects on_gain/on_loose definitions can simply have "true" as the second return to make a flyer of the form +/- "effect name"
- Added a combat_generic_power
- New level generator algorithm "Hexacle" (yes the name is stupid, so what?!)
- Cavern map generator can now accomodate rooms
- Updated damage_types to use initState & useImplicitCrit; update your addons if needed
- New extensible command-staff system. Possibly callbacks may be added to it, too.
- In developer mode an error popup forces all other dialogs to disappear; making sure even level generation errors do popup correctly
- Added core.game.requestNextTick()
- Improve lore templating capabilities
- Try to fix the gamma issue on some computers
- Fixes bugs with sleeping characters being able to change equipment (put on a lucid dreamer robe, for example), drop and pickup objects.
- Fixes bug allowing stealth to be used with heavy armor (by changing gear while it is active).
- Enhanced stealth info.
- Occasional turn loss fix.
- Fix Rune: Biting Gale not being used by tactical AI
- Solipsist unlock didn't work on dream altar, should now
- Fixes a crash when the caustic ego corrodes armor.
- Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not require to check the "old savefiles" checkbox anymore
- Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not display the "download old data" popup anymore
- Fix Temporal Fugue on traps
- Fixed teleportation/phase door ending in walls in the Charred Scar
- Fixed the racial talent description of Thalore
- Fixed errors on death for players with a % in their names
- Fixed Greater Crypt vault
- Fixed windows scaling bugs on high DPI screens
- Fixed the game not starting on some latest ubuntu installs
- Fixed Skirmisher's Swift Shot abuse
- Make Contingency and Matrix respect fixed cooldowns
- Fixed flying text to not stutter while disappearing
- Fixed targetting bugs in Retch and Stone Wall.
- Fixed Twist Fate
- New string.prefix and string.suffix functions
- Fixed archery to properly do on_hit, on_crit, and on_kill effects for ranged weapons and ammo. It now properly handles single and
- Fixed digging into icewalls
- Fixed Tirakai Maul; lets see what bug it does next!
- Fixed Frost Lord Chains
- Fixed Time Stop + Contingency (hopefully)
- Fixed The Mouth sometimes erroring out
- Tentacles spawned by the tentacled totems are correctly named
- Fix Overseer of Nations double bonus
Have fun!
Announcing: Embers of Rage
My minions, I have teased it, I have talked about it, but I never actually officially announced it!
One year has passed since the one they call the Scourge from the West came and single-handedly destroyed most of the Orc Prides. The Sunwall, now possessing a Farportal, have entered an economic and millitary pact with the Allied Kingdoms in the west and conquered most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the Prides are caged. But by chance the Scourge missed the Kruk Pride, which now stands as the only orc settlement left. Isolated on an island they too however face impending doom. Besieged by the Sunwall they are barred from entering the mainland and on their own island they are at war with a technologically advanced civilization of giants. Their only hope is to reverse-engineer their steam-powered technology and bring metal mayhem to all the foes of the Pride.
Embers of Rage is the second expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal. The concept and start of the development is now about three years old but in the last year it has picked up pace a lot, and now I am happy to say the release is getting close!
But what does it bring exactly?
- A new story to play through, set in the Far East continent (that the orcs call Var'Eyal) which continues the story of the world.
- A full length campaign that will see your characters fight from level 1 to 50
- Play as an Orc and reclaim your land and future
- Unlock another -secret- race
- Play as a Sawbutcher, a melee battle-engineer that uses both his cunning for technology and his trusty steamsaws to bring hot steamy metal mayhem to his foes
- Play as a Gunslinger, a steamgun dual wielding master-sharpshooter capable of amazing feats of pure steamy badassness
- Unlock other -secret- classes
- Unlock the possibility to play the new classes in the vanilla campaign, because why not!
- Use the tinker system to craft some technological wonders to attach to your objects to become more versatile. Need more mobility? use Rocket Boots. Want to fire ammo without a launcher? attach a Hand Cannon to your gloves!
- Save yourself with versatile medical salves; inflexible runes and infusions are so old-school!
- Choose from six new prodigies, available even in the vanilla game
- Unearth long lost mysteries of the past and discover sinister plots in some thrilling new lore to discover
- And obviously discover a huge number of new zones, artifacts, creatures, achievements, talents, ... It is after all a full campaign!
- All while listening to custom made musics for each zones
Now my minions, you simply need to wait patiently in line while your local God of Darkness prepares to unleash the Embers of Rage upon you!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.3 aka "Stunt's Whip of Doom" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.3 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- A small but important bugfix!
Expanded changelist:
- Try to fix the gamma issue on some computers
- Fixed curse of nightmare, for real this time!
- Buffed curse of nighmare to start triggering at level 4 (as the description was implying)
- When mousing over a zone change there will be a minimum level indicator in the tooltip
Have fun!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.2 aka "Stunt Saver" is released!
My minions, I am happy and pround to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.3.2 ! See http://te4.org/
Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.
Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- Many imporatnt bugfixes!
Expanded changelist:
- Yeeks summoned Wayists do not drop items
- Sludgenest drops Maj'Eyal items
- Combat:combatSpeed can take an additional speed
- Fixed Skirmisher's Swift Shot abuse
- Prevented the vats in the old conclave vault from destroying stairs
- Party members are cleaned of debuff when going to the Eidolon plane
- Fixed Archery to properly do on_hit, on_crit, and on_kill effects. It can now handle multiple types of each from ranged weapons and ammo.
- Make Contingency and Matrix respect fixed cooldowns
- Fixes the nightmare part of curse of nightmares
- Add proc chance to Warden's Call (for balance and bugfix)
- Reduced the memory drag (but not altogether fixed) caused by Temporal Warden talents
- Fixed inventory destruction caused by some Temporal Warden talents
- Fixed Fearless Cleave
- Roguelike mode characters can now enter the Eidolon plane by a special exploratory farportal event, thus making Utterly Destroyed achievement possible even in Roguelike mode
- "make_escort" property can reference define_as fields of entities without a rarity
- New string.prefix and string.suffix functions
- Deus Ex Machina achievement altered and now possible to get
- Reduced Insane and Madness flat level penalty, as it just made first levels harder than the rest of the game (which is still very madly hard)
- Cancelling secondary target for Nature's Equilibrium now targets self.
- Reduced Paradox cost on Time Shield, Webs of Fate, and Temporal Fugue
- Fixed Twist Fate
- Limited the number of possible charges of Lightning Catcher
- Twist Fate gives audio feedback when an anomaly is held
- Twist Fate gives better messages when an anomaly is targeted
- Paradox Modifier can not reduce duration below one turn
- Fixed weapon speed bug
- Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not require to check the "old savefiles" checkbox anymore
- Savefiles from previous minor patch versions will not display the "download old data" popup anymore
Have fun!
Embers of Rage: Weapon Automaton Tinker
My minions,
Do you know that feeling where you loot a nice shiny flaming sword but can't be bothered to wield it yourself?
That's annoying right?!
Think no more, thanks to Embers of Rage you can fix that with nothing but a simple bit of crafting: the awesome weapon automaton!
Strap this baby to your gloves and fire it up, it will wield your designated weapon to strike pain and dismay (and wonder!) into your foes, for a while!
Available soon in a Tales of Maj'Eyal near you!