
Worms Don't Walk

Short Name: 

Prevents worms that walk from being spawned.

Prodigious Progress

Short Name: 

Include information in certain prodigies' requirement descriptions about how much progress you've made thereto.

    Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack.

    zebez's Addon Compilation

    Short Name: 

    This is a compilation of various other addons and my own stuff.


    It's mostly for myself so it's not very polished or tested much.
    Most changes are to the Classic UI. A 1920x1080 resolution is recommended.

    -Transparent talent/skill bar
    -Darker looking sidepanel, matches Dark UI
    -Added player doll to the sidebar (It looks cool :P)
    -Game map is always centered on player
    -Map scroll on middle mouse, removed mouse gestures
    -Most dialog windows don't overlap the sidebar anymore
    -Taller new game dialog
    -Party hp bars match game maps hp bars
    -Left/Right click on party members/summons to give orders or control
    -Added remaining summoning time to party icons and tooltip

    Included addons:
    Myth's Tactical Borders by Mytheos
    Classic UI Buff Removal by Regalion, StarKeep

    Sensible Flying Text

    Short Name: 

    Flying text by default takes a spray and pray approach to displaying crucial battle happenings on screen.
    Here is, in my humble opinion, a more sensible and legible way to display combat floating text.

    Main forum thread here: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=45589

    Old RPG Tileset (Fork)

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    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Old RPG Tileset (Fork)

    Short Name: 

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Old RPG Tileset (Fork)

    Short Name: 

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Old RPG Tileset (Fork)

    Short Name: 

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Short Name: 

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

    Short Name: 

    Old RPG Tileset Fork

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