Worms Don't Walk
Prevents worms that walk from being spawned.
Prodigious Progress
Include information in certain prodigies' requirement descriptions about how much progress you've made thereto.
Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack.
zebez's Addon Compilation
This is a compilation of various other addons and my own stuff.
It's mostly for myself so it's not very polished or tested much.
Most changes are to the Classic UI. A 1920x1080 resolution is recommended.
-Transparent talent/skill bar
-Darker looking sidepanel, matches Dark UI
-Added player doll to the sidebar (It looks cool :P)
-Game map is always centered on player
-Map scroll on middle mouse, removed mouse gestures
-Most dialog windows don't overlap the sidebar anymore
-Taller new game dialog
-Party hp bars match game maps hp bars
-Left/Right click on party members/summons to give orders or control
-Added remaining summoning time to party icons and tooltip
Included addons:
Myth's Tactical Borders by Mytheos
Classic UI Buff Removal by Regalion, StarKeep
Sensible Flying Text
Flying text by default takes a spray and pray approach to displaying crucial battle happenings on screen.
Here is, in my humble opinion, a more sensible and legible way to display combat floating text.
Main forum thread here: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=45589
Old RPG Tileset Fork
Old RPG Tileset Fork