Chronomancy / Paradox | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You've learned to focus your control over the spacetime continuum, and quell anomalous effects. Increases your Temporal resistance by 39%, extends the duration of the Static History stability effect by 2 turns, and increases your effective willpower for failure, anomaly, and backfire calculations by 56%. Paradox Mastery
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Over the next 1 turns, you attempt to remove the target from the timeline. Its resistances will be reduced by 4%, and if you manage to kill it while the spell is in effect, you'll be returned to the point in time you cast this spell and the target will be slain.
This spell splits the timeline. Attempting to use another spell that also splits the timeline while this effect is active will be unsuccessful.
The duration will scale with your Paradox and the resistance penalty will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Cease to Exist
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You partially remove yourself from the timeline for 10 turns.
This increases your resistance to all damage by 35%, reduces the duration of all detrimental effects on you by 35%, and reduces all damage you deal by 20%.
The resistance bonus, effect reduction, and damage penalty will gradually lose power over the duration of the spell.
The effects scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Fade From Time
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 25.0
Range: 2
Cooldown: 50
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You summon your future self to fight alongside you for 2 turns. At some point in the future, you'll be pulled into the past to fight alongside your past self after the initial effect ends.
This spell splits the timeline. Attempting to use another spell that also splits the timeline while this effect is active will be unsuccessful.
The duration will scale with your Paradox. Paradox Clone
| 0/5 |
Celestial / Sun | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -16
Range: 7
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Calls forth a beam of light from the Sun, doing nan Light damage to the target.
At level 3 the beam will be so intense it will also blind the target and everyone in a radius 2 around it for 9 turns.
The damage dealt will increase with your Spellpower. Sun Ray
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -20
Range: 9
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A path of sunlight appears in front of you for 5 turns. All foes standing inside take nan Light damage per turn.
While standing in the path, your movement takes no time and can not trigger traps.
The damage done will increase with your Spellpower. Path of the Sun
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Infuse yourself with the raging fury of the Sun, increasing your physical and spell critical chance by 45%.
Each time you crit with a physical attack or a spell you have 95% chance to gain Sun's Vengeance for 2 turns.
While affected by Sun's Vengeance, your Sun Ray will take no time to use and will deal 25% more damage.
If Sun Ray was on cooldown, the remaining turns are reduced by one instead.
This effect can only happen once per turn. Sun's Vengeance
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -15
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You wrap yourself in a cloak of sunlight that empowers your magic and protects you for 6 turns.
While the cloak is active, your spell casting speed is increased by 27%, your spell cooldowns are reduced by 37%, and you cannot take more than 70% of your maximum life from a single blow.
The effects will increase with your Spellpower. Suncloak
| 5/5 |
Technique / Two-handed assault | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 8
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Hits the target with your weapon, doing 216% damage. If the attack hits, the target is stunned for 16 turns.
The stun chance increases with your Physical Power. Stunning Blow
| 27/5 |
| 27/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Spin around, extending your weapon and damaging all targets around you for 223% weapon damage.
At level 3 all damage done will also make the targets bleed for an additional 123% damage over 5 turns Death Dance
| 7/5 |
| 8/5 |
Psionic / Charged mastery | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: For 10 turns your electrokinesis transcends your normal limits, increasing your Lightning damage by 18% and your Lightning resistance penetration by 12%.
In addition:
The cooldowns of Charged Shield, Charged Leech, Charged Aura and Brainstorm are reset.
Charged Aura will either increase in radius to 2, or apply its damage bonus to all of your weapons, whichever is applicable.
Your Charged Shield will have 100% absorption efficiency and will absorb twice the normal amount of damage.
Brainstorm will also inflict blindness.
Charge Leech will also inflict confusion (35% effect).
Charged Strike will have its secondary lightning/blind burst chain to up to 3 targets in a radius of 3.
The damage bonus and resistance penetration scale with your Mindpower.
Only one Transcendent talent may be in effect at a time. Transcendent Electrokinesis
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Detect the mental activity of creatures in a radius of 15 for 14 turns.
This reveals their location and boosts your defense by 32.
The duration, defense, and radius scale with your Mindpower. Thought Sense
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 32
Range: 8
Cooldown: 13
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Cast a net of static electricity in a radius of 6 for 10 turns.
Enemies standing in the net will take nan Lightning damage and be slowed by 33%.
When you move through the net, a static charge will accumulate on your weapon which will add nan additional Lightning damage to your next attack for each turn you spend within its area.
These effects scale with your Mindpower. Static Net
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 60
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Store an electric charge for saving your life at a later time.
If you are reduced to less than zero life while this is active, it will deactivate, cure you of all stun/daze/freeze effects and allow you to survive with up to 297 negative health for 5 turns.
The negative health limit scales with your Mindpower and maxium life. Heartstart
| 6/5 |
Wild-gift / Fire drake aspect | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 3
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You let out a powerful roar that sends your foes into utter confusion for 3 turns in a radius of 8.
The sound wave is so strong, your foes also take 348.82 physical damage.
The damage improves with your Strength.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%. Bellowing Roar
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 7
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You summon a powerful gust of wind, knocking back your foes within a radius of 9 up to 4 tiles away and damaging them for 90.
The damage will increase with your Strength.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%. Wing Buffet
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 35
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Spit a cloud of flames, doing nan fire damage in a radius of 2 each turn for 7 turns.
The damage will increase with your Willpower, and can critical.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%. Devouring Flame
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe fire in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take nan fire damage over 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%. Fire Breath
| 6/5 |
Spell / Poison alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with explosive poison that lowers healing.
In addition all nature damage you do is increased by 32%. Poison Infusion
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Poison Infusion is active, your bombs coat your golem in poison for 12 turns when they hit it.
While coated, any attack made by your golem has a 67% chance to trigger a beam of poison towards the target, that does 195.9 nature damage over 6 turns. (This can only happen once per turn.)
The effects increase with your talent level and with the Spellpower and damage modifiers of your golem. Poison Coat
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 7
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hurl a flask of knockout gas, which explodes on impact releasing the gas in a radius of 3.
Any creatures affected by the gas will be put to sleep (44 power) for 11 turns.
Alchemist protection reduction works as a chance to avoid hitting yourself with this.
Sleep power scales with your Spellpower. Chloroform Bomb
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Carefully administered potions and magic allow you to transform your body into a much stronger form.
This increases your physical power and physical saves by 50, your maximum life by 508, your life regeneration by 8.
Each hit you make also has a 67% chance of firing a beam of poison at the target, doing nan nature damage over 6 turns. Mutation
| 7/5 |
Cursed / Slaughter | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You slash wildly at your target for 218% (at 0 Hate) to 493% (at 100+ Hate) damage.
At level 3, any wound you inflict with this carries a part of your curse, reducing the effectiveness of healing by 53% for 15 turns. The effect will stack.
The damage multiplier increases with your Strength. Slash
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Assault nearby foes with 4 fast attacks for 45% (at 0 Hate) to 90% (at 100+ Hate) damage each. Stalked prey are always targeted if nearby.
At level 3 the intensity of your assault overwhelms anyone who is struck, reducing their Accuracy by 30 for 3 turns.
The damage multiplier and Accuracy reduction increase with your Strength. Frenzy
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 5
Range: 19
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Charge through your opponents, attacking anyone near your path for 35% (at 0 Hate) to 70% (at 100+ Hate) damage. Big opponents may be knocked away from your path. You can attack a maximum of 10 times, and can hit targets along your path more than once. Reckless Charge
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: While active, every swing of your weapon has a 30% (if one-handed) or 39% (if two-handed) chance of striking a second nearby target for 80% (at 0 Hate) to 89% (at 100+ Hate) damage (+25% for two-handed weapons). The recklessness of your attacks brings you bad luck (luck -3).
Cleave, Repel and Surge cannot be active simultaneously, and activating one will place the others in cooldown.
The Cleave chance and damage increase with your Strength. Cleave
| 7/5 |
Corruption / Sanguisuge | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 16.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 0
Range: 14
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: 1500% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fires a bolt of blight, doing nan blight damage and replenishing 20% of it as vim energy.
The amount of vim regained depends on the target's rank (higher ranks give more vim).
The effect will increase with your Spellpower. Drain
| 16/5 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 5
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Absorbs the life force of your foes as you kill them.
As long as this talent is active, vim will decrease by 0.5 per turn and increase by 19.3 for each kill of a non-undead creature (in addition to the usual increase based on Willpower). Absorb Life
| 7/5 |
| 32/5 |
Wild-gift / Slime | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 4
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: 600% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Spit slime at your target doing nan nature damage and slowing it down by 30% for 3 turns.
The slime can bounce from foe to foe, hitting up to a total of 5 target(s).
Additional targets must be within 6 tiles of each other and the slime loses 38.1% damage per bounce.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower Slime Spit
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 2
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Releases poisonous spores at an area of radius 0, infecting the foes inside with a random poison doing nan Nature damage over 10 turns.
This attack can crit and deals 2% additional critical damage.
The damage and critical bonus increase with your Mindpower. Poisonous Spores
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain equilibrium cost: 3
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Your skin drips with acid, damaging all that hit you for nan Acid damage.
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Acidic Skin
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 2
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You extend slimy roots into the ground, follow them, and re-appear somewhere else in a range of 2 with error margin of 4.
Doing so changes your internal structure slightly, taking 1 random talent(s) off cooldown. Slime Roots
| 0/5 |
Psionic / Psi-fighting | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Gather your will, and brutally smash the target with your mainhand weapon and then your telekinetically wielded weapon, doing 242% weapon damage.
If your mainhand weapon hits, you will also stun the target for 17 turns.
This attack uses your Willpower and Cunning instead of Strength and Dexterity to determine Accuracy and damage.
Any active Aura damage bonusses will extend to the weapons used for this attack. Telekinetic Smash
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 0
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: While active, you give your flesh and blood body a boost in the form of precisely applied mental forces. Increases Strength and Dexterity by 75% of your Willpower and Cunning, respectively.
Strength increased by 49
Dexterity increased by 56 Augmentation
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Assume a defensive mental state.
For one turn, you will fully block the next melee attack used against you with your telekinetically-wielded weapon and then strike the attacker with it for 113% weapon damage.
At raw talent level 3 you will also disarm the attacker for 3 turns.
At raw talent level 5 you will be able to reflexively block up to one attack per turn with a 24% chance, based on your cunning. Each trigger requires and uses 15 Psi.
This requires a telekinetically-wielded weapon. Warding Weapon
| 6/5 |
| 8/5 |
Spell / Blight | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 10
Life cost: 10
Range: 7
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Twist the elements in the target, changing some of them to Blight. Causes nan Blight damage.
The damage will scale with Spellpower. Flux
| 6/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Life cost: 25
Range: 6
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invokes a furious storm of elemental chaos at the target point, doing nan half blight, half random element damage, in a radius of 3 each turn for 15 turns.
Each turn the vortex will move at random, and will harm its creator.
The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower. Chaos Vortex
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Sustain life cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You have mastered the fifth element, increasing all your blight damage by 64% and ignoring 86% blight resistance of your targets.
Also, 160% of any blight damage you do, will heal you as well. Quintessence
| 32/5 |
Spell / Metal alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with explosive metal shards that cause bleeding.
In addition all physical damage you do is increased by 32%. Metal Infusion
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Metal Infusion is active, your bombs cover your golem in a shell of shrapnel for 12 turns when they hit it.
While covered in this shell, any damage done to your golem is reduced by 9 and any melee attacker will take 84.3 physical damage.
The effects increase with your talent level and with the Spellpower and damage modifiers of your golem. Shrapnel Shell
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Take refuge inside your golem for 10 turns. When this effect ends, you will be healed for 433.
This will also move any buffs/debuffs from you to your golem.
Healing scales with your Spellpower. Golem Refuge
| 5/5 |
Chronomancy / Age Manipulation | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: 500% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Projects a bolt of temporal energy that deals nan temporal damage, and reduces all of the target's stats by 11 for 3 turns.
At talent level 4 you may project a second bolt.
The damage dealt will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Turn Back the Clock
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 15.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Reverts the minds of all creatures in a radius 7 cone to an infantile state, in effect confusing them (50% to act randomly) for 6 turns.
The duration will scale with your Paradox. Temporal Fugue
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You surround yourself with a radius 4 distortion of time, which deals nan stacking temporal damage over 3 turns to all other creatures. The effect lasts 12 turns.
The damage dealt will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Ashes to Ashes
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You revert your body to a previous state, healing yourself for 282.48 life and removing 4 physical status effects (both good and bad).
The amount of life healed will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Body Reversion
| 4/5 |
Technique / Bloodthirst | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your mighty blows inspire utter terror on your foes. Any melee strike you do that deals more than 14% of the target's total life puts them in a mortal terror, dazing them for 5 turns.
Your critical strike chance also increase by 76%.
The daze chance increase with your Physical Power. Mortal Terror
| 27/5 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Delight in spilling the blood of your foes. After scoring a critical hit, your maximum hit points will be increased by 29%, your life regeneration by 12.90 per turn, and your stamina regeneration by 2.58 per turn for 19 turns.
The life and stamina regeneration will stack up to five times, for a maximum of 64.51 and 12.90 each turn, respectively. Bloodbath
| 27/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 120
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 45
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You enter a battle frenzy for 16 turns. During that time, you can not use items, healing has no effect, and your health cannot drop below 1.
At the end of the frenzy, you regain 38% of your health per foe slain during the frenzy.
While Unstoppable is active, Berserker Rage critical bonus is disabled as you lose the thrill of the risk of death. Unstoppable
| 27/5 |
Technique / Two-handed weapons | 1.00 |
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You enter an aggressive battle stance, increasing Accuracy by 30 and Physical Power by 43, at the cost of -10 Defense and -10 Armour.
While berserking, you are nearly unstoppable, granting you 44% stun and pinning resistance.
The Accuracy bonus increases with your Dexterity, and the Physical Power bonus with your Strength. Berserker
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Tries to perform a killing blow, doing 125% weapon damage and dealing an automatic critical hit. If the target ends up with low enough life ( Death Blow
| 4/5 |
Wild-gift / Ooze | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain equilibrium cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Your body is more like that of an ooze.
When you take damage, you may split and create a Bloated Ooze nearby within your line of sight.
This ooze has as much health as twice the damage you took (up to a maximum of 445, based on your Mindpower and maximum life).
The chance to split equals the percent of your health lost times 1.74.
You may have up to 3 Bloated Oozes active at any time (limited by talent level and the summoning limit), and all damage you take will be split equally between you and them so long as this talent is active.
Bloated Oozes last for 10 turns, are very resilient (33% all damage resistance to damage not coming through your shared link), and regenerate life quickly.
In addition, you restore 0.5 Equilibrium per turn while this talent is active.
The chance to split increases with your Cunning. Mitosis
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 1.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You randomly merge with an adjacent bloated ooze, granting you 40% all damage resistance for 4 turns.
This process releases a burst of antimagic, dealing nan Manaburn damage in radius 3.
This talent allows you to restore 0.5 Equilibrium per turn while Mitosis is active.
The damage, duration and Equilibrium restoration increase with your Mindpower. Reabsorb
| 1/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Instantly call all of your bloated oozes to your aid.
If you have less than the maximum number of oozes allowed by the Mitosis talent, up to 2 will be created with 325 life (73% of the maximum life allowed by Mitosis).
Each ooze created will form near a random foe in sight (no more than one ooze per target) and grab its attention.
This will then allow you to channel a melee attack through your ooze to its target, doing 190% weapon damage (as Acid). Call of the Ooze
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your body's internal organs are indistinct, disguising your vital areas.
All direct critical hits (physical, mental, spells) against you have a 50% lower Critical multiplier (but always do at least normal damage).
In addition you gain 70% resistance to disease, poison, wounds and blindness. Indiscernible Anatomy
| 5/5 |
Technique / Buckler Training | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Allows shields to be equipped, using Cunning instead of strength as a requirement.
When you are attacked in melee, you have a 27% chance to deflect the attack with your shield, completely evading it.
The chance to deflect increases with your Cunning. Buckler Expertise
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Bash an enemy in melee range with your shield (twice for talent level 5 or more), doing 218% damage and knocking them back 3 squares. You may then follow with a deadly short-range sling attack, dealing 327% damage. The shield bash will use Dexterity instead of Strength for the shield's bonus damage. Bash and Smash
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When you are hit by a projectile, physical or otherwise, you have a 46% chance to deflect it up to 4 squares away. At talent level 5, your Bash and Smash shield hits are guaranteed criticals. Buckler Mastery
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Technique / Archery excellence | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Your reflexes are lightning-fast, if you spot a projectile (arrow, shot, spell, ...) you can instantly shoot at it without taking a turn to take it down.
You can shoot down up to 6 projectiles. Shoot Down
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You rush toward your foe, readying your shot. If you reach the enemy, you release the shot, imbuing it with great power.
The shot does 292% weapon damage and knocks back your target by 8. Bull Shot
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Activating this talent enhances your reflexes to incredible levels. Each time you are attacked in melee, you have a 42% chance get a defensive shot off in time to intercept the attack, fully disrupting it (including extra blows from certain talents), dealing 99% archery damage, and knocking the attacker back 3 tiles.
Activating this talent will not interrupt reloading. Intuitive Shots
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire a shot at your target's throat, mouth, or equivalent body part, doing 185% damage and silencing it for 7 turns.
The silence chance increases with your Accuracy. Strangling Shot
| 7/5 |
Celestial / Twilight | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 15
Range: 10
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You stand between the darkness and the light, allowing you to convert 15 positive energy into 247 negative energy.
Learning this talent will change the default level of positive and negative energies to 39% of their maximum. Each turn, the energies will slowly fall/rise to this value, instead of 0.
The negative energy gain will increase with your Cunning. Twilight
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain negative energy cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Create a shadow jumpgate at your current location. As long as you sustain this spell, you can use 'Jumpgate: Teleport' to instantly travel to the jumpgate, as long as you are within 18 tiles of it.
Note that any stairs underneath the jumpgate will be unusable while the spell is sustained, and you may need to cancel this sustain in order to leave certain locations.
At talent level 4, you learn to create and sustain a second jumpgate. Jumpgate
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Negative energy cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Let out a mental cry that shatters the will of your targets within radius 3, confusing (57% to act randomly) them for 20 turns.
The duration will improve with your Cunning. Mind Blast
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Negative energy cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a shadowy copy of a hostile target of up to huge size. The copy will attack its progenitor immediately and lasts for 16 turns.
The duplicate has 43% of the target's life, 43% all damage resistance, +50% darkness resistance and -50% light resistance.
The duration, life and all damage resistance scale with your Cunning and this ability will not work on bosses. Shadow Simulacrum
| 5/5 |
Spell / Earth | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: The caster's skin grows as hard as stone, granting a 52 bonus to Armour.
At raw talent level 5, this will also increase your armour hardiness by 52.
These bonusses will increase with your Spellpower. Stone Skin
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 11.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 15
Range: 10
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fire a powerful beam of stone shaterring forces, digging out any walls in its path up to 6.
The beam also affect any creatures in its path, dealing nan physical damage to all.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Pulverizing Auger
| 11/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures a mudslide, dealing nan physical damage in a radius of 20. Any creatures caught inside will be knocked back.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Mudslide
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 7
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Entomb yourself in a wall of stone for 25 turns.
At level 4, it becomes targetable.
Any hostile creature caught in the radius will also suffer nan physical damage.
Duration and damage will improve with your Spellpower. Stone Wall
| 39/5 |
Chronomancy / Timeline Threading | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You begin to gather energy from other timelines. Your Spellpower will increase by 47.30 on the first turn and 7.88 more each additional turn.
The effect ends either when you cast a spell, or after five turns.
Eacn turn the effect is active, your Paradox will be reduced by 20.
This spell will not break Spacetime Tuning, nor will it be broken by activating Spacetime Tuning. Gather the Threads
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a wake of temporal energy that deals nan damage in a beam, as you attempt to rethread the timeline. Affected targets may be stunned, blinded, pinned, or confused for 3 turns.
Each target you hit with Rethread will reduce your Paradox by 0.0.
The damage will increase with your Paradox and Spellpower. Rethread
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 50.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 50
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: You peer into three possible futures, allowing you to explore each for 1 turns. When the effect expires, you'll choose which of the three futures becomes your present. Note that seeing visions of your own death can still be fatal.
This spell splits the timeline. Attempting to use another spell that also splits the timeline while this effect is active will be unsuccessful.
This spell takes no time to cast. See the Threads
| 0/5 |
Technique / Battle tactics | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Concentrate on your blows; each strike has a 72% chance to deal another, similar, blow for 17 turns.
This works for all blows, even ones from other talents and from shield bashes.
The chance increases with your Dexterity. Greater Weapon Focus
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: After killing a foe, you have a 100% chance to gain a 1000% movement speed bonus for 1 game turn.
The bonus disappears as soon as any action other than moving is done.
Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly. Step Up
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 24
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Lashes at the target, doing 288% weapon damage.
If the attack hits, the target will bleed for 522% weapon damage over 7 turns, and all healing will be reduced by 88%. Bleeding Edge
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 70
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Take a defensive stance to resist the onslaught of your foes.
While wounded, you gain all damage resistance equal to 106% of your missing health.
(So if you have lost 70% of your life, you gain 74% all resistance.)
In addition, your all damage resistance cap increases 88.1% closer to 100%.
This consumes stamina rapidly (-1 stamina/turn).
The effects are refreshed at the start of each turn. True Grit
| 36/5 |
Corruption / Brutality | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Vim cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target twice, doing 167% weapon damage each hit. You gain life equal to 30% of the damage dealt, and you gain 34 vim for each attack that hits. Draining Assault
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Vim cost: 30
Range: 7
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Send out a claw of fire, striking in a line doing nan damage leading to a target. The target is caught in the claw's grasp, taking 153% weapon damage as fire damage and becoming unable to move for 5 turns, while also taking nan damage per turn.
Starting from talent level 4, it will also silence.
The beam damage and damage over time will increase with your Spellpower. Fiery Grasp
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 44
Vim cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target doing 100% weapon damage. This attack cannot miss, and ignores all armor and resistances on the target. However, you take damage equal to 25% of the damage dealt, or 30% of your current HP, whichever is lower. Reckless Strike
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 35
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You revel in the heat of battle. Whenever an enemy damages you within melee range, you have a 67% chance to counter with an attack for 97% weapon damage.
This can only happen up to 8 times per turn. Share the Pain
| 10/5 |
Cunning / Dirty fighting | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 12.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You hit your target doing 97% damage, trying to stun it instead of damaging it. If your attack hits, the target is stunned for 11 turns.
Stun chance increase with your Accuracy.
If you fail to stun the target (or if it shrugs off the effect), you quickly recover; the use of the skill does not take a turn. Dirty Fighting
| 12/5 |
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Using a series of tricks and maneuvers, you switch places with your target.
Switching places will confuse your foes, granting you Evasion (50%) for 8 turns.
While switching places, your weapon(s) will connect with the target; this will not do weapon damage, but on hit effects of the weapons can trigger. Switch Place
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You hit your target, doing 227% damage. If your attack connects, the target is crippled for 10 turns, losing 57% melee, spellcasting and mind speed.
The chance to land the status improves with Accuracy, and the status power improves with Cunning. Cripple
| 10/5 |
Cursed / Gloom | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: 3
Cooldown: 0
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: A terrible gloom surrounds you, affecting all those who approach to within radius 3. Each turn, those caught in your gloom must save against your Mindpower, or have an 33% chance to suffer from slowness, stun or confusion for 3 turns.
This ability is innate, and carries no cost to activate or deactivate. Each point in Gloom increases the mindpower of all gloom effects (current: +84). Gloom
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Each turn, those caught in your gloom must save against your Mindpower, or have an 33% chance to be crippled by fear for 3 turns, reducing damage they inflict by -44%. The first time you melee strike a foe after they have been weakened will give you 2 hate.
Each point in Weakness increases the Mindpower of all gloom effects (current: +84). Weakness
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Each turn, those caught in your gloom must save against your Mindpower or have an 18.1% chance of becoming dismayed for 3 turns. When dismayed, the first melee attack against the foe will result in a critical hit.
Each point in Dismay increases the Mindpower of all gloom effects (current: +84). Dismay
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Spell / Inanimation | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 5
Range: 6
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Magically animate your weapon and have it fly at a nearby enemy, attacking them for 305% weapon damage.
This attack uses Spellpower in place of Accuracy and if it hits, will knock the target off balance for 4 turns.
Weapon damage multiplier scales with Spellpower. Flying Weapon
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Magically animate a weapon and command it to protect you. This enchantment will cause it to attack all nearby enemies for 16 turns. When the spell ends, the weapon will drop to the ground. Attack Speed: 140% Animate Weapon
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Summon a storm of swirling blades to slice your foes, inflicting nan physical damage and bleeding to anyone who approaches, for 10 turns.
The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower. Bladestorm
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Corruption / Blood | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 13.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 24
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You extract corrupted blood from your own body, hitting everything in a frontal cone of radius 12 for nan blight damage.
Each creature hit has a 86% chance of being infected by a random disease, doing nan blight damage and weakening either Constitution, Strength or Dexterity for 6 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Blood Spray
| 13/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 20
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: 2000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Project a bolt of corrupted blood, doing nan blight damage and healing you for half the damage done.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Blood Grasp
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Make the blood of all creatures around you in radius 8 boil, doing nan blight damage and slowing them by 20%.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Blood Boil
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 60
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Concentrate on the corruption you bring, increasing your spell critical chance by 13%.
Each time your spells go critical, you enter a blood rage for 5 turns, increasing your blight and acid damage by 30%.
The critical chance and damage increase will improve with your Spellpower. Blood Fury
| 7/5 |
Celestial / Crusader | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -7
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You strike your foe with your two handed weapon, dealing 414% weapon damage.
If the attack hits, all foes in radius 2 will have their light resistance reduced by 85% and their damage reduced by 30% for 5 turns. Absorption Strike
| 32/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: While wielding a two handed weapon, your critical strike chance is increased by 40%, and your melee criticals instill you with righteous strength, increasing all physical and light damage you deal by 43%, stacking up to 3 times.
In addition, your melee critical strikes leave a lasting lightburn on the target, dealing nan light damage over 5 turns and reducing opponents armour by 99.
The damage increases with your Spellpower. Righteous Strength
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Wild-gift / Oozing blades | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 4
Range: 10
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Channel slime through your psiblades, extending their reach to create a beam doing nan Slime damage.
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Oozebeam
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You gain 26% Nature resistance.
When you deal Acid damage to a creature, you gain a 7.7% bonus to Nature damage for 5 turns.
This damage bonus will improve up to 4 times (no more than once each turn) with later Acid damage you do, up to a maximum of 17.1%.
The resistance and damage increase improve with your Mindpower. Natural Acid
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: 6
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You use your psiblades to fire a small worm at a foe.
When it hits, it will burrow into the target's brain and stay there for 6 turns, interfering with its ability to use talents.
Each time a talent is used there is 5% chance that 1 talent(s) are placed on a -6 turn(s) cooldown.
The chance will increase with your Mindpower. Mind Parasite
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain equilibrium cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Surround yourself with natural forces, ignoring 44% nature resistance of your targets.
In addition, any time you deal damage with a wild gift there is a 64% chance that one of your mucus oozes will spit at the target as a free action. Unstoppable Nature
| 4/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (advanced) | 1.00 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Master Summoner is active, when a creature you summon appears in the world, it will trigger a wild effect:
- Ritch Flamespitter: Reduce fire resistance of all foes in a radius
- Hydra: Generates a cloud of lingering poison
- Rimebark: Reduce cold resistance of all foes in a radius
- Fire Drake: Appears with 2 fire drake hatchling(s)
- War Hound: Reduce physical resistance of all foes in a radius
- Jelly: Reduce nature resistance of all foes in a radius
- Minotaur: Reduces movement speed of all foes in a radius
- Stone Golem: Dazes all foes in a radius
- Turtle: Heals all friendly targets in a radius
- Spider: The spider is so hideous that foes around it are repelled
Radius for effects is 3, and the duration of each lasting effect is 9 turns.
The effects improve with your Willpower. Grand Arrival
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Master Summoner is active, each new summon will reduce the remaining cooldown of Rage, Detonate and Wild Summon.
100% chance to reduce them by 3. Nature's Cycle
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 9
Range: 10
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: For 5 turn(s), you have 100% chance that your summons appear as a wild version.
Each turn the chance disminishes.
Wild creatures have one more talent/power than the base versions:
- Ritch Flamespitter: sends a blast of flames around it, knocking foes away
- Hydra: Can disengage from melee range
- Rimebark: Becomes more resistant to magic damage
- Fire Drake: Can emit a powerful roar to silence its foes
- War Hound: Can rage, inreasing its critical chance and armour penetration
- Jelly: Can swallow foes that are low on life, regenerating your equilibrium
- Minotaur: Can rush toward its target
- Stone Golem: Melee blows can deal a small area of effect damage
- Turtle: Can force all foes in a radius into melee range
- Spider: Can project an insidious poison at its foes, reducing their healing
This talent requires Master Summoner to be active to be used. Wild Summon
| 5/5 |
Corruption / Shadowflame | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Turn into a wraith, allowing you to walk through walls (but not preventing suffocation) for 19 turns.
Also increases your defense and armour by 62 and 46, respectively.
If you are still in a wall when the effect ends you will randomly teleport.
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 15
Range: 6
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: 400% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of shadowflame that moves toward the target and explodes into a flash of darkness and fire, doing nan fire damage and nan darkness damage in a radius of 17.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Darkfire
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 90
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Call upon the essence of the supreme demon overlord Urh'Rok to turn into a demon.
While in demon form, you gain 64% fire resistance, 75% darkness resistance, and your global speed is increased by 67%.
The flames of the Fearscape will heal you while in demon form.
The resistances and heal will increase with your Spellpower. Flame of Urh'Rok
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 90
Drain vim: -5
Range: 5
Cooldown: 60
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Summon a part of the Fearscape to intersect with the current level.
Your target and yourself are taken to the Fearscape, trapped there until you end the spell or until your target dies.
While inside, a constant aura of flames will burn both of you (and heal demons) for nan fire damage.
When the spell ends, only you and the target (if still alive) are taken back to your home plane; all summons are left in the Fearscape.
Objects will be moved as well.
This spell has no effect if cast when already inside the Fearscape.
This powerful spell drains 5 vim per turn, ending when it reaches 0.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Fearscape
| 32/5 |
Technique / Archery - slings | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 8/5 |
| 8/5 |
Spell / Enchanted combat | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Charge raw arcane power into your weapon and then attack an adjacent enemy, doing 0% weapon damage converted to arcane.
If this hits, the target will be throw back.
This attack uses your spellpower in place of accuracy and applies all on weapon hit bonusses and effects at +160% strength.
Damage multiplier increases with Spellpower. Arcane Smite
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Focus magic into your weapons and attack your target with full force doing 319% weapon damage.
This attack gains 55% physical resistance penetration and applied effects will use your spellpower.
Each weapon style works slightly differently:
Two handed weapon users will Sunder Armour.
Dual weapon users will attack with both weapons and stuns if the mainhand hits.
Unarmed attacks will attack twice for 210% weapon damage each, gaining a combo point for each hit.
Shield users will attack with their weapon and their shield. If the shield attack hits, the target will be knocked back.
Bow users will pin their target to the ground.
Sling users will blind their target.
Damage and duration scale with talent level. Enchanted Assault
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Focus magic into your weapon's gem or rune, then attack an enemy for 210% weapon damage.
The gem/rune will then flare creating a burst of damage doing 160% of your weapon damage converted to the gem/runes element.
Different elements produce different shapes.
Physical, Fire, Nature and Light explode in a radius of 2.
Cold, Acid, Blight and Temporal produce a range 4 cone.
Lightning, Arcane, Darkness and Mind hit up to 6 targets in a radius 6 chain.
Damage burst increases with Spellpower. Rune Strike
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Focus your magic into improving your martial skill.
Increasing your accuracy by 43, physical power by 34 and weapon critical chance by 17.
These effects scale with your Spellpower. Battlesurge
| 5/5 |
Psionic / Projection | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Fills the air around you with reactive currents of force.
If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do nan Physical damage to all who approach.
All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per 41.0 points of damage dealt.
If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add nan Physical damage to its hits.
When deactivated, if you have at least 7 energy, a massive spike of kinetic energy is released as a range 6 beam, smashing targets for up to 0 physical damage and sending them flying.
Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.
To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. The damage will improve with your Mindpower. Kinetic Aura
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Fills the air around you with reactive currents of furnace-like heat.
If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do nan Fire damage to all who approach.
All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per 41.0 points of damage dealt.
If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add nan Fire damage to its hits.
When deactivated, if you have at least 7 energy, a massive spike of thermal energy is released as a conical blast (radius 6) of superheated air. Anybody caught in it will suffer up to 0 fire damage over several turns.
Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.
To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. The damage will improve with your Mindpower. Thermal Aura
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Fills the air around you with crackling energy.
If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do nan Lightning damage to all who approach.
All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per 41.0 points of damage dealt.
If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add nan Lightning damage to its hits.
When deactivated, if you have at least 7 energy, a massive spike of electrical energy jumps between up to 17 nearby targets, doing up to nan Lightning damage to each with a 50% chance of dazing them.
Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.
To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. Charged Aura
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Overcharge your psionic focus with energy for 19 turns, producing a different effect depending on what it is.
A telekinetically wielded weapon enters a frenzy, striking up to 6 times every turn, also increases the radius by 6.
A mindstar or a gem will fire an energy bolt at a random enemy in range 6, each turn for 315.0 damage. The type is determined by the colour of the gem or mindstar base damage. Damage scales with Mindpower. The mindstar will stop its normal attacks. Frenzied Focus
| 32/5 |
Spell / Elemental fusion | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: 10
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: 200% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjure a molten boulder and roll it in the direction you choose, and enemies that don't get out of the way will take nan fire damage, nan physical damage and be knocked back.
Burning Wake will leave a trail of flames behind the boulder.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Molten Boulder
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: 400% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Create an eruption of steam in a radius 1 at the target location, doing nan fire damage and nan cold damage.
The steam will also linger for 4 turns doing another 0 damage per turn in a radius of 13.
Creatures hit will be Wet for 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Scalding Geyser
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up mana into a powerful beam of plasma, doing nan lightning damage and nan fire damage.
The beam also explodes in a radius of 9 at the target doing the same damage again.
Tempest will add a daze chance to this spell.
Burning Wave will leave a trail of flames on the ground.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Plasma Bolt
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures an avalanche of snow, dealing nan physical damage and nan cold damage in a radius of 14. Any creatures caught inside will be be frozen to the ground for 4 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Avalanche
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 32
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Thunder emanates from you in a circular wave with radius 13, doing nan lightning damage, nan physical damage and possibly stunning anyone affected (25% chance).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Thunderclap
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 10
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invokes a forking beam of liquid lightning doing nan cold damage, nan lightning damage and forking to another target.
It can hit up to 12 targets up to 10 grids apart, and will never hit the same one twice; nor will it hit the caster.
Creatures hit will be Wet for 5 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Liquid Lightning
| 32/5 |
Chronomancy / Matter | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fires a beam that turns matter into dust, inflicting nan temporal damage and nan physical damage.
The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Dust to Dust
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain paradox cost: 100.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fragile spikes of carbon protrude from your flesh, clothing, and armor, increasing your armor rating by 52 and inflicting nan bleed damage over six turns on attackers. Each time you're struck, the armor increase will be reduced by 1. Each turn the spell will regenerate 1 armor up to its starting value.
If the armor increase from the spell ever falls below 1, the sustain will deactivate and the effect will end.
The armor and bleed damage will increase with your Spellpower. Carbon Spikes
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 15.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Destabilizes the target, inflicting nan temporal damage per turn for 10 turns. If the target dies while destabilized, it will explode, doing nan temporal damage and nan physical damage in a radius of 4.
If the target dies while also under the effects of continuum destabilization, all explosion damage will be done as temporal damage.
The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Destabilize
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Attempts to pull the target apart at a molecular level, inflicting nan temporal damage and nan physical damage. If the target ends up with low enough life ( Quantum Spike
| 7/5 |
Spell / Distort | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself in a temporal whirlpool with radius 29, doing nan temporal damage and stunning affected creatures.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Time Warp
| 39/5 |
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Adds nan temporal damage to Phase Door, Teleport, Congeal Time, Time Prison and Space Warp (when used on hostile targets). Time Lash
| 39/5 |
| 39/5 |
Spell / Enchanted trinkets | 1.20 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Cast a light armour enhancing enchantment on an item of your choice.
This increases the defense of the item by +8, the spell save by +4 and reduces the physical stat requirements by 4.
Enchantments make items arcane powered and you can only have one enchantment on an item at once.
These values scale with your Spellpower. Enchant Garments
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 80
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 100
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Imbue a piece of jewelry with a gem (up to tier 5), granting it additional powers.
You can only imbue items once, and it is permanent. Enchant Jewelry
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 80
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 100
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Carve extra runes onto a staff to increase its spellpower by 17.
You can also enscribe it with a rune from your inventory, using it as an extra inscription slot.
Should the staff already have an activatable effect, the rune effect will be used at the same time as the original effect.
Enchantments make items arcane powered and you can only have one enchantment on an item at once.
These values scale with your Spellpower. Runestaff
| 5/5 |
Corruption / Torture | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: The power of the Fearscape infuses your weapon: Your melee attacks will deal nan fire damage, spread over 3 turns.
Additionally, every time you attack, there is a 25% chance of releasing a burst of powerful fire that will deal nan fire damage to all enemies in radius 4, while also stunning for 2 turns.
For the purposes of applying the stun, you have 50 bonus spellpower.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Incinerating Blows
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25
Vim cost: 14
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target doing 121% weapon damage. If the attack hits, you pull the target in and strike them again, dealing another 163% weapon damage. Abduction
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12
Vim cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target with your weapon doing 80% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target is afflicted with Fiery Torment for 5 turns, reducing their fire resistance by 0%.
When Fiery Torment ends the victim will take 7 fire damage. This damage will increase by 2% of all damage taken while under torment.
The damage dealt by the effect will increase with spellpower.
Demons under fiery torment will be burned by the flames of the Fearscape. Fiery Torment
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Your strikes are imbued with a vile power that extends your victim's suffering. When hitting in melee, you have a (63%) chance to extend the length of all negative effects and reduce the length of all positive effects on the target by 4 turn(s).
This costs 1 vim per effect. If you do not have sufficient vim it will not work. Eternal Suffering
| 10/5 |
Technique / Combat veteran | 1.00 |
| 41/5 |
| 41/5 |
| 41/5 |
| 14/5 |
Spell / Shades | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround your minions in a veil of darkness. The darkness will teleport them to you, and grant them 82% evasion for 5 turns.
The evasion chance will increase with your Spellpower. Shadow Tunnel
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Reaches through the shadows into quieter places, summoning 7 harmless creatures.
Those creatures are then cursed with a Curse of Hate, making all hostile foes try to kill them.
If the summoned creatures are killed by hostile foes, you have 70% chance to gain a soul. Curse of the Meek
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 70
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Through the shadows, you forge a temporary copy of yourself, existing for 8 turns.
The copy possesses your exact talents and stats, has 64% life and deals 84% damage. Forgery of Haze
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with Frostdusk, increasing all your darkness and cold damage by 10%, and ignoring 50% of the darkness resistance of your targets.
In addition, all darkness damage you take heals you for 50% of the damage. Frostdusk
| 5/5 |
Spell / Enchanted armours | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Cast a heavy armour enhancing enchantment on an item of your choice.
This makes the armour easier to use, reducing the physical stat requirements by 16 and the fatigue by 8.
At level 1, it allows you to wear heavy mail armour, gauntlets, helms, and heavy boots.
At level 2, it allows you to wear shields.
At level 3, it allows you to wear massive plate armour.
Enchantments make items arcane powered and you can only have one enchantment on an item at once.
These values scale with your Spellpower. Enchant Armour
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You become better at using your enchanted armour to deflect blows and protect your vital areas.
Increases Armour value by 0, Armour hardiness by 0%, and reduces chance to be critically hit by 0% with your current body armour.
(This talent only provides bonuses when wearing heavy mail or massive plate armour.)
All effects of this talent only apply to armour that has been enchanted and do not stack with another armour training talent. Enchanted Armour Training
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Adds special wards to your heavy armour enchantments, which do different things depending on the item type they are used on.
Body Armour: Reduces all damage by 8.
Head: Grants 16% stun resistance.
Gauntlets: Grants 16% disarm resistance.
Boots: Grants 16% knockback resistance.
Shield: +16 projectile defense. Enchanted Bindings
| 5/5 |
Technique / Shield defense | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Enter a protective battle stance, increasing Defense by 45 and Armour by 36 at the cost of -20% physical damage. The Defense and Armor increase is based on your Dexterity.
It also grants 62% resistance to stunning and knockback. Shield Wall
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Let all your foes pile up on your shield, then put all your strength in one mighty thrust and repel them all away 7 grids.
In addition, all creatures knocked back will also be dazed for 13 turns.
The distance increases with your talent level, and the Daze duration with your Strength. Repulsion
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You brace yourself for the final stand, increasing Defense by 5, maximum and current life by 37, but making you unable to move.
Your stand lets you concentrate on every blow, allowing you to avoid death from normally fatal wounds. You can only die when reaching -37 life; however below 0 life you can not see how much you have left.
The increase in Defense is based on your Dexterity, and the increase in life is based on your Constitution and normal maximum life. Last Stand
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Vim | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: 1000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Projects a bolt of pure blight, doing nan blight damage.
This spell has an improved critical strike chance of +102.65%.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Soul Rot
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Feel the very existence of creatures around you for 0 turns, in a radius of 10.
The evil touch will reduce their blight resistance by 4%, but also make them aware of you.
The resistance reduction will improve with your Spellpower. Vimsense
| 0/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 30
Range: 7
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Open a dark portal (radius 3) to the target zone. All creatures caught inside will be teleported to your location, and you to theirs.
All creatures (except you) traversing the portal will catch a random disease, doing nan blight damage per turn for 6 turns and reducing one of its physical stats (strength, constitution, dexterity) by 24.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Dark Portal
| 7/5 |
Spell / Chaotic hedgemagic | 1.00 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Randomly teleports all targets within a radius of 8 around you, including yourself. Everyone will be teleported between 8 and 16 tiles from their current location.
You will go out of phase (58) for 4 turns.
Requires your Spellpower to beat the target's Spell Save. Scatter
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Wild-gift / Higher draconic abilities | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 16
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Unleash raw, chaotic elemental damage upon your enemy.
You strike your enemy for 208% weapon damage in one of blinding sand, disarming acid, freezing ice, stunning lightning or burning flames, with equal odds.
Additionally, you will cause a burst that deals 173.85 of that damage to enemies in radius 3, regardless of if you hit with the blow.
Each point in Prismatic Slash increase your Physical, Spell and Mind Saves by 1. Prismatic Slash
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe insidious poison in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take nan nature damage each turn for 6 turns.
The poison also reduces the healing of enemies poisoned by 54% while it is in effect.
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in Venomous Breath also increases your nature resistance by 2%. Venomous Breath
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You have gained the full power of the multihued dragon, and your mastery over the elements is complete.
Increases physical, fire, cold, lightning and acid damage by 12%, and your resistance penetration in those elements by 23%.
Each point in Chromatic Fury also increases your resistances to physical, fire, cold, lightning and acid by 0.5%. Chromatic Fury
| 6/5 |
Spell / Ordered hedgemagic | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Learn how to cast lesser runes. You will learn new runes as follows:
Level 1: Lesser Magic Missile
Level 2: Lesser Lightning
Level 3: Lesser Heat Beam
Level 4: Lesser Acid Wave
Level 5: Lesser Biting Gale
These lesser runes work like runes for the purposes of Runic Saturation, Quicken Inscriptions, Inscription Mastery, but do not take up an inscription slot.
They still take a turn to cast and cost mana. Lesser Runes
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Cover yourself in bright arcane fire. The flames will not hurt you, but will hurt anyone who hits you in melee for 0 fire and 0 arcane damage.
The brightness of the flames also increases your light radius by 1 and increases you defense against ranged attackes by 18.
Also increases you fire and arcane resistances by 28%.
These effects scale with your Spellpower. Arcane Fire Shield
| 6/5 |
Wild-gift / Venom drake aspect | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 3
Range: 8
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Spray forth a glob of acidic moisture at your enemy.
The target will take nan Mindpower-based acid damage.
Enemies struck have a 25% chance to be Disarmed for three turns, as their weapon is rendered useless by an acid coating.
At Talent Level 5, this becomes a piercing line of acid.
Each point in acid drake talents also increases your acid resistance by 1%. Acidic Spray
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Exhale a mist of lingering acid, dealing nan acid damage that can critical in a radius of 4 each turn for 7 turns.
Enemies in this mist will be corroded for 4 turns, lowering their Accuracy, their Armour and their Defense by 12.
The damage and duration will increase with your Mindpower, and the radius will increase with talent level.
Each point in acid drake talents also increases your acid resistance by 1%. Corrosive Mist
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You strike the enemy with a rain of fast, acidic blows. You strike four times for pure acid damage. Every blow does 65% damage.
Every two talent levels, one of your strikes becomes blinding acid instead of normal acid, blinding the target 25% of the time if it hits.
Each point in acid drake talents also increases your acid resistance by 1%. Dissolve
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe acid in a frontal cone of radius 10. Any target caught in the area will take nan acid damage.
Enemies caught in the acid have a 25% chance of their weapons becoming useless for three turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in acid drake talents also increases your acid resistance by 1%. Corrosive Breath
| 7/5 |
Corruption / Scourge | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 9
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hit the target with both weapons, doing 181% damage with each hit. For each hit, the target will bleed for 41.68 damage each turn for 5 turns.
The bleeding effect will increase with your Spellpower. Rend
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Concentrate on the corruption you bring, enhancing each of your melee strikes with nan blight damage (which also heals you for nan each hit).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Ruin
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Strike with each of your weapons, doing 175% acid weapon damage with each hit.
If at least one of the strikes hits, an acid splash is generated, doing nan acid damage to all targets other than yourself adjacent to the foe you struck.
The splash damage will increase with your Spellpower. Acid Strike
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 14
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target with your main weapon, doing 262% darkness weapon damage. If the attack hits you attack with your second weapon, doing 262% blight weapon damage and granting an automatic critical. If the second attack hits, the target is blinded for 4 turns. Dark Surprise
| 32/5 |
Corruption / Demonic pact | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 8
Vim cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You bash your target with your shield for 273% shield damage, dazing them for 10 turns.
If the attack hits you press your advantage to strike a blow with your blight-infused weapon for 313% blight damage.
If the weapon attack hits without killing the target, a demonic seed tries to take hold inside your foe.
The seed requires a powerful host to nurish it, it has 5% chances to hold on a normal creature, 20% chance on an elite, 50% chance on a rare or unique and 100% chance on a boss.
It can only be planted in creatures that are worth experience and that are not summoned demons.
When the host dies the seed fills with the vim of the dying creature and turns into a specific demon seed that can be used to summon that demon (higher talent levels can generate more powerful demons).
Seed will only be created if you do not already have a seed of this demon/slot of a superior level.
Demon Seed
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your knowledge of demonic forces grows, allowing you to bind more seeds to you and to summon demons.
You channel your arcane corruption through a demon seed to temporarily summon the corresponding demon for 35 turns.
Summoned demons can regen their life and resummoning them keeps the life they had when they were last used.
If the demon dies it will not be available for summoning anymore.
As you learn to bind more easily you can also use more seeds:
At level 2 it lets you bind a seed to your first ring.
At level 3 it lets you bind a seed to your shield.
At level 4 it lets you bind a seed to your second ring.
At level 5 it lets you bind a seed to your main body armour.
Bind Demon
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Teleports you randomly within a small range of up to 23 grids with 0 precision.
In the spot you left you will summon a random demon from your seeds for 14 turns.
If the target area is not in line of sight, there is a chance the spell will fizzle.
This spell requires an unsummoned, alive, demon seed to work.
The range will increase with your Spellpower. Twisted Portal
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You drain the life of your foes to replinish yours and those of your demon seeds.
Each time you kill a creature a random worn demon seed with less than 100% life will be healed for 32% life.
If the creature is an elite or more you also have 100% chance to resurrect a dead demon seed.
At level 5 you also start to leech energies to heal yourself, all damage you do heals you for 22%. Suffuse Life
| 32/5 |
Celestial / Circles | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Negative energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a circle of radius 5 at your feet; the circle increases your Defense by 29, and deals nan darkness damage per turn to everyone else with in its radius. The circle lasts 9 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Circle of Shifting Shadows
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a circle of radius 5 at your feet; the circle lights up affected tiles, increases your positive energy by 4 each turn, and deals nan light damage and nan fire damage per turn to everyone else within its radius. The circle lasts 9 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Circle of Blazing Light
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 10
Negative energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a circle of radius 10 at your feet; the circle protects you from silence effects while you remain in its radius, and silences everyone else who enters. The circle lasts 19 turns. Circle of Sanctity
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 10
Negative energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a circle of radius 5 at your feet; the circle slows incoming projectiles by 94%, and attempts to push all creatures other then yourself out of its radius, inflicting nan light damage and nan darkness damage per turn as it does so. The circle lasts 9 turns.
The effects will increase with your Spellpower. Circle of Warding
| 7/5 |
Corruption / Heart of Fire | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Whenever you kill a burning enemy, you will instantly deal a melee attack against a random adjacant enemy at 148% power. Additionally, Incinerating Blows will always trigger on this attack (or your next attack), dealing 223% of its normal damage to all enemies hit.
This can only trigger once per turn. Burning Sacrifice
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your connection to fire nourishes you. You inflict a curse upon all nearby burning enemies (range 5). As long as they continue to burn, you gain 2 health and 1 vim per turn for each enemy affected. Devouring Flames
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Flames roar and blaze all the hotter in your presence. Every turn, you deal 0 damage in radius 3 around all burning enemies in radius 10. This effect can only hit each enemy once per turn, no matter how many enemies are burning around them. Inferno Nexus
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 50
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Restore yourself to full health, but take damage equal to the damage healed over 1 turns. This damage is split evenly among you and all burning enemies in radius 0. Damage you take is irresistable. Damage to enemies is fire damage. Blazing Rebirth
| 0/5 |
Spell / Energy alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with lightning damage that can daze your foes.
In addition all lightning damage you do is increased by 28%. Lightning Infusion
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: 4
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Infuse your body with lightning energy, bolstering your movement speed by +20%.
Each turn, a foe within range 4 will be struck by lightning and be dealt nan Lightning damage.
In addition, damage to your health will energize you.
At the start of each turn in which you have lost at least 348 life (20% of your maximum life) since your last turn, you will gain 104% of a turn.
The effects increase with your Spellpower. Living Lightning
| 7/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (melee) | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 3
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a War Hound for 13 turns to attack your foes. War hounds are good basic melee attackers.
It will get 174 Strength, 174 Dexterity and 26 Constitution.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Strength and Dexterity will increase with your Mindpower. War Hound
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 2
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Jelly for 12 turns to attack your foes. Jellies do not move, but your equilibrium will be reduced by 10% of all damage received by the jelly.
It will get 115 Constitution and 20 Strength.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Constitution stat will increase with your Mindpower. Jelly
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Minotaur for 9 turns to attack your foes. Minotaurs cannot stay summoned for long, but they deal a lot of damage.
It will get 156 Strength, 33 Constitution and 124 Dexterity.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Strength and Dexterity will increase with your Mindpower. Minotaur
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Stone Golem for 12 turns to attack your foes. Stone golems are formidable foes that can become unstoppable.
It will get 140 Strength, 33 Constitution and 134 Dexterity.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Strength and Dexterity will increase with your Mindpower. Stone Golem
| 6/5 |
Spell / Disenchantment | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You can undo item enchantments.
At raw talent level 1, you can undo any of your enchantments, but this will destroy any gems or runes used.
At raw talent level 2, you recover a gem/rune from an enchanted item, but this destroys the item.
At raw talent level 3, you can temporarily disrupt an enemy's items, reducing their damage by 33% for 7 turns.
At raw talent level 4, you can strip all affixes from an item. (doesn't work)
At raw talent level 5, you can remove any of your enchantments and recover any gems/runes used, at the same time.
(You cannot claim for any damages to your items, body or sanity due to misfires of this spell.) Disenchant Item
| 5/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 6/5 |
Psionic / Kinetic mastery | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: For 12 turns your telekinesis transcends your normal limits, increasing your Physical damage by 22% and you Physical resistance penetration by 14%.
In addition:
The cooldowns of Kinetic Shield, Kinetic Leech, Kinetic Aura and Mindlash are reset.
Kinetic Aura will either increase in radius to 2, or apply its damage bonus to all of your weapons, whichever is applicable.
Your Kinetic Shield will have 100% absorption efficiency and will absorb twice the normal amount of damage.
Mindlash will also inflict stun.
Kinetic Leech will put enemies to sleep.
Kinetic Strike will hit 2 adjacent enemies in a sweeping attack.
The damage bonus and resistance penetration scale with your Mindpower.
Only one Transcendent talent may be in effect at a time. Transcendent Telekinesis
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Build telekinetic power and dump it onto an adjacent creature or yourself.
This will launch them to where ever you target in a radius of 10.
Upon landing, launched enemy takes nan Physical damage and is stunned for 4 turns.
All other creatures within radius 2 of the landing point take nan Physical damage and are knocked away from you.
This talent ignores 80% of the knockback resistance of the thrown target, which takes half damage if it resists being thrown.
When used on yourself, you will launch in a straight line, knocking enemies flying and doing nan Physical damage to each.
You can break through 4 walls while doing this.
The damage improves with your Mindpower and the range increases with both Mindpower and Strength. Kinetic Surge
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 25
Range: 7
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You learn to devote a portion of your attention to mentally swatting, grabbing, or otherwise deflecting incoming projectiles.
All projectiles targeting you have a 83% chance to instead target another spot within radius 2.
If you choose, you can use your mind to grab all projectiles within radius 10 of you and hurl them toward any location within range 7 of you, but this will break your concentration.
To do this, deactivate this sustained talent. Deflect Projectiles
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 35
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Bind the target mercilessly with constant, bone-shattering pressure, pinning and slowing it by 50% for 4 turns and dealing nan Physical damage each turn.
The duration and damage will improve with your Mindpower. Implode
| 5/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (distance) | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 2
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Ritch Flamespitter for 13 turns to burn your foes to death. Flamespitters are really weak in melee and die easily, but they can burn your foes from afar.
It will get 159 Willpower, 137 Cunning and 21 Constitution.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Willpower and Cunning will increase with your Mindpower. Ritch Flamespitter
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 5
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a 3-headed Hydra for 12 turns to destroy your foes. 3-headed hydras are able to breathe poison, acid and lightning.
It will get 106 Willpower, 33 Constitution and 18 Strength.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Willpower will increase with your Mindpower. Hydra
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 8
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Rimebark for 13 turns to harass your foes. Rimebarks cannot move, but they have a permanent ice storm around them, damaging and freezing anything coming close in a radius of 3.
It will get 144 Willpower, 118 Cunning and 21 Constitution.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Willpower and Cunning will increase with your Mindpower. Rimebark
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 15
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Fire Drake for 10 turns to burn and crush your foes to death. Fire Drakes are behemoths that can burn your foes from afar with their fiery breath.
It will get 187 Strength, 160 Constitution and 38 Willpower.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Strength and Constitution will increase with your Mindpower. Fire Drake
| 10/5 |
Spell / Storm | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Lightning emanates from you in a circular wave with radius 7, doing nan to nan lightning damage and possibly dazing anyone affected (75% chance).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Nova
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 8
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of lightning, doing nan to nan lightning damage and dazing the target for 3 turns.
If the target resists the daze effect it is instead shocked, which halves stun/daze/pin resistance, for 5 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Shock
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Each time one of your lightning spells dazes a target, it has a 70% chance to creates a chain reaction that summons a mighty Hurricane that lasts for 10 turns around the target with a radius of 3.
Each turn, the afflicted creature and all creatures around it will take 58.33 to 174.99 lightning damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Hurricane
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with a Tempest, increasing all your lightning damage by 78% and ignoring 89% lightning resistance of your targets.
Your Lightning and Chain Lightning spells also gain a 351% chance to daze, and your Thunderstorm spell gains a 176% chance to daze. Tempest
| 39/5 |
Spell / Temporal | 1.00 |
| 12/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: This intricate spell instantly erects a time shield around the caster, preventing any incoming damage and sending it forward in time.
Once either the maximum damage (1411) is absorbed, or the time runs out (15 turns), the stored damage will return as a temporal restoration field over time (5 turns).
Each turn the restoration field is active, you get healed for 10% of the absorbed damage (Aegis Shielding talent affects the percentage).
While under the effect of Time Shield, all newly applied magical, physical and mental effects will have their durations reduced by 60%.
The shield's max absorption will increase with your Spellpower. Time Shield
| 46/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 100
Range: 10
Cooldown: 22
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Removes the target from the flow of time for 15 turns. In this state, the target can neither act nor be harmed.
Time does not pass at all for the target, no talents will cooldown, no resources will regen, and so forth.
The duration will increase with your Spellpower. Time Prison
| 8/5 |
| 46/5 |
Technique / Archery training | 1.00 |
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You enter a calm, focused stance, increasing your Physical Power (+4), Accuracy (+4), Armour penetration (+3), and critical chance (+7%), but reducing your firing speed by -6%.
The effects will increase with your Dexterity. Aim
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You switch to a fluid and fast battle stance, increasing your firing speed by 82% at the cost of your Accuracy (-28), Physical Power (-28), and critical chance (-26%). Rapid Shot
| 9/5 |
| 8/5 |
Spell / High magic | 1.20 |
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: The Arcanist focusses on supreme control over mana, allowing them to adjust how it flows near them.
Increases mana regen by +0.6, arcane resistance by 29 and arcane resistance cap by 12. Mind Over Mana
| 5/5 |
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.6
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 100
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: 300% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Unleash power similar to the original Spellblaze, but at a much smaller scale.
The primary explosion will release 33 extra uncontrolled explosions.
Each explosion will do nan arcane damage and nan fire damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Spellcraft will not protect you from this spell. Spellblaze
| 33/5 |
Chronomancy / Gravity | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Sends out a blast wave of gravity in a 7 radius cone, dealing nan physical damage and knocking back creatures caught in the area. This deals 50% extra damage to pinned targets, in addition to the knockback.
The blast wave may hit targets more then once, depending on the radius and the knockback effect.
The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Repulsion Blast
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a gravity spike in a radius of 3 that moves all targets towards the spells center and inflicts nan physical damage. This deals 50% extra damage to pinned targets, in addition to the knockback.
The damage dealt will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Gravity Spike
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 15.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You surround yourself with a radius 4 distortion of gravity, knocking back and dealing nan physical damage to all creatures inside it. The effect lasts 9 turns. Deals 50% extra damage to pinned targets, in addition to the knockback.
The blast wave may hit targets more then once, depending on the radius and the knockback effect.
The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Repulsion Field
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Increases local gravity of an area, doing nan physical damage with a chance to pin in a radius of 5 each turn for 9 turns.
The damage done will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Gravity Well
| 7/5 |
Spell / Phantasm | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a globe of pure light within a radius of 12 that illuminates the area.
At level 3, it also blinds all who see it (except the caster) for 4 turns.
At level 4, it also deals nan light damage. Illuminate
| 10/5 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: The caster is surrounded by a phantasmal shield. If hit in melee, the shield will deal 0 light damage to the attacker.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Phantasmal Shield
| 46/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 150
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: The caster fades from sight, granting 126 bonus to invisibility.
Beware -- you should take off your light, or you will still be easily spotted.
As you become invisible, you fade out of phase with reality. All your damage is reduced by 70%.
This powerful spell constantly drains your mana (2 per turn) while active.
The invisibility bonus will increase with your Spellpower. Invisibility
| 46/5 |
Corruption / Reaving combat | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Vim cost: 8
Description: Allows you to dual wield any type of one handed weapons, and increases the damage of the off-hand weapon to 75%.
Also, casting a spell (which uses a turn) will give a free melee attack at a random target in melee range for 126% blight damage. Corrupted Strength
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Each time you deal damage to one of your foes, you enter a bloodlust-infused frenzy, increasing your Spellpower by 1 (maximum 6 Spellpower per turn, 35 Spellpower overall), and extending any current frenzy for an additional turn.
The frenzy lasts up to 6 turns, and the bonus decreases by 16.7% of its current value each turn you don't deal damage. Bloodlust
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your blood turns into an acidic mixture. When you get hit, the attacker is splashed with acid.
This deals nan acid damage each turn for 5 turns, and reduces the attacker's Accuracy by 33.
At level 3, it will also reduce Armour by 38 for 5 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Acid Blood
| 6/5 |
Technique / Dual techniques | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Attack with your offhand weapon for 183% damage. If the attack hits, the target is stunned for 9 turns, and you hit it with your mainhand weapon doing 183% damage.
The stun chance increases with your Accuracy. Dual Strike
| 10/5 |
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Attack your foes in a frontal arc, doing 288% weapon damage and making your targets bleed for 0 each turn for 20 turns.
The bleed damage increases with your main hand weapon damage and Dexterity. Sweep
| 36/5 |
| 36/5 |
Spell / Power | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 42
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fold your magic inwards, into a small feedback loop, increasing your spellpower by 43 for your next spell. Yonk
| 6/5 |
| 39/5 |
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Overloads one of your active shields, causing it to explode outwards damaging all nearby hostile creatures in a radius 39.
Damage amount and type will depend on which shield is overloaded and how powerful the shield is.
Affected shields are: Damage Shield, Time Shield, Displacement Shield, Disruption Shield, Elemental Shield. Shield Overload
| 39/5 |
Technique / Dual weapons | 1.00 |
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You have learned to block incoming blows with your weapons. When dual wielding, your defense is increased by 46.
The Defense bonus scales with your Dexterity. At talent levels higher than 5, you may parry melee attacks with your offhand weapon (except mindstars).
(You currently have a 38% chance to deflect up to 0 damage (28% of your offhand weapon damage) from approximately 1.8 melee attacks (based on your Cunning) each turn.) Dual Weapon Defense
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You have learned to hit the right spot, increasing your armor penetration by 69 when dual wielding.
The Armour penetration bonus will increase with your Dexterity. Precision
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: When dual wielding, increases attack speed by 180%, but drains stamina quickly (-6 stamina/turn). Momentum
| 36/5 |
Spell / Advanced necrotic minions | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 90
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Combines 3 of your minions into a bone giant.
At level 1, it makes a bone giant.
At level 3, it makes a heavy bone giant.
At level 5, it makes an eternal bone giant.
At level 6, it has a 20% chance to produce a runed bone giant.
Only one bone giant can be active at any time. Assemble
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Sacrifice a bone giant minion. Using its bones, you make a temporary shield around you that prevents any attacks from doing more than 15% of your total life.
The effect lasts 21 turns. Sacrifice
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Corruption / Fearfire | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 32
Range: 7
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Open a gateway to the Fearscape, stepping through it to a nearby location. As you step out, a burst of fire will leave with you, dealing nan demonfire damage to everyone within 5 spaces and leaving flames which will deal an additional nan demonfire damage over 4 turns.
Additionally, shifting through reality enhances your awareness, allowing you to see all enemies within 10 spaces for the next 3 turns.
The damage will scale with your Spellpower and the range will increase with the talent level. Fearscape Shift
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Removes all detrimental effects but causes you to burn for 5% of your max health per effect, over 7 turns.
This ignores all resists, defenses, and affinities.
This does not take a turn. Cauterize Spirit
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 16
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Exhale a wave of dark fire with radius 9, lasting 4 turns. Any non-demon caught in the area will take nan fire damage, and flames will be left dealing a further nan each turn. Demons will be healed for the same amount.
The damage will increase with your Strength Stat, but critically hit as a spell. Infernal Breath
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your body becomes a nexus for the Fearscape, causing you to emanate an aura of fire around you in radius 2, dealing nan fire damage every turn.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Fearscape Aura
| 5/5 |
Corruption / Wrath | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 24
Vim cost: 24
Range: 3
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Swing your weapon with incredible force, striking all enemies in a radius 3 semicircle, dealing 206% weapon damage to all targets.
Starting from talent level 5, all targets hit will have their armour and saves reduced by 24.
This attack can not miss. Obliterating Smash
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 24
Vim cost: 18
Range: 12
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Launch yourself toward a target. If the target is reached you get a free attack doing 248% weapon damage.
If the attack hits you release a massive burst of fire in radius 7, knocking away all enemies except your target and dealing 252 damage.
You must charge from at least 2 tiles away. Detonating Charge
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Cooldown: 10
Description: Your blade drinks in death. Whenever you score a kill with this talent off cooldown, your next 4 melee attacks within 6 turns will always critically strike, and you gain 37% critical multiplier for the duration.
Additionally, you gain an extra 6 vim per kill. Voracious Blade
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 38
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Your body overflows with the power of the Fearscape, turning you into a powerful demon for 9 turns. This increases your stamina regen and physical power by 40, and your disarm and stun immunity by 100%.
The physical power, stamina regen, and status resistances increase with your spellpower.
Your other talents also gain a variety of bonuses:
-Draining Assault: Reduces cooldown by 2.
-Reckless Strike: Gain 50% resistance penetration for all elements for 6 turns.
-Obliterating Smash: Increases range by 2.
-Abduction: If it hits, get an additional 3 attacks at 40% weapon damage.
-Incinerating Blows: Increases chance of bonus damage to 75%.
-Fearfeast: Gain 2.0 vim per stack.
-Fearscape Aura: Increases radius by 2. Destroyer
| 10/5 |
Cunning / Lethality | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 11.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You have learned to find and hit weak spots. All your strikes have a 13.48% greater chance to be critical hits, and your critical hits do 45.1% more damage.
Also, when using knives, you now use your Cunning instead of your Strength for bonus damage. Lethality
| 11/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You hit your target, doing 151% damage. If your attack hits, you gain 29 armour penetration for 10 turns.
The APR will increase with your Cunning. Deadly Strikes
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 60
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: For 32 turns, you put all your will into your blows, adding 59 physical power to each strike.
The effect will improve with your Cunning and Willpower stats. Willful Combat
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Corruption / Spellblaze | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 8
Drain vim: -4
Range: 4
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You unleash the fury of the Spellblaze, constantly draining your vim.
While this spell is active at most two meteors will fall near your per turn, dealing nan physical and nan fire damage in radius 2.
This spell disabled automatically on rest or run.
The effects increase with spellpower. Rain of Fire
| 32/5 |
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you block an attack the shock ripples through your attacker, spreading the force of the Spellblaze in its mind for 5 turns.
While affected the creature will suffer 33% chances to fail using talents and 236 reduced physical, mental and spell saves. Shattered Mind
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain vim cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You chant the destruction of Mal'Rok, the demon's homeworld.
Each time you kill a creature you send out a magical ripple in radius 8 that applies a bane of blindness or confusion for 7 turns.
Baned creatures also suffer nan darkness damage per turn.
Damage increases with your spellpower. Tale of Destruction
| 32/5 |
Technique / Archery - bows | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire an arrow that cuts right through anything, piercing multiple targets if possible with nigh infinite armor penetration, doing 163% damage. Piercing Arrow
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire two arrows at your target, hitting it and a nearby foe if possible, doing 203% damage
This talent does not use any stamina. Dual Arrows
| 7/5 |
| 8/5 |
Spell / Void | 1.00 |
| 39/5 |
| 39/5 |
| 39/5 |
| 6/5 |
Spell / Nightfall | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: 10
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: 2000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of darkness, doing nan darkness damage.
At level 3, it will create a beam of shadows.
At level 5, none of your Nightfall spells will hurt your minions.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Invoke Darkness
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 45
Range: 6
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Dark fumes erupt from the ground for 5 turns. Any creature entering the circle will receive either a bane of confusion or a bane of blindness.
Only one bane can affect a creature.
Banes last for 7 turns, and also deal nan darkness damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Circle of Death
| 7/5 |
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 60
Range: 7
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invoke a ball of darkness that deals nan darkness damage in a radius of 1. Every creature hit will start to become closer to death, reducing their global speed by 50%.
Necrotic minions' damage against those creatures is increased by 78%.
The effects last for 15 turns.
The damage done and the minions' damage increase will increase with your Spellpower. Rigor Mortis
| 39/5 |
Corruption / Doom shield | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Sustain vim cost: 5
Drain vim: -3
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You infuse your shield with the energies of Urh'Rok, bringing about a magical shield that heals you for the first points of all damage you receive (based on your shield's block value) over 3 turns. This effect stacks.
Amount is 5 + 43% of your shield block value (currently 0).
At level 3 if a damage dealt is at least twice as high you have 77% chance to also remove a physical detrimental effect. This effect can only happen once per turn.
This spell disabled automatically on rest or run.
Activating the shield takes no time but de-activating it does.
The damage increases with spellpower. Osmosis Shield
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 18
Sustain vim cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Taking example from Mal'Rok, the demon's homeworld you harden yourself.
Increases total armour by 198% + 10 and spellpower by 126% of your Strength. Hardened Core
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Vim cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You spin around madly with your shield, bashing all those around you for 386% shield damage as darkness, confusing your foes for 7 turns.
At level 4 you also automatically block at the end. Demonic Madness
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Corruption / Infernal combat | 1.00 |
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 10
Vim cost: 15
Range: 7
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Using demonic forces you create a link of pain from a source creature to a victim for 0 turns.
Each time the source creature takes damage the victim takes -20% of the damage.
If the victim dies from the effect you gain a burst of energy, reducing all remaining cooldowns by 1. Link of Pain
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Vim cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Demon horns temporarily grow on your shield as you bash a foe with it for 366% damage.
If the attack hits the creature is impaled by the horns, causing it to bleed black blood for 50% of the damage done as darkness over 5 turns.
Any time you damage this foe in melee while it bleeds you get healed for 311 (this can only happen once per turn).
The healing power increases with your spellpower. Demon Horns
| 32/5 |
Celestial / Star fury | 1.00 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Negative energy cost: -30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invokes a blast of shadows that deals nan darkness damage, and leaves a radius 3 field that does nan darkness damage per turn for 14 turns.
The damage dealt will increase with your Spellpower. Shadow Blast
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -10
Negative energy cost: -20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A surge of twilight pulses from you, doing nan light and nan darkness damage to all others within radius 2.
The damage dealt will increase with your Spellpower. Twilight Surge
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Negative energy cost: 20
Range: 6
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A star falls on a radius 6 area, doing nan darkness damage on impact and stunning all within the area for 4 turns.
The damage dealt will increase with your Spellpower. Starfall
| 32/5 |
Spell / Golemancy | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Improves your golem's armour training and damage resistance.
Increases all damage resistance by 15%; increases Armour value by 14, Armour hardiness by 63%, and reduces chance to be critically hit by 23% when wearing heavy mail or massive plate armour; and increases healing factor by 50%.
The golem can always use any kind of armour, including massive armours. Golem Resilience
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Teleport to your golem, while your golem teleports to your location. Your foes will be confused, and those that were attacking you will have a 100% chance to target your golem instead. Golem Portal
| 5/5 |
Corruption / Bone | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 28
Range: 9
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Grab a target and teleport it to your side, pinning it there with a bone rising from the ground for 19 turns.
The bone will also deal nan physical damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Bone Grab
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fire bone spears in all directions, hitting all foes within radius 6 for nan physical damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Bone Nova
| 7/5 |
| 32/5 |
Wild-gift / Moss | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Plague | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 8
Range: 5
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Fires a bolt of pure filth, diseasing your target with a disease doing nan blight damage per turns for 6 turns, and reducing one of its physical stats (strength, constitution, dexterity) by 71. The three diseases can stack.
Virulent Disease will always try to apply a disease the target does not currently have, and also one that will have the most debilitating effect for the target.
The effect will increase with your Spellpower. Virulent Disease
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 18
Range: 8
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Make your target's diseases burst, doing nan blight damage for each disease it is infected with.
This will also spread any decrepitude, weakness, rotting or epidemic diseases to any nearby foes in a radius of 4.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Cyst Burst
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 20
Range: 8
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: All your foes within a radius 4 ball infected with a disease enter a cataleptic state, stunning them for 5 turns and dealing 148% of all remaining disease damage instantly. Catalepsy
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 20
Range: 8
Cooldown: 13
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Infects the target with a very contagious disease, doing nan damage per turn for 6 turns.
If any blight damage from non-diseases hits the target, the epidemic may activate and spread a random disease to nearby targets within a radius 2 ball.
The chance to spread increases with the blight damage dealt and is 100% if it is at least 14% of the target's maximum life.
Creatures suffering from that disease will also suffer healing reduction (65%) and diseases immunity reduction (66%).
Epidemic is an extremely potent disease; as such, it fully ignores the target's diseases immunity.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and the spread chance increases with the amount of blight damage dealt. Epidemic
| 7/5 |
Cursed / Darkness | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 8
Range: 5
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Creeping dark slowly spreads from 6 spots in a radius of 3 around the targeted location. The dark deals 33 damage, and blocks the sight of any who do not possess Dark Vision or some other magical means of seeing.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. You do +40% damage to anything that has entered your creeping dark. Creeping Darkness
| 5/5 |
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 8
Range: 5
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Sends a torrent of searing darkness through your foes, doing 0 damage. There is a 25% chance the rushing darkness will blind them for 3 turns, and cause them to forget their target.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. You do +40% damage to anything that has entered your creeping dark. Dark Torrent
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 10
Range: 6
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Send tendrils of creeping dark out to attack your target, and pin them in the darkness for 4 turns. Creeping dark will trail behind the tendrils as they move. The darkness does 49 damage per turn.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. You do +40% damage to anything that has entered your creeping dark. Dark Tendrils
| 6/5 |
Psionic / Thought-Forms | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Forge a guardian from your thoughts alone. Your guardian's primary stat will be improved by 34, its two secondary stats by 17, and it will have Magic, Cunning, and Willpower equal to your own.
At talent level one, you may forge a mighty bowman clad in leather armor; at level three a powerful warrior wielding a two-handed weapon; and at level five a strong defender using a sword and shield.
Thought forms can only be maintained up to a range of 10, and will rematerialize next to you if this range is exceeded.
Only one thought-form may be active at a time, and the stat bonuses will improve with your Mindpower. Thought-Forms
| 7/5 |
| 2/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Take direct control of your active thought-form, improving its damage, attack speed, and maximum life by 3%, but leaving your body a defenseless shell.
At talent level 1, any Feedback your Thought-Forms gain will be given to you as well. At level 3, your Thought-Forms gain a bonus to all saves equal to your Mental Save. At level 5, they gain a bonus to all damage equal to your bonus mind damage.
The secondary bonuses apply whether or not this talent is currently active.
The life, damage, and speed bonus will improve with your Mindpower. Over Mind
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You now gain 7% mind speed while Thought-Form: Bowman is active, 16 Mindpower while Thought-Form: Warrior is active, and 5% resist all while Thought-Form: Defender is active.
These bonuses scale with your Mindpower. Thought-Form Unity
| 4/5 |
Psionic / Solipsism | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Psi cost: 0
Description: You believe that your mind is the center of everything. Permanently increases the amount of psi you gain per level by 5 and reduces your life rating (affects life at level up) by 50% (one time only adjustment).
You also have learned to overcome damage with your mind alone, and convert 59% of all damage you receive into Psi damage and 59% of your healing and life regen now recovers Psi instead of life.
Converted Psi damage you take will be further reduced by 43.4% (35.0% from character level with the remainder further reduced by 12.9% from talent level).
The first talent point invested will also increase the amount of Psi you gain from Willpower by 0.5, but reduce the amount of life you gain from Constitution by 0.25.
The first talent point also increases your solipsism threshold by 20% (currently 50%), reducing your global speed by 1% for each percentage your current Psi falls below this threshold. Solipsism
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 1.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You now substitute 20% of your Mental Save for 20% of your Physical and Spell Saves throws (so at 100%, you would effectively use mental save for all saving throw rolls).
The first talent point invested will also increase the amount of Psi you gain from Willpower by 0.5, but reduce the amount of life you gain from Constitution by 0.25.
Learning this talent also increases your solipsism threshold by 10% (currently 50%). Balance
| 1/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: For every percent that your Psi pool exceeds 65%, you gain 1% global speed (up to a maximum of +35%).
The first talent point invested will also increase the amount of Psi you gain from Willpower by 0.5, but reduce the amount of life you gain from Constitution by 0.25 and will increase your solipsism threshold by 10% (currently 50%). Clarity
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Each time you take damage, you roll 53% of your mental save against it. A successful saving throw can crit and will reduce the damage by at least 50%.
The first talent point invested will also increase the amount of Psi you gain from Willpower by 0.5, but reduce the amount of life you gain from Constitution by 0.25.
The first talent point also increases your solipsism threshold by 10% (currently 50%). Dismissal
| 4/5 |
Technique / Warcries | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Release a powerful shout, doing nan physical damage in a radius 9 cone in front of you.
At level 5 the shout is so strong it shatters all incomming projectiles caught inside.
The damage increases with your Strength. Shattering Shout
| 8/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Boost your life and stamina by 42.7% for 25 turns by bellowing your battle shout.
When the effect ends, the additional life and stamina will be lost. Battle Shout
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Your battle cry shatters the will of your foes within a radius of 9, lowering their Defense by 56 for 7 turns, making them easier to hit.
All evasion and concealment bonuses are also disabled.
The chance to hit increases with your Physical Power. Battle Cry
| 8/5 |
Psionic / Slumber | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Puts the target into a deep sleep for 5 turns, rendering it unable to act. Every 90 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
When Slumber ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 11% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower. Slumber
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Increases the amount of damage you can deal to sleeping targets before reducing the effect duration by 44%, and reduces the sleep immunity of your Insomnia effects by 9%.
These effects will be directly reflected in the appropriate talent descriptions.
The damage threshold bonus will scale with your Mindpower. Sandman
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 40
Range: 7
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Enter a sleeping target's dreams for 1 turns. While in the Dreamscape, you'll encounter the target's invulnerable sleeping form as well as dream projections that it will spawn every other turn to defend its mind.
Projections inflict 50% less damage then the original, unless the target has Lucid Dreamer active.
When the Dreamscape ends, for each projection destroyed, the target's life will be reduced by 10% and it will be brainlocked for one turn.
In the Dreamscape, your damage will be improved by 6%.
The damage bonus will improve with your Mindpower. Dreamscape
| 0/5 |
Chronomancy / Temporal Combat | 1.00 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: For the next 7 turns, you recover 5.6 stamina each turn and all other talents on cooldown will refresh twice as fast as usual.
The duration will scale with your Paradox. Invigorate
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 25.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: For the next 15 turns, you convert all non-temporal damage you receive into temporal damage spread out over six turns.
The duration will scale with your Paradox. Damage Smearing
| 32/5 |
Psionic / Psychic Assault | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 5
Range: 7
Cooldown: 2
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Sends a telepathic attack, trying to destroy the brains of any target in the beam, doing nan mind damage.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. Mind Sear
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Inflicts nan mind damage and cripples the target's higher mental functions, reducing cunning by 17 and confusing (34% power) the target for 6 turns.
The damage, cunning penalty, and confusion power will scale with your Mindpower. Psychic Lobotomy
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Sends out a blast of telepathic static in a 5 radius, inflicting nan mind damage. This attack can brainlock affected targets.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. Synaptic Static
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 5
Range: 7
Cooldown: 4
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Cripples the target's mind, inflicting nan mind damage and reducing its Mental Save by 10 for 4 turns. This attack always hits, and the mental save reduction stacks.
Against brainlocked targets, the damage and Mental Save reduction will be doubled.
The damage and save reduction will scale with your Mindpower. Sunder Mind
| 5/5 |
Psionic / Focus | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: 6
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focus energies into a beam to lash enemies with physical force, doing 0 Physical damage and knocking them off balance for 2 turns (-15% global speed).
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Mindlash
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Telekinetically energize the matter of all foes within 6 squares at the molecular level, setting them ablaze. This does nan fire damage over six turns. Pyrokinesis
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 15
Range: 6
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Mentally focus electricity into a ball of plasma and hurl it at the target.
The plasma will explode on impact, dealing nan Lightning damage within radius 3.
This talent will apply cross tier Brainlock.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. Brain Storm
| 8/5 |
| 8/5 |
Psionic / Nightmare | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 3.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Puts targets in a radius 7 cone into a nightmarish sleep for 3 turns, rendering them unable to act. Every 17 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
Each turn, they'll suffer nan darkness damage. This damage will not reduce the duration of the effect.
When Nightmare ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 11% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
The damage threshold and mind damage will scale with your Mindpower. Nightmare
| 3/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: 7
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Brings the target's inner demons to the surface. Each turn, for 12 turns, there's a 19% chance that a demon will surface, requiring the target to make a Mental Save to keep it from manifesting.
If the target is sleeping, the chance to save will be halved, and fear immunity will be ignored. Otherwise, if the summoning is resisted, the effect will end early.
The summon chance will scale with your Mindpower and the demon's life will scale with the target's rank. Inner Demons
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 2.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: 7
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Inflicts nan darkness damage each turn for 6 turns, and has a 24% chance to randomly cause blindness, stun, or confusion (lasting 3 turns).
If the target is sleeping, the chance of avoiding a negative effect will be halved and fear immunity will be ignored.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Waking Nightmare
| 2/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Increases your damage and resistance penetration on sleeping targets by 34%. Additionally, every time you slay a sleeping target, a Night Terror will be summoned for 11 turns.
The Night Terror's stats will scale with your Mindpower, as will the damage bonus to sleeping targets. Night Terror
| 6/5 |
Cunning / Ambush | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 15
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: For an instant, your weapons turn into a shadow leash that tries to grab the target's weapon, disarming it for 7 turns.
The chance to hit improves with your Accuracy. Shadow Leash
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 15
Stamina cost: 15
Range: 7
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You reach out with shadowy vines toward your target, pulling it to you and silencing it for 7 turns and dazing it for 2 turns.
The chance to hit improves with your Accuracy. Shadow Ambush
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 35
Stamina cost: 35
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You take full control of your own shadow for 9 turns.
Your shadow possesses your talents and stats, has 67% life and deals 89% damage, -30% all resistances, -100% light resistance and 100% darkness resistance.
Your shadow is permanently stealthed (107 power), and all melee damage it deals is converted to darkness damage.
If you release control early or if it leaves your sight for too long, your shadow will dissipate. Ambuscade
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 60
Stamina cost: 30
Range: 5
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You veil yourself in shadows for 9 turns, and let them control you.
While veiled, you become immune to status effects and gain 45% all damage reduction. Each turn, you blink to a nearby foe (within range 7), hitting it for 229% darkness weapon damage.
The shadow cannot teleport.
While this goes on, you cannot be stopped unless you are killed, and you cannot control your character. Shadow Veil
| 8/5 |
Psionic / Dream Smith | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Smith a hammer from the dream forge and strike a nearby foe, inflicting 203% weapon damage. If the attack hits, it will bring one random Dream Smith talent off cooldown.
At talent level 5, you'll bring a second random talent off cooldown.
The base power, Accuracy, Armour penetration, and critical strike chance of the weapon will scale with your Mindpower.
Current Dream Hammer Stats
Base Power: 46.02 - 69.03
Uses Stats: 120% Wil
Damage Type: Physical
Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.
Accuracy Bonus: +10
Armour Penetration: +10
Physical Crit. Chance: +10 Dream Smith's Hammer
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: 2
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: 1000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Throw your Dream Hammer at a distant location, inflicting 100% weapon damage on all targets between you and it. After reaching its destination, the Dream Hammer will return, potentially hitting targets a second time.
Learning this talent increases the Accuracy of your Dream Hammer by 0. Hammer Toss
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Crush your enemy with your Dream Hammer, inflicting 145% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target is stunned for 6 turns.
Stun chance improves with your Mindpower. Learning this talent increases your Physical Power for Dream Hammer damage calculations by 40 and all damage with Dream Hammer attacks by 45%.
Dream Crusher
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 3.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Strike the target with a mighty blow from the forge, inflicting 139% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the echo of the attack will lash out at all enemies in a 2 radius.
Learning this talent adds nan mind damage and nan burning damage to your Dream Hammer strikes.
The mind and fire damage will scale with your Mindpower. Forge Echoes
| 3/5 |
Psionic / Distortion | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 5
Range: 10
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Fire a bolt of distortion that ignores resistance and inflicts nan physical damage. This damage will distort affected targets, decreasing physical resistance by 6% and rendering them vulnerable to distortion effects for two turns.
If the bolt comes in contact with a target that's already distorted, a detonation will occur, inflicting 150% of the base damage in a radius of 0.
Investing in this talent will increase the physical resistance reduction from all of your distortion effects.
At talent level 5, you learn to shape your distortion effects, preventing them from hitting you or your allies.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Distortion Bolt
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 2.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Creates a distortion wave in a radius 5 cone that deals nan physical damage and knocks back targets in the blast radius.
This damage will distort affected targets, decreasing physical resistance by 6% and rendering them vulnerable to distortion effects for two turns.
Investing in this talent will increase the physical resistance reduction from all of your distortion effects.
If the target is already distorted, they'll be stunned for 2 turns as well.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Distortion Wave
| 2/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Ravages the target with distortion, inflicting nan physical damage each turn for 1 turns.
This damage will distort affected targets, decreasing physical resistance by 6% and rendering them vulnerable to distortion effects for two turns.
If the target is already distorted when Ravage is applied, the damage will be increased by 50% and the target will lose one beneficial physical effect or sustain each turn.
Investing in this talent will increase the physical resistance reduction from all of your distortion effects.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Ravage
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 2.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Create a powerful maelstorm for 6 turns. Each turn, the maelstrom will pull in targets within a radius of 2, and inflict nan physical damage.
This damage will distort affected targets, decreasing physical resistance by 6% and rendering them vulnerable to distortion effects for two turns.
Investing in this talent will increase the physical resistance reduction from all of your distortion effects.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Maelstrom
| 2/5 |
Spell / Meta | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 10
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Removes up to 6 magical effects (good effects from foes, and bad effects from friends) from the target.
At level 3, it can be targeted. Disperse Magic
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 70
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You learn to finely craft and tune your offensive spells.
You try to carve a hole in spells that affect an area to avoid damaging yourself or friends. The chance of success is 920%.
In addition, you hone your damaging spells to spellshock their targets. This talent gives a bonus of 218 to Spellpower solely for the purposes of overcoming the target's Spell Save. Spellshocked targets suffer a temporary 20% penalty to damage resistances. Spellcraft
| 46/5 |
| 46/5 |
| 46/5 |
Psionic / Discharge | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain feedback cost: 0
Range: 7
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: 1000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Unleash your subconscious on the world around you. While active, you fire up to 5 bolts each turn (one per hostile target) that deal nan mind damage. Each bolt consumes 5 Feedback.
Feedback gains beyond your maximum allowed amount may generate extra bolts (one bolt per 15 excess Feedback per target), but no more then 5 extra bolts per turn.
This effect is a psionic channel, and will break if you move.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Mind Storm
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 2.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Activate to invert your Feedback decay for 5 turns. This effect can be a critical hit, increasing the duration even further.
You must have some Feedback in order to start the loop.
The maximum Feedback gain will scale with your Mindpower. Feedback Loop
| 2/5 |
Effective talent level: 2.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your subconscious now retaliates when you take damage. If the attacker is within range (7), you'll inflict mind damage equal to the Feedback gained from the attack or nan, whichever is lower.
This effect can only happen once per creature per turn.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower. Backlash
| 2/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Feedback cost: 25
Range: 7
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focus your mind on a single target, diverting all offensive Discharge talent effects to it for 6 turns. While this effect is active, all Discharge talents gain 27% critical power.
If the target is killed, the effect will end early.
The damage bonus will scale with your Mindpower. Focused Wrath
| 4/5 |
Wild-gift / Cold drake aspect | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 3
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You call upon the mighty claw of a cold drake, doing 226% weapon damage as cold damage.
At level 4, the attack becomes pure ice, giving a chance to freeze the target.
Each point in cold drake talents also increases your cold resistance by 1%. Ice Claw
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain equilibrium cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Your skin forms icy scales, damaging anyone that hits you for nan cold damage and increasing your Armour by 25.
Each point in cold drake talents also increases your cold resistance by 1%.
The damage and Armor will scale with your Willpower. Icy Skin
| 6/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe ice in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take nan cold damage, and has a 25% to be frozen for a few turns (higher rank enemies will be frozen for a shorter time).
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in cold drake talents also increases your cold resistance by 1%. Ice Breath
| 6/5 |
Celestial / Sunlight | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -16
Range: 7
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Calls the power of the Sun into a searing lance, doing nan damage to the target and leaving a spot on the ground for 4 turns that does 169.40 light damage to anyone within it.
The damage dealt will increase with your Spellpower. Searing Light
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 22
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invokes the Sun to cause a flare within radius 5, blinding your foes for 9 turns and lighting up your immediate area (radius 10).
At level 3 it will also do nan light damage within radius 5.
The damage done will increase with your Spellpower. Sun Flare
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -20
Range: 7
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Call forth the Sun to summon a fiery beam, burning all targets in a line for nan fire damage.
The damage done will increase with your Spellpower. Firebeam
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: -20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures a furious burst of Sunlight, dealing nan light damage to all around you in a radius of 3.
The damage done will increase with your Spellpower. Sunburst
| 32/5 |
Celestial / Guardian | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Infuse your shield with light, healing you for 44.08 each time you take damage at the expense of up to 2 positive energy.
If you do not have any positive energy, the effect will not trigger.
Additionally, once per turn successful melee attacks will trigger a bonus attack with your shield dealing 197% light damage.
The healing done will increase with your Spellpower. Shield of Light
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hits the target with your weapon doing 337% damage, and with a shield strike doing 245% damage. If the shield strike connects, your shield will explode in a burst of light that inflicts nan light damage on all targets except yourself within radius 5 of the target, and light up all tiles in that radius.
The light damage will increase with your Spellpower. Brandish
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 20
Range: 17
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Retribution negates half of all damage you take while it is active. Once Retribution has negated 987.19 damage, your shield will explode in a burst of light, inflicting damage equal to the amount negated in a radius of 17 and deactivating the talent.
The amount absorbed will increase with your Spellpower.
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Cunning / Stealth | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Enters stealth mode (power 132, based on Cunning), making you harder to detect.
If successful (re-checked each turn), enemies will not know exactly where you are, or may not notice you at all.
Stealth reduces your light radius to 0, and will not work with heavy or massive armours.
You cannot enter stealth if there are foes in sight within range 2. Stealth
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When striking from stealth, the attack is automatically critical if the target does not notice you just before you land it.
Shadowstrikes do +98.81% damage versus a normal critical hit up to 3 grids away and then disminishes to 0% at distance 10.
These bonuses are guaranteed for spell and mind crits even if the target can see you before it hits. Shadowstrike
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You have learned how to be stealthy even when in plain sight of your foes. You may attempt to enter stealth regardless of how close you are to your enemies, but success is more likely against fewer opponents that are farther away.
Your chance to succeed is determined by comparing 7.68 times your stealth power (currently 1014) to the stealth detection of all enemies (reduced by 10% per tile distance) that have a clear line of sight to you.
You always succeed if you are not directly observed.
If successful, all creatures currently following you will lose track of your position.
This also resets the cooldown of your Stealth talent. Hide in Plain Sight
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You are able to perform usually unstealthy actions (attacking, using objects, ...) without breaking stealth. When you perform such an action while stealthed, you have a chance to stay hidden. Success is more likely against fewer opponents and is determined by comparing 6.01 times your stealth power (currently 794) to the stealth detection (reduced by 10% per tile distance) of all enemies that have a clear line of sight to you.
Your base chance of success is 100% if you are not directly observed, and good or bad luck may also affect it. Unseen Actions
| 32/5 |
Cursed / Rampage | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You enter a terrible rampage for 5 turns (up to a maximum of 8 turns), destroying everything in your path. Starting a rampage is instantaneous. You may also enter a rampage (50% chance) when you are hit for more than 8% of your max life.
Any talent, rune or infusion you use while rampaging becomes a distraction, and reduces the duration of the rampage by 1. Your first movement while rampaging increases the rampage duration by 1.
Rampage Bonus: +867% movement speed.
Rampage Bonus: +138% attack speed Rampage
| 24/5 |
| 24/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Nothing will stop your rampage.
Rampage Bonus: You shrug off up to 91 damage each turn during your rampage. If you shrug off more than 364 damage, the rampage duration increases by 1.
The amount of damage you can shrug off improves with your Strength. Tenacity
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 3
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: While rampaging, you slam up to 5 adjacent opponents, stunning them for 2 turns and damaging them for between 201 and 402 physical damage. Your first slam of at least two opponents increases the rampage duration by 1.
Damage increases with your Physical Power. Slam
| 24/5 |
Spell / Frost alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with cold damage that can freeze your foes.
In addition all cold damage you do is increased by 32%. Frost Infusion
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Frost Infusion is active, your bombs deposit a layer of ice on your golem for 12 turns when they hit it.
This ice provides your golem with 24 additional armour, melee attacks against it deal 70.0 Cold damage to the attacker, and 50% of its damage is converted to Cold.
The effects increase with your talent level and with the Spellpower and damage modifiers of your golem. Ice Armour
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Invoke a blast of cold all around you with a radius of 7, doing nan Cold damage and freezing creatures to the ground for 12 turns.
Affected creatures can still act, but cannot move.
The duration will increase with your Spellpower. Flash Freeze
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: 6
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Turn your body into pure ice, increasing your Cold damage affinity by 24% and your physical resistance by 44%.
All direct critical hits (physical, mental, spells) against you have a 27% lower Critical multiplier (but always do at least normal damage).
The effects increase with your Spellpower. Ice Core
| 7/5 |
Wild-gift / Corrosive blades | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 4
Range: 10
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Channel acid through your psiblades, extending their reach to create a beam doing nan Acid damage (which can disarm them).
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Acidbeam
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You gain 2% Acid resistance.
When you deal Nature damage to a creature, you gain a 0.3% bonus to Acid damage for 2 turns.
This damage bonus will improve up to 4 times (no more than once each turn) with later Nature damage you do, up to a maximum of 0.7%.
The resistance and damage increase improve with your Mindpower. Corrosive Nature
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 8
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You focus on a target zone of radius 2 to make up to 2 corrosive seeds appear.
The first seed will appear at the center of the target zone, while others will appear at random spots.
Each seed lasts 3 turns and will explode when a hostile creature walks over it, knocking the creature back and dealing nan Acid damage within radius 1.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower. Corrosive Seeds
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain equilibrium cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Surround yourself with natural forces, ignoring -3% acid resistance of your targets.
In addition, the acid will nurish your bloated oozes, giving them an additional 4.2 life regeneration per turn. Acidic Soil
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Sand drake aspect | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 4
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Attack the target for 150% nature weapon damage.
If the attack brings your target below 25% life or kills it, you can try to swallow it, killing it automatically and regaining life and equilibrium depending on its level.
The chance to swallow depends on your talent level and the relative size of the target.
Each point in sand drake talents also increases your physical resistance by 0.5%. Swallow
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 4
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You slam your foot onto the ground, shaking the area around you in a radius of 4.
Creatures caught by the quake will be damaged for 80 and knocked back up to 4 tiles away.
The terrain will also be moved around within the quake's radius.
The damage will increase with your Strength.
Each point in sand drake talents also increases your physical resistance by 0.5%. Quake
| 5/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe sand in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take nan physical damage, and be blinded for 7 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in sand drake talents also increases your physical resistance by 0.5%. Sand Breath
| 6/5 |
Spell / Morph | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Weakens your target, decreasing its defense, damage and saves by 68 for 10 turns.
The weakening will improve with your spellpower. Enfeeble
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Focus your magic inwards, enhancing your physical form by +39 str, dex, con and 195% healing factor. Vitalise
| 39/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 32
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: All nearby enemies within radius 8 are violently desconstructed, disarming them and doing nan arcane damage.
Does +50% damage verses stoned targets.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Crumble
| 7/5 |
Cursed / Endless hunt | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 0
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: When you focus your attacks on a single foe and strike them in melee for two consecutive turns, your hatred of them overcomes you and you begin to stalk them with single-minded purpose. The effect will last for 40 turns, or until your prey is dead. Stalking gives you bonuses against your foe that grow each turn you hit them, and diminish each turn you don't.
Bonus level 1: +34 Accuracy, +31% melee damage, +0.50 hate/turn prey was hit
Bonus level 2: +49 Accuracy, +63% melee damage, +1.00 hate/turn prey was hit
Bonus level 3: +60 Accuracy, +94% melee damage, +1.50 hate/turn prey was hit
The accuracy bonus improves with your Willpower, and the melee damage bonus with your Strength. Stalk
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 2
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: The connection between predator and prey allows you to speak to the mind of your target and beckon them closer. For 19 turns, they will try to come to you, even pushing others aside to do so. They will move towards you instead of acting 57% of the time, but can save verses Mindpower to slow the effect. If they take significant damage, the beckoning may be overcome altogether. The effect makes concentration difficult for your target, reducing Spellpower and Mindpower by 20 until they reach you.
The Spellpower and Mindpower reduction increases with your Willpower. Beckon
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Harass your stalked victim with two quick attacks for 35% (at 0 Hate) to 67% (at 100+ Hate) damage each. Each attack that scores a hit disrupts one talent, rune or infusion for 11 turns. Your opponent will be unnerved by the attacks, reducing the damage they deal by 82% for 2 turns.
Damage reduction increases with the Willpower stat. Harass Prey
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Let hate fuel your movements. While active, you gain 157% movement speed. The recklessness of your movement brings you bad luck (Luck -3).
Cleave, Repel and Surge cannot be active simultaneously, and activating one will place the others in cooldown.
The speed of your movements, combined with the balance and utility of two weapons, gives you 44 extra Defense while dual-wielding.
Movement speed and dual-wielding Defense both increase with with the Willpower stat. Surge
| 32/5 |
Psionic / Voracity | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You draw kinetic energy from your surroundings to replenish your Psi.
This will slow all targets within radius 5 by 19% (max 25%) for four turns, draining 16.2 (max 48.7) stamina from each.
You replenish 12 (max 37) Psi from the first target, with each additional target restoring 20% less than the one before it.
The strength of these effects increases as your Psi depletes. Kinetic Leech
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You draw thermal energy from your surroundings to replenish your Psi.
This will freeze all targets within radius 5 for 3 (max 5) turns, and deal nan (max nan) Cold damage.
You replenish 11 (max 33) Psi from the first target, with each additional target restoring 20% less than the one before it.
The damage and the strength of these effects increases as your Psi depletes. Thermal Leech
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 13
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You draw electical potential energy from your surroundings to replenish your Psi.
This deals 39.7 (max 119.2) Lightning damage to all targets around you within radius 3, and has a 33% (max 54%) chance to daze them for 3 turns.
You replenish 9 (max 27) Psi from the first target, with each additional target restoring 20% less than the one before it.
The strength of these effects increases as your Psi depletes. Charge Leech
| 4/5 |
| 32/5 |
Chronomancy / Speed Control | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: 6
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Inflicts 130.56 temporal damage, and attempts to stun all creatures in a radius 3 ball for 5 turns.
The stun duration will scale with your Paradox, and the damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Stop
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 15.0
Range: 6
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a time distortion in a radius of 5 that lasts for 19 turns, decreasing global speed by 60% for 3 turns and inflicting nan temporal damage each turn to all targets within the area.
The slow effect and damage dealt will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Slow
| 27/5 |
Effective talent level: 27.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Increases your global speed by 96% for the next 4 game turns. Each time you move with this effect active, you'll leave behind an image of yourself for two turns that may draw enemy attacks.
The speed increase will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Haste
| 27/5 |
Spell / Arcane elements | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 22
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A wave of aetherial cold emanates from you with a radius of 7, knocking back anything caught inside, causing nan cold and nan arcane damage.
Affected creatures will also be wet for 4 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Aetherial Wave
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Protect yourself with magical armour, granting a 0% reduction to critical hits chances against you.
Also increases your physical and magical saves by 0.
These bonusses will increase with your Spellpower, and physical and arcane damage bonusses. Mage Armour
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Become like the Wind, increasing your movement and spell casting speed by 0% and increasing your defence by 0.
Defence bonus scales with your Spellpower, and lightning and arcane damage bonusses. Mage Wind
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with an aura of light, increasing your light radius by 16, and reducing self-inflicted arcane damage by 0%.
Each turn there is a 0% chance of blinding adjactent enemies for 4 turns.
Values scale with your fire and arcane damage bonusses. Bright Aura
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Tap into mysterious deep arcane reserves to increase your maximum mana capacity by 0 and your life regeneration by nan per turn.
Values scale with your Spellpower, and cold and arcane damage bonusses. Arcane Depths
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 80
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 22
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Glare balefully at your enemies. All creatures in a cone of radius of 9 will be struck with nan arcane and nan physical damage, and are petrified for 7 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Medusa Gaze
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: -50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Rupture reality to draw mana directly from the aether, triggering a dangerous cascade of magical energies.
Each turn for 8 turns, a random explosion will occur within a radius of 4 around you.
Each explosion does nan arcane and nan lightning damage in radius 2.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Arc Rift
| 32/5 |
Technique / Archery prowess | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire a burning shot, doing 139% fire damage to the target and lighting up the area around the target in a radius of 3.
At level 3, it also has a chance to blind for 3 turns. Flare
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire a crippling shot, doing 163% damage and reducing your target's speed by 40% for 7 turns.
The status power and status hit chance improve with your Accuracy. Crippling Shot
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire a pinning shot, doing 147% damage and pinning your target to the ground for 6 turns.
The pinning chance increases with your Dexterity. Pinning Shot
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire multiple shots in a circular pattern with radius 6, doing 303% damage and stunning everyone hit for 18 turns.
The stun chance increases with your Accuracy. Scatter Shot
| 32/5 |
Psionic / Thermal mastery | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: For 8 turns your pyrokinesis transcends your normal limits, increasing your Fire and Cold damage by 16% and your Fire and Cold resistance penetration by 11%.
In addition:
The cooldowns of Thermal Shield, Thermal Leech, Thermal Aura and Pyrokinesis are reset.
Thermal Aura will either increase in radius to 2, or apply its damage bonus to all of your weapons, whichever is applicable.
Your Thermal Shield will have 100% absorption efficiency and will absorb twice the normal amount of damage.
Pyrokinesis will inflict Flameshock.
Thermal Leech will reduce enemy damage by 44%.
Thermal Strike will have its secondary cold/freeze explode in radius 1.
The damage bonus and resistance penetration scale with your Mindpower.
Only one Transcendent talent may be in effect at a time. Transcendent Pyrokinesis
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 20
Range: 6
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Quickly drain the heat from your target's brain, dealing nan Cold damage.
Affected creatures will also be brainlocked for 4 turns, putting a random talent on cooldown, and freezing cooldowns.
The damage and chance to brainlock increase with your Mindpower. Brainfreeze
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 35
Range: 6
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Within radius 5, transfer heat from a group of enemies bodies to their equipment, freezing them to the floor while the excess heat disables their weapons and armor.
Those afflicted will be dealt nan Cold and nan Fire damage, and be pinned (Frozen Feet) and disarmed for 5 turns.
Targets suffering both types of damage will also have have their Armour and saves reduced by 15.
The chance to apply the effects and the duration increase with your Mindpower. Heat Shift
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 0
Range: 12
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You seek balance between fire and cold based on your current Psi level.
You blast your foes with nan Fire damage based on your current Psi, nan Cold damage based on your max Psi minus your current Psi, in a radius 10 ball.
This sets your current Psi to half of your maximum Psi.
The damage scales with your Mindpower. Thermal Balance
| 32/5 |
Celestial / Glyphs | 1.00 |
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
| 7/5 |
Spell / Arcane | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 12.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your mastery of magic allows you to enter a state of deep concentration, increasing your Spellpower by 40 and arcane resistance by 45%. Arcane Power
| 12/5 |
| 12/5 |
Effective talent level: 12.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 35
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a vortex of arcane energies on the target for 6 turns. Each turn the vortex will look for another foe in sight and fire a manathrust doing nan arcane damage to all foes in line.
If no foes are found, the target will take 150% more arcane damage.
If the target dies, the vortex explodes, releasing all remaining damage in a radius 2 ball of arcane force.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Arcane Vortex
| 12/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with arcane forces, disrupting any attempts to harm you and instead generating mana.
Generates 0.50 mana per damage point taken (Aegis Shielding talent affects the ratio).
If your mana is brought too high by the shield, it will de-activate and the chain reaction will release a deadly arcane storm around you with radius 3 for 10 turns, dealing 10% of the damage absorbed over the sustain's duration each turn, up to a maximum of 1422 total damage.
While the arcane storm rages, you also get 115% arcane resistance.
Only usable when below 25% mana.
The damage to mana ratio increases with your Spellpower. Disruption Shield
| 10/5 |
Chronomancy / Time Travel | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: By slightly reorganizing history, you reduce your Paradox by 233 and temporarily stabilize the timeline; this allows chronomancy to be used without chance of failure for 6 turns (backfires and anomalies may still occur).
The paradox reduction will increase with your Spellpower. Static History
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 5.0
Range: 6
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Inflicts nan temporal damage, if the target fails a spell save. If your target survives, it will be removed from time for 5 turns.
The duration will scale with your Paradox. The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Time Skip
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a temporal echo in a nova around you, in a radius of 7. Affected targets will take nan temporal damage, as well as 18% of the difference between their current life and max life as additional temporal damage.
The percentage and damage scales with your Paradox and Spellpower. Echoes From The Past
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 20.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 50
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Manipulate the flow of time, reducing the cooldown of all your talents on cooldown by 5 turns, and reducing the duration of most status effects currently affecting you (good or bad) by 5 turns.
The effect will scale with your Paradox. Temporal Reprieve
| 7/5 |
Psionic / Augmented striking | 1.00 |
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focus thermal energy and strike an enemy for 214% weapon damage as cold.
A burst of cold will then engulf them, doing an extra nan Cold damage and also freeze them for 7 turns.
If the attack freezes a pinned creature a burst of ice is summoned, circling the caster and the creature with a wall of ice for 3 turns.
The cold burst damage will scale with your Mindpower. Thermal Strike
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focus charged energy and strike an enemy for 429% weapon damage as lightning.
Energy will then discharge from your weapon, doing an extra nan lightning damage and halving their stun/daze/freeze/pin resistance for 17 turns.
If Charged Shield is sustained and the target pinned it will increase the absorbed value by nan.
If the target frozen the ice will melt in a flash of vapour, knocking back all creatures around it in radius 2.
The discharge damage will scale with your Mindpower. Charged Strike
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Wrap a psionic energy field around your weapons, increasing their armour penentration by 26 and allowing you to siphon excess energy from each weapon hit you land, gaining 8.5 psi per hit. Psi Tap
| 32/5 |
Cursed / Fears | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 8
Range: 8
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Instill fear in your target, causing one of several possible fears that lasts for 8 turns. There is also a 25% chance of instilling fear in any foe in a radius of 2. The target can save versus Mindpower to resist the effect, and can be affected by multiple fears.
You gain 2 new fears: The Paranoid effect gives the target an 60% chance to physically attack a nearby creature, friend or foe. If hit, their target will be afflicted with Paranoia as well. The Despair effect reduces the target's resistance to all damage by 53%.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower. Instill Fear
| 24/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Heighten the fears of everyone around you. Any foe you inflict at least one fear upon and who remains in a radius of 6 and in sight of you for 5 (non-consecutive) turns, will gain a new fear that lasts for 8 turns. The target can save versus Mindpower to resist the effect, and each added fear reduces the chances of another by 10%.
You gain 2 new fears: The Terrified effect causes talents and attacks to fail 26% of the time. The Distressed effect reduces all saves by 17.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower. Heighten Fear
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Impose your tyranny on the minds of those who fear you. Your mindpower is increased by 34 against foes who attempt to resist your fears.
You gain 2 new fears: The Haunted effect causes each existing or new fear effect that the target suffers from to inflict 94 mind damage. The Tormented effect causes 9 apparitions to manifest and attack the target, inflicting 94 mind damage each before disappearing.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower. Tyrant
| 24/5 |
| 24/5 |
Cursed / One with shadows | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You are linked to your shadows for 11 turns, diverting 29% of all damage you take to a random shadow.
Effect increases with Mindpower. Shadow Empathy
| 6/5 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain hate cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 50
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Your shadows guard you with their lifes.
When you would receive a fatal blow, you instantly transpose with a random shadow that takes the blow instead, putting this talent on cooldown.
For the next 4 turns you only die if you reach -26 life. However, when below 0 you cannot see how much life you have left.
Effect increases with Mindpower. Shadow Decoy
| 0/5 |
Cursed / Punishments | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 5
Range: 2
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You unleash your hateful mind on any who dare approach you, inflicing 0 mind damage. The attack will hit multiple targets, but each additional target will further reduce damage by 20%.
25% chance of cross tier effects. The damage increases with your Mindpower. Reproach
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 12
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Send a whisper filled with hate to spread throughout your foes. When the whisper is first heard, they will suffer 0 mind damage and feed you 2 hate. For the first 0 turns, the whisper will travel from the original victim to a new one within a range of 0.0. Every victim of the whisper has a 0% chance of spreading it to another victim every turn.
25% chance of cross tier effects. The damage increases with your Mindpower. Hateful Whisper
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 3.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 5
Range: 7
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Unleash agony upon your target. The pain will grow over the course of 5 turns. The first turn will inflict 0 damage, and slowly increase to 0 on the last turn (219 total).
25% chance of cross tier effects. The damage will increase with your Mindpower. Agony
| 3/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Every time you inflict mental damage, there is a 18% chance that your foe must save against your Mindpower or go mad. Madness can cause them to become confused, slowed or stunned for 3 turns, and lowers resistance to mental damage by 35%. Madness
| 5/5 |
Celestial / Radiance | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You are so infused with sunlight that your body glows permanently in radius 8, even in dark places.
Your vision adapts to this glow, giving you 81% blindness resistance.
The light radius overrides your normal light if it is bigger (it does not stack).
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: The light of your Radiance allows you to see that which would normally be unseen.
All enemies in your Radiance aura have their invisibility and stealth power reduced by 225.
In addition, all actors affected by illumination are easier to see and therefore hit; their defense is reduced by 75 and all evasion bonuses from being unseen are negated.
The effects increase with your Spellpower. Illumination
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 10
Range: 8
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your Radiance is so powerful it burns all foes caught in it, doing up to nan light damage (reduced with distance) to all foes caught inside.
At level 4 the light is so bright it has 32% chances to daze them for 3 turns.
The damage increases with your Spellpower. Searing Sight
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 20
Range: 8
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fire a glowing orb of light at each enemy within your Radiance. Each orb will slowly follow its target until it connects dealing 81 light damage to anything else it contacts along the way. When the target is reached the orb will explode dealing 340 light damage and healing you for 50% of the damage dealt. This powerful ability will dim your Radiance, reducing its radius to 1 for 5 turns. Judgement
| 32/5 |
Technique / Shield offense | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 41.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 8
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Hits the target with two shield strikes, doing 309% and 388% shield damage. If it hits a second time, it stuns the target for 11 turns.
The stun chance increases with your Accuracy and your Strength. Shield Pummel
| 41/5 |
| 41/5 |
| 41/5 |
Effective talent level: 41.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 16
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Hits the target with your shield, doing 249% damage. If it hits, you follow up with two automatic critical hits with your weapon, doing 243% base damage each. Assault
| 41/5 |
Corruption / Blight | 1.00 |
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Project a corrupted blast of power that deals nan blight damage and removes up to 5 magical or physical effect(s) from any creatures caught in the radius 3 ball.
For each effect, the creature has a chance to resist based on its spell save.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Corrupted Negation
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 12
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Infect your target with a corrosive worm that deals nan acid damage per turn for 10 turns.
If the target dies while the worm is inside, it will explode, doing nan acid damage in a radius of 4.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and can critical. Corrosive Worm
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 36
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A furious poison storm rages around the caster in a radius of 4 for 10 turns. Each creature hit by the storm is poisoned for nan nature damage over 6 turns.
Poisoning is cumulative; the longer they stay in the storm, the higher the poison damage they take.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and can critical. Poison Storm
| 6/5 |
Spell / Fire alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with flames that burn for a few turns.
In addition all fire damage you do is increased by 35%. Flame Infusion
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: 6
Cooldown: 34
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Throw a smoke bomb, blocking everyone's line of sight. The smoke dissipates after 12 turns.
If a creature inside is victim of fire burns the smoke will consume instantly, replicating the burns on all foes and increasing its duration by 4 turns.
Duration will increase with your Spellpower. Smoke Bomb
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 70
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A furious fire storm rages around the caster, doing nan fire damage in a radius of 3 each turn for 14 turns.
You closely control the firestorm, preventing it from harming your party members.
The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower. Fire Storm
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 250
Range: 6
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: 240% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Turn your body into pure flame, increasing your fire resistance by 44%, burning any creatures attacking you for 23.99 fire damage, and projecting 7 random slow-moving fire bolts per turns at targets in sight, doing 72.35 fire damage with each bolt.
The projectiles safely go through your friends without harming them.
This powerful spell drains 0.70 mana while active.
The damage and resistance will increase with your Spellpower. Body of Fire
| 7/5 |
Psionic / Absorption | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Surround yourself with a shield that will absorb 71% of any physical/acid/nature/temporal attack, up to a maximum of 93 damage per attack.
Every time your shield absorbs damage, you convert some of the attack into energy, gaining two points of Psi, plus an additional point for every 49.6 points of damage absorbed, up to a maximum 3.5 points each turn.
At talent level 3, when you de-activate the shield twice the absorbed damage in the last 3 turns is released as a full psionic shield (absorbing all damage).
The maximum amount of damage your shield can absorb and the efficiency of the psi gain scale with your mindpower. Kinetic Shield
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Surround yourself with a shield that will absorb 89% of any fire/cold/light/arcane attack, up to a maximum of 165 damage per attack.
Every time your shield absorbs damage, you convert some of the attack into energy, gaining two points of Psi, plus an additional point for every 10.7 points of damage absorbed, up to a maximum 4.9 points each turn.
At talent level 3, when you de-activate the shield twice the absorbed damage in the last 3 turns is released as a full psionic shield (absorbing all damage).
The maximum amount of damage your shield can absorb and the efficiency of the psi gain scale with your mindpower. Thermal Shield
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 9
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Surround yourself with a shield that will absorb 66% of any lightning/blight/darkness/mind attack, up to a maximum of 84 damage per attack.
Every time your shield absorbs damage, you convert some of the attack into energy, gaining two points of Psi, plus an additional point for every 54.7 points of damage absorbed, up to a maximum 3.3 points each turn.
At talent level 3, when you de-activate the shield twice the absorbed damage in the last 3 turns is released as a full psionic shield (absorbing all damage).
The maximum amount of damage your shield can absorb and the efficiency of the psi gain scale with your mindpower. Charged Shield
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain psi cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Surround yourself with a forcefield, reducing all incoming damage by 77%.
Such a shield is very expensive to maintain, and will drain 5% of your maximum psi each turn, for each turn you have it maintained. eg. turn 2 it will drain 10%. Forcefield
| 32/5 |
Technique / Finishing moves | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: A finishing uppercut that deals 199% damage, and attempts to stun your target for 4 to 11 turns, depending on the amount of combo points you've accumulated.
The stun chance will improve with your Physical Power.
Using this talent removes your combo points. Uppercut
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: A powerful concussive punch that deals 166% weapon damage to your target. If the punch hits, all targets in a radius of 1 will take nan to nan damage, depending on the amount of combo points you've accumulated.
The area damage will scale with your Strength, and the radius will increase by 1 per combo point.
Using this talent removes your combo points. Concussive Punch
| 7/5 |
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
Cursed / Predator | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Mark a single opponent as your prey, gaining bonuses against the targeted creature's type and sub-type. Bonuses scale with the experience you gain from killing your marked type (+0.25 kill experience) and marked sub-type (+1 kill experience). At 4.1 kill experience, you reach 100% effectiveness. Combat attacks against the marked type gain +32% damage, while those against the marked sub-type gain +73% damage. Every kill of a marked sub-type gives you an additional +17 hate regardless of your current effectiveness.
Each point in Mark Prey reduces the kill experience required to reach 100% effectivess as a Predator. Mark Prey
| 24/5 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your knowledge of your prey allows you to strike with extra precision. Attacks against the marked type gain +20 Accuracy, while those against the marked sub-type gain +49 Accuracy. Melee hits also gain a 14.3% chance to stun the marked sub-type for 3 turns with each attack.
Each point in Anatomy reduces the kill experience required to reach 100% effectivess as a Predator. Anatomy
| 24/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Each melee hit gives you a chance to outmaneuver your marked prey, lowering their physical resistance by 18% and reducing their highest statistic by 9. Subject to your effectiveness against the marked prey, there is a 9.0% chance to outmaneuver your marked type and a 22.4% maximum chance to outmaneuver your marked sub-type. The effects last for 10 turns, and can accumulate.
Each point in Outmaneuver reduces the kill experience required to reach 100% effectivess as a Predator. Outmaneuver
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 24.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You learn to mimic the strengths of your prey. Killing a marked sub-type raises your stats to match the strengths of the victim (up to a maximum of 68 total points, subject to your current effectiveness). The effect lasts indefinitely, but only the effects of the lastest kill will be applied.
Each point in Mimic reduces the kill experience required to reach 100% effectivess as a Predator. Mimic
| 24/5 |
Spell / Grave | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: 400% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of cold that moves toward the target and explodes into a chilly circle of death, doing nan cold damage in a radius of 7.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Chill of the Tomb
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 60
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with undead energies. When one of your minions is destroyed while inside your necrotic aura, it has a 90% chance to create a will o' the wisp.
The will o' the wisp will take a random target in sight and home in on it. When it reaches the target, it will explode for nan cold damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Will o' the Wisp
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 5
Cooldown: 22
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Cold Flames slowly spread from 11 spots in a radius of 3 around the targeted location. The flames deal nan cold damage, and have a chance of freezing.
Damage improves with your Spellpower. Cold Flames
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 250
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Vampiric energies fill you; each time you deal damage, you have 51% chance to heal for 26% of the damage done.
The absorption percent will increase with your Spellpower. Vampiric Gift
| 7/5 |
Cursed / Strife | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 4
Range: 2
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Turn your attention to a nearby foe, and dominate them with your overwhelming presence. If the target fails to save versus your Mindpower, it will be unable to move for 6 turns and vulnerable to attacks. They will lose 34 Armour, 50 Defense and your attacks will gain 67% resistance penetration. If the target is adjacent to you, your domination will include a melee attack.
Effects will improve with your Willpower. Dominate
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 4
Range: 6
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: With blinding speed, you suddenly appear next to a target up to 6 spaces away and attack for 112% (at 0 Hate) to 374% (at 100+ Hate) damage. Your sudden appearance catches everyone off-guard, giving you 106 extra Defense for 1 turn.
The Defense boost improves with your Strength. Blindside
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Rather than hide from the onslaught, you face down every threat. While active you have a 39% chance of repelling a melee attack. The recklessness of your defense brings you bad luck (Luck -3).
Cleave, Repel and Surge cannot be active simultaneously, and activating one will place the others in cooldown.
Repel chance increases with your Strength, and when equipped with a shield. Repel
| 32/5 |
Technique / Grappling | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Make a melee attack for 100% damage and then attempt to grapple a target up to one size category larger then yourself for 8 turns. A grappled opponent will be unable to move, take 91 damage each turn, and 32% of the damage you receive from any source will be redirected to them. Any movement from the target or you will break the grapple. Maintaining a grapple drains 6 stamina per turn.
You may only grapple a single target at a time, and using any targeted unarmed talent on a target that you're not grappling will break the grapple. Clinch
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: 4
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Rushes forward and attempts to take the target to the ground, making a melee attack for 0% damage then attempting to grapple them. If you're already grappling the target you'll instead slam them into the ground creating a radius 5 shockwave for 0 physical damage and breaking your grapple.
The grapple effects and duration will be based off your grapple talent, if you have it, and the damage will scale with your Physical Power. Take Down
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Cunning / Called Shots | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Strike your opponent in the knee (or other critical point in an ambulatory appendage) for 201% weapon damage, knocking them down (2 turn pin) and slowing their movement by 51% for 5 turns afterwards.
This shot will bypass other enemies between you and your target.
The slow effect becomes more powerful with your Cunning. Kneecapper
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 35
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Employ a specialized sniping shot at a target.
This shot is focused on precision at long range and deals base 30% ranged damage with a bonus that increases with distance.
The ranged bonus is -50% (penalty) at point blank range, while at your maximum range of 1 it is -50%.
This shot will bypass other enemies between you and your target. Kill Shot
| 0/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Celestial / Eclipse | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 10
Negative energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Increases your light and darkness resistance penetration by 56% for 10 turns, and reduces the cooldown of all Celestial skills by 7.
The resistance penetration will increase with your Cunning. Totality
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 10
Sustain negative energy cost: 10
Range: 6
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: 300% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Each time one of your spells criticals, you project a bolt of light or shadow at up to 6 targets within radius 6, doing nan light damage or nan darkness damage per bolt.
This effect costs 2 positive or 2 negative energy each time it's triggered, and will not activate if either your positive or negative energy is below 2.
The damage scales with your Spellpower. Corona
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain negative energy cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: This powerful spell grants you 78 bonus invisibility, but converts 0 negative energy into positive energy each turn. Once your positive energy exceeds your negative energy, or you deactivate the talent, the effect ends in an explosion of light, converting all of your positive energy into damage and inflicting an additional nan damage to everything in a radius of 10.
As you become invisible, you fade out of phase with reality; all your damage is reduced by 50%.
You may not cast Twilight while this spell is active, and you should take off your light source; otherwise, others will spot you with ease.
The invisibility bonus will increase with your Cunning, and the explosion damage will increase with your Spellpower. Darkest Light
| 32/5 |
Technique / Superiority | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Concentrate on the battle, ignoring some of the damage you take.
Improves physical damage reduction by 47% and provides 29% chances to shrug off critical damage for 20 turns. Juggernaut
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 10
Range: 6
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Take an offensive stance. As you walk through your foes, you knock them all back in an frontal arc (up to 6 grids).
This consumes stamina rapidly (-1 stamina/turn). Onslaught
| 8/5 |
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Put all of your strength into your weapon blows, creating shockwaves that deal 70% Physical weapon damage to all nearby targets. Only one shockwave will be created per action, and the primary target does not take extra damage.
Each shattering impact will drain 8 stamina. Shattering Impact
| 9/5 |
Spell / Wildfire | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A wave of fire emanates from you with a radius of 18, knocking back anything caught inside and setting them ablaze, doing nan fire damage over 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Blastwave
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your Flame, Flameshock, Fireflash, Blastwave, Fire Storm and Smoke Bomb (when spreading flames) spells leave a burning wake on the ground, burning all within for nan fire damage for 4 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Burning Wake
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When your Burning Wake talent is active, your Inferno and Burning Wake effects have a 390% chance, each turn, to remove a status effect (physical, magical, curse or hex) from the targets.
If the target is hostile, it will remove a beneficial effect.
If the target is friendly, it will remove a detrimental effect (but still burn). Cleansing Flames
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with Wildfire, increasing all your fire damage by 78%, ignoring 89% fire resistance of your targets and reducing self-inflicted fire damage by 100%. Wildfire
| 39/5 |
Spell / Enchanted weapons | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Socket a gem into an enchanted weapon, adding extra damage based on the colour and tier of the gem.
The weapon also gets a secondary effect which is specific to each gem type.
You can only work with gems of the same teir or less than your raw talent level in this talent. Enchanted Pommel Gem
| 5/5 |
Spell / Advanced-golemancy | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Insert a pair of gems into your golem, providing it with the gem bonuses and changing its melee attack damage type. You may remove the gems and insert different ones; this does not destroy the gems you remove.
Gem level usable: 5
Gem changing is done in the golem's inventory. Gem Golem
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You activate a special mode of your golem, boosting its regeneration rate by 69.65 life per turn for 7 turns.
If your golem was dead, it is instantly brought back to life with 55% life.
While supercharged, your golem is enraged and deals 25% more damage. Supercharge Golem
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Increases your golem's life, mana and stamina regeneration rates by 5.00.
At level 1, 3 and 5, the golem also gains a new rune slot.
Even without this talent, Golems start with three rune slots. Runic Golem
| 5/5 |
Wild-gift / Eyal's fury | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 7
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You focus the inexorable pull of nature against a single creature, eroding it and allowing it to be reclaimed by the cycle of life.
This deals nan Nature and nan Acid damage to the target, and is particularly devastating against undead and constructs, dealing 25% more damage to them.
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Reclaim
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your devotion to nature has made your body more attuned to the natural world and resistant to unnatural energies.
You gain 29 Spell save, 23.0% Arcane resistance, and 20.0% Nature damage affinity.
You defy arcane forces, so that any time you take damage from a spell, you restore 4.2 Equilibrium each turn for 7 turns.
The effects increase with your Mindpower. Nature's Defiance
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 20
Range: 8
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You call upon the earth to create a blinding, corrosive cloud in an area of radius 4 for 10 turns.
Each turn, this cloud deals nan Acid damage to each foe while (40% chance) burning away one beneficial magical effect.
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Acidfire
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You draw deeply from your connection with nature to create a radius 6 storm of natural forces around you for 8 turns.
This storm moves with you and deals nan Nature damage each turn to all foes it hits.
In addtion, it will drain up to 18 Mana, 9 Vim, 4 Positive, and 4 Negative energy from each enemy within it's area every turn, while you restore Equilibrium equal to 10% of the amount drained.
The damage and drain increase with your Mindpower. Eyal's Wrath
| 5/5 |
Spell / Air | 1.20 |
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.8
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 10
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Invokes a forking beam of lightning doing nan to nan damage and forking to another target.
It can hit up to 9 targets up to 10 grids apart, and will never hit the same one twice; nor will it hit the caster.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Chain Lightning
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.6
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A gentle wind circles around the caster, increasing carrying capacity by 266 and increasing defense against projectiles by 67.
At level 4 it also makes you levitate slightly above the ground, allowing you to ignore some traps.
At level 5 it also grants 131% movement speed and removes 99 fatigue. Feather Wind
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.8
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 100
Range: 6
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures a furious, raging lightning storm with a radius of 6 that follows you as long as this spell is active.
Each turn, a random lightning bolt will hit up to 10 of your foes for 1 to nan damage in a radius of 1.
This powerful spell will drain 13.50 mana with each hit.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Thunderstorm
| 9/5 |
Cunning / Tactical | 1.00 |
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When you avoid a melee blow from an adjacent foe, you have a 86% chance to get a free, automatic attack against the attacker for 157% damage, up to 2.0 times per turn.
Unarmed fighters using it do consider it a strike for the purpose of stance damage bonuses (if they have any), and will have a damage bonus as a result.
Armed fighters get a normal physical attack.
The chance of countering and number of counter attacks increase with your Cunning. Counter Attack
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Increases Defense by 69 for 19 turns. When you avoid a melee blow, you set the target up, increasing the chance of you landing a critical strike on them by 39% and reducing their saving throws by 39.
The effects will scale with your Cunning. Set Up
| 36/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Systematically find the weaknesses in your opponents' physical resists, at the cost of 10% of your physical damage. Each time you hit an opponent with a melee attack, you reduce their physical resistance by 5%, up to a maximum of 80%.
Exploit Weakness
| 36/5 |
Spell / Necrotic minions | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 5
Soul cost: 1
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Fires powerful undead energies through your necrotic aura. For each recent death that happened inside your aura, you will raise an undead minion (up to 6 minions). These minions will be raised within a cone that extends to the edge of your necrotic aura.
The minions level is your level +5.
Each minion has a chance to be (Minion Mastery effects included):
Degenerated skeleton warrior: 0%
Skeleton warrior: 20%
Armoured skeleton warrior: 14%
Skeleton archer: 0%
Skeleton master archer: 9%
Skeleton mage: 12%
Ghoul: 0%
Ghast: 9%
Ghoulking: 9%
Vampire: 2%
Master vampire: 4%
Grave wight: 4%
Barrow wight: 5%
Dread: 6%
Lich: 5% Create Minions
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 45
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A surge of power radiates to all your minions, increasing their Physical Power, Spellpower and Accuracy by 61, their Armour penetration by 50 and their critical hit chance by 24 for 6 turns.
The effects will increase with your Spellpower. Surge of Undeath
| 7/5 |
| 6/5 |
Celestial / Combat | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Infuse your weapon with the power of the Sun, adding nan light damage on each melee hit.
Additionally, if you have a temporary damage shield active, melee attacks will increase its power by 81.
If the same shield is refreshed 20 times it will become unstable and explode, removing it.
The damage dealt and shield bonus will increase with your Spellpower. Weapon of Light
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Positive energy cost: 15
Range: 12
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: In a pure display of power, you project a ranged melee attack, doing 368% weapon damage.
If the target is outside of melee range, you have a chance to project a second attack against it for 334% weapon damage.
The second strike chance (which increases with distance) is 74.9% at range 2 and 94.8% at the maximum range of 12.
The range will increase with your Strength. Wave of Power
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your weapon attacks burn with righteous fury, dealing 83% of your lost HP as additional Fire damage (up to 406, Current: 0).
Targets struck are also afflicted with a Martyrdom effect that causes them to take 28% of all damage they deal for 4 turns. Weapon of Wrath
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain positive energy cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Any attack that would drop you below 1 hit point instead triggers Second Life, deactivating the talent, setting your hit points to 1, then healing you for 795. Second Life
| 6/5 |
Spell / Fire | 1.20 |
Effective talent level: 39.6
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: 10
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: 2000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of fire, setting the target ablaze and doing nan fire damage over 3 turns.
At level 5, it will create a beam of flames.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Flame
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.4
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 18
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a cone of flame with radius 9. Any targets caught in the area will suffer Burning Shock, stunning them and dealing nan fire damage over 8 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Flameshock
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.6
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 40
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: 400% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of fire that moves toward the target and explodes into a flash of fire, doing nan fire damage in a radius of 17.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Fireflash
| 33/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.6
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 100
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Raging flames burn foes and allies alike, doing nan fire damage in a radius of 5 each turn for 23 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Inferno
| 33/5 |
Technique / Pugilism | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Deliver two quick punches that deal 88% damage each, and switch your stance to Striking Stance. If you already have Striking Stance active and Double Strike isn't on cooldown, this talent will automatically replace your normal attacks (and trigger the cooldown).
If either jab connects, you earn one combo point. At talent level 4 or greater, if both jabs connect, you'll earn two combo points. Double Strike
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Attack your foes in a frontal arc with a spinning backhand, doing 183% damage. If you're not adjacent to the target, you'll step forward as you spin, gaining up to 56% bonus damage, which increases the farther you move.
This attack will remove any grapples you're maintaining, and earn one combo point (or one combo point per attack that connects, if the talent level is 4 or greater). Spinning Backhand
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Deliver a devastating axe kick dealing 222% damage. If the blow connects your target is brain damaged, causing all talents to fail for 4 turns and earning 2 combo points.
This effect cannot be saved against, though it can be dodged and checks confusion immunity. Axe Kick
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 16
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Lashes out at the target with three quick punches that each deal 113% damage.
Earns one combo point. If your talent level is 4 or greater, this instead earns one combo point per blow that connects. Flurry of Fists
| 7/5 |
Technique / Unarmed discipline | 1.00 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When you avoid a melee blow while unarmed, you have a 55% chance to throw the target to the ground. If the throw lands, the target will take nan damage and be dazed for 2 turns, or nan damage and be stunned for 2 turns if the target is grappled. You may attempt up to 2.3 throws per turn.
The chance of throwing increases with your Accuracy, the damage scales with your Physical Power, and the number of attempts with your Strength and Dexterity. Defensive Throw
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 18
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Attack your foes in a frontal arc with a roundhouse kick, which deals nan physical damage and knocks your foes back.
This will break any grapples you're maintaining, and the damage will scale with your Physical Power. Roundhouse Kick
| 7/5 |
Cunning / Trapping | 1.00 |
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15
Range: 11
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Project a noisy lure for 9 turns that attracts all creatures in a radius 8 to it.
At level 5, when the lure is destroyed, it will trigger some traps in a radius of 2 around it (check individual traps to see if they are triggered).
Use of this talent will not break stealth. Lure
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 36.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: 1000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Throws a vial of sticky smoke that explodes in radius 8 on your foes, reducing their vision range by 18 for 5 turns.
Creatures affected by smoke bomb can never prevent you from stealthing, even if their proximity would normally forbid it.
Use of this will not break stealth. Sticky Smoke
| 36/5 |
| 8/5 |
Wild-gift / Storm drake aspect | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 26
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You transform into pure lightning, moving 865% faster for 4 game turns.
Also provides 30% physical damage resistance and 100% lightning resistance.
Any actions other than moving will stop this effect.
Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly.
Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%. Lightning Speed
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 14
Range: 9
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: 200% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Summons a tornado that moves slowly toward its target, following it if it changes position.
Any foe caught in its path takes nan lightning damage.
When it reaches its target, it explodes in a radius of 1 for nan lightning damage and nan physical damage. All affected creatures will be knocked back, and the targeted creature will be stunned for 4 turns.
The tornado will last for 9 turns, or until it reaches its target.
Damage will increase with your Mindpower.
Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%. Tornado
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You breathe lightning in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take nan to nan lightning damage, and can be dazed for 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%. Lightning Breath
| 6/5 |
Cunning / Shadow magic | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 40
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You draw energy from the depths of the shadows.
While sustained, you regenerate 1.70 mana per turn, and your physical and spell attack speed increases by 16.3%. Shadow Feed
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 30
Range: 11
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Step through the shadows to your target, dazing it for 5 turns and hitting it with all your weapons for 284% darkness weapon damage.
Dazed targets are significantly impaired, but any damage will free them.
To Shadowstep, you need to be able to see the target. Shadowstep
| 8/5 |
Spell / Explosive admixtures | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Grants 100% protection to you, your golem and other friendly creatures against the elemental damage of your own bombs, and against external elemental damage (fire, cold, lightning and acid) by 21%.
At talent level 5 it also protects against all side effects of your bombs. Alchemist Protection
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 32
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Crush together two alchemist gems, making them extremely unstable.
You then throw them to a target area, where they explode on impact, dealing nan physical damage and knocking back any creatures in the blast radius.
Each kind of gem will also provide a specific effect. At twice the normal power.
The damage will improve with better gems and with your Spellpower. Shockwave Bomb
| 7/5 |
Technique / Combat techniques | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 51.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 22
Range: 25
Cooldown: -3
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Rushes toward your target with incredible speed. If the target is reached, you get a free attack doing 120% weapon damage.
If the attack hits, the target is dazed for 3 turns.
You must rush from at least 2 tiles away. Rush
| 51/5 |
Effective talent level: 51.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You focus your strikes, reducing your attack speed by 10% and increasing your Accuracy by 88 and critical chance by 61%.
The effects will increase with your Dexterity. Precise Strikes
| 51/5 |
Effective talent level: 13.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 10
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You have learned to focus your blows to hit your target, granting +190 accuracy and allowing you to attack creatures you cannot see without penalty for the next 10 turns. Perfect Strike
| 13/5 |
Effective talent level: 51.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 55
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Through rigorous training, you have learned to focus your actions for a short while, increasing your speed by 253% for 5 turns. Blinding Speed
| 51/5 |
Spell / Necrosis | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: The line between life and death blurs for you; you can only die when you reach -536 life.
However, when below 0 HP, you cannot see how much life you have left. Blurred Mortality
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 70
Range: 7
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your target's doom draws near. Its healing factor is reduced by 100%, and will take 126% of its remaining life (or 1204.49, whichever is lower) over 10 turns as arcane damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Impending Doom
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 35
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Absorb up to 73% of the maximum life of each of your necrotic minions (even negative life, possibly destroying them). This will heal you for the greatest amount absorbed.
The healing will increase with your Spellpower. Undeath Link
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 150
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: This is your true goal and the purpose of all necromancy - to become a powerful and everliving Lich!
If you are killed while this spell is active, the arcane forces you unleash will be able to rebuild your body into the desired Lichform.
All liches gain the following intrinsics:
- Poison, cut, and fear immunity.
- 50% disease and stun resistance.
- 20% cold and darkness resistance.
- No need to breathe.
- Infusions do not work.
At level 1: -3 to all stats, -10% to all resistances. Such meagre devotion!
At level 2: Nothing.
At level 3: +3 Magic and Willpower, +1 life rating (not retroactive).
At level 4: +3 Magic and Willpower, +2 life rating (not retroactive), +10 spell and mental saves, Celestial/Star Fury category (0.7) and 0.1 negative energies regeneration.
At level 5: +5 Magic and Willpower, +2 life rating (not retroactive), +10 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 10%, Celestial/Star Fury category (0.9) and 0.5 negative energy regeneration.
At level 6: +6 Magic, Willpower and Cunning, +3 life rating (not retroactive), +15 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 15%, Celestial/Star Fury category (1.1) and 1.0 negative energy regeneration. Fear my power!
The undead cannot use this talent.
While active, it will drain 4 mana per turn.
Once you die and turn into a Lich you can not invest any more in this talent. Lichform
| 0/5 |
Chronomancy / Spacetime Folding | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain paradox cost: 75.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Folds a single dimension of your weapons (or ammo) upon itself, adding nan temporal damage to your strikes (nan for ammo) and reducing your Paradox by 3.3 every time you land an attack (6.6 for ammo).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Weapon Folding
| 7/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain paradox cost: 125.0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Space bends around you, giving you a 34% chance to displace half of any damage you receive onto a random enemy within a radius of 12.
Displace Damage
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Paradox cost: 10.0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Violently fold the space between yourself and another point within range. You move to the target location, and leave a temporal wake behind that stuns for 4 turns and inflicts nan temporal damage to everything in the path.
The damage will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower, and the range will increase with the talent level. Temporal Wake
| 32/5 |
Cunning / TechPaladin | 1.20 |
| 1/1 |
| 1/1 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Technique / Skirmisher - Slings | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: While activated, your basic Shot talent now fires 3 sling bullets, each dealing 65% Ranged damage, at a cost of 25 Stamina per attack. Bombardment
| 6/5 |
Spell / Ice | 1.00 |
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Blast a wave of cold all around you with a radius of 18, doing nan cold damage and freezing creatures to the ground for 4 turns.
Affected creatures can still act, but cannot move.
For each affected creature that is also wet the cooldown of Shatter decreases by 2.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Frozen Ground
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Shatter all frozen or stoned targets in your line of sight, doing nan cold damage.
Depending on the target's rank, there will also be an additional effect:
* Critters will be instantly killed
* +50% critical chance against Normal rank
* +25% critical chance against Elites or Bosses
All affected foes will get the wet effect.
At most, it will affect 12 foes.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Shatter
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with Uttercold, increasing all your cold damage by 78% and ignoring 89% cold resistance of your targets
In addition you pierce through iceblocks easily, reducing damage absorbed from your attacks by iceblocks by 100%. Uttercold
| 39/5 |
Spell / Acid alchemy | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: When you throw your alchemist bombs, you infuse them with explosive acid that can blind.
In addition all acid damage you do is increased by 32%. Acid Infusion
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: While Acid Infusion is active, your bombs coat your golem in acid for 12 turns when they hit it.
While coated, any melee hit agaist your golem has a 67% chance to trigger a radius 4 cone of acid towards the attacker that does 122.6 Acid damage to all caught inside. (This can only happen once per turn.)
The effects increase with your talent level and with the Spellpower and damage modifiers of your golem. Caustic Golem
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 7
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A radius 3 pool of acid spawns at the target location, doing nan Acid damage each turn for 11 turns.
All creatures caught in the mire will also suffer a 49% slowness effect.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Caustic Mire
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 45
Range: 10
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Acid errupts all around your target, dealing nan acid damage.
The acid attack is extremely distracting, and may remove up to 3 physical or mental temporary effects or mental sustains (depending on the Spell Save of the target).
The damage and chance to remove effects will increase with your Spellpower. Dissolving Acid
| 6/5 |
Cursed / Shadows | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Hate cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: While this ability is active, you will continually call up to 3 level 42 shadows to aid you in battle. Each shadow costs 6 hate to summon. Shadows are weak combatants that can: Use Arcane Reconstruction to heal themselves (level 7), Blindside their opponents (level 7), and Phase Door from place to place. Call Shadows
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Instill hate in your shadows, strengthening their attacks. They gain 44% extra Accuracy and 68% extra damage. The fury of their attacks gives them the ability to try to Dominate their foes, increasing all damage taken by that foe for 4 turns (level 6, 17% chance at range 1). They also gain the ability to Fade when hit, avoiding all damage until their next turn (3 turn cooldown). Shadow Warriors
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Infuse magic into your shadows to give them fearsome spells. Your shadows receive a bonus of 0 to their Spellpower.
Your shadows can strike adjacent foes with Lightning (level 0, 0% chance at range 1).
At level 3 your shadows can sear their enemies from a distance with Flames (level 0, 0% chance at range 2 to 6).
At level 5 when your shadows are struck down they will attempt to Reform, becoming whole again (50% chance). Shadow Mages
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 0
Range: 6
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focus your shadows on a single target. Friendly targets will be defended for 9 turns. Hostile targets will be attacked, with a 76% chance the shadows will blindside the target.
This talent has no cost. Focus Shadows
| 4/5 |
Technique / Tireless Combatant | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Any time you do not have an opponent in a square adjacent to you, you gain 8.3 Stamina regeneration. With the third talent point, you also gain an equal amount of life regen when Breathing Room is active. Breathing Room
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Control your movements to conserve your energy. While this talent is activated, you are globally slowed by 5.0%, and your fatigue is decreased by 30% (to a minimum of 0%). Pace Yourself
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When the going gets tough, you get tougher. You gain 2.1 Stamina regen per enemy in sight, and beginning with the third talent point, you also gain 7.0 life regen per enemy. The bonuses cap at 4 enemies. Dauntless Challenger
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: For each turn you spend stamina, you gain 3.1% resist all and 0.7% all resistances cap for 3 turns. The buff stacks up to 5 times, and each new application refreshes the duration.
Additionally, at the fifth talent point, Breathing Room and Dauntless Challenger are 20% more effective. The Eternal Warrior
| 7/5 |
Technique / Berserker's strength | 1.00 |
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You enter an aggressive battle rage, increasing Accuracy by 5 and Physical Power by 5 and making you nearly unstoppable, granting 1% stun and pinning resistance.
Sustaining this rage takes its toll on your body, decreasing your life by 2% each turn, but for every 1% of life missing you gain 0.5% critical hit chance.
Even when sustained, this talent is only active when foes are in sight.
The Accuracy bonus increases with your Dexterity, and the Physical Power bonus with your Strength. Berserker Rage
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Hits the target with your weapon, doing 151% damage. If the attack hits, the target's armour and saves are reduced by 33 for 10 turns.
Also if the target is protected by a temporary damage shield there is 89% chance to shatter it.
Armor reduction chance increases with your Physical Power. Shattering Blow
| 7/5 |
| 7/5 |
Spell / Illusion | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: 10
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Disrupt the target's mind, doing nan mental damage and brainlocking them for 41 turns.
This attack uses Spellpower instead of Mindpower for the save against the damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Mind Spike
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Wrap the target's mind in a delusion, making them think you are their friend for 7 turns.
If you damage the target it will be free from the delusion. Charm
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 60
Range: 8
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Cast a chaotic ray of light that bounces and hits up to 42 enemies, up to 6 grids apart.
They will be hurt for nan light damage and be confused (96 power) for 39 turns.
The damage and confusion strength will increase with your Spellpower. Prismatic Chaos
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 23
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: The caster is surrounded by a modified phantasmal shield. If hit by a projectile weapon or a spell, the shield will deal 0 light damage to the attacker.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Phantasmal Mirror
| 10/5 |
Spell / Enhancement | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 11.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Engulfs your hands (and weapons) in a sheath of fire, dealing nan fire damage per melee attack and increasing all fire damage dealt by 16%.
Each hit will also regenerate 3.67 stamina.
The effects will increase with your Spellpower. Fiery Hands
| 11/5 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 45
Range: 10
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Hardens your skin with the power of earth, reducing physical damage taken by 68% for 10 turns.
Damage reduction will increase with your Spellpower. Earthen Barrier
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 9.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 40
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Engulfs your hands (and weapons) in a sheath of lightning, dealing 0 lightning damage with a chance to daze (25%) per melee attack and increasing all lightning damage dealt by 15%.
Each hit will also regenerate 3.00 mana.
The effects will increase with your Spellpower. Shock Hands
| 9/5 |
| 9/5 |
Wild-gift / Mucus | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: For 7 turns, you lay down mucus where you walk or stand.
The mucus is placed automatically every turn and lasts 7 turns.
At talent level 4 or greater, the mucus will expand to a radius 1 area from where it is placed.
Your mucus will poison all foes crossing it, dealing nan nature damage every turn for 5 turns (stacking).
In addition, each turn, you will restore 4.6 Equilibrium while in your own mucus, and other friendly creatures in your mucus will restore 1 Equilibrium both for you and for themselves.
The Poison damage and Equilibrium regeneration increase with your Mindpower, and laying down more mucus in the same spot will intensify its effects and refresh its duration. Mucus
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 7
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Calling upon nature, you cause the ground to erupt in an radius 2 acidic explosion, dealing nan acid damage to all creatures and creating mucus in the area.
Any Mucus Oozes you have active will, if in line of sight, instantly spit slime (at reduced power) at one of the targets hit by the splash.
The damage increases with your Mindpower. Acid Splash
| 4/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Your mucus is brought to near sentience.
Each turn, there is a 31% chance that a random spot of your mucus will spawn a Mucus Ooze.
Mucus Oozes last 10 turns and will attack any of your foes by spitting slime at them.
You may have up to 4 Mucus Oozes active at any time (based on your Cunning).
Any time you deal a mental critical, the remaining time on all of your Mucus Oozes will increase by 2.
The spawn chance increases with your Mindpower. Living Mucus
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You temporarily merge with your mucus, cleansing yourself of 4 physical or magical effects.
You can then reemerge on any tile within sight and range that is also covered by mucus.
This is quick, requiring only 34% of a turn to perform, but you must be in contact with your mucus. Oozewalk
| 6/5 |
Technique / Magical combat | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 11.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Allows you to use a melee weapon to focus your spells, granting a 79% chance per melee attack to deliver a Flame, Lightning or Earthen Missiles spell as a free action on the target.
When using a shield the chance is reduced by one fourth.
When dual wielding or using a shield the chance is halved for each weapon.
Delivering the spell this way will not trigger a spell cooldown, but only works if the spell is not cooling down.
The chance increases with your Cunning. Arcane Combat
| 11/5 |
| 8/5 |
| 9/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Raw magical damage channels through the caster's weapon, increasing Physical Power by 71.
Each time your crit with a melee blow, you will unleash a radius 2 ball of either fire, lightning or arcane damage, doing 143.09.
The bonus scales with your Spellpower.
If you are using a shield this will only occur 75% of the time.
If you are dual wielding this will only occur 50% of the time.
Arcane Destruction
| 8/5 |
Spell / Animus | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Soul cost: 1
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Crush and consume one of your captured souls, healing your for 573 life and restoring 191 mana.
The life and mana healed will increase with your Spellpower. Consume Soul
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Your hunger for souls grows ever more. When you kill a creature you rip away its animus with great force, granting you 103% chances to gain one more soul.
In addition you are able to store 9 more souls. Animus Hoarder
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Soul cost: 4
Range: 6
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: 2000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Try to crush the soul of your foe, doing nan darkness damage (that can never kill the target).
If the target is left with less than 3% life you try to take control of its body.
Should this succeed the target becomes your permanent minion (unaffected by your aura) and you regain 2 souls.
Husks prossess the same abilities as they had in life (affected by Dark Empathy), are healed to full when created but can never heal or be healed by any means.
Only one husk can be controlled at any time, if this spell is cast again it will dispell the previous husk, even if no new one is created.
Bosses, other undeads and summoned creatures can not be turned into husks.
The damage and chance will increase with your Spellpower. Animus Purge
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Soul cost: 2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Crush and consume two souls to empower your next 5 spells, granting them a special effect.
Affected spells are:
- Undeath Link: in addition to the heal a shield is created for half the heal power
- Create Minions: allows you to summon 2 more minions
- Assemble: allows you to summon a second bone golem
- Invoke Darkness: becomes a cone of darkness
- Shadow Tunnel: teleported minions will also be healed for 30% of their max life
- Cold Flames: freeze chance increased to 100%
- Ice Shards: each shard becomes a beam
- Consume Soul: effect increased by 50% Essence of the Dead
| 6/5 |
Spell / Elementalism | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: One doesn't survive channelling the elements long, if one doesn't learn to protect themselves.
Increases fire, cold, lightning and physical resistance by 18 and their resistance cap by 6. Endure Elements
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself in shield of elemental power for 10 turns. Any physical, fire, cold or lightning damage you take is reduced by 210.
The max damage the shield can absorb will increase with your Spellpower. Elemental Shield
| 32/5 |
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 70
Range: 5
Cooldown: 35
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Binds an elemental into your control, giving you full control over its actions for 10 turns.
When the effect ends the elemental will be banished.
Instakill immunity will block Bind Elemental.
The duration and chance to bind will increase with your Willpower.
Each point in Bind Elemental will also increase your elemental damage penetration by 4%. Bind Elemental
| 5/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (utility) | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 2
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Turtle for 12 turns to distract your foes. Turtles are resilient, but not very powerful. However, they will periodically force any foes to attack them, and can protect themselves with their shell.
It will get 128 Constitution, 20 Dexterity and 18 willpower.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Constitution will increase with your Mindpower. Turtle
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 6.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 5
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power, a nature gift and a summon power
Description: Summon a Spider for 12 turns to harass your foes. Spiders can poison your foes and throw webs to pin them to the ground.
It will get 128 Dexterity, 22 Strength, 18 Willpower and 21 Constitution.
Your summons inherit some of your stats: increased damage%, stun/pin/confusion/blindness resistance, armour penetration.
Their Dexterity will increase with your Mindpower. Spider
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: You focus yourself on nature, allowing you to summon creatures much faster (25% of a normal summon time) and with no chance to fail from high equilibrium for 5 turns.
When activating this power, a random summoning talent will come off cooldown.
Each time you summon, the duration of the frantic summoning effect will reduce by 1. Frantic Summoning
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Allows you to take direct control of any of your summons.
The summons will appear on the interface; a simple click on them will let you switch control.
You can also press control+tab to switch.
When taking control, your summon has its lifetime increased by 17 turns, and it takes 29% less damage.
The damage reduction is based on your Cunning. Summon Control
| 5/5 |
Spell / Aether | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 20
Range: 6
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: You focus the aether into a spinning beam of arcane energies, doing nan arcane damage and having 25% chance to silence the creatures it pierces.
The beam will also damage its epicenter each turn for 10% of the damage (but it will not silence).
The beam spins with incredible speed (1600%).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Aether Beam
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 7
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Rupture reality to temporarily open a passage to the aether, triggering 9 random arcane explosions in the target area.
Each explosion does nan arcane damage in radius 2, and will each trigger at one turn intervals.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Aether Breach
| 46/5 |
Effective talent level: 46.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 60
Range: 10
Cooldown: 17
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: Fill yourself with aether forces, completely surrounding your body for 13 turns.
While active, you can only cast arcane or aether spells, your cooldown for them is divided by 3, your arcane damage is increased by 25%, your Disruption Shield can be used at any time, and your maximum mana is increased by 33%. Aether Avatar
| 46/5 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Surround yourself with Pure Aether, increasing all your arcane damage by 14% and ignoring 58% arcane resistance of your targets.
At level 5 it allows Aegis, Force and Restoration spells to be used while in Aether Avatar form. Pure Aether
| 7/5 |
Spell / Water | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 12
Range: 8
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Glacial fumes rise from the ground, doing nan cold damage in a radius of 3 each turn for 9 turns.
Creatures that are wet will take 30% more damage and have 15% chance to get frozen.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Glacial Vapour
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 14
Range: 10
Cooldown: 17
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Condenses ambient water on a target, freezing it for 19 turns and damaging it for nan.
If this is used on a friendly target the cooldown is halved.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Freeze
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: A wall of water rushes out from the caster with an initial radius of 1, increasing 1 per turn to a maximum eventual radius of 4, doing nan cold damage and nan physical damage to all inside, as well as knocking back targets each turn.
The tidal wave lasts for 7 turns.
All creatures hit gain the wet effect which reduces their stun/freeze resistance by half of their value and interracts with other cold spells.
The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower. Tidal Wave
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 25
Range: 10
Cooldown: 20
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: You absorb latent cold around you, turning into an ice elemental - a shivgoroth - for 14 turns.
While transformed, you do not need to breathe, gain access to the Ice Storm talent at level 10, gain 100% resistance to cuts and stuns, gain 50% cold resistance, and all cold damage heals you for 150% of the damage done.
The power will increase with your Spellpower. Shivgoroth Form
| 10/5 |
Corruption / Doom covenant | 1.00 |
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
| 32/5 |
Effective talent level: 32.0
Use mode: Activated
Vim cost: 8
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: When Dread End creates pools of darkness you can focus your raging thoughts on them to make them erupt into volcanos.
Up to 8 pools in radius 7 will erupt, producing a volcano for 5 turns.
Each turn the volcano will send out fiery boulders that deal nan fire and nan physical damage.
The effects will improve with your Spellpower. Erupting Darkness
| 32/5 |
Wild-gift / Summoning (augmentation) | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 10
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Destroys one of your summons, making it detonate in radius of 8.
- Ritch Flamespitter: Explodes into a fireball
- Hydra: Explodes into a ball of lightning, acid or poison
- Rimebark: Explodes into an iceball
- Fire Drake: Generates a cloud of fire
- War Hound: Explodes into a ball of physical damage
- Jelly: Explodes into a ball of slowing slime
- Minotaur: Explodes into a sharp ball, cutting all creatures
- Stone Golem: Knocks back all creatures
- Turtle: Grants a small shell shield to all friendly creatures
- Spider: Pins all foes around
In addition, a random summon will come off cooldown.
Hostile effects will not hit you or your other summons.
The effects improve with your Willpower. Detonate
| 5/5 |
| 6/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Equilibrium cost: 5
Range: 10
Cooldown: 25
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power and a nature gift
Description: Switches places with one of your summons. This disorients your foes, granting both you and your summon 50% evasion for 6 turns. Phase Summon
| 5/5 |
Spell / Stone | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 10.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: 2000% of base
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Conjures 3 missile shaped rocks that you target individually at any target or targets in range. Each missile deals nan physical damage, and an additional nan bleeding damage every turn for 5 turns.
At talent level 5, you can conjure one additional missile.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Earthen Missiles
| 10/5 |
Effective talent level: 8.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 70
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a spell
Description: You root yourself into the earth, and transform your flesh into stone. While this spell is sustained, you may not move, and any forced movement will end the effect.
Your stone form and your affinity with the earth while the spell is active has the following effects:
* Reduces the cooldown of Earthen Missiles, Pulverizing Auger, Earthquake, and Mudslide by 40%.
* Grants 86% Fire Resistance, 53% Lightning Resistance, 20% Acid Resistance, and 80% Stun Resistance.
Resistances scale with your Spellpower. Body of Stone
| 8/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Activated
Mana cost: 50
Range: 10
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Causes a violent earthquake that deals nan physical damage in a radius of 10 each turn for 20 turns, and has a 25% chance of stunning any creature it affects.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Earthquake
| 39/5 |
Effective talent level: 39.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain mana cost: 50
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a spell
Description: Concentrate on maintaining a Crystalline Focus, increasing all your physical damage by 78% and ignoring 89% physical resistance of your targets.
Also any time you hit an enemy with a single physical damage hit over 100, you have a 195% chance of disarming them for 6 turns. Crystalline Focus
| 39/5 |
Cursed / Force of will | 1.00 |
Effective talent level: 7.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 5
Range: 3
Cooldown: 5
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Focusing your hate, you strike your foe with unseen force for 0 damage and 2 knockback.
In addition, your ability to channel force with this talent increases all critical damage by 19% (currently: 161%)
Damage increases with your Mindpower. Willful Strike
| 7/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Is: a mind power
Description: Create a barrier that siphons hate from you at the rate of 0.2 a turn. The barrier will deflect 50% of incoming damage with the force of your will, up to 141 damage. The barrier charges at a rate of 1/35th of its maximum charge per turn.
In addition, your ability to channel force with this talent increases all critical damage by 15% (currently: 161%)
The maximum damage deflected increases with your Mindpower. Deflection
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 5.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 12
Range: 4
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: You rage coalesces at a single point, and then explodes outward, blasting enemies within a radius of 3 in all directions. The blast causes 0 damage and 2 knockback at the center, that decreases with distance. Anyone caught in the explosion will also be dazed for 3 turns.
In addition, your ability to channel force with this talent increases all critical damage by 15% (currently: 161%)
Damage increases with your Mindpower. Blast
| 5/5 |
Effective talent level: 4.0
Use mode: Activated
Hate cost: 18
Range: 4
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Is: a mind power
Description: Your fury becomes an unseen force that randomly lashes out at foes around you. For 9 turns you strike 1 (0% chance for 2) nearby target(s) within range 5 doing 0 damage and 2 knockback. The number of extra strikes increases at higher talent levels.
In addition, your ability to channel force with this talent increases all critical damage by 13% (currently: 161%)
Damage increases with your Mindpower. Unseen Force
| 4/5 |