mr frog

Mr Frog VFX Pack Lite

Short Name: 

Replaces a number of visual effects with (hopefully) nicer versions. Shader support recommended. Overwrites some talent code in a minimally-invasive manner.
Edit: Replaced some with false to force skip shader effects glitching on my device, I have to upload to play it in a online game. Bugging shaders are haze_aura, haze_vortex and radiant_aura. Sadly, I'm a noob for fixing shader issues myself :(

Diagonal Digging Denied

Short Name: 

Makes digging diagonal/checkerboard tunnels impossible through most means.
If a tile is dug out, and there is an open tile diagonal to it that can ONLY be accessed diagonally, one of the two orthogonal walls shared by the tiles in question will automatically also be dug out if possible.
This will make it more difficult to force 1v1 encounters with enemies by digging checkerboard tunnels to minimise field of view.

Should be compatible with most addons, but may not affect digging methods introduced in said addons.

Mr Frog VFX Pack

Short Name: 

Replaces a number of visual effects with (hopefully) nicer versions. Shader support recommended. Overwrites some talent code in a minimally-invasive manner.

Demonologist: ReSeeded

Short Name: 

A full redesign of the Demonologist class, featuring rewritten flavour text, enhanced QoL, some enhanced visuals, and many, many balance and design changes to talents intended to reduce tedium and enhance gameplay diversity while holding true to Demonologist's core gameplay as a heavily-armored melee/caster hybrid.
(Note that this addon requires Ashes of Urh'rok to be both installed and active to work, and will fail to load otherwise.)

Features include:

An entirely new talent tree: Bloodbinding, replacing Combat Techniques and Combat Veteran. Lay down hexing circles to strip foes' strength and restore your stamina, and go for their throats with a deadly gap closer that strikes without fail!

No more tedious sustain management: Osmosis Shield, Rain of Fire, and similar talents have all been reworked so that they only drain your Vim when they directly take effect, preserving their functionality while removing the need to manually toggle them off and on to conserve your limited reserves of Vim!

Enhanced demon seed management: Demon seeds are now automatically replaced when you acquire a new seed of the same type but greater level, and cleaning all the outdated seeds from your inventory is as quick and easy as pushing a button! Seed descriptions are now more verbose, giving a short explanation of what equipped talents actually do!

Rebalanced and redesigned talents: Every single one of Demonologist's unique trees and talents has been given a revamp to improve midfight utility, reduce tedious prebuffing, streamline awkward mechanics, focus their damage output, and provide more sensible scaling that rewards investment in specific aspects of the class! Poor talents have been buffed, broken talents fixed, and centralisation has been moved away from just a few extremely strong skills to a wide array of potential build options, all while preserving the class's core ethos as a spellslinging melee fighter that refuses to die no matter how much punishment it takes!

Massively redesigned demon seeds: Ring seed effects are much more diverse, and all other seeds have been rebalanced as well, with improved or all-new effects on the vast majority of seeds. Demon seed talents have been given the same balance and design pass as those of the core class, giving enhanced functionality while maintaining the same wild variety of diabolical techniques to respin the class's basic gameplay!

And many more! A (mostly) comprehensive list of changes from basegame can be perused in basegame_changes.txt within the .team file.

Truth has many facets, adventurer. Those who walk in darkness can see the light all the more starkly.

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