
Non-Orcs Start in Yeti Caves

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Arranges for characters in the Embers of Rage campaign from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) that would normally start in Vaporous Emporium (currently Yetis and Whitehooves) to start instead in Yeti Caves.

Tier 5 starting weapons

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Start with tier 5 weapons (no egos)

Following classes are not affected by this addon:

- Ashes of Urh'Rok classes and Stone warden

- other addon classes

- adventurer

Note: stat requirements are not removed. You may need 'QuickTome: Remove Stat Requirements' to equip tier 5 weapons.

Adventurer Starting Items

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A simple addon that adds a few items to your starting Inventory as an Adventurer:

An Iron Shield.
An Iron Greatsword.
A random tier 1 gem.
A pair of Rough Leather Gloves.

If you have Peppersauce's Misc Objects Addon installed, you will also get:

2 Whips.
A Rapier.
A Shortstaff.

It will, however, work without it.

You will, also, acquire a flat bonus of 25 to your encumbrance.
This is to stop yourself from being encumbered at the start.

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