
Tales of Maj'Eyal beta26b aka "Nature's Grace Oups!"

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta26b ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Important bugfix when going into the sandworm lair using shockbolt tiles
  • Savefiles from beta26 are compatible

Expanded changelist:

  • Fix a bug in the sandworm lair when using shockbolt tiles
  • Added some missing tiles to objects
  • Fix tactical AI trying to shoot through walls

Have fun!

Tales of Maj'Eyal beta26 aka "Nature's Grace"

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta26 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many bugfixes
  • Balances tweaks
  • New generic tree: Harmony
  • New rogue class tree: Poisons
  • Overhaul of loss of control effects: stun & freeze, to be much more interresting
  • A huge amount of new NPC tiles
  • Random zones
  • Random bosses
  • Better UI
  • More Sher'Tul Fortress functions

Expanded changelist:

  • Trollmire treasure quest will successfully complete
  • Optimized the savefile code to not save base and computed entities lists as they can be reconstructed from data files, making savefiles quite smaller
  • The hidden trollmire level now has a correct entrance spot
  • NPCs now do not regen when coming back to a level
  • Objects now do not regen when coming back to a level
  • The Shertul Fortress gains a new function: the exploratory farportal; a new subquest will trigger when it reaches enough energy
  • New shertul fortress function: rod of recall attunment
  • Random artifacts are now made up of 3 egos (instead of 2) + some random properties
  • Fixed the Emancipation achievement
  • New achievement: "Take you with me"
  • Achievement popup now displays an icon associated to the achievement
  • Achievement list now can list all achievements, even those not done yet (not all are fully readable however)
  • Achievement list can now show progress for certain achievements (like Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Reaver, ...)
  • The endgame artifact now has a neat particle effect attached
  • Equilibrium wont reset to 0 on levelup (it will respect sustains)
  • Fix a rare particles crash
  • Coming back from the Eidolon or Demon plane will not make many turns pass for actors
  • Random parties of (hostile) adventurers can be met on the worldmap
  • Tons of new tiles!
  • Strike and Dig have switch places
  • Strike now deals more damage
  • Creatures that levitate can not be pinned
  • Fix a bug when reloading while an archery projectile is in flight
  • Overhauled Frozen effect: You now get to act every turns but can not teleport, heal or move. The ice now has HP which can be damaged to make it go away. All your attacks can only damage the ice (not creatures) and creature attacks damage you for half their value and the ice for half
  • AI will not target/stop attacking invulnerable creatures (like those affected by Time Prison)
  • Update charsheet dialog to show more info
  • Stunned effect overhauled, you do not lose control anymore, instead damage is reduced by 70%, movement speed by 50%, a few random talents are put on cooldown and talent cooldowns do not decrease while stunned
  • Freeze spell duration now increases with talent level
  • Buttons will provide a visual feedback when clicked
  • Update dialog title works again(new method updateTitle)
  • Dialogs will try to not go over game window size
  • Moves tooltip window if it obscures view
  • Drop dialog now not closes after each drop
  • Emotes are now displayed over fog of war
  • Skeletons talents have been improved; Sharp Bones have been replaced with Resilient Bones
  • Big new lore, detailing the various races. Look for the first pages in Last Hope and find the rest
  • Silence wont prevent sustained talents desactivation
  • Burning Hex wont trigger when de-activating sustains
  • Fixed the Storming the City quest: gwelgoroths will have the correct level now
  • Scintillating Caves and Rhaloren Camp wont give the shaloren starting quest if you do not have it (cosmetic change)
  • Soul Rot now has correct requirements
  • The Eidolon can now send you back to the worldmap is desired (and if possible)
  • Improves Retch and switched places in the tree
  • Paradox Clone now can regulate his paradox levels
  • Ambushes work even while standing on zone entrance
  • Fixed a rare bug when patrols chase players on the worldmap
  • Harno the messanger should correctly pop even if Golbug is killed on the Demon Plane
  • Negative HP creatures should correctly die
  • Can not try to use an orb a second time on a portal in the endgame
  • Limmir will always make sure to provide a gem on his own when making an amulet
  • Rune of the Rift/Time Skip will not heal the target to full
  • If an alchemist player is cloned, the golem will be faction aligned with the clone
  • New method font:draw(string, max_size, r, g, b) that is the same as TString:makeTextureLines() & countLines() combined, but it works on plain strings and it is *fast*
  • Log & Flying texts now have a small shadow to outline the texts
  • Added very slight shadow to most UI texts, making them more readable
  • Modules can enable text shadows on the UI by doing: require("engine.ui.Base"):setTextShadow(0.6)
  • New "Building" map generator
  • New poem in the heart of the gloom
  • Base vision radius of NPCs reduced to 10, like the player
  • Thaloren-Tree Longbow range correctly set to 10 instead of 18
  • Life regeneration effects now disable other regen talents while active, to prevent wasting them
  • Vor, Gorbat and Rak'Shor prides have been upgraded, they now feature entrance doors, guards, random elites & bosses
  • Objects that randomly fire a talent on hit wont check ressource or cooldowns
  • Bloodcaller, the reward from the ring of blood, is not an arcane artifact anymore
  • Adventure mode deaths will only be reported once the last life is expanded
  • Equilibrium & Paradox bars on the left pane fill with failure chance instead of a meaningless log
  • New achievement: Huge Appetite
  • Eldoral Last Resort range fixed
  • Fixed Hurricane description
  • Level 5 Arcane Eye should work even while blinded
  • Blodo Spray correctly handles its disease chance
  • Hate is not affected by fatigue
  • Fix norgos lair level changers tiles
  • Hymn of Moonlight and similar talents wont activate on the worldmap
  • Creatures in the Heart of the Gloom wont have the radiant fear talent
  • New NPC in angolwen that provides a bit of lore and new lore in angolwen's library
  • New lore: a rogue's poem
  • New lore associated with the Spellblade and Eden's Guile artifacts
  • Time Prison correctly stops even fast actors
  • Eight new high level monsters
  • Fixed problem with Shattering Charge
  • Greatly improved Mindlash. Focus mindslayers should be much more fun.
  • Removed much of the moat around the bandit fortress vault to make navigating around it less of a pain.
  • The new game window can now be told to force loading of an incompatible module (which will usually work anyway)
  • Alchemist's golems can now self destruct when the alchemist is dead
  • Renamed the demon plane to the Fearscape
  • Fixed drawQuad (it would randomly start using a texture when when told not to)
  • Every level of the High Peak is now guarded by a random unique
  • Added a message log dialog which supports page up/down, home/end, up/down and mouse wheel. Activate it by clicking on the log or pressing ctrl+m
  • Upped Lightning and Chain Lightning damage
  • Shock cooldown increased to 4
  • Nature's Touch healing buffed
  • New wild gifts talent tree: Harmony
  • The sandworm queen heart now provides Harmony instead of Sand Drake tree
  • Both Summoners and Wyrmics can unlock the Harmony tree
  • Added .. mouse gestures. Yes right! Find them in the keybinder menu. You can now bind mouse gestures to any bindable actions!
  • Module makers can use gestures easily with the engine.ui.Gesture class
  • New lore about the Fearscape
  • Found lore is now also saved in the player's profile, for later use
  • The Sher'tul Fortress now possess the Library of Lost Mysteries, where you can instantly learn all lore known by any of your previous characters
  • Non-hostile boss-level creatures will now have their own tactical border
  • New tree: Cunning / Poisons
  • Rogues might want to try siding with the assassin lord
  • Tooltip will now tell you if there are more than one item on the ground
  • Button clickable area expanded to fit actual display size
  • Text in ListColums and Tree UI elements is now bouncing from left to right when overflowing
  • Fixed a memory leak
  • Elementals levitate
  • Improved talents levelup screen
  • Regen rate is now displayed in the left pane bar
  • Undeads correctly start at level 6 of the blighted ruins
  • Derth arena and trollmire treasure quests now correctly finishes

Have fun!

Tales of Maj'Eyal beta25 aka "Terror of the Woods"

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta25 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Various important fixes and updates
  • Balances tweaks
  • New Thaloren starting zones, along with their own city
  • Starting zones reduced to 3 levels, next tier zones to 5 levels

Expanded changelist:

  • Ring of blood orb wont take your money if you killed the blood master
  • User chat notification upon death
  • Unlocks made while offline are now also available while online
  • Merged Heavy & Massive armour trainings into a single talent (that goes to 10 like the weapon ones). At level 1 it allows heavy gloves/helms/boots, at level 2 heavy armours, at level 3 shields and at level 4 massive armours. Classes start with enough levels to wear their starting gear
  • Aura of Silence description shows the radius
  • Silence correctly prevents usage of runes
  • Using timetravel spells will not break the ingame chat
  • Sotrming the city quest is now more obviously presented on the worldmap
  • Armour changed again, it is back to a flat damage reduction
  • New stat: armour hardiness, it's base 30% and can be increased with Armour Training. It represents how much of a blow is affected by armour
  • Fixed Slime Roots
  • Fixed dual weapon training and corrupted strength
  • Achievements list now colors in green achievements got by your current character
  • Reduced the length of all starting zones to 3 levels and the next zone tier (daikara, maze, ...) to 5
  • Antimagic quest now grants Antimagic achievement
  • Removed all lava floors from the wyrm room in vor armoury
  • Spectators wont decay in the ring of blood
  • Fixed long load times when loading a populated level
  • Fix crash on big maps
  • Rod of Recall / Teleport: Angolwen cooldown adjusted to 400
  • Bill is no longer the boss of the trollmire, he has been replaced by Prox, an other troll, which hits not nearly as hard
  • Bill has now got his own special level, whose access must be found. And he is now nastier
  • The slave combatant has the correct number of infusions
  • Dreadmasters now correctly summon dreads
  • Defensive throw should now take place after counter attacks
  • Reorganized and rebalanced the age manipulation tree
  • Removed stat increasing effects from an anomaly
  • Wormhole is now instant cast
  • Cut sustain cost of Door to the Past in half
  • Lowered cost of relentless strikes
  • Striking stance now increases accuracy instead of critical power
  • Rushing strike stun duration reduced
  • Roundhouse kick damage reduced (a bit)
  • Spacetime tuning now has a cap on how high it can raise your paradox
  • Shattering Impact can only trigger once per turn
  • Put much-needed door in the bandit fortress
  • Added some non-lava floors to one of the demon nest vaults
  • Added dialog to the alchemists to inform the player that they're not the only one working on these ingredients
  • Made squid ink more visible
  • Changed elixir of stoneskin on-drink message so it makes more sense for skeletons
  • Equilibrium and Paradox sustains only check for failure on activation
  • Fixed loot generation in vault to be more diverse
  • Fix wraithform cost
  • Tactical display is now handled by entities (actors) display callback (no change for modules, except they can customize it as needed)
  • Added lifebars to tactical display mode
  • Melinda got tiles!
  • Various fixes
  • Daikara rift can not spawn on the previous/next level changers
  • Random worldmap encounters can not happen at birth
  • Atamathon is now displayed on all tiles settings
  • Actor list display wont show the player anymore
  • Kill Bill achievement is possible even with the new troll boss (the last lore note drops from him but not on death). Still, quite hard to pull off!
  • Bosses will be marked as purple on the minimap
  • New starting zones for the Thaloren: The main thaloren camp, Shatur; the lair of norgos; the heart of the gloom
  • Timeless wont produce negative timed effects
  • Fix Aim to work as advertised
  • Fixes sand tunnels in briagh lair
  • Fixes the terrain cloning issue with Rune of the Rift and Time Skip.
  • Also adjusted wormhole entrance range.

Have fun!

A T-Engine game scored the 4th position on the annual 7DRL contest!

A few weeks ago there was the 2011's 7DRL contest
As each year there was many participant and many interesting results.

One of particular interest is Darren Grey's Broken Bottle module. He decided at the last minute to use the T-Engine4 to create his game, with no prior knowledge of lua or T-Engine.
And he succeeded, he made a complete and fun game in less than seven days.

What's even better is that it scored 4th on the evaluation (while he is on the comity he obviously did not get to vote for his own creation).

Well done Darren!

T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta24 aka "Mappy" unleashed!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta24 ! See

Small bugfix release for beta23.

Oh and I mastered OSX compilation in VMWare, so this comes with an OSX version right now! (and it might even work!)


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Various important fixes and updates

Expanded changelist:

  • Fix the alchemists quest, again
  • The slave combatant in the ring of blood has got a higher level of relentless strikes and a second regen infusion
  • Fixed Kryl Feijan
  • Weapon Combat renamed to Combat Accuracy
  • New damage shield gfx
  • Fix weather effects scrolling
  • Rework some racial descriptions
  • Rain in the old forest should feel much more like rain now
  • Give random lore a specific definition in loot tables so that it will drop more often
  • Overhauled the speeds system. Now when a talent or object grants +X% foo speed it means you can do X% more of action foo in the same time. So if you get a 100% combat speed increase you will attack twice as fast
  • Speeds now stacking is now multiplicative
  • Damage resistances are now stacking multiplicatively
  • Melinda's father reward can not cause duplicate arts
  • The Spellblaze Crystal has more mana regen
  • Demon Plane spell now correctly ends if one of the actors dies instantly upon arrival
  • Demon Plane spell damage is now bound to the caster's damge increases
  • Fix Demon Plane when used with escorts on the level
  • Stores now have boots/hands/...
  • Corrupted Strength and Dual Weapon Training can not create infinite damage at super high (npc) levels
  • Cooldowns go down in worldmap
  • Online charsheet now displays talents tooltips and achievement's level
  • Lumberjack quest will correctly pop even if taken into an ambush at the same time
  • Fix Sharp Bones when saving/reloading
  • Can not cheese out the 600 damage achievements using the Mouth
  • Fixed minimap going bonkers

Have fun!

T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta23 aka "Paradoxology" unleashed!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta23 ! See

Small bugfix release for beta22.


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Various fixes

Expanded changelist:

  • Fix the transmogrification chest
  • Fix level of orcs in the escape from reknor
  • Fix mage apprentice quest for archmages
  • Particles can be attached to any entities, not just actors
  • Particles attached to an entity now display on the same z-order as the entity
  • Fix the brotherhood quest
  • Achievements are now broadcasted over the community chat
  • Combat trainer is back in Last Hope
  • Reduce the cooldown and cost of Perfect Strike
  • The Blood Master wont aggro while controlling a slave

Have fun!

T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta22 aka "Till the blood runs clear" unleashed!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta22 ! See

Piles of new stuff, classes, racial trees, zones, lores, quests and more!


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many fixes
  • New class: the Paradox Mage, a pure caster chronomancer class!
  • New class: the Brawler, a barehanded stance-based melee combatant
  • New zones: orc breeding pits, the ring of blood, the golem graveyard
  • New quests
  • Racial trees: each race now has a racial tree further defining it
  • NPCs scale better with levels
  • Many tweaks

Expanded changelist:

  • Elandar and Argoniel now have fixed resistances, no more physical immune endgame bosses
  • Added resolvers.levelup() (check how it works on ToME's dragons)
  • resolvers.talents{} can now take a table for each talent value which specifies how and when the talent is level'ed up
  • Dragons have lost summoning; but they are now more formidable foes
  • Added an option to not have chats appear in the game log
  • Rings and amulets can now be double egos
  • New options to select UI style, font style and font size; Small screen users rejoince!
  • Fix a bug when putting on an inscription of which type you have too many already
  • Fix bloodied lore notes
  • Fix presing escape when using the Attack talent
  • Fix a bug with Extract Gem
  • Lore popups can be exited with Enter
  • Fix Arcane Combat trigger %
  • Fix Flare
  • Archery now behaves more like other bolt spells, it can be targetted to empty squares
  • Right click map menu now shows the projection path (just like when targetting manually)
  • Stealth will not make the world fully grey, itwill only tarnish the colors a bit
  • Updated the Main Menu with the new tiles and more level types
  • Zones now have material level restrictions. Gone are the days of degenerated skeleton warriors powning you with voratun greatswords!
  • Artifacts sold to shops will now be gone forever.
  • Most things that happened on actor's turn now happen on game's turn. Due to this change Movement Infusion, Lightning Speed and Step Up now provide their buff for a veyr low number of turns (usualy one or two), but since they are game turns they give ample player turns
  • Changed the drop system to a two steps system: First the game chooses the quality of the item (unique, double greater, greater, ...) and then the actual object is selected. Quality chance varies by levels and by drop source (bosses obviously drop better stuff).
  • Sunwall is no longer automatically hostile to the assassin's lair
  • Snow Giant Boulder Throwers are now distinguishable from the ground in the Daikara
  • Changed how movement speed bonuses affect actors, to prevent running into the negatives!
  • Changed the checkhit method to make low and high results more significant
  • Fix Gem Golem
  • Replace Mana Tap with Supercharge Golem for Alchemists - it will instantly bring back a dead golem to life and give it a big regen boost and damage boost
  • Lowered Celerities movement speedbonus
  • Lowered AP and Damage on Weapon Folding
  • Made the stun on Borrowed Time irresistable and lowered the actual effect duration so it coincides with the tooltip
  • Decreased Quantum Feed and Strength of Purpose stat increases but increased saving throw bonus
  • New option to disable left click movement
  • Immovable creatures can not be knocked back
  • Eternal Bone Golems changed color slightly to be visible in Tannen's tower
  • Reduced sustain cost of Quicken Spells
  • Make the Fall of Zigur reward more obvious
  • Fix tracking of Pyromancer & Cryomancer achievements
  • Fixed Derth after the lightning quest - they wont thank the mages if you sided with Zigur
  • Norgan will correctly levelup now
  • Curse of Death now fully prevents regen (not healing)
  • Orc ambushes now use a slightly bigger map with slightly fewer orcs
  • Fix Reavers dual wielding a 2h weapon and a 1h weapon
  • Traps can be placed in adjacent tiles again
  • Bellowing Roar now uses strength for the save test
  • Creatures now levelup stats as bonuses, they can go over 100
  • Rune: Speed does not take a turn to activate anymore
  • The C core is not split into a shared library (.so/.dll/...). The game executable is now a very simple runner that takes a core name and dynamically loads and runs it. This will allow the game to make updates even if the C core changes, since it can simply download the new dll and place it along the other engine stuff. This means that in the future when a module needs a version of the engine no present it will simply download it and switch to it. Same for old savefiles, they will use the current module & engine version to run.
  • Zigur arena and Derth arena now allows to collect loot before leaving
  • Middle mouse click can be assigned to talents too
  • Pressing escape on the self target dialog will properly cancel
  • Objects with activates now spend their turns after being activated
  • Fixed donation dialog
  • Fix description radius on some psi talents
  • Target passing between NPCs only happens when theyr are friendly (not neutral) toward one another. This should fix the "veneration" of alchemists in towns
  • Dropping (destroying) and item from the inventory will correctly update inventory
  • Rename Attack to Accuracy
  • The mage apprentice can not pop in a spot where it blocks your character
  • Teleport is now allowed again on the endboss fight but controlled phase door will have somewhat higher chance of fizzling
  • Reshape Weapon/Armour can not be used on quest items
  • Bloodbath now correctly resets its duration when a new crit happens, instead of decreasing and re-increasing the total life
  • Limmir now creates artifact amulets (normal ring making is still available)
  • Dominate Will does not work on Sandworm tunnelers
  • All races now possess racial talents that can be learned using generic talents
  • Humanoid NPCs now have access to racial trees, jsut like the players
  • Vaults now use the new loot table system, they improve the default zone drops and thus are guaranted to store great items
  • Psionic focus slot now has a quickslot version, and switches with 'X'
  • Aura spike damage nerfed to not scale so ridiculously with willpower
  • Thermal aura spike damage reduced to balance the huge area of effect
  • Reshaping something that already has negative fatigue no longer sets it to zero
  • Charged Leech now properly returns energy when it strikes the killing blow
  • Superhuman leap renamed and no longer causes problems when you land directly on somebody
  • Damage from auras and Beyond the Flesh attacks will now break Wild Speed
  • Leech cooldowns reduced
  • Shield of Light should no longer break when under the effects of burning hex
  • Better running algorithm
  • Recalling will fail when you can not move, to prevent being stuck on the worldmap
  • The Slime tree is back, for antimagic users!
  • Antimagic users when they get a magic escort can pretend to accept to help. The ending will be different though.
  • New fun lore about halflings
  • New lore: The Legend of Garkul, in the Gurshnak pride. This is a very long and epic tale. You *want* to read it
  • New zone encounter in the east: the Orc Breeding Pit, with some new interresting lore giving a new perspective on the orcs
  • Added new npcs: liches; they are very rare and qutie physicaly weak. But they will destroy you if you let them play
  • Most NPCs now scale better with level, they levelup their innate melee damage if they dont use a weapon and they levelup their talents
  • Reduced Bill HP somewhat
  • Bosses get a few more HP
  • Returning from the Eidolon plane now tries evry hard to place you on the map
  • Correct dwarf intro text
  • Fix bug when saving profile data would error out while saving the game
  • Prevent color bleeding in talent requirements
  • Townfolk now can have random chatter when backup guardians are up
  • New tiles for the Daikara
  • New zone: the Golem Graveyard
  • Random worldmap encounters that create an entry to a zone are now on the map (randomized) since birth (this thus does not affect "trap-door" encounters)
  • Recreated Last Hope
  • Most towns now have split shops (light armour, haevy armour, swords, axes, ...)
  • Shops now only restock upon "important" game events (which is not often)
  • Fixed Carrier
  • New quest: the brotherhood of alchemists. Go talk to your favorite aclehmist(s)!
  • Yeeks get their very own special game ending when beating the sorcerers
  • The endgame text can now vary based on various actions done in quests
  • New achievement for saving Melinda
  • Siding with the grand corruptor now has an impact on endgame text
  • New class: Paradox Mage. That's it: chronomancy to its fullest! Time manipulation, timetravel, multiple timelines, age control, ... You name it, they've got it! (Note: unlock might now be what it appears. Think paradox.)
  • New quest for Temporal Wardens
  • "Quick" weapon ego now increases weapon speed, not global attack speed
  • Dwarves dont start on a staircase to the worldmap anymore
  • Golem can not pickup plot items
  • Plot items are described as such
  • 10 new vaults!
  • New class: Brawlers, they are unarmed melee fighters with difference combat stances and grappling attacks
  • New random encounter: the Ring of Blood
  • Player tiles
  • Tactical display now has a special contour for bosses and for the player.
  • Reworked the Gates of Morning
  • Temporal Wardens no longer have access to the Temporal Archery tree but Spacetime Folding is less melee specific
  • Borrowed Time now increases global speed by 100% to account for timed effect changes
  • Foresight now only triggers when the attack does 10% or more of your hit points
  • New Spactime Folding talent, Swap. This replaces Kinetic Folding
  • Inverted Campaign and Difficulty selection on birth. Removed stupid combos (like Arena/Adventure as extra lifes never worked there)
  • Paradox damage scaling effects lessened at high and low values

Have fun!

T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta21 aka "World Wide Tome II" unleashed!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta21 ! See

Many things in this release, making life easier, balancing, online profile, ....

I am sorry this release too a bit longer than planned and has less stuff than planned, the profile & smooth shadow took longer than expected, but then, they are neat! :)


Please note: if you do not use an online profile the game will forget your achievements and unlocks. This can be fixed by renaming your home/T-Engine/4.0/profiles/default/ directory to home/T-Engine/4.0/profiles/offline/


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many fixes
  • New starting zones and town for the Dwarves (more races to follow)
  • Smooth FOV shadow: instead of a blocky rectangular look, the seen->unseen transitions will be .. smooth
  • Reworked the online profile system. The game now connects to a specific server, this will someday enable some very fun stuff, and for now this adds an ingame chat
  • Many balancing moves (Cursed should feel less godlike at high level, alchemist got more burst damage, Vim using classes get much easier time managing Vim)
  • New dialogs UI
  • Upgraded tactical AI. Things are gettign quite smart, your summons will try to avoid breathing on you, your foes will assert your weak resistances and use that to their advantage, ...
  • The Sher'Tul fortress gained a new function!
  • Many many many more lore to be found and flesh up the world of Eyal. Total lore now counts over 28 thousands words!
  • Armour and APR working changed

Expanded changelist:

  • Replaces Wildfire's Combust and Dancing Fires with Burning Wake and Cleansing Flames
  • Rod of Recall is not an arcane item anymore
  • Elves should get escort quests again
  • The (many) lore of Reknor now correctly generates, go read it!
  • Talent levelup screen separates next level info more clearly
  • Upon arrival in the Eidolon plane player ressources are filled up (or down acordingly)
  • Mindslayer auras do not work on the worldmap
  • Left click talent does not work on the worldmap
  • The orc prides can scale to higher level
  • Resting when all ressources are at maximun will trigger resting for cooldowns
  • Vaults will block detection again
  • Zigur will not offer the antimagic quest when it is already done
  • Refusing antimagic quest will not prevent changing your mind later
  • New game icon
  • The Orb auto ids blue items too
  • Bill can not be cut off from the level
  • Escort portals should be again visible in ascii mode
  • Scatter Shot can not bypass stun immunity
  • Vor Armoury will not kill its own wyrms
  • The lumberjacks are back in the lumberjack town
  • Added Zigur lore
  • Automated error reporting within the game (module independant)
  • Staff of Absorption is now two handed
  • Kinetic Aura spikes are now beams, and Thermal Aura spikes are now cones
  • All auras can be deactivated without triggering a spike by targeting yourself
  • Boosted Conduit damage multiplier given by additional talent points
  • Increased crit boost from Perfect Control
  • Telekinetic Smash applies Conduit damage if Conduit is sustained.
  • Will and cunning affect damage and accuracy of Telekinetic Smash
  • No more than two shields and two auras can be sustained at once.
  • Highly Trained Mind info text changed
  • Conduit only affects the telekinetically wielded weapon
  • Leeches talents get reduced cooldowns with additional talent points.
  • Mindslayers get less health per level
  • Reshaping talents nerfed
  • Shattering Charge automatically spikes Kinetic Shield
  • Nerfed shield spikes and shield efficiency.
  • Clarified shield talent info texts.
  • Matter is Energy regens energy every turn for X turns
  • Mindhook now cancels and explains why if you use it on a target out of range
  • Corona will deactivate when it tries to fire a bolt without enough energy
  • Sapphires now have the correct tile
  • Fix inscriptions on the online chardumps
  • Zigur shops now only sell items powered by nature or craftmanship
  • Zigur shops now sell much better loot
  • Stores now stock much better quality loot and will update with the player level (within limits of the towns)
  • Shaloren start with runes instead of infusions
  • Enabled selling again, gems still sell at a high price, other stuff less (as before)
  • Most stores have much better stuff to buy
  • Reduced drops
  • Derth has been transformed!
  • Running will not pop up the annoying dialog anymore
  • NPCs that can not breath under water will not be generated under water
  • Two handed weapons say so in their descriptions
  • Most town stores respect their town factions now
  • New *awesome* farportal tiles
  • Temporal Wardens now start with the bow tree instead of utility archery
  • Replaced Avoid Fate with a new talent Foresight
  • Moved Perfect Aim to the Temporal Archery tree and replaced it with Daja Vu
  • Moved Celerity to the Speed Control tree
  • Moved Entropic Field to the energy tree
  • Dimensional Step now gains more range with talent points
  • Phase Shot is now a single target temporal shot that bypasses terrain and other obstacles
  • Quantum Feed and Strength of Purpose now add some Physical and Spell saves
  • Damage Smearing duration increased
  • Echos from the Past now does much less Echo damage and some base Temporal damage and has a larger cone starting out
  • Jumpgate now has a range attached to it rather then working everywhere on the level
  • Balanced range and cooldown on several Paradox Mage spells
  • Increased the duration on Time Skip slightly
  • Particles scale correctly with map size
  • New smooth FOV shading (aka fog of war). Instead of being squares it will smooth transitions between seens and unseen tiles (only works with opengl framebuffers enabled)
  • Cuirass of the Thronesmen now has a fatigue value
  • Summertide Phial also lites the player's tile
  • Some zones now have a (purely cosmetic) day/night cycle
  • The game now starts at 11h instead of midnight
  • Onetime worldmap encounters can not be dismissed by a missclick
  • Double greater egos have their own special color (because player love colored loot!)
  • Armour and Defense are shown into actor tooltips
  • Channel Staff does fire damage with fire staves
  • New melee oriented Temporal Warden tree: Spacetime Folding
  • Several Chronomancy abilities are now sustains
  • Anomalies can no longer occurr in the Eidolon Plane
  • Time Skip and Borrowed Time swapped positions in the Time Travel tree
  • Corona should no longer hit the player
  • Retribution description clearer
  • Price of ego ammo is now more correctly aligned with other egos
  • Cant nager npcs by not doing them any damage
  • Deep Wound correctly gives credit to the attacker
  • Fixed Disruption Shield while silenced
  • Fixed summon control ending while the player is dead
  • Tidal Wave can not be recast before it ends
  • Fix Smoke Bomb when cast on the player
  • Arcane Combat and Shadow Combat will not trigger if not enough mana, this preventing disabled other spells because of those
  • Archers and Slingers now have the passtive combat training by default and the activet one can be learnt
  • Dual Arrows cost 0 stamina
  • Aim, Rapid Shot, Heave and Slow Motion sustain cost reduced
  • Critical Shot replaced by Relaxed Shot, which replenishes stamina
  • Halflings are really not all nice people, they can now be corrupters
  • All Summoner's summons now inherit APR, stun/blind/pin/confusion immunity
  • All Summoner's summons now are not limited to 100/stats
  • Summoner's Jelly now absorbs 10% of all incomming damage and uses it to replenish it's master's equilibrium
  • Summoner's Helly summon cost reduced
  • Fix arena zone music
  • Optimized low level lua IO code (which was my mistake), it should load faster now
  • Tweaked garbage collector settings, it should be better for people who had huge lag spikes
  • Alchemist Infusion talents now also turn all fire damage done into their elements, thus making Fire Alchemy much more viable
  • Unnatural Body: fixed (not percentage based) life gain, 50% global healing penalty
  • Seethe: gives more hate, shorter cooldown
  • Dominate: Increased odds of success
  • Life Leech: fixed (not percentage based) life gain, maximum total life gain per turn
  • Rampage: Shortened duration
  • Doomed: Increased damage for many talents to speed the pace of the game.
  • UI elements have faint animations
  • Nagas got new tiles
  • Profile system changed. There is now two profiles "offline" and "online". If the game module validates then data is saved into the "online" profile, if a connection is available (and account logged in), it will sync with the server. Otherwise data gets put into the "offline" profile. Things like unlocks and achievements will be loaded from both profiles when module is invalid and only from the "online" profile when it is valid. This means that is you have no internet connection you will play from the "offline" profile. If you have a connection you will play from the online profile, even if you are not logged in. (and it will sync later if you do). Data from "tained" module versions will never "bleed" online but data from online will always "bleed" offline, so you get the best of both worlds. This might sound a bit complex but it should Just Work(tm)
  • Changed the main game fonts, test them out!
  • Unique tile for the Spellblaze Crystal boss
  • Can not loose double resonating diamonds
  • Linaniil can not appear in the ID
  • Eruan got nice palmtrees tiles
  • Renamed duplicate technique trees
  • Items without resistances wont sometimes show a resist line
  • Added 25 new room shapes by burb lulls
  • Switched Shield Wall and Repulsion
  • Shield Wall now reduces damage done by 20% instead of reducing attack/damage by flat values, making it more usefull at lower levels
  • Armour values are no more flat reductions of damage, instead armor deducts a % of the incomming damage, this means that super high armour values can not cheese out some npcs but no npc can cheese out the player either
  • APR follows the same idea as armour
  • Backup guardian are correctly scaled in insane mode
  • Fix critical power modifiers
  • Vim now automatically increases when a foe is killed by 1+WIL/10; making Willpower useful for Corrupters
  • Anorithils escorts teach the Light tree instead of Hymns
  • Bathe in Light now also lites up the affected area
  • Chant of Light increases lite radius
  • Reduce bonus from hymn of perseverance
  • Massive talents update to include more tactical info for the AI, big thanks to Yufra
  • Engine change: friendlyfire is now selffire, and friendlyfire defines if your *allies* are hit
  • Tactical AI using NPCs will be less likely to keep hiding in corridors, they'll get into LOS to try to pound you (but then you can thus pound them too)
  • Tactical AI now has parameters to avoid friendly fire
  • Imporved the effect of Blood Sacrifice
  • Switched Drain and Blood Sacrifice
  • Killing a creature with a vim using talent will refund that talent's cost
  • Corruptors now start with Drain instead of Blood Sacrifice and Blood Spray instead of Blood Grasp
  • Added new lore: scintillaing caves, a tale of zigur, and a complete history of the orc race (found in the Prides)
  • Added lore to the Maze; archmages, take heed of the warning!
  • New lore to Kor'Pul
  • New lore: Spellhunter's guide
  • Melee attacks are now routed throught a talent (invisible to players) so that the tactical AI can prioritize it correctly
  • Tactical AI using party members can be given talent priorities to use (or disabled from using some talents completly)
  • New lore, myth of creation for humans & elves (only the respective race can find it)
  • Added many new artifacts, some specific for antimagic users
  • New bow artifact
  • Undeads can not be Wilders
  • Nature's Call summoned bear now has a tile
  • Rogues now start with Trap Mastery
  • Players with Trap Mastery would do well to investigate the maze, they might find something interresting down there
  • The Sher'Tul Fortress gained a new function: talk to the shadow butler and gain the Transmogrification Chest which is both a way to power the fortress for further functions and a way to turn unwanted items into gold without having to come back to a shop.
  • Added special lore inside the Infinite Dungeon campaign
  • Actor:takeHit() also returns damage actualy taken
  • Rearranged the Mental Discipline tree
  • Buffed Highly Trained Mind
  • Made Mindslayer auras less costly to sustain
  • Use on_pre_use for disallowing Mindslayer shields and auras
  • Shields now apply their reduction to incoming damage before resists
  • Mindhook cooldown reduced, and reduces further with talent level
  • Telos's Staff Crystal has wielder properties that match its imbue properties
  • Disruption Shield can never be negative
  • Stores refill after killing a boss
  • Removed old unused NumberBox TextBox Button ButtonList classes
  • Dialogs UI update
  • Lore found is displayed in a parchment like dialog, sometimes with bloodstains!
  • Merged the two parts of the troll and necromancer poems into one
  • New dwarven starting zones and town
  • Right click on the minimap will now scroll the map
  • Gaining the achievement for Wildfire, Storm, Ice and Stone talents while playing an archmage will teach them to the current archamge
  • New lore to the Rhaloren Camp and the Sandworm lair
  • New lore: myth of creation by the halflings (only findable by halflings)
  • New lore: correspondance between two .. great .. adventurers
  • The fall of Zigur quest now rewards Hexes instead of Vim tree
  • New lore: how to become a Necromancer
  • When ran for the first time the game will maximze as much as possible instead of using 800x600
  • Store UI now uses teh same method as inventory: double columns with tooltips
  • Actors now start with 150 Paradox so new players have more leeway before they start blowing themselves up
  • Failure, Backfire, and Anomalies don't start happening until 200, 300 and 400 paradox
  • Added gamelog messages for when paradox thresholds are crossed.
  • The Dark Crypt counter now is 20 turns instead of 30 but each time an acolyte is killed the counter will go up
  • Antimagic users rejoince! Movement infusions have been buffed, they now provide a "Lightning Speed"-like effect, granting very high movement speed for a few turns and thus can be used as escape mechanism
  • Currently equiped comparaison tooltip working again
  • New lore to the ancient elven ruins
  • Fix the extra project tile bug and updates a few talents that were using canProject incorrectly
  • Adds support for damagetype/resistance checks to the tactical AI
  • Added cut_immune to ghosts
  • Fix some FOV errors in cones
  • New tiles for some artifacts
  • Fixed tannen tower, I think
  • Explosion Expert now increases the damage done by the bomb if the affected zone is less than the theorical possible zone. AKA: firing it in small rooms or cooridors will make BIG BOOMS !
  • Breaths and cone attacks can be targetted at any angle now
  • Online profile system updated, the game is now connected to a special server
  • Profile update now allows for inter-user chats, check out the new user chat pane, press ctrl+space to switch and space to talk
  • Replacing inscriptions will keep existing keybind
  • Ignore escape in text/numberboxes

Have fun!

First recurrent donation setup!

I would like to thank all the people that already donated to ToME, it keeps me enthusiastic and happy to know that my players are enjoying the game enough to think it is worth giving money.

On that note I want to thank Canderel whom is the very first player to setup a recurring donation!
This is a very encouraging step for me and it is my hope many others will follow the lead.

Recurring donations simply are a subscription (that is handled by paypal) in which you define the amount to provide each month, automatically.

So again, thanks to you all and happy tom'ing!

T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta20 aka "Shaloren Homeland" unleashed!

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta20 ! See

This release focuses on some bugfixes and gameplay improvements (and even more super tiles!)


Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many fixes
  • Yeek starting zone somewhat more easy
  • New starting zones and town for the Shaloren (more races to follow)
  • New particle engine that should lag less on multicore CPUs
  • New Fighter tree: Battle Tactics
  • Temporal Warden upgrades to make them easier to start
  • Many quality-of-life improvements

Expanded changelist:

  • More sweet tiles!
  • Fix artifact duplication when golem picks them up
  • Fix Dominant Will talent tooltip
  • Melee attacks now display a visual feedback
  • Murgol Lair now has a stair up on level 1
  • Ritches in the Ritches tunnel now have only 40% fire resist
  • Trap damage randomization changed so they do not get 100 or more damage at level 1
  • When hit a creature now has a quick visual indicator that it is it, like blood stains. All creatureshave their own blood color (most are red but not all, even some player races :) )
  • Reworked talents in Shadows to make developing shadows more fun and useful.
  • Replaced Feed Life (passive boost to feed that steals life) with Devour Life (steal life attack used while feeding)
  • Minor fixes and tweeks to Doomed/Cursed.
  • Changing stats should correctly update life/mana/...
  • Firebeam talent range set to 7 instead of 70...
  • All egos/artifacts now have a line defining what kind of power made them (nature, arcane, master craftsmanship)
  • Curse of Magic quest changed: Now doable starting from level 10 it will not request that you level without magic, instead upon entering the challenge all magical abilities and items will be forever disabled for the character
  • Resolve is now learnt at 1/5 when learning antimagic
  • Antimagic will forever prevent the use of spells, corruptions, runes, divine talents and arcane powered items
  • Can not escort magic people when you have been trained by the ziguranth
  • Portal to Angolwen will be disabled if you use antimagic
  • The mage apprentice will have an appropriate reaction when meeting an antimagic character
  • Bill in the Trollmire can only get a wild or heroism infusion, no heal or regenerate
  • Ben should correctly appear in the temporal rift
  • Temporal rift is only usable once
  • Temporal rift zone is less dark
  • Fix crippling shot description
  • Autopickup gems
  • Resting in water will not suffocate you to death
  • Fix a possible bug when accepting the Grand Corruptor quest
  • Fix crash in the shadow crypt
  • Golem Power works even on the first talent screen
  • Hymn of Detection now grants some stealth and invis detection
  • Paradox cost scaling reduced and paradox costs rebalanced
  • Temporal archery tree adjusted
  • Speed-control tree adjusted
  • Temporal wardens should be more playable at level one
  • Pickaxes can be hotkeyed even with one in inventory
  • Aeryn in the endfigth will not get angry to the player
  • Resurrecting now happens on the spot of the last party member death
  • Creatures summoned by summoners now also are affected by summon destabilization
  • Humans, Halflings, Dwarves and Elves now start with the Orb of Scrying directly
  • Yeeks have a talent to merge their mind with the Way to identify stuff (and also grant passive mundane ID as the orb)
  • Undeads have a talent to recall their past life memories to identify stuff (and also grant passive mundane ID as the orb)
  • Adventure mode resurrection changed, the player is now taken to an other plane where she/he can rest and then go back
  • Meditation works around friendlies
  • Summoners do not start with a useless staff
  • The game will not switch to development profile if online profile is not logged in
  • Reduced a bit the alpha channel of clouds in the Old Forest
  • Stairs/ways/.. now appear again on the minimap
  • Fixed psionic gem wielding when the gem has no material level
  • Insane mode changed: Removed damage bonus to NPCs, instead they get higher talent levels
  • Insane mode now does NOT increase the level of objects
  • Cause of deaths are correctly logged again
  • Tweaked the colldown of some infusions/runes
  • Escape works to cancel yes/no popups
  • Keen Senses and Arcane Eye switched places
  • The temporal rift bosses now are blood linked
  • Epidemic now reduce the target's healing receieved
  • The Storming the City quest can be alternatively completed with the help of Zigur
  • Killing the Shade or Bill correctly triggers the quest for people who did not have it yet
  • ActorProject can now use a "args" field to it's particle settings
  • Reduced the stat effect on NPC runes/infusions
  • Flying texts will not appear over unseen targets
  • Infusions/Runes are now affected by staturation effects. If used quickly in a row their cooldown increases (a little)
  • Psi talents do not always deactivate at 0 energy
  • Infusions/runes on bosses have longer cooldown
  • Rod of Recall will not drop in tutorial mode
  • Disperse Magic only works on spell sustains
  • The portals in the endgame correctly disable with orbs of command instead of the orb of many ways
  • Fix Moon/Star pairing
  • Life regen is now affected by healing factor
  • New infusion: Insidious Poison, spit a bolt of poison at the target, doing nature damage per turn and reducing healing received
  • Orc wyrmics/soldiers base level increased to 10 (they should not appear in the trollmire)
  • New Fighters high tree: Battle Tactics
  • Shaloren start in their own zone (the Scintillating caves)
  • NPCs have a limit on the maximun types of inscriptions they can get at once (like they can never have more than one healing, never more than one protection, ...)
  • ESP is only computed when needed
  • New town: Elvala, the Shaloren home city
  • New zone: Rhaloren Camp, second Shaloren starting zone
  • Undeads can not use Infusions
  • ui.Checkbox control
  • Particle engine optimized some more to compute stuff only when needed
  • Overhauled the particles code, most particle computations now run in separate thread(s), this should prevent them from lagging the game on multicore CPUs
  • Detect number of CPUs and create particles threads accordingly
  • Weather disable option
  • 60% of will and cunning now used to determine Beyond the Flesh damage
  • Swapped Shield Discipline effect with Absorption mastery effect
  • Swapped Aura Discipline effect with Projection mastery effect
  • Augmentation tooltip fixed, nerfed slightly
  • Base shields don't absorb as much energy per point of damage. Spiked shields absorb much more.
  • Auras drain less energy
  • Base shields nerfed, spikes buffed
  • Base shields absorb lower percentage of incoming damage
  • Spiked shields apply to 100% of incoming damage
  • Nerf Reshape Weapon slightly
  • Reshape Weapon and Reshape Armor have 0 cost
  • Shields don't use turn
  • Auras do more damage
  • Arena update, Ziguranth inside should not be friendly
  • Random birth selection is noted in the log
  • Removed the line in the yeek wayist dialogthat can fail the unlock
  • Rush now apply a small daze on hit
  • New video option: gamma correction
  • Fix mold vault
  • Poison water now poisons
  • ActorResource can now set a minimun on ressources
  • Equilibrium from sustains can not be lost with meditation
  • Thermal leech uses a new, more appropriate damage type
  • Updated leech talent tooltips for clarity
  • Increased damage of Charge Leech
  • Increased duration of Thermal Leech's freeze effect
  • Fix Reflective Skin
  • Object that activate for talents wont trigger the cooldown if the player has that talent
  • NPCs controlled by yeek powers give exp for kills
  • Maybe fix random blackscreen
  • Beyond the Flesh works with artifacts
  • Wielding a weapon telekineticaly wont prevent wielding normal ones
  • Many spelling fixes
  • Default gamma correction set to 1.2
  • Trollmire clouds project their shadow on the ground
  • Hexes do not affect the caster
  • Tweaked the endgame bosses
  • The endgame boss zone has been put in its own level, things should not teleport out
  • Mouse wheel works in the hotkey panel
  • Socketing your golem does not use the whole pile of gems
  • Move the project up a level because I'm freaking sick of the extra layer every single timemac
  • Savvy talent grants the correct experience bonus
  • Fixed material level on some artifact gems
  • Talents resolver can resolve subresolvers
  • Fix loading saves on windows when the user has unicode in his windows username
  • Prevent timed effects from being removed multiple times
  • Can not set traps over traps
  • Fix rare sandworm tunnelers bug
  • Add a correct description to the Yeek Wayist
  • Murgol Lair and the Ritches Tunnels have a much higher ratio of lite rooms
  • Add shield damage description
  • Improved the contrast of the party icons life bars
  • Party icon tooltip now indicates life
  • Mouse run now avoids traps
  • Running now only stops when on an object, not twice
  • Running over an object only stops the first time you run there
  • Fix hotkey 8 of the third page
  • Fixed giving the staff of absorption to the apprentice mage (and added some more effects to it)
  • New achievement for giving the staff of absorption to the apprentice mage
  • Beyond the Flesh will not work on the worldmap
  • Shield Wall does gradual stun&knockback resist

Have fun!

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