T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta19 aka "Temporal Mindstorm" unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta19 ! See http://te4.org/
This release is huge. I mean HUGE.
Two new classes, one new race, party system, gfx niceness, you name it, it's in there!
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( http://te4.org/donate ) !
Release highlights:
- Many fixes
- Many UI improvements
- New class: Mindslayer, a psionic class that erects mental shields and dive into battle, swinging a balde with his hands and one with his mind
- New class: Temporal Warden, protect and use the timestream, use both archery and melee attacks, create temporal distortions and even travel back to the past!
- New race: Yeek, a puny looking race, with a big mind. Yeeks are natively powerful psionics, united in a global psionic network. They have their own starting area
- Party system: Sometimes during your adventures you can meet new party members, or start with them, or summon them. It can be used to either fully control them or give them order
- Reworked Alchemist class: Taking fully advantage of the party system the alchemist golem has grown in power and usefulness
- Many graphical improvements, 64x64 mode, new tileset (not by default yet as it is not complete)
- Better AI: bosses and elites now have a much betetr AI that will analyze their current options and needs and act accordingly
- Most sentient creatures are smart enough to use infusions or runes, so now they have them
- New zones to discover: halfling ruins, the island of Rel, the temporal rift
- Changed the economy: shopswont buy your filthy stuff, they are only interrested in gems and artifacts, but buy them at a much higher share
- Rewrote most of the OpenGL code, it should be faster now
- And many more, come and play !
Expanded changelist:
- Added pockets of air bubbles on the flooded level of the lake of Nur. Beware, they will not last forever
- Renamed the 6th old forest note
- Added an achievement for owning the "house"
- Going up from level 2 to 1 of the lake of Nur works correctly
- Archmage unlocked schools have the correct mastery value
- Cyst Burst & Epidemic only replicate diseases on hostiles
- Tooltip over simple terrain is now of the correct size to show the full name
- Hotkey display now shows the page number
- Can't teleport inside the fortress
- Switched the font used by 16x16 map modes
- Sustained talents that are on cooldown show as such in the use talent dialog
- Fix Nova
- Arcane Eye is now usable in the right click map menu
- The sandworm queen will not always appear in the first room
- Sand tunnels are now correctly strengethed by passing sandworm tunnelers
- Grgglck the Devouring Darkness will now invoke tentacles every few turns, not at random
- Encumberance column on item lists is now showing the total for the stack
- With smooth movements on npcs will not appear to "jump" when they enter visual range and stealth npcs should work correctly
- Sling talents correctly show that they do take a turn to use
- Each reason of death is recorded in the online charsheet
- Glyph of Repulsion has the correct requirements
- Golem starting equipment is identified
- Equipment/Inventory dialog now shows item stats using the classic tooltip
- Made tooltips much faster, moving the mouse over the hotkeys list should not lag anymore
- Tooltips now internaly use tstrings, you can pass a tstring to Tooltip:set()
- Disruption Shield ratio tweaked somewhat, cooldown added
- Displacement Shield absorption hugely increased to be in line with runes
- Time Shield absorption hugely increased to be in line with runes
- Switched position of Time Shield and Time Prison
- Fixed Displacement Shield to not dro prematurely
- Killing your own escort is worth a few points of experience
- Phase Door range starts smaller
- When Phase Door fizzles you get a random blink instead of nothing
- Shuffled Temporal talents around
- Resurrecting now ensure the player has enuogh energy to act first
- Fixed a golemancy bug when no ammo is present
- The Shadow Clone of the player has some less life
- Add a "party" code framework, allowing you to have multiple creatures in a party and assume direct control of one of them (and switch at will)
- Summon Control is now a passive that allows summons to be part of the party, increases dureation and reduces damage taken
- Default keybinds: F1-F8 for quick select of party members; ctrl+tab for popup
- Clicking on the creature "portrait" in the left side pane will transfer control
- Stop resting/running when dead
- Added ActorTalents:getTalentCooldown()
- Party control can be switched by right clicking on the creature on the map too
- Quests are now always done for the main character of the party
- Blinding Speed does not take a turn to activate anymore
- Mark of the Spellblaze now has a way back from level 2
- Pressing the stay command while targetting will return target to the caster
- Sindar ego renamed to Thaloren
- Congeal Time correctly reduces speed
- Talents that do not take a turn to use are not affected by confusion effects
- Bear tiles
- Arcane Combat will project beaming attacks as far as possible without hitting friendlies
- Crypt of Kryl-Feijan quest will not succeed wrongly
- Meditation provides the correct amount of equilibrium
- Changed default binding for hotkey 11 from ) to -
- Flare talent does not use two turns
- Updated tutorial texts
- Kill message is now displayed in bold
- New mouse cursor
- Map:setViewport lost its multidisplay parameter (it was useless). That was the one before the last
- Overhauled the graphic mode selection (settings are reset), you can now select tiles & size independantly. Added a 64x64 mode
- New tileset started by Shockbolt, looks the best in 64x64
- Characters start with a pickaxe in the infinite dungeon
- Water breathing is not permanent now
- Increased bloated horrors minimun level
- Changed the maximun range/sight for players & NPCs from 20 to 10, thus reducing the offscreen rays of deaths, increasing tactical value and allowing for bigger tiles
- Fix Inferno tooltip
- Move Actor:attr(), Actor:addTemporaryValue(), Actor:removeTemporaryValue() and Actor:onTemporaryValueChange() to Entity
- Fixed duplicate uniques
- Talents learned with escorts are correctly set to 0.7 mastery
- Eliminated dead-end doors in the Roomer generator
- Map smooth scrolling
- Summoners now get 1dex/0con and Wyrmics 0dex/1con
- Archmages now also get a portal on the worldmap to Angolwen
- Overhauled all Alchemist golemency talents. Golem is now fully controllable (using the party commands). When the golem levels up it gains stat & talent points that you must spend on it to learn golem specific talents.
- Added luadocs for core.* functions
- Party members that can not be fully controlled may still sometimes be given orders. Selecting them will popup the order dialog
- Escorts are now part of the party, they can be ordered to wait for a (short) while and to indicate the portal direction.
- Right clicking on party memebr on the map will allow to give orders when possible
- Fix objects not recharging (I think)
- Swallow now performs a melee attack (doing nature damage), if it succeeds the swallow check is made, if it was killed by the attack it is swallowed automatically
- Halved Swallow cooldown
- "forest_clearing" room generator will floodfill to ensure are are no 1x1 spots insolated from the map
- Nerfed Blood Fury and Curse of Vulnerability
- Sandworm tunnelers now do not travel in diagonal, and do not always take the shortest route
- Renamed difficulties again: Discovery/Aventure/Roguelike/Insane
- Updated most egos, added many (and many greater ones)
- Prevent a bug when using easy/normal mode resurrects in some corner cases
- Shield Pummel's first attack is now also affected by shield expertise
- Do not de-activate equilibrium talents on levelup
- Changed Feed Shadows to a passive talent that increases attack, damage and gives hate back to the player when a shadow kills.
- Replaced Punishments' Cursed Ground with Infectious Thought (an attack that can spread to other nearby targets)
- Changed Punishments' Agony to ramp up damage over 5 turns (no longer based on proximity to caster).
- Reduced hate cost of Deflection
- Increased duration of a summoned shadow from 100 to 500
- Increased Willful Strike and Blast damage
- Fixed problems with shadows and feed effects not disappearing after leaving the level.
- Main menu will not consume ressources if background anim is disabled
- Randarts are now created by combining egos + random powers
- Physical talents are disabled if no correct weapon is used
- Faerlhing get more mana
- Stealth now takes no turns to use
- Stealth now also teaches a new talent "automatic stealth", as long as it is active the player will auto-enter stealth when conditions are good
- Textzone now correctly cuts text based on font style
- Reduce the level at which runes of shielding start appearing
- Updated Alchemists description to better fit the class
- Bext change ever: bumping walls does not consume turns
- Reduce most creatures (both NPC & players) damage done by about 25% - reducing oneshooting factor which aint quite fun
- Improve the effect of stats on physical/magical/mental saves (and denote them correctly on tooltips)
- Constitution bonus to life reduced a bit but it now also provides global damage reduction%
- Added Combat:combatTalentStatDamage()
- New campaign: The Arena. Fight on the sandy grounds of the arena to prove your worth. Defeat your own previous champions! Unlock available in Derth. (thanks to Hetdegon!)
- Stores will now refuse to buy your filthy items, probably still covered in blood!
- Stores now buy only shiny gems are unique items, but they do so at a much better share.
- Price of gems increased tenfolds
- Increased the price of bill's tree trunk & the staff of kor
- Upped the minimun level for the cryp of kryl-feijan
- Fix FOV to not loop/crash over borders (fixes Quake)
- Adventure mode only gets 7 lifes instead of 11
- core.fov.calc_*() now take the map size(w, h) as third and fourth parameters
- Nicer looking UI
- Gave specific colors to grushnak orcs
- Evasion talent does not require stamina anymore
- Rush cooldown now reduces with talent level
- New tactic AI. It will be used by elites and bosses mostly. It asserts the current situation, determines needs and capabilities and uses them accordingly
- The sentient creatures of Maj'Eyal have created a loby to counter the players. They demand to have access to random runes and infusions. Their demand has been fulfilled!
- Most bosses and elites now use the new tactical AI
- Most bosses now have their share of infusions/runes (depending on the boss)
- Game ends when all controllable party members are dead. (But not all are allowed to switch zones, dont get your hopes too high)
- Removed Packing talent tree
- Water stairs do not provide air anymore
- Moon and Star (the artifacts) are now a pair and will provide additional bonus when used together
- New artifacts!
- Tweaked some Alchemist talent costs
- Object requirements are currently colorized again
- Controlled phase door rune is now subject to fizzle when blinking out of LOS, like the spell
- Talents that can not be used will only grey out after the cooldown has elpased
- Left click on an hostile target can now be bound to a talent (archers get it bound to Shoot by default)
- Alchemist Protection tooltip now reflects the fact that it does protect the golem too
- Channel Staff now ignores friendlies (it will pass over them harmlessly)
- Clicking on the minimap now makes the character run to this spot
- Updated Maj'Eyal and the Far East map to be more "meaty"
- Repulsion has a slightly greater knockback distance and will also daze any targets affected
- Fix Shadow Blast damage
- Optimized OpenGL drawing code: use vertex arrays instead of immediate mode; removed some useless calls; remvoed debug code from shaders
- Reworked how the minimap works, Entities now can have a setupMinimapInfo() method that is called by the map code. If you use a special map update code, have a look at Map:updateGrid to make your code up to date
- New race: Yeeks - look out for some new ruins on the map
- New starting zones for the Yeeks
- The Rod of Recall is now dropped by the first boss killed
- Archery talents now give a correct range
- Sandworm tunneler should finaly strengthen existing tunnels
- Actor:setEffect() now rounds its duration *UP*
- Archery now correctly uses attack bonus from ammo
- ESP will not make the out of LOS display "flicker"
- Weather effects: A few zones now get clouds, sand storms, ... moving over them
- New class: Mindslayers. The yeek's frontline figthers, mindslayers are powerful psionics that use their powers to enhance their melee abilities. They can psionicaly wield a second weapon and erect powerful auras. *beware this class is not easy to play*
- Inventory window now displays a currently equiped compare tooltip if available
- Nerf flurry somewhat
- New class: Temporal Warden. Protect and manipulate the timeline. Instantly switch between ranged and melee combat. Time travel (to the past!)
Have fun!
New online feature: characters vault
Today, to celebrate the release of b18 and the new year I present you the Characters Vault !
This feature uses the new metadata attached to character sheets since beta17 to make a searchable database of all characters. This is a first version, more features shall come later (like sorting), but it should already be quite interesting.
Have fun, and happy new year!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta18 aka "V" unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta18 ! See http://te4.org/
This is a "quick" release to fix some bad stuff in b17 and introduce a few nice things. Notably the first version of player housing!
Release highlights:
- Fixes crash & bugs
- Fixes unlocks & achievements update on the server
- Adds player "house"
Expanded changelist:
- Unlocks, achievements, .. should correctly update again
- Bad game version detection will switch to a "development" profile automatically
- Added the -P"profname" command line switch to switch to a "profname" profile (to prevent uploading bad data)
- When targetting the map will scroll to follow the target cursor
- Fix the lost merchant quest
- Fixed the Blighted Ruins
- "Normal mode" did not provide all the lifes it should
- Fix Onslaught
- Fix War Hound
- Sandworm Burrowers are not very angry creatures now
- The Golem can not decide he hates his Alchemist
- Most level change terrains (stairs, ...) should have a tile now, except the worldmap
- Smooth movement can now also be used to do a "motion blur", this is used for Rush and Disengage (and Lightning Speed on a smalelr scale)
- Strength tooltip does correctly state that it also increases to hit chance
- Going up from the slime tunnels will correctly place the player back in Grushnak Pride
- Removed the Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Geomancer and Tempest classes; instead unlocking them will grant all new Archmages access to the corresponding trees (which are bumped to level 10 trees)
- Players can now acquire a "house". More features will be added to it later on
- The orbs in the ruined dungeon will de-activate once the level is completed
- The Three Edged Sword now has a correct encumberance value
Have fun and don't forget to help ToME by with donations!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta17 aka "Wintertide" unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta17 ! See http://te4.org/
This is a "quick" release to fix a bad crash in beta16 and it brings along some fun goodies too!
(No, no Sher'Tul Fortress yet, it will be in next beta)
Release highlights:
- Fixes crash & bugs
- "Smooth movement" animations
- Some quality of life improvments
- Online charsheets now contain metadata; the website will be updated with search features
- Change in the way the difficulty levels are named (again ;> )
Expanded changelist:
- Inverted the list of zones in the first quest, by special request of Zonk !
- Renamed talent Fire Imp to Ritch Flamespitter, to be more in line with the nature feel of the class
- Improved War Hound melee damage and speed
- Archery low ammo reminder does not identify ammo
- Ammo counter added to the left pane
- Removed the freeze image, it seems to lead to some .. crashes
- Friendly NPCs will not take it lightly when attacked - without having to involve their whole faction
- When talents do not have enough resources to be used they will be greyed out in the hotkeys display
- Angolwen is now populted with NPCs
- Fix typo in the Circles talents
- Dropping items from the inventory dialog will correctly update the title
- Can not use the stores in Zigur after attacking it
- Change Old Man Willow to Wrathroot in the quest description
- Optimized OpenGL code somewhat
- Halflings are "small"
- Fixed duplicate artifacts (hopefully, please keep an eye open for them)
- Level feeling when entering a level lower than your own or higher
- Improves the speed of Stone Prison crumbling
- Fix absorption shields to not ignore the last blow
- Faeros and Gwelgoroths are correctly immune to diseases instead of "deseases" :)
- Meditation only affects wild gifts
- Racial stat bonuses do not count toward the max of 60
- Both base & actual stats are displayed in the leveling screen
- Silly Aeryn will not talk about Numenor anymore
- Fix the directions Aeryn provides
- Renamed Strength & Willpower infusions
- Shuffled the difficulty modes again. Now "Easy" is the old Discover; "Normal" is a multi-lifes mode; "Hardcore" is one life and the rest did not change
- Catalepsy will not give too many "resist" messages
- Eruan and the Charred Scar can scale higher
- Can not avoid one of the possible outcomes of the endgame
- The lost merchant can not block people in corridors
- Birther.new() takes a new first parameter: either nil or a special title to display. *WARNING* modules need to update
- The game will now display the current number of unlocked birth options and the max during character creation
- Added Entity:setMoveAnim(oldx, oldy, speed) method to make entities move around the map with smooth movements. This is not used by default, modules can choose to use it or not
- A new option (in the game options) is available to change/disable the "smooth movement" effect
- Online charsheets now store some more flags that will later allow the website to be used to search for characters
Have fun and don't forget to help ToME by with donations!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta16 unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta16 ! See http://te4.org/
Not everything I wanted to have is in this release but my life is a bit complicated currently, not much free time until the end of the year, so those 118 lines of changelog will have to do ;>
Release highlights:
- Online automatic character-sheets: all your characters will automatically be uploaded to te4.org
- New class: the Doomed
- New trees for Anorithils
- FOV code speed improvment
- Persistent hotkey assignements when quickbirthing!
Expanded changelist:
- Can not be stuck on tannen tower
- Positive energy is magic!
- Z'quikzshl the skeletal mold has been demoted from Boss to Unique rank
- The Rod of Recall is now dropped by Bill. Rejoice!
- Many typos!
- Removes mentions of some left over tolkienian names
- Warning about the crypt danger
- Custom mouse cursor support (disablable in the video options)
- Infusions & Runes can be used while silenced
- The game now computes "keyframes", those are the number of reference frames displayed. Simply this means that particles effects and such that are dependant on being called 30 times per seconds now work independantly from actual FPS.
- Game:display() now receives a "nb_keyframes" parameter, it should be passed to to the map an other such things (see the example module, it is easy to update, although technically not needed)
- Requested FPS can be changed in the video options
- Do not pop artifact quest in the ID
- Maximun OOD creatures set to 6 in the infinite dungeon
- The Ruined Dungeon is now persistant
- Reduced the power of melee projection on randarts
- Artifact bows/slings have default ammo
- Fixed Dark Ritual
- Inscriptions are now displayed in character sheet and dump
- Creating a new incription slot correctly consumes the infusion/rune
- Made it clear that overriding an inscription deletes the old one forever
- Added new lore to Tol Falas, I am sure you'd love some undead poetry, wouldn't you?!
- Renamed Tol Falas the Dreadfell
- Infusions & Runes items now have a more descriptive name
- Infusions & Runes variable values should scale better with levels
- Randart themened name will be determined by the theme that has the higher powers in the randart (out of the possible theme names, not all themes have names)
- Wild Infusion will only clear detrimental effects
- Fixed spell crit multiplier increase
- Aeryn in the endfight is a big biffier
- Fixed cooldown for Cursed's Rampage
- Disable equipment destruction by elemental attacks
- Greatmauls now have the same attack speed as other weapons
- Fixd the duplicate hotkey binding in the third hotkey page
- Bad (online)profile data wont prevent load
- Twilight gives the correct amount of Negative enegy
- Forbid lore items in place of unqiues
- Wands of trap destruction are much more effective now
- Renamed Stalactitic Missiles to Earthen Missiles
- Improved antimagic quets description
- Switched Explosion Expert and Alchemist Protection
- Talent category points now increase mastery by 0.2 but can only be sued once per category (instead of twice 0.1)
- Ametrine correctly lights the target area when used with Throw Bomb
- Fix bone shield, probably
- Fix Brandish description
- Runed Skull wont prevent using Imbue
- Fixed Martyrdom
- Added an achievement for killing Harkor'Zun
- Corrupted talent description update
- Gave a unidentified name to all artifacts
- Reworked Nightmare and Insane difficulties. Instead of weakening the player they will generate much nastier monsters. You have been warned.
- Demon Plane can only be cast on or by the player
- Bow & Sling specific talents only work with bows or slings
- Fix random/rare crash when saving
- Fix Vestments of the Conclave
- Sand tunnels will be strengthened by a second tunneler passing by
- Improved the speed the NPC FOV calculation, should lag less on crowded big levels
- Absorption shield talents now provide more info in the corresponding tooltip when activated
- Demon Plane should not work on players possessing creatures
- Updated online profile creation to work with the new te4.org website
- Even if bosses are killed by non-actors (like traps or suffocation) the player gain exp
- Using magic will correctly put on cooldown all antimagic talents
- Hate regen (loss) lies on an exponential curve. Above 10 it falls very quickly. Below 5 it falls pretty slowly.
- Hotkeys assignements are now remembered when doing a quickbirth
- New achievement for killing Bill at character level one
- Fix Geomancer's life rating
- Reading lore does not randomly turn the font italic or bold
- Renamed Trollshaws to Trollmire
- Advanced Golemancy requires higher level
- The Demonic Orb of Many Ways is identified as such when discovering the trickery
- Entities can have a "__position_aware" flag to tell the map code to store their position in x/y properties
- Infusion/Rune scaling is shown in talent info
- canProject() returns 2 additional values, the explosion coords
- Great many typos fixed by greycat
- Improved talent tooltips
- Demon Plane can not be used in zones forbidding worldportation
- Domniation Hex is removed if the target is damaged by the caster
- Automatic character sheet upload to http://te4.org/ each time the game is saved. The charsheets are then visible online, with colors and tooltips!
- Character Sheet dialog now provides a link to the online character sheet url
- Increased healing from shield of light on the lower end
- Rebalanced shield of light positive energy drain (now drains up to 2 per hit instead of a flat 3)
- Fixed Brandish targeting
- Rebalanced Providence (lower duration but more healing, should encourage investing more then one talent point into it without it being worthless at one point)
- Fixed Simulacrum and changed it a bit, added some cunning scaling
- Made twilight scale off cunning
- New Anorithil tree: Eclipse
- New Anorithil tree: Circles
- Fix the onslaught on Zigur quest
- Killing the elementals in Derth will now currently trigegr the quest even if killed by a summon controlled pet
- Character sheet now displays archery damage correctly
- Fix a weird worldmap bug
- Static map addZone and addSpot can take a 4th parameter that is a table to be merged into the spot/zone data
- Ghoul & Skeleton stat increasing talent does not count toward the stat limit, like items
- Fix Grace of the Eternals speed
- Fixed quakes, again
- The Summoner's Stone Golem does not quake anymore, instead it can use Unstoppable
- Added new horror creatures
- New class: Doomed (Afflicted)
- Changes some of the talents of the Shades in the Shadow Crypt
- Meditation breaks on damage
- Clarify stealth tooltip
- The Flooded Cave can be encountered again
- The Shade can not bleed
- Fatigue can not be negative
- High level Phase Door & Teleport will indicate which targetting does what
- Cyst Burst & Epidemic tooltip changed to note they only spread one disease
- The alchemist's golem will not appear on the worldmap
- Fix Crooked Club
- Added lore to each of the orc prides
- Effects duration is now displayed in left player pane & tooltip
- Game modules will be verified against an online check; profile data logging and online charsheet will only activate if the game is found to be clean. This is to prevent developpers & testers from erroneously uploading false data
- Frozen effects now reads as "encased in ice", making it more explicit that cold resist has no effect on it
- Frozen provides a 20% resist all due to being encased in ice
- Frozen creatures are shown more explicitly
- Creating a new character over an existing one now prompts a confirmation
- Added lore to the Temple of Creation
- Reknor max level increased
- Updated Cunning tooltip, it does not affect APR
Have fun!
- darkgod's blog
- Login or register to post comments
User blogs on te4.org
I have activated user blogs on te4.org.
Every tome player possessing an account is able to blog about her/his characters, her/his new developments for the game or the engine, ...
Both Burb Lulls and Powerwyrm have already begun posting their Day in the Life stories, go read them, post yours.
- darkgod's blog
- Login or register to post comments
New te4.org site is up and running!
The new version of the Tales of Maj'Eyal and T-Engine4 website is now up and running.
This version merges all three old sites (blog.te4.org, tome.te4.org and te4.org) into one, with many additional features.
- News, downloads, documentation as on the old sites
- A list of the last 10 currently playing players
- A detailed user profile for every people with an online profile that lists unlocks, achievements, deaths, ...
- A global game statistic page that aggregates all those datas into fun stats
- Website login are synchronized with online profiles. If you register on the website you can log into the game and the other way around. Note for old accounts: if you have some weird characters in your login it might have been adjusted on the web site, like spaces replaced with _
In the future there will be even more stats, and obviously support for module uploads and module stats.
Have fun!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta15 unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta15 !
See http://tome.te4.org/ http://te4.org/ http://blog.te4.org/
Yes, beta15 comes out very quickly. It is mostly a bug-fix release but there is one real improvement that I wanted to share with you all: Saving speed has been greatly improved. People that had really terrible saving speeds of over two minutes for simple zones are now down to a few seconds.
Release highlights:
- Greatly improved saving time
- New game option to disabled background saving, this blocks the game while saving but improves save speed
Expanded changelist:
- Rewrote the data serializer, savefiles should be *much* faster
- New option to disable background saving
- Mage apprentice quets will now require only 10 items or an artifact staff/ring/amulet
- Fixed wands of illumination
- Fixed character description on the load screen
- Fix the Dragon Helm
- Update Tol Falas lore
- Old forest is now a bit brighter
- Much new Iron Throne lore
- Higher now have a life rating instead of a lite rating :)
- The Crypt of Kryl-Feijan will not pop before level 20
- Elisa will not end her quets multiple times
- Can not rush while pinned
- Bumping encounters on the worldmap triggers them
- Amulets of Mastery can provide bonuses to any trees
- Divine/Guardian talents have higher requirements
- Manasurge Rune now provides a small direct mana inscrease an a % increase of natural mana regen
- Two new world artifacts
Have fun!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta14 unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta14 !
See http://tome.te4.org/ http://te4.org/ http://blog.te4.org/
This is a very big release, introducing many changes, some very big the removal of consumables (do not freak out, there is a replacement, hopefully more fun and balanced than chain-chugging potions) or the change of game setting.
WARNING: Please remove your quickbirth data/do not use quickbirth to recreate characters when upgrading
This is also a very special release for me because the first line of code was commited one year ago, the 17th november. So this is the one year's release!
What a long way it has come since then, thanks to you all my good players!
Release highlights:
- Changed game setting from middle earth to the custom world of Eyal, with full history and lore to support it
- New unlockable campaign: the Infinite Dugeon
- New classes: Geomancers and Corruptors
- Multiple new zones
- Easier and more fun identification system
- Removed consumables(scrolls and potions) and replaced with an inscription system. You can put infusions/runes on your skin that grant a permanent skill
- Added random artifacts
- More randomness in boss drops
- Much balancing and fixes
Expanded changelist:
- Activated fog of war on the world map
- New Game dialog will autoselect the first game
- Allow dwarven females to be played
- Setting changed to the custom world of Eyal. Main continent is Maj'Eyal
- Added random patrols and hostiles moving around the world map
- Scrolls, wands and spells of identification are gone (do not cry this, with the other changes, makes things much less boring)
- There is a shop in town that can identify stuff for you
- New quest: to get the orb of scrying
- Added many new room shapes
- The game should slow down a bit less while saving
- Saving will now display a progress bar
- Reworked Divination spells, there are now: Keen Senses, Arcane Eye, Vision and Premonition
- Added much much lore
- Flameshock has got a cooldown again, oups!
- Both Maj'Eyal and the Far East are on the same worldmap
- Fix trap of lethargy
- Quake should not work on vaults
- Saving the game while running/resting will not crash the game/savefile
- Allow the Static generator to read table of tables instead of table of strings
- Changed experience level charts
- Meditation can not fail due to equilibrium
- Most bosses that drop an artifact now have only a chance of dropping theirs, if they do not they will drop a random one and theirs will be added to the random pool
- Boss artifacts can be found before the boss is killed, the boss will cheat and use it for combat but will drop something else
- Gwai's Burninator got a fitting description
- Many zones can now scale a bit more in levels to prevent player overgrowing them too much
- Normal monsters give much less experience now, bosses give hugely more experience
- Creatures stop giving experience if they are 7 levels below you instead of 3
- Added wands of conjuration
- All wands now have a spell inside
- Many new world artifacts
- Reduced Bill damage output
- Reduced power of the Shade
- Added random artifacts
- Prevent an infinite loop under some rare conditions with thunderstorm on a NPC
- Fix Throw Bomb special effects
- Alchemist Protection protects against side effects at level 5
- Rogue traps duration is now based on trap mastery
- Fix mouse over on the hotkeys when an object is not present
- Fix resting/running while waiting for recall
- When Equilibrium is below the current willpower score talents will never fail.
- NPCs Summon talent is now subject to equilibrium failures and each time it is used its cooldown will increase
- Creatures that split on damage will have reduced split chance with each split
- Meditation now dazes the player, if he is hit it will stop. Each turn some equilibrium is regenerated and a big chunck if the effect ends without disruption
- Fixed Hurricane
- Fix Channel Staff with the staff of absorption
- New effect for Blastwave
- Flame now beams at level 5, watch the pretty colors!
- Removed the spider quest from the east, replaced with a new one upon arrival
- Urkis drops an artifact in addition to the rod
- Adjusted some spell costs
- Skeletons can not bleed
- Improved Angolwen design
- Mana Clash absorbs more mana
- New town: Zigur, the home of the Ziguranth, who oppose magic. Not available to magic wielders
- Antimagic quest can now be taken from Zigur.
- The Map class can now be configured for a specific search order for checkAllEntities. Default is now: Actor, Terrain, Projectile, Trap, Objects
- Melee attacks now work to hit things inside walls like xorns
- Example modules have their Game:setupDisplayMode() method fixed when loading a save
- Ardhungol is now a side quest
- New random encounter in the far east: the shadow crypt
- New vaults
- New campaign: the Infinite Dungeon (require unlock). Descend into the infinite dungeon, see how far you can go and die in a blaze of glory!
- New achievements for going deep in the infinite dungeon
- Players start with the Orb of Knwoledge when doing the infinite dungeon
- New world encounter: the ruined dungeon
- Lightning Speed breaks when drinking potions
- Added a new rank between elite & boss for creatutes: unique
- Added new random unique creatures
- Fixed rod of recall/teleport: angolwen to not make stuff appear on the worldmap
- New class: Geomancer (mage subclass)
- Hexes are now balls, except Domination Hex
- Malicious thieves has arrived in towns, making it unsafe to leave stuff on the ground :)
- Blighted Ruins (undeads starting zone) is still 8 physical levels deep but NPC level will only increase at 0.5 per level
- When a boss dies the player gets experience even if he did not kill it directly or through summons
- Some more lore to be randomly found (well lore .. err .. trollish lore .. err .. kinda .. well trollish stuff!)
- Random lore scrolls now can actualy be generated! Oups!
- Zone:checkFilter() can now check "properties" and "not_properties" fields which contains list of fields to be found/not be found on the entity to validate it
- Added new egos
- The Awakened Staff of Absorption has been buffed and added lore
- Staff of absorption has its own tile
- Bows/Slings can not be used as melee weapons
- Bows/Slings now have an "infinite" ammo embedded, all ammo found are ego (and rarer obviously)
- Berserker talent now provides increasing stun & pinning resistance
- Tidal Wave correctly grows
- New random encounter on Maj'Eyal: a dark crypt
- New horror monster
- Gwelgoroths now have correct lightning atatcks instead of fire attacks (bad copy paste! bad!)
- Added missing object tiles
- Added an achievement for killing Ukruk
- Golem: Pound does not hit the caster when mounted inside the golem
- Stuns can now be partial, each turn you do not loose the energy of a whole turn, but a variable amount based on your stun resistance
- Right-click during birth correctly works
- Implemented "no teleport" objects. They do not prevent you from teleporting, but they do not follow.
- Cyst Burst will spread diseases further
- Autodetect fullscreen resolutions
- More space for price in store dialogs
- Fix tannen quest
- Fix Shockwave Bomb
- Fix mage apprentice quest when not selecting an item
- Fix lost merchant quest: can not push around things
- Replaced Forage talent with Flare (since basic ammo is infinite)
- Added unique graphics to some artifacts
- Fix dreadmaster disperse magic
- Prevent Bone Shield from bugging under some werid cirscumstances
- Aeryn will now explain why the player encountered sun paladins/anorithils in the west, if he did
- Particle effects now correctly resize in 16x16 mode (if you spot one that does not do tell me)
- "World" achievements can not be gained as personal achievements (like Reaver, Pyromancer, ...)
- Seer escorts will not manathrust you in the back
- Sandworm heart provides benefit to Wyrmics
- Remove scrolls & potions
- Add runes & infusions to replace consumables. They are used once to inscribe an infusion(natural) or rune(magical) on your skin, which you can then activate at will. There is a limited number of slots available.
- Fix critical damage modifier
- Heithened senses/infravision allows to see as with a light in a 1/4th radius
- Fix character dump log messages
- Living races start with Regeneration and Wild infusions; undeads with Shielding and Phase Door runes
- More high level sandworms
- New vampire tiles
- Removed energy usage cost from chants and hymns, also lowered cooldown to 12
- Light tree is now generic
- Replaced Second Life with Providence
- New divine tree Guardian. Requires a shield to use
- Sun Paladins now can access Light tree at birth
- Sun Paladins can now access Guardian tree
- Bathe in Light also improves healing received
- New zone: Mark of the Spellblaze
- New quest found inside the mark of the spellblaze
- New class: Corruptors, a spellcaster brother to reavers
- Resistances are now capped a 70% for players. Items can increase the cap.
- Fireflash no longer does a DOT, it is all upfront damage
- Firing bolts at a wall now hits what is inside the wall.
- Firing balls at a wall now explodes the ball just before the wall.
- Weapon brands now affect only the weapon carrying it. Other equipment granting brands work for all weapons.
- Alchemist's Golem now only levels with the player
- Talent category points can be used to gain at most two more infusion/rune slots
- Only two of the same kind of infusion/rune can be inscribed at once
- Added "Game Options" to the main menu
- Autosave all the game on zone change is now configurable in the game options.
- Saving each level individualy is now an option in the game options. This will make sure the game only keeps one level in memory (thus reducing the need for memory) but incur a small save/load on each level changes.
- Ukruk finally drops something useful. If you can beat him!
- Rain in the old forest is a bit bluer
- The endgame loot is more powerful
- Archmages will not be able to cheese their way through the Charred Scar
Have fun!
T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta13 unleashed!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta13 !
Release highlights:
- New talent tree for rogues: Trapping
- New talent tree for Wyrmics: Storm Drake Aspect
- New talent tree: Antimagic
- New class: Tempest
- New bosses, new content, new quests!
- Much balancing and fixes
Expanded changelist:
- Moved resolution setting inside Video Options
- The main menu interface is now a module like any others, called "boot"
- The main menu will now have a random animated background with an AI-controlled player running around in a forest, blasting things
- Particle density setting added to the video options
- Correctly index quick keys in inventory dialogs
- Can not riposte while stunned/dazed/stoned
- Ranged Defense property now shows up in tooltips
- Fixed quick keys in use talent menu
- Typos
- Scrolling descriptions now correctly work in talents dialogs
- Fixed boots of speed (removing them granted infinite movement speed)
- Changing graphical mode will now save & reload the game to avoid any display glitches
- Changing resolution will now make a popup asking if you really want to change, and save & reload the game to avoid graphical glitches. Module makers can update easily by just stealing the example module onResolutionChange() method
- To upgrade to the new resolution switch simply remove your Game:onResolutionChange() method it's not needed anymore.
- Fixed artifact ring creation with the pearl or the resonating gem in your inventory
- Stores wont ID things when trying to sell
- Freeze will freeze for 3 turns
- Added gloves of iron grip that increase strength and provide disarming resistance
- Fixed time passing when learning talents
- Undead races are now unlocked by killing the Master (a random one will be unlocked each time)
- When multiple objects are stacked on the map there will be a visual indicator (modules can activate it by simply doing Map.object_stack_count = true)
- The various inventory dialogs will now update while keeping their current selection
- Clicking on an item in the inventory dialog will bring the usage popup under the mouse for easier access
- Quantity prompt first keystroke will "reset" the value
- Fixed Berserk talent penality
- Added Fixedsys Excelsior 3.0 font as /data/font/FSEX300.ttf (for those module makers that want an oldschool look)
- Diamonds corectly increase Constitution
- Allow to disable the background animation onthe main menu
- Fix main fbo shader
- Fixed cutoff texts in dialogs
- The game will load the engine version requested by the module
- Fix uruk-hai berserkers, they are now craeted wit ha 2h axe instead of a one hand axe. beware!
- Fix Shatter
- Second weapon set does not provide stats & prevent offhands to be used
- Thieves in the second level of the merchant quest can not be moved around anymore
- Modules required engine field is now strict: it will only use this engine, no others
- The game now supports multiple versions of the engine and of modules.
- There is a "Update All" option in the main menu that will download updates for all installed modules, and update the engine if they require it
- Savefiles are now tagged with the module version that created them, they will not be available if that version is not installed and will load with that version, even if it's not the newest one
- Add an option to the New Game menu to start older versions of the modules
- Escort quest rewards provide a tooltip
- Angolwen's staff shop has more staves and less wands
- Refactored Target:getType() to be more generic
- Only leather boots can be stealthy
- Adjusted the encumberance of heavy & light armours
- Probably sped up talents/inventory draw speed
- Gates of Morning has not got the nice looking palm trees!
- Orc encounters are back in the far east
- Wands can be correctly hotkeyed
- Wands work after a reload
- Store shoulds the correct price
- Inventory/equipment/store dialogs will hav a minimun size of 800x600
- New talent tree for rogues: Trapping
- Xorns wont stand helpless as you hit them from far away
- Turned the walls of the "hotel" vault into hardwalls
- Cursed Pity talent has a reduced range and a chance to fail
- Cursed Form is now a generic talent line
- Rampage is now a class talent line
- New class: Tempest
- It is possible to finish the mage apprentice quest by offering the staff of destruction even if archmages are not unlocked
- New quest to unlock the Tempest, available at lowish levels (around level 14)
- Allow updateMap to be customized
- Added music to Ardhungol
- Fixed Gloom confusion power
- Improved the artifact Gwai's Burninator
- Fixed missing check to resolveSource in damage_types.lua
- Fixed endgame dialog running multiple times in some cases
- Fixed "player under ther stairs" bug
- Vor Armoury will not decay
- Rest is now bound to both 'R' and 'r'
- Added a font:getStyle() method
- New "preformated" text type: tstring. They are special tables that contain preformated color, font, .. info to spare the engine the parsing, making some things MUCH faster. They degrade to normal color strings using tostring(mytstring) if needed
- Talents & objects now use tstrings instead of strings, making them faster
- Self-target warning will now show which talent is responsible
- Imrpoved "pickup all" option speed
- The Water Silmaril penality to luck has been drastically reduced
- Modified ListColumns and TreeList to use tstrings to speedup display. You need to update your LevelupTalentsDialog if you copied the one from ToME, copy it again ;)
- Added some more world artifacts
- Prevent some zones with fixed layout to decay
- Added betetr talent descriptions to some talents
- Riposte is now useful at any talent level
- Two new vaults
- Improved bonuses from talents in the passive combat techniques tree
- Stats at birth as correctly applied
- All timed effects and sustained talents now have a tooltip on the left side pane and on the character sheet
- Added a new world artifact, the axe of Durin, grants more power in the hands of a dwarf
- Lethargy trap will only put activable abilities on cooldown
- New vault possible in amon sul
- The right-click menu is closable with a right click
- Diggers vault is diggable
- New achievement: Backstabbing Traitor
- The caverns to the valley of the moon are not fully lit anymore
- Clarified the master jeweler dialog
- Added a static background for the main menu when animations are disabled
- Added "Encumbered" notification to the left pane
- New quest to learn antimagic
- The Corrupted Balrog is now stun immune
- Enforce a minimun range of 15 on teleport scrolls
- Powerful ego items are now color coded as blue instead of green
- Fixed quickbirth for Alchemists
- Ego ammo can modify travel speed
- Added new egos
- Replaced sword/mace/axe mastery talents with a single weapons mastery (knifes are still apart)
- Beefed up a bit the endgame bosses
- Added Storm Drakes creatures
- Added a Storm Drake Aspect talent line to the Wyrmic class
- Fix hotkey page switch message
- Fixed archery when projectiles are flying during a save/reload
- When the player comes back from the far east some of the zones he visited and vanquished the boss in the west will be updated with a new boss (only if the previous guardian has been killed before going east). This currently affects the Moria, Old Forest, Trollshaws and Tol Falas
- Fix the cloak of grim bonuses
- Added backup guardian to the Maze
- Added a backup guardian to the sandworm lair
- Added backup guardian to Amon Sul
- Added a backup guardian to Carn Dum
- Removed rings of invisibility
- Fix ActorProject to not call damtype if it's a function over a friendly fire
- Fixes and tweaks to the Cursed class
- Fix replacing a slotted belt with a slotted belt
- Added a copy_add field to player descriptors
- Class life rating now adds to race life rating instead of overriding it
- Fixed diggers
- Fixed some objects that were wrongly classified as metallic
- Potion of dragon blood
- Increased gold drops
- New quest to create a portal back to the Far East
- Teleport: Angolwen is not instant anymore
- Reduced Mages life rating
- Increased Berserkers life rating
- Fixed Drain range
- Fixed range of Disperse magic
- Fatigue now affects mana at twice the effect
- Phase Door is now controlled at level 5. A controlled phase door to a location not in LOS will have a chance to fizzle.
- 'm' talents menu displays talents on cooldown as such
- New mold unique (no not moldoux!)
- Reduced Pyromancer and Cryomancer achievements to one million damage instead of two
- Achievements tracked by the world will correctly be kept track of when characters die
- Added an option on death to restart the same character, this forced quickbirth so it is really instant
- Sandworm Tunnelers now have the stairs on their nodes list
- Keeping 5 pressed to spend time will correctly pass time
- Added string.toTString() method to convert a string to a tstring
- Message log now shows a scrollbar
- Arcane Combat is now instantly cast (it does not use a turn)
- Racial talents (except undeads) take no time to activate
- Arcane Combat only casts Flame or Lightning, the other ones are more tatical and thus excluded
- Arcane Blades now start with Arcane Combat and their Flame & Lightning spells have a higher cooldown
- Increased the damage done by Fiery Hands and Frozen Hands
- New lore in the east to be found!
- Arcane Feed and Shadow Feed are now sustains that provide mana regen per turn
- New class: Geomancer, earth specialist Archmages (no unlock yet)
- Stores now have a limit on the price they can give for an item, it changes from stores to stores
- Imbuing items changes their names
- Ammo Creation talent is now called Forage, it is a sustained talent taht auto activated when you kill stuff
- Removed Benevolent Spirit talent and replaced with Suppress Summoning
- Artifacts found will now be added to the known lore
- Leaving the level while an escort quest is going on will doom the escort
- Apprentice mage can not be talked to if dead
- Breath attacks now have their own particles effects
- Added rain to the old forest
- Channel Staff does not say if it crits before targetting
- Can not create aclehmist gems from unique/special gems
- Zemekkys now correctly takes the money he is given, and the amount has been reduced to 100
- Items consumed to resurrect now corectly work
- Changed ghouls and skeletons intro text
- Autosave on zone switch
- The jeweler tome only drops in the far east
- Slime talents are learnt directly now
Have fun!