
Forbidden Cults 1.0.1 is out!

My minions,

I am happy to give you Forbidden Cults 1.0.1!
This is a simple little update to fix a few release bugs.

  • Change Demented starting zone to the middle of a corn field to avoid Angolwen despawning
  • Clarify insanity description
  • Drem Stone Wardens can now have benefit from Stone Fortress while the summon from From Below It Devours talent is alive.
  • Fixed a bug where the Wyrmic Scourge Drake tree wouldn't properly unlock
  • Fixed books shader on AMD GPUs
  • Fixed Dissolved Face tooltip
  • Fixed Drem confusion resistance
  • Fixed Horrific Display target clearing
  • Fixed Malyu dialog to gracefully handle classes that know talent trees that do not actually exist
  • Fixed Shared Insanity tooltip
  • Fixed tentacle tree event to not always spawn a bunch of them at once
  • Fixed tentacle zones having leftover Fearscape Portal code
  • Fixes characters with the Robe of the Worm permanently stuck (retroactive)
  • Improve Light of Revelation
  • Increased the level range of a certain Forbidden Tome a bit
  • Reduced the damage of most npcs in The Maggot a little, and reduced the endboss infravision

Have fun with your tentacles!

Tales of Maj'Eyal: Forbidden Cults is now released!

My dear minions,

I am very happy to tell you that Forbidden Cults expansion is now officially released!

What started as an idea inspired by a bug in a joke online event turned into a set of races, classes, lore, zones... that makes me very happy!
So without further ado, I give you Forbidden Cults !

Forbidden Cults is available from, Steam and GOG, go grab it now before a tentacle grabs YOU!

And if you somehow missed the announcement, the release date announce and all the hype, here is what it is all about:

Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind.
Lately the number of sightings of horrors have grown tremendously. People wander off the beaten paths only to be found years later, horribly mutated and partly insane, if they are found at all. It is becoming evident something is stirring deep below Maj'Eyal.
That something is you.

Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!

Forbidden Cults makes two new classes available to play:

  • Writhing One: Give in to the corrupting forces and turn yourself gradually into an horror, summon horrors to do your bidding, shed your skin and melt your face to assault your foes. With your arm already turned into a tentacle, what creature can stop you?
  • Cultist of Entropy: Using its insanity and control of entropic forces to unravel the normal laws of physic this caster class can turn healing into attacks and call upon the forces of the void to reduce its foes to dust.

Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.

Forbidden Cults makes two new races available to play:

  • Drem: A corrupt subrace of dwarves, that somehow managed to keep a shred of sanity to not fully devolve into mindless horrors. They can enter a frenzy and even learn to summon horrors.
  • Krog: Ogres transformed by the very thing that should kill them. Their powerful attacks can stun their foes and they are so strong they can dual wield any one handed weapons.

Forbidden Cults adds many new zones for you to explore and die in:

  • Kroshkkur: An ancient Sher'tul Fortress laying half in ruins that serves as a focal point, and home, for all kinds of creatures seeking lost knowledge.
  • The Maggot: A huge living corrupted worm about to destroy Kroshkkur! Teleport inside and save your sanctuary of horrors!
  • The Godfeaster: Deep undergroud the ground shakes as ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • The Scourge Pits: On the south of the Iron Throne lays a fool pit of ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • Forbidden Tomes: Find special artifact books of ancient lore. But, read at your own peril, for the story they tell may very well suck you in... quite literally.
    Maybe you will even find The One That Writes...
  • Occult Egress: A strange, extremely old, contraption of unknown origin. It seems to require some kind of code sequence to activate. Maybe you will find some during your adventures?
  • The Entropic Void: So you think you are strong? Powerful? Invulnerable? In the end, entropy always wins, as you will learn...

What would an expansion about horrors be without a bunch of new horrors to torment you with? Please give a warm welcome to:

  • Searing Horrors: You liked luminous horrors? You loved radiant horrors? You will absolutely adore their searing big brothers!
  • Nethergates: It sleeps. Maybe it should stay that way.
  • Netherworms: Vampiric worm masses that are bound to tickle your fancy! And tickle hard.
  • Fearful Symmetry: Geometry has never been so lively!
  • Entropic Shards: Take an entropic crystal, shatter it with tentacles. And die.
  • : And more ...

"DarkGod, is that all?" Obviously not! You will also find your usual addition of:

  • Lore: Delve into the dark forgotten secrets of the world, where sanity is a very tenuous idea.
  • Artifacts: Discover new objects of power and use them to further your own goals.
  • New wyrmic tree: Unlock the scourge drake for your wyrmics.
  • Glass Golem: Unlock the glass golem option for your alchemists.
  • Events: Discover new strange contraptions in familiar zones. What could go wrong?
  • Achievements: Because there can never be enough!

Go my minions, have nice terrible deaths to the untold horrors of Forbidden Cults!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.9 aka "The Last Patch Of Us" is out!

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.9 ! See

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !

  • Altered lore popup window to accomodate big lore visuals better
  • Shatur (and others) trees should be back to their full glory
  • Fixed crash on birth screen when framebuffer video option is disabled

Have fun in Eyal!

Over a millennium of Tales of Maj'Eyal!

My minions, I am happy to say that Tales of Maj'Eyal has now made humanity as a whole lose over 1000 years!

That is 1000 years of Yet An Other Stupid Death, of amazing treasures, great glory, tears and fun and I hope many more millenniums will follow!

For the next 3 days anybody playing online will get a special item to commemorate this event!

Forbidden Cults expansion release date is set!

My minions,

I have good news for you: the exact date of the Forbidden Cults expansion release!
And no I'm not going to say in "One DarkGod Time Unit" ;)

Forbidden Cults will be released May the 16th! You only have a bit over two weeks to wait and then the tentacles will grab you!

Until then, hang on tight and have fun!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.8 aka "Forbidden Patch" is out!

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.8 ! See

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !

  • The flame of the candles in the blighted ruins now flicker
  • Fixed Actor:cloneActor to support both add_mos and add_displays, in essence this fixes display bugs with talents that clone NPCs
  • Disable Dreamscape on Dreaming Horrors to avoid weird bugs, until they can be fixed. But buff the horror to compensate
  • Disable all connectivity will not disable steam anymore
  • Fixed Plague tree, this includes the black screen level generation bug

Have fun in Eyal!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.7 aka "Forbidden Bugs" is out!

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.7 ! See

This is an urgent update to 1.5.6, sorry about the bugs my minions, for once I'll go whip myself ;)

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !

  • Fixed error on changing level after a version upgrade. Stupid me sorry :/
  • Fixed a bug with The Mouth spawns and some others
  • Fixed time played in discord rich presence to correctly indicate hours instead of days

Have fun in Eyal!

Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.6 aka "Forbidden Sect" is out!

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.6 ! See

Your launcher should automatically update your game so no need to redownload it all.
If your launcher didn't self-update correctly, just redownload it from the homepage.

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !

  • Added Discord Rich Presence support
  • Aether Beam cast by NPCs will be visible
  • Alchemist golem creation method is now global to the talents namespace (and thus can be modded)
  • Can send talent links in the chat from the talent's right click menu or in the levelup dialog by pressing ctrl+l
  • Chat names of devs and mods have the proper mention of the status
  • Check on character creation for magic/antimagic combo with a warning
  • Clarified online event option with three states, if you had changed the setting you need to reapply it
  • Class icons for all classes!
  • Disabled highscore on the main menu, nobody cared about that anyway
  • Dreaming Horrors now have a custom tooltip regarding their awaken/dreaming state
  • Exported necrotic aura and create minions data and functions to the global talents environment for easier modding
  • Fix Infestation pools blotting out the sun
  • Fixed Flames of Urh'Rok shader (and other similar ones) for ATI GPUs
  • Fixed Fortress and Glass walls for corner cases
  • Fixed randarts with very low ammo regen turns
  • Fixed talent unlearning and item removal to correctly remove buffs they set like they already removed sustains
  • Fixed the orb pedestals in the slime tunnels to be an actual requirement
  • Invulnerable npcs are denoted as such in tooltips
  • Made temporal fugue more resilient to reccursion (with regard to automated defence system of Embers of Rage)
  • Melee retaliation powers on randarts are rarer and higher level
  • Ogres and Shalore are not in Ziguranth patrols anymore
  • Recall buff is now classified as "other"
  • Remove pointless Pestilent Blight combat log entry
  • Removed restriction on shimmers based on weapon/armour types; you can now shimmer a dagger to a staff or a plate armour to a robe!
  • Replaced Rapid Shot with Aim for Bowman Thoughform to correctly match the weapon
  • Revise Rot and Plague talent targeting and tactical tables
  • Switched drem and dremling names to be more fitting
  • Tighthened security around file access functions
  • Addons: "In Combat" status is now computed by the game for all actors, always available as "actor.in_combat" and with callback "callbackOnCombat(state)" when status changes
  • Addons: ActorTemporaryEffect support #hisher#
  • Addons: Added "callbackOnTargeted"
  • Addons: Added game:shakeScreen()
  • Addons: Added loadIfNot to entities environment to only load said list if it has not yet been
  • Addons: Added setTextFont and setAnswerFont functions to chats definition files to switch the fonts used.
  • Addons: Chat:load hook exposes the chat file environment
  • Addons: Damage shield supports on_absorb callback
  • Addons: Fixed events generation in temporary zones
  • Addons: Fixed resolvers.charm/charmt to be last resolvers to avoid problems with reapplying ego
  • Addons: Items that can save life get notified if they do with "on_resurrect" field
  • Addons: Levels can decide if they'll dynamically match stairs with "auto_zone_stair"
  • Addons: New hooks "Chat:invoke", "CommandStaff:SentientOptions", "CommandStaff:SentientChat", "GameState:makeEventName" and "Winner"
  • Addons: New Quest:isSuccess method
  • Addons: New set of inventories parsing methods: findInAllWornInventories, findInAllWornInventoriesBy, findInAllWornInventoriesByObject, wornInventoryApplyAll
  • Addons: New table.pairsRemove function
  • Addons: NPCs can have a custom_tooltip method to add stuff to their tooltips, dynamically
  • Addons: Temporary zone shifts can use "temporary_zone_shift_save_pos" to back back exactly where the entrance was
  • Addons: Zone's generators using "zoneclass" can be a string instead of true to load a specific file

Have fun in Eyal!

Official Tales of Maj'Eyal Discord Server!

Heya my dear minions!

It's time I got on with my time and made an official Discord server for Tales of Maj'Eyal!
I'm sure a lot of you are already using Discord and were sad puppies that you could not find your beloved game there. ;)
Be sad no more and come join up at !

Have fun and be nice!

Announcing Tales of Maj'Eyal next expansion: Forbidden Cults

My minions, I have some grave and dark news for you.

Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind.
Lately the number of sightings of horrors have grown tremendously. People wander off the beaten paths only to be found years later, horribly mutated and partly insane, if they are found at all. It is becoming evident something is stirring deep below Maj'Eyal.
That something is you.

I am happy to announce Forbidden Cults the third expansion to Tales of Maj'Eyal!
It works just like Ashes of Urh'rok, adding new and *wonderful* stuff to the base game instead of a new campaign like Embers of Rage did, but adding more!

So, what does it add you ask? Take a look:

Forbidden Cults makes two new classes available to play:

  • Writhing One: Give in to the corrupting forces and turn yourself gradually into an horror, summon horrors to do your bidding, shed your skin and melt your face to assault your foes. With your arm already turned into a tentacle, what creature can stop you?
  • Cultist of Entropy: Using its insanity and control of entropic forces to unravel the normal laws of physic this caster class can turn healing into attacks and call upon the forces of the void to reduce its foes to dust.

Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.

Forbidden Cults makes two new races available to play:

  • Drem: A corrupt subrace of dwarves, that somehow managed to keep a shred of sanity to not fully devolve into mindless horrors. They can enter a frenzy and even learn to summon horrors.
  • Krog: Ogres transformed by the very thing that should kill them. Their powerful attacks can stun their foes and they are so strong they can dual wield any one handed weapons.

Forbidden Cults adds many new zones for you to explore and die in:

  • Kroshkkur: An ancient Sher'tul Fortress laying half in ruins that serves as a focal point, and home, for all kinds of creatures seeking lost knowledge.
  • The Maggot: A huge living corrupted worm about to destroy Kroshkkur! Teleport inside and save your sanctuary of horrors!
  • The Godfeaster: Deep undergroud the ground shakes as ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • The Scourge Pits: On the south of the Iron Throne lays a fool pit of ... -- redacted by corrupt forces --
  • Forbidden Tomes: Find special artifact books of ancient lore. But, read at your own peril, for the story they tell may very well suck you in... quite literally.
    Maybe you will even find The One That Writes...
  • Occult Egress: A strange, extremely old, contraption of unknown origin. It seems to require some kind of code sequence to activate. Maybe you will find some during your adventures?
  • The Entropic Void: So you think you are strong? Powerful? Invulnerable? In the end, entropy always wins, as you will learn...

What would an expansion about horrors be without a bunch of new horrors to torment you with? Please give a warm welcome to:

  • Searing Horrors: You liked luminous horrors? You loved radiant horrors? You will absolutely adore their searing big brothers!
  • Nethergates: It sleeps. Maybe it should stay that way.
  • Netherworms: Vampiric worm masses that are bound to tickle your fancy! And tickle hard.
  • Fearful Symmetry: Geometry has never been so lively!
  • Entropic Shards: Take an entropic crystal, shatter it with tentacles. And die.
  • And more ...

"DarkGod, is that all?" Obviously not! You will also find your usual addition of:

  • Lore: Delve into the dark forgotten secrets of the world, where sanity is a very tenuous idea. Learn the true nature and origin of the dwarven race.
  • Artifacts: Discover new objects of power and use them to further your own goals.
  • New wyrmic tree: Unlock the scourge drake for your wyrmics.
  • Glass Golem: Unlock the glass golem option for your alchemists.
  • Events: Discover new strange contraptions in familiar zones. What could go wrong?
  • Achievements: Because there can never be enough!

"DarkGod, please take my money, I want it now!"
Sadly you will have to wait as it is still in development so the release is still to be announced. However fear not for it will not take years!

"DarkGod, how much will this cost?"
Still undecided but the upper bound is no more than Embers of Rage.

"DarkGod, where will it be available?"
In all the places where the game is available, that includes, Steam, GOG and so on. As usual.

"DarkGod, can you spoil me more please?"
Sure, for example I can tell you that the new ... a giant tentacle slithers behind DarkGod and grabs him before he has time to reveal any more info.

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