Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.5.5 |
Addons | Steam-Chemist 1.5.5Adds a new class, the Steam-Chemist (A tinker who picked up alchemy) also attempts to revise alchemist with some quality of life and balance changes. Steamchemists: One new talent tree : Shrapnel In addition, they have access to many steam categories. Alch revision description : Buffs Alchemist talents and aims to reduce the irritation of the gem ammo management system. Idea is to make mana the limiting factor of alchemists, 1.0.5: 1.0.4: 1.0.3: 1.0.2: 1.0.1: 1.0.0: 0.9.10: 0.7.1 0.7.0 - Overall : -To make throw bomb's damage scaling smoother gems now give these bonusese to damage of throw bomb per tier : + 20%, +35%, +50%, +65%, +70%, with bomb Gems such as diamonds which gave a +% modifier now have that added directly to their power : Totally revised Explosion Expert, based largely on Minmay's version of the spell Alchemist : Golem : Explosion tree: Shockwave bomb replaced with Contained explosion which functions exactly as throw bomb dealing a maximum amount of explosion expert damage to a single tile. Range scales with talent level. Skill has extremely high mana cost (100), but with a single point is almost certainly the most damaging skill in the game. Lightning: Acid : Fire Alchemy: -Body of fire deals MUCH more damage, but drains MUCH more mana, though its sustain cost is reduced to 75 Frost: Golemancy : Advanced Golemancy: Staff Combat : Stone Alchemy : Warning : Still needs balancing Commando class 1.5.0Adds the Commando warrior class to ToME. Uses a combination of archery, grappling, and stealth techniques. A lifetime of training in archery, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth Additional Randart Properties 1.5.5 Shorter ToME4 Dungeons 1.2.5This add-on significantly shortens all plot-related dungeons: - Dreadfell is now 5 levels. This will make the game harder, due to less experience and loot. The loot from these dungeons was improved to compensate (i.e. lower tier items no longer generate). Recommended only for experienced players looking for a challenge or a faster game. Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.5.0Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Constitution Viability Buff Addon 1.4.6Constitution now grants: EquipDoll - Clean Item Names 1.5.5Makes clearer view of EuipDoll by replacing item egos list with actual name, and tuning a font a bit Actually Useful Artifact Steamguns 1.3.0Increase the range of artifact steamguns to at least the range of an ordinary steamgun of the same tier. Frequently Asked Questions: Marson's Bosses Gone AWOL 1.2.5The addon you hope you never have to use. If all goes well, you never have to touch it. Behind the scenes, BGA monitors the location of every NPC on the current map level. • In cheat mode you can use CTRL-B to pull up a list of all NPCs with details about their locations. Cheat mode will stamp your character, but it can be used as a last resort to see if a quest-required boss has gone all-out missing or not. • If an NPC goes outside the map borders or into the middle of a wall (and it isn't a ghost), BGA will notify you and allow you to relocate the offender to a random free tile somewhere else on the level so that you can reach it. The NPC will not be placed into a vault, but it may be in a secluded room you have to dig to reach. Some levels have rooms behind undiggable walls that aren't marked as vaults. At this point, there isn't much that can be done about those locations beyond using a teleport of some sort. • If a summons is temporarily removed from the level via Time Skip, it remains in your party. If you leave the level before the summons returns, the connection to the summons is severed and it becomes a not-there party member. If you return to the previous level, the original summons will come back out of Time Skip, but it will now be a separate entity from the one that's in your party. The one on the level will sit there and then decay. The one in your party will not decay and will take up a summons slot from that point on, but will not be on any level you visit. BGA will remove the summons in the party slot if the connection is broken, clearing it for future summons. • If an NPC spawns and is then killed in the same turn, it can sit on that tile 'dead'. If a creature—including yourself—walks over that tile, a clone will be made, possibly creating an impassable roadblock. Hitting CTRL-C will cycle through all tiles on the level and remove any clones it finds. • Some rooms will spawn a large group of NPCs. If there are more NPCs than tiles, they will exist 'out of phase'. You can't see or target them and can walk through them as if they didn't exist, but party members may attack the tile they are on. If the NPC has an AOE effect on them, such as an Empire Wight's lighting, it may strike you. You may also hear any sounds associated with the NPC. BGA will 'rephase' the NPC once the square they are on is unoccupied. If the tile and NPC are in sight, you will get the message, '[Name] steps out from hiding.' This may result in an unexpected enemy or two showing up in packed rooms once available space is made. • Log will flush after special actions are taken so that cut/paste is available immediately. • Checks for invalid Dark Fey Clones (StarKeep's Faerie Race addon) + Bugfix: Limmir disappearing immediately after quest completion. Removed check for 'mod.class.PartyMember' on non party members. • v2.2.2 - Compatible with ToME 1.1.5 to 1.2.2
New Gem Types 1.4.2Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! QuickTome: Resource Tweaks 1.3.1 Stunt's Tweaks 1.3.1Small tweaks and changes. Current changes: Marson's Character Recycler 1.2.3v1.0.0 You can choose to regenerate the current character at the beginning, or to go back to the character generation screen and create a new one. Tinker Tinkering 1.3.0A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:
AEther Operators 1.2.3Experiment addon based on Tourist example mod an Glutton Mod: Demon Seed Details 1.4.6This addon is for all you Demonologists out there. Further modifies demon seed names in your inventory to include details about each seed's mods and stats. No more manually tagging hundreds of seeds! I don't do this LUA/addon stuff too often so please forgive any bugs. Currently, switching invenotry tabs for example will remove the details from the seed names. To fix it just close your inventory and open it again. Talents Work With Any Weapon 1.5.5Berserker punching orcs to death? Temporal Warden using guns? Why is this Sawbutcher using Mindstars? This mod removes some restrictions to let almost every talent work with almost any weapon. This mod is currently under development, so beware of potential problems and please report any bugs or errors here or preferably in the discussion thread. Suggestions are also welcome. More details and technical info can be found in the thread. Succor and easement 1.0.1INFO: This mod is *defunct*. Dead and buried. Been for years now. To be honest, I've been hoping something similar would make it into the main game but it never did. Which I will forever be miffed by :). There are alternatives (for both, the alchemist part and the escort part), check the comments, search the addons. I keep it here for those few who might want to play an older version of the game or for coding reference. --- Old description: A few things to make rng less random with regards to character build (because I really, really dislike it when a build is subject to randomness). This includes and is limited to: It does make the game easier. Not in a significant way but use at risk to your own pride. Formerly "known" as Succor and easement. Tier-1 Short Circuit Option 1.1.0Adds a new game option "Short-circuit some early dungeons" to enable or disable the new b43 behavior of skipping the player directly to the bottom of tier-1 dungeons if you're strong enough. The option will appear under Game Options in the <Esc> menu. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Prodigious Progress 1.3.0Include information in certain prodigies' requirement descriptions about how much progress you've made thereto. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Odyssey of The Summoner 1.5.5This is a highly extensive "unofficial DLC" that takes the summonable creatures from the Summoner class and turns them into fully-talented, highly-comprehensive classes with their story and unique events.
Details: Expanded Details: Doctornull's Class Pack 1.4.2This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. Opt-in Adventurers Parties 1.1.0Presents a dialog when you attack or are attacked by an adventurers party or hostile ziguranth patrol on the world map, prompting you to either evade or fight. The behavior of this dialog can be controlled by the "Adventurers party response strategy" options under Game Options in the <Esc> menu, allowing you to specify "always evade" or "never evade" as the default behavior. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Escorts Enhanced 1.2.3Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Anguished 1.4.8Adds the Anguished Class with 7 new talent trees and a new elf race; the Soulless. More info on the forums. Also, the file size is really large because Zerru gave me icons that were 512x512. And I'm too lazy to scale them down. Demon Seeds Plus 1.5.0Gives some unused demon seeds (Khulmanar, Walrog) new skills and adds new unique seeds (Draebor, Lithfengel, Shasshhiy'Kaish, Kryl-Feijan, Corrupted Daleach). If any of the abovementioned demons appears somewhere they shouldn't, please report it in the form thread. Changelog: astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.4.0A combination of all my celestial addons; Firmamancer, Primal Chosen, Trench Strider, Radiant, the Empyreal fork, and the newly added Bloodtide Cultist. Possessor Bonus Class 1.5.4Donators/Buyers bonus! magebow class v18 1.3.1Alternate Zones Option 1.1.0Adds a game option "Alternate zones" to enable or disable (or optionally force) v1.0.3's new alternate zones, either globally or individually by zone. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Inferno Race Pack 1.4.0Adds a collection of my races. Square Field of Vision - Revised 1.0.6Makes field of vision and AoE square. Bone Shield Tweak 1.5.5This addon modifies Bone Shield to add a low damage threshold which will prevent charges from being expended on minor damage. Arcanum Class Pack 1.3.1Primary Features: Arcanist Features: Elementist Features: Enchanter Features: Archmage Features: Alchemist Features: Alternate Talent Requirements 1.5.0Changes some talent categories to base their stat requirements on your highest stat from a given subset. These talents require the greater of Strength or Dexterity: These talents require the greater of Strength or Magic: These talents require the greater of Strength or Willpower: Embers of Rage 1.5.0Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Showing Items Tier in Inventory 1.5.5This addon add a column to inventory which show items Tier and allows sorting to show higher Tier first There is an option under "Game Setting"->UI->Sort Items by Tier by default items which is going to be transmo- and of type scroll (rune,infusion..), tinker or other without Tier specified will be placed at the top of the inventory to avoid occasional transmo of valuables This mod is safe to use without starting new game Customized Xorn Race 1.2.5Xorns, four armed creatures of earth.
This is a personalized version of Trea’s Xorn Race mod. It doubles the number of ring/glove slots. It also doubles life gain from constitution. Escort Rescheduling 1.3.0Slightly adjust the random level selection for escort quests to avoid levels with zone bosses. Everything is Unique 1.5.2Bite-Sized Update: You spawn at level 12, and can level up to a maximum of 200. Increase your rank as you slay your foes. You can see your kill counts and your rank experience in the quest log. Items Vault 1.5.0Donators/Buyers bonus! QuickTome: Vault Tweaks 1.4.8This addon is part of the QuickTome addon set. This addon changes various vaults to be less annoying. Mostly, this means replacing some diggable walls with doors or empty space. CompatibilityThis addon OVERLOADS these files, and will not be compatible with other addons that touch them: Weight: 216047 Shield Tactics - New Bulwark Talent Category 1.5.5Adds the 'Technique/Shield tactics' talent tree as a new generic category available to Bulwarks. Starts locked at 1.3 mastery, and requires Con. 1)Tempered Will: 2)Relentless Retaliation: 3)Tactical Defense: 4)Reflexive Block: Unlimited Respec 1.3.1Removes the restriction on how many talents you can respec. Daze Tweak 1.5.5This addon will add a low-end threshold to damage values which will break the Daze effect equal to 5 + actor-level/2. This should prevent minor sources of damage from disrupting the effect, with the intent of improving the effectiveness of the status. Credit to ghostbuster for the idea and suggesting the scaling for the threshold. Steel Drakes 1.4.0Adds the Steel Drake category for wyrmics, and eventually also adds Steel Drakes. Somebody shut that dog up 1.0.5Removes certain ambient sound effects: Cat Point Cap Boost 1.5.5 Harbinger 1.5.5 Inventory Sort Order 1.1.0Improves the default sort order of items in the player's inventory. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Half-Cost Category Mastery 1.3.1 Better Item Description 1.5.5This addon makes items description easier to read and determine on a glance it's usefulness Most important thing to remember it's not recommended to use this mod if you'r new to the game Bastion 1.4.6A complete rework for Bulwark. Turn Separators 1.4.0Have you ever noticed that the newlines in ToME's battle log |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Nightmare Adventure |
Sex | Male |
Race | Xorn |
Class | Steamchemist |
Level / Exp | 17 / 5% |
Size | big |
Lifes / Deaths | no deaths recorded 5 / 0 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 28 (base 11) |
Dexterity | 20 (base 10) |
Constitution | 18 (base 10) |
Magic | 46 (base 44) |
Willpower | 18 (base 10) |
Cunning | 43 (base 36) |
Life | 403/467 |
Mana | 159/191 |
Steam | 75/90 |
Healing Factor | 0.54 |
Regeneration | 0.351 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 2 |
Infravision | 2 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 64 |
Accuracy | 29 |
Crit Chance | 16% |
APR | 15 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Damage | 64 |
Accuracy | 29 |
Crit Chance | 16% |
APR | 15 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 41 |
Crit Chance | 25% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 29 |
Crit Chance | 14% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
Acid | +6% |
Light | +20% |
Darkness | +3% |
Physical | +60% |
Mind | +14% |
Fire | +34% |
Offense: Damage Penetration
Physical | +22% |
Acid | +5% |
Fire | +34% |
Arcane | +20% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 13 (30%) |
Defense | 21 |
Ranged Defense | 23 |
Fatigue | 9 |
Physical Save | 23 |
Spell Save | 30 |
Mental Save | 39 |
Defense: Resistances
Darkness | + 15%( 70%) |
Acid | + 3%( 70%) |
Light | + 22%( 70%) |
Temporal | + 5%( 70%) |
Cold | + 3%( 70%) |
Mind | + 30%( 70%) |
Fire | + 13%( 70%) |
Lightning | + 9%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Pinning Resistance | 50% |
Poison Resistance | 100% |
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Implants | Effective talent level: 1.0 Implant: Steam GeneratorUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 32 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 5.0 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 25 steam. |
Implants | Effective talent level: 1.0 Implant: Medical InjectorUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 100% efficiency and cooldown mod of 100%. |
Implants | Effective talent level: 1.0 Implant: Medical InjectorUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 100% efficiency and cooldown mod of 100%. |
Class Talents
Steamtech / Furnace | 1.30 |
| 3/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Explosive admixtures | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
Steamtech / Battle machinery | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Fire alchemy | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Steamtech / Shrapnel | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Steamtech / Physics | 1.20 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
Race / Xorn | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/3 |
Steamtech / Engineering | 1.10 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Stone alchemy | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Staff combat | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Steamtech / Chemistry | 1.20 |
| 2/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.10 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
talent | Furnace |
talent | Shrapnel Infusion |
talent | Flame Infusion |
beneficial effect | You have 1 charges. Molten Point |
You successfully escorted the lost tinker to the recall portal on level 2 of Trollmire. Escort: lost tinker (level 2 of Trollmire) | done |
A compliation of all your achievements earnt. Heroic AchievementsYou are 12% of the way to your next Rank. You have killed: 9 Uniques 6 Bosses 0 Elite Bosses 0 Veterans 0 Heroics 0 Legends 0 Destroyers 0 Epics 0 Elders 0 Ancients 0 Immortals 0 Demigods | active |
You have found all the clues leading to the hidden treasure. There should be a way on the third level of the Trollmire. Hidden treasureIt looks extremely dangerous, however - beware. You have slain Bill. His treasure is yours for the taking. | done |
It is time to explore some new places -- dark, forgotten and dangerous ones. Into the darknessThe Old Forest is just south-east of the town of Derth. The Maze is west of Derth. The Sandworm Lair is to the far west of Derth, near the sea. The Daikara is on the eastern borders of the Thaloren forest. * You must explore the Old Forest and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Maze and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Sandworm Lair and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Daikara and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! | active |
Explore the caves below the ruins of Kor'Pul and the Trollmire in search of treasure and glory! Of trolls and damp caves* You have explored the Trollmire and vanquished Prox the Troll. * You have explored the ruins of Kor'Pul and vanquished the Shade. | done |
As you approached Derth you saw a huge dark cloud over the small town. Storming the cityWhen you entered you were greeted by an army of air elementals slaughtering the population. | active |
You were asked to prove your worth as a fighter by a rogue, in order to participate in the arena The agent of the arena | done |
You met a half-mad lumberjack fleeing a small village, rambling about an untold horror lurking there, slaughtering people. The beast within2 lumberjacks have died. | done |
On feet | ![]() 3.0 T2 feet armor [Unique] Steamtech While equipped: Stats +5 Str +4 Dex dps ---------- Steampwr +3 (+1 eff.) Dmg.mod +10% fire ----- def ----- Armour +8 Defense +8 (+4 eff.) Fatigue +8% Resists +10% fire Pinning- +50% These boots have a 9% chance to fail to operate properly (reduced by Cunning). Jump to a nearby location within range 7, blasting everything within radius 2 (62 burning fire damage, 2 tile knockback) of the jump point and within radius 3 (109 burning fire damage, 3 tile knockback) of the landing point (damage based on Cunning). Uses 18 power out of 18/18 These boots seem to have been made by a... creative individual who seems to have decided that launching yourself through the air via rocketry qualifies as "anti-gravity". They look like they will work, though. Probably. If you're very careful. |
Quiver | ![]() 0.0 T2 violet alchemist-gem [Normal] When used as an alchemist bomb: Additional 25 arcane damage Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Light source | ![]() 2.0 T1 lite [Normal] While equipped: ---------- misc Light +2 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
On head | ![]() 2.0 T1 head armor [Random Unique] Master While equipped: Stats +2 Cun +3 Dex dps ---------- Melee+ 4 light Dmg.mod +9% light Res.pen +5% acid Apr +5 Melee Ret 8 light On Hit (Melee): * 30% chance to corrode armour by 30% ----- def ----- Armour +3 Fatigue +1% ---------- misc Infravis +2 A cap made of leather. |
Tool | The Cog The Cog0.0 T3 mechanical cog [Legendary] Unknown While equipped: Stats +5 Cun +3 Wil 10% chances when you are hurt to negate the blow entirely. A tiny set of metal pieces. It seems to move on its own. |
On fingers | ![]() 0.1 T1 ring jewelry [Random Unique] Arcane/Master While equipped: Stats +5 Str +3 Wil +5 Con dps ---------- Phys.pwr +6 (+2 eff.) Dmg.mod +11% light Melee Ret 8 arcane 4 nature ----- def ----- Resists +22% light ---------- misc Vim/s.crit +1.00 On Spell Hit: 5% Manathrust 1 Rings can have magical properties. |
On fingers | ![]() 0.1 T1 ring jewelry [Random Unique] Arcane/Master While equipped: dps ---------- Phys.pwr +6 (+2 eff.) Spell.pwr +7 (+2 eff.) Mind.pwr +7 (+4 eff.) Dmg.mod +6% acid +3% darkness Acc +8 (+4 eff.) Apr +8 On Hit (Melee): * 30% chance to corrode armour by 30% ----- def ----- Defense +8 (+4 eff.) Resists +3% darkness ---------- misc Max.P.En +10.00 Max.N.En +10.00 Disengage: Puts all charms on 10 cooldown Level 2.0 Pwr.cost 10 out of 10/10. Range 7 Travel.spd instantaneous Description: Jump back up to 4 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way. You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see). After moving, you gain 121% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any). The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level. Rings can have magical properties. |
Around waist | ![]() 1.0 T1 belt armor [Ego] Nature While equipped: ----- def ----- Resists +6% lightning +5% temporal A belt that goes around your waist. |
In main hand | ![]() 5.0 T1 steamstaff 2H weapon [Random Unique] Arcane/Steamtech Power 100% Range: 1.2x Uses 50% Mag, 80% Cun Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc Apr +2 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% On Hit: 10% Temporal Bolt 2 While equipped: dps ---------- Steam.crit +6% Spell.crit +7% Steampwr +3 (+1 eff.) Spell.pwr +3 (+1 eff.) Phasing +10% Acc +3 (+1 eff.) ----- def ----- +3 (+1 eff.) Steam staves are designed for those who wish to weld magic and steam. There are miniature machines embedded in them. They sacrifice the ability to change the damage type for mechanically and mystically enhanceable damage |
In main hand | ![]() 5.0 T1 steamstaff 2H weapon [Ego] Arcane/Steamtech Power 100% Range: 1.2x Uses 50% Mag, 80% Cun Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc Apr +2 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Steam.crit +5% Spell.crit +7% Steampwr +3 (+1 eff.) Spell.pwr +3 (+1 eff.) Acc +3 (+1 eff.) Steam staves are designed for those who wish to weld magic and steam. There are miniature machines embedded in them. They sacrifice the ability to change the damage type for mechanically and mystically enhanceable damage |
On hands | ![]() 1.5 T1 hands armor [Ego] Master/Psionic While equipped: Stats +2 Str dps ---------- Phys.pwr +5 (+2 eff.) Melee+ 5 mind Dmg.mod +3% mind ----- def ----- Armour +1 Resists +6% mind Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm. |
On hands | ![]() 1.0 T1 hands armor [Ego] Master While equipped: Stats +2 Str dps ---------- Phys.pwr +6 (+2 eff.) ----- def ----- Armour +1 Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
Main armor | ![]() 2.0 T1 cloth armor [Random Unique] Psionic While equipped: Stats +2 Mag +2 Wil dps ---------- Phys.crit +4.0% Mind.crit +3% Spell.pwr +4 (+1 eff.) Mind.pwr +3 (+2 eff.) Dmg.mod +11% mind Res.pen +20% arcane ----- def ----- Defense +3 (+2 eff.) Rng.Def +3 (+1 eff.) Resists +24% mind +12% darkness +11 (+6 eff.) +15 (+7 eff.) +38 (+13 eff.) The wearer is asleep. Lucid Dreamer: May act while sleeping A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
Cloak | ![]() 2.0 T1 cloak armor [Ego] Master While equipped: Stats +1 Str +1 Con ----- def ----- Defense +1 (+1 eff.) A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Around neck | ![]() 0.1 T1 amulet jewelry [Ego] Nature While equipped: Stats +3 Dex Amulets can have magical properties. |
![]() 0.1 T1 implant scroll [Ego] Steamtech When inscribed on your body: Level 1.0 Use mode Activated Range melee/personal Cooldown 20 Travel.spd instantaneous Usage Speed Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 6.3 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 31 steam. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. Implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() 0.1 T1 amulet jewelry [Ego] Master While equipped: ---------- misc Masteries +0.10 Technique/Combat training Amulets can have magical properties. |
![]() 5.0 T1 staff 2H weapon [Normal] Power 100% Range: 1.2x Uses 80% Mag Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc Apr +2 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Spell.crit +1% Spell.pwr +3 (+1 eff.) Dmg.mod +10% fire ---------- misc Talents +1 Command Staff Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() 5.0 T3 staff 2H weapon [Ego] Arcane Power 121% Range: 1.2x Uses 80% Mag Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc Apr +4 Crit +3.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Spell.crit +8% Spell.pwr +9 (+3 eff.) Dmg.mod +20% fire ----- def ----- Armour +4 Hardiness +4% +12 (+6 eff.) +7 (+3 eff.) +7 (+3 eff.) ---------- misc Talents +1 Command Staff Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() 5.0 T1 steamstaff 2H weapon [Normal] Arcane/Steamtech Power 100% Range: 1.2x Uses 50% Mag, 80% Cun Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc Apr +2 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% While equipped: dps ---------- Spell.crit +1% Steampwr +3 (+1 eff.) Spell.pwr +3 (+1 eff.) Acc +3 (+1 eff.) Steam staves are designed for those who wish to weld magic and steam. There are miniature machines embedded in them. They sacrifice the ability to change the damage type for mechanically and mystically enhanceable damage |
![]() 3.0 T1 waraxe 1H weapon [Ego] Arcane/Psionic Power 102% Range: 1.4x Uses 100% Str Dmg Physical Mastery Staff Mastery Acc+ +0.2% crit / acc Apr +2 Crit +3.5% Atk.spd 100% Melee+ +6 darkness +6 temporal Against +6% Living While equipped: dps ---------- Melee Ret 6 temporal ----- def ----- Resists +6% temporal One-handed war axes. |
![]() 2.0 T1 cloth armor [Normal] A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() 2.0 T1 cloth armor [Ego] Arcane While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +10% arcane ---------- misc Max.mana +10.00 A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() 2.0 T3 cloth armor [Ego] Psionic While equipped: dps ---------- Mind.crit +3% Mind.pwr +3 (+2 eff.) ----- def ----- Defense +2 (+1 eff.) +19 (+7 eff.) A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() 2.0 T1 feet armor [Random Unique] Nature/Psionic While equipped: dps ---------- Melee+ 4 temporal Dmg.mod +9% temporal Res.pen +10% mind Melee Ret 12 mind ----- def ----- Armour +1 Fatigue +1% Resists +6% lightning +15% temporal +6 (+3 eff.) +6 (+3 eff.) +7 (+3 eff.) A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() 2.0 T1 feet armor [Ego] Master While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +1 Fatigue -4% +6 (+3 eff.) ---------- misc Max.enc +20 A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() 3.0 T2 feet armor [Unique] Arcane While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +10% physical ----- def ----- Armour +4 Fatigue +5% Pinning- -10% Stun/Frz- +20% Knockbk- +20% ---------- misc Masteries +0.20 Chronomancy/Gravity These boots warp gravity around them, making them exceptionally sturdy. |
nature's sandstone wardstone nature's sandstone wardstone1.0 T1 wardstone armor [Ego] Nature While equipped: ----- def ----- Defense +2 (+1 eff.) +1 all +10 (+5 eff.) Proj.slow +10% Handheld warding devices |
![]() 0.0 T1 black gem [Normal] While equipped: Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil +1 Cun +1 Con Item imbue powers: Stats +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Mag +1 Wil +1 Cun +1 Con When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb damage +5% Latent Damage Type: Acid Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 green gem [Normal] While equipped: Defense +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) Item imbue powers: Defense +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) +2 (+1 eff.) When used as an alchemist bomb: Mana regain 10 Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 yellow gem [Normal] While equipped: Phys.crit +1.0% Spell.crit +1% Mind.crit +1% Dmg.mod +2% all Item imbue powers: Phys.crit +1.0% Spell.crit +1% Mind.crit +1% Dmg.mod +2% all When used as an alchemist bomb: Lights terrain (power 10) Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 yellow gem [Normal] While equipped: Armour +1 Resists +1% all Item imbue powers: Armour +1 Resists +1% all When used as an alchemist bomb: 20% chance to daze for 3 turns Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T2 blue gem [Normal] While equipped: Stats +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Mag +2 Wil +2 Cun +2 Con Item imbue powers: Stats +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Mag +2 Wil +2 Cun +2 Con When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb damage +10% Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T2 blue gem [Normal] While equipped: Defense +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) Item imbue powers: Defense +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) +4 (+2 eff.) When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb thrown range +3 Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 black alchemist-gem [Normal] When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb damage +5% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 green alchemist-gem [Normal] When used as an alchemist bomb: Mana regain 10 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.0 T1 yellow alchemist-gem [Normal] When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb thrown range +1 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
simple frost salve [power 11] simple frost salve [power 11]1.0 T1 salve misc [Normal] Nature/Steamtech Using medical injector with 100% efficiency and 100% cooldown modifier. Remove 1 physical effects and grants a frost aura (11% cold, darkness and nature affinity) Puts Talent Medical Injector on 25 cooldown Activation is instant. Medical salve. |
simple healing salve [power 136] simple healing salve [power 136]1.0 T1 salve misc [Normal] Nature/Steamtech Using medical injector with 100% efficiency and 100% cooldown modifier. Heal 136 Puts Talent Medical Injector on 15 cooldown Medical salve. |
![]() 3.0 T1 digger tool [Unique] Unknown While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +4% blight Apr +5 Melee Ret 15 blight While carried: ---------- misc Talents +1 Dig A huge tooth taken from the Mouth, in the Deep Bellow. |
![]() 3.0 T1 digger tool [Ego] Nature While equipped: Stats +1 Str dps ---------- Dmg.mod +5% nature ----- def ----- Resists +11% nature While carried: ---------- misc Talents +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() 2.0 T1 misc tool [Unique] Arcane While equipped: ---------- misc Light +1 See.Stealth +10 Flame: Level 2.0 Pwr.cost 9 out of 9/9. Range 10 Travel.spd 2000% of base Is a spell Description: Conjures up a bolt of fire, setting the target ablaze and doing 165.63 fire damage over 3 turns. At level 5, it will create a beam of flames. The damage will increase with your Spellpower. The battered remains of a flame imp's hand. It still burns with that unnatural flame. |
![]() 1.0 orb [Plot Item] Unknown While carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
![]() 2.0 sher'tul chest [Plot Item] Unknown While carried: Transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level). Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000 This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() 2.0 rod charm [Plot Item] Unknown Recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns. Uses 202 power out of 400/400 This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
![]() 0.0 power tinker [Plot Item] Steamtech While carried: Melt all the items in the APE at once (also done automatically when you change level). Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000 The APE is a multifunction tinker toolbox. It can store temporarily any amount of items and when requested melt them down using metallurgic and chemical processes. The metals are melted into lumps of ore to server for the creation of tinkers. Any remains are melted and turned into valuable materials. |
By Xorchemist the Xorn Steamchemist level 14
2nd Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 18:09 see stats
By Xorchemist the Xorn Steamchemist level 10
74th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 11:00 see stats
By Xorchemist the Xorn Steamchemist level 13
79th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 05:02 see stats
Xorchemist casts Steampowered Bombardment.
Xorchemist's spell attains critical power!
Xorchemist hits Dreaming giant brown rat for 394 physical damage.
Xorchemist killed Dreaming giant brown rat!
Xorchemist casts Throw Bomb.
Slumbering black bear is on fire!
Xorchemist hits Something for 55 fire, 22 arcane (77 total damage).
Xorchemist hits Slumbering black bear for 54 fire, 25 arcane (79 total damage).
Xorchemist hits Something for 62 fire damage.
Burning from Xorchemist hits Isatha the dozing wolf for 18 fire damage.
Burning from Xorchemist hits Slumbering black bear for 18 fire damage.
Isatha the dozing wolf casts Manathrust.
Burning from Xorchemist hits Isatha the dozing wolf for 18 fire damage.
Burning from Xorchemist hits Slumbering black bear for 18 fire damage.
Isatha the dozing wolf hits Xorchemist for 64 arcane damage.
Talent Steampowered Bombardment is ready to use.
Burning from Xorchemist hits Isatha the dozing wolf for 18 fire damage.
Xorchemist casts Steampowered Bombardment.
Xorchemist hits Isatha the dozing wolf for 255 physical damage.
Xorchemist deactivates Shrapnel Infusion.
Xorchemist deactivates Flame Infusion.
Xorchemist deactivates Furnace.