Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.2.2 |
Addons | Glove Stats 1.0.6Shows glove combat stats with all classes. Stone Wardens DLC Class 1.2.2Donators/Buyers bonus! Infinite500 v2.3b: Revised high level play for ToME 1.2.1Version 3.0: Compatible with ToME 1.5.0 This addon supports game play for character levels higher than 50, primarily for the infinite dungeon (I.D.). This implements a number of subtle changes, rescaling game mechanics and balance for character levels above 50 in the Maj'Eyal, Infinite, and Arena campaigns for ToME. The intent is to make it possible (though certainly not easy) to reach level 500 of the Infinite Dungeon. This is not a nerf or a buff to game difficulty per se, but, rather, an extension of the well-balanced game play from the Maj'Eyal campaign to higher levels. Some talents and status effects have been adjusted to accommodate the higher character levels possible. You can see a summary of these by checking the "Infinite500" tab in Game Options. Once a character enters the I.D., the level 50 cap is removed and normal stats-per-level progression is enabled from level 51 onward. The limit on how high primary stats may be trained is removed (limited by character level as normal) and dependent computed value limits are also appropriately increased. No additional Prodigies are gained automatically after level 50. (Note that additional category points and (rarely) Prodigies can be gained by completing I.D. challenges.) Talent mastery levels can be improved more than once, and talent levels are unlearnable as normal in the I.D. NPC levels in the I.D. have been adjusted to be compatible with higher game difficulty settings. Most monsters and bosses from the Maj'Eyal campaign are imported into the I.D. along with their respective unique drops. Traps have been added back to the I.D. Isolated shops can appear randomly in the I.D. There is guaranteed to be at least one shop on level 1, and they become more common for the first few levels, and then more rare with depth. Random escorts may be randomly generated on each level in the I.D. unless a challenge has been started, until the normal number (9) have been attempted. The lichform quest is completed in the I.D. with a new random drop instead of automatically being completed at the appropriate step. There is a new greater vault in the I.D. that affects this quest. The Corruption/Hexes tree can be learned from a new random drop. Most major events from the Maj'Eyal campaign are enabled in the I.D., and there is a new event that can award the cursed-aura tree. Undead characters starting in the I.D. begin with an artefact cloak. This is similar to the Cloak of Deception, but its stats scale with character level and it can spawn randomly for other characters. This addon incorporates some modified game mechanics: Modified checkHit and checkHitOld functions are employed that allow for wider level differences between opponents (see Things planned for the future: scaling of world artefacts with character level, map effects with dungeon level. CORE CODE CHANGES Engine: TOME Module: Other addons that affect these files might not be compatible. Turtle race 1.1.5This addon is home to bonus races, objects, and even a custom zone, for all your turtle pleasures. Races; Objects; Zones; Enemies; Breeding Pits Restoration Project 1.1.5Restores the orc breeding pits cut content to the game. NPC Forgiveness 2.2 1.2.0This addon adjusts the way friendly NPC's react to hostile actions by the player. In most cases, the personal reaction of an NPC to the player (friendly/neutral/hostile) will slowly recover (by 10% each turn, minimum 1 point) back to it's default value over time. If the player doesn't further aggravate the NPC, it will eventually become neutral/friendly again. (Though it will still probably have the player targeted, depending on its ai settings which are not addressed in this addon.) The exception is if the player kills another friendly NPC within LOS, which will result in the NPC becoming permanently hostile to the player in most cases. Putting a detrimental status effect on the NPC will create a -25 (negative) reaction to the player (in addition to the penalties from any damage caused). Files affected: New Gem Types 1.2.1Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! Enhanced Object Compare 1.1.0Improves the "Press
Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Arcanum Class Pack 1.2.2Primary Features: Arcanist Features: Elementist Features: Enchanter Features: Archmage Features: Alchemist Features: Extra Dungeons 1.2.0In general, this mod is for people (like me) who like to do everything in a game. Visit all the dungeons, kill all the bosses, preferably get all the artifacts. By allowing all characters to visit some more restricted dungeons, we can make that a little easier. This mod is not intended to be lore-friendly, but I may make a lore-friendlier version in the future. (As it stands you can visit Irkkk as a halfling and the Yeek don't care. I may change that.) Current mod features: Dwarven Adventurer 1.1.3This addon adds Stone Warden's Talent Trees to adventurers who play the dwarven race. For this addon to function, the stone warden addon MUST be enabled. This means you must be logged in, and a donator, to use this addon. If you attempt to use it without Stone Warden addon enabled, it will not add the trees, and may create further bugs. Many thanks to DarkGod for allowing me to release this! Show your appreciation for his wonderful Stone Wardens by Donating. ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.0.6Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Doctornull's Class Pack 1.2.1This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. Doctornull's Tweak Pack 1.2.1A collection of tweaks for existing ToME content. Everything is Unique! 1.1.3Bite-Sized Update: You spawn at level 12, and can level up to a maximum of 200. Increase your rank as you slay your foes. You can see your kill counts and your rank experience in the quest log. Items Vault 1.2.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Wyrmic Willpower Scaling 1.1.5Adds willpower scaling to all Breath talents, and all Fire Drake talents. The scaling is slightly lower than Strength, so you may see no difference for the first few levels. No NPC Aggro 1.0.5Stops npcs going hostile when you accidently hit them with something. Beholder (Continuation) 1.1.5Adds Beholders as a playable race. Created by ajfluffy (design, code and conception) and rexorcorum (ideas and artwork), this addon is now being maintained by Nagyhal under the guidance of rexorcorum in ajfluffy's absence. Edit: Had to change the addon's short_name, and so v1.0.6's automatic upload helpfully made us a completely new addon page. Of course it's all on Steam, which is beautiful (thank you DG!), but I'm hoping we can merge the older versions into this thread. We'll look at it tomorrow. Edit of the edit: In the meantime, players who have fallen afoul of my clumsy Flame Laser bug are encouraged to upgrade to v5.9.2 for compatibility reasons. Have fun and happy facemelting! Somebody shut that dog up 1.0.5Removes certain ambient sound effects: Humans Extended 1.1.5Adds additional Cornac human variants: gifted, experienced, and stunted. Faerie Race 1.1.5This addon adds in a Faerie, or Fey, race into ToME. This addon was originally created by Kaballah, but he hasn't been online in over a year. --- The Fey are an incredibly quick and agile race, however they are incredibly fragile. Fey stats: Fey skills: -Flight -Fey Luck -Fey Speed -Fey Dust --- Dark Faeries are Faeries that have given up much of their natural agility and defense in exchange for bonus offensive potency. Dark Fey stats: Dark Fey skills: -Powers of the Dark -Fey Clone -Vision of the Shadows -Feyd to Black Go to Landmark 1.0.6Adds a new game menu option "Show known Landmarks", which presents a list of landmarks (up/down stairs, golden chests, zone entrances and the like) that you've seen on the current level and allows you to go to them or view them on the map. You can also set your own landmarks for later reference by right-clicking on the map and choosing "Set landmark". Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Conveyance Reward 1.2.0This adds the Spell/Conveyance tree as a reward for completing the Tempest Peak questline for Angolwen. All the code is borrowed from DG's own, and thus everything works the same as antimagic characters getting Fungus. Fallen Race 1.1.5The Higher were not the Conclave's first attempt at infusing humans with magic, but rather the result of long years of failed creations. The descendants of those who managed to survive these experiments are today called the Fallen. Although they command intense magical power, their bodies are weak and sickly. Infinite Farportal 1.1.3"Weeks ago, you arrived into the Shertul Fortress, following the collapse of Nur right behind you. Weeks later, as the town is coming together, you hear a loud growling sound coming from the south. Alongside the only possibilty of escaping from this place... Steeling your resolve, you have choosen to explore the portal, and look for a way out." --- In this addon, you attempt to complete the farportal as many times as possible. You are given access to a town in the north. In the Town, you can find a multitude of shops, and a Merchant. He can craft you tier 1-5 artifacts, for fair(or so he says) prices, to offer you a boost when you find yourself struggling. Lastly, and most dangerously, you can ask him to break 'Seals' of the Farportal, which will directly summon Farportal Bosses into the fortress. Additionally, you gain 10% of your current gold every time you complete a farportal, alongside an experience boost. --- Dive into the Infinite Farportal, and pray, or you will never again see the light of day. Plenum Tooltip: Enhanced actor tooltip display for TOME v2.2a 1.2.1Plenum ToolTip: Enhanced tooltip display for ToME version 2.4 for ToME 1.3.0 This addon replaces the normal tooltip for actors in TOME with a more detailed description of monster abilities and characteristics. It adds to the standard tooltip detailed information on speed, main-hand, off-hand, and ranged damage, and damage modifiers and extra crit power, including damage penetration and damage affinities, plus retaliation damage, depending on what options are selected (from a tab in Game Options menu). This makes it much easier to inspect multiple monsters and quickly identify the most threatening. By holding a meta-key (ctrl, alt, or shift) and hovering the mouse over a monster, information on its status immunities and talents is displayed. In addition, information on temporary terrain features (like smoke and darkness) and map effects (from spells and the like) will be displayed in the terrain tooltip if the appropriate options are enabled. Draconians 1.1.5Adds Draconians as playable race, with their own starting area. This addon was updated and forked by Aura of the Dawn, in the absence of ajfluffy. Second branch, due to upload system differences requring a new shortname. Verdant Class Pack 1.2.2Content is modular and various sections can be disabled via the options. Primary Features Druid Info Zigur: Categories: Werebeast Info Categories: Woodsman Info Categories: Summoner Info Two new summonable critters and revised summoning categories. New Categories: Wyrmic Info New Categories: Talent changes: |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Normal Exploration |
Sex | Male |
Race | Dark Faerie |
Class | Adventurer |
Level / Exp | 50 / 921% |
Size | tiny |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by Aliewa, the Corrupta Est Nympharum at level 3 on the 77th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:48 / 98Killed by Xeruvea the gloomy wolf at level 5 on the 78th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 23:02 Killed by Gloremina the gloomy black bear at level 6 on the 1st Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:17 Killed by gloomy great wolf at level 6 on the 1st Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:21 Killed by Gloremina the gloomy black bear at level 6 on the 1st Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 11:18 Killed by Ce'Nykira the white wolf at level 6 on the 4th Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:34 Killed by Ce'Nykira the white wolf at level 6 on the 4th Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 01:19 Killed by Ce'Nykira the white wolf at level 6 on the 4th Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:01 Killed by Keneman the human at level 9 on the 9th Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:13 Killed by fire drake at level 9 on the 10th Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:57 Killed by Chma the thalore at level 9 on the 10th Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:35 Killed by Chma the thalore at level 9 on the 10th Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 04:13 Killed by Poruwen the fox at level 12 on the 5th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:09 Killed by Poruwen the fox at level 12 on the 5th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:50 Killed by Aerobeth the blade horror at level 13 on the 8th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 18:19 Killed by bloated horror at level 13 on the 8th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 20:10 Killed by Aerobeth the blade horror at level 13 on the 8th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:12 Killed by Aerobeth the blade horror at level 13 on the 9th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 04:21 Killed by Aerobeth the blade horror at level 13 on the 9th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 05:03 Killed by Yvytira the copperhead snake at level 13 on the 9th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:37 Killed by Yvytira the copperhead snake at level 13 on the 9th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 17:27 Killed by blade horror at level 13 on the 10th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 05:27 Killed by skeleton archer at level 15 on the 19th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 15:14 Killed by skeleton master archer at level 15 on the 19th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 17:17 Killed by Magiun at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:44 Killed by snow giant boulder thrower at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 18:25 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:14 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:44 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 20:25 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:19 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 20th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 22:39 Killed by Urkis, the High Tempest at level 15 on the 21st Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:14 Killed by Betherin the luminous horror at level 17 on the 56th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 01:51 Killed by Betherin the luminous horror at level 17 on the 56th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:20 Killed by Magiun at level 17 on the 56th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:59 Killed by orc cryomancer at level 18 on the 68th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:50 Killed by snow giant boulder thrower at level 18 on the 69th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:25 Killed by Gloryssra the ghoul at level 22 on the 23rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:52 Killed by Salawyn the eternal bone giant at level 22 on the 23rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:30 Killed by Salawyn the eternal bone giant at level 22 on the 23rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:30 Killed by Salawyn the eternal bone giant at level 22 on the 23rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 23:02 Killed by Ademina the cutpurse at level 22 on the 63rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:56 Killed by rogue at level 22 on the 63rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 13:45 Killed by Lisysenne the Guardian at level 22 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:25 Killed by Lisysenne the Guardian at level 22 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 01:38 Killed by Elisekira the giant red ant at level 22 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 04:43 Killed by Ce'Niwyn the dredgling at level 22 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 06:04 Killed by Ce'Niwyn the dredgling at level 22 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:25 Killed by Voreralaith the Guardian at level 23 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 22:22 Killed by Voreralaith the Guardian at level 23 on the 64th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 23:30 Killed by ice wyrm at level 23 on the 65th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:54 Killed by Voreralaith the Guardian at level 23 on the 65th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:35 Killed by Voreralaith the Guardian at level 23 on the 65th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:43 Killed by elven blood mage at level 24 on the 71st Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 15:06 Killed by elven blood mage at level 24 on the 71st Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:14 Killed by Magiun at level 24 on the 71st Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 17:41 Killed by elven corruptor at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 05:33 Killed by mean looking elven guard at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 06:48 Killed by elven tempest at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 12:10 Killed by elven warrior at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 15:24 Killed by elven guard at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 18:28 Killed by elven guard at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:32 Killed by mean looking elven guard at level 24 on the 72nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 20:46 Killed by elven cultist at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 01:28 Killed by elven mage at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:03 Killed by Adeyakira the elven guard at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 06:48 Killed by elven cultist at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:01 Killed by elven elite warrior at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:06 Killed by Adeyakira the elven guard at level 24 on the 73rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 10:35 Killed by elven corruptor at level 25 on the 74th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:31 Killed by elven corruptor at level 25 on the 74th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:52 Killed by Bethirenn the elven blood mage at level 25 on the 8th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 18:30 Killed by Bethirenn the elven blood mage at level 25 on the 8th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:09 Killed by Bethirenn the elven blood mage at level 25 on the 8th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 22:22 Killed by Eilinudhemira the elven blood mage at level 25 on the 9th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 02:07 Killed by will o' the wisp at level 25 on the 9th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:21 Killed by multi-hued drake hatchling at level 27 on the 15th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:00 Killed by Magiun at level 28 on the 15th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 13:52 Killed by Salath the lesser vampire at level 29 on the 19th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 13:57 Killed by Salath the lesser vampire at level 29 on the 19th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 15:38 Killed by Salath the lesser vampire at level 29 on the 19th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 15:38 Killed by skeleton warrior at level 29 on the 21st Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 04:29 Killed by orc corruptor at level 30 on the 22nd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:45 Killed by nightshade trap at level 33 on the 65th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 03:52 Killed by Warmaster Gnarg at level 37 on the 1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:23 Killed by multi-hued drake at level 37 on the 1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 18:22 Killed by overpowered greater multi-hued wyrm at level 37 on the 1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:28 Killed by overpowered greater multi-hued wyrm at level 38 on the 1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:34 Killed by Lisewyn the orc pyromancer at level 42 on the 65th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:40 Killed by orc master wyrmic at level 42 on the 70th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:34 Killed by orc fighter at level 43 on the 1st Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:25 Killed by armoured skeleton warrior at level 44 on the 10th Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 10:13 Killed by worm that walks at level 44 on the 10th Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:33 Killed by bloated horror at level 44 on the 10th Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 23:22 Killed by orc necromancer at level 45 on the 1st Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 17:46 Killed by Gloryldamikira the stone troll at level 45 on the 2nd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:29 Killed by Rotting Titan at level 45 on the 2nd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 22:48 Killed by greater multi-hued wyrm at level 47 on the 27th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 00:30 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 43 (base 18) |
Dexterity | 34 (base 12) |
Constitution | 72 (base 60) |
Magic | 115 (base 60) |
Willpower | 103 (base 60) |
Cunning | 66 (base 29) |
Mana | 579/579 |
Psi | 626/626 |
Life | 544/544 |
Equilibrium | 20 |
Psi_feedback | 0/150 |
Healing Factor | 0.75 |
Regeneration | 0.7925379331014 |
Mental | +53.916625240888% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | +107.83325048174% |
Global | +139.10526315789% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 4 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 248 |
Accuracy | 45 |
Crit Chance | 36% |
APR | 70 |
Speed | 0.65 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 77.5 |
Crit Chance | 53% |
Speed | 0.48115496326122 |
Cooldown Reduction | 30 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 60.625 |
Crit Chance | 32% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
All | +73% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 34.770971814627 (40%) |
Defense | 51.856990604876 |
Ranged Defense | 51.856990604876 |
Fatigue | 6 |
Physical Save | 50.81 |
Spell Save | 56.00625 |
Mental Save | 53.4 |
Defense: Resistances
All | + 7%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Silence Resistance | 30% |
Bleed Resistance | 70% |
Confusion Resistance | 40% |
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Stun Resistance | 100% |
Poison Resistance | 70% |
Blind Resistance | 70% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ReconstructionUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 9 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: 1 turn Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to heal yourself for 318 life, and cure one cut or wound effect. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ShieldingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: instant Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 100 damage for 5 turns. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ManasurgeUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 15 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: 1 turn Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 1326% over 10 turns and instantly restoring 66 mana. Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. |
Class Talents
Spell / Meta | 1.00 |
| 3/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Seas | 1.00 |
| 4/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
Psionic / Solipsism | 1.20 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Wild-gift / Ooze | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
Spell / Enhancement | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
Spell / Fire | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
Spell / Water | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
Generic Talents
Psionic / Feedback | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Race / Dark-faerie | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Staff combat | 1.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Aegis | 1.00 |
| 4/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/1 |
| 1/1 |
talent | Fiery Hands |
talent | Pure Spring |
talent | Arcane Shield |
talent | Defensive Posture |
talent | Inner Power |
talent | Mitosis |
talent | Chant of Fortress |
talent | Spellcraft |
talent | Quicken Spells |
talent | Shielding |
talent | Shock Hands |
beneficial effect | The Dark Faerie gains the following bonuses. Power of the DarkCasting Speed: +108% Combat Speed: +54% All Damage: +66% |
beneficial effect | The creature has found a state of clarity and sees the world for what it is (+39% global speed). Clarity |
Your home forest was suddenly overtaken by powerful corruption, and you were forced to flee for your very life. A Corrupted Forest* You managed to escape your corrupted forest, and defeat your fallen guardian... but not another soul was in sight. | done |
Deep in the Dreadfell you fought and destroyed the Master, a powerful vampire. A mysterious staffOn your way out of the Dreadfell you were ambushed by a band of orcs. They asked about the staff. | done |
You met a novice mage who was tasked to collect an arcane powered artifact. An apprentice taskHe asked for your help, should you collect some that you do not need. * Collect an artifact arcane powered item. | done |
Ungrol of Last Hope asked you to look for his wife's friend Celia, who has been reported missing. She frequently visits her late husband's mausoleum, in the graveyard near Last Hope. And now for a graveYou searched for Celia in the graveyard near Last Hope, and found a note. In it, Celia reveals that she has been conducting experiments in the dark arts, in an attempt to extend her life... also, she is pregnant. You have tracked Celia to her husband's mausoleum in the graveyard near Last Hope. It seems she has taken some liberties with the corpses there. You have laid Celia to rest, putting an end to her gruesome experiments. | done |
You have created a portal back to Maj'Eyal. You should try to talk to someone in Last Hope about establishing a link back. Back and there againYou talked to the Elder in Last Hope who in turn told you to talk to Tannen, who lives in the north of the city. You gave the Orb of Many Ways to Tannen to study while you look for the athame and diamond in Reknor. You brought back the diamond and athame to Tannen who asked you to check the tower of Telmur, looking for a text of portals, although he is not sure it is even there. He told you to come back in a few days. Tannen revealed himself as the vile scum he really is and trapped you in his tower. | done |
You have killed Ungolë in Ardhungol and saved the Sun Paladin. Eight legs of wonder | done |
You successfully escorted the injured seer to the recall portal on level 4 of Dreadfell. Escort: injured seer (level 4 of Dreadfell)As a reward you improved Magic by +2. | done |
You successfully escorted the injured seer to the recall portal on level 4 of Old Forest. Escort: injured seer (level 4 of Old Forest)As a reward you improved Willpower by +1. | done |
You successfully escorted the lone alchemist to the recall portal on level 1 of Old Forest. Escort: lone alchemist (level 1 of Old Forest)As a reward you improved talent Staff Mastery (+1 level(s)). | done |
You successfully escorted the lone alchemist to the recall portal on level 2 of Dreadfell. Escort: lone alchemist (level 2 of Dreadfell)As a reward you improved talent Channel Staff (+1 level(s)). | done |
You successfully escorted the lost anorithil to the recall portal on level 1 of Lost Dwarven Kingdom of Reknor. Escort: lost anorithil (level 1 of Lost Dwarven Kingdom of Reknor)As a reward you improved Cunning by +2. | done |
You successfully escorted the lost sun paladin to the recall portal on level 7 of Dreadfell. Escort: lost sun paladin (level 7 of Dreadfell)As a reward you improved talent Chant of Fortress (+1 level(s)). | done |
You have vanquished the masters of the Orc Pride. Now you must venture inside the most dangerous place of this world: the High Peak. Falling Toward ApotheosisSeek the Sorcerers and stop them before they bend the world to their will. To enter, you will need the four orbs of command to remove the shield over the peak. The entrance to the peak passes through a place called 'the slime tunnels', probably located inside or near Grushnak Pride. | done |
You have found all the clues leading to the hidden treasure. There should be a way on the third level of the Trollmire. Hidden treasureIt looks extremely dangerous, however - beware. You have slain Bill. His treasure is yours for the taking. | done |
Orcs were spotted with the staff you seek in an arid waste in the southern desert. Important newsYou should go investigate what is happening there. | done |
It is time to explore some new places -- dark, forgotten and dangerous ones. Into the darknessThe Old Forest is just south-east of the town of Derth. The Maze is west of Derth. The Sandworm Lair is to the far west of Derth, near the sea. The Daikara is on the eastern borders of the Thaloren forest. * You have explored the Old Forest and vanquished Wrathroot. * You have explored the Maze and vanquished the Minotaur. * You have explored the Sandworm Lair and vanquished their Queen. * You have explored the Daikara and vanquished the huge ice dragon that dwelled there. | done |
The elder in Last Hope sent you to the old Dwarven kingdom of Reknor, deep under the Iron Throne, to investigate the orc presence. Let's hunt some OrcFind out if they are in any way linked to the lost staff. But be careful -- even the Dwarves have not ventured in these old halls for many years. | done |
After rescuing Melinda from Kryl-Feijan and the cultists you met her again in Last Hope. Melinda, lucky girl | active |
You found notes from an explorer inside the Old Forest. He spoke about Sher'Tul ruins sunken below the surface of the lake of Nur, at the forest's center. Sher'Tul FortressWith one of the notes there was a small gem that looks like a key. * You used the key inside the ruins of Nur and found a way into the fortress of old. * The Weirdling Beast is dead, freeing the way into the fortress itself. * You have activated what seems to be a ... butler? with your rod of recall. * You have bound the transmogrification chest to the Fortress power system. * You have unlocked the training room. * You have upgraded your rod of recall to transport you to the fortress. * You have entered the exploratory farportal room and defeated the horror lurking there. You can now use the farportal. The fortress's current energy level is: 1040. | active |
As you approached Derth you saw a huge dark cloud over the small town. Storming the cityWhen you entered you were greeted by an army of air elementals slaughtering the population. * You have dispatched the elementals but the cloud lingers still. You must find a powerful ally to remove it. There are rumours of a secret town in the mountains, to the southwest. You could also check out the Ziguranth group that is supposed to fight magic. * You have learned the real threat comes from a rogue Archmage, a Tempest named Urkis. The mages of Angolwen are ready to teleport you there. | done |
You arrived through the farportal in a cave, probably in the Far East. Strange new worldUpon arrival you met an Elf and an orc fighting. You decided to side with the Elven lady. Fillarel told you to go to the southeast and meet with High Sun Paladin Aeryn. | done |
You aided various denizens of Maj'Eyal in their attempts to join the Brotherhood of Alchemists, though you did not prove the deciding factor for any. This year's new member is Ungrol of Last Hope. The Brotherhood of AlchemistsYou have aided Stire of Derth in creating an elixir of avoidance. You have aided Stire of Derth in creating an elixir of precision. Having failed to gain admittance to the Brotherhood of the Alchemists, Marus of Elvala no longer needs your help making the elixir of the savior. You have aided Marus of Elvala in creating an elixir of mastery. Agrimley the hermit has completed an elixir of serendipity without your aid. Agrimley the hermit has completed an elixir of focus without your aid. Ungrol of Last Hope has completed an elixir of brawn without your aid. Ungrol of Last Hope has completed an elixir of stoneskin without your aid. You have aided Ungrol of Last Hope in creating an elixir of foundations. | done |
You were sent to the Charred Scar at the heart of which lies a huge volcano. In the Age of Pyre it destroyed the old Sher'Tul ruins that stood there, absorbing much of their latent magic. The Doom of the World!This place is still full of that power and the orcs intend to absorb this power using the Staff of Absorption! Whatever their plan may be, they must be stopped at all cost. The volcano is attacked by orcs. A few Sun Paladins made it there with you. They will hold the line at the cost of their lives to buy you some time. Honor their sacrifice; do not let the orcs finish their work! You arrived in time and interrupted the ritual. The sorcerers have departed. Use the portal to go back to the Far East. You *MUST* stop them, no matter the cost. | done |
You have heard that near the Charred Scar, to the south, lies a ruined tower known as the Dreadfell. The Island of DreadThere are disturbing rumors of greater undead, and nobody who reached it ever returned. Perhaps you should explore it and find the truth, and the treasures, for yourself! | done |
You have found an orb of command that seems to be used to open the shield protecting the High Peak. The Orbs of CommandThere seems to be a total of four of them. The more you have the weaker the shield will be. | done |
You discovered a sect worshipping a demon named Kryl-Feijan in a crypt. The Sect of Kryl-FeijanThey were trying to bring it back into the world using a human sacrifice. You defeated the acolytes and saved the woman. She told you she is the daughter of a rich merchant of Last Hope. | done |
You were asked to prove your worth as a fighter by a rogue, in order to participate in the arena The agent of the arena | done |
You met a half-mad lumberjack fleeing a small village, rambling about an untold horror lurking there, slaughtering people. The beast within3 lumberjacks have died. | done |
Investigate the bastions of the Pride. The many Prides of the Orcs* You have destroyed Rak'shor. * You have destroyed Vor. * You have destroyed Grushnak. * You have destroyed Gorbat. | done |
There must be a way to go into the far east from the lair of Golbug. Find it and explore the unknown far east, looking for clues. The wild wild east | done |
Zemekkys in the Gates of Morning can build a portal back to Maj'Eyal for you. There and back again* You have found a Blood-Runed Athame. * You have found the Resonating Diamond. | done |
You heard a plea for help and decided to investigate... Trapped!Only to find yourself trapped inside an unknown tunnel complex. | done |
On feet | Cinderfeet (3 def, 5 armour) Cinderfeet (3 def, 5 armour)Requires: - Dexterity 10 Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Defense: +3 Fatigue: +6% Changes stats: +4 Cun / +4 Mag Changes resistances: +20% cold Changes damage: +18% fire Light radius: +2 Trails fire behind you, dealing damage based on spellpower. A cautionary tale tells of the ancient warlock by the name of Caim, who fancied himself daily walks through Goedalath, both to test himself and the harsh demonic wastes. He was careful to never bring anything back with him, lest it provide a beacon for the demons to find him. Unfortunately, over time, his sandals drenched in the soot and ashes of the fearscape and the fire followed his footsteps outside, drawing in the conclusion of his grim fate. |
Quiver | Void Quiver (0/0, 45-63 power, 30 apr) Void Quiver (0/0, 45-63 power, 30 apr)Requires: - Dexterity 32 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Base power: 45.0 - 63.0 Uses stats: 70% Dex, 10% Mag, 50% Str Damage type: Temporal darkness Mastery: Bow Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit / acc Armour Penetration: +30 Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Capacity: 0 When this weapon hits: Quantum Spike (10% chance level 1). When this weapon hits: Temporal Clone (5% chance level 1). An endless supply of arrows lay within this deep black quiver. Tiny white lights dot its surface. |
Light source | Spectral Cage Spectral CagePowered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +20% cold Changes resistances penetration: +10% cold Changes damage: +15% cold Talent cooldown: Chill of the Tomb (-2 turns) Spellpower: +10 Light radius: +5 It can be used to release a will o' the wisp, costing 20 power out of 20/20. This ancient, weathered lantern glows with a pale blue light. The metal is icy cold to the touch. |
On head | Relian Garland (0 def, 0 armour) Relian Garland (0 def, 0 armour)Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes damage: +10% nature Mental save: +5 Mindpower: +5 Heals friendly targets nearby when you use a nature summon: +10 It can be used to activate talent Sleeping Spores (costing 40 power out of 50/50) : Effective talent level: 2.0 Power cost: 40 out of 50/50. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a nature gift Description: Release spores into the area to put nearby enemies to sleep for 2 turns. At first you thought it was flower arrangement, but it is designed to worn on your head?! The scent from the tropical flowers makes you feel focussed and sleepy at the same time. |
Tool | Tree of Life Tree of LifeInfused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Wil / +6 Con Changes resistances: +20% blight / +20% nature Changes damage: +20% nature Talent masteries: +0.10 Wild-gift / Call of the wild +0.10 Wild-gift / Harmony Mindpower: +7 Healing mod.: +25% Heals all nearby living creatures by 5 points each turn. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to take root increasing health, armor, and armor hardiness but rooting you in place, costing 10 power out of 15/15. This small tree-shaped totem is imbued with powerful healing energies. |
On fingers | Void Orb Void OrbPowered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 15 arcane / 15 temporal darkness Changes resistances: +15% temporal / +15% arcane / +15% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +10% temporal / +10% arcane / +10% darkness Changes damage: +15% temporal / +15% arcane / +15% darkness Talent masteries: +0.20 Spell / Void +0.10 Spell / Aether +0.10 Spell / Arcane Talent cooldown: Aether Avatar (-4 turns) Spell save: +18 Silence immunity: +30% Maximum mana: +35.00 Spellpower: +5 It can be used to activate talent Manathrust (costing 6 power out of 6/6) : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 6 out of 6/6. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Conjures up mana into a powerful bolt doing 616.14 arcane damage. At level 3, it becomes a beam. The damage will increase with your Spellpower. This thin grey ring is adorned with a deep black orb. Tiny white dots swirl slowly within it, and a faint purple light glows from its core. |
On fingers | Mnemonic MnemonicInfused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Wil Changes resistances: +25% mind Talent mastery: +0.20 Psionic / Mentalism Mental save: +20 Confusion immunity: +40% Psi each turn: +0.50 Mindpower: +12 When using a mental talent, gives a 10% chance to lower the current cooldowns of up to three of your wild gift, psionic, or cursed talents by three turns. Talent on hit(mindpower): Mental Refresh (10% chance level 1). It can be used to activate talent Mental Shielding (costing 30 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 2.4 Power cost: 30 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a mind power Description: Clears your mind of current mental effects, and blocks additional ones over 6 turns. At most, 3 mental effects will be affected. This talent takes no time to use. As long as you wear this ring, you will never forget who you are. |
Around waist | Binding of the Elements Binding of the ElementsPowered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour Hardiness: +10% Defense: +10 Changes resistances: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold / +10% physical Damage affinity(heal): +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold / +10% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Spell / Elemental fusion It can be used to activate talent Bind Elemental (costing 30 power out of 40/40) : Effective talent level: 4.0 Power cost: 30 out of 40/40. Range: 5 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Binds an elemental into your control, giving you full control over its actions for 14 turns. When the effect ends the elemental will be banished. Instakill immunity will block Bind Elemental. The duration and chance to bind will increase with your Willpower. Each point in Bind Elemental will also increase your elemental damage penetration by 4%. An unknown crafter has bound the elemental threads of creation into this belt. |
In main hand | Awakened Staff of Absorption (60-72 power, 60 apr, physical element) Awakened Staff of Absorption (60-72 power, 60 apr, physical element)Requires: - Magic 40 Powered by unknown forces 7.00 Encumbrance. [Godslayer] Type: weapon / staff It must be held with both hands. Base power: 60.0 - 72.0 Uses stat: 130% Mag Damage type: Arcane Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Accuracy: +30 Armour Penetration: +60 Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Mag / +10 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +30% lightning / +30% fire / +30% arcane / +30% cold Changes damage: +60% lightning / +60% fire / +60% arcane / +60% cold Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Maximum mana: +100.00 Maximum +50.00 Maximum +50.00 Spellpower: +48 Spell crit. chance: +15% Allows you to speak and read the old Sher'Tul language. Maximum positive energy: +50.00 Maximum negative energy: +50.00 It can be used to absorb energies, costing 200 power out of 200/200. Carved with runes of power, this staff seems to have been made long ago, yet it bears no signs of tarnish. Light around it seems to dim and you can feel its tremendous power simply by touching it. The Sorcerers seem to have awakened its power. "And lo they came to Amakthel himself, and thousands were killed in the assault on his throne, and three of the Godslayers were broken beneath his feet. But Falion with his dying breath pierced the great god on his knee with the icy sword Arkil, and seeing his opportunity Caldizar, leader of the Godslayers, advanced with the Staff of Absorption and struck a terrifying blow against Amakthel. So fell the greatest of the gods by the hands of his own children, and his face was forced into the dust." |
On hands | Fist of the Destroyer (8 def, 0 armour) Fist of the Destroyer (8 def, 0 armour)Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / hands ; tier 5 It is part of a set of items. When wielded/worn: Defense: +8 Changes stats: +9 Str / +3 Cun / +9 Mag Talent masteries: +0.20 Corruption / Shadowflame +0.20 Corruption / Vim Stun/Freeze immunity: +20% Maximum vim: +25.00 When used to modify unarmed attacks: Base power: 36.0 - 50.4 Uses stats: 40% Str, 40% Dex, 20% Mag, 40% Cun Damage type: Physical Armour Penetration: +15 Physical crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Blood Grasp (10% chance level 3). When this weapon hits: Soul Rot (12% chance level 3). When this weapon hits: Drain (8% chance level 2). Increases all damage by 4% of current vim Current Bonus: 0% It can be used to activate talent Darkfire (costing 12 power out of 12/12) : Effective talent level: 6.0 Power cost: 12 out of 12/12. Range: 6 Travel Speed: 400% of base Is: a spell Description: Conjures up a bolt of shadowflame that moves toward the target and explodes into a flash of darkness and fire, doing 311.33 fire damage and 246.38 darkness damage in a radius of 6. The damage will increase with your Spellpower. Attackspeed is 100% for non-Brawlers! These fell looking gloves glow with untold power. |
Main armor | The Untouchable (14 def, 12 armour) The Untouchable (14 def, 12 armour)Requires: - Strength 16 Powered by arcane forces 9.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / light ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +10 Armour: +12 Defense: +14 Changes stats: +8 Cun When you take a hit of more than 20% of your max life a shield is created equal to 130% the damage taken. This rugged jacket is the subject of many a rural legend. Some say it was fashioned by an adventurous mage turned rogue, in times before the Spellblaze, but was since lost. All manner of shady gamblers have since claimed to have worn it at one point or another. To fail, but live, is what it means to be untouchable, they said. |
Cloak | Ethereal Embrace (10 def, 0 armour) Ethereal Embrace (10 def, 0 armour)Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Defense: +10 Changes stats: +8 Mag Changes resistances: +12% arcane / +12% darkness Changes damage: +15% arcane / +15% darkness Talent masteries: +0.10 Spell / Aether +0.20 Spell / Arcane +0.20 Spell / Nightfall Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +5 Spell crit. chance: +6% Damage Shield Duration: +1 Damage Shield Power: +15% It can be used to activate talent Aether Breach (costing 28 power out of 28/28) : Effective talent level: 2.4 Power cost: 28 out of 28/28. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Rupture reality to temporarily open a passage to the aether, triggering 3 random arcane explosions in the target area. Each explosion does 334.92 arcane damage in radius 2, and will each trigger at one turn intervals. The damage will increase with your Spellpower. This cloak waves and bends with shimmering light, reflecting the depths of space and the heart of the Aether. |
Around neck | Frost Lord's Chain Frost Lord's ChainPowered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 10 cold Changes resistances: +25% cold Changes damage: +12% cold Talent granted: +2 Shivgoroth Form Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% Spellpower: +12 Ice block penetration: +20% Gives all your cold damage a 20% chance to freeze the target. This impossibly cold chain of frost-coated metal radiates a strange and imposing aura. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. reconstruction rune of the titan (heal 255; cure a cut or wound)reconstruction rune of the titan (heal 255; cure a cut or wound) Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: 1 turn Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to heal yourself for 255 life, and cure one cut or wound effect. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability. |
Ancient Rune () Ancient Rune ()Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / rune ; tier 5 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: instant Is: a spell Description: It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.. A long forgotten rune created by a long forgotten people. It appears to have been part of something greater. Parts of it still hold great power. But who knows what it will unleash? |
Sealed Scroll of Last Hope Sealed Scroll of Last Hope0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / scroll It can be used to open the seal and read the message. Magical scrolls can have wildly different effects! Most of them function better with a high Magic score |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. cleansing copper amuletcleansing copper amulet Infused by arcane disrupting forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +12% nature / +11% blight Poison immunity: +21% Disease immunity: +23% Amulets can have magical properties. |
Feathersteel Amulet Feathersteel AmuletCrafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -20% Maximum encumbrance: +20 Movement speed: +20% Avoid Pressure Traps: The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure. The weight of the world seems a little lighter with this amulet around your neck. |
Taiga Amulet Taiga AmuletInfused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 20 ice Damage (Ranged): 20 ice Damage when hit (Melee): 20 ice Changes resistances: +20% cold Talents cooldown: Rimebark (-6 turns) Glaciate (-6 turns) Blindness immunity: +20% No it is not decorated with tigers, it is decorated with an image of the frozen forests in the north. |
Shard of Insanity Shard of InsanityInfused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 5 % chance of confusion Damage when hit (Melee): 5 % chance of confusion Changes resistances: -10% mind Changes resistances penetration: +20% mind Changes damage: +25% mind Mental save: +35 Confusion immunity: -100% Mindpower: +8 It can be used to activate talent Inner Demons (costing 30 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 4.0 Power cost: 30 out of 30/30. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a mind power Description: Brings the target's inner demons to the surface. Each turn, for 10 turns, there's a 20% chance that a demon will surface, requiring the target to make a Mental Save to keep it from manifesting. If the target is sleeping, the chance to save will be halved, and fear immunity will be ignored. Otherwise, if the summoning is resisted, the effect will end early. The summon chance will scale with your Mindpower and the demon's life will scale with the target's rank. A deep red light glows from within this damaged amulet of black stone. When you touch it, you can hear voices whispering within your mind. |
Zemekkys' Broken Hourglass Zemekkys' Broken HourglassPowered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes resistances: +20% temporal Changes resistances cap: +5% temporal Changes damage: +10% temporal Lowers spell cool-downs by: 10% It can be used to activate talent Wormhole (costing 20 power out of 20/20) : Effective talent level: 4.0 Power cost: 20 out of 20/20. Range: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: You fold the space between yourself and a random point within range, creating a pair of wormholes. Any creature stepping on either wormhole will be teleported to the other. The wormholes will last 8 turns. At level 4, you may choose the exit location target area (radius 3). The duration will scale with your Paradox. This small broken hourglass hangs from a thin gold chain. The glass is cracked and the sand has long since escaped. |
Alorion AlorionInfused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to gain 10% of a turn Damage when hit (Melee): 4 mind Changes stats: +13 Cun / +5 Con Changes resistances penetration: +10% temporal Changes damage: +15% temporal Physical save: +13 Life regen: +2.20 Maximum life: +69.00 Amulets can have magical properties. |
Orb of Many Ways Orb of Many WaysPowered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: jewelry / orb It can be used to activate a portal, costing 10 power out of 30/30. The orb projects images of distant places, some that seem not to be of this world, switching rapidly. If used near a portal, it could probably activate it. |
Nightsong NightsongInfused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Defense: +6 Fatigue: -7% Changes stats: +6 Cun Changes damage: +5% physical Talent cooldown: Shadowstep (-1 turn) Mental save: +13 Maximum stamina: +25.00 It can be used to activate talent Dark Tendrils (costing 40 power out of 50/50) : Effective talent level: 2.0 Power cost: 40 out of 50/50. Range: 6 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a mind power Description: Send tendrils of creeping dark out to attack your target, and pin them in the darkness for 3 turns. Creeping dark will trail behind the tendrils as they move. The darkness does 37 damage per turn. The damage will increase with your Mindpower. You do +9% damage to anything that has entered your creeping dark. A pitch black ring, unadorned. It seems as though tendrils of darkness creep upon it. |
Ring of the Dead Ring of the DeadInfused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Lck Physical save: +10 Spell save: +10 Mental save: +10 Only die when reaching: -100.00 life Will bring you back from death, but only once! This ring is imbued with powers from beyond the grave. It is said that those who wear it may find a new path when all other roads turn dim. |
Exiler ExilerPowered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 15 temporal Changes resistances: +15% temporal Changes damage: +15% temporal / +10% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Chronomancy / Time Travel Talent cooldown: Time Skip (-1 turn) Spellpower: +10 Reduces paradox failures(equivalent to willpower): +20 Talent on hit(spell): Rethread (10% chance level 2). It can be used to deal temporal damage to summons, and if they survive, remove them from time, costing 32 power out of 32/32. The chronomancer known as Solith was renowned across all of Eyal. He always seemed to catch his enemies alone. In the case of opponents who weren't alone, he had to improvise. |
Glory of the Pride Glory of the PrideCrafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +10 Physical power: +10 Armour: +10 Armour Hardiness: +20% Defense: +5 Fatigue: -15% Changes damage: +8% physical Talent cooldown: Rush (-6 turns) Physical save: +45 Confusion immunity: +50% Maximum mana: -40.00 Maximum stamina: +40.00 The most prized treasure of the Battlemaster of the Pride, Grushnak. This gold ring is inscribed in the now lost orc tongue. |
Ring of the War Master Ring of the War MasterCrafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Physical power: +10 Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Con Talent masteries: +0.30 Technique / Unarmed discipline +0.30 Technique / Warcries +0.30 Technique / Pugilism +0.30 Technique / Combat training +0.30 Technique / Archery prowess +0.30 Technique / Archery training +0.30 Technique / Archery - slings +0.30 Technique / Grappling +0.30 Technique / Thuggery +0.30 Technique / Shield defense +0.30 Technique / Two-handed weapons +0.30 Technique / Combat veteran +0.30 Technique / Superiority +0.30 Technique / Archery excellence +0.30 Technique / Two-handed assault +0.30 Technique / Combat techniques +0.30 Technique / Archery - bows +0.30 Technique / Two-handed maiming +0.30 Technique / Unarmed training +0.30 Technique / Dual techniques +0.30 Technique / Shield offense +0.30 Technique / Finishing moves +0.30 Technique / Dual weapons A blade-edged ring that radiates power. As you put it on, strange thoughts of pain and destruction come to your mind. |
Blood-Edge (46-64.4 power, 7 apr) Blood-Edge (46-64.4 power, 7 apr)Requires: - Magic 20 - Strength 32 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Base power: 46.0 - 64.4 Uses stats: 10% Mag, 100% Str Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit.pwr / acc Armour Penetration: +7 Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 15% chance to animate a bleeding foe's blood Lifesteal (this weapon only): +5% Damage conversion: 50% blight When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +15% blight / +15% physical Grants telepathy: Undead/Blood Maximum vim: +25.00 Spellpower: +21 Spell crit. chance: +8% It can be used to activate talent Bleeding Edge (costing 20 power out of 20/20) : Effective talent level: 4.0 Power cost: 20 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Lashes at the target, doing 163% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target will bleed for 307% weapon damage over 7 turns, and all healing will be reduced by 44%. This deep red sword weeps blood continuously. It was born in the labs of the orcish corrupter Hurik, who sought to make a crystal that would house his soul after death. But his plans were disrupted by a band of sun paladins, and though most died purging his keep of dread minions, their leader Raasul fought through to Hurik's lab, sword in hand. There the two did battle, blade against blood magic, till both fell to the floor with weeping wounds. The orc with his last strength crawled towards his fashioned phylactery, hoping to save himself, but Raasul saw his plans and struck the crystal with his light-bathed sword. It shattered, and in the sudden impulse of energies the steel, crystal and blood were fused into one. Now the broken fragments of Raasul's soul are trapped in this terrible artifact, his mind warped beyond all sanity by decades of imprisonment. Only the taste of blood calls him forth, his soul stealing the lifeblood of others to take on physical form again, that he may thrash and wail against the living. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. elm starstaff of power (10-12 power, 2 apr, light element)elm starstaff of power (10-12 power, 2 apr, light element) Requires: - Magic 11 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 10.0 - 12.0 Uses stat: 80% Mag Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Armour Penetration: +2 Physical crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +10% light Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Spellpower: +8 Spell crit. chance: +1% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
Gravitational Staff (30-36 power, 8 apr, physical element) Gravitational Staff (30-36 power, 8 apr, physical element)Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 30.0 - 36.0 Uses stat: 130% Mag Damage type: Gravity pin Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Armour Penetration: +8 Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% physical Changes damage: +20% physical / +12% temporal Talent masteries: +0.20 Chronomancy / Gravity +0.10 Chronomancy / Matter +0.10 Spell / Earth Spellpower: +25 Spell crit. chance: +7% It can be used to activate talent Gravity Spike (costing 14 power out of 14/14) : Effective talent level: 3.0 Power cost: 14 out of 14/14. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Creates a gravity spike in a radius of 3 that moves all targets towards the spells center and inflicts 158.67 physical damage. This deals 50% extra damage to pinned targets, in addition to the knockback. The damage dealt will scale with your Paradox and Spellpower. Time and Space seem to warp and bend around the massive tip of this stave. |
Lost Staff of Archmage Tarelion (30-36 power, 4 apr, physical element) Lost Staff of Archmage Tarelion (30-36 power, 4 apr, physical element)Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 30.0 - 36.0 Uses stat: 150% Mag Damage type: Arcane Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Armour Penetration: +4 Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Wil / +8 Mag Changes damage: +30% lightning / +30% fire / +30% arcane / +30% cold Talents cooldown: Chain Lightning (-2 turns) Ice Storm (-2 turns) Arcane Vortex (-2 turns) Fireflash (-2 turns) Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Silence immunity: +40% Mana when firing critical spell: +12.00 Maximum mana: +40.00 Spellpower: +40 Spell crit. chance: +25% Archmage Tarelion travelled the world in his youth. But the world is not a nice place and it seems he had to run fast. |
Telos's Staff (Top Half) (35-42 power, 0 apr, physical element) Telos's Staff (Top Half) (35-42 power, 0 apr, physical element)Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 2.50 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It is part of a set of items. Base power: 35.0 - 42.0 Uses stat: 100% Mag Damage type: Arcane Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Armour Penetration: +0 Physical crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Cun Changes damage: +20% cold / +20% arcane / +20% light Mental save: +8 Vim when firing critical spell: +4.00 Spellpower: +30 Spell crit. chance: +15% The top part of Telos' broken staff. |
Telos's Staff (Bottom Half) Telos's Staff (Bottom Half)Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff It is part of a set of items. Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Mag Changes damage: +20% blight / +20% darkness / +20% acid Critical mult.: +20.00% Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +5 Maximum mana: +50.00 Maximum vim: +25.00 Spell crit. chance: +8% The bottom part of Telos's broken staff. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. Skullcleaver (20-28 power, 4 apr)Skullcleaver (20-28 power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 18 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 1 Base power: 20.0 - 28.0 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit / acc Armour Penetration: +4 Physical crit. chance: +12.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Greater Weapon Focus (10% chance level 2). Lifesteal (this weapon only): +10% Damage conversion: 25% blight When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +8% blight A small but sharp axe, with a handle made of polished bone. The blade has chopped through the skulls of many, and has been stained a deep crimson. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. elm longbowelm longbow Requires: - Dexterity 11 - Talent Shoot 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Mastery: Bow Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit / acc Attack speed: 125% Firing range: +6 Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. elm longbowelm longbow Requires: - Dexterity 11 - Talent Shoot 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Mastery: Bow Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit / acc Attack speed: 125% Firing range: +6 Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
Emblem of Evasion Emblem of EvasionCrafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Ranged Defense: +20 Changes stats: +12 Dex / +10 Cun / +8 Lck Deflect projectiles away: +15% Slows Projectiles: +30% It can be used to activate talent Evasion (costing 30 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 4.0 Power cost: 30 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Your quick wit allows you to see attacks before they land, granting you a 32% chance to completely evade them and granting you 28 defense for 15 turns. Duration increases with Willpower, and chance to evade and defense with Cunning and Dexterity. Said to have belonged to a master of avoiding attacks, this gilded steel emblem symbolizes his talent. |
Spider-Silk Robe of Spydrë (10 def, 15 armour) Spider-Silk Robe of Spydrë (10 def, 15 armour)Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloth ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +15 Armour Hardiness: +30% Defense: +10 Damage when hit (Melee): 20 nature slow / 20 poison Changes stats: +5 Con / +4 Wil Changes resistances: +30% nature Changes damage: +10% acid / +10% nature / +10% mind Physical save: +10 Spell save: +10 Mindpower: +10 Mental crit. chance: +5% This set of robes is made wholly of spider silk. It looks outlandish and some sages think it came from another world, probably through a farportal. |
Temporal Augmentation Robe - Designed In-Style (9 def, 3 armour) Temporal Augmentation Robe - Designed In-Style (9 def, 3 armour)Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloth ; tier 4 It is part of a set of items. When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Defense: +9 Damage when hit (Melee): 10 temporal Changes stats: +5 Mag / +3 Wil Changes resistances: +20% temporal Changes resistances penetration: +20% temporal Changes damage: +20% temporal Spellpower: +23 It can be used to activate talent Damage Smearing (costing 25 power out of 25/25) : Effective talent level: 1.0 Power cost: 25 out of 25/25. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: For the next 2 turns, you convert all non-temporal damage you receive into temporal damage spread out over six turns. The duration will scale with your Paradox. Designed by a slightly quirky Paradox Mage, this robe always appears to be stylish in any time the user finds him, her, or itself in. Crafted to aid Paradox Mages through their adventures, this robe is of great help to those that understand what a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey mess time actually is. Curiously, as a result of a particularly prolonged battle involving its fourth wearer, the robe appends a very long, multi-coloured scarf to its present wearers. |
Crimson Robe (12 def, 0 armour) Crimson Robe (12 def, 0 armour)Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +12 Damage (Melee): 35 mind / 10 % chance of gloom effects Damage when hit (Melee): 35 mind / 10 % chance of gloom effects Changes stats: +10 Cun / +10 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +20% all Talent masteries: +0.20 Psionic / Focus +0.10 Psionic / Solipsism +0.20 Cursed / Slaughter +0.20 Cursed / Punishments Psi each turn: +0.20 Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +4.00 Psi when firing a critical mind attack: +4.00 Hate per kill: +2.00 Mindpower: +20 Mental crit. chance: +9% Increases your solipsism threshold by 20% (if you have one). If you do, also grants 15% global speed when worn. Talent on hit(mindpower): Agony (8% chance level 2). Talent on hit(mindpower): Hateful Whisper (8% chance level 2). This robe was formerly owned by Callister the Psion, a powerful Psionic that pioneered many Psionic abilities. After his wife was murdered, Callister became obsessed with finding her killer, using his own hatred as a fuel for new and disturbing arts. After forcing the killer to torture himself to death, Callister walked the land, forcing any he found to kill themselves - his way of releasing them from the world's horrors. One day, he simply disappeared. This robe, soaked in blood, was the only thing he left behind. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. traveler's pair of rough leather boots of tirelessness (0 def, 1 armour)traveler's pair of rough leather boots of tirelessness (0 def, 1 armour) Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Fatigue: -3% Maximum encumbrance: +21 Physical save: +6 Stamina each turn: +0.40 Maximum stamina: +13.00 A pair of boots made of leather. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. troll-hide rough leather armour (1 def, 2 armour)troll-hide rough leather armour (1 def, 2 armour) Requires: - Strength 10 Infused by nature 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Defense: +1 Fatigue: +6% Life regen: +3.00 Healing mod.: +10% A suit of armour made of leather. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. iron plate armour of lightning resistance (3 def, 7 armour)iron plate armour of lightning resistance (3 def, 7 armour) Requires: - Strength 22 - Talent Armour Training (level 3) Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +7 Defense: +3 Fatigue: +20% Changes resistances: +15% lightning A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. spiked iron plate armour (3 def, 7 armour)spiked iron plate armour (3 def, 7 armour) Requires: - Strength 22 - Talent Armour Training (level 3) Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +7 Defense: +3 Fatigue: +20% Damage when hit (Melee): 11 physical A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
3 nuummite 3 nuummite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +10% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 agate 5 agate0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
10 verdite 10 verdite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +2 Physical save: +2 Spell save: +2 Mental save: +2 When used to imbue an object: Defense: +2 Physical save: +2 Spell save: +2 Mental save: +2 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 spinel 7 spinel0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Combat speed: +2% Casting speed: +2% Mental speed: +2% When used to imbue an object: Combat speed: +2% Casting speed: +2% Mental speed: +2% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
3 tiny geode 3 tiny geode0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / stone ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Life regen: +0.50 Stamina each turn: +0.20 Mana each turn: +0.20 Psi each turn: +0.20 Healing mod.: +10% When used to imbue an object: Life regen: +0.50 Stamina each turn: +0.20 Mana each turn: +0.20 Psi each turn: +0.20 Healing mod.: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
6 ametrine 6 ametrine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +2% all Critical mult.: +2.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +2% all Critical mult.: +2.00% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 quartz 7 quartz0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +1% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +1% all Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
4 citrine 4 citrine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 hematite 7 hematite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +15% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +15% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 aquamarine 7 aquamarine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 malachite 5 malachite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Defense: +4 Physical save: +4 Spell save: +4 Mental save: +4 When used to imbue an object: Defense: +4 Physical save: +4 Spell save: +4 Mental save: +4 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 carnelian 5 carnelian0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Combat speed: +4% Casting speed: +4% Mental speed: +4% When used to imbue an object: Combat speed: +4% Casting speed: +4% Mental speed: +4% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 small geode 8 small geode0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / stone ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Life regen: +1.00 Stamina each turn: +0.40 Mana each turn: +0.40 Psi each turn: +0.40 Healing mod.: +10% When used to imbue an object: Life regen: +1.00 Stamina each turn: +0.40 Mana each turn: +0.40 Psi each turn: +0.40 Healing mod.: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 amethyst 5 amethyst0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +4% all Critical mult.: +4.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +4% all Critical mult.: +4.00% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 zircon 5 zircon0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Changes resistances: +2% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +8 Changes resistances: +2% all Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
3 topaz 3 topaz0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Changes damage: +4% all Spell crit. chance: +2% Mental crit. chance: +2% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Changes damage: +4% all Spell crit. chance: +2% Mental crit. chance: +2% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 onyx 7 onyx0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
12 lapis lazuli 12 lapis lazuli0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 jade 8 jade0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Defense: +6 Physical save: +6 Spell save: +6 Mental save: +6 When used to imbue an object: Defense: +6 Physical save: +6 Spell save: +6 Mental save: +6 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 garnet 7 garnet0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Combat speed: +6% Casting speed: +6% Mental speed: +6% When used to imbue an object: Combat speed: +6% Casting speed: +6% Mental speed: +6% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 geode 8 geode0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / stone ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Life regen: +1.50 Stamina each turn: +0.60 Mana each turn: +0.60 Psi each turn: +0.60 Healing mod.: +10% When used to imbue an object: Life regen: +1.50 Stamina each turn: +0.60 Mana each turn: +0.60 Psi each turn: +0.60 Healing mod.: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
6 sugilite 6 sugilite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +6% all Critical mult.: +6.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +6% all Critical mult.: +6.00% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 opal 8 opal0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Changes resistances: +3% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +12 Changes resistances: +3% all Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 tiger's eye 7 tiger's eye0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +3.0% Changes damage: +6% all Spell crit. chance: +3% Mental crit. chance: +3% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +3.0% Changes damage: +6% all Spell crit. chance: +3% Mental crit. chance: +3% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
4 obsidian 4 obsidian0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +45% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +45% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
3 sapphire 3 sapphire0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 turquoise 8 turquoise0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Defense: +8 Physical save: +8 Spell save: +8 Mental save: +8 When used to imbue an object: Defense: +8 Physical save: +8 Spell save: +8 Mental save: +8 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
6 ruby 6 ruby0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Combat speed: +8% Casting speed: +8% Mental speed: +8% When used to imbue an object: Combat speed: +8% Casting speed: +8% Mental speed: +8% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
6 large geode 6 large geode0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / stone ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Life regen: +2.00 Stamina each turn: +0.80 Mana each turn: +0.80 Psi each turn: +0.80 Healing mod.: +10% When used to imbue an object: Life regen: +2.00 Stamina each turn: +0.80 Mana each turn: +0.80 Psi each turn: +0.80 Healing mod.: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
11 kunzite 11 kunzite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +8% all Critical mult.: +8.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +8% all Critical mult.: +8.00% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 moonstone 5 moonstone0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +16 Changes resistances: +4% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +16 Changes resistances: +4% all Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
10 amber 10 amber0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +4.0% Changes damage: +8% all Spell crit. chance: +4% Mental crit. chance: +4% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +4.0% Changes damage: +8% all Spell crit. chance: +4% Mental crit. chance: +4% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
4 black pearl 4 black pearl0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +60% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +60% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
10 pearl 10 pearl0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
6 emerald 6 emerald0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +10 Physical save: +10 Spell save: +10 Mental save: +10 When used to imbue an object: Defense: +10 Physical save: +10 Spell save: +10 Mental save: +10 Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
2 bloodstone 2 bloodstone0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Combat speed: +10% Casting speed: +10% Mental speed: +10% When used to imbue an object: Combat speed: +10% Casting speed: +10% Mental speed: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 enormous geode 5 enormous geode0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / stone ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Life regen: +2.50 Stamina each turn: +1.00 Mana each turn: +1.00 Psi each turn: +1.00 Healing mod.: +10% When used to imbue an object: Life regen: +2.50 Stamina each turn: +1.00 Mana each turn: +1.00 Psi each turn: +1.00 Healing mod.: +10% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
8 tanzanite 8 tanzanite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +10% all Critical mult.: +10.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +10% all Critical mult.: +10.00% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
7 diamond 7 diamond0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +22 Changes resistances: +5% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +22 Changes resistances: +5% all Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
5 fire opal 5 fire opal0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Changes damage: +10% all Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +5% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Changes damage: +10% all Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +5% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Prothotipe's Prismatic Eye Prothotipe's Prismatic EyePowered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane Talent on hit(spell): Eye Beam (10% chance level 2). This cracked gemstone appears faded with age. It appears to have once been the eye of a golem. |
Windborne Azurite Windborne AzuritePowered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / blue ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Cun / +8 Dex Changes damage: +20% lightning Damage affinity(heal): +20% lightning Movement speed: +20% Chance to avoid any damage: +8% When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +8 Cun / +8 Dex Changes damage: +20% lightning Damage affinity(heal): +20% lightning Movement speed: +15% Chance to avoid any damage: +8% Air currents swirl around this bright blue jewel. |
Crystal Focus Crystal FocusPowered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 2 It is part of a set of items. When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag Changes damage: +20% arcane / +20% blight (The created item can be activated to recover the Focus.) It can be used to combine with a weapon (makes a non enchanted into an artifact) , costing 1 power out of 1/1. This crystal radiates the power of the Spellblaze itself. |
Pearl of Life and Death Pearl of Life and DeathInfused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / white When carried: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con / +10 Lck Changes resistances: +7% all Changes damage: +7% all Stun/Freeze immunity: +100% Light radius: +1 A pearl, three times the size of a normal pearl, that glitters in infinite colours, with slight patterns ever shifting away. |
Petrified Wood Petrified WoodInfused by nature 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / red ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +25 Con Changes resistances: +10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness Reduces incoming crit damage: 23.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +25 Con Changes resistances: +10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness Reduces incoming crit damage: 23.00% A piece of the scorched wood taken from the remains of Snaproot. |
Goedalath Rock Goedalath RockPowered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / demonic ; tier 5 When carried: Damage when hit (Melee): 34 healing Mental save: -18 Life regen: -2.00 Light radius: -2 Healing mod.: -50% When used to imbue an object: Physical power: +12 Damage when hit (Melee): 34 darkness Changes damage: +9% all Grants telepathy: Demon/Major Demon/Minor Spellpower: +16 Infravision radius: +3 See invisible: +14 Healing mod.: +50% A small rock that seems from beyond this world, vibrating with a fierce energy. It feels warped and terrible and evil... and yet oh so powerful. |
429 alchemist agate 429 alchemist agate0.00 Encumbrance. Type: alchemist-gem / blue ; tier 1 When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb damage +5% When used in a prism: Prism damage +5% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
40 alchemist bloodstone 40 alchemist bloodstone0.00 Encumbrance. Type: alchemist-gem / red ; tier 5 When used as an alchemist bomb: Additional 90 fire burn damage When used in a prism: Additional 90 fire burn damage Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë Mummified Egg-sac of UngolëInfused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: misc / egg When carried: Light radius: -2 It can be used to summon spiders, costing 80 power out of 100/100. Dry and dusty to the touch, it still seems to retain some shadow of life. |
Tooth of the Mouth (dig speed 12 turns) Tooth of the Mouth (dig speed 12 turns)Powered by unknown forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +5 Damage when hit (Melee): 15 blight Changes damage: +4% blight When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig A huge tooth taken from the Mouth, in the Deep Bellow. |
Malontir the Flashransom (dig speed 7 turns) Malontir the Flashransom (dig speed 7 turns)Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 15% chance to daze Changes stats: +3 Str Changes resistances: +15% lightning / +10% fire / +37% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +10% temporal Changes damage: +9% lightning / +12% acid Damage affinity(heal): +30% darkness Infravision radius: +18 When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
The Bladed Rift The Bladed RiftPowered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / misc ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 25 physical bleed Damage when hit (Melee): 25 physical bleed Changes resistances: +15% temporal Changes damage: +10% temporal / +5% physical Spellpower: +10 Mindpower: +10 This item does not take a turn to use. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Animate Blade (costing 15 power out of 25/25) : Effective talent level: 1.0 Power cost: 15 out of 25/25. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Open a hole in space, summoning an animate blade for 10 turns. Upon defeat, Ak'Gishil collapsed into this tiny rift. How it remains stable, you are unsure. If you focus, you think you can call forth a sword from it. |
Dragon Orb (Orb of Command) Dragon Orb (Orb of Command)Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Cun It can be used to use the orb, costing 1 power out of 1/1. This orb is warm to the touch. |
Elemental Orb (Orb of Command) Elemental Orb (Orb of Command)Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Mag It can be used to use the orb, costing 1 power out of 1/1. Flames swirl on the icy surface of this orb. |
Orb of Destruction (Orb of Command) Orb of Destruction (Orb of Command)Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Str It can be used to use the orb, costing 1 power out of 1/1. Visions of death and destruction fill your mind as you lift this orb. |
Orb of Undeath (Orb of Command) Orb of Undeath (Orb of Command)Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Dex It can be used to use the orb, costing 1 power out of 1/1. Dark visions fill your mind as you lift the orb. It is cold to the touch. |
Scrying Orb Scrying OrbPowered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
Transmogrification Chest Transmogrification ChestPowered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level), costing 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
Rod of Recall (1/1) Rod of Recall (1/1)Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: charm / rod It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap, costing 202 power out of 400/400. This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
Rod of Spydric Poison (3/3) Rod of Spydric Poison (3/3)Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / rod It can be used to shoot a bolt of spydric poison, costing 25 power out of 75/75. This rod carved out of a giant spider fang continuously drips venom. |
This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level. supercharged elm totem of thorny skin [power 19] (26 cooldown)supercharged elm totem of thorny skin [power 19] (26 cooldown) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / totem ; tier 1 It can be used to harden the skin for 6 turns increasing armour by 19 and armour hardiness by 30%, placing all other charms into a 26 cooldown. Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power. |
Wand of Death Wand of DeathPowered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / wand ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +10% blight / +10% cold / +10% darkness Talent mastery: +0.20 Spell / Animus Maximum souls: +3.00 It can be used to fires a death ray (damage scales with magic), costing 20 power out of 30/30. You can only see it because it is darker than its surroundings. It feels as cold as a grave. |
Well done! You have won the Tales of Maj'Eyal: The Age of Ascendancy
The Sorcerers are dead, and the Orc Pride lies in ruins, thanks to your efforts.
You have prevented the portal to the Void from opening and thus stopped the Creator from bringing about the end of the world.
The orc presence in the Far East has greatly been diminished by the loss of their leaders and the destruction of the Sorcerers. The free people of the Sunwall will be able to prosper and thrive on this land.
Maj'Eyal will once more know peace. Most of its inhabitants will never know they even were on the verge of destruction, but then this is what being a true hero means: to do the right thing even though nobody will know about it.
You may continue playing and enjoy the rest of the world.
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 33
60th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 18:47 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 42
65th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 06:26 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 31
23rd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:28 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 37
77th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 23:22 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 37
1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 18:18 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 46
18th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:42 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 35
74th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 03:06 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 18
61st Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:49 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 34
69th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 15:47 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 43
1st Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:03 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 19
70th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 20:14 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 50
53rd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 14:54 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 18
67th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:36 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 15
21st Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 01:44 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 26
9th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:36 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 49
48th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 15:10 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 18
56th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:56 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 39
1st Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 23:48 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 10
3rd Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 04:52 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 20
70th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 23:46 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 30
22nd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 05:57 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 40
25th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 18:44 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 50
51st Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 12:20 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 47
27th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 05:36 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 48
39th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 14:01 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 16
28th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 17:35 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 25
75th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:25 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 40
26th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 00:56 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 35
69th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 18:30 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 50
53rd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 14:53 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 9
8th Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 04:10 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 44
2nd Flare 123rd year of Ascendancy at 20:35 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 15
19th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:16 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 50
53rd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 14:54 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 9
3rd Flare 122nd year of Ascendancy at 10:38 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 40
37th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 06:51 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 29
22nd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 01:40 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 22
5th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:48 see stats
By Magiun the Dark Faerie Adventurer level 30
23rd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 06:44 see stats
Resting starts...
Talent Fey Clone is ready to use.
Rested for 1 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
Your summoned Magiun's Clone disappears.
Magiun picks up (B.): iron plate armour of lightning resistance (3 def, 7 armour).
Magiun picks up (w.): elm longbow.
Magiun picks up (B.): traveler's pair of rough leather boots of tirelessness (0 def, 1 armour).
Magiun picks up (E.): spiked iron plate armour (3 def, 7 armour).
Magiun picks up (w.): elm longbow.
Magiun picks up (M.): quartz.
There is a The Iron Council (Dwarven empire main city) here (press '' or right click to use).
Ran for 34 turns (stop reason: at exit).
Resting starts...
Rested for 0 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
Ran for 23 turns (stop reason: interesting terrain).
Resting starts...
Rested for 0 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
Ran for 2 turns (stop reason: interesting terrain).
Resting starts...
Rested for 0 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
There is a previous level here (press '' or right click to use).
Ran for 31 turns (stop reason: at exit).
Saving game...
Saving done.