Automatic Talent Gambits (Improved)
(Original addon by Alzrius)
Allows customization of automatic talent usage in the style of FF XII gambits.
Additional functionality:
- Trigger gambits with left and middle mouse click
- Interface: Folded several conditions together
- Added Steam resource conditions
- Added "number of targets to hit" conditions (for AOE attacks)
- Cancel sustained talents on custom conditions
- Match sustained talents on specific buff conditions
Automatic Talent Gambits
Allows customization of automatic talent usage in the style of FF XII gambits.
Version 1.4.0 includes the following fixes and improvements:
• Infusions/runes/item actives now preserve gambits when being replaced and are included in export/import.
• Unlearning a talent no longer removes associated gambits, so gambits assigned to temporary talents will not be lost.
• Added new target filter: "Greatest number of enemies/allies affected".
• Gambits now work when configured on companions.
• Fixed heavy weapons not working with gambits.
• Cancel buff action can now deactivate sustains.
• Added Steam and Insanity resources.
• Added an option to export gambits to the death menu.
• Consolidated resource conditions.
• Fixed Endless Woes and Elemental Surge prodigies having a 1 turn cooldown instead of the intended number.