ToME Version: | 1.7.4 |
Resources are power pools used for various talents in Tales of Maj'Eyal. There are several different kinds of resources, and some of them have unique behaviors. Several resources are affected by Fatigue. Each resource has a unique bar on the interface displaying the current level of the resource.
Only appears when you can't breathe for some reason. Being underwater, in a wall, or buried in sand will generally prevent you from breathing. You take an increasingly large amount of damage each turn after reaching 0 Air. Some items allow you to breathe underwater, or remove the need to breathe at all. Some underwater areas will have bubbles that can restore air until they are depleted.
Most races have 100 air, with yeek characters having 200. Two artifacts, Coral Spray and Vargh Redemption will raise the cap by 50 air.
- The first turn you are underwater your air will drop by 5 and will then decrease by 2 each subsequent turn.
- The first turn you are buried in sand your air will drop by 10 and will then decrease by 7 each subsequent turn.
- The first turn you are in a wall your air will drop by 20 and will then decrease by 17 each subsequent turn.
- When you can breathe again normally you regain 3 air per turn.
- Underwater bubbles will restore 20 per turn (minus the loss of 2 from being underwater, for a total gain of 18).
- When your air runs out you begin taking damage. The first turn it is 20% of your max life and it increases by 5% each turn (so 25% on the second turn, 30% on the third). This is quickly fatal.
- In the case of running out of air in water (drowning): once you begin drowning, you must step on a non-water tile to stop drowning - standing on a tile with bubbles (to restore air) will not stop drowning.
Equilibrium is the resource used by the Wild Gift class of talents, and represents how far the character is out of balance with Nature. It is sometimes abbreviated "EQ". Fatigue does not impact equilibrium at all.
Equilibrium starts at 0, and is raised by talent use. If Equilibrium exceeds Willpower, an attempt to use a Wild Gift talent will have a chance to fizzle, resulting in the loss of a turn. This failure chance is shown on the resource bar, and the associated formula is:
Talent Failure Chance = sqrt( Equilibrium - Willpower ) / 60
Equilibrium does not naturally reduce itself over time, but it can be restored by:
- Walking on the wilderness map
- Standing in the area of effect of a Font of Life
- Using the Meditation talent passively or actively
- Successfully killing an enemy with the Swallow talent
- Being hit while Resolve is active
- Coming under a life regeneration effect while under the influence of Ancestral Life
- Being hit while wearing various equipment with on-hit EQ regeneration
- Player or friendly creatures standing in Mucus
- Sustaining Mitosis while knowing Reabsorb
- Using the Heart of Poosh artifact
Note that if a player/creature has an Equilibrium bar, using Vim-based talents will increase equilibrium by 5 times the Vim cost.
Feedback represents using pain as a means of psionic grounding and it can be used to power feedback abilities.
Characters that have the feedback resource will gain feedback in proportion to any damage received. The base conversion rate depends on character level: it starts at 50% at level 1, and decays to 20% at level 50. Feedback is used by the Solipsist's Feedback and Discharge talent trees. It decays at the rate of 10% or 1 per turn (whichever is greater). Feedback is doubly affected by fatigue.
Hate is the resource used by the Afflicted classes: Cursed and Doomed. Hate does not regenerate, and even decays over time. It is mainly recovered while fighting or use of the Feed talent. Hate is affected by fatigue.
You can have up to 100 points of hate. Because of their Unnatural Body talent, Afflicted suffer from reduced healing while not at maximum hate -- by 50% at zero hate. Your hate slowly decays (more quickly when the level is higher), down to a minimum of half your hate at the end of the most recent combat. The strengths of many abilities also depend on your level of hate.
Here are some ways Hate is regained:
- Kill something: 8 points, more for higher rank -- 24 points for a boss
- Take a big hit (over 15% of your maximum life): 2 points + 2 points per 5% life lost above 15%
- Take a hit while at low health (under 25% of maximum life): 4 points
- Do massive damage (over 33% in one hit)
The Doomed Dark Sustenance tree has the talent Feed, which can be used to replenish hate. Various Cursed talents also give Hate bonuses.
Insanity is the resource used by the Demented metaclass: Writhing One and Cultist of Entropy. It was introduced as part of the Forbidden Cults DLC.
Insanity can vary from 0 to 100%. It has an associated chaotic percentage, varying from 0 to 50%, that determines how much damage and cooldowns may randomly fluctuate up or down. This effect applies to all talents used by the character, even those that do not use insanity as a resource, and includes runes and infusions. The relationship between chaotic percentage and insanity is as follows:
Chaotic Percentage = 50 * ( current insanity / max insanity ) 2
Insanity naturally decays by -0.6% per turn. It can only be gained by talent use in combat. If the player casts an insanity generating talent at an out of sight enemy that was not yet aware of the player (e.g. corner sniping), that talent will not generate any insanity since the player will be deemed to be out of combat at the time of casting.
Insanity is reset to zero on most level transition, including:
- Moving into and out of zones on the worldmap
- Going up and down floors in the same zone
- Entering a zone due to some event trigger (e.g. Unknown Tunnels, Dark Crypt, Ambush)
- Being swallowed by a tentacle
Some exceptions to this rule are:
- Getting hit by the Fearscape talent
- Following the Grand Corruptor to attack Zigur
As opposed to other resources, such as the effects from Equilibrium which only have a chance of occurring, if the player has any insanity when a talent goes on cooldown or does damage then a chaotic event will happen. This is done by superloading the Actor:startTalentCooldown and DamageProjector:base functions.
A random value is selected between -chaotic percentage and +chaotic percentage and applied separately for talent cooldown and damage, the value -4% might be selected to apply to talent cooldown and +13% to apply to damage on the same turn.
The chaotic event value is multiplied by the standard value and then added to that value, for example the cooldown calculation adds the existing cooldown to the existing cooldown multiplied by the selected chaotic event (ief):
local ncd = + math.floor( * ief / 100)
Life represents your physical well-being in game, and you will die if it drops below 0 unless you are under the influence of effects such as a Heroism Infusion, which allows you to temporarily persist with negative life.
Most characters will naturally regenerate life each turn. The amount of life regenerated can be modified by equipment, as well as talents such as Fast Metabolism. Regeneration Infusions can greatly boost life regeneration for a short time as well. The rate of life regeneration accelerates each turn while resting. Under the default keybinding, you can begin resting by pressing the r key. Larger amounts of life can be restored with various healing talents such as Healing Light and Nature's Touch. Many of these do not function on undead characters however.
Your maximum life will increase by Life Rating * (1.1+(current_level/40)) each time you gain a level.From Actor.lua You will gain 4 life for each point you have in Constitution, including temporary points from gear or talents.
Your Life Rating is determined by your race and class. For example, a Dwarf Berserker has a Life Rating of 12 (Dwarf) + Berserker (3) = 15. When going up to level 5, your life will increase by: 15 * (1.1+(5/40)) = 18.375.
The expected maximum life of a level 50 character will be:
Expected Max Life = Base Life from Class + (85.75 * Life Rating) ... plus your points from Constitution
Note: 85.75 comes from the sum of the series (1.1 + n/40) for n=2->50
NPCs have life in the same way, by using the Life Rating function from above. Additionally, NPCs have a 'rank' value which determines how much their life scales. This is reflected by in-game difficulty of NPCs. Regular NPCs are rank 1. Bosses are rank 4.
Used by most of the magical spell talents. It works much like Spell Points or Mana in most other RPGs. Only Mage classes can regenerate Mana naturally. Certain class talents and gear can grant passive Mana regen, and having a Manasurge rune inscribed will grant some passive regen while resting. Your maximum increases with level (+6 per level), gear, and Willpower (+5 per point). Mana is doubly affected by fatigue, making fatigue a primary concern for mana-using characters.
Negative energy
Negative energy is the power source for predominantly-Anorithil talents. It slowly regenerates over time.
It can be replenished by an Anorithil using:
- Twilight talent
- Twilight Surge talent
Maximum negative energy starts at 50 and is increased by 3 whenever a character gains a level. Negative energy is affected by fatigue.
Negative energy is associated with darkness damage, stunning, confusion, infravision and invisibility.
Positive energy
Positive energy is a resource used by both of the Celestial classes (the Sun Paladins and Anorithil). Many early talents will actually replenish it rather than drain it, shown as negative numbers in costs. It slowly regenerates over time.
Maximum positive energy starts at 50 and is increased by 3 whenever a character gains a level. Positive energy is affected by fatigue.
Positive energy is associated with illumination, light damage, and healing.
Paradox is the resource used by the Chronomancy talents. It is somewhat like Equilibrium -- it starts at 0, and increases as talents are used. High paradox causes failures, anomalies, and backfires, but also increases the power of some talents. The damage (and sometimes duration, etc) of most Chronomancy talents is multiplied by a "paradox modifier" determined by the following formula: sqrt(0.5 + Paradox / 600). Fatigue has a unique effect on paradox, increasing the failure rate but not the cost of feedback-using talents.
The cost of active paradox talents increases the higher your paradox already is; it is multiplied by 1 + (Paradox / 300).
Paradox failures simply cause you to lose a turn like equilibrium failures. However, unlike equilibrium failures, your paradox still increases by the cost of the talent that failed.
If an anomaly occurs, not only do you lose the turn and talent, but a random Anomaly talent is used. Your paradox is also reduced by twice the cost of the talent that failed. Anomaly chance is rolled before failure chance.
If a backfire occurs, the talent targets the caster.
To calculate paradox failure, anomaly, and backfire chance, a modified paradox is calculated by the following formula: (Paradox - Willpower * 2). Some items, such as the Shard of Crystallized Time, add directly to the Willpower stat used in this calculation, as does Temporal Form.
Then calculate the fatigue modifier: (100 + 2 * Fatigue) / 100.
Failures can only occur if modified paradox is over 200; if so, the chance is ceil(fatigue_modifier * (modified_paradox / 200)^2).
Anomalies can only occur if modified paradox is over 300; if so, the chance is ceil(fatigue_modifier * (modified_paradox / 300)^3).
Backfires can only occur if modified paradox is over 400; if so, the chance is ceil(fatigue_modifier * (modified_paradox / 400)^4).
Psi is the resource used by Psionic classes (Solipsist, Mindslayer, and Possessor), as well as Psyshot. It slowly regenerates over time, can be restored by talents and some equipment. Players can increase psi pool by raising willpower (+1 per point invested in willpower except for the Solipsist class). Psi is doubly affected by fatigue.
Used by Necromancers, and Wyrmics who are using the Undead Drake category. Each soul can become an undead minion, or be used to pay the cost for certain other talents. The pool is only replenished by various talents, usually by killing enemies.
Stamina is the resource used by most Technique talents. It is regenerated at a rate of 0.3 per turn if there are no other modifiers. Resting will accelerate the rate at which stamina is recovered. Stamina capacity is increased by raising willpower (+2.5 max stamina per point) and when gaining a level (+3 max stamina per level). Stamina is affected by fatigue.
Steam is the resource used by the Tinker metaclass. It was introduced as part of the Embers of Rage DLC. Fatigue plays no role in determining steam costs.
Steam is generated by steam generator injectors, which generate a constant amount of steam per turn. Steam is consumed by steam-powered weapons when used in melee or ranged fire, by steam-using talents, and by steam-using sustains. Unlike some other resources, most steam-using sustains drain a fixed amount of steam per turn.
Vim is the resource used by the Defiler metaclass (Reavers, Corruptors, Doombringers, and Demonologists). Vim does not regenerate but is instead regained in several ways, all involving combat. Fatigue plays no role in determining vim costs.
If you don't have enough Vim to cast a talent, you can pay with twice as much Life instead.
The vim pool grows by 4 points every level and is not influenced by any stats.
Ways of regaining vim: