As the title says :)
If you downloaded b42 before this post, please redownload it, it has a few bugfixes you might like :)
Sorry about the mess!
- whips his testers*
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta42 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Release highlights:
- New event/zone: the Dogroth Caldera and various associated subzones
- New class: Psionic / Solipsist: The world is but a mere projection of your thoughts you are all powerful! Or are you?
- Better levelup interface
- Reaver improved
- Rogues get a new Scoundrel tree
- Archmages get a new Aether tree
- New "minor" events; like special features in some zones
- Better shield graphics ahoy !
- Infinite Dungeon improvements
- Many bugfixes & polishing
Expanded changelist:
- Spinning beam trap has a max damage and will not trigger from pets
- Spinning beam trap now does not increase damage when stepped upon but instead switches damage type. All possible damage types now have a special effect
- Reavers's Corrupted Strength talent now also provides a free melee attack on spellcast
- Fixed levelup screen
- Teleport: Angolwen will not instantly teleport when cancelled
- Stat tooltips in the levelup screen display their effects in realtime
- If there is room on the screen a new pane will appear in the levelup dialog to replace the tooltip
- Summoner's summons are now based on mindpower, can crit and melee ones have dexterity increases for accuracy
- Overriding/removing/.. complex traps will correctly remove them
- Rare items ultra high powers is harder to get
- ESP on rares is more .. rare
- New achievements for many events
- New events
- Crystal Focus & Heart can not be applied on rare items
- Gems can not be put on rare items
- Old battlefield event can not be re-entered
- +all resist gems power reduced
- News tiles for the new artifacts & creatures of b41
- Fix the tier of alchemists lamp
- Fearscape orbital invasion platform is redder
- Events can not happen on stairs
- Fearscape restores coords even to dead actors
- Killing the Grand Corruptor after destroying Zigur is now correctly accounted for
- Fixed gnaw
- Fixed crosstier effects on gestures
- Fixed unarmed mastery physical power
- Many new musics
- Closing/Opening is talent tree is correctly remembered
- Fungal Growth will not trigger for small heal effects
- The Maze corridors are now 2 wide
- Lowered the size of the Maze a bit, but with the same number of foes
- Ardhungol levels reduced in size
- Targetting ignores map padding, making it betetr with an heavily loaded UI
- Bone Shield cost and cooldown much reduced
- Bone Shield number of charges increased a little
- Fix flame/shock hands
- Fixed scatter shot
- Fixed gloves speed display for brawlers
- Fixed sacrifice description
- Tooltip properly moves out of view
- Charsheet link is properly clickable
- Fix an other UID issue, the last one I hope
- Buffed Spellblaze Echoes, Feathersteel, Burning Star, Dragon-helm&Scale Mail of Kroltar, Temporal Augmentation Robe - Designed in Style, Zemekkys' Broken Hourglass, Trident of the Tides, Petrified Wood, Lifebinding Emerald, Lunar Shield, Duathdlen Heart, Pendant of Sun and Moons, Unsetting Sun
- Mousing over an item in the log will show the tooltip
- Ghouls exp penalty reduced to 25% from 40%
- Unlearning partially a talent will not make it un-autocast
- Levelup screen changed to have class & generic talents side by side
- In the levelup screen talents will grey out when unlearnable
- Pary frames now show if the party member can be leveled up
- Fix corrupted strength
- Fixes the 'Restart the same character' option in the death dialog from properly restarting your character if its name contains any non-alphanumeric characters.
- Outdoor events can not happen in the halfling ruins
- No traps will spawn on the last level of the halfling ruins
- Resists of 0 will not be shown in the tooltips
- Foo Masteries provide the correct amount of physical power
- Made mind, temporal, arcane, and conversion effects much rarer on randartifacts and rare objects
- Made mind conversion egos less common
- Nightmare horrors are rarer now and spawn at higher levels
- Sun Flare radius and description should line up
- Fixed Shattering Impact and damage conversion interaction
- Many new artifacts and a new unique horror
- Added an 'add' parameter to combatPhysicalpower and combatSpellpower
- Show correct talent level in inscription dialog
- Display sliding rock trap after it is triggered
- Remove blurring effect as soon as confusion is cured
- Fix the wrong "block" and "attack speed" compare color
- Change talent info when current talent level is 0 (not learned)
- Fix Spit Blight description
- Levelup screen shows both base & current stats
- Added temporal resistance to the Girdle of Preservation
- Paradox will no longer increases when anomalies can't occur
- Fixed confusion immunities effect reducing confusion power
- Fix Tornado casted on a target with Gloom/Sanctuary
- 4 new achievements for killing certain bosses first
- Fixed a bug where some parts of the UI could disappear out of screen
- Particle effects will always appear on top of actors, even for moddable tiles actors or for tall actors
- Particles can have shaders attached
- New shader-enabled damage shield effect
- Fix levelup tooltips
- Charge Leech description will not include random crits
- Added 3 hooks (Object:descCombat, Object:descWielder, Object:descMisc)
- All Last Hope weapon merchants can train martial combat
- Fix farportals lightnings
- Lichform quest is now considered completed in Infinite Dungeon & Arena campaigns
- Lichform also grants Celestial/Star Fury at various power
- When Mind damage is saved against it still deals half of it
- New artifact available only in the Infinite Dungeon: the Potion of Martial Prowess which can teach shoot & the combat training tree
- Arcane Eye level 5 correctly sees throught stealth & invis
- Fix scrollbar positioning
- Tooltips will autoscroll when too big
- Tooltip can be "locked" by pressing shift+l
- Scrolling is "smoother" in long textzones or lists
- Various misc UI improvments
- New artifact in the Infinite Dungeon to learn antimagic
- New psionic class Solipsist - Create and destroy with your thoughts, manipulate and enter the dreams of others, overcome the world with the power of your mind
- Ressource bar shaders will only load as needed, speeding up game load
- Disruption Shield uses the new shield shader effect
- Aegis works on Disruption Shield
- Demon/Naga invasions can not happen in Reknor
- Fearscape/Dreamscape can not be used on the sorcerors in the charred scar
- Fearscape/Dreamscape correctly restore minimap
- Fatigue is correctly not factored in for sustains
- New rogue tree: cunning/scoundrel
- Two new high level artifact daggers
- Complex traps are never auto-activated, they all need a trigger
- No traps on the last level of the High Peak
- Removed many traps from vaults that had too much
- Mindslayer shields upgraded to the new shader
- Level 20 mindslayer tress brought back to level 10
- Psi-archery removed
- Fearscape Invasion zone will look better on map borders
- Hourglass counter now has a description depending on the counter
- Improved the look of wildfire/tempset/uttercold/crystaline focus visual effects
- Eel-Skin lightning scales with mindpower and triggers on wild-gifts
- Summertide phial does not grant arcane stuff anymore
- 'Building' generator is now working
- Prevent temporary terrains from overriding one an other or "loosing" the default terrain
- Master Summoner now has a particle effect
- Archmages, Mindslayers, Necromancers and Summoners birth screen particles updated
- New jungle ambient sounds
- Desert sounds & ambience for some zones
- Faster auto-explore
- Dungeon ambient sounds to some zones
- New event: the Dogroth Caldera will sometime appear on the worldmap. What do you dream of finding inside ?
- Many new creature sounds
- Defense reduction from Block will not let off-guard effect trigger
- Many new "minor" events. A minor event is a simple feature on a level, usualy with a field of effect. Like a font of life in the trollmire that increases life/stamina/equi/psi regen around it
- If a foe fails to appear in the antimagic arena, it will try again
- Infinite Dungeon will now also have events
- Death message is now shown after the damage message
- Fix Shadows in the shadow crupt
- *Perhaps* fix the particle error log spam
- New archmage high level tree: Aether, an advanced arcane tree. Lock by default but given to all archmages
- Version scheme changed for the tome module, now uses the same version as the engine (aka 0.9.42 instead of 3.9.42)
- Golem picking up gold is given to the alchemist
- Reavers free melee blow only works on active talents, not sustains
- Fix black entity icon in tooltips
Have fun!
Hello fellow players!
I'm looking for some competent video editor that could make an entertaining gameplay trailer (so base on real gameplay video footage) for ToME4.
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta41 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Release highlights:
- Important bugfixes
- Many balancing changes
- Many talents & classes updates to make them more fun
- New "events" system, sometimes .. things happen
- Rares are less deadly at lower level
- New "rare" item kind, droped by rare NPCs
- Updated SDL for, hopefully, a better support of windows7
Expanded changelist:
- Blood Vengeance has a sustain cost
- Right-click on beneficial buffs allows you to remove them (like removing a weak regen to cat a better one)
- Object tier is written in objects tooltips
- Added new projectile param "friendlyblock", if set to false it will travel through friendlies
- Party reward selection dialog can not be closed without choosing
- Randelites only start to appear after completing the first zone
- Random bosses/elites that can multiply/split will only spawn normal version of themselves, not bosses/elites
- Can not get random elites bosses
- Random elites rodents (mouses, rabits, ..) that get Warshout will now instead do Warsqueak. Yes. Just because.
- Clear Mind torque will not remove brainlocks
- Fixed teluvorta bug on load
- Teluvortas now only swap 50% of the time
- Teluvorta swap now has a saving throw
- Fixed riposte not giving crit bonus
- You can tell the Eidolon you just wish to die now
- Random elites of low level ( <20 ) will now have a damage penalty based on their level. Starting at -40% at level 1
- Fix realtime mode
- New horror creatures, just because you all love horrors!
- Random elites do not appear in Easy mode
- De-activating Willful Tormenter will also disable other sustains until the max vim is > 0
- Keyboard movement updates tooltip in shops
- Rend, Acid Strike and Dark Surprise correctly refund vim when dealing a deathblow
- Goodbye Fake Skullcleaver!
- New artifacts
- Accuracy is based on willpower for mindstars
- Fixed offhand penalty for mindstars
- Switching to and from ambushes should be quite faster
- Updated SDL, should work better on windows7
- The Overpowered Wyrms on vor armoury can breath water
- Right click map menu can not go over the bottom of the screen
- AutoID is back in tutorial
- Psionic Grip/Bind is now a pin effect as the description suggests
- Temporal Reprieve has correct requirements
- Robe of Spydre buffed
- Slight nerf to Mind Sear damage
- Fix Hat of Arcane Understanding
- New object class: "rares" that work by additing random powers to a base item (not egos)
- Rare monsters now drop a "rare" item
- Fixed talent level restriction for rares (it was not working at all sorry for those fearscaping levle 2 trolls)
- Talent level checks for rares is doubled, that is to be able to use a talent requiring level 12 a rare would have to be level 23 (because of rounding)
- Duck and Dodge now is an Evasion effect triggered when the halfling takes damage
- Militant Mind now starts off capping at 5 foes and grants saves too
- Indomitable now clears existing stuns, dazes, and pins as well as prodiving free action
- Fix mindstar in telekinetic grasp
- Fix naming the lost merchant artifact when using #
- Updated fonts to use google's 'Droid' series
- Fixed random escorts spawning on daikara 3 and messing up the paradox mage unlock
- Fixed epoch spawning the player on daikara 4
- Fixed wormhole targeting at level 4+
- Fixed non-functioning bow and sling egos
- Fixed Storm Fury
- Weapon Mastery, Knives Mastery, Exotic Mastery and Combat Accuracy now have only 5 levels instead of 10 (scale end benefi, just spread over less points). So melee classes will have more generic points for "other" toys
- Unarmed Mastery reduced to 5 levels too
- Bow & Sling Masery also reduced to 5
- Loadscreen now have little tips/lore pieces displayed at random
- Renamed Linaniil's sister
- Walking on a level changer popups a flyer to notify you
- Escorts will flee foes instead of attacking them
- Eternal Bone Giants will not ressurect 5 times
- Necrotic Aura updates when learning Aura Mastery
- Fearscape now has a negative vim cost per turn
- Knife Mastery renamed Dagger Mastery
- Anorithil escorts do not provide Providence but Healing Light (you can still learn the tree if you need providence)
- Alchemist escorts do not provide Imbue Item (you can still learn the tree if you need imbue item)
- Nerf a bit Gwai's Burninator
- Improved Higher talents:
- Overseer of Nations now also increases lite, infravision and heightened senses radius
- Born into Magic gives a higher benefit to spell resist and also +arcane% damage
- Higher's Bloom now lets your use any active talents without cost for a few turns
- Death Blow only uses half stamina and cooldown/cost are greatly reduced
- Blood Frenzy cost reduced and is instant use
- Juggernaut is now instant use and grants more damage reduction
- Onslaught costs less and has a lower cooldown, also uses much less stamina per turn
- True Grit also raises your all damage resists cap
- Undending Frenzy bonus increased
- Heave cost reduced
- Reduced cost of Cripple and Evasion
- Shield blocks now trigger a on_block(self, src, type, dam, eff) call on the shield if it exists
- +def gems now give +2-10 to all saves as well
- Citrines give +2 infravision in addition to their +1 lite radius
- Turquoises gives +10 see through stealth in addition to their +10 see invisible
- +damage gems now give +1-5% crit rate (phys, spell, and mind) as well
- on_resurrect event
- Undead Explosion now works on max life
- Sacrifice now provides a very special shield
- Improved higher undead chances on Minions Mastery
- Thunderstorm mana drain is now on hit, the hit is now a radius one ball and the sustain cost decreased a bit
- Defensive Posture penalty removed, mana cost reduced and also increases Armour
- Blunt Thrust now stuns instead of daze. At level 5 it always hits
- Nerfed a bit Eden's Guile speed boost at high Cunning
- The Teluvorta Swap effect now checks for line of effect, preventing the player from getting stuck in walls and making the encounter a bit more controllable
- Gnaw reworked to a special disease that can make a ghoul pop.
- Invoke Tentacle should work anywhere
- Fearscape will not trigger if the creaure casting it dies in the same turn it casts it
- All creatures that use arcane powers will now never spawn with antimagic equipment
- The automatic zone/level save on zone/level change will also trigger a main game save, so crashes can not "destroy" zones
- New demon unique and his nasty axe
- New feature: 'events'. Sometimes, in certain zones, there will be a special event, this can be anything from an old graveyard to a falling meteor
- Fix psi/equilibrium on crit
- Mindslayer talents now use mindcrit
- Physical Power is only increased by the mastery applying to the current weapon
- Quests grant/update are displayed much more evidently
- Duplicate entities protection
- Fixed a duplicate actor bug on talent change
- New levelup screen. Much faster, lighter, smaller and with less wall of texts!
- Grand Corruptor & friends will become invulnerable for only a few turn at the end of the fall of zigur quest
- Detect and remove player clones automatically
- Some Afflicted fixes
- New bows, slings and ammo egos
- New more "complex" traps to replace, in most places, elemental ones
- Life rating is shown on birth screen
- Rebalance gloves for non brawlers
- Rares under level 10 have their talent cooldowns x3, under 20 x2
- Catalepsy can not crit, because it works of dieases which can crit, so it wont double crit
- Stun will not put instant talents on cooldown, such as wild infusions
- Nerfed Overkill damage a bit
- Fix Fearscape when having an escort
- Overkill does not double-dip on +blight damage
- Detrimental status effect are not on the same line as beneficial ones in the HUD
- Gestures correctly will not work with two handed weapons
- Arcane Blades start with Aegis, Conveyance and Dirty Fighting unlocked
- Arcane Blades now use Cunning instead of Dexterity
- Arcane Blades now can unlock Battle Tactics and Superiority
- Arcane Blades, Arcane Combat now triggers less when dual wielding
- Arcane Blades Frost Hands changed to Shock Hands
- Arcane Blades Fire Hands now also regens stamina on hit
- Arcane Blades Shock Hands now also regens mana on hit
- Arcane Blades Arcane Destruction buffer, also upon a melee crit a random radius 2 ball will trigger
- Arcane Feed also increases physical and spell critical chance
- Thorn Grab now does not take a turn to use
- Merchant artifact reward will not give arcane items to antimagic users
- Killing a slaver will free its thralls in the slavers compound
- New achievement for saving many thralls
- Running over a trap stop running
- Using vim based talents will increase equilibrium a lot if the creature has any (nature hates corruptions!)
- Acid, Lightning, Cold Infusion now also benefit from +%damage gems
- Shockwave Bomb is not increased by Fire Infusion
- Items in the transmo chest will appear with a greenish background in the inventory
- Counterstrike also works to increase archery damage
Have fun!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta40 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
Important bugfixes inside!
Release highlights:
- Important bugfixes
- Small improvments to Archamge Time & Disruption shields
Expanded changelist:
- Slightly decreased random elite chance
- Random elites must now respect talent levels (roughtly)
- Implode is not usable by NPCs
- Removed Manaflow
- Disruption Shield is now affected By Aegis/Shielding
- Disruption Shield changed; only usable when <25% mana; each hit will regen mana. When at full it will explode as before. So either you get it at one point for a new mana regen or you get it to max for a less nice but still nice mana regen and a shield
- New arcane talent: Arcane Vortex; an arcane DOT that fires random manathrusts
- Time Shield backfire now leaves a dot on the ground
- Animal random elites should not be archers
- Fixed Cyst Burst after Epidemic
- Dark Surprise second hit is correctly a crit
- Various fixes
- Overkill can trigger only once per turn
- Reduced Brotoq all damage output by 40%
- Buffed Corpsebow
- When all resources are full, all talents are up, resting will try to wait for recall
- Rares should have a special tactical border in ASCII
- Fixed a bad bug that could make objects disappear
- Blood Vengeance has a sustain cost
Have fun!
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta39 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
A big release, get it while it's hot!
Release highlights:
- Full rework of wands system; now split in wands, totems and torques; collectively known as charms
- New weapon kind: mindstars. Akin to staves but for wilders, psionics and afflicted. Designed to be dual-wielded, a new talent tree can even make psionic blade from them
- Many balance & quality of life tweaks
- Many antimagic buffs
- New trees: Corruptions/Torment; Wild Gift/Fungus; Wild Gift/Mindstar Mastery
- Random elites are now wandering the game, beware!
- Dommed rework/buff
- Reavers buff
- Shields grant a Block talent
- New "ingredient" system; you start collecting ingredients before needing to take the brotherhood of alchemists quest
Expanded changelist:
- Fix Arcane Supremacy set
- Fix log lines option
- Fix drag&dropping Prox Halfling Foot in the hotkeys
- Middle-click on the big map will make it disappear
- New artifacts
- Amulets of Mastery now always provide bonus to a tree the player has/can learn
- Fixed quest description of the apprentice mage
- Talent errors are more explicit
- Fixed the "getTarget" bug after a talent bugs
- New weapon kind: mindstars. They are raw natural gems infused with the power of nature, kind of like staves. They are one-handed and can be dual-wielded. Offhand mindstar is not subject to normal offhand penalty
- Replaced Body of Stone's physical and knockback resistance with acid and stun resistance.
- Slightly increased Earthquake's damage.
- New talent: Earth/Mudslide
- Doubled the cooldown of Earthen Missiles to make it less abusable. The damage was increased
- Headless horrors will properly lose elemental resists when the eyes are killed
- Heart of the sandworm queen no longer tells undead they've learned the harmony tree
- Rewrote, rebalanced, and added many weapon egos
- Two-handed wepaons now have a small eqo multiplier
- Daggers now have a small ego penalty
- Gaping maw is now anti-magic
- Withering orbs and allettas diadem now psionic
- Halfling foot now arcane, hareskin sling now nature
- Stop talent now properly accounts for paradox level
- Foresight now properly senses actors
- Greater weapon egos generally less powerful
- Lesser weapon egos generally more powerful
- New anti-magic egos
- Resolve equilebrium and stamina regen more in line with other forms of regen for these resource types
- Added costs to ranged egos
- Set many artifact material levels to be more in line with their level range (should improve drops)
- Buffed many artifacts
- Reduced infravision given by many items
- Infravision and heightened senses no longer stack
- Fixed cease to exist double paradox cost
- Resist penetration no longer affects targets with negative resists
- Reloading will auto-trigger when auto-explore is activated
- Spacetime tuning and gather the threads will now only break on spell cast
- Blood lich rarity is now more in line with other liches
- Fixed anti-magic tree description
- Fixed quivers & pouches rarity
- Fixed killing NPCs with special death scripts on the fearscape
- Combat:attackTargetWith hook passes a dam parameter to know how much damage was dealt
- Typos
- Using an artifact digger should work again
- The Room of Death should not be empty even for low level chars
- Waitbars should look better on windows
- Time Prison mana cost reduced by 20
- Time Shield is now instant cast, the dot duration increases with talent level and while active all newly applied status effects are reduced by a %
- Error repor window has a close all buton, can be closed with Esc and tells if the error is new
- Rewrote, added, and rebalanced many staff egos
- Fade From Time now reduces all status effect durations (good or bad)
- Voice of Telos has new effects (check it out!)
- Increased Quiver of the Sun capacity to 12
- Wards (activatable staff ego that protects against damage)
- Staff's now give a bonus to elemental damage equal to their combat damage
- Most staves now allow the wearer to switch elemental properties using the command staff talent
- Base staff spellpower increased
- Increased base archery projectile speed
- Travel speed in general is now additive (making it in line with the tooltip)
- Travel speed on bows now works
- Fixed ranged project on bows
- Added ranged project to Withering Orbs
- Epoch's level is now in line with the rest of Daikara
- Epoch's Curve is now a guaranteed drop
- Epoch's clones can no longer multiply
- Epoch's cooldown on Multiply increased, making the second clone come much later in the fight then the first
- Changed how Teluvorta's handle teleport; should make getting stuck in the Temporal Rift less likely
- Weapon of Light, Shield of Light, and Hymn of Moonlight no longer deactivate when they don't have enough energy to trigger
- Fix Poison Gas Trap
- Fix flickering black screen bug
- Summoning (Advanced) correctly learnable at level 10
- Weaponset2: Quiver will not provide worn benefits
- If enough lumberjacks are saved they also provide a digger as a reward
- Reloading after saving on the eidolon plane will work correctly when returning to the previous level
- Right click on the resources move handle lets you configure resources visibility
- Plot & Quest items are also auto-pickedup now
- Reverted Quantum Feed and Strength of Purpose to b37 values
- Damage Smearing no longer takes a turn to activate
- Invigorate reworked; stamina regen reduced but it causes talents to refresh faster while active
- When appropriate, the target of the reward of a quest is selectable (like for escort rewards)
- The Alchemist Golem can not learn Harmony
- Quests that add a location to the map now reveal the location on the map
- Crit chance is bound to 0-100% range
- Flamespit description fixed
- Failing to wear an item will not consume a turn
- Negative health is correctly hidden in the new UI
- Surge of Undeath correctly adds to accuracy
- Summon talent now forces a max 2 level OOD
- New option in the main menu: reset interface positions
- The Grand Corruptor will speak to the main player
- Randbosses talent scaling should not get out of hands anymore
- On spell, on melee and on ranged talent procs can only happen once per turn
- Doomed cunning at birth now matches the description
- Mindslayers have one more cunning at birth (bringing total bonuses in line with other classes)
- Mindslayer knockback abilities can no longer hit twice
- Fixed many mindslayer talent descriptions (they scale off mindpower)
- Mindslayer gem bonuses now apply to mindstars as well
- Greater telekenetic grasp now applies it's level five bonus at talent levels beyond 5 (only matters in the Infinite Dungeon)
- Mindslayer auras now scale better at higher levels, deal less spike damage at low levels, have a cooldown of 10, and cost less psi to spike
- New artifact: Blood-Edge
- Four new random undead uniques
- Burning Hex now also increases the talents cooldowns
- Epidemic is a very potent disease and so is not affected by disease immunity. It also lwoers disease immunity on the targets
- Meditation can not lower equilibrium bellow the sustain values
- Static Field now shows how much damage was done
- Probability Travel now applies a debuff when used to pass a wall that will prevent an other wall passing for X turns (based on distance and talent level)
- Shady Cornac man going away wont fail the achievement for saving derth inhabitants
- New generic tree for Reavers & Corruptors: Torment
- New Wild Gifts/Fungus generic tree. Kind of like a nature based Aegis tree. Available to wyrmics
- Fix bug with the Eternal Night set
- Hydra summoning eldritch eyes can no longer spawn more then one hydra at a time
- Autocasting talents will not trigger when confused/terrified
- Toggle movement mode bound to shift+b instead of just b
- Enabling/disabling stealth will activate the visual effect right away
- Shadowstrike now works as a crit damage bonus
- Sacrifice at the endgame will really kill the main player, not a copy
- Fixed arrows speed
- New achievement: Fear me not!
- Fixed mouse-over for chat frame
- Aura of Silence do not apply on the user, to prevent brainlock
- Shielding talent now only increases shield strength. Shield duration only ever increasaes by max 1 at level 5
- Aegis/Heal renamed to Aegis/Arcane Reconstruction
- Fix Repulsion
- Randarts correctly use the same arcane/antimagic rules as egos
- Fix Outmaneveured
- Orc babies & youth in the breeding pits can be female or male
- Virulent Disease now tries to choose smartly which disease to apply (one that is not on the targe yet and that will reduce a stat that is high. So an
- archer type target will always ge the dex disease first).
- Virulentt Disease damage & stat reducion buffed
- Darkfire cost and cooldown reduced
- Many corruption spells are now able to crit, including diseases.
- Corrupter metaclass renamed to Defiler
- Cyst Burst now spreads all plague tree diseases at once (rotting, decrepitude, weakness and epidemic)
- Mana Clash and Resolve can now crit (mind)
- One With Nature is now instant cast
- Virulent Disease is now instant cast
- Many wild gift powers can now crit (mind); including breathes
- Removed animal encounters in the west
- New "wall" projection type
- Fixed a display issue with Psi cost and fatigue
- Rebalanced luminous horrors
- Dying at the endgame should still let your read the endgame text
- Thalore will not get escorts on Old Forest 5, since it does not exists anymore
- Wands have been redesigned into a new cooldown, chargeless system. All wands are now on the same cooldown, when activating one all are on cooldown for X turns
- Darkness (and other block_sight objects) now prevent projected attacks. (LOS check in Actor.canProject and Actor.on_project)
- Various tweeks (shortened ranges, lowered hate costs, altered damage, etc)
- Added a number of secondary buff/debuff effects to talents: Gesture of
- Malice lowers resistance, Madness increases Mind damage, Darkness allows faster movement, Force of Will increases crit damage, etc.
- Replaced Unnatural Body's Seeth and Repression with two talents that boost power as you take damage.
- Fixed criticals, they work and are applied to all affects.
- Gestures allow use of mindstars and provide some bonuses from them.
- Shadows scale better with leveling and don't rely on defense/evasion (they have a new fade ability that prevents damage for a turn when they are first hit)
- All activable egos use the new charm system with a global cooldown. Artifacts keep their own cooldown.
- Blank wands can be no more
- New "charms" category of items. Wands are arcane charms, Totems are natural charms and Torques are psionic charms
- Entity:addTemporaryValue can use "highest" and "lowest" merge algorithms
- Pausing the level loop for player input correctly pauses & restarts at the right position in the actors list
- DualWield/Precision is now instant and takes less stamina / cooldown
- Weapon & shield/Last Stand now takes less stamina / cooldown and the life bonus is increased
- Pinning Shot limited to 5 turns at most
- Buff Spell Shield
- Buffed Shadow Cunning
- Shadow Ambush also dazes 2 turns
- Corrosive Vapour changed to Glacial Vapour, mana cost reduced
- Illuminate blind durations fixed to 3/4, at level 4 it starts dealing damage
- Phantasmal Shield cost severely reduced
- Fixed stats inherit between base template and npcs
- New hook in Actor:actBase called "Actor:actBase:Effects", to hook on stuff like thunderstorm, ..
- Gestures are now generic points
- Doomed start with two mindstars equipped
- Random elites are in! Each level (except the very first one) can contain random elites. Less powerful than random bosses, should spice things up!
- Reavers now get access to Vim tree. Allowing them to get Vimsense & Leech for vimregen
- Fungus tree is now offered by Myssil after finishing a quest for her
- Antimagic escort rewards chagned to many different (and otherwise unlearnable) generic trees
- New generic talent tree: Wild Gift/Mindstar Mastery. Available from random zigur escorts and summoners start with it locked
- New "ingredients" system. When you do an action (like killing a monster) you can gain a special ingredient which is automatically added to you ingredients list. Ingredients are now part of the normal inventory and are weightless.
- The Brotherhood of Alchemists quest has been updated to use ingredients system; this means you will start collecting needed parts before taking the quests, without risk of loosing some.
- Death in explorer mode will not be reported in chat
- Shields now possess block value. Wielding a shield grants the Block talent that will block the next attack and allows for a counterstrike.
- Riposte talent doesnt provide a free attack, instead it boosts counterstikes
- Little buff to Kryl-Feijan
Have fun!
Yesterday I was driving (to see a doctor, the irony) when suddently I am not quite sure how I hit the grass on the side, it was raining too, trying to get back on track I got shot to the other side of the road where an other car hit my side (the side I was in) sending me back to the other side wihtout any control left, I passed the road and ended up 4 meters bellow, upside down.
I was hanging from my seat, only suspended by my seatbelt (which probably saved my life) with blood dripping from my head. Not a very fun moment. I managed to untie my belt, fall on the floor and get out and then I waited for help. They got me to the hospital, had me examined and I seem to actually be very lucky, I didnt break anything. Just a not too bad headwound and many many bruises. I can not raise an harm without much pain, or move, but it shall get better (and look, I can still type!).
Sometimes the human mind is weird, I as I was untying my belt, and getting ready to get out I noticed water on the floor and thought something like that: "Oh shit water, I'll wet my shoes!" Yes .. silly given the events .. :)
That's what left of my car now, after it was moved out of the way and put back "on feet". Poor car, she sacrificied her life to save mine.
So basically, I am glad to still be with you in the world of the living and you'll have to bear with ToME for quite a while yet :)
PS: and if you wish to donate to help me get a new car, I'd be very glad; I kinda need a car :/
As of the writing of this post, there has been 20058 days 18 hours 1 minute of recorded ToME4 playtime by registered players!
That is very very nearly 55 years.
I am happy to have given 55 years of happiness to mankind and hope to provide many more centuries ;)
You can view stats there:
As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta38 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
A big release, get it while it's hot!
Release highlights:
- A whole new UI!
- Shortened some long zones
- New artifacts/npcs/lore
- A slew of bugfixes & improvements to many parts of the game
- Addons configuration screen
- Reworked ammo
Expanded changelist:
- New command: Show map, default binding to "tab"
- Toggle creatures list default binding set to "ctrl+tab"
- Wearing an item with charges/cooldown will reset them to 0 to prevent abuse
- Quick-switch will not reset cooldown of items
- New achievement
- New lore: Declaration of the Unification of the Allied Kingdoms
- Fixing a display bug in T_GOLEM_POWER and a seriously screwy bug in T_GOLEM_RESILIENCE (thanks SomeGirl and tekrunner).
- Fixed the unavailable preUseTalent check from actually checking equilibrium, etc. (thanks edge2054).
- Fixed the transmog chest not picking up some items (thanks tiger_eye).
- Fixed a bug where Volcano would remove the Temporal Rift portals.
- Fixed Dwarf hometown disappearing (thanks tiger_eye).
- Fixed T_SWITCH_PLACE cloning the player (thanks tiger_eye).
- Fixed magicMap stopping auto-explore from doing its business (thanks tiger_eye).
- Hopefully fixed the majority of the ice block bugs (thanks tiger_eye).
- Fixed the order of quest and death at the end-game.
- Allowing DamageType.POISON to receive a table with dam and apply_power. Now T_POISON_GAS_TRAP uses the source actor's combatAttack, the Hydra's on_arrival uses the summoner's combatMindpower, and T_POISON_STORM uses the actor's combatSpellpower.
- Fixed T_RELENTLESS_PURSUIT and T_SPIN_FATE interaction.
- Changed 'encased_in_ice' to still target, but change the range to zero (thanks tiger_eye).
- Hopefully fixing invis/stealth not properly protecting the actor from some talents (thanks tiger_eye).
- Changing T_POISON_GAS_TRAP fix to resemble other traps (using check_hit).
- Fixed Rune of the Rift's description (thanks edge2054).
- Disabled Insatiable ego until it can be balanced
- Weapon Folding damage reduced and armor penetration removed
- Weapon Folding now reduces paradox by a small amount when a weapon hits
- Temporal Warden Archery and Dual-Weapon mastery levels reduced
- Turn Back the Clock damage reduced
- Temporal Fugue and Swap confusion power reduced
- Precognition no longer kills the player if he dies during a vision
- Moment of Prescience rewritten
- Spin Fate no longer increases defense, maximum bonus reduced
- Energy Absorption power level reduced
- Diminsional Step range reduced
- Wormhole exit location is a bit less accurate
- Quantum Feed and Strength of Purpose no longer grant saving throws and
- have a stamina cost to sustain (in addition to paradox)
- Rethread's cooldown reduced
- Clarified a few Wilder tooltips
- Bulwarks, Berserkers and Marauders now have access to the conditioning tree
- Bloodbath now gives stacking life and stamina regen rather then multiplying existing values
- Warrior escorts can now teach the conditioning tree and a few talents from that tree instead of combat accuracy or weapon mastery (they still teach exotic weapon mastery)
- Deleting a premade now asks for confirmation
- Confusion resistance now reduces confusion power (up to 10% min)
- Fixed Cursed Sentry
- Clarify Wintertide Phial activation
- Nerfed defence of the half-finished bone giant
- Clarified Spellcraft talent
- Replaced Necromancer's Liches dark tendrils & creeping darkness by bone spead and bone grab
- Lichform necromancers can not use infusions
- Fixed barrow wight tile for Necromancers
- Saving throws now reduce duration based on a percentage (5% per difference)
- Saving throws with a minimum duration can now be 'shrugged off'
- Accuracy now has it's own cross tier effect, Off-Guard, that increases critical strike chance and critical power by 10%
- Off-Balance now reduces global speed by 15%
- Slime slow effect reduced to 15%
- Hit rolls now cap out at a 20 point difference rather then 10 increasing or decreasing hit chance in 2.5% increments
- Scrolling the chatlog will remove fading
- Trap Detection & Trap Disarm talents merged into a new Trap Handling talent
- New Cunning/Survival talent: Piercing Sight, granting a boost to see stealth/invis
- Power is Money provides somewhat less huge benefits
- Alchemists do not start with Combat Training tree anymore (it was locked anyway)
- Transmogrification Chest can now be activated to trasmo everything in it, or if empty, on the floor
- Adrenaline Surge no longer takes a turn to use
- Daunting Presnce no longer causes a cross-tier effect. Debuff effect slightly improved.
- Reduced the accuracy of many starting enemies
- Reduced a few corrupted horror talent levels in the deep bellow
- Meditation changed to a sustain that grants equilibrium regen, mental save, healing mod but halves all damage done
- Hate: Now ranges from 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 10 to be more consistent with other resources.
- Hate: Instead of falling to 0, hate falls to a baseline value. The baseline value is set to 50% of your current hate when you take damage, inflict damage or kill something.
- Hate: Is now affected by fatigue Cursed Form / Unnatural Body: now scales healing factor from 40% at 0 hate to 80% at 10+ hate. No longer affects damage resistance and no longer improves with cursed equipment.
- Cursed Form / Seethe: Allows you to stop hate loss but recieve other penalties
- Cursed Form / Repression: now trades up healing factor for loss of hate per kill.
- Gloom / All: Mindpower based (% chance to "hit", chance to save v Mindpower)
- Gloom / Weakness: Changed to reduce damage inflicted, attacking weakened foes adds hate.
- Gloom / Dismay: Replaces Torment; 3 turn gloom effect that guarantees 1 critical hit.
- Gloom / Sanctuary: Reduces damage that originates from outside of the gloom Slaughter / Slash: Insidious Poison effect has been changed to Cursed Wound (stackable damage reduction)
- Slaughter / Reckless Charge: Number of attacks is now limited by talent level.
- Endless Hunt / Beckon: Save v Mindpower reduces chance to move by half.
- Taking damage can dispell it (the chance to dispel is cumulative damage / maximum life).
- Strife / Dominate: Now mindpower based, Fixed range checking
- Cursed Aura: Dialog to take or reject it should only open once.
- Cursed Aura / Curse of Shrouds: should no longer cancel rest/autoexplore
- Cursed Aura / Cursed Sentry: Fixed (was completely broken)
- Dark Figure: Removed
- New Rampage/Predator/Fears afflicted trees
- Perfect Strikes now ignores the miss chance caused by attacking an unseen foe
- Crooked Club confusion duration reduced to 4
- Vision Runes now grant See Stealth in addition to See Invisible
- Sun Infusions no longer break stealth but instead apply a debuff that reduces stealth power for a few turns
- Meditation now also have a passive effect: when resting it grants an equilibrium regen
- Meditation does not take any turn to activate/deactiavte
- Reduced damage from Void Shards
- Reduced healing modifier on Vitality
- Reduced chance of removing debuffs on Unflinching Resolve
- Reduced spike damage from Time Elementals
- Time Elementals are now negative effect immune
- Buffed Harkor'Zun (not the fragments)
- Buffed Brandish and Retribution (Guardian Tree)
- Better smooth movement
- Frenzy now correctly debuffs at level 3
- Mimic now resets stats on next kill
- Preternatural Senses now rounds the range value.
- Fixed a Rampage talent on an arena NPC
- Outmanuever now gives a physical resistance reduction
- Mimic now gives stat bonuses relative to the target's stats instead of relative to player's stats minus target's stats.
- Reckless Change now scales range beyond 4.
- Rune of the Rift paradox reduction reduced to 60
- Rune of the Rift should no longer occasionally heal actors
- Time Skip once again removes actors from the map rather then time prisoning them
- Fix immunities on the Eternal Night set
- Always-center on player is set by default for new players
- Debug console: Cursor positioning (left/right arrows, home/end to move to beginning/end of line)
- Debug console: Copy to system clipboard support, bound to Ctrl+C and matches Ctrl+V paste support
- Debug console: Tab-autocompletion of table entries
- Fixed description of Tormented effect
- Fixed description of Panicked effect
- Fixed moving the player in panicked effect
- Added support for fear resistance to Fears/Panic
- Reduced damage of Slaughter/Reckless Charge
- Amushcade Shadow will no longer autopick up gold, gems, or gear
- Temporal and Eldricth horror files split
- Temporal Horrors will now spawn on levels 2 and 3 of the Rift instead of Time Elementals
- Buffed horror stats
- Reduced talent use frequency of Luminous Horrors
- Increased talent use frequency of Devourers
- Tactical Expert defense bonuses reworked
- Reduced Inner Demon max life
- Waking Nightmare is now resisted with Mental Save
- Three new uniques added to Dreadfell (Borfast, Filio, and Aletta) that can randomly appear in he zone
- Four new artifacts (Borfast's Cage, Aletta's Diadem, Hareskin Sling, and Withering Orbs)
- Increased rarity of Boots of Spellbinding and Staff of Channeling
- New Dreadfell Lore
- Orc breeding pits: reduced the total size
- Daikara: only 4 levels now
- Maze: only 2 levels now (one is huge)
- Eruan: only 4 levels now
- Old forest: only 4 levels now
- Sandowrm lair: only 4 levels now
- Ardhungol: only 3 levels now
- The four orc prides are now 3 levels
- Limir dying now instantly marks the quest failed
- Added a small speak bubble to creatures that can talk
- NPC & Player portrait will appear in chat boxes
- Fix multiple addons in .teaa form using overload
- New hook "Entity:loadList" to bind on any entities file load, altering the loaded data or loading more of your own
- New artifact: Prox's Lucky Halfling Foot
- Reduced the number of lore notes in many zones that got shrinked
- Added a popup warning when entering the mausoleum in Last Hope graveyard
- When using auto-reloading quivers/pouches resting will wait for full reload
- When the transmo chest pops up at the end of a level the inventory tabs setting is not lost
- Trollmire is nowa 65x40 zone instead of 50x50
- Equipment window now has a switch to select main/off weapons set
- Letter keys work again in inventory/equipment screen
- Learning lore stops running
- Necrotic minions are worht 0 exp
- Recall/Angolwen Teleport only works when the main player is alive
- Hydra's Grand Arrival does not also applies ritch's one
- Spiders from the egg-sac do not grant exp
- Levelup screen shows rounded stats
- Lore randomly found has a different tile than set lore
- Fix Tornado
- Fix for Frenzy
- Beckon, Panic and Paranoia should be less annoying to deal with
- Hex-mode support added to the engine; a simple 'core.fov.set_algorithm("hex")' in your module's load.lua and you are in hex mode!
- Directly computing directions is deprecated; instead use util.adjacentCoords and all the new coord functions
- Map borders should look better
- New UI!
- UI elements are now locked by default, with a small padlock on the toolbar to unlock them
- Move tooltips in inventory and stores to not obstruct the list currently being watched
- Added some missing musics to some zones, including new tracks
- Fearscape is usable in more zones
- Trees should have a bit less veritcal randomness
- font:draw() can take a new parameter to prevent displaying entities with an internal FBO and instead returns a table of entities to draw and their positions in the texture string
- New lore: "Gifts of Nature"
- New artifact set: Staff of Arcane Supremacy and Hat of Arcane Understanding
- Boots of Spellbinding and Staff of Channeling reworked
- Corona no longer deactivates when there's no energy to fire
- Added Spell Cooldown, Mind Crit, and Crit Reduction to the character sheet
- Darkest Light can no longer give back negative energy (for real this time)
- Talent paradox cost no longer factored into paradox failure(etc) rates
- Spacetime Tuning reworked now a sustain that reduces paradox over time
- Haste values reduced
- Static History values reduced
- Talent equilibrium cost no longer factored into failure rates
- Fixed Ruined Earth radius
- Fixed "weakness" damage type
- Mage apprentice quest changed, he wont collect rings/.. anymore, he just needs one arcane powered artifact
- Disruption Shield can never cost negative mana
- Classes may have an inherited method that gets called after module init
- Air warning indicator, like the hp warning indicator (corners become bluer)
- Reworked ammo. Now ammo comes in quivers or pouches that have charges. There is a new "Reload" talent and some new egos can auto-reload.
- Antimagic infused objects are usable without knowing antimagic, but they will incur heavy penalties on spellcasting (failure chances, reduced spellpower)
- Ego generator will forbid an arcane/antimagic item and an arcane/nature one will be rarer (but still possible)
- Nerf Witch-bane and Guidance for non antimagic users, buff them for antimagic users
- NPCs do not cheat with vim regen, instead they are smart
- Resting will auto-activate Reload
- Mana Clash cooldown reduced and damage altered
- Wearing an antimagic item also will incur a chance for spell sustain to be disrupted every turns
- New addons configuration screen, to select/unselect which addons will load; can be used to enable addons with version mismatches too, at your own risk
- Wearing the bindings of eternal night will prevent the use of infusions and wild-gifts
- Bindings of eternal night now reduces light and fire resists and grants blight and darkness resist
- Undead can no longer learn the harmony tree
- New game option to select either the new or old UI
- Some game options disappear when using the new UI; they are useless
- Antimagic quest gives more info ahead of time
- Aura of Silence now uses full mindpower to apply
- Rope Belt of the Thaloren is no longer arcane powered
- Dark Surprise now uses physical power to apply
- Improved the DebugConsole with suggestions by tiger_eye, edge2054 and Canderel, and implemented by yufra.
- Resizing the game does not require a (automatic) save & reload
- Developers are marked in red in the chat
- Reduced the effectiveness of Golem Power and Golem Resilience.
- Life regen display in the minimalist display now takes into account healing mod
- Weapon folding bonuses doubled for archery
- Fixed Shooting when encased in ice
- Improved Jelly description
- A copy of the party is now uploaded to the server on a save (a real savefile of it, not a dump). For later fun uses!
- Moment of Prescience now increases accuracy too
- Spin Fate now buffs all saves each time it's applied
- Swap and Temporal Wake ranges adjusted
- Dimensional Step no longer lets you break line of sight but takes no time to cast
- Wormhole now takes time to cast and the exit radius adjusted
- Celerity improved
- Strength of Purpose and Quantum Feed values adjusted
Have fun!