
January 25, 2012
By darkgod - January 25, 2012

After some rough days the profile server is back online, fully working and much much faster than before!

It is also more capable and soon you'll see why :)

Have fun!

January 19, 2012
By darkgod - January 19, 2012

The profile server has been acting up lately, while I was away, how nice of it!

There have been a great new influx of new players as of late and the server is just not good enouhh to handle them. I am working as fast as I can to rewrite it in a better way so please just hang on tight!

Thanks and have fun!

December 27, 2011
By darkgod - December 27, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta37 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !


This is a bugfix release to fix some important b36 bugs and it also is a celebration for winning the roguelike of the year poll!


Release highlights:

  • Many important bugfixes
  • Disappearing zones should be fixed, at last!

Expanded changelist:

  • Fixed dying at the orc ambush
  • Made the end of the lichform quest more obvious
  • New "unavailable" category in the use talent menu
  • Fixed staff of absorption quest when loosing the ambush
  • Grand Arrival: Stone Golem correctly checks for stun immunity
  • Grand Arrival: Flamespitter now correctly affects foes
  • Stealth bonus correctly shows in the character sheet
  • When killing foes in walls the object drops will try to move into a clean space nearby
  • Perhaps fixed actor duplication on level change
  • A NPC using switch place while dying will not duplicate the player
  • Displacement Shield cast correctly respects maximun range
  • Wearing an item directly from the transmo chest will correctly remove it from the chest
  • Learning spells wil a shadowblade or an arcane blade will not provide mana regen
  • Necrotic minions will not spawn Will'o'Wisp upon death if their master is already dead
  • Necrotic Aura will be present even for necromancers starting with no talents
  • Smaller initial resolution
  • Golem/Arcane tree talents are now considered spells & can be silenced
  • Lichform can not be unlearnt
  • Fixed the disappearing zones bug. I'm quite sure this time! :)
  • Time Prison now prevents the application of any timed effects
  • The transmo chest will only start to provide energy once you have talked to the butler
  • Grand Corruptor correctly triggers the quest even in the fearscape if spawned in the mark of the spellblaze
  • Sunder Arms/Armour does not check for stun resistance anymore
  • Grab/Crush/Constrict check for pin resistance instead of stun resistance
  • Switching control of your character will not prevent respecing talents
  • Removed speed rune from the Weirdling Beast; gave him a new one to compensate
  • When 'l'ooking around if you press enter you get a map menu just like when right clicking
  • Darkness & Shadows trees are not spells
  • Bone Grab correctly deals damage
  • Fixed when Fillarel is dies in the unremarkable cave
  • Disruption Shield now takes effect *after* damage shield, time shield, displacement shield
  • Talent icons stay greyed out even when cooling down when the talent is unusable (but the countdown is still shown)
  • Disperse magic now respects range

Have fun!

December 27, 2011
By darkgod - December 27, 2011

Thank to all those that voted, this both makes me happy and proud that many people like my game so much.

2011 has been an amazing year for ToME, many releases with meaty changelogs, more content than ever, some heavy rebalancings, much UI polish and obviously shockbolt gfx.

Thank to all the people that have contributed things, small or large: this is also your win!

Oh and to celebrate it, prepare for incoming b37 :)

December 20, 2011
By darkgod - December 20, 2011

One year ago I put up the donation feature on to get a little "return on investment" as managers would say :)
Well it turns out this worked quite well, as for the first birthday I can proudly say there was over 3500 euros of donations to ToME4!

Over the time the feature evolved a bit, being integrated into the game and having a few special features to thank donators.

Some of this money was donated back to Shockbolt for the amazing work he does on the graphics and some is for paying the server.

To sum it up, what a wild ride this last few days: currently running strong in the roguelike of the year contest, reaching 10000 days of playtime and now 3500euros of donations!

I want to thank all the players for their support, all the people that contributed ideas, bug reports, code, sounds and overhaul much fun!

PS: I am in the process of buying a house, so yes, any money I can get will get me closer to that goal join the "buy-darkgod-a-house" campaign ! :)

December 19, 2011
By darkgod - December 19, 2011

As of this post the cumulated playtime of ToME4 as recorded by online profiles is of 10014 days 11 hours 24 minutes!

That represents about 27 years and a half of ToME4 play!
The playtime counter started around one yaer and a half and has been accelerating ever since.

I wish to thank all the players around the world that dare find this game fun enough to continuously play it and even donate money to it.

It is now just a bit over two years since I wrote the first line of code for TE4, I am always amazed at the number of people that gathered around this new game in such a small time.

Again thank you all, have fun and happy new year/merry christmas/whatever floats your boat :)

December 13, 2011
By darkgod - December 13, 2011

It's this time of the year again, the grand roguelike poll to elect the roguelike of the year is now open!

If you like ToME4, please take a few seconds to vote for it at

Thanks, and have fun playing & dying in Eyal!

December 7, 2011
By darkgod - December 7, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta36 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many important bugfixes
  • Easier transmogrification
  • Saves can negate an effect completly again

Expanded changelist:

  • Fix knife&exotic masteries
  • New achievement for saving Derth without a single derht inhabitant dying
  • Fixed Waters of Life
  • Fixed Relentless Pursuit
  • Fixed psionic Focus tree
  • Fixed Shatter
  • Infusion/Rune saturation doesnt prevent resting
  • Moddable tiles boots appear behind the robe, not over it
  • Fixes psionic randbosses
  • Fixes Arena bosses
  • Fixed mind damage cross tier effects
  • Cursed Touch unlearn TL 5 now works
  • Curse of Madness correctly reduces confusion
  • Fix Fearscape
  • Fix Beckoned
  • Trying to rest with foes in sight will not spend a turn
  • Learning the lost knowledge in Yillkgur library is still slow, but there is a progressbar! :)
  • Correctly compute encumbrance
  • Saves can again shrug off an effect completly, in addition to the duration reduction
  • Nerfed Brotoq, his version of Skullcleaver can not proc greater weapon focus
  • Nerfed Half Finished Bone Giant
  • Once the transmogrification chest has been found once, all new characters will start with it from birth
  • Leaving the level to regen while the other levels are "frozen" should work much less well (also known as stairscumming)
  • Fixed giving the staff of absorption in last hope even when it is cursed
  • Gem Portal cooldown is now reduced by talent level. Also it wont enter cooldown if not moved
  • Icy Skin now scales with Willpower
  • Bone Nova correctly refunds Vim on kill
  • Addons are now validated just as the main module
  • Disruption Shield changed. Now takes no turn to cast, costs less sustain mana, the explosion is now an arcane storm for 10 turns dealing 10% damage each turn. While in the arcane storm the caster gets an arcance resistance buff
  • Addons show up in the online charsheets
  • Blinding Spores duration is now kept in check
  • Fix Void Echoes
  • Negative price items should not appear in stores
  • Healing talents are disabled while frozen (this does not change anything it will just make how frozen works more obvious)
  • Maybe finally fixed disappearing zones; please keep your eyes open
  • Fixed tutorials
  • While frozen teleport spells are unusable (they were before but player could lose turn trying to use them)
  • Fixed dual wield trick abuse
  • Ctrl-compate works again
  • See invisible & See stealth now works the the old "checkHit", because stealth & invis are not 100-scaled
  • Attacking stealthed/invisible creatures now uses a normal hit check and then adds a random 33% chance to hit
  • Mummified Egg-sac of Ungole summons are now working with Summoner's talents, summon control can affect them, they gain passives from the user and such
  • Unlearning Vile Poisons will unsustain lost poisons
  • Avoid avoidable ambush immediately after new target is attained when autoexploring
  • Explore more efficiently by inferring likely wall tiles when autoexploring
  • If autoexplore is stopped on the way to an exit (such as by a trap), then it will still go that target when AE is initiated again
  • When autoexploring don't go to items that the player dropped
  • Terrors from Curse of Nightmare do not spam "levelup" when appearing
  • Fixed removing talents while knowing later talents

Have fun!

November 22, 2011
By darkgod - November 22, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta35 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Big overhaul of the saves system
  • Many improvements to Cursed, Doomed, Summoner, Wyrmic, Paradox Mage, Temporal Warden and Brawler classes
  • New inventory UI; transmogrification chest merges with it once acquired
  • Many new sounds & effects
  • Autoexplore !
  • Yeeks finally get to se Irkkk
  • More rows of talent icons are available in the options
  • Addons support (example addon here: )

Expanded changelist:

  • Changed the blue of recurring donators to an other blue
  • All timed effects are now grouped in one of four categories: physical, mental, magical or other, making it more obvious which save works with each. "Other" timed effects can never be reduced/removed/altered
  • Psi, paradox, and unarmed combat should show up in the vault now
  • Reduced scaling on Fade from Time and Haste
  • All timed effects now have a subtype
  • Moved many timed effects into more logical types (many rage effects are now mental for instance, burning is physical, etc.), players should double check timed effects to learn the new system
  • Body Reversion now only removes physical effects
  • Timeless and Providence no longer remove saturation effects (since these were moved to other)
  • Fixed Darkest Light no damage bug
  • Starting characters will now have a wild infusion that clears all physical effects rather then just poison (poison is now a physical effect with a poison subtype)
  • Bows & Slings are only equipable for people with the Shoot talent
  • Fixed various loopholes in the laws of spacetime
  • Timed effect subtypes now use a table and can have more then one subtype
  • Crushing hold and strangle hold will no longer deal damage if the source is dead
  • Smooth fov shadows now work even with framebuffers disabled
  • Fixed golem eye beam and arcane combat causing a game freeze when actor is frozen
  • Fixed a few rush-like talents when activated adjacent to the target
  • Big overhaul of the Cursed/Doomed classes
  • Rewrote the generic tree Conditioning
  • Rethread now can stun instead of daze
  • Reduced Quantum Spike talent level on Ultimate Teluvorta
  • Revision will now transport the player to the past immediately instead of at the end of the turn
  • Grapples will now break when the attackers stamina gets to low to pay the stamina cost
  • Spacetime Tuning is now a beneficial effect (so it can be used correctly by skeletons and other actors with detremintal effect duration reduction)
  • Water wall digs into water floor
  • Entering the last level of the dark crypt has a painted lore
  • Fix hands going through the shield in the moddable tiles
  • Setting leash anchor for party members will not prompt a "are you sure" dialog when self targetting
  • Brawlers have given up their quiet ways and will now make the same combat sounds everyone else does
  • Healing flyers are only shown when seen
  • Berserkers are the first class in the warrior's list, instead of fighters
  • Logfile should correctly flush when using --flush-stdout on windows
  • Fateful Aura tree does not grant a hate bar
  • Talents learnt from external sources (like cursed touch, resolve, escort rewards, ...) are not respec-able
  • Iron Mail fo Bloodletting now gives a healing mod bonus
  • Spiderweb now has a tile
  • Updated some gfx tiles
  • Can not teleport out of the south derth arena
  • Typos
  • Removed all egos with negative life regen
  • High level trees are not learnable until they can be usefull to the player
  • Activable items do not say they use 0 turns even if the talent they use does. Activated items always use a turn
  • Last Hope mausoleum is now denoted with a quest
  • Renamed Fighter to Bulwark, to make it very clear to new players that the fighter is not the "classic" dumb "bump until it dies" class (which really does not exist in ToME)
  • Ring of the War Master provides a bonus to Thuggery
  • Use item in the inventory screen will notify that it is impossible to use items without wearing them (when appropriate)
  • Clicking on columns in inventory window should work
  • When frozen effect is broken by damage it is removed only on turn end, meaning the player can never hit himself trying to destroy the iceblock
  • Anomaly damage now has a damage cap
  • Removed the anomalies that reduce and increase paradox
  • Static History will now only prevent failures (and not backfires or anomalies)
  • Flameshock is now a stun effect; damage over time increased
  • Rebalanced some effect immunity egos
  • Garkul Helm and Garkul Teeth are now a set
  • Life leech on negative HP creatures will not work
  • Reworked some immunity artifacts
  • New temporal damage death messages
  • Athamaton is now considered an Elite Boss
  • Celerity is now passive
  • Many chronomancy sustain costs adjusted
  • Darkest Light will no longer give energy at higher talent levels
  • Frenzy should be less rediculous at extreme talent levels
  • Rewrote the 'Chronomancy' tree
  • Paradox Mastery will no longer give a bonus to Static History paradox reduction
  • Static History is now a class talent in the timetravel tree
  • Borrowed Time and Door to the Past have been removed
  • New Timetravel talent, Temporal Reprieve (buffed version of the old version)
  • Spacetime Weaving now requires willpower so it should be more accessable to Temporal Wardens
  • Haste no longer gives casting speed but has an interesting on move effect
  • Gather the Threads now boosts spellpower instead of damage (note that it will break before a sustain is cast to prevent abuse)
  • Ritch Tunnels shouldnt spawn high level ritches
  • Big saves overhaul:
    • Display change: Combat stats(Accuracy, Spellpower, Mindpower, Physical power) and Saves (Defense, Spell save, Mental save, Physical save) are now computed on a O to 100 scale, split in 5 tiers. In each tier it takes more points to upgrade. So if you have 22 spellpower and wear a new item granting +2 spellpower you only get up to 23 spellpower. *This does NOT change the damage you are doing since a similar scale was applied to damage done in previous betas*
    • Saves now reduce the duration of timed effects
    • When a creature is hit by a special effect from a creature whose combat stat is in a tier over the target's save tier it triggers a "cross tier effect"
    • Cross tier effects are dependant on the nature of the effet. A powerful knockback will set a target offbalance, a terrible mind attack will brainlock the target, a overpowering spell will spellshock the target
    • Tooltips show both combat stats & saves for all creature
  • Added 25 more rooms
  • Reduced Rush cost
  • Spell Shaping becomes Spellcraft, a sustain that keeps the old effects and adds a chance to cause spellshock on spell damage
  • New temporal spiderkin
  • Wild Growth infusion now does damage based on Mindpower
  • Necrotic Minions will decay if their Necromancer is dead
  • New temporal spiderkin
  • Overhaul of the equip/inventory screen, with visual equipment doll, drag&drop, inventory tabs
  • The few non-unlearnable talents can not be unlearnt event at birth
  • Vim correctly refunds when killing foes with a Vim using talent in all cases
  • Bloodbath will not increase the stamina loss of Blood Frenzy
  • Brawler grappling and discipline talents will now use Physical Power instead of strength for damage calculations
  • Unarmed Mastery now improves damage on grapples and kicks too
  • Double Strike no longer has a stamina cost
  • Double Strike will now autocast on 'bump' if it's off cooldown and the character is in Striking Stance
  • Relentless Strikes stamina increase reduced
  • Rebalanced Rethread (increased cooldown, reduced paradox cost, reduced paradox gain)
  • Terrain tooltip's improved to provide various useful info (diggable, breathable, teleport, blocks sight/move)
  • Titanic shield now also improves armour hardiness
  • Binding/Crown of the Eternal Night will not let people stay undead after removing them
  • NPCs will not use Body of Stone because they are too dumb to use it well
  • Perhaps fixed items usable without wearing them
  • Curse of the Meek rabits stay for two more turns and have 70% chance to grant a soul but killing them yourself never grants a soul
  • Rigor Mortis lasts a bit less
  • Frantic Summoning now is a timed effect that allows fail-less summons with faster casts. It also resets a random summon cooldown on activation
  • Using a hotkeyed item will first try to activate it and if not possible wear it
  • Clarified damage on hit/when hit in tooltips
  • Give gorbat orc summoners a shoot talent to go along their sling
  • More fun damage type death messages
  • Removed debug prints from tactical AI
  • Marauders start with armour training(1) and an iron helm
  • Atamathon will always drop some plain voratun rings/amulets
  • Temporal rift portal provides a warning
  • New lore: The Tale of the Moonsisters
  • Allied kingdoms calendar adjusted to include the Time of Balance and the Time of Equilibrium, located between the Summertide and the Wintertide, when both moons can be faintly seen on the opposing horizons
  • Store buy/sell is logged
  • Fix disappearing mark of the spellblaze & a few others
  • Fix crash when leaving the endgame zone
  • Only new talent start on cooldown when learnt, not existing ones
  • Status effects are now shown as icons, just like talents
  • Zigur can not be seen by undeads
  • It is possible to recall from the thieves tunnels
  • Gates of Morning rune shop now stocks .. runes
  • Undeads can now take on the celestial classes
  • Many new & redone sounds
  • Updated some NPCs tiles
  • Added ambient sounds to the trollmire and the old forest
  • Trolls, bears, treants got their own sounds
  • Swarms/bees, wolves/foxes, jellies/oozes, ants got sounds
  • game:playSound() can now take a second parameter to speficy the 3D position of the sound
  • Sounds made by talents, creatures, ... are now placed in space, the further they are the quieter they are and they are played in 2D (not just stereo)
  • Fixed character sheet and Relentless Pursuit text to reflect duration reduction changes
  • Made resource leeching weapon-only
  • Updated some talent descriptions with the new physical power
  • Nerfed Subject Z a tad and buffer Yeek Wayist a tad
  • Creatures should try to use sun infusion more smartly (smart ones at least)
  • Talent propjectile speed is always correctly used
  • New option to not learn talents at birth
  • New aggressive/passive mode, toggle with the icon or with key 'b'. Ctrl+direction allows for attack in passive more (all keybindable obviously)
  • Summons now use the faction/personnal reaction of their summoner
  • Harmony should have the correct mastery even for people that had worn an amulet of harmony
  • Reworked Fateful Aura talent tree into Cursed Aura.
  • Added inc_damage_actor_type to increase damage against a specific type of actor (undead, etc).
  • Added resists_actor_type and resists_cap_actor_type to resist damage from a specific type of actor (undead, etc).
  • Added player.money_value_multiplier that multiplies the money value of gold piles.
  • Pity talent breaks like stealth (combat/activated talent).
  • Feed Strengths has no effect on 'all' resists.
  • Fixed Surge talent to use the right stat requirement.
  • Reduced Knockback of Willful Strike and Blast.
  • Fixed Displace targeting bug.
  • Reduced Slash healing factor reduction.
  • Changed Cursed talent descriptions to display level differences better.
  • Changed Dominate talent description to mention that you attack the target after activating.
  • Change Gloom and Madness stunning affect to act like stun instead of paralyze.
  • New gfx effect for Inferno
  • A few artifacts (golden sword, robe of the archmage, mummy wrappings) got special player doll tiles
  • New engine.ui.EquipDoll class
  • Rod of Recall and Transmogrification Chest can not be dropped
  • Overhauled transmogrification chest:
    • A new inventory tabs appears for the chest
    • All items are automatically pickedup and put in the chest
    • Items in the chest are weightless
    • You can still transmogrify from the inventory menu
    • When you leave the current level all items in the chest are transmogrified automatically
    • In the inventory chest tab you can move an item out of the chest, it will then act as any other item, with an encumberance and be useable (and will not be transmogrified)
  • Step Up gives movement speed instead of global speed
  • Fix Worm Rot
  • LOS/FOV code fixes & speed updates
  • Talents bound to "left- and middle-click on target" no longer work on unseen (i.e., invisible) actors.
  • Location of unseen (i.e., invisible) actors may not be inferred from targeting highlights.
  • Targeting highlights now show how a targeting path is blocked when blocked by a corner of an adjacent obstructed tile.
  • Split inventory handling into engine.ui.Inventory
  • Movement Infusion and Lightning Speed now increase movement speed
  • Time Prison now completly removes the target from the timeflow, no turns will pass for it (no cooldowns, regen, ... will happen)
  • Fix the 4th hotkey page
  • Tidal Wave knockback is correctly centered on the effect, not the caster
  • Getting a detrimental status effect stops resting/running
  • Create Minion is now directed, so you can always try to stay behind those skeleton mages
  • Slime Roots can not reset talent cooldowns
  • Buffed Rage
  • Summoner's Detonate now works on all summons
  • Grand Corruptor will not offer the Zigur attack quest in the ID
  • Auto Explore! Press z (or rebind it) and your character will try to explore all unseen space in the level. For now this is a ToME feature but it'll be backported to the engine
  • Hotkeys settings are now correctly saved, both globaly and per race/class
  • Movement mode (attack or not) is now per-actor
  • New better statues, palm trees and burnt trees tiles
  • Naga Portals got a super awesome particles animation
  • Better statues in the Iron Council
  • Less monotonous ground in the Mark of the Spellblaze
  • The Yeek Wayist town Irkkk is now visitable (not much to see yet though)
  • Ctrl+V is supported in the debug console
  • Irkkk got stores!
  • The Island of Rel now looks more junglish
  • New Summoning Advanced tree for summoners
  • Doomed class updated to be a fully mind based class, using mindpower to power its talents.
  • Doomed lost the Primal Magic tree and gained the Gestures tree
  • The Master will not drop the staff of absorption in the ID
  • You can only switch places if the destination tile of both creatures is passable for them
  • Creatures lifebar is color coded
  • Two new game options to control the number of rows in the icons toolbar and the size of those icons. Yes you can now see all your hotkeys at once if you wish!
  • Added a fifth hotkey bar. 60 keybinds should be enough for everybody! :)
  • Fix items granting mastery levels
  • Character Sheet right map click option renamed to Inspect Creature, it now works any any target
  • Yeek Mindslayers summoned by the Wayist talent now have a custom tile
  • Blood Sacrifice changed into Bloodcasting
  • When a necrotic minion dies from being outside your necrotic aura, it can sometimes do an emote
  • All talents now have tactiacl infos about the damage type they do so that the tactical AI can choose accordingly to target's resistances
  • New tactical AI info: CURE, so it can know when to try to remove bad effects
  • Hooks system added so that addons do their addon things
  • Tutorial is now a special button in the birth UI, and both the basic and the stats tutorial are availavble
  • Inspect Creature will also show talents
  • Wild Infusions now always cure "cross-tier" effects
  • Yeeks now start in their hometown
  • Wyrmics now start with both two handed and weapon&shield offensive trees; with increased masteries
  • Ice Claw does ice damage at level 4
  • All talents in the cold/storm/fire drake trees increase their respective resistance by 1%, passively.
  • All talents in the sand drake tree increase physical resistance by 0.5%, passively.
  • New lightning breath particle effect
  • Increased the damage of Tornado
  • Static Field now works even on elites and bosses, but at a somewhat reduced effect
  • Ice Wall now makes a line of ice walls, tangent to the projection line
  • Custom physfs "archiver" to bind mounted trees into other mounted trees
  • Support for compressed addons in .teaa files

Have fun!

November 21, 2011
By darkgod - November 21, 2011

In about eleven months of the donation system existence today we passed the mark of the 3000€ of donations!
There is also now a handful of recurring donators.

I just wanted to tell you how important this is to me, it shows to me that people think the game is good and they wish to see it go further. And it *will*!

Also, some of the money was donated back to Shockbolt who did (and is still doing) an amazing job with the tiles & graphics.

So to all the donators, a big thank you!
And to all the other players, also thank you for your kind words, ideas, code, ... this is also extremely important.

Soon 2011 will end and I can tell you, 2012 will see the first non-beta release!