As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta34 ! See
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) !
This is a bugfix/balance release.
Release highlights:
- Fixes the dreaded wilderness/map change crash bug
- Fixes the smooth shadow "jittering" when moving fast
- Fixes keyboard handling
- Many smaller fixes
- Talents respec! Kinda!
Expanded changelist:
- Unfocused dialogs will not darken anymore, it was just annoying
- Ghouls correctly get their speed penality
- Added a fourth page of hotkeys bringing the total to 48
- Arcane Eye correctly requires level 4 to track
- Updated keyboard handling, should not double trigger anymore
- Textbox/Numberbox should correctly work with movement keys
- Donators names now appear in green or blue (for recurring donators) in the ingame chat
- Winning as an alchemist by self sacrifice will correctly record the win
- Perhaps fix wilderness map going bonkers
- Assassin Lord should not pop on level 1 and always on level 2
- Limited talents respeccing available: The last 4 class and 3 generic talent points you spent are always reassignable (unless they are on a special talent like imbue item to prevent abuse). Birth talents are also respeccable on birth this way.
- First half of the big LOS/FOV update:
- FoV no longer improperly peeks around blocked corners
- LoS is now equivalent to FoV
- "Smart" LoS: if you can see it, you can target and project to it
- FoV has a permissiveness setting that can be set for each level
- Distance metrics are now consistent for FoV, AoE, and talent ranges (defaults to rounded circle)
- fov_beam_any_angle function now uses "dx", "dy" as input instead of "angle"
- Fix weird health bars
- Extract Gem now works on high end stuff even in low level zones
- Buffed the Void Star
- Fixed cursed items
- Fix Arena start under some circumstances
- Adjusted anomaly damage scaling
- Chronomancy 'teleport' spells now behave similarly to other teleport spells
- Anomaly swap should no longer be able to swap players into vaults
- Spacetime mastery hit bonus fixed
- Adjusted static history scaling
- Fixed Forgery of Haze
- Fix Ambush
- Going East will keep our friends with you
- Fix attack runes cooldowns
- Fix Epoch fight
- Alchemist Gems can not become cursed
- Learning combat training on the golem from an escort wont lower his (hidden) mastery
- Golem Pound does not affect the alchemist
- Locked doors have a padlock on them
- Ruined dungeon and Arena unlock locked doors have tiles
- Fix text lines on very large screens
- Fix bug when doing "New Game" after doing "Load Game"
- ObjectActivable:useObject changed to return a table, objects implementation using use_simple or use_power must thus return a table too
- Fixed using object turn-usage. Turn will be spend when the target is selected only
- Reduced the duration of Blinding Spores
- Wintertide Phial now has an activation
- Buffed the Murderblade damage and added an Frenzy proc
- Skullcleaver drains life
- Fearscape and Flame of Urh'Rok correctly interact
- Fearscape icon fixed
- Lure time increases with talent level
- Summoners can make their minotaur drop their weapon
- Fix projectiles in flight from actors that died using Cease to Exist
- Elementals are now stun/blind/confusion/knockback immune
- Crown/Bindings of the Eternal Night correctly work after a save/reload
- Fix Celia being brought to the Fearscape
- Fix Volcano when save/reloading
- Reavers's Ruin talent now also heals them for each hit they do
- FOV/LOS shape can now be altered by modules using a simple: core.fov.set_vision_shape("circle") . The parameter can be one of "circle", "circle_floor", "circle_ceil", "circle_plus1", "diamond", "octagon", "square"
- The Rod of Recall can be used again to stop recalling
- Vampiric Gift provides a bit less healing
- Black Robe procs reduced
- Chat filter options are now correctly saved when changed
- Chat log dialog will not scroll on new messages if not at the bottom
- Inventory window encumberance title changes color the closer you get to overburned
- Learning a talent triggers its cooldown (except on birth)
- Fixed the shadows "jittering" when quickly moving around with smooth shadows
- Negative fatigue is not possible for psi
- Screenshots works in dialogs & targetting mode too
- Reseted keybinds, this should be the last time, hopefully
- Reaver's Ruin talent damage is computed on the fly so that Bloodlust can affect it
- When the There and back again quest is done Zemekys home closes (since he gets out)
- Fixed random crash on changing levels
- Paradox Mage in the "The Way We Weren't" quest can not self resurrect even if the player could
- Vox correctly states it increases vim
- Inventory title bar (in Metal UI) fills up with a special color to represent encumberance
- Fixed psi tooltip
- Augmentation, Beyond the Flesh, and Quicker than Thought are now instant cast
- Projection Mastery and Absorption Mastery now have whole-number cooldowns
- Psi Archery talents now properly disallow sling use.
- Mindhook inflicts a 1-turn daze
- Reshape Armor buffed and description fixed
- Clarified Shattering Charge description
- Quicker than Thought now properly grants 20% movement speed per talent level
- Eldritch Blow and Eldritch Fury no longer produce errors when used without a shield
- Eldritch Fury can now properly daze
- Golem Crush now correctly checks the target's susceptibility to pin instead of stun
- Invisibility and Darkest Light reduce your damage output while invisible
- Invisibility drains less mana
- Invisibility Runes do not have charges anymore but prevent healing while active and reduce damage output
- Removed speed runes
- Made horror talent descriptions clearer
- Anomalies now reduce paradox when they occur depending on the cost of the talent that triggered them (the anomaly that does damage to spacetime still exists however)
- Anomalies are now called before failure checks so the player can't hit a point where it's impossible to trigger an anomaly
- Rethread and Gather the Threads now have mechanics to reduce paradox
- Energy Decompositoin description clarified
- Brawler birth description clarified
- On birth all talents are respecable
- Rebalanced Epoch
- Various chronomancy fixes
Have fun!