
June 28, 2011
By darkgod - June 28, 2011

Hi my fellow players


You might have noticed the server had quite a few hipcups in the last days/weeks/months.

I have decided get a new server for hosting.

It will have 16GB of memory (2 in the current one), a quad core intel i5 2.66GHz (dual core 2GHz in current one), 2 TB of hard drive (512GB in current one) ! That's quite the next step!

And it will only cost 20euros more per month (for a total of 50/month).

So if anybody feels generous, do as Canderel did, make a reccuring donation, this way I can sleep well, knowing the server will always be paid :)


It should be available in about a week :)


Until then (and after that!) : have fun!

June 22, 2011
By darkgod - June 22, 2011

When trying to donate some people got a very uniformative paypal login page, this is now fixed and you may all enjoy the act of donating to the game that brings you pleasure and fun! :)


Also, coming next beta, donators will get a little fun reward in game: custom tiles!

All donators, when logged on their online profile, will be able to use a custom tile for their character, chosen from a list of over 180, ranging from special clothing to downright madness, check out the video for some examples:


PS: There are a few donators who didnt donate while logged or from an email known to the system and are thus not credited as donators, when beta29 comes if you are in this case contact me and we will fix the issue swiftly!

June 7, 2011
By darkgod - June 7, 2011

Hi fellow players!


Next beta is going to introduce a new birth screen which should hopefully be much nicer to use.

It also introduces "premades" which are a new way of handling quickbirth, more obvious to people.



Have fun!

June 6, 2011
By darkgod - June 6, 2011

The Darkgod did it! He killed over one hundred thousands adventurers!

Since the inception of the profiles system in mid august last year the system has recorded over 4500 days of playtime, that is over 12 years and 3 months of ToME'ing. Over that same period 100000 poor adventurers lost their lifes in the many dark places of the world (or by blowing themselves up, it happens too!).

The realtime stats are located there:

Have fun my fellow players! And to you that are not yet players, quick go to !

June 4, 2011
By darkgod - June 4, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta28 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Fixes most crashes
  • Many smaller fixes
  • Fixed character registration
  • Much improved chat UI, scrollable, items/creature link ability, spoilers channel
  • Various balance tweaks
  • Reduced the length of the orc prides and hte high peak
  • New unified and improved levelup screen
  • New items tooltips with easy-compare feature

Expanded changelist:

  • Confusion power is reduced by confusion resistance
  • Many new zone specific creature tiles
  • Reworked Aegis into a shield boost and replaced Contingency with Shielding
  • It is now possible to create rings and amulets from unique gems
  • Creatures inside the ring of blood can not see outside of it
  • Reduced the four Prides to four levels instead of five
  • Reduced the High Peak to 10 levels
  • The Transmogrify menu option is correctly filtered
  • Super high level psionic leeches can not get 0 cooldown
  • Equilibrium and Paradox now show failure chance in the left pane
  • Charsheet is on normal dialog background
  • New levelup screen, merges both stats and talents and adds way more nice stuff. Thanks graziel!
  • Dominant Will can not take control of dead creatures
  • Exploratory farpotal exits can not be dug away
  • Timeless does not affect timed effect with the "time" type
  • Reduced chances of orc patrols
  • Fix weird tiles/crash when coming back from the Fearscape or the Eidolon plane
  • Conduit does not make resting infinite
  • Oozes correctly reset their MOs when splitting
  • Added a 10 seconds timeout to online character registration
  • If a character has not been registered online the game is more lenient and can try again later
  • Assigning a hotkey to a talent now removes the previous hotkey for that talent
  • Mouse running will try very hard to avoid traps but if there is no way out but a trap it will walk through it
  • Fix a rare random start crash
  • Can not teleport outside the arena in the arena unlock
  • Arena unlock NPC is now a bit more visible in Derth and will also ask the player to come talk to him
  • Can not have two events at once in the worldmap
  • Two new achievements related to the "room of death"
  • Improved items tooltips with more color. Also when an item tooltip is show, pressing control will make it display the differences with your current equipped item for the same slot
  • The Trapped! quest can only happen in some places now
  • When using Dominant Will it is impossible to access the slave's inventory
  • Fixed the error spam when freezing creatures
  • Carbon Spikes will now regenerate over time
  • Anomaly chance is now reduced by willpower like failure and backfire
  • Switched anomaly and backfire chances
  • Elite horrors will be more dangerous and have more hit points (but generally rarer)
  • Carrion Worms are more dangerous
  • Dredge Frenzy no longer costs paradox (preventing offscreen anomalies)
  • Fixed precognition
  • Fixed borrowed time timed effect tooltip
  • Few typos corrected
  • Paradox Mage unlock made easier, the future self will now cast Sever Lifeline after about 20 turns which ourights kill the target 4 turns later if still in LOS
  • Disarm now requires a melee hit to work
  • Dying while confused correctly removes sustains
  • The last few creatures with a 20 FOV are now at 10 like the others
  • The heart of the sandworm queen now grants unlockable harmoy tree if unknown, learns it if known and increases mastery if learnt
  • When an NPC uses Feed on you, you get a debuff that goes away if the NPC dies or you switch level
  • When changing list in inventory or store display the tooltip correctly updates
  • When dropping items the inventory item description correctly updates
  • Dark Tendrils correctly checks for pinning resistance
  • Bosses whose artifact has alredy been generated will not be deprived of artifacts anymore
  • Arcane Blades lost the Divination tree in favour of the Aegis tree
  • rng.range, rng.float have now reversable parameters
  • The Transmogrification Chest now correctly handles stacks
  • Norgos correctly drops an artifact now
  • Borrowed Time is now a time effect
  • Random bosses/elites have a correct mastery level
  • Fixed a crash when selling item stacks
  • Rename wizard hat defender ego to aegis
  • Cancelling Disperse Magic no longer casts it on you
  • Unstoppable correctly prevents all healing
  • Items and creatures can now be linked in the ingame chat
  • Chat log can now be scrolled
  • Clicking on a channel name will popup a big scrollable chat log
  • There is now a "tome" and a "tome-spoiler" ingame channels
  • When messages appear in the non-current channels their button will glow and the messages will not be put in the game log
  • Ctrl+M shows the game log or the chat log depending on which window is active
  • Shift+space allows to cycle through chat channels
  • Gloves and Gauntlets artifacts now provide armour
  • Levelup indicator in the left pane
  • Fixed lore 2 of Lorekeeper Hadak

Have fun!

May 29, 2011
By darkgod - May 29, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta27 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many important bugfixes
  • New Archmage starting zone: the Abashed Expanse
  • Replaced Nature tree with Aegis tree
  • Various balance tweaks
  • Adventurer parties now can drop alchemist quest ingredients

Expanded changelist:

  • When the player has the transmogrification chest a new "Transmogrify" option is available in the inventory item menu
  • Most lore notes will not popup if already known (aka: via the sher'tul fortress library)
  • Spell sustains will correctly disable when learning antimagic
  • Freeze cooldown is now always 3 turns higher than the freeze duration. Damage increase accordingly so no loss there
  • Ice Storm got a new, much cooler, effect
  • Flameshock when using Burning Wake will leave a trail of fire of the correct shape
  • Recalling out of the dark crypt on lvel 4 or before wont wrongly grant the Savior achievement
  • Reduced the cost and cooldown of Ice Storm and Tidal Wave
  • Fixed tactical infos for Fire Storm, now NPCs will use it
  • Random zones from the Exploratory Farportal will not let you get out of the normal level range, nor let you miss the way back home
  • Left pane now shows the kind and status of temporary effects in the tooltips
  • Replaced the Nature tree with the Aegis tree
  • When frozen the movement keys will do autoattacks to the ice
  • Grids can be made passable by projectiles but not actors using pass_projectile
  • Storm Wyrms/Drakes are not lonely fellows anymore, they have escorts just like all other drakes
  • If the Eidolon is removed by any means from the Eidolon Plane it will instantly come back
  • Human, Halfling and Elven archmages now start in Angolwen
  • All non zone specific NPCs now have a proper tile!
  • Archmages starting in Angolwen can now go into the Abashed Expanse
  • New zone: Abashed Expanse, a part of Eyal torn away and thrown into orbit far above the planet
  • Frozen now splits damage 40/60 instead of 25/75. Also while frozen you can not get any new detrimental status effects (the existing ones are kept however)
  • Manaflow cooldown reduced
  • Manaflow and Manasurge runes are now disabled while a mana regen effect is active (just like life regeneration effects)
  • Drain will not work on oneself anymore
  • Toxic Death will only spread to foes
  • Fixed the jewelry creation
  • Fixed the "black map" bug
  • Fixed some achievements when not using shockbolt tiles
  • Adventurer parties encounters are now correctly hostile
  • Fixed One With Nature
  • Corrected Flameshock description
  • Rebalanced many Brawler talents
  • Brawlers have a new talent in finishing moves (Concussive Punch)
  • Removed Rushing Strike but Brawlers now can learn Rush more easily
  • Finishing moves may now be used without combo points but at reduced effect
  • Pugilism talents that used to grant more then one combo point now
  • grant their additional combo points at talent level 4
  • Increased damage scaling on most brawler striking talents
  • Unarmed Training is now a class tree and based off cunning
  • Conditioning tree now requires strength to learn instead of con
  • Reduced Spacetime Tuning Cooldown
  • Gloves & gauntlets should display correct damage mods
  • Damage Smearing will now convert all damage except temporal damage into temporal damage over time rather than arcane damage
  • Adventurer parties that wander the worldmap have been busy slaying stuff, they can now have ingredients for the alchemists quest
  • Fixed Silent Blade
  • Removed nightmare mode achievements (since nightmare mode is no more)
  • Fix Arcane Eye at level 5
  • No random lore appears in the random zones or in the islands of Rel
  • Non-moving creatures will not try to flee
  • Dominant Will correctly appears in the right click menu
  • Fixed a rare combo of talents that could make a brawler random boss enter an infinite loop
  • Telekinetic Leap respects the talent range
  • Fixed the random crash/weird textures when coming back from the Eidolon plane
  • Fixed Huge Appetite achievement
  • Movement tutorial appears once again
  • Frozen tooltip updated to clarify that it blocks teleport & heal
  • Missing tooltips in the character sheet
  • Fixed vertical doors in shockbolt tiles
  • The "room of death" is the Vor Armoury is guarded by sealed doors
  • Chrono worlds will now clear on level/zone change
  • Paradox clone debuffs will now prevent the player from leaving the level or zone door to the past no longer increases paradox but may cause anomalies while active
  • Six new vaults from the vault contest and a new unique for the winner, Burbs Lull
  • Fixed a leak of particle systems

Have fun!

May 18, 2011
By darkgod - May 18, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta26b ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Important bugfix when going into the sandworm lair using shockbolt tiles
  • Savefiles from beta26 are compatible

Expanded changelist:

  • Fix a bug in the sandworm lair when using shockbolt tiles
  • Added some missing tiles to objects
  • Fix tactical AI trying to shoot through walls

Have fun!

May 18, 2011
By darkgod - May 18, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta26 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Many bugfixes
  • Balances tweaks
  • New generic tree: Harmony
  • New rogue class tree: Poisons
  • Overhaul of loss of control effects: stun & freeze, to be much more interresting
  • A huge amount of new NPC tiles
  • Random zones
  • Random bosses
  • Better UI
  • More Sher'Tul Fortress functions

Expanded changelist:

  • Trollmire treasure quest will successfully complete
  • Optimized the savefile code to not save base and computed entities lists as they can be reconstructed from data files, making savefiles quite smaller
  • The hidden trollmire level now has a correct entrance spot
  • NPCs now do not regen when coming back to a level
  • Objects now do not regen when coming back to a level
  • The Shertul Fortress gains a new function: the exploratory farportal; a new subquest will trigger when it reaches enough energy
  • New shertul fortress function: rod of recall attunment
  • Random artifacts are now made up of 3 egos (instead of 2) + some random properties
  • Fixed the Emancipation achievement
  • New achievement: "Take you with me"
  • Achievement popup now displays an icon associated to the achievement
  • Achievement list now can list all achievements, even those not done yet (not all are fully readable however)
  • Achievement list can now show progress for certain achievements (like Pyromancer, Cryomancer, Reaver, ...)
  • The endgame artifact now has a neat particle effect attached
  • Equilibrium wont reset to 0 on levelup (it will respect sustains)
  • Fix a rare particles crash
  • Coming back from the Eidolon or Demon plane will not make many turns pass for actors
  • Random parties of (hostile) adventurers can be met on the worldmap
  • Tons of new tiles!
  • Strike and Dig have switch places
  • Strike now deals more damage
  • Creatures that levitate can not be pinned
  • Fix a bug when reloading while an archery projectile is in flight
  • Overhauled Frozen effect: You now get to act every turns but can not teleport, heal or move. The ice now has HP which can be damaged to make it go away. All your attacks can only damage the ice (not creatures) and creature attacks damage you for half their value and the ice for half
  • AI will not target/stop attacking invulnerable creatures (like those affected by Time Prison)
  • Update charsheet dialog to show more info
  • Stunned effect overhauled, you do not lose control anymore, instead damage is reduced by 70%, movement speed by 50%, a few random talents are put on cooldown and talent cooldowns do not decrease while stunned
  • Freeze spell duration now increases with talent level
  • Buttons will provide a visual feedback when clicked
  • Update dialog title works again(new method updateTitle)
  • Dialogs will try to not go over game window size
  • Moves tooltip window if it obscures view
  • Drop dialog now not closes after each drop
  • Emotes are now displayed over fog of war
  • Skeletons talents have been improved; Sharp Bones have been replaced with Resilient Bones
  • Big new lore, detailing the various races. Look for the first pages in Last Hope and find the rest
  • Silence wont prevent sustained talents desactivation
  • Burning Hex wont trigger when de-activating sustains
  • Fixed the Storming the City quest: gwelgoroths will have the correct level now
  • Scintillating Caves and Rhaloren Camp wont give the shaloren starting quest if you do not have it (cosmetic change)
  • Soul Rot now has correct requirements
  • The Eidolon can now send you back to the worldmap is desired (and if possible)
  • Improves Retch and switched places in the tree
  • Paradox Clone now can regulate his paradox levels
  • Ambushes work even while standing on zone entrance
  • Fixed a rare bug when patrols chase players on the worldmap
  • Harno the messanger should correctly pop even if Golbug is killed on the Demon Plane
  • Negative HP creatures should correctly die
  • Can not try to use an orb a second time on a portal in the endgame
  • Limmir will always make sure to provide a gem on his own when making an amulet
  • Rune of the Rift/Time Skip will not heal the target to full
  • If an alchemist player is cloned, the golem will be faction aligned with the clone
  • New method font:draw(string, max_size, r, g, b) that is the same as TString:makeTextureLines() & countLines() combined, but it works on plain strings and it is *fast*
  • Log & Flying texts now have a small shadow to outline the texts
  • Added very slight shadow to most UI texts, making them more readable
  • Modules can enable text shadows on the UI by doing: require("engine.ui.Base"):setTextShadow(0.6)
  • New "Building" map generator
  • New poem in the heart of the gloom
  • Base vision radius of NPCs reduced to 10, like the player
  • Thaloren-Tree Longbow range correctly set to 10 instead of 18
  • Life regeneration effects now disable other regen talents while active, to prevent wasting them
  • Vor, Gorbat and Rak'Shor prides have been upgraded, they now feature entrance doors, guards, random elites & bosses
  • Objects that randomly fire a talent on hit wont check ressource or cooldowns
  • Bloodcaller, the reward from the ring of blood, is not an arcane artifact anymore
  • Adventure mode deaths will only be reported once the last life is expanded
  • Equilibrium & Paradox bars on the left pane fill with failure chance instead of a meaningless log
  • New achievement: Huge Appetite
  • Eldoral Last Resort range fixed
  • Fixed Hurricane description
  • Level 5 Arcane Eye should work even while blinded
  • Blodo Spray correctly handles its disease chance
  • Hate is not affected by fatigue
  • Fix norgos lair level changers tiles
  • Hymn of Moonlight and similar talents wont activate on the worldmap
  • Creatures in the Heart of the Gloom wont have the radiant fear talent
  • New NPC in angolwen that provides a bit of lore and new lore in angolwen's library
  • New lore: a rogue's poem
  • New lore associated with the Spellblade and Eden's Guile artifacts
  • Time Prison correctly stops even fast actors
  • Eight new high level monsters
  • Fixed problem with Shattering Charge
  • Greatly improved Mindlash. Focus mindslayers should be much more fun.
  • Removed much of the moat around the bandit fortress vault to make navigating around it less of a pain.
  • The new game window can now be told to force loading of an incompatible module (which will usually work anyway)
  • Alchemist's golems can now self destruct when the alchemist is dead
  • Renamed the demon plane to the Fearscape
  • Fixed drawQuad (it would randomly start using a texture when when told not to)
  • Every level of the High Peak is now guarded by a random unique
  • Added a message log dialog which supports page up/down, home/end, up/down and mouse wheel. Activate it by clicking on the log or pressing ctrl+m
  • Upped Lightning and Chain Lightning damage
  • Shock cooldown increased to 4
  • Nature's Touch healing buffed
  • New wild gifts talent tree: Harmony
  • The sandworm queen heart now provides Harmony instead of Sand Drake tree
  • Both Summoners and Wyrmics can unlock the Harmony tree
  • Added .. mouse gestures. Yes right! Find them in the keybinder menu. You can now bind mouse gestures to any bindable actions!
  • Module makers can use gestures easily with the engine.ui.Gesture class
  • New lore about the Fearscape
  • Found lore is now also saved in the player's profile, for later use
  • The Sher'tul Fortress now possess the Library of Lost Mysteries, where you can instantly learn all lore known by any of your previous characters
  • Non-hostile boss-level creatures will now have their own tactical border
  • New tree: Cunning / Poisons
  • Rogues might want to try siding with the assassin lord
  • Tooltip will now tell you if there are more than one item on the ground
  • Button clickable area expanded to fit actual display size
  • Text in ListColums and Tree UI elements is now bouncing from left to right when overflowing
  • Fixed a memory leak
  • Elementals levitate
  • Improved talents levelup screen
  • Regen rate is now displayed in the left pane bar
  • Undeads correctly start at level 6 of the blighted ruins
  • Derth arena and trollmire treasure quests now correctly finishes

Have fun!

April 19, 2011
By darkgod - April 19, 2011

As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta25 ! See

Don't forget to help ToME by with donations( ) !


Release highlights:

  • Various important fixes and updates
  • Balances tweaks
  • New Thaloren starting zones, along with their own city
  • Starting zones reduced to 3 levels, next tier zones to 5 levels

Expanded changelist:

  • Ring of blood orb wont take your money if you killed the blood master
  • User chat notification upon death
  • Unlocks made while offline are now also available while online
  • Merged Heavy & Massive armour trainings into a single talent (that goes to 10 like the weapon ones). At level 1 it allows heavy gloves/helms/boots, at level 2 heavy armours, at level 3 shields and at level 4 massive armours. Classes start with enough levels to wear their starting gear
  • Aura of Silence description shows the radius
  • Silence correctly prevents usage of runes
  • Using timetravel spells will not break the ingame chat
  • Sotrming the city quest is now more obviously presented on the worldmap
  • Armour changed again, it is back to a flat damage reduction
  • New stat: armour hardiness, it's base 30% and can be increased with Armour Training. It represents how much of a blow is affected by armour
  • Fixed Slime Roots
  • Fixed dual weapon training and corrupted strength
  • Achievements list now colors in green achievements got by your current character
  • Reduced the length of all starting zones to 3 levels and the next zone tier (daikara, maze, ...) to 5
  • Antimagic quest now grants Antimagic achievement
  • Removed all lava floors from the wyrm room in vor armoury
  • Spectators wont decay in the ring of blood
  • Fixed long load times when loading a populated level
  • Fix crash on big maps
  • Rod of Recall / Teleport: Angolwen cooldown adjusted to 400
  • Bill is no longer the boss of the trollmire, he has been replaced by Prox, an other troll, which hits not nearly as hard
  • Bill has now got his own special level, whose access must be found. And he is now nastier
  • The slave combatant has the correct number of infusions
  • Dreadmasters now correctly summon dreads
  • Defensive throw should now take place after counter attacks
  • Reorganized and rebalanced the age manipulation tree
  • Removed stat increasing effects from an anomaly
  • Wormhole is now instant cast
  • Cut sustain cost of Door to the Past in half
  • Lowered cost of relentless strikes
  • Striking stance now increases accuracy instead of critical power
  • Rushing strike stun duration reduced
  • Roundhouse kick damage reduced (a bit)
  • Spacetime tuning now has a cap on how high it can raise your paradox
  • Shattering Impact can only trigger once per turn
  • Put much-needed door in the bandit fortress
  • Added some non-lava floors to one of the demon nest vaults
  • Added dialog to the alchemists to inform the player that they're not the only one working on these ingredients
  • Made squid ink more visible
  • Changed elixir of stoneskin on-drink message so it makes more sense for skeletons
  • Equilibrium and Paradox sustains only check for failure on activation
  • Fixed loot generation in vault to be more diverse
  • Fix wraithform cost
  • Tactical display is now handled by entities (actors) display callback (no change for modules, except they can customize it as needed)
  • Added lifebars to tactical display mode
  • Melinda got tiles!
  • Various fixes
  • Daikara rift can not spawn on the previous/next level changers
  • Random worldmap encounters can not happen at birth
  • Atamathon is now displayed on all tiles settings
  • Actor list display wont show the player anymore
  • Kill Bill achievement is possible even with the new troll boss (the last lore note drops from him but not on death). Still, quite hard to pull off!
  • Bosses will be marked as purple on the minimap
  • New starting zones for the Thaloren: The main thaloren camp, Shatur; the lair of norgos; the heart of the gloom
  • Timeless wont produce negative timed effects
  • Fix Aim to work as advertised
  • Fixes sand tunnels in briagh lair
  • Fixes the terrain cloning issue with Rune of the Rift and Time Skip.
  • Also adjusted wormhole entrance range.

Have fun!

April 8, 2011
By darkgod - April 8, 2011

A few weeks ago there was the 2011's 7DRL contest
As each year there was many participant and many interesting results.

One of particular interest is Darren Grey's Broken Bottle module. He decided at the last minute to use the T-Engine4 to create his game, with no prior knowledge of lua or T-Engine.
And he succeeded, he made a complete and fun game in less than seven days.

What's even better is that it scored 4th on the evaluation (while he is on the comity he obviously did not get to vote for his own creation).

Well done Darren!