donation question
I donated 20 euros, but I found that the warehouse can only store three items and can no longer be collected. Is there any more detailed information?
Died in locked room to OP NPC
Died to a level 39 boiling horror at level 17. Boiling horrors can repel then attack you from range, neutralizing my powerful melee attacks.
Died in mystery dungeon to OP npc
Died in Alobar, which had a level range of just 1, to a level 35 mob when I was level 12.
The Santascape has come!
Rejoice in all the cold corners of Eyal for the Santascape has come!
Log on, jump on your characters and enjoy the cold feeling of and merry presents!
Will you find your presents or your doom? You have until the 1st of january to find out!
Meet the friendly local elementals!
Have a hug with the cuddly snowmen!
And finally meet Nikolas to see if you deserve your presents!
The Santascape is a yearly special server event, triggered every 10 minutes by the server to all players currently logged in. There are others such events, come find them all during the year!
Why they're all Reginald
Alrighty, I've been forgetting to do this post for ages. My first and only ascender back in Tome 2.0 or so was named Reginald, and nearly every character I've made in Tome since was a Reginald. If you search the vault for 'Reginald' , mine is the first, and I've got one on every page of search results. But the joke came from somewhere, and I'd be remiss in my duty if I didn't at least clue people in. See, back in Tome 2.0 (I think), it kept a record of how your characters died, "So-and-so died of starvation," or "Whatsisname was choked to death by Smeagol," etc., and I think it was about then that I'd found this video on a now defunct flash website with a joke about Reginald. So whenever I wondered, what happened to Reginald, I'd remember this:
That ascender was a possessor, if anyone was wondering. Super strong, even back in the day.
stats cap in Infinite Dungeon
Can someone make an addon that increases the stat cap pass 100 in ID,
or patch the existing one (which is broken) when I enables it my effective accuracy drop to a point I started missing on critters.
I gave up on the TW save with the addon enabled and started an adventurer without the addon and even though I can still clear rooms effectively seeing hundreds of useless points just feels sad.
and while I'm at it I'm suggesting a merchant addon that converts stat point into other points like
4 stat -> 1 class point,
7 stat -> 1 generic point,
35 stat -> 1 category point,
80 stat -> 1 prodigy point
maybe that's not the bright idea balancing wise but I NEED to dump my points into something.
- 1010xxx33's blog
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Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.7.6 "Woops" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.7.6 ! See
This is the update of shame!
I managed to induce a nasty nasty bug that broke the item's vault in 1.7.5. This is the fix for it so I can now finally go back to publish Lost Land test. I am sorry for the delay (and the nasty bug).
And to express my shame about the bug, I've gifted 2 bonus vault slots to every single player account that exists at this moment, whether they were affected or not.
- Fixed the Item's Vault bug that could upload broken items or not upload at all, or not download at all. It's wild.
- Updated the server to make sure this can't happen again even if I do an other dumb change
Have fun in Eyal!
Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.7.5 "Before the Storm" is released!
My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.7.5 ! See
This update fixes various things and most importantly provides new hooks and modding tools that are needed for Lost Land.
"But DarkGod please let us test Lost Land!" Actually this patch's main goal is just that! I'll wait a few days to see if nothing explodes with it and if all is good the testing will start!
Now, I already said it in the announcement of the beta but I want to make it crystal clear: Lost Land testing is *NOT* to be considered a way to get early access. It is likely to be full of bugs, unbalanced things, pain, sadness and tears. Things WILL explode and break, characters will be ruined (I mean, in a bad way) and so on. I urge you to not participate if this would feel bad for you. The only reasons I'm doing it are to see want exactly explode and to see if there is an interest for more public testing in the future.
And I will also re-iterate that the test will only be available from and not Steam or GOG (for the reasons listed above and because IIRC they don't do EA for DLCs anyway).
Now if you are still interested in testing, see ya in a few days! And if not, well I guess see ya in a few days anyway as you'll be able to get your fill of spoilers ;)
Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( ) or on Patreon ! And join up the official Discord server !
- Add support for "_nt" for string localizations that should be translated even thoguh the engine does not need to do it instantly
- Added BlightedSummoning:apply and BlightedSummoning:desc hooks to allow addons to change Blighted Summoning easily
- Adventurers and Wanderers start with the Shoot talent known.
- Alchemist's Drolems now have a basic moddable doll like the normal golem
- Allow tilemaps to load a raw ASCII string
- Allow Waters of Life to cleanse effects which could possibly reduce your heal mod to 0
- Character sheet now displays the actual race name instead of the internal id
- Chat files now support dynamic dialog entries
- Clarify Shattering Blow shield removal description.
- Clarify that only one shield is removed and chosen at random for Shattering Blow, Sunder Armour and Impale.
- Correct Vim tooltip. (Vim gain is 1 + 50% Wil times creature rank, not 1 + 30% Wil times half creature rank)
- Fix cursed aura bloating your savefile
- Fix Purging Trap to not bypass silence immunity.
- Fix so that premade characters now have a bonus zone correctly assigned
- Fixed a bug preventing audio settings from saving correctly
- Fixed copying characters links
- Fixed Destalas Scales doll tiles
- Fixed Rimebark's Grand Arrival cold resistance
- Fixed Stormshield rune's numbers
- Fixed underground mushrooms graphical error
- Fixes an error with Fearscape
- Garkul's Revenge correctly gives +20% damage against giant.
- High Peak levels 1 to 4 now use cavern generator (with varying size on each level) instead of just level 1
- Living lightning correctly works with Range Amplification Device
- Makes combat tables for items refer back to their source item, for addons.
- New hook "Chat:init"
- New hook "Wanderer:learntCategory"
- New moddable tile attachements: tail & behinds
- Prevent Fallen Sun Paladins from spending 2 category points on a single Fallen category
- Prevent Heroism lost life bonus from chaining infinitely.
- Split the artifact creation code from the lost merchant chat file and added a hook "LostMerchant:artifactList" for better moddability
- Swapped the orientation of some items images to be more consistent
- Update Aura of Undeath description to specify that the inherited damage increase is based on your highest damage increase.
- Update Call of the Ooze to check your number of total summons vs the limit allowed by Mitosis (Call of the Ooze's own limit is still checked in the action), so it can be used if you already have one or more oozes but do not have max summons or the max oozes allowed by mitosis.
- Update Vault to check for a shield only. The action only uses the shield, so we don't need to check for sling and ammo as well.
- Update Weapon of Light description to include the shield duration refresh.
- Various typos, as usual since I can't type correctly :)
Have fun in Eyal!
Any linux gamer having issues?
After last updates on openSuSe rolling ToME became unplayable - no logs, just stuck on 100% of loading the game or any other loading progress. It could be 25 to 40% taking couple of minutes to loading proceed before exit.
Then just a coredump.
Seems to be an issue with 6.3 kernel. Not sure though.
Anyone else?
I'm giving up ....
... on Roguelike as a difficulty level. For now.
Honestly, maybe it's just too damn ambitious to believe, I could just waltz in here an beat this fine game the way it's 'meant' to be played, before ever having played through a few (dozen?) times on an easier level.
I mean, I really, REALLY used to be able to get to T2 with most of my characters. Get into the Fortress nearly every game. That was before my glorious run with a Drem Writhing One to level 50 ( followed by attempts to really break into the Orc campaign. Seems like I sorta lost all mojo, as I can't even get into the Fortress anymore.
These days, I'm running an (at least) 4 game streak of games with Zero (0) items to solve the breathing under water problem for Lake Nur. What's that tell you?
So anyway, 11 years and 5 weeks, and 309 characters (most all of them dead) I give in to advice you basically read all over the place: Start on Adventure, you clueless nit!
Wish me luck. :)
Edit: I finally have a Winner!
I'm pretty sure that Elemental Fury played a vital part in this, but either way, my drought is over!