Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.5.3 |
Addons | Alchemy Woes: Only One Provider 1.4.6Breaking out just the alchemy part of Regalion's mod, and making sure its 1.4.x compatible. Not thoroughly tested yet, but registering so I can just leave it on. This should prevent the other alchemists Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.4.8This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay. Ignore Campaign/Difficulty Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for campaigns and difficulty levels, allowing characters to play campaigns and difficulty levels that you haven't unlocked. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Golem Speed Lock 1.3.0Adds an option to the Sher'Tul fortress butler to spend some fortress energy enhancing your golem to match your movement speed. Frequently Asked Questions: Fungal Regeneration 1.3.0Modifies the Fungal Growth talent so that its triggered regeneration effect does not block other regeneration effects. NOTE: This addon is officially deprecated as of game version 1.6.0, due to incompatible changes in the Wild-Gift/Fungus tree that render our modifications superfluous.] Half-Cost Category Mastery 1.3.1 Beyond the Flesh Tweak 1.4.9Tweaks beyond the flesh so that each time the talent is activated a check will be made to determine if using 'psi-combat' stats (wil/cun) will be more or less effective for your currently conventionally wielded weapons. If these stats would be worse, the 'use_psi_combat' value is not set for the player, allowing them to use the sustain while using the normal stats for weapons. Mostly useful for Adventurer builds. As of the first version, only checks the mainhand or ammo if you're wielding a ranged weapon, mostly ignores the accuracy issue (save for a single check if you have a staff in your mainhand), also effects the psi focus weapon, and any and all support for shields, unarmed attacks, and talents such as Strength of Purpose or Lethality is entirely incidental. See the forum thread for a list of known issues, mostly just those listed above. As of NSRR Betterment Version 1, most of that's fixed to one degree or another. Check thread for details, or don't and just know it's working better now. Special credit to forum user/addon maker nsrr, who probably deserves more credit for the contents of this addon than I do. Dream Hammer Tweak 1.3.1Makes Dream Hammer replace melee attacks, stops the game from punishing you for putting points in the 4th talent, and makes the cooldown reduction more reliable. For your pure melee needs. Nur Kit 1.4.0Places guaranteed water-breathing equipment in Last Hope's lost merchant store and makes it available via an NPC in Irkkk. In the Embers of Rage DLC, also places similar gear in various stores in Kruk Pride. In the Hammer of Urh'Rok campaign, places water-breathing gear in Lake of Nur. Marson's Bosses Gone AWOL 1.2.5The addon you hope you never have to use. If all goes well, you never have to touch it. Behind the scenes, BGA monitors the location of every NPC on the current map level. • In cheat mode you can use CTRL-B to pull up a list of all NPCs with details about their locations. Cheat mode will stamp your character, but it can be used as a last resort to see if a quest-required boss has gone all-out missing or not. • If an NPC goes outside the map borders or into the middle of a wall (and it isn't a ghost), BGA will notify you and allow you to relocate the offender to a random free tile somewhere else on the level so that you can reach it. The NPC will not be placed into a vault, but it may be in a secluded room you have to dig to reach. Some levels have rooms behind undiggable walls that aren't marked as vaults. At this point, there isn't much that can be done about those locations beyond using a teleport of some sort. • If a summons is temporarily removed from the level via Time Skip, it remains in your party. If you leave the level before the summons returns, the connection to the summons is severed and it becomes a not-there party member. If you return to the previous level, the original summons will come back out of Time Skip, but it will now be a separate entity from the one that's in your party. The one on the level will sit there and then decay. The one in your party will not decay and will take up a summons slot from that point on, but will not be on any level you visit. BGA will remove the summons in the party slot if the connection is broken, clearing it for future summons. • If an NPC spawns and is then killed in the same turn, it can sit on that tile 'dead'. If a creature—including yourself—walks over that tile, a clone will be made, possibly creating an impassable roadblock. Hitting CTRL-C will cycle through all tiles on the level and remove any clones it finds. • Some rooms will spawn a large group of NPCs. If there are more NPCs than tiles, they will exist 'out of phase'. You can't see or target them and can walk through them as if they didn't exist, but party members may attack the tile they are on. If the NPC has an AOE effect on them, such as an Empire Wight's lighting, it may strike you. You may also hear any sounds associated with the NPC. BGA will 'rephase' the NPC once the square they are on is unoccupied. If the tile and NPC are in sight, you will get the message, '[Name] steps out from hiding.' This may result in an unexpected enemy or two showing up in packed rooms once available space is made. • Log will flush after special actions are taken so that cut/paste is available immediately. • Checks for invalid Dark Fey Clones (StarKeep's Faerie Race addon) + Bugfix: Limmir disappearing immediately after quest completion. Removed check for 'mod.class.PartyMember' on non party members. • v2.2.2 - Compatible with ToME 1.1.5 to 1.2.2
Extra Dungeons 1.4.8In general, this mod is for people (like me) who like to do everything in a game. Visit all the dungeons, kill all the bosses, preferably get all the artifacts. By allowing all characters to visit some more restricted dungeons, we can make that a little easier. This mod is not intended to be lore-friendly, but I may make a lore-friendlier version in the future. (As it stands you can visit Irkkk as a halfling and the Yeek don't care. I may change that.) Current mod features: QuickTome: Arena Skip 1.3.1 Quick Drown NPCs 1.2.5New characters in Maj'Eyal start out with the Rod of Asphyxiation, an item made to quickly drown npcs. No Item Decay 1.3.1 QuickTome: Resource Tweaks 1.3.1 Adjustable Levelup 1.4.9Allows modification of gains for stats, resources, experience gain, category points, and prodigy points. If you would like to be able to modify other values post them in the comments. UPDATE: I've added the ability to modify stat and level maximums. I have also added the ability to customize which levels stats, talents, talent types, and prodigies are gained at. This allows for alternative leveling schemes such as gaining 2 class points on every even level and 2 generic points every odd level. For example, the max/milestone level could be set to 100, xp gain at 300, and all intervals doubled with alternating offsets for a faster early game, a slower late game, and increased potential for early game specialization. NOTE: All options are accessed after loading a character through the game options window under a new Levelup tab. They will only appear for characters created after the addon is enabled. UPDATE: I've added the ability to toggle unlearning of prodigies and stats. I've also reworked some of the internals to improve compatibility with future changes. Uncloak of Inconvenience 1.2.5Sets undead starting faction to Allied Kingdoms so you won't die mashing buttons in the world map because you had the AUDACITY to equip that Wrap of Stone. More Mastery 1.3.1Increases the mastery value increase to 0.4, and removes the 1 increase limit. Improved Stores 1.3.0Adds a store in Last Hope selling lanterns and pickaxes, several additional stores to improve gear diversity, and improves the quality of infusion and rune stores. Escorts Enhanced 1.3.1Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Deathknight 1.4.4Adds the Deathknight class. See forum thread for details. QuickTome: Improved Recall 1.4.8Changes to make ToME faster to play without providing gameplay advantages. You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below. Weight: 216890 Full list of effects- After generating the world map, using zone exits or recalling allows you to teleport to most reachable zones, instead of having to walk through the world map. Recalling can still drag doomelves/doombringers/demonologists to the Anteroom of Agony, and the teleportation won't let you bypass Crypt of Kryl'Feijan, Godfeaster, or the Dreadfell ambush. - Maj'Eyal characters start with the Orb of Communication, which can be used to contact the alchemists, Elder of Last Hope, Protector Myssil, and Zemekkys when appropriate. - Achievement pop-ups and announcing your own achievements in chat can be disabled in the game UI and Online options, respectively. - Added an easily toggleable "digging mode" that automatically uses your Dig talent when you move into a diggable wall with no hostiles in sight. CreditsThe icon used for Toggle Digging Mode is licensed under CC-BY 3.0: Changelog1.1.0- This version is not compatible with savegames from previous versions! 1.0.16- Fixed Drem being able to teleport to Dwarf starting zones 1.0.15- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.32 1.0.14- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.27 1.0.13- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.22 1.0.12- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.18 1.0.11- Updated for ToME4 version 1.4.8 1.0.10- Greatly improve worldmap position handling: zone entrance positions are now auto-detected instead of enumerated, multiple onLevelLoads are no longer added 1.0.9- Fix Murgol Lair exit position 1.0.8- Fix regression in tier 1 zone teleports for non-Zone Overhaul games 1.0.7- Don't try to teleport when exiting damp/intimidating caves, Rat Lich crypt, etc. via the stairs 1.0.6- Allowed teleporting via zone exits, not just the Rod 1.0.5- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.13 1.0.4- Fix typo that caused Briagh's Lair to be accessible when it shouldn't 1.0.3- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.11 1.0.2- Fixed serialization bug that could leave player with nil wilderness position (requiring save editing to continue) if they teleported with the rod of recall, then saved and reloaded the game, then visited the worldmap without teleporting anywhere else. 1.0.1- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.4 1.0.0- Initial release Ambush Escape 1.3.0Gives the player an option to escape the orc ambush without fighting. QuickTome: Orb of Communication 1.3.1 ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.5.0Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.4.9Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. v3.5.0 *** FOR ToME v1.6.5 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Escort Rescheduling 1.3.0Slightly adjust the random level selection for escort quests to avoid levels with zone bosses. Satisfying melee sounds 1.4.6Simply makes melee weapons use the same on-hit sounds as punches. Items Vault 1.5.0Donators/Buyers bonus! QuickTome: Vault Tweaks 1.4.8This addon is part of the QuickTome addon set. This addon changes various vaults to be less annoying. Mostly, this means replacing some diggable walls with doors or empty space. CompatibilityThis addon OVERLOADS these files, and will not be compatible with other addons that touch them: Weight: 216047 Guaranteed Zones 1.5.2Makes the Sludgenest and Dogroth Caldera always appear on the map after the level requirements have been met and always spawns Director Hompalan who grants access to the Old Conclave Vault. QuickTome: Remove Stat Requirements 1.4.8 NPC Forgiveness 2.5 1.5.0This addon adjusts the way friendly NPC's react to hostile actions by the player. In most cases, the personal reaction of an NPC to the player (friendly/neutral/hostile) will slowly recover (by 10% each turn, minimum 1 point) back to it's default value over time. If the player doesn't further aggravate the NPC, it will eventually become neutral/friendly again. (Though it will still probably have the player targeted, depending on its ai settings which are not addressed in this addon.) The exception is if the player kills another friendly NPC within LOS, which will result in the NPC becoming permanently hostile to the player in most cases. Putting a detrimental status effect on the NPC will create a -25 (negative) reaction to the player (in addition to the penalties from any damage caused). Files affected: Slow Tweak 1.4.9Tweaks the 'Slow' effect such that when a new slow is applied to a target already afflicted with a slow, the new slow will no longer outright replace the old effect. Instead, the highest power effect will take priority. If the new effect is stronger, it will replace the old effect. Otherwise, it will be ignored. This is primarily intended to resolve the issues caused by equipping multiple pieces of gear with on-hit slows. Due to the way Slow normally works, only the last effect applied will have any impact on the target. The result is that equipping more pieces of gear with on-hit slow can detrimentally impact your ability to slow enemies, which is counter-intuitive and less than ideal This refers specifically to the effect 'Slow', which reduces global speed. Other effects which influence speed, global or otherwise, are not affected by this addon. Necromancy Compatibility 1.3.1Sneaks in after Necromancy+, Eternal Darkness and Deathknight are done and makes all their stuff coexist. Probably makes Necromancers OP. No-Friendly-Fire Autocast 1.3.1Adds an autocast option that will not cast while friendlies are in range. Nice for twilight surge for Anorithil Select your Escorts 1.5.0Allows you to choose which escorts you will encounter at the start of the game. There is an option to choose a random escort in case you just wanted to guarantee some unlocks before continuing with the base game's behavior. Note: You're only supposed to be able to choose the lost tinker once. (Must have the Embers of Rage DLC and unlocked by playing in the Orcs campaign) To reach me faster, please leave a message on the Steam Workshop page. I don't get notifications on so I may take longer to reply. Immunity Adjusts Saves 1.4.9Tired of trying to play a rogue but finding your poisons and bleeds are completely ignored by most enemies in the game? Tired of investing countless talent points into fear-based talents, only to enter a dungeon full of fully immune undead? Tired of investing into taking advantage of stuns only to find the most dangerous foes can't be stunned? Tire no more! This addon converts most status immunities to instead multiply save values rather than giving a flat chance to ignore the effect. This means you'll be able to apply statuses to just about anyone, but immunities are still powerful as long as you also have the related saving throw stat. -Changes immunity of most status effects to instead multiply your saves against effects of that type rather than giving a flat chance to ignore the effect. -!Some talents grant a direct chance to ignore specific effects without using immunity stats, this addon will not change how those talents function. 100% Immunity is 2x saves This addon was specifically designed to ignore realism in favor of making the game more enjoyable for people who want to try specific builds without being shut down by specific enemy types, while still making immunity a valuable stat to hold both as the player or an enemy. Necromancy+ 1.3.1Features: Spell/Charnel - class category available to Necromancer only. Tweaked Categories: Spell/Advanced Necrotic Minions Spell/Necrotic Minions Spell/Necrosis Spell/Shades Tweaked the talent levels granted by Blighted Summoning. Also adds in a new class called the Spiritmancer: The dead do not always rest easy, even free from fell influences. Categories: Karma Life Giver Ghosts Dawn Justice Stunt's Tweaks 1.3.1Small tweaks and changes. Current changes: Eternal Darkness 1.5.0Adds many new spells for Necromancer and modifies many existing spells, effects and minions. See thread for full details. Adventurous Arcane Combat 1.4.0Modifies Arcane Combat to function with all bolt/beam spells. Except Temporal Bolt. |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Insane Adventure |
Sex | Male |
Race | Dwarf |
Class | Berserker |
Level / Exp | 5 / 53% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden at level 5 on the 19th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:34 2 / 1 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 31 (base 27) |
Dexterity | 9 (base 11) |
Constitution | 30 (base 27) |
Magic | 8 (base 10) |
Willpower | 13 (base 10) |
Cunning | 17 (base 17) |
Life | 271/271 |
Stamina | 120/120 |
Healing Factor | 1 |
Regeneration | 5.2612968211373 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | -66.666666666667% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 1 |
Infravision | 6 |
See Stealth | 29.500146650446 |
See Invisible | 29.500146650446 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 37 |
Accuracy | 25 |
Crit Chance | 7% |
APR | 1 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 11 |
Crit Chance | 3% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 21 |
Crit Chance | 3% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 20.08934837382 (81.030927835052%) |
Defense | 3 |
Ranged Defense | 3 |
Fatigue | 21 |
Physical Save | 23 |
Spell Save | 7 |
Mental Save | 10 |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 14% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: RegenerationUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 60 life over 5 turns. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: RegenerationUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 17 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 199 life over 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. |
Class Talents
Technique / Two-handed assault | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Berserker's strength | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat techniques | 1.30 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat veteran | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Cunning / Survival | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Race / Dwarf | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Conditioning | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
detrimental effect | There is no gravity here; you float in the air. Movement is three times as slow, and any melee or archery blows have a chance to knockback. Maximum encumbrance is greatly increased. Zero Gravity |
Ungrol of Last Hope asked you to look for his wife's friend Celia, who has been reported missing. She frequently visits her late husband's mausoleum, in the graveyard near Last Hope. And now for a grave | active |
Your escape from Reknor got your heart pounding and your desire for wealth and power increased tenfold. From bellow, it devoursMaybe it is time for you to start an adventurer's career. Deep below the Iron Throne mountains lies the Deep Bellow. It has been long sealed away but still, from time to time adventurers go there looking for wealth. None that you know of has come back yet, but you did survive Reknor. You are great. | active |
It is time to explore some new places -- dark, forgotten and dangerous ones. Into the darknessThe Old Forest is just south-east of the town of Derth. The Maze is west of Derth. The Sandworm Lair is to the far west of Derth, near the sea. The Daikara is on the eastern borders of the Thaloren forest. * You must explore the Old Forest and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Maze and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Sandworm Lair and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Daikara and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! | active |
You were part of a group of dwarves sent to investigate the situation of the kingdom of Reknor. Reknor is lost!When you arrived there you found nothing but orcs, well organized and very powerful. Most of your team was killed there and now you and Norgan (the sole survivor besides you) must hurry back to the Iron Council to bring the news. Let nothing stop you. | done |
Various alchemists around Maj'Eyal are competing to gain entry into the great Brotherhood of Alchemists, and one or more have enlisted your aid. The Brotherhood of AlchemistsStire of Derth needs your help making an elixir of precision, which can be used to permanently increase your physical critical strike chance by 4%. He has given you some notes on the ingredients: * 'Needed: one vial of greater demon bile. Don't drink it, even if it tells you to.' * You've found the needed green worm. * 'Needed: one giant spider spinneret. The spiders in your barn won't do. You'll know a giant spider when you see one, though they're rare in Maj'Eyal.' Marus of Elvala needs your help making an elixir of mastery, which can be used to grant you four additional stat points. He has given you some notes on the ingredients: * 'Needed: one storm wyrm claw. I recommend severing one of dewclaws. They're smaller and easier to remove, but they've never been blunted by use, so be careful you don't poke yourself. Oh yes, and don't get eaten.' * 'Needed: one faerlhing fang. I've lost a number of adventurers to this one, but I'm sure you'll be fine.' * 'Needed: one vial of squid ink. However annoying this will be for you to gather, I promise that the reek it produces in my lab will prove even more annoying.' Agrimley the hermit needs your help making an elixir of focus, which can be used to grant you two additional class talent points. He has given you some notes on the ingredients: * 'Needed: one pouch of faeros ash. They're creatures of pure flame, and likely of extraplanar origin, but the ash of objects consumed by their fire has remarkable properties.' * 'Needed: one bear paw. You'd think I could get one of these from a local hunter, but they've had no luck. Don't get eaten.' * 'Needed: one ice ant stinger. If you've the means to eliminate the little venom problem, these make miraculous instant drink-chilling straws.' Ungrol of Last Hope needs your help making an elixir of brawn, which can be used to permanently increase your strength and constitution by three. He has given you some notes on the ingredients: * 'Needed: one red crystal shard. I hear these can be found in a cave near Elvala. I also hear that they can cause you to spontaneously combust, so no need to explain if you come back hideously scarred.' * 'Needed: one vampire lord fang. You should definitely consider not pricking yourself with it.' * 'Needed: one length of troll intestine. Kindly empty it before returning.' | active |
On feet | scholar's pair of rough leather boots (0 def, 1 armour) scholar's pair of rough leather boots (0 def, 1 armour)Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Fatigue: +1% Spellpower: +3 (+3 eff.) A pair of boots made of leather. |
On hands | polar iron gauntlets (0 def, 1 armour) polar iron gauntlets (0 def, 1 armour)Requires: - Talent Heavy Armour Training Infused by nature 1.50 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Damage (Melee): 5 cold Changes resistances: +6% cold Changes damage: +4% cold Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm. |
Tool | quick iron torque of kinetic psionic shield [power 17] (15 cooldown) quick iron torque of kinetic psionic shield [power 17] (15 cooldown)Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / torque ; tier 1 It can be used to setup a psionic shield, reducing all physical, nature, temporal and acid damage by 17 for 7 turns, putting all charms on cooldown for 15 turns. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
Around neck | Withering Orbs Withering OrbsInfused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 5 mind Damage (Ranged): 5 mind Mindpower: +5 (+2 eff.) See stealth: +10 See invisible: +10 Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties. These opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows. If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see... |
Main armor | spiked iron plate armour of fire resistance (3 def, 7 armour) spiked iron plate armour of fire resistance (3 def, 7 armour)Requires: - Talent Heavy Armour Training (level 3) Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +7 Defense: +3 (+3 eff.) Fatigue: +20% Damage when hit (Melee): 11 physical Changes resistances: +15% fire A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
In main hand | iron battleaxe of massacre (21.5-32.25 power, 1 apr) iron battleaxe of massacre (21.5-32.25 power, 1 apr)Requires: Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 21.5 - 32.3 Uses stat: 120% Str Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit / acc Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
Light source | Wintertide Phial Wintertide PhialPowered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +1 Infravision radius: +6 It can be used to cleanse your mind of up to 2 (based on Magic) detrimental mental effects, costing 36 power out of 60/60. This phial seems filled with darkness, yet it cleanses your thoughts. |
Cloak | linen cloak (1 def, 0 armour) linen cloak (1 def, 0 armour)2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloak ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +1 (+1 eff.) A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Around waist | rough leather belt of transcendence rough leather belt of transcendenceInfused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / belt ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical save: +5 (+2 eff.) Mindpower: +2 (+1 eff.) A belt that goes around your waist. |
healing infusion (heal 50) healing infusion (heal 50)Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 50 and cleanse 1 wound and 1 poison effect. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability. |
shielding rune (absorb 55 for 3 turns) shielding rune (absorb 55 for 3 turns)Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 2 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 55 damage for 3 turns. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability. |
shielding rune of the psychic (absorb 89 for 3 turns) shielding rune of the psychic (absorb 89 for 3 turns)Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 2 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 89 damage for 3 turns. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability. |
copper amulet copper amulet0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1 Amulets can have magical properties. |
iron greatsword (17-27.2 power, 1 apr) iron greatsword (17-27.2 power, 1 apr)Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 17.0 - 27.2 Uses stat: 120% Str Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit.pwr / acc Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Massive two-handed swords. |
pair of iron boots (0 def, 3 armour) pair of iron boots (0 def, 3 armour)Requires: - Talent Heavy Armour Training 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Fatigue: +2% Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
spinel spinel0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+2 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+2 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
2 ametrine 2 ametrine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
3 citrine 3 citrine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +1 Infravision radius: +2 When used to imbue an object: Light radius: +1 Infravision radius: +2 Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
aquamarine aquamarine0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Changes resistances: +2% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +2 Changes resistances: +2% all Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
brass lantern brass lantern2.00 Encumbrance. Type: lite / lite ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +2 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
Orb of Communication Orb of CommunicationPowered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb It can be used to speak with someone, costing 1 power out of 1/1. This orb can be used to speak with someone far away. It is even capable of teleporting small objects back and forth. |
Scrying Orb Scrying OrbPowered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
Transmogrification Chest Transmogrification ChestPowered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level), costing 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
Rod of Asphyxiation (24/24) Rod of Asphyxiation (24/24)Powered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / rod Activating this item is instant. It can be used to asphyxiate an unsuspecting target, costing 1 power out of 24/24. A devilish artifact, this rod only harms friendly strangers in towns. Only the mad and insane would consider such an item useful. |
Rod of Recall (400/400) Rod of Recall (400/400)Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: charm / rod It can be used to teleport the user to another zone after 40 turns, costing 1 power out of 400/400. This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
iron torque of kinetic psionic shield [power 23] (18 cooldown) iron torque of kinetic psionic shield [power 23] (18 cooldown)Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / torque ; tier 1 It can be used to setup a psionic shield, reducing all physical, nature, temporal and acid damage by 23 for 7 turns, putting all charms on cooldown for 18 turns. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
By Durcap the Dwarf Berserker level 5
19th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 15:08 see stats
Drain Life from Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden hits Durcap for 25 physical damage.
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden receives 9 healing from Drain Life from Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden.
Durcap hits Golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) for (11 absorbed), 0 physical (0 total damage).
Durcap receives 21 healing.
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden casts Drain Life.
Durcap hits Golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) for (33 absorbed), 0 physical, (5 absorbed), 0 mind, (5 absorbed), 0 cold (0 total damage).
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden's River of Souls hits Durcap for 30 cold, 34 darkness (64 total damage).
Golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) seems less dangerous.
The shield around golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) crumbles.
Golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) hits Durcap for 2 physical damage.
Drain Life from Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden hits Durcap for 49 physical damage.
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden receives 17 healing from Drain Life from Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden.
Durcap hits Golem (servant of Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden) for (10 absorbed), 1 physical (1 total damage).
Durcap receives 21 healing.
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden's River of Souls hits Durcap for 30 cold, 34 darkness (64 total damage).
Durcap the level 5 dwarf berserker was darkened to death by Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden on level 1 of Iron Council.
You have 2 life(s) left.
Durcap's life is no longer being drained.
Durcap deactivates Precise Strikes.
Durcap has finished recovering.
Durcap stops regenerating health quickly.
Durcap deactivates Berserker Rage.
Durcap's rage subsides!
You enter a zero gravity zone, beware!
From the brink of death you seem to be yanked to another plane.
Saving game...
Yvalewen the dwarven earthwarden's River of Souls killed Durcap!
Saving done.