Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.6 |
Addons | Bloodriver Adherent Class 1.7.6Adds Bloodriver Adherent class, a Mage subclass. Bloodriver Adherents are very in tune with arcane energies, their mana will buffer any harm done to them. It also makes them know basic elemental spells innately. Bloodriver Adherent talents revolves mainly on their bleed mechanics. A lot of talents costs both mana and life to cast. There are around 11 custom made talent category which you can choose. Some are essential to Bloodriver Adherent, as this subclass try to utilize bleed as much as possible. There are currently 9 variation of totems. 5 which you will learn by default, and the remaining 4 you will learn by: This subclass is a bit tricky to play and on the harder side of difficulty-wise. Also beware, some of the talents are very powerful, but makes no distinguishing between friend or foe, so you may harm your allies, or even yourself! If you are starting as humans, halflings, elves, or ogres, there is a small quest given at birth, you can do the quest and get some reward for it. There are also some lore fragments scattered regarding The Bloodrivers. Please enjoy your time as One of The Bloodriver Adherents! Best regards, Shad3. Umbral Incantor Evolution for Shadowblade 1.7.6Adds a new evolution for Shadowblades, the Umbral Incantor. As an Umbral Incantor, the Shadowblade will regenerate 1 mana per turn and gain several bonuses to their talents if they are equipped with a staff: - Shadow Combat: the damage will also be triggered when you cast Channel Staff, and when triggered this way can be a spell critical Werewolves of Maj'Eyal 1.7.6Adds 5 werewolf races to the game! Copying and pasting the gist of the racial details from the forum post into here for easy visibility. Fullmoon Gibbous Halfmoon Crescent Newmoon Wanderer pick 1 in 3 talent choice 1.7.4Wanderer now choose one in three random talent trees instead. Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Class: Wisp 1.7.0A new class, a psionic archer who starts with the powers of hypnosis, light telekinesis, and control over fabric. Class Talents Generic Talents There is also an evolution prodigy for this class, Incarnate Storm. Incompatible with https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/mv-greenwatch Class: Hunted 1.7.6A stealthy Cursed class that uses unarmed attacks. Inspired by HousePet's Werebeast from the Verdant Class Pack. First and foremost, thank you to everyone in the Tales of Maj'Eyal Discord for all the coding help! --- Class Talents --- Cursed / Prowl (WIL) Cursed / Gore (WIL, Locked) Cursed / Endless hunt --- Generic Talents --- Technique / Combat training Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0This adds three new classes, two of which are loosely based on the Headless Horror, plus a mini-adventurer that gets talents from all three. Hekatonkhieres are spell-using melee combatants who mix armed and unarmed attacks while accompanied by their eldritch Wandering Eyes. New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: By special request: New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: Kharybdians are ocean mages who mix attack spells, summons, and a precise sense of timing. New Talents Advanced Talents Generic Talents Old Talents: Doctornull's Class Pack 1.5.10This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. Tinker Cave for Everyone 1.7.0Places the entrance to the tinker cave from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) on the world map for all characters in the Age of Ascendancy campaign, without requiring that the character be playing a Tinker class or rescue a tinker escort. Celestial Evolution and Buff Pack 1.7.4Evolutions for Celestials, as well as buffs for their talents. Anorithil: Adds Blessed by the Light Evolution - Gain access to Energies, Radiance, and Sun talent groups - Celestial/Light, Suncloak talents become instant (Even though they do not display that way.) Avatar of a Distant Sun: (base game Sun Paladin Evolution) - Adds innate Light and Physical penetration. - Celestial/Light, Suncloak talents are instant. (Even though they do not display that way.) Sun Paladin: Righteous Strength now gives +1 size category at level 5. Fallen: - Your attacks bypass bleed resists. - Brutalize now hits around the user, and inflicts stun and confusion. - Increase damage of Darkside and Dark Sun talents. - Devourer Stance is now instant. - Splatter Sigils also restores hate. THANK YOU: This is a fork of Aeternis' original mod! Stoneblade Evolution for Arcane Blade 1.7.4Adds a new class evolution for Arcane Blade, the Stoneblade. Wielded two-handed weapons will use the increased procs damage accuracy bonus To unlock the evolution, defeat Harkor'Zun as an Arcane Blade. Learning the Prodigy requires that you know Body of Stone and have at least 25 Magic and Strength. Tinker Cave Blacksmith 1.7.0Modifies the Ancient Automatated Teacher from the Embers of Rage DLC (required), adding options for the player to purchase the Steamtech/Blacksmith and Steamtech/Engineering talent trees. A companion piece to Tinker Cave for Everyone; they can be used together or separately. Combat Tinkers for Gloves and Shieids 1.7.0Adds tinker schematics for shields and gloves/gauntlets based on various weapon tinker schematics from the Embers of Rage DLC (required). Currently adds the following schematics:
More tinkers may be added in future versions. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Schizophrenic Class 1.7.4Adds the Schizophrenic class. Escorts Enhanced 1.7.0Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Odyssey of The Summoner (for ToME 1.7.4+) 1.7.4Howdy, this is Kamani. The current page for OotS content is: https://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?p=247326#p247326 I mostly tested OotS with EoR, Cults, and Ashes enabled, but it should work fine without them. Disclaimer: This is NOT a full release. There WILL be errors and unpredictable behavior. I am patching things out actively, so play with discretion and send as much feedback as possible to the forum thread to accelerate the completion process! Expanded Details: Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0Includes 4 new Class Evolutions:
Isn't Zephyr already a class? Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Ronnoc's Chinese mod translation Pack 1.7.4This is mod Chinese translation for following mods: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/classhekatonkheire Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0Adds a collection of my races. Class: Demolisher 1.7.6A new tinker class, the Demolisher. This addon requires the Embers of Rage DLC to function. Demolishers are designed to be a sort of Steam-Caster, using bombs, drones, and their steam-buggy to destroy their enemies rather than weapons. New Talents: Advanced Talents: Generic Talents: With new graphics by ToME artist rexorcorum Shaman 1.6.7DescriptionThis addon adds the Shaman as a playable class. Shamans are masters of elemental magic attacks, mindpower based summons, or good old fashioned melee weapons. Shamans use both their weapon sets and are encouraged to switch during the battle to adapt to every situation. They start with the Shaman's Path talent, a passive that gives them bonus adapted to their weapon sets of choice. 6 unique class trees (3 locked) : 2 unique generic trees : With the exception of 4 talents, Shaman talents can appear on NPC. DisclaimerThis is my first addon and first coding project, I can promise I tested this addon as best I could, but that does not mean it is without bugs. Please report any bugs you find and I will endeavor to fix them ;) If possible, please take discussions and bugs report to the forum thread I will make. CreditsNefigah for loving the Shaman idea and helping me more than a little with the coding. Chewbacca for testing Shaman maybe more than me. Micbran for correcting my bad english. Rexorcorum for the pretty awesome spirits and totems tiles. Orange because his name is lucky :frog: :robot:. http://game-icons.net/ for all the icons. In advance, whoever tries this out and gives me feedback so I can continue to improve it ! Changelog1.0.8 : - updated bark armor and yeti totem description to fit new crit shrug behavior (main game 1.6 changes) 1.0.7 : - nerfed snake/boar fetishes damage (turns out reapplying DoT so much gives way too big numbers) 1.0.6 : - nerfed bark armor shield at low TL/STR 1.0.5 : - Added an option for legacy spirit tiles due to popular request. Found under Game Options --> Shaman, enabling will display old spirit tiles (need to resummon the spirits) 1.0.4 : - Fixed fetish targeting not working if you aimed beyond their range 1.0.3 : - Elemental Spirits description fixed (was incorrectly stating it used raw levels) 1.0.2 : - Last tiles added, say hello to the new spirits ! 1.0.1 : tiles added for Wyrm totem and Bones totem. Shaman path correctly given to everyone at birth. Updated shaman path description to reflect the scaling. Much More Adventurous 1.7.0Gives adventurers every talent tree in the game. This includes things like object talents, talents from summons (golem, mecharachnid, etc), npc only talents (horrors, soul eater, etc), talents mostly removed from the game (old paradox mage and archer talents, etc), partially implemented talents (like the unavailable celestial class), and hidden talents not normally available on their own (individual poisons, traps, hymns, etc). Many of these are very unbalanced, and while I have removed every buggy talent I could find, combining talents that aren't normally available together on the player may cause a bad reaction. If you find something like this please let me know, I'm doing my best to modify every talent that needs it to work properly on the player. Race: Wrathwrought 1.7.4Adds wrathwrought as a new subrace. They are psionic focused humans. Stat modifiers: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +0 Constitution, +0 Magic, +4 Willpower, and +3 Cunning. Life Rating: 12 Experience Penalty: 10% Racial talent tree: Unstoppable Wrath - Passively increases immunities to stun, confusion, pin, fear, silence. The Savvy Fighter - Passively increases critical chance, critical power, Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Faster Stronger Better - Passively increases Global speed, Physical speed, movement speed and all damage done. ---Changelog Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Deathknight 1.7.4Adds the Deathknight class. See forum thread for details. Select your Escorts 1.7.0Allows you to choose which escorts you will encounter at the start of the game. There is an option to choose a random escort in case you just wanted to guarantee some unlocks before continuing with the base game's behavior. Note: You're only supposed to be able to choose the lost tinker once. (Must have the Embers of Rage DLC and unlocked by playing in the Orcs campaign) To reach me faster, please leave a message on the Steam Workshop page. I don't get notifications on te4.org so I may take longer to reply. CN select your escorts 1.7.4Allows you to choose which escorts you will encounter at the start of the game. There is an option to choose a random escort in case you just wanted to guarantee some unlocks before continuing with the base game's behavior. Note: You're only supposed to be able to choose the lost tinker once. (Must have the Embers of Rage DLC and unlocked by playing in the Orcs campaign) Modified Chinese Translation 1.7.6部分汉化文本补充和调整测试。 Items Vault 1.7.6Donators/Buyers bonus! 护送增强 1.7.4Improvements to the escort system. Adds a bunch of new types of escorts, and increases the power and number of options for existing escorts. Additionally learning new categories unlocks them by default, or can improve your mastery if you already know them. Also gives escorts 1000 base Life and 100 base life regen so they don't die from a sneeze. This is a fork of Movarc'h's Impoved Escorts by mannendake. Credit to Disnag for necromancer escort and Movarc'h for the base addon. Also credits to Bamboo's fork. High Guard 1.7.0Adds the High Guard, a mage subclass. The High Guard is a melee fighter with mid-range spells who can wield any staff in one hand and favors shields in the offhand. Unique Talents: Spell/Battlemage Spell/Magical Assualt Spell/Phasing Spell/Battle Channeling Spell/Sorcerous Might (high level) Spell/Mage Adept (high level) Spell/Medic (generic) Base Talents: Technique/Combat Training (1.3) See the forum thread full talent details. Talent icons from https://game-icons.net shining class Chinese translation 1.7.4Mod职业 辉光一族 的中文翻译. Recaiden's Undead Racepack 1.7.0This is a compilation of my undead race addons. This will always be the most up-to-date version. Mummy Wight And adds a new prodigy for any undead: Dreadmaster Chinese translation by gooder1029 Modified Item Descriptions 1.7.6这是基于 Cleaner Item Descriptions 制作的插件,为中文玩家进行了汉化。 Improved Adventurer 1.7.4Allows adventurers to use talent trees from every classes and races, including those from addons. This addon is designed as a more "addon friendly" alternative to Much more Adventurous. It takes talents directly from the subclass/subrace list so it should : - Bypass race/class compatibility - Take talents trees from NPC only classes/races - Ignore the locks Additionally, "undead/lich", "Cursed/Cursed Aura" and talents from the Fallen Paladin can also be selected. Talents from the Technomancer and the Thaumaturgist dont work without their respective prodigy, so if you want them I recommend this addon : https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/evolve_adven1 It should be compatible with most classes and races from other addons. Skirmisher Evolutions 1.7.4Adds the following evolutions: Mudsligner: Fateslinger: Fearslinger: Blightslinger: Crystalslinger: Battle Skirmisher: Sunslinger: Dreamslinger: Note: Age of Ascendancy specific requirements are waived in other campaigns. Race: Battleborn 1.7.4Adds battleborns as a new subrace. They are combat centric humans. Stat modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Magic, +2 Willpower, and +2 Cunning. Life Rating: 12 Experience Penalty: 10% Racial talent tree: The Unstoppable Fighter - Passively increases immunities to stun, confusion, pin, fear, silence. The Savvy Fighter - Passively increases critical chance, critical power, Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Faster Stronger Better - Passively increases Global speed, Physical speed, movement speed and all damage done. ---Changelog Incantor of Flame 1.7.4Adds the Incantor of Flame, a mage subclass. The Incantor of Flame is a Fire-focused caster and melee shield fighter. Their primary stats are Magic and Strength. Generic: Class: Combat Techniques -Locked- Talent icons from https://game-icons.net Class: Shining One 1.7.0A new demented class, the Shining One. This addon requires the Forbidden Cults DLC to function. Celestial Spellcasters who have been overcome with madness and become more and more like unto Luminous Horrors. Shining One talents do not appear on enemies. Old Talents: New Talents: Advanced Talents: Walking Armory Evolution for Marauder 1.7.6Adds a new evolution for Marauders, the Walking Armory. Throw caution (and your equipment) to the wind, and become a truly formidable menace on the battlefield. You can equip mainhand weapons in your tool and lite slot. You can equip offhand weapons in your head, cloak, belt and feet slots. When you land an attack with the weapon in your mainhand slot, you will follow up with an attack from weapons in your tool and lite slots dealing 100% damage. When you land an attack with the weapon in your offhand slot, you will follow up with an attack from weapons in your head, cloak, belt and feet slots dealing 100% damage (offhand damage penalty applies). Race: Doomling 1.7.0This addon requires the Ashes of Urh'Rok DLC to function. Adds the race of Doomlings, demon-corrupted halflings, wielding destructive corrupted versions of the original halfling talents. Doomlings begin in the Searing Halls, and thus can get kidnapped by demons at high level. Racial Abilities
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Madness Adventure |
Sex | Female |
Race | Feling |
Class | Demolisher |
Level / Exp | 11 / 94% |
Size | 较小 |
Lifes / Deaths | no deaths recorded 14 / 0 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 23 (base 20) |
Dexterity | 30021 (base 14) |
Constitution | 37 (base 36) |
Magic | 13 (base 11) |
Willpower | 42 (base 36) |
Cunning | 30022 (base 15) |
Life | 446/446 |
Steam | 100/100 |
Hull | 422/422 |
Psi | 132/132 |
Healing Factor | 1.3141015905905 |
Regeneration | 524.38526888425 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | +59.928195285219% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +105% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | -997 |
Infravision | 4 |
Stealth | 3127 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 33 |
Accuracy | 1087 |
Crit Chance | 9009% |
APR | 2 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | 883 |
Accuracy | 1087 |
Crit Chance | 9006% |
APR | 25 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 6.5 |
Crit Chance | 100% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 684 |
Crit Chance | 100% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
精神 | +3% |
闪电 | +13% |
寒冷 | +11% |
自然 | +13% |
时空 | +3% |
Offense: Damage Penetration
物理 | +15% |
精神 | +10% |
奥术 | +15% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 92.55672930198 (36.764479797227%) |
Defense | 912 |
Ranged Defense | 912 |
Fatigue | 0 |
Physical Save | 32 |
Spell Save | 29 |
Mental Save | 639 |
Defense: Resistances
精神 | + 8%( 70%) |
闪电 | + 45%( 70%) |
枯萎 | + 23%( 70%) |
寒冷 | + 29%( 70%) |
All | + 5%( 70%) |
火焰 | + 8%( 70%) |
物理 | + 11%( 70%) |
自然 | + 32%( 70%) |
时空 | + 19%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Pinning Resistance | 100% |
Poison Resistance | 63% |
Knockback Resistance | 40% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Implants | 有效技能等级:1.0 植入物: 蒸汽制造机使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:24 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:蒸汽科技(100%回合) 是:蒸汽科技 介绍:蒸汽制造机每回合制造 1806.1 点蒸汽。 能直接使用,立即制造 9031 蒸汽。 效果随你的灵巧属性提升。 |
Implants | 有效技能等级:1.0 植入物: 药物注射器使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:1 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:蒸汽科技 介绍:该药物注射器注射药物效率为 100% ,冷却时间修正为 100% 。 |
Implants | 有效技能等级:1.0 植入物: 药物注射器使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:1 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:蒸汽科技 介绍:该药物注射器注射药物效率为 100% ,冷却时间修正为 100% 。 |
Class Talents
蒸汽科技 / 战车 | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 引擎 | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 驾驶 | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 无人机 | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
灵巧 / 潜行 | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 火炮 | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 爆炸学 | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 战术机械 | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
种族技能 / Feling | 6000.00 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 战斗训练 | 1.11 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 工程师 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
灵能 / 反馈 | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 铁匠 | 1.00 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 物理 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
灵能 / 能量操控 | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
蒸汽科技 / 化学 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
talent | 漂移喷射 |
talent | Skin Like Silk |
talent | 潜行 |
talent | 无人机护卫 |
talent | 炮台无人机 |
beneficial effect | 目标沐浴黑暗,增加 396.8 生命回复。以及1.7体力恢复。 黑暗亲和 |
beneficial effect | 坐在一个机械装置里. 钢铁座驾 |
你碰到了一个法师学徒,他被指派去搜集一件充满奥术力量的神器。 学徒的任务他请求你的帮助,你能帮他搜集一点么。 * 收集一件强力的奥术神器。 | 正在进行 |
你成功地将灵能杀手护送到了巨魔沼泽的第3层的召回传送门。 护送:灵能杀手 (巨魔沼泽的第3层)作为奖励,你解锁技能树 灵能 / 能量操控 (技能等级 1.00). | 结束 |
你成功地将迷路的堕落者护送到了卡·普尔废墟的第1层的召回传送门。 护送:迷路的堕落者 (卡·普尔废墟的第1层)作为奖励,你解锁技能树 灵能 / 反馈 (技能等级 1.00). | 结束 |
你被一个盗贼邀请,证明你作为一个斗士的能力,以获得进入竞技场的资格。 竞技场代理人 | 结束 |
是时候去一些新的地方探索一下了——那些黑暗、被遗忘和危险的地方。 进入黑暗在德斯镇东南方向是古老森林。 在德斯镇西面是迷宫。 在德斯镇远一点的西面,靠近海岸的地方是沙虫巢穴。 在自然精灵树林的东部边境那里是岱卡拉。 * 你应当探索古老森林,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索迷宫,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索沙虫洞穴,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索岱卡拉,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! | 正在进行 |
你已经找到了所有有关秘密财宝的线索,在食人魔沼泽第三层应该能找到一条通往那里的路。 隐藏的财宝注意:看样子那里非常危险。 你已经干掉了比尔,他的财宝现在归你了。 | 结束 |
到卡·普尔废墟和食人魔沼泽的地下城去发现宝藏和荣耀! 食人魔巢穴* 你已经探索了食人魔巢穴并击败了食人魔普洛克斯。 * 你探索了卡·普尔废墟并击败了恶灵附身的强盗头目。 | 结束 |
在手上 | ![]() 1阶词缀手部护甲(1.0负重) 自然力量 词缀:风暴 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 伤害加成 +4% 闪电 近战命中 6 闪电 ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +1 抗性 +6% 闪电 学习空手攻击技能,或者开启 '强制显示手套战斗数据' 选项来查看战斗数据 轻便的手套不仅不影响手指的活动,还会多多少少保护手的安全。 |
在头上 | ![]() 1阶稀有头部护甲(2.0负重) 自然力量 词缀:绝缘 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 伤害加成 +3% 闪电 +3% 时空 近战命中: * 10%几率降低120%伤害 ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +1 抗性 +24% 闪电 +6% 时空 传送后闪避 +5 传送后全抗 +5% 传送后减益缩短 +5% ------ 其他 ------ 疲劳值 +1% 一顶皮帽。非常时髦。 |
主护甲 | ![]() 1阶词缀轻甲护甲(9.0负重) 反魔法力量 词缀:清除 装备时: ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +2 闪避 +3(+0有效) 抗性 +11% 自然 +10% 枯萎 ------ 其他 ------ 疲劳值 +6% 一套用皮革制成的皮甲。 |
弹药袋 | ![]() 1阶稀有子弹弹药(3.0负重) 奥术能量 词缀:强酸 当作武器使用时: 武器伤害 14.5 - 17.4 使用 70%敏捷, 50%灵巧 命中加成 +0.2% 基础伤害(最大20%) 护甲穿透 +1 暴击率 +4.0% 容量 15 远程命中 +4 时空 +4 暗影 命中溅射一格 +4 奥术 +12 时空 命中时: * 20%几率获得10%回合(每回合限3次) 暴击时: * 用酸液溅射对方,在5回合内造成15酸性伤害,并降低目标护甲和命中2 子弹是配合投石索投掷敌人用的。 |
在手指上 | ![]() 1阶稀有戒指首饰(0.1负重) 自然力量 词缀:冰冻 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 伤害加成 +11% 寒冷 +3% 自然 +3% 精神 近战反伤 8 自然 近战命中: * 20%几率降低153闪避和豁免 ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +3% 精神 +25% 寒冷 戒指让你的手指更加美丽! |
在手指上 | ![]() 2阶词缀+戒指首饰(0.1负重) 自然力量 词缀:树人 装备时: ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +7% 自然 +6% 枯萎 状态免疫 +11% 疾病 +13% 毒素 戒指让你的手指更加美丽! |
在腰间 | ![]() 1阶神器腰带护甲(1.0负重) 大师杰作 如果有一对大些的手套就好了。 装备时: ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +5 生命值 +40.00 状态免疫 +40% 击退 ------ 其他 ------ 负重 +70 疲劳值 -10% 这条腰带被赋予了神秘的魔力来对抗膨胀的腰围。不管它蕴含着的是何种力量,它总是能在你负重不足时助你一臂之力。 |
在脖子上 | ![]() 1阶词缀项链首饰(0.1负重) 自然力量/大师杰作 词缀:战士/精通 装备时: ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +5% 物理 ------ 其他 ------ 资源 +0.30 体力回复 技能树系数 +0.11 格斗/战斗训练 项链让你的脖子更加美丽! |
在脚上 | ![]() 1阶稀有脚部护甲(2.0负重) 大师杰作 词缀:旅行者 装备时: 属性 +2意志 ------ 进攻 ------ 抗性穿透 +15% 物理 精神暴击 +3% ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +2 抗性 +1% 物理 物理豁免 +7(+3有效) ------ 其他 ------ 负重 +20 资源 +0.08 被击中时回复灵能 疲劳值 -5% 一双用皮做的靴子。 |
在主手 | ![]() 1阶稀有战斧单手武器(3.0负重) 灵能力量 词缀:健忘 当作武器使用时: 武器伤害 12.0 - 16.8 使用 100%力量 命中加成 +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) 护甲穿透 +2 暴击率 +3.5% 攻击速度 100% 近战命中 +4 闪电 命中溅射一格 +12 枯萎 暴击溅射两格 +4 闪电 命中时: * 50%几率将一个技能打入36回合冷却(需通过混乱免疫) 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 伤害加成 +6% 闪电 近战命中: * 10%几率降低5力量、敏捷和体质 ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +12% 闪电 单手战斧。 |
工具 | ![]() 1阶词缀鹤嘴锄工具(3.0负重) 大师杰作 词缀:矿工 装备时: 属性 +2力量 ------ 其他 ------ 暗视 +1 当携带时: ------ 其他 ------ 技能 +1 挖掘 允许你挖墙、移除一棵树并制造道路。 |
心灵传动 | ![]() 1阶神器灵晶单手武器(3.0负重) 自然力量 当作武器使用时: 武器伤害 7.0 - 7.7 自然 使用 50%意志, 30%灵巧 掌握 心灵利刃 命中加成 +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) 命中属性 意志 护甲穿透 +15 暴击率 +7.0% 攻击速度 100% 伤害转换 30% 毒素 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 伤害加成 +10% 自然 精神暴击 +2% 精神强度 +4(+0有效) ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +10% 自然 状态免疫 +50% 毒素 毒性喷吐: 有效技能等级:2.0 能量消耗 8,总计8/8. 使用范围:10 飞行速度:瞬间 是:自然力量 介绍:向目标喷射毒液造成共计 4403.31 毒素伤害,持续 6 回合。 伤害受力量或敏捷(取较高值)加成。 凝厚的毒液不断地从这个灵晶上滴落。 |
斗篷 | ![]() 1阶稀有斗篷护甲(2.0负重) 大师杰作 词缀:好战 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 抗性穿透 +10% 精神 +15% 奥术 物理暴击 +2.0% 物理强度 +2(+1有效) 近战命中: * 20%几率降低153闪避和豁免 ------ 防御 ------ 闪避 +2(+0有效) 抗性 +3% 火焰 ------ 其他 ------ 疲劳值 -2% 可以当做外衣穿的宽松布外套,它甚至允许你在里面穿上厚重的金属盔甲。 |
在副手 | ![]() 1阶神器匕首单手武器(1.0负重) 奥术能量 当作武器使用时: 武器伤害 15.0 - 19.5 使用 45%力量, 55%敏捷 命中加成 +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) 护甲穿透 +25 攻击速度 100% 护盾穿透 +50% 装备时: ------ 进攻 ------ 命中 +20(+0有效) 心眼: 该物品允许你在攻击不可见单位时不受任何命中惩罚。 这把解剖刀曾经被可怕的巫师卡·普尔在黄昏纪刚开始学习死灵法术时使用。许多人,生物和尸体都成为了他那可怕实验的牺牲品。 |
光源 | ![]() 1阶稀有 光照 (2.0 负重) 自然力量 词缀:幸存者 装备时: 属性 +2意志 ------ 进攻 ------ 近战命中: * 10法力燃烧 ------ 防御 ------ 抗性 +3% 枯萎 +9% 时空 物理豁免 +6(+3有效) 法术豁免 +9(+4有效) 治疗系数 +11% ------ 其他 ------ 光照 +3 一个有引线的黄铜容器,上面覆盖有一张纸防止灯油溅出来。它有一只把手,可以提着。 |
![]() 1阶词缀植入物卷轴(0.1负重) 蒸汽科技 当铭刻在你的皮肤上时: 冷却时间:1 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:蒸汽科技 介绍:该药物注射器注射药物效率为 99% ,冷却时间修正为 95% 。 效果随你的魔力属性提升。 植入到皮肤上. 蒸汽科技的植入物可以移植到使用者皮肤上…… |
![]() 1阶词缀植入物卷轴(0.1负重) 蒸汽科技 当铭刻在你的皮肤上时: 冷却时间:1 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:蒸汽科技 介绍:该药物注射器注射药物效率为 21107% ,冷却时间修正为 98% 。 效果随你的敏捷属性提升。 植入到皮肤上. 蒸汽科技的植入物可以移植到使用者皮肤上…… |
![]() 词缀符文卷轴(0.1负重) 奥术能量 当铭刻在你的皮肤上时: 冷却时间:14 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:法术 介绍:激活这个符文产生一个防护护盾,吸收最多 90122 伤害持续 3 回合。 效果随你的敏捷属性提升。 将纹身铭刻在你的皮肤上. 魔法符文会被铭刻在你身上,给予你必要的技能。 |
![]() 1阶普通设计图卷轴(0.1负重) [已经学习的配方] 学习如何制作该物品. 配方被工匠用于制作新的发明。 |
![]() 1阶神器蒸汽链锯单手武器(3.0负重) 蒸汽科技 当作武器使用时: 武器伤害 13.0 - 19.5 物理流血 使用 100%力量 命中加成 +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) 护甲穿透 +10 暴击率 +3.0% 攻击速度 100% 格挡 +50 命中时: * 15% 几率定身 使用 1.0 蒸汽 装备时: ------ 防御 ------ 护甲 +4 闪避 +7(+0有效) ------ 其他 ------ 疲劳值 +7% 技能 +1 格挡 在他人的生命中建立全新,有趣的连接,比如他们的脚和地板! |
![]() 1阶普通黑曜石珠宝(0.0负重) 装备时: 属性 +1力量 +1敏捷 +1魔力 +1意志 +1灵巧 +1体质 镶嵌时: 属性 +1力量 +1敏捷 +1魔力 +1意志 +1灵巧 +1体质 潜在伤害类型:酸性 宝石可用来卖钱或用于法术仪式。 |
![]() 1阶普通绿宝石珠宝(0.0负重) 装备时: 闪避 +2(+0有效) 物理豁免 +2(+1有效) 法术豁免 +2(+1有效) 精神豁免 +2(+0有效) 镶嵌时: 闪避 +2(+0有效) 物理豁免 +2(+1有效) 法术豁免 +2(+1有效) 精神豁免 +2(+0有效) 潜在伤害类型:自然 宝石可用来卖钱或用于法术仪式。 |
![]() 任务 水晶球 (1.0 负重) 未知力量 当携带时: 这个球是半身人先知埃莉萨给你的,它会自动为你鉴定装备。 |
![]() 任务能量蒸汽工具(0.0负重) 蒸汽科技 当携带时: 立刻融化提取仪内的所有道具(在你切换楼层的时候会自动融化). 消耗0能量,目前1000/1000 这是一个神奇的仪器。它能临时存储当层所有捡到的道具,还能融化任何道具,将其转化为金子和相应的材料。 金属装备会融化为相应的矿物块,用于制作道具。 其他残余则会被转化成金子或者别的有用的物资。 |
![]() 任务魔杖护符(2.0负重) 未知力量 传送至世界地图(等待40回合). 消耗202能量,目前400/400 这个法杖通体用沃瑞钽打造,充满了可以撕裂空间的奥术能量。你以前曾听说过此类物品。它们对于冒险者的快速旅行非常有帮助。 |
简单的 寒霜药剂 [能量 28] 简单的 寒霜药剂 [能量 28]1阶普通药剂杂项(1.0负重) 自然力量/蒸汽科技 使用药物注射器,注射100%效率和100%冷却时间修正的药剂。 清除1项物理负面效果并制造寒霜光环,获得28%寒冷、暗影和自然伤害吸收。 让技能药物注射器进入25回合冷却 瞬间使用。 医用药剂 |
简单的 治疗药剂 [能量 344] 简单的 治疗药剂 [能量 344]1阶普通药剂杂项(1.0负重) 自然力量/蒸汽科技 使用药物注射器,注射100%效率和100%冷却时间修正的药剂。 治疗344 让技能药物注射器进入15回合冷却 医用药剂 |
![]() 任务夏·图尔盒子(2.0负重) 未知力量 当携带时: 立即转化盒子中的所有物品(当你切换地图时也会自动转化). 消耗0能量,目前1000/1000 这只宝箱是某个夏·图尔古代建筑的延伸,任何扔在里面的物品会被自动传送到那个地方,进行处理并摧毁,从里面提取能量。 这个过程的副产物是黄金,因为没有用,所以被自动传送给你。 当你有这只箱子时,所有你经过地面上的物品会被自动捡起,并且当你离开地下城时会自动交易成金币。 如果你想保留物品,只需要从宝箱里把它移到包裹中。在宝箱中的物品不会增加你的负重。 |
![]() 2阶普通紫宝石珠宝(0.0负重) 装备时: 伤害加成 +4% 所有 法术暴击 +2% 精神暴击 +2% 物理暴击 +2.0% 镶嵌时: 伤害加成 +4% 所有 法术暴击 +2% 精神暴击 +2% 物理暴击 +2.0% 潜在伤害类型:奥术 宝石可用来卖钱或用于法术仪式。 |
![]() 1阶普通黄宝石珠宝(0.0负重) 装备时: 光照 +4 暗视 +4 镶嵌时: 光照 +4 暗视 +4 潜在伤害类型:光系 宝石可用来卖钱或用于法术仪式。 |
![]() 1阶普通黄宝石珠宝(0.0负重) 装备时: 护甲 +1 抗性 +1% 所有 镶嵌时: 护甲 +1 抗性 +1% 所有 潜在伤害类型:光系 宝石可用来卖钱或用于法术仪式。 |
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级10
4 狂欢月 122 year of Ascendancy at 07:34 see stats
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级1
74 派尔月 122 year of Ascendancy at 13:46 see stats
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级1
74 派尔月 122 year of Ascendancy at 11:03 see stats
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级8
2 狂欢月 122 year of Ascendancy at 21:24 see stats
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级7
77 派尔月 122 year of Ascendancy at 22:26 see stats
By maomaoche,Feling破坏者,等级6
77 派尔月 122 year of Ascendancy at 06:33 see stats
你回收了强化的相位之铁质蒸汽链锯 (10-16 伤害, 6 护甲穿透),获得了2.25金币。
你回收了高级的榆木群星法杖 (10-12 伤害, 2 护甲穿透, 物理 伤害),获得了4.40金币。
你回收了破碎伤悲 (10-12 伤害, 2 护甲穿透, 火焰 伤害),获得了9.86金币。
你回收了树皮令 和蔼之太空 (11-15 伤害, 2 护甲穿透),获得了8.09金币。
你回收了侵蚀之铁剑 (11-15 伤害, 2 护甲穿透),获得了1.21金币。
你回收了榆木长弓 阴影面纱,获得了6.22金币。
你回收了光泽斯托克 地狱的奥术,获得了7.42金币。
你回收了黎明之铁质大剑 (16-25 伤害, 1 护甲穿透),获得了2.00金币。
你回收了钢化大剑 梦境的旅者 (36-58 伤害, 2 护甲穿透),获得了9.66金币。
你回收了平衡的铁质巨锤 (18-28 伤害, 1 护甲穿透),获得了3.02金币。
你回收了强酸的屠杀之钢化双手斧 (30-45 伤害, 2 护甲穿透),获得了1.20金币。
你回收了星光的力量之 (+2)铜项链,获得了1.89金币。
你回收了掌握之 (0.12灵巧/潜行)放松的钢项链,获得了1.81金币。
你回收了泰坦的闪烁符文 (范围 4; 相位 17; 冷却 13),获得了2.15金币。
你回收了护盾符文 (吸收 58; 持续 4; 冷却 17),获得了1.17金币。
你回收了蒸汽机植入物 (蒸汽 5),获得了1.67金币。
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