Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.4 |
Addons | Escorts Enhanced 1.3.1Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Ignore Campaign/Difficulty Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for campaigns and difficulty levels, allowing characters to play campaigns and difficulty levels that you haven't unlocked. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Experience Controller 1.7.4
Experience Controller is an addon that lets you change the amount of experience you receive upon killing foes. You can enable/disable it realtime and it will work from the next kill onward. It also works for arena and infinite dungeon alike. THIS DOES NOT DISABLE IN-GAME AND STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS.
How to enable/disable or configure this addon:
Modes functionality:
Update v4.0.1 * Fixed a few typos and minor logging issues
Update v4.0 * Compatible with TOME v1.7.4 * Added multiple customization possibilities in-game and reworked functionality of all the addon Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Point Credits 1.7.2Allows you to spend an unlimited amount of class, generic, stat, category and prodigy points by digging into negative values, as deep as you want to. This addon presents an unique approach to the "I want more (insert type here) points for my character!" problem. Instead of simply adding +N more points to spend each level, it allows you to use as many points as you wish - you'll simply go into negative values if you don't have any points at the moment, effectively "loaning" them. From whom? For what fee? What's the due date? Who knows! Maybe the Eidolon's feeling like doing some commerce, or maybe the divines are smiling at you! All that matters is that all those points are yours to spend *now*! If you want, you can get those elusive talents up to survive in early game and compensate for them later as you level up, eventually balancing out... or get yourself all these cool talents you really wanted to have and learn than the build of your dream will forever be short of 24 generics, 6 class points, inscription and a prodigy. :> No actual penalties for loaning the points are implemented or intended to be implemented. Design premisesWhile there's already a lot of addons that grant characters more points, they are often found suffering from some significant flaws - like surplus points dangling when all desired talents have already been developed, or still insufficient amount of points despite all the extra ones, or an uneven point gain curve when one's struggling with point deficit in the early game but has a large surplus of unused points in the late game, or the difficulty to gauge the unbalanceness of the current build at a given moment of time... and so on. With point loaning, however, you can have as many or as few extra points as you wish, and always know how strongly you deviate from the intended game balance curve. I love this particular approach, and it is my hope that it will appeal to many other players, as well. :> Compatibility
Stalker Evolution for Rogue 1.6.7Adds Stalker as a new class evolution prodigy for Rogue. While wearing no heavy armor (including helms, boots and gloves) and wielding no weapons: Customizable LevelUp 1.7.2Provides an in-game menu to customize what, if any, additional benefits your character gains when leveling up. You can access these settings by going to the SparkLevel tab in the Game Options. Changelog 1.0.1 - 2020-12-31 1.0.2 - 2021-01-02 1.0.3 - 2021-01-02 Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Adventurer+Multi Evolutions 1.7.0Allows Adventurer to take any class evolution prodigy, adds an option to allow any class to take multiple evolutions, and adds an option to remove requirements from prodigies. Should be compatible with all evolutions from addons and future updates. Normally prevents you from selecting an evolution for a class that adventurer doesn't get any talents from (any class not possible on random bosses, or stone warden when not playing dwarf/drem), but this restriction is removed if you also have zizzo's addon Slightly More Adventurous or my addon Much More Adventurous. Much More Adventurous 1.7.0Gives adventurers every talent tree in the game. This includes things like object talents, talents from summons (golem, mecharachnid, etc), npc only talents (horrors, soul eater, etc), talents mostly removed from the game (old paradox mage and archer talents, etc), partially implemented talents (like the unavailable celestial class), and hidden talents not normally available on their own (individual poisons, traps, hymns, etc). Many of these are very unbalanced, and while I have removed every buggy talent I could find, combining talents that aren't normally available together on the player may cause a bad reaction. If you find something like this please let me know, I'm doing my best to modify every talent that needs it to work properly on the player. Extra Dungeons 1.6.7In general, this mod is for people (like me) who like to do everything in a game. Visit all the dungeons, kill all the bosses, preferably get all the artifacts. By allowing all characters to visit some more restricted dungeons, we can make that a little easier. This mod is not intended to be lore-friendly, but I may make a lore-friendlier version in the future. (As it stands you can visit Irkkk as a halfling and the Yeek don't care. I may change that.) Current mod features: Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Cleaner Item Descriptions 1.7.0This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions that simply makes the tooltip larger and uses long phrases instead of abbreviations. If you hold ALT before mousing over an item, you can see its vanilla description. If you ask what part of a description means, everyone gets to laugh at you. However, feel free to suggest better phrasing. Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Cleaner Item Descriptions for Korean 1.7.4This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions for Korean. Items Vault 1.7.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Barbarian Evolution for Berserker 1.7.2Adds a new class evolution for Berserker, the Barbarian. As a Barbarian, the Berserker loses the ability to equip body armor, but gains the ability to wield a two-handed weapon in their off-hand. Additionally, they will unlock Technique/Duelist and Technique/Dual Weapons at 1.0 mastery. Finally, each turn the Barbian attacks a foe, they will automatically eneter a blocking stance to deflect damage with their weapons, potentially setting up deadly counter-strikes. Infinite Levelup 1.7.2Make players can level up like in infinite dungeon. Faster Run/Rest/Explore 1.0.6Important: this addon will have no effect if left unconfigured! Please read the description! Recommended settings:hit escape -> video options
Description:Enables faster run/resting by use of FPS dividers. These dividers simply divide the game's requested FPS by their respective values while resting or running. After starting a new game or loading a saved character, configure this addon by hitting escape -> video options. Setting these dividers to something greater than one can substantially reduce the amount of time required to finish resting/running on older computers. Just be careful when resting on an escort mission... Changelog:See the forum discussion for the changelog. Recaiden's Undead Racepack 1.7.0This is a compilation of my undead race addons. This will always be the most up-to-date version. Mummy Wight And adds a new prodigy for any undead: Dreadmaster Chinese translation by gooder1029 Ring Soul 1.7.2An Ring in bag when birth, there is a soul in the ring, you can talk with the soul This is a Chinese mod, will add english translation recently welcome any suggestions The main idea and code is from https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4420255944?red_tag=1967259920 Thanks to QAZ823005978 v1.8 v1.4.2 Done v1.3.2 v1.3 v1.2 v1.1及 之前 TODO LIST Swordsmaster Class 1.7.2Adds a swordsmaster class to the game. CHANGELOG1.6.0 - Added a new talent tree, Technique/Fencing which has defensive talents related to parrying. - The talent Web of Steel has been moved from Swordsmanship to Fencing. It's place in the Swordsmanship tree has been taken by a new talent, Vorpal, which gives Physical Power and Armor Penetration. - The talent Crescent Sweep has been reworked. It deals more damage, inflicts bleed, moves before attacking, no longer allows swapping places, and has a cooldown. It's usage as a spammable movement talent for swapping places has been filled by the new Mist Step talent on the Fencing tree. - Lightspeed Draw can now attack enemies adjacent to any tiles you pass through in addition to enemies that you pass through directly. These additional targets count when determining whether you can use Lightspeed Draw or not. It still can only hit one enemy per tile you travel through though. - Fixed Swordsmanship not functioning for daggers - Fixed Swordsmanship to not permanently replace a weapon's strength damage mod with dexterity - Harrying blows no longer requires your spring attacks to hit the target; instead it only requires that you attempt them. - Harrying blows's finishing blow now bypasses evasion/repulsion talents that the target possesses - Harrying blows's finishing blow no longer ignores ALL armor and resistances. It ignores 50% of the target's resistances, and has set bonus armor penetration. - Spring Attack now functions immediately when activated instead of only after an action is performed after it is activated. - Surgical Strikes's stun and interference effects are now separate (so you get the full stun regardless of what the target does on its next turn). It's cooldown has also been increased from 6 to 8. - Added clarifying text to the descriptions of Will to Live and Unfetter to give a better idea of how effective they are when leveled up without requiring arithmetic. - Buffed Spring Attack stamina restoration - Cunning/Tactical is once again locked by default - Added translation support to timed effects 1.5.2 - Fixed bug with pre-use talent for swordsmanship talents when npc does not have an inventory 1.5.0 - Added a new talent tree, Technique/Two-handed Bladework, which serves as a Dexterity-based replacement for Technique/Two-handed Assault - As it has now been replaced, Technique/Two-handed Assault has been removed from the Swordsmaster class. - Cunning/Tactical is now unlocked by default 1.4.1 - Lightspeed Fatigue duration changed from 40 turns to a lower value which is based on effective talent level - (with 1.3 mastery: 24, 21, 18, 16, 14) - Lightspeed Fatigue now increases stamina cost of Lightspeed Draw linearly instead of quadratically. - (20 -> 40 -> 60 -> 80) instead of (20 -> 40 -> 80 -> 160) - Removed cooldown from Spring Attack, making it fully toggleable. 1.4.0 - Changed Moving Target to reduce direct damage taken by 30% instead of giving 15% all resist. - Buffed pin resistance of Slippery to 100% from 50% - Buffed movement speed granted by Slippery to 50% from 20% - Spring Attack once again restores stamina when wielding one-handed weapons - Lowered the maximum number of attacks per turn at ETL 5 for Spring Attack from 3 to 2 - Fixed typo in Harrying Blows description - Fixed Swordsmanship talents still being usable even when disarmed - Removed Duelist tree from Swordsmaster class, as it is mostly extraneous at this point 1.3.1 - Fixed infinite loop caused when reflecting certain spells like Invoke Darkness with Web of Steel 1.3.0 - Updated for version 1.7.2 - Raised stamina cost and cooldown for "Never Give Up" - Added offhand damage increase to "Swordsmanship" for swords and daggers - Changed format calls to tformat calls to support potential translation 1.2.0 - Added tactical data to talents for npcs - Swordsmanship mastery and str/dex scaling swap now works with daggers as well as swords - Determination now always takes 15 turns to reach maximum regeneration instead of taking fewer turns with a higher talent level. - Fixed logic of projectile selffire to correctly function as indicated by comments (for web of steel) - Fixed Vapor Blade knocking back even when it misses 1.1.0 - Swordsmanship now completely exchanges strength scaling for dexterity scaling on swords instead of giving -100% str mod and +100% dex mod - Fixed bug that prevented critical hits from occurring (oops!) - Unfetter and Never Give Up now have stamina costs - Harrying Blows fixed to only require Spring Attack to hit once per global turn instead of once per target's turn - Lightspeed Draw now has a fixed cooldown. - Spring Attack now only restores stamina if you are wielding a two-handed weapon - Will to Live changed to provide a health regen bonus equal to a flat amount per percent missing health rather than an amount equal to a percent of missing health. Also, now scales with Willpower. 1.0.0 - Initial Release More Mastery 1.3.1Increases the mastery value increase to 0.4, and removes the 1 increase limit. Mr Frog VFX Pack 1.7.0Replaces a number of visual effects with (hopefully) nicer versions. Shader support recommended. Overwrites some talent code in a minimally-invasive manner. Adventuring Party 1.7.0Tired of being alone on your adventures? Tired of being an archmage with no one to give that unique battleaxe to? Tired of having no one to use your healing spells on? Tire no more, for now you can create fully controllable additional party members to join you on your adventures, each as capable as your leader. Included is a sustainable talent to control each party member as their turn comes up to allow fully tactical combat when things get rough. -Grants the ability to add any number of additional members to your party each with their own race and class, allowing you to take on higher difficulties. -!Due to how alchemists are designed, you will not be able to take direct control of their golems if the alchemist is not your main character, but should still function correctly elsewise. For a list of changes, please see the change notes on steam or by reading the int.lua file included in each downloadable version. Eoland's Vampire Race 1.7.4This is my own spin on a vampire race. It has some large benefits but also some very strong drawbacks. Adventurer Mastery 1.7.2Changes the mastery of the Adventurer's talents to 1.3 and gives it 1 more category point, 2 extra talents points and 2 extra generics. Now, there are quite a few addons that do similar things, however they tend to overwrite the adventurer birth data, making them incompatible with other changes to the class. This addon should be compatible with either : Slightly More Adventurous : - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/adven_addon - allows adventurer to use talents from classes that don't spawn on randbosses - still checks race/class compatibility so stonewarden talents are only for dwarf and undead cant get wilder talents Much More Adventurous : - temporarily incompatible (use previous version of this addon instead) - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/every_tree - allows the adventurer to use every talents, including monster only and debug talent trees. - tends to have issues with classes from other addons due to the way it loads their data. Improved Adventurer : - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/Improved_Adventurer - my own adventurer skill addon. - allows the adventurer to use talents from every race and class, including locked ones and those normaly incompatible with your character. - use this one if you use addons that add new classes/races and want their talents on an adventurer Note : use only one of those three. They are not compatible with eachother KOR Translations - Swordsmaster Class 1.7.4Nacht의 Swordsmaster Class 애드온의 한국어 번역입니다. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Madness Roguelike |
Sex | Female |
Race | Cornac |
Class | Adventurer |
Level / Exp | 1 / 0% |
Size | 보통 |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by 거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈 at level 1 on the 74 장작더미 122 year of Ascendancy at 11:01 / 1 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 12 (base 12) |
Dexterity | 12 (base 12) |
Constitution | 13 (base 12) |
Magic | 12 (base 12) |
Willpower | 12 (base 12) |
Cunning | 12 (base 12) |
Life | -51/212 |
Healing Factor | 1.0283363011315 |
Regeneration | 0.25708407528288 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Offense: Barehand
Damage | 5 |
Accuracy | 7 |
Crit Chance | 1% |
APR | 0 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 12 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 13 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 0 (30%) |
Defense | 1 |
Ranged Defense | 1 |
Fatigue | 0 |
Physical Save | 8 |
Spell Save | 8 |
Mental Save | 8 |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Infusions | 실질 기술 레벨: 1.0 주입: 재생사용 유형: 사용형 최대 사거리: 근접/단일 재사용 대기시간: 10 투사체 속도: 즉시 도달 사용 속도: 표준 (한 턴의 100% 소모) 종류: 자연 설명: 주입물을 활성화하여 5 턴 동안 총 100 생명력을 회복합니다. |
Infusions | 실질 기술 레벨: 1.0 주입: 자연사용 유형: 사용형 최대 사거리: 근접/단일 재사용 대기시간: 14 투사체 속도: 즉시 도달 사용 속도: 즉시 (턴 소모 없음) 종류: 자연 설명: 주입물을 활성화하여 무작위한 물리 효과를 하나 제거하고 4 턴 동안 받는 모든 피해를 14% 줄입니다. 또한 해당 종류의 압도 효과도 추가로 제거합니다. |
Infusions | 실질 기술 레벨: 1.0 주입: 회복사용 유형: 사용형 최대 사거리: 근접/단일 재사용 대기시간: 12 투사체 속도: 즉시 도달 사용 속도: 즉시 (턴 소모 없음) 종류: 자연 설명: 주입물을 활성화하여 턴 소모 없이 생명력을 50 회복하고, 상처, 독, 질병을 하나 치료합니다. |
Class Talents
Generic Talents
Adventure / Partner | 1.00 |
| 0/24 |
| 0/38 |
| 0/3 |
| 0/2 |
| 0/2 |
| 0/2 |
보물과 영광을 찾아 코르'풀의 폐허 아래의 동굴과 트롤 늪을 탐험해 봅시다! 트롤과 축축한 동굴* 트롤 늪을 탐험해 그곳에 숨겨진 것들과 보물들을 찾아야 합니다! * 코르'풀의 폐허를 탐험해 그곳에 숨겨진 것들과 보물들을 찾아야 합니다! | 활성 |
광원 장비 | ![]() 2.0 무게 T1 lite [노말] 장비시: 기타 ------- 광원 +3 초의 심지가 든 놋쇠 용기입니다. 기름종이를 사용하여 바람을 막고 있습니다. 손잡이가 달려 있어 들고 다닐 수 있습니다. |
![]() 0.0 무게 ring misc [유니크] 알 수 없는 소유시: 능력치 +0 Lck 기타 ------- 증기/턴 +0.50 마나/턴 +0.30 与戒指中的灵魂交谈. 충전량을 1 만큼 소모한다. 1/1 戒指中好像囚禁了一个古老的灵魂。 |
![]() 1.0 무게 orb [필수적인 물건] 알 수 없는 소유시: 이 오브는 당신이 발견하는 물건들을 자동으로 식별해 줄 것입니다. |
![]() 1.0 무게 T1 dagger 한손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 99% Range: 1.0x-1.3x 사용스탯 50% Str, 50% Dex 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 방어관통 +5 치명타 확률 +4.0% 공격속도 100% 날카롭고, 짧지만 치명적입니다. |
![]() 1.0 무게 T1 dagger 한손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 100% Range: 1.0x-1.3x 사용스탯 50% Str, 50% Dex 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 방어관통 +5 치명타 확률 +4.0% 공격속도 100% 날카롭고, 짧지만 치명적입니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 longsword 한손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 105% Range: 1.0x-1.4x 사용스탯 100% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.4% 치명타 배율 (최대 40%) 방어관통 +2 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 날카롭고, 길고 치명적입니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 longsword 한손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 104% Range: 1.0x-1.4x 사용스탯 100% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.4% 치명타 배율 (최대 40%) 방어관통 +2 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 날카롭고, 길고 치명적입니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 greatsword 양손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 112% Range: 1.0x-1.6x 사용스탯 120% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.4% 치명타 배율 (최대 40%) 방어관통 +1 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 두 손으로 드는 거대한 대검입니다. |
![]() 5.0 무게 T1 staff 양손 weapon [노말] 기본 위력 100% Range: 1.0x-1.2x 사용스탯 80% Mag 속성 물리 사용 기술 지팡이 숙련 정확도 보너스 +2.0% 타격시 효과 (최대 200%) 방어관통 +2 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 장비시: 공격 ------ 주문치명 +1% 주문력 +3 (실질증가량 +3) 피해량증가 +10% 황폐 기타 ------- 기술 +1 지팡이 다루기 마법 지팡이는 마법 사용자들을 위해 최고의 장인들이 만들어냅니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 mindstar 한손 weapon [노말] 자연 기본 위력 77% Range: 1.0x-1.1x 사용스탯 50% Wil, 30% Cun 속성 자연 사용 기술 염동 칼날 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 정확도 비례: 의지 방어관통 +12 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 장비시: 공격 ------ 정신치명 +1% 정신력 +2 (실질증가량 +2) 기타 ------- 기술 +1 마석 조율 대자연의 산물인 마석은 자연적인 보석이 살아 있는 물질에 뒤덮여 만들어집니다. 자연의 수호자들과 초능력자들이 정신력을 집중시키기 위해 사용합니다. 보조 무기 칸에 장착된 마석은 쌍수 무기 사용 시의 보조 무기 피해량 감소를 일으키지 않습니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 mindstar 한손 weapon [노말] 자연 기본 위력 75% Range: 1.0x-1.1x 사용스탯 50% Wil, 30% Cun 속성 자연 사용 기술 염동 칼날 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 정확도 비례: 의지 방어관통 +12 치명타 확률 +2.5% 공격속도 100% 장비시: 공격 ------ 정신치명 +1% 정신력 +2 (실질증가량 +2) 기타 ------- 기술 +1 마석 조율 대자연의 산물인 마석은 자연적인 보석이 살아 있는 물질에 뒤덮여 만들어집니다. 자연의 수호자들과 초능력자들이 정신력을 집중시키기 위해 사용합니다. 보조 무기 칸에 장착된 마석은 쌍수 무기 사용 시의 보조 무기 피해량 감소를 일으키지 않습니다. |
![]() 7.0 무게 T1 shield armor Reqs - 방패 수련 [노말] 타격시: 기본 위력 99% Range: 1.0x-1.2x 사용스탯 100% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +2.0% 타격시 효과 (최대 200%) 치명타 확률 +2.5% 막기 +18 장비시: 방어 ------ 방어 +2 피로도 +8% 기타 ------- 기술 +1 방패 막기 손에 들고 공격을 막아내는 장비입니다. |
![]() 7.0 무게 T1 shield armor Reqs - 방패 수련 [노말] 타격시: 기본 위력 101% Range: 1.0x-1.2x 사용스탯 100% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +2.0% 타격시 효과 (최대 200%) 치명타 확률 +2.5% 막기 +16 장비시: 방어 ------ 방어 +2 피로도 +8% 기타 ------- 기술 +1 방패 막기 손에 들고 공격을 막아내는 장비입니다. |
![]() 1.5 무게 T1 hands armor Reqs - 중갑 방어구 수련 [노말] 장비시: 방어 ------ 방어 +1 피로도 +1% Unarmed combat: 기본 위력 106% Range: 1.0x-1.4x 사용스탯 40% Cun, 40% Dex, 40% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 기본 위력 (최대 20%) 방어관통 +3 치명타 확률 +2.0% 공격속도 83% 팔의 가운데부터 손 쪽까지 보호하는 금속 장갑입니다. |
![]() 1.0 무게 T1 hands armor [노말] 장비시: 방어 ------ 방어 +1 Unarmed combat: 기본 위력 93% Range: 1.0x-1.1x 사용스탯 40% Cun, 40% Dex, 40% Str 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 방어관통 +1 치명타 확률 +1.0% 공격속도 100% 손을 어느 정도 보호하면서도 손가락의 움직임을 크게 방해하지 않는 가벼운 장갑입니다. |
![]() 9.0 무게 T1 light armor [노말] 장비시: 방어 ------ 방어 +2 회피 +3 (실질증가량 +3) 피로도 +6% 가죽 갑옷 한 벌입니다. |
![]() 2.0 무게 T1 cloth armor [노말] 장비시: 방어 ------ 저항 +7% all 천으로 된 옷입니다. 직접적인 방어 효과를 제공하지는 않지만, 강력한 힘으로 강화될 수는 있습니다. |
![]() 0.1 무게 rune scroll [노말] 마법의 힘 몸에 새겼을 때: 재사용 대기시간: 14 사용 속도: 주문 (한 턴의 100% 소모) 종류: 주문, 에테르의 화신 도중 사용 가능 설명: 룬을 발동하여 쇄도하는 마나를 빠르게 모읍니다. 사용 즉시 30 마나를 회복하고, 10 턴 동안 마나 재생이 600% 증가됩니다. (총 회복량 33) 휴식시 턴 당 마나 재생이 0.5 증가합니다. 룬을 피부에 새겨넣습니다. 마법의 룬을 당신의 육체에 새겨넣어, 필요한 기술을 가질 수 있습니다. |
![]() 4.0 무게 T1 longbow 양손 weapon [노말] 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 공격속도 100% 사정거리 +6 활은 적에게 화살을 쏘는 데에 쓰입니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 arrow ammo [노말] 기본 위력 108% Range: 1.0x-1.4x 사용스탯 50% Str, 70% Dex 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 치명타 확률 (최대 25%) 방어관통 +5 치명타 확률 +1.0% 장탄수 18 화살은 활과 함께 적을 꿰뚫어 죽음으로 인도합니다. |
![]() 4.0 무게 T1 sling 한손 weapon [노말] 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 기본 위력 (최대 20%) 공격속도 100% 사정거리 +6 투석구는 적에게 돌이나 금속 탄환을 던질 때 사용합니다. |
![]() 3.0 무게 T1 shot ammo [노말] 기본 위력 110% Range: 1.0x-1.2x 사용스탯 50% Cun, 70% Dex 속성 물리 정확도 보너스 +0.2% 기본 위력 (최대 20%) 방어관통 +1 치명타 확률 +4.0% 장탄수 18 탄환은 투석구와 함께 적을 타격해 죽음으로 인도합니다. |
![]() 2.0 무게 T1 cloak armor [노말] 장비시: 방어 ------ 회피 +1 (실질증가량 +1) 보통 여유 있게 입는 편인 헐렁한 외투입니다. 두꺼운 금속 갑옷 위에 입어도 어느 정도 여유가 있습니다. |
![]() 2.0 무게 sher'tul chest [필수적인 물건] 알 수 없는 소유시: 한 번에 상자 속의 모든 물건을 변환합니다 (현재 구역을 떠날 때도 자동으로 변환됩니다.). 충전량을 0 만큼 소모한다. 1000/1000 이 상자는 엄청난 힘을 품은 옛 쉐르'툴 유적의 부속품입니다. 이 상자에 무엇인가를 넣으면 다른 곳으로 전이되어, 일련의 과정을 거친 뒤 파괴되어 에너지가 추출됩니다. 해당 과정에서 부산물로 금이 생산되고, 이 금은 추출 과정에 쓰이지 않기 때문에 다시 당신에게 재전송됩니다. 이 상자를 갖고 있으면 당신이 발견하고 습득한 모든 물건들은 자동적으로 내부에 수납되고, 현재 층을 떠날 때 에너지와 금으로 변환됩니다. 상자 안에 변환하고 싶지 않은 물건들이 있을 경우, 소지품 창을 열어서 상자에서 그 물건들을 빼내세요. 상자 안의 물건들은 무게가 0으로 간주됩니다. |
By 레벨 1 코르낙 모험가 Adventurer
74 장작더미 122 year of Ascendancy at 11:00 see stats
[0]combat/physcrit = 4
[0]combat/dammod/dex = 0.5
[0]combat/dammod/str = 0.5
[0]combat/dam = 9.5
[0]combat/apr = 5
[0]combat/damrange = 1.3
[0]무쇠 단검
[0]这个装备类型是weapon dagger
[0]这个装备的enchant level是0
[0]combat/physspeed = 1
[0]combat/physcrit = 4
[0]combat/dammod/dex = 0.5
[0]combat/dammod/str = 0.5
[0]combat/dam = 9.5
[0]combat/apr = 5
[0]combat/damrange = 1.3
[0]무쇠 단검
[0]Adventurer가 거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈을 빗맞혔다.
[1]거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈은 지배를 사용했다.
[1]모험가는 지배당했다!
[1]모험가가 피를 흘리기 시작한다.
[1]거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈이 Adventurer를 공격했다. 44 물리, 47 물리 (총 91 피해)
[0]오늘은 주도의 시대를 맞은 마즈'에이알 74 년 장작더미의 달 122 일 입니다.
현재 시간은 11시 01분입니다.
[0]거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈의 출혈이 Adventurer를 공격하여 18 물리 피해를 입혔다.
[0]Adventurer가 거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈을 빗맞혔다.
[1]거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈은 그번쩍이는 주술 고리를 사용했다!
[1]거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈이 Adventurer를 공격하여 150 물리 피해를 입혔다.
[1]1레벨 코르낙 모험가 Adventurer는 트롤 늪 1구역에서 거대한 갈색 시궁쥐 애르윈에게 갈려 죽었다.