WorldEater Revival
Original by: DevilinDupriest "A rare sub-breed of Ogre, the result of experiments to focus the...aggressive appetites shown in battle by some during the Allure Wars. Worldeaters were trained in combat, although not quite to the degree of elite warriors, but developed further quirks after experiencing the brutality of war. Each Worldeater tends to develop their own path: some have their bodies and of their enemies deformed to physical forces of the world; others, their visages are permanently marred by their powerful minds; lastly, there are those who bring the arcane into their bodies lost in the thrill of battle."
Ogres Look Like Krogs (and vice versa)
Swaps the cosmetic character customization options for Ogres and Krogs from the Forbidden Cults DLC (required).
WorldEater Class Addon
During the Allure Wars, the ogre race went through several experimental attempts at improving them even further.
One such attempt, nicknamed the Brute Squad by the team working on them was an attempt to focus and increase the aggression
shown in battle. While successful, and quite intimidating to the enemy, training ogres for outright brutality led to many
descending into a kind of bleak madness, their hardwired goal-focused brains becoming mired in blood and brutality. While
the experiments were discontinued, a rare ogre is still born showing the results of that work, even larger than most and
with an...aggressive appetite.
ToME Race XP Penalty Tweak
Rebalances race xp penalties more in line with their power:
Shalore = 30%
Ogre = 35%
(Reduced by 5% in 1.1.0 for both of these).
Thalore = 25%
Skeleton = 20%
Ghoul = 20%
NOTE: Will not work as designed if addons loading after this one change Shalore, Thalore, Skeleton, Ogre or Ghoul XP penalties.
ADDON PRIORITY (Load order): 1000
This addon uses a 'ToME:load' HOOK to check for the default 1.5.5 text for certain subraces and changes them if found. Will change the actual XP penalty regardless.
Ogres Look Like Shalore
Changes the Ogre graphics to the Shalore graphics. Created by request for appolyon.