Temporal Warden

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Temporal Warden

Temporal warden 128 bg.png

Metaclass Chronomancer
Locked Yes
Starting Life 100
Life Rating +0
Stat Modifiers
Strength +2
Dexterity +3
Constitution 0
Magic +2
Willpower +2
Cunning 0

Locked Description

We preserve the past to protect the future.

The hands of time are guarded by the arms of war.


The Temporal Wardens have learned to blend archery, dual-weapon fighting, and chronomancy into a fearsome whole. Through their use of the chronomantic arts, the Temporal Wardens seek to control the battlefield while peppering their foes with arrows or engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

Their study of chronomancy enables them to amplify their own physical and magical abilities, and to manipulate the speed of themselves and those around them.

Their most important stats are: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower, and Magic

Starting Equipment

  • Iron Longsword
  • Iron Dagger
  • Elm Longbow
  • Rough Leather Armor

Starting Talents

Talent Categories

Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Technique Dual Techniques 1.0 No Dual Strike Flurry Sweep Whirlwind
Technique Archery - Bows 1.0 No Bow Mastery Piercing Arrow Dual Arrows Volley of Arrows
Chronomancy Speed Control 1.1 No Celerity Stop Slow Haste
Chronomancy Temporal Combat 1.3 No Strength of Purpose Invigorate Quantum Feed Damage Smearing
Chronomancy Spacetime Folding 1.3 No Weapon Folding Swap Displace Damage Temporal Wake
Technique Dual Weapons 1.0 Yes Dual Weapon Training Dual Weapon Defense Precision Momentum
Technique Archery Prowess 1.0 Yes Flare Crippling Shot Pinning Shot Scatter Shot
Chronomancy Time Travel 1.0 Yes Static History Time Skip Echoes from the Past Temporal Reprieve
Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Techniques Combat Training 1.1 No Thick Skin Armour Training Combat Accuracy Weapons Mastery
Chronomancy Chronomancy 1.1 No Precognition Foresight Moment of Prescience Spin Fate
Chronomancy Spacetime Weaving 1.0 No Dimensional Step Banish Wormhole Spacetime Mastery
Cunning Survival 1.0 Yes Heightened Senses Charm Mastery Piercing Sight Evasion
Type Name Mastery - Talents
Chronomancy Other 1.0 - Spacetime Tuning


Last updated for version 1.2.3


The Temporal Warden is a hybrid character with both melee and ranged attacks, and augmented by a range of primarily support spells. It uses the Paradox resource to fuel its spells, and will consequently be considered hostile by Zigur. The class is unlocked by completing the Temporal Rift in Daikara.

Temporal Wardens start out with a long sword and dagger in one set, and a bow and quiver in the other. The Celerity skill allows them to switch between primary and secondary weapon sets instantaneously. This means the Temporal Warden can dish out ranged damage, then switch to melee weapons when monsters are adjacent without penalty. Talents for improving both ranged and melee (dual-weapon) combat are available.

As with the Shadowblade, one of the biggest challenges confronting this class is the sheer number of options available. The Temporal Warden benefits directly from investment in 5 out of the 6 stats (everything except Cunning), and has a large number of diverse talents. This allows players to choose a balanced hybrid approach, or to specialize in either ranged combat or dual-weapon combat. The Paradox/Magic talents serve as support for either style.

Hybrid style

In the early game, focus on Dexterity. This supports damage for both the longbow and the dagger, as well as giving you a boost to combat accuracy and defense. Strength is less important early on, as you have Strength of Purpose to tie you over until later levels.

Spread talent points around Bow Mastery, Weapons Mastery and Dagger Mastery to avoid penalties from diminishing return. Additional talent points should go to Bow Mastery first to improve your reload rate however. Dual wielding a sword/mace/axe in the main hand and a dagger in the off-hand gives you a large variety of weapon choices. This also allows you to save talent points on Dagger Mastery. Off-hand weapons are heavily penalized in terms of damage anyway, and the cost in category and talent points for overcoming that penalty is quite high for the Temporal Warden. The Dual Weapons tree is much weaker than Archery Prowess, so you can skip it completely and just use off-hand daggers to apply on-hit effects.

The Temporal Warden has unparalleled mobility options, with Dimensional Step being its staple talent. Temporal Wake, Swap, Banish and Wormhole give you even more options to control battlefield positioning. Wormholes can even be used to escape from areas that otherwise prohibit teleportation. Remember to max out Spacetime Mastery to reduce the cooldown of these talents.

Important Notes

  • Version 1.0.0: Precognition is a bit buggy around the "return to regular timeline upon death" aspect, with some instances working properly and others giving the standard death procedure. If you Precog into a life-threatening situation, canceling the spell early (right-click its status icon) before dying can help avoid nasty surprises.
  • Version 1.0.0: Anti-Magicians can nullify the Precognition status despite it being listed as an "other:time" status and not specifically "magical." Regardless, if you spot an anti-magician while Precog scouting, you may want to consider canceling the ability early.
  • Version 1.2.3: Precognition is useful for scouting out areas that normally prohibit tracking, telepathy, or other means of remote scouting, but it can sometimes cause the game to forget that you have visited a level, causing the level to be regenerated upon your next visit. This seems to happen most frequently in Dreadfell, and can be both a blessing (more loot and experience) and a curse (repeating levels is time consuming).


Classes with a non-white background need to be unlocked or may have other requirements
Warrior Rogue Mage Afflicted Defiler Celestial Wilder Chronomancer Psionic Adventurer Tinker Demented
Bulwark Rogue Alchemist Cursed Reaver Anorithil Summoner Paradox Mage Mindslayer Adventurer Sawbutcher Writhing One
Berserker Shadowblade Archmage Doomed Corruptor Sun Paladin Wyrmic Temporal Warden Solipsist Wanderer Gunslinger Cultist of Entropy
Archer Marauder Necromancer Doombringer Stone Warden Possessor Psyshot
Arcane Blade Skirmisher Demonologist Oozemancer Annihilator