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All the unlocks that I haven't gotten yet:


  • Ogre
    • Find Director Hompalan on the third floor of the Ruined Halfling Complex. He only appears if the Old Conclave Vault has been chosen to appear this game. In each game, only one out of Dogroth Caldera, the Sludgenest, the Old Conclave Vault, and (if Forbidden Cults is enabled) the Scourged Pits will appear. This is chosen randomly, unless you are a Shalore and have not yet unlocked Ogres, in which case the Old Conclave Vault will always be chosen. He will drop lore titled "order for Director Hompalan". This will reveal the Old Conclave Vault on the world map to the south east.
    • Enter the Old Conclave Vault. This dungeon scales from levels 20 to 30. Find Healer Astelrid on the 4th floor, kill her, and collect the lore she drops to unlock Ogres.
  • Krog (Forbidden Cults DLC)
    • Quest in Last Hope with a level 17+ Antimagic Character. Ogre must be unlocked to receive the quest. All four captive Krogs must survive.


  • Demonologist (Defiler meta class) (Ashes of Urh'Rok DLC)
    • Start in Searing Halls. You can do this as a Doomelf or as a non-undead Doombringer.
    • Beginning at level 18 you have a chance to be re-abducted by the demons each time you use your Rod of Recall, bringing you to the Anteroom of Agony. Witnessing the zone boss, Rogroth, Eater of Souls revive something as a husk will complete the unlock.
      • The chance of this happening when you recall is 15% at level 18 and scales to 90% at level 27.
  • Marauder (Rogue meta class)
    • Do over 600 damage in one hit as a Rogue or Shadowblade. Counts only for individual components of damage, not total damage.
    • This unlock is tied to an achievement and thus cannot be obtained on Easier mode.
  • Oozemancer (Wilder meta class)
    • Find the Sludgenest and defeat the Corrupted Oozemancer. Note that in each game, only one out of Dogroth Caldera, the Sludgenest, the Old Conclave Vault, and (if Forbidden Cults is enabled) the Scourged Pits will appear. This is chosen randomly, unless you are a Thalore and have not yet unlocked Oozemancer, in which case the Sludgenest will always be chosen.
  • Paradox Mage (Chronomancer meta class)
    • Get killed by your future self in Daikara, playing as a Temporal Warden.
    • Note: if you you just press '5' and wait for your future self to win the fight you will miss out on an artifact bow that goes well with Temporal Warden. You can bring your future self down to half health, defeat the optional boss and then get defeated by your future self if you want said artifact bow.
  • All non-Tinker, non-Warrior, non-Rogue classes in Embers of Rage
    • Initially, I was only able to create Tinkers and Warriors in Embers of Rage. The first time I completed the Internment Camp, I unlocked the Rogue metaclass for use in Embers of Rage. The next time I complete it on a new character, I will unlock Mage. The third time I complete it on a new character, I will unlock all the metaclasses (that you have unlocked in the main campaign) for use in Embers of Rage.
  • Technomancer (Archmage class evolution)
    • As an Archmage, have at least 16 generic points put into talents in the physics and chemistry trees. Then craft tinkers until you get the unlock.
      • This can be done in the main AoA campaign, but you'll have to luck into a tinker escort to do it.
      • In Embers, these categories are purchasable with gold from the start in Kruk Pride.
  • High Thaumaturgist (Archmage class evolution)
    • As an Archmage, kill a level 10+ Boss using only "beam" talents (this does not include Chain Lightning).
  • Fallen (Sun Paladin class evolution)
    • As a Paladin, do at least one of the following: Kill a hate-using enemy while having the Sun's Vengeance buff from the Sun's Vengeance talent OR sacrifice High Sun Paladin Aeryn (in Age of Ascendancy) OR Destroy Crimson Templar John (in Embers)
      • It can also be unlocked because another character killed a hate-using enemy while having the Sun's Vengeance buff. This is possibly a bug.
      • Each Paladin who wants to take the evolution in the Age of Ascendancy campaign will have to commit at least one heinous act: siding with the Grand Corruptor to destroy Zigur, winning the fight in the Ring of Blood, killing your own escort, letting every lumberjack die, letting Melinda be sacrificed, or starting the Trapped! quest but not saving the merchant.
  • Avatar of a Distant Sun (Sun Paladin class evolution)
    • As a Sun Paladin, there is a 1/5 chance to unlock every turn you are in combat in a zone that is in orbit.

Talent Trees

Cosmetic Options

Cosmetic options can be chosen by pressing the "Customize" button when creating a new character. You must be a donator to use cosmetic customization. The following unlocks add extra cosmetic options. Unlockable class features also fall into this category.

  • Demon Horns
    • Unlocked when anyone uses the Demonologist talent Demon Horns to kill something. Despite the description of the unlock popup, it does not have to be you who does it - this is probably a bug.
  • Red Skin
    • Have five demon seeds equipped at once as a Demonologist.

Achievement-locked Prodigies

These Prodigies each require a certain achievement to have been achieved. These Prodigies will only be unlocked for the difficulty and permadeath setting where their required achievement was earned, unlike other unlocks, which can be used on other settings than they were unlocked on. (If an achievement is earned on a difficulty and permadeath setting, it will also be earned on all combinations of equal or lower difficulty and permadeath settings.)

These unlocks are implemented differently than other unlocks, so they are not counted in the unlocks count on the character creation screen.

Loading Screen Background Cards


  • Insane Difficulty
    • Win the game in Nightmare difficulty to unlock the even harder Insane difficulty. You have to win a story campaign (either the main ToME campaign or Embers of Rage); winning the arena mode in Nightmare difficulty will not unlock Insane. However, once you have Insane difficulty unlocked, it will be available for all other game modes as well.
  • Madness Difficulty
    • Win the game in Insane difficulty to unlock the uber-hard Madness difficulty. You have to win a story campaign (either the main ToME campaign or Embers of Rage); winning the arena mode in Insane difficulty will not unlock Madness. However, once you have Madness difficulty unlocked, it will be available for all other game modes as well.