Addons: Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy

Addons: Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy

T-Engine allows all game modules to support addons and Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy is taking full advantage of them to allow players to customize their game.

How to install

To install an addon you simply have to download the .teaa file and place it in your game's game/addons/ folder, unless the addon explicitly gives special install instructions.

How to create new addons

See addon uploading page of the wiki.

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NameGame Version RequiredUpdatedAuthorDownloadUser Rating
Bunny Horde Race
bunnies party multi horde bunny
1.0.511 years 16 weeks agoStarKeepno rating yet
Tourist Class (Example Addon for ToME)
Class example tourist
1.0.511 years 16 weeks agost12456456
Achievement Fix
Achievements Bugfix Adventure Roguelike
1.0.411 years 22 weeks agoAura of the Dawnno rating yet
Better Tactical AI
tactical ai
1.0.411 years 24 weeks agojenxno rating yet
Autosquelch inventory transmog Auto transmog
1.0.311 years 24 weeks agoLinabutterfly
NPC Targetting improvements
1.0.411 years 25 weeks agoHachem_Mucheno rating yet
Short Hotkeys
ui hotkeys readability numpad keypad
1.0.411 years 26 weeks agokhonkhortisanno rating yet
New Gems and Crystal Race!
gems gem gem gems race races crystal
1.0.411 years 27 weeks agojayseesee
Psion Brawlerlike PAAAWWWWNNNCCCH! Class
1.0.411 years 27 weeks agobmonno rating yet
Tough Dumb AI
improved ai improved minions tougher regular npcs
1.0.411 years 27 weeks agojenxno rating yet
Marauder Improvements
Marauder Buff Thuggery Bloodthirst
1.0.411 years 28 weeks agoSedrahlno rating yet
Training fix for staff combat and mindstar mastery
bugfix escort training
1.0.411 years 29 weeks agoHachem_Muche
Brawling Adventurers
Adventurer Bugfix Unarmed Combat
1.0.411 years 29 weeks agoAura of the Dawn
Tiles Attachements
gfx tiles dev
1.0.511 years 30 weeks agodarkgod
Beholder race/classes
race class
1.0.411 years 31 weeks agoajlasell
Egos for Rare Items
Egos Rares Drops
1.0.411 years 32 weeks agoHachem_Muche
race undead wights
1.0.411 years 33 weeks agoZonk
Starting prodigy
prodigies talents
1.0.411 years 34 weeks agoZonk
Adventurer Starting Items
Adventurer adventurer starting items item
1.0.411 years 34 weeks agoStarKeepno rating yet
draconian race
1.0.411 years 35 weeks agoajlasell
Advanced debuger
debug browser advanced console log
1.0.411 years 35 weeks agoGrazielno rating yet
Alternate saves
1.0.411 years 36 weeks agoZonk
Adjustable Exp
exp level options
1.0.411 years 37 weeks agocaptaintrips
Fixed Grappling
talent brawler bugfix
1.0.411 years 37 weeks agojotwebeno rating yet
Equipment Tweaks
Ego Tweaks Artifact Gloves For Brawler Tweaks Ego Tweaks Artifact Gloves For Brawler Tweaks
1.0.411 years 38 weeks agosageacrinno rating yet