Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.4 |
Addons | Multi-Class Challenge (Slight Edit by Rae) Arendeth's Fork (Edits by Hellcommander/Arendeth) 1.7.4Quantum Slider 1.7.4Adds a new race: the Vorloth. Vorloths are not from Eyal, they are from planet Luxam. Adds a new Chronomancer subclass, the Quantum Slider. The class has a very unique way of gameplay: you should run & teleport as fast and as many times as you just can. Quantum Slider has only the Spellbinding (locked) tree from the original chronomancy trees. Their new, unique trees are: - starting unlocked class trees - Quantum Theory - for paradox management and unique mobility benefits (defense & utility) - locked higher (from lvl 10) class trees - Paradox Mysticism - overcharged by speed causes very dangerous electrical properties... cook your enemies while running fast! - starting unlocked generic trees - Prajna - extended senses and enlightenment (tracking, other vision effects, immunities & buff) Paths - contains 8 individual "MINI-PRODIGIES" (specializations) - locked generic trees - Quantum Fusion - enhance your spellcasting (damage enhancement, buffs & debuff) Quantum Sliders also have a Class Evolution, the: Táltos. The addon also contains new effects and new damage types for the class. The possible power level is higher than with a paradox mage. Slider is a very strong class if it's played in a simple way, but the more complex Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Balanced Wanderer Trees 1.7.4This addon gives the class and generic trees equal weight, so trees like Survival are not extremely common. Schematics of Ascendancy 1.7.4Allows schematic-only artifacts from EoR to be learned AoA or Infinite Dungeon. Each one is unlocked randomly by defeating bosses (not elite bosses) above level 20. Audiomancy 1.7.4Version 1.2.1 released Jan 16, 2023; see change notes. Audiomancy is an audio enhancement for ToME that does not affect music. It started with the High Quality Sounds mod (thanks to Gurkoz), but it does a bit more than replace sounds. It enhances the code introducing random variance, layering, and new trigger points. Weapon types (sword, great axe, mace, sling, bows, etc.) have distinct sounds in combat, along with NPC types having different impact sounds. Many weapons have distinct critical hit sounds as well. Ranged weapons have separated attack and hit sounds. Melee and ranged talents you would have expected to produce sound before likely will with this mod. Multiple hits trigger multiple sounds, e.g. the Volley talent. There is still more to do, especially in terms of providing distinct sound effects for various game mechanics and talents, but the code as-is will affect almost every sound played in the game while adding more. I attempted to maximize compatibility, replacing a single function and using superloading and hooking for the rest. Feel free to reach out to me with any issues you discover or ideas/suggestions you may have on Steam or at theclawhorn@protonmail.com. Credits: https://pastebin.com/xirEZ2FY Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805820365 PS: Somehow the website tags got duplicated and I'm unable to edit them. Version 1.2.1: Version 1.2.0: Version 1.1.0: Elkan's Infinite Dungeon Tweaks 1.7.4Infinite Dungeon challenges occur on every level after the first. Rewards are tweaked to be a little more generous, and character advancement after level 50 does not slow down until after level 1000 instead Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Godfeaster on the Map 1.7.0Places the Godfeaster on the map instead of as a random encounter, and warns you about not being able to rod out. Essentially a copy-paste of Melinda on the Map. Verbose Cursed Sentry 1.7.0]Modifies the tooltips of the Cursed Sentry and Choose Cursed Sentry talents to list the currently selected weapon (if any) for use with Cursed Sentry. Actually Usable Bathe in Light 1.7.0Modifies Celestials' Bathe in Light talent to affect only the caster and actors not hostile to the caster. Infinite Mastery 1.7.4Increases the mastery value increase to 0.4, and removes the 1 increase limit. Originally made by jojolagger, I only bumped up addon weight so it can work with my addon collection with online profile on. Breath Variety 1.3.0Wyrmic breaths scale with best of strength, willpower, magic. Gladiator Fork 1.5.10This fork updates Combat Vigor to use 1.7+ dispel, and reduces lash/thrust cooldown to 0 at lv5 so increased attack speed will not lead to downtime. It also adds whip/trident icons to their respective talents so you can tell at a glance which is which. Class: Revamped Wyrmic 1.7.0A variation on wyrmics, as a multi-elemental debuff-centered class. The core of Wyrmic is: Then, a wyrmic picks one of the six natural elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Sand, Acid, or Poison. Each element has a single ability available right away, and a set of advanced skills that require a category point to access. Apex Predator - new generic tree that fills in a few gaps and lets you wear gems. Credits Compatibility Other Tinker Cave for Everyone 1.7.0Places the entrance to the tinker cave from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) on the world map for all characters in the Age of Ascendancy campaign, without requiring that the character be playing a Tinker class or rescue a tinker escort. Class: Astromancer 1.7.0A new class, a Celestial summoner who draws on the powers of Shandral's other planets to call up elementals. Their main resource is negative energy, which they generate by summoning and some other spells, and spent by others. This mod should be compatible with just about everything.
Sounds remixed from samples by Mike Koenig under CC-BY 3.0 Shoot Tweak 1.5.5This addon will cause all actors to generate with the 'Shoot' talent. Useful for Adventurers in particular. Experience Controller 1.7.4
Experience Controller is an addon that lets you change the amount of experience you receive upon killing foes. You can enable/disable it realtime and it will work from the next kill onward. It also works for arena and infinite dungeon alike. THIS DOES NOT DISABLE IN-GAME AND STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS.
How to enable/disable or configure this addon:
Modes functionality:
Update v4.0.1 * Fixed a few typos and minor logging issues
Update v4.0 * Compatible with TOME v1.7.4 * Added multiple customization possibilities in-game and reworked functionality of all the addon Race: Leprechaun 1.7.4Adds leprechauns as a new race. They are especially lucky and cunning magical halflings. Stat modifiers: -3 Strength, +3 Magic, +3 Cunning, and +10 Luck Racial talent tree: https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-leprechaun Changelog Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Melinda on the Map - Bamboo Edition 1.7.0Places the Sect of Kryl-Feijan event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. This fork marks the sect as encountered so it works with improved recall. Buy Survival category in Last Hope 1.7.4Lets you buy Cunning/Survival at the weapon shops in Last Hope. Ancient-Automated-Teacher PLUS 1.7.4Ancient-Automated-Teacher PLUS! Our AAT(Ancient-Automated-Teacher) provides wider use of tinkering: - Spawn entrance the tinker's master cave without escort quest
- Re-Add hand tinker: 1H Weapon Automaton This addon also support KOREAN Translation!Sholtar 1.5.5Sholtar have no racial talents of their own; instead, the four slots can be used to learn talents from defeated enemies (of a high enough rank). In this manner, the Sholtar can improve nearly any class by adding abilities from other calsses, or even talents that are normally exclusive to NPCs. --- The Sholtar were once a great nation, with many vasts cities in the southeastern regions of Maj'Eyal. In spite of the harsh, dry terrain they inhabitied, or perhaps because of it, they were a people of great ingenuity and adaptability. The Cataclysm which tore the world apart centuries ago swept nearly all of the Sholtar lands into the murky depths, and all but erased their people from the face of Eyal. While very few survived, those who did fought for survival with all of the wit and grit that was their birthright. An already adaptable people grew to become even more adaptable through neccessity, and it has become their greatest strength. Sholtar are able to learn abilities by carefully studying others, and, regardless of their class, they can always improve by incorporating the talents of others into thier skill set. Grove Keeper 1.7.4Adds the Grove Keeper, a Wilder subclass. The Grove Keeper is pirmarily a mindpower-caster with limited summoning ability, but has the option to mix slings, or one-handed weapons and unarmed attacks, into their skill set. They are also able to become proficient with mindstars and focus wholly on mind-casting. Includes advanced class categories favoring either weapon-hybrid or mind-casting play style, with the advanced hybrid tree working equally well for ranged or melee. Full details in the forum. Acid Trees for Archmage 1.7.0Adds two acid trees for Archmages, allowing them to deal acid damage. Compatible with Arcanum. Points, Horrific Points 1.7.4Guarantees rewards from The Place Which Does Not Exist (PWDNE) by giving points for passing each level. Entering level 1 grants a class point, entering level 2 while knowing the first lore piece grants a generic point, entering level 3 while knowing the first and second pieces of lore grants a category point, and the first entry into the Home Which Is Not while knowing all three lore pieces grants you a prodigy point. Adventurer+Multi Evolutions 1.7.0Allows Adventurer to take any class evolution prodigy, adds an option to allow any class to take multiple evolutions, and adds an option to remove requirements from prodigies. Should be compatible with all evolutions from addons and future updates. Normally prevents you from selecting an evolution for a class that adventurer doesn't get any talents from (any class not possible on random bosses, or stone warden when not playing dwarf/drem), but this restriction is removed if you also have zizzo's addon Slightly More Adventurous or my addon Much More Adventurous. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Perfect Perfection 1.7.4Modifies mastery and perfection egos to only roll from what you have unlocked and have at least 1 point in, to reduce useless rolls. Escorts Enhanced 1.7.0Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Mannendake's Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.7.2Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. This is a fork of a fork of Marson's auto-explore and rest tweaks, forked by Dracos and then again by mannendake. This version fixes opening doors taking a turn and returns the fixedart icons to their respective lore entries. v3.5.1 *** FOR ToME v1.7.2 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. This mod provides several options to control it. These may be found by opening the Game Menu->Game Options->Gameplay menu. Feel free to customize to preference with the defaults meant to be free of questionable behavior. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Very Crafty Hands 1.7.4Changes the Crafty Hands prodigy to allow imbuing into any item. This is probably not balanced at all and just exists as a proof of concept. Fortress Font of Sacrifice 1.7.4Adds an option to add the font of sacrifice to the Sher'tul fortress. Wyrmic Compatibility 1.7.2Makes the Revamped Wyrmic a separate class from the normal wyrmic Also adds the gem slot to adventurers and races that have their own equipment slots (provided they load before Revamped Wyrmic) Nekarcos's Effect Display QD Acid Fix 1.7.4This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
QD Acid Fix: Simply removes the handling for Acid effects, which breaks occasionally (but permanently). All credit for the add-on to Nekarcos, this is just a quick and dirty fix for convience -- nsrr QuickTome QoL Changes 1.7.4Changes to make ToME faster to play without providing gameplay advantages. You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below. Weight: 216890 Full list of effects- After generating the world map, using zone exits or recalling allows you to teleport to most reachable zones, instead of having to walk through the world map. Recalling can still drag doomelves/doombringers/demonologists to the Anteroom of Agony, and the teleportation won't let you bypass Crypt of Kryl'Feijan, Godfeaster, or the Dreadfell ambush. - Maj'Eyal characters start with the Orb of Communication, which can be used to contact the alchemists, Elder of Last Hope, Protector Myssil, and Zemekkys when appropriate. - Achievement pop-ups and announcing your own achievements in chat can be disabled in the game UI and Online options, respectively. - Added an easily toggleable "digging mode" that automatically uses your Dig talent when you move into a diggable wall with no hostiles in sight. CreditsThe icon used for Toggle Digging Mode is licensed under CC-BY 3.0: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/war-pick.html Changelog1.1.0- This version is not compatible with savegames from previous versions! 1.0.16- Fixed Drem being able to teleport to Dwarf starting zones 1.0.15- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.32 1.0.14- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.27 1.0.13- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.22 1.0.12- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul version 1.0.18 1.0.11- Updated for ToME4 version 1.4.8 1.0.10- Greatly improve worldmap position handling: zone entrance positions are now auto-detected instead of enumerated, multiple onLevelLoads are no longer added 1.0.9- Fix Murgol Lair exit position 1.0.8- Fix regression in tier 1 zone teleports for non-Zone Overhaul games 1.0.7- Don't try to teleport when exiting damp/intimidating caves, Rat Lich crypt, etc. via the stairs 1.0.6- Allowed teleporting via zone exits, not just the Rod 1.0.5- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.13 1.0.4- Fix typo that caused Briagh's Lair to be accessible when it shouldn't 1.0.3- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.11 1.0.2- Fixed serialization bug that could leave player with nil wilderness position (requiring save editing to continue) if they teleported with the rod of recall, then saved and reloaded the game, then visited the worldmap without teleporting anywhere else. 1.0.1- Updated for qt-zone-overhaul 1.0.4 1.0.0- Initial release Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0Adds a collection of my races. Yakri's Stat Changes-mod 1.6.7My personal twist on and combination of "TLR's Stat changes" by thelastraven, "Moderately Generous Levels" by Chaotic Heretic, and "Constitution Viability Buff" by Raenarill. This is my first ToME mod, so bear with me, I'm still working on balance and stuff, just give me constructive criticism please! Leveling changes: + 0.2% resist all per level after 50, so 10% should you reach level 100. Level 2 is a "double" level, granting double the normal points (6 stat, 2 class/generic points) Max life per point increased from 4 to 5. Added 0.04 life regen/turn per point. Added 0.25% Heal Mod per point. Added 1 Stamina per point. Yakri: This is my take on TLR's (thelastraven) stat changes mod. Mainly I just wanted my own exact preferences registered on te4 to be honest. I liked the overall concept, but felt some of the changes were too powerful even for some nightmare runs on mid classes. This mod takes the basic shell of TLR's stat changes, then strips out some extra global bonuses to resists and nerfs some constition changes I felt went too far This mod goes over particularly well with other overpowered fun addons, like the multi-class challenge. There are also maybe some unlisted changes to what willpower does, looks like giving bonuses to mana/stamina/psi? I'm scared to touch that section so far. The game will be a complete cakewalk at lower difficulties, be aware. I just tweaked some values, all credit goes to TLR, Chaotic Heretic, and Raenarill. astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.7.0A combination of all my celestial addons; Firmamancer, Primal Chosen, Trench Strider, Radiant, the Empyreal fork, and the newly added Bloodtide Cultist. Inferno Pettiness 1.7.0Petty changes to stuff that bugs me. Earlier Draconic Prodigies 1.7.4Allows characters to fulfill the "Be close to the draconic world" requirement for Draconic Will and Draconic Body by eating just one of the "Heart of the Sandworm Queen" or "Wyrm Bile". This lets non-wyrmic characters access the prodigies at lv25 instead of having to wait to lv42 as usual. https://github.com/sandertyu/tome-earlier-draconic-prodigies ---Changelog--- Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Class: Spellweaver 1.7.4Adds the Spellweaver, a Mage subclass who creates custom spells with Spellweaving components. Note: If you need to make a bug report, please use the forum thread: https://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=53519 Fine Tune Mindstars 1.7.4Alters the Attune Mindstars talent effect. This addon will alter Attune Mindstars to allow you to choose any basic damage type (physical, arcane, fire, cold, nature, blight, mind, temporal, light, darkness, acid, lightning) for your mindstars damage type. Mindstars that do not teach Attune Mindstar (i.e. fixedart mindstars) will not be affected. Additionally, Attune Mindstars will also affect any telekinetically-wielded mindstars. Free Respec 1.7.2Allow trial and error for character building without restarting new game while minimizing inbalance. You can respec stats, talents, categories and prodigies freely at any time. Based on Full Respecialization. Fix the Error for prodigies learning introduced v1.7. Warning: Weight: 100 Superload: Automatic Talent Gambits 1.7.4Allows customization of automatic talent usage in the style of FF XII gambits. Version 1.4.0 includes the following fixes and improvements: Items Vault 1.7.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Adventurer Mastery 1.7.2Changes the mastery of the Adventurer's talents to 1.3 and gives it 1 more category point, 2 extra talents points and 2 extra generics. Now, there are quite a few addons that do similar things, however they tend to overwrite the adventurer birth data, making them incompatible with other changes to the class. This addon should be compatible with either : Slightly More Adventurous : - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/adven_addon - allows adventurer to use talents from classes that don't spawn on randbosses - still checks race/class compatibility so stonewarden talents are only for dwarf and undead cant get wilder talents Much More Adventurous : - temporarily incompatible (use previous version of this addon instead) - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/every_tree - allows the adventurer to use every talents, including monster only and debug talent trees. - tends to have issues with classes from other addons due to the way it loads their data. Improved Adventurer : - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/Improved_Adventurer - my own adventurer skill addon. - allows the adventurer to use talents from every race and class, including locked ones and those normaly incompatible with your character. - use this one if you use addons that add new classes/races and want their talents on an adventurer Note : use only one of those three. They are not compatible with eachother Infinite Levelup 1.7.2Make players can level up like in infinite dungeon. No More Level Ten Warnings 1.7.0Removes the "only offers talents at level 10" warning, allowing you to spend category points in advance. No Prodigy Requirements 1.7.4Prodigies have minimal requirements - usually none. Another Wardens Call Fix 1.7.0Changes Temporal Warden's - Warden's Call talent to solve memory issues Updated to fix some issues with tradewind rider's fix Warden's Call now do not create a new actor (paradox clone) on each trigger, The conditions for triggering are the same as for the paradox clones, - do warden swap I hope this solves the issues and making the game with Temporal Wardens more enjoyable. :) Improved Adventurer 1.7.4Allows adventurers to use talent trees from every classes and races, including those from addons. This addon is designed as a more "addon friendly" alternative to Much more Adventurous. It takes talents directly from the subclass/subrace list so it should : - Bypass race/class compatibility - Take talents trees from NPC only classes/races - Ignore the locks Additionally, "undead/lich", "Cursed/Cursed Aura" and talents from the Fallen Paladin can also be selected. Talents from the Technomancer and the Thaumaturgist dont work without their respective prodigy, so if you want them I recommend this addon : https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/evolve_adven1 It should be compatible with most classes and races from other addons. Skirmisher Evolutions 1.7.4Adds the following evolutions: Mudsligner: Fateslinger: Fearslinger: Blightslinger: Crystalslinger: Battle Skirmisher: Sunslinger: Dreamslinger: Note: Age of Ascendancy specific requirements are waived in other campaigns. Race: Battleborn 1.7.4Adds battleborns as a new subrace. They are combat centric humans. Stat modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Magic, +2 Willpower, and +2 Cunning. Life Rating: 12 Experience Penalty: 10% Racial talent tree: The Unstoppable Fighter - Passively increases immunities to stun, confusion, pin, fear, silence. The Savvy Fighter - Passively increases critical chance, critical power, Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Faster Stronger Better - Passively increases Global speed, Physical speed, movement speed and all damage done. ---Changelog Rather Crafty Hands 1.7.4Allows base Imbue Item to apply to helmets, and changes Crafty Hands to allow any armour. Movarc'h's Improved Escorts - Bamboo + CH Edition 1.7.4Improvements to the escort system. Adds a bunch of new types of escorts, and increases the power and number of options for existing escorts. Additionally learning new categories unlocks them by default, or can improve your mastery if you already know them. Also gives escorts 1000 base Life and 100 base life regen so they don't die from a sneeze. This is a fork of Movarc'h's Impoved Escorts by mannendake. Credit to Disnag for necromancer escort and Movarc'h for the base addon. Also credits to Bamboo's fork. Wanderer Options 1.7.4Allows wanderers to use talent trees from every classes and races, including those from addons, with options. Wanderers will also start with steamguns, steamsaws, tinker implants (with Eor DLC) and the talent shoot. Added an option to start with the talents trees steamtech/physics & steamtech/chemistry. Gnomes 1.7.2Adds gnomes as a new race. They are a distant relative to dwarves and know the location of the Iron Council. Garden Gnomes have nature skills, but are not necessarily antimagic. https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-gnomes All gnomes get: -- Generic Trees: These trees add a huge amount of survivability. -- Generic Trees: -- Generic Trees: -- Generic trees: -- Stat modifiers: +4 Cunning Generic Trees: They also start with the steam resource, a steam generator implant, and medical injector implants in inventory if you want to go that route. -- Stat modifiers: +2 Cunning, +2 Strength Generic Trees: -- Class Trees: Generic Trees: All skill trees are are locked and have x1.00 multiplier (instead of x1.30). --Starting points --Level up points But wait, there's more! In addition to the normal golem slots of MAINHAND, OFFHAND, BODY, and 2 GEM slots, gnomish alchemist golems also get LITE, HEAD, CLOAK, HANDS, BELT, and FEET slots. Additionally for tinker gnomes: -- A good amount of the gnomish alchemist golem changes were inspired by the "Golem - The Ironbreaker" addon. The intent with the golems is to have a fun variant and potentially more useful in the mid and late game, and it fits with the gnome theme of cunning and tools. I'm aware there is another addon named "Let there be gnomes" which was last updated in 2015, but this addon has nothing to do with it. Having never tried that addon I have no idea if there would be compatibility issues if you loaded them both (if you even could load a race addon that hasn't been updated in 6 years /shrug). -- Class+Race Pack 1.7.4Adds several new classes and races: - Moon Fox race: Race that can radically transform class and generic talents by attaching tails to them. This addon also makes a couple other changes to make the Zephyr class work: Other than that, the addon tries not to affect existing classes/races/talents. The new classes won't appear on enemies or Adventurers. You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below. Weight: 134953 ===== Credits ===== Sounds: ===== Changelog ===== 1.1.0: 1.0.1: 1.0.0: |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Normal Adventure |
Sex | Male |
Race | Iron Gnome |
Class | Adventurer (Dreamslinger) |
Level / Exp | 50 / 9989% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by Gabyer at level 41 on the 27th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:15 6 / 1 |
Antimagic | Follower |
Primary Stats
Strength | 133 (base 60) |
Dexterity | 108 (base 60) |
Constitution | 132 (base 60) |
Magic | 71 (base 60) |
Willpower | 125 (base 60) |
Cunning | 90 (base 60) |
Psi | 125/125 |
Life | 4520/4520 |
Steam | 119/119 |
Stamina | 570/570 |
Equilibrium | 58 |
Healing Factor | 1.5849526084493 |
Regeneration | 86.899332205494 |
Mental | +15% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | +123% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +110.97705321814% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 19 |
Infravision | 5 |
See Stealth | 61.644244322282 |
See Invisible | 89.644244322287 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 352 |
Accuracy | 102 |
Crit Chance | 90% |
APR | 83 |
Speed | 0.78 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | |
Accuracy | |
Crit Chance | |
APR | |
Speed |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 15.333333333333 |
Crit Chance | 60% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 131 |
Crit Chance | 60% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
Acid | +46% |
Blight | +46% |
Physical | +56% |
Cold | +33% |
All | +21% |
Lightning | +50% |
Light | +71% |
Mind | +29% |
Arcane | +52% |
Darkness | +36% |
Fire | +46% |
Nature | +54% |
Offense: Damage Penetration
Physical | +30% |
Cold | +33% |
All | +15% |
Lightning | +27% |
Light | +30% |
Mind | +55% |
Arcane | +50% |
Darkness | +25% |
Nature | +55% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 182.07548027337 (99.178586270722%) |
Defense | 73 |
Ranged Defense | 73 |
Fatigue | 0 |
Physical Save | 58 |
Spell Save | 76 |
Mental Save | 72 |
Defense: Resistances
Acid | + 50%( 70%) |
Blight | + 70%( 70%) |
Arcane | + 60%( 70%) |
Cold | + 70%( 70%) |
All | + 27%( 70%) |
Mind | + 55%( 70%) |
Lightning | + 70%( 70%) |
Light | + 70%( 70%) |
Temporal | + 51%( 70%) |
Physical | + 44%( 70%) |
Darkness | + 65%( 70%) |
Fire | + 70%( 70%) |
Nature | + 70%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Stun Resistance | 100% |
Confusion Resistance | 100% |
Fear Resistance | 15% |
Blind Resistance | 100% |
Disarm Resistance | 100% |
Pinning Resistance | 86% |
Silence Resistance | 75% |
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Knockback Resistance | 30% |
Inscriptions (5/5)
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: MovementUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to increase movement speed by 1064% for 1 game turn. You gain 100% stun, daze, and pin immunity during the effect. Any actions other than movement will cancel the effect. Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random mental and physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 49% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: HealingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 331 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: RegenerationUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 17 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 691 life over 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. |
Implants | Effective talent level: 1.0 Implant: Medical InjectorUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 238% efficiency and cooldown mod of 64%. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. |
Class Talents
Psionic / Absorption | 1.70 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Moss | 1.60 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 4/5 |
Psionic / Thought-Forms | 1.70 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
Cunning / Poisons | 1.60 |
| 4/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
Technique / Combat veteran | 1.50 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
Cunning / Called Shots | 1.60 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 3/5 |
Wild-gift / Slime | 1.60 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Psionic / Talent perfection | 1.70 |
| 3/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
Technique / Tireless Combatant | 1.60 |
| 3/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
Technique / Buckler Training | 1.60 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
Psionic / Discharge | 1.60 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
Technique / Skirmisher - Slings | 1.60 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 3/5 |
Psionic / Dream Smith | 1.60 |
| 4/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 2/5 |
Psionic / Charged mastery | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 3/5 |
Generic Talents
Wild-gift / Fungus | 2.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Survival | 1.60 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 5/5 |
Technique / Unarmed training | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
Psionic / Mentalism | 1.50 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Wild-gift / Harmony | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Conditioning | 1.60 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Scoundrel | 1.60 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
Steamtech / Blacksmith | 1.50 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
Psionic / Feedback | 1.60 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 2/5 |
Wild-gift / Call of the wild | 1.60 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Steamtech / Physics | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
Technique / Mobility | 1.60 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Steamtech / Chemistry | 1.30 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 3/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.60 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
Wild-gift / Antimagic | 1.80 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
Race / Battleborn | 1.30 |
| 2/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 5/5 |
Psionic / Dream Forge | 1.60 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Psionic / Finer energy manipulations | 2.10 |
| 3/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 5/5 |
| 1/1 |
| 1/1 |
| 1/1 |
talent | Stoning Poison |
talent | Project |
talent | Meditative Focus |
talent | Volatile Poison |
talent | Thermal Shield |
talent | Specialty |
talent | Thought-Form: Warrior |
talent | Antimagic Shield |
talent | Pace Yourself |
talent | Kinetic Shield |
talent | Heartstart |
talent | Elemental Harmony |
talent | Apply Poison |
talent | Deja Vu |
talent | Beyond the Flesh |
detrimental effect | Your arcane powers are disrupted by your antimagic equipment. Arcane talents fail 100% of the time and arcane sustains have a 10.0% chance to deactivate each turn. Antimagic Disruption |
Deep in the Dreadfell you fought and destroyed the Master, a powerful vampire. A mysterious staffOn your way out of the Dreadfell you were ambushed by a band of orcs. They asked about the staff. | done |
You met a novice mage who was tasked to collect an arcane powered artifact. An apprentice taskHe asked for your help, should you collect some that you do not need. * Collect an artifact arcane powered item. | done |
Ungrol of Last Hope asked you to look for his wife's friend Celia, who has been reported missing. She frequently visits her late husband's mausoleum, in the graveyard near Last Hope. And now for a graveYou searched for Celia in the graveyard near Last Hope, and found a note. In it, Celia reveals that she has been conducting experiments in the dark arts, in an attempt to extend her life... also, she is pregnant. You have tracked Celia to her husband's mausoleum in the graveyard near Last Hope. It seems she has taken some liberties with the corpses there. You have laid Celia to rest, putting an end to her gruesome experiments. | done |
Anne Buryset has asked you to find the Aporia Fold Lys, somewhere in the old forest. Aporia Fold LysYou only have 0 minutes and 0 seconds to find it! | active |
After passing through some kind of time anomaly you met a temporal warden who told you to destroy the abominations of this alternate timeline. Back and Back and Back to the Future | done |
You have created a portal back to Maj'Eyal. You should try to talk to someone in Last Hope about establishing a link back. Back and there againYou talked to the Elder in Last Hope who in turn told you to talk to Tannen, who lives in the north of the city. You gave the Orb of Many Ways to Tannen to study while you look for the athame and diamond in Reknor. You brought back the diamond and athame to Tannen who asked you to check the tower of Telmur, looking for a text of portals, although he is not sure it is even there. He told you to come back in a few days. Tannen revealed himself as the vile scum he really is and trapped you in his tower. | done |
Protector Myssil has requested that you go at once to the ruins on the eastern shores of the sea of Sash to rescue a party of Krogs taken by necromancers filth. Cleaning the trashSave our people and show the evildoers the wrongness of their way. Permanently. * You have killed the necromancers and saved some of the Krogs. * You have killed the necromancers and saved all of the Krogs, well done Ziguranth! | done |
You have killed Ungolë in Ardhungol and saved the Sun Paladin. Eight legs of wonder | done |
You successfully escorted the injured seer to the recall portal on level 3 of Old Forest. Escort: injured seer (level 3 of Old Forest)As a reward you improved Willpower by +8. | done |
You successfully escorted the lone alchemist to the recall portal on level 3 of Trollmire. Escort: lone alchemist (level 3 of Trollmire)As a reward you improved Dexterity by +8. | done |
You successfully escorted the lost defiler to the recall portal on level 1 of Lost Dwarven Kingdom of Reknor. Escort: lost defiler (level 1 of Lost Dwarven Kingdom of Reknor)As a reward you improved mental save by +20. | done |
You successfully escorted the lost soldier to the recall portal on level 4 of Dreadfell. Escort: lost soldier (level 4 of Dreadfell) | done |
You successfully escorted the lost spellblade to the recall portal on level 2 of Trollmire. Escort: lost spellblade (level 2 of Trollmire)As a reward you improved Dexterity by +8. | done |
You successfully escorted the lost wyrmic to the recall portal on level 2 of Scintillating Caves. Escort: lost wyrmic (level 2 of Scintillating Caves) | done |
You successfully escorted the lost wyrmic to the recall portal on level 5 of Dreadfell. Escort: lost wyrmic (level 5 of Dreadfell)As a reward you improved Willpower by +8. | done |
You successfully escorted the worried loremaster to the recall portal on level 3 of Scintillating Caves. Escort: worried loremaster (level 3 of Scintillating Caves)As a reward you improved Willpower by +8. | done |
You successfully escorted the worried loremaster to the recall portal on level 6 of Dreadfell. Escort: worried loremaster (level 6 of Dreadfell)As a reward you improved Willpower by +8. | done |
You have vanquished the masters of the Orc Pride. Now you must venture inside the most dangerous place of this world: the High Peak. Falling Toward ApotheosisSeek the Sorcerers and stop them before they bend the world to their will. To enter, you will need the four orbs of command to remove the shield over the peak. The entrance to the peak passes through a place called 'the slime tunnels', probably located inside or near Grushnak Pride. | done |
You have found all the clues leading to the hidden treasure. There should be a way on the third level of the Trollmire. Hidden treasureIt looks extremely dangerous, however - beware. You have slain Bill. His treasure is yours for the taking. | done |
Orcs were spotted with the staff you seek in an arid waste in the southern desert. Important newsYou should go investigate what is happening there. | done |
It is time to explore some new places -- dark, forgotten and dangerous ones. Into the darknessThe Old Forest is just south-east of the town of Derth. The Maze is west of Derth. The Sandworm Lair is to the far west of Derth, near the sea. The Daikara is on the eastern borders of the Thaloren forest. * You have explored the Old Forest and vanquished Wrathroot. * You have explored the Maze and vanquished the Horned Horror. * You have explored the Sandworm Lair and vanquished their Queen. * You have explored the Daikara and vanquished the huge fire dragon that dwelled there. | done |
The elder in Last Hope sent you to the old Dwarven kingdom of Reknor, deep under the Iron Throne, to investigate the orc presence. Let's hunt some OrcFind out if they are in any way linked to the lost staff. But be careful -- even the Dwarves have not ventured in these old halls for many years. | done |
You found an ancient tome about gems. Lost KnowledgeYou should bring it to the jeweler in the Gates of Morning. Limmir told you to look for the Valley of the Moon in the southern mountains. | done |
After rescuing Melinda from Kryl-Feijan and the cultists you met her again in Last Hope. Melinda, lucky girlMelinda was saved from the brink of death at the beach, by a strange wave of blight. | active |
Explore the caves below the ruins of Kor'Pul and the Trollmire in search of treasure and glory! Of trolls and damp caves* You have explored the Trollmire and vanquished Prox the Troll. * You have explored the ruins of Kor'Pul and vanquished the Shade. | done |
You found notes from an explorer inside the Old Forest. He spoke about Sher'Tul ruins sunken below the surface of the lake of Nur, at the forest's center. Sher'Tul FortressWith one of the notes there was a small gem that looks like a key. * You used the key inside the ruins of Nur and found a way into the fortress of old. * The Weirdling Beast is dead, freeing the way into the fortress itself. * You have activated what seems to be a ... butler? with your rod of recall. * You have bound the transmogrification chest to the Fortress power system. * You have unlocked the training room. * You have unlocked the hall of reflections. * The fortress shadow has asked that you come back as soon as possible. * You have entered the exploratory farportal room and defeated the horror lurking there. You can now use the farportal. The fortress's current energy level is: 3592. | active |
As you approached Derth you saw a huge dark cloud over the small town. Storming the cityWhen you entered you were greeted by an army of air elementals slaughtering the population. * You have dispatched the elementals but the cloud lingers still. You must find a powerful ally to remove it. There are rumours of a secret town in the mountains, to the southwest. You could also check out the Ziguranth group that is supposed to fight magic. * You have learned the real threat comes from a rogue Archmage, a Tempest. You have been shown a secret entrance to his stronghold. * You have slain Urkis. Return to Angolwen or Zigur for a reward. | done |
You arrived through the farportal in a cave, probably in the Far East. Strange new worldUpon arrival you met an Elf and an orc fighting. You decided to side with the Elven lady. Fillarel told you to go to the southeast and meet with High Sun Paladin Aeryn. | done |
Thanks to your timely aid, Ungrol of Last Hope is the newest member of the Brotherhood of Alchemists. The Brotherhood of AlchemistsYou have aided Stire of Derth in creating an elixir of the fox. Having failed to gain admittance to the Brotherhood of the Alchemists, Stire of Derth no longer needs your help making the elixir of avoidance. Stire of Derth has completed an elixir of precision without your aid. Having failed to gain admittance to the Brotherhood of the Alchemists, Marus of Elvala no longer needs your help making the elixir of the savior. Having failed to gain admittance to the Brotherhood of the Alchemists, Agrimley the hermit no longer needs your help making the elixir of serendipity. You have aided Ungrol of Last Hope in creating an elixir of brawn. Ungrol of Last Hope has completed an elixir of stoneskin without your aid. You have aided Ungrol of Last Hope in creating an elixir of foundations. | done |
You have been invited to join a group called the Ziguranth, dedicated to opposing magic. The Curse of Magic | done |
You were sent to the Charred Scar at the heart of which lies a huge volcano. In the Age of Pyre it destroyed the old Sher'Tul ruins that stood there, absorbing much of their latent magic. The Doom of the World!This place is still full of that power and the orcs intend to absorb this power using the Staff of Absorption! Whatever their plan may be, they must be stopped at all cost. The volcano is attacked by orcs. A few Sun Paladins made it there with you. They will hold the line at the cost of their lives to buy you some time. Honor their sacrifice; do not let the orcs finish their work! You arrived in time and interrupted the ritual. The sorcerers have departed. Use the portal to go back to the Far East. You *MUST* stop them, no matter the cost. | done |
You have heard that near the Charred Scar, to the south, lies a ruined tower known as the Dreadfell. The Island of DreadThere are disturbing rumors of greater undead, and nobody who reached it ever returned. Perhaps you should explore it and find the truth, and the treasures, for yourself! | done |
You have found an orb of command that seems to be used to open the shield protecting the High Peak. The Orbs of CommandThere seems to be a total of four of them. The more you have the weaker the shield will be. | done |
You discovered a sect worshipping a demon named Kryl-Feijan in a crypt. The Sect of Kryl-FeijanThey were trying to bring it back into the world using a human sacrifice. You defeated the acolytes and saved the woman. She told you she is the daughter of a rich merchant of Last Hope. | done |
Ukllmswwik asked you to take his portal to the Temple of Creation and kill Slasul who has turned mad. The Temple of CreationSlasul told you his side of the story. Now you must decide: which of them is corrupt? * You have sided with Slasul and killed Ukllmswwik. | done |
You were asked to prove your worth as a fighter by a rogue, in order to participate in the arena The agent of the arena | done |
You met a half-mad lumberjack fleeing a small village, rambling about an untold horror lurking there, slaughtering people. The beast within2 lumberjacks have died. | done |
Investigate the bastions of the Pride. The many Prides of the Orcs* You have destroyed Rak'shor. * You have destroyed Vor. * You have destroyed Grushnak. * You have destroyed Gorbat. | done |
There must be a way to go into the far east from the lair of Golbug. Find it and explore the unknown far east, looking for clues. The wild wild east | done |
Zemekkys in the Gates of Morning can build a portal back to Maj'Eyal for you. There and back again* You have found a Blood-Runed Athame. * You have found the Resonating Diamond. | done |
You have found a slavers' compound and entered it. Till the Blood Runs ClearYou decided to join the slavers and take part in their game. You won the ring of blood! You decided you cannot let slavers continue their dirty work and destroyed them! | done |
You heard a plea for help and decided to investigate... Trapped!Only to find yourself trapped inside an unknown tunnel complex. | done |
Psionic focus | ![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Infused by nature Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 On weapon hit: * flashes light on your target dealing 115 damage Damage (radius 2) on crit: +22 lightning / +31 cold When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +25 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +13 Damage when hit (Melee): 2 cold Changes stats: +5 Dex Changes resistances penetration: +12% lightning / +18% cold / +15% all Changes damage: +12% cold Critical mult.: +20.00% Equilibrium when hit: +0.04 Maximum psi: +20.00 Mindpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Movement speed: +33% Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
Quiver | ![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 219% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +21.0% Capacity: 18 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): +30% Damage (Ranged): +20 blight / +20 fire / +40 physical Damage (radius 2) on crit: +15 fire Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
On hands | ![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / hands ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Damage (Melee): 11 mind / 14 nature Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Wil / +4 Con Changes resistances: +8% mind / +9% nature / +5% arcane Changes damage: +8% mind / +8% nature Talent mastery: +0.20 Technique / Grappling Talent granted: +5 Iron Grip Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) Disease immunity: +10% Disarm immunity: +136% Confusion immunity: +20% Stun/Freeze immunity: +20% Maximum life: +60.00 When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 189% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 125% When this weapon hits: Disarm (10% chance level 5). When this weapon hits: Psychic Lobotomy (20% chance level 5). When this weapon hits: Venomous Breath (10% chance level 5). Damage (radius 2) on crit: +12 mind / +8 nature Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
Light source | ![]() Infused by psionic forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +20% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +10% darkness Changes damage: +35% light / +15% darkness Damage affinity(heal): +20% darkness Talent mastery: +0.20 Cursed / Shadows Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Light radius: +10 See stealth: +10 Absorbs all darkness (power 160, based on Willpower and Cunning) within its light radius, increasing its own brightness. (current charge 300). It can be used to release absorbed darkness in a 10 radius cone with a 100% chance to blind (based on lite radius), dealing 658.24 darkness damage (based on Mindpower and charge) Activation costs 8 power out of 10/10. This lantern of pale white crystal holds a sphere of darkness, that yet emanates light. Everywhere it shines, darkness vanishes entirely. |
On head | ![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +7.0% Armour: +5 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +4 Str / +5 Wil / +17 Lck Changes resistances: +15% lightning / +13% temporal Changes resistances penetration: +15% light / +10% arcane Changes damage: +15% light / +6% lightning Mental save: +14 (+4 eff.) Silence immunity: +50% Spell crit. chance: +7% Mental crit. chance: +8% Light radius: +4 A cap made of leather. |
On feet | ![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Armour: +12 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Talent masteries: +0.20 Cunning / Trapping +0.20 Cursed / Endless hunt +0.20 Cursed / Predator Talent granted: +5 Rocket Boots Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Stun/Freeze immunity: +40% Maximum life: +80.00 Activating this item is instant. It can be used to boost movement speed by 300% for up to 5 turns (or until you perform a non-movement action) Activation costs 26 power out of 32/32. These cracked boots are caked with a thick layer of mud. It isn't clear who they previously belonged to, but they've clearly seen extensive use. |
Tool | ![]() Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Effects when hit in melee: * 18% chance to slow global speed by 90% Changes stats: +10 Wil Changes resistances: +20% blight / +20% arcane Talent masteries: +0.10 Wild-gift / Fungus +0.20 Wild-gift / Nature's Ward +0.10 Wild-gift / Antimagic Spell save: +20 (+5 eff.) Mindpower: +8 (+1 eff.) It can be used to call forth an immobile antimagic pillar for 10 turns. (It spits slime, pulls in, stuns, and burns the arcane resources of your foes, while emitting an aura of silence against them within range 5, and will silence you for 5 turns when first summoned.) Activation costs 40 power out of 50/50. This totem of ancient stone oozes a thick slime from myriad cracks. Nonetheless, you sense great power within it. |
Tool | ![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +1 Wil Changes resistances: +6% mind See invisible: +18 It can be used to heal yourself and all friendly characters within 10 spaces for 464 Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 12 turns. When used: * Cleanse 3 total effects of type disease, wound, or poison. * Increase the duration of 2 beneficial effects by 2. * Reduce fatigue by 53% for 2 turns. Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power. |
On fingers | ![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% lightning / +12% darkness Changes damage: +3% lightning Mental save: +9 (+2 eff.) Confusion immunity: +35% Stun/Freeze immunity: +63% Life regen: +7.00 Rings make your fingers look great! |
On fingers | ![]() Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Wil Changes resistances: +25% mind Talent mastery: +0.20 Psionic / Mentalism Mental save: +20 (+5 eff.) Confusion immunity: +40% Psi each turn: +0.50 Mindpower: +12 (+2 eff.) When using a mental talent, gives a 10% chance to lower the current cooldowns of up to three of your wild gift, psionic, or cursed talents by three turns. Talent on hit(mindpower): Mental Refresh (10% chance level 1). Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Mental Shielding (costing 24 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 3.0 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a mind power Description: Clears your mind of current mental effects, and blocks additional ones over 6 turns. At most, 3 mental effects will be affected. As long as you wear this ring, you will never forget who you are. |
Around neck | ![]() 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes stats: +8 Cun / +8 Dex Changes resistances: +50% fire / +50% light / +5% all Changes damage: +20% lightning Damage affinity(heal): +20% lightning / +20% fire / +20% light Blindness immunity: +100% Light radius: +4 See invisible: +20 Movement speed: +15% Chance to avoid any damage: +8% Amulets make your neck look great! |
In main hand | ![]() Requires: - Dexterity 32 - Talent Shoot Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 111% Firing range: +10 On weapon hit: * flashes light on your target dealing 115 damage When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Str / +5 Con Changes resistances: +10% physical Changes resistances penetration: +15% physical Changes damage: +35% physical Critical mult.: +15.00% Pinning immunity: +30% Knockback immunity: +30% It can be used to activate talent Bull Shot (costing 13 power out of 16/16) : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 13 out of 16/16. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: You rush toward your foe, readying your shot. If you reach the enemy, you release the shot, imbuing it with great power. The shot does 222% weapon damage and knocks back your target by 2. The cooldown of this talent is reduced by 1 each time you move. This requires a sling to use. This powerful sling is said to have belonged to a warrior so strong his shots could knock down a brick wall... |
Around waist | ![]() |
In off hand | ![]() Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 208% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +246 On weapon crit: * Smash the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Physical power: +6 (+1 eff.) Armour: +25 Fatigue: +8% Damage when hit (Melee): 25 lightning On shield block: * Unleash a lightning nova of radius equal to the tinker tier. Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances: +12% acid / +9% fire / +9% lightning / +9% cold Talent granted: +1 Block Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Blindness immunity: +20% Maximum life: +80.00 Special effect on block: Unleash a lightning nova of radius equal to the tinker tier. Handheld deflection devices. |
Cloak | ![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +14 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Armour: +13 Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Changes resistances: +19% blight / +46% cold / +45% nature Changes resistances penetration: +25% arcane Changes damage: +30% arcane Critical mult.: +27.00% Stealth bonus: +14 Life regen: +7.00 Healing mod.: +16% A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Main armor | ![]() Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 9.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +15 Armour Hardiness: +20% Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +21% Changes resistances: +20% lightning / +20% temporal / +20% light / +20% fire / +20% nature / +10% all / +20% acid / +20% blight / +20% cold / +15% arcane / +20% darkness Spell save: +20 (+5 eff.) Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) This lightweight armor appears to have been woven of countless sprouts, still curling and growing. When you put it on, you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, in spite of how light it feels in your hands. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 122% efficiency and cooldown mod of 54%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() medical injector implant (efficiency 179% / cooldown 77%) Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 179% efficiency and cooldown mod of 77%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 125% efficiency and cooldown mod of 60%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 236% efficiency and cooldown mod of 52%. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 235% efficiency and cooldown mod of 70%. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 209% efficiency and cooldown mod of 70%. Its effects scale with your Magic stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 203% efficiency and cooldown mod of 74%. Its effects scale with your Magic stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 23 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 11.9 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 60 steam. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 21 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 8.6 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 43 steam. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 27 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 17.6 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 88 steam. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 23 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 17.1 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 85 steam. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 21 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 13.6 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 68 steam. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 32 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 11.8 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 59 steam. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 21 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 15.8 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 79 steam. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 28 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 17.9 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 89 steam. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 28 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 12.8 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 64 steam. Its effects scale with your Magic stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal for 22% of all damage taken (calculated before resistances) and reduce the duration of a random debuff by 4 each turn for 4 turns. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. This wild infusion has evolved. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 11 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 304 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 13 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 330 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 28 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to endure even the most grievous of wounds for 7 turns. While Heroism is active, you will only die when reaching -796 life. The duration and life will increase by 1% for every 1% life you have lost (currently 796 life, 7 duration) If your life is below 0 when this effect wears off it will be set to 1. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 26 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to endure even the most grievous of wounds for 7 turns. While Heroism is active, you will only die when reaching -872 life. The duration and life will increase by 1% for every 1% life you have lost (currently 872 life, 7 duration) If your life is below 0 when this effect wears off it will be set to 1. Its effects scale with your Cunning stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 13 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to increase movement speed by 796% for 1 game turn. You gain 100% stun, daze, and pin immunity during the effect. Any actions other than movement will cancel the effect. Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() regeneration infusion (heal 316; 12 cd) Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 316 life over 5 turns. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 464 life over 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 17 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 540 life over 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 832 life over 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 11 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random magical and physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 18% for 2 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 13 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random mental and physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 18% for 3 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random magical and mental effect and reduce all damage taken by 46% for 2 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random magical and mental effect and reduce all damage taken by 43% for 3 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.40 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: potion / potion It can be used to quaff the Blood of Life to grant an extra life. This vial of blood was drawn from an ancient race in the Age of Haze. Some of the power and vitality of those early days of the world still flows through it. "Drink me, mortal," the red liquid seems to whisper in your thoughts. "I will bring you light beyond darkness. Those who taste my essence fear not the death of flesh. Drink me, mortal, if you value your life..." |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.40 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: potion / potion It can be used to quaff the Blood of Undeath to prepare your body for undeath. This vial of corrupted blood reeks of death and decay. Yet somehow you feel drawn to it... Is it the tentalizing notion of eternal life? Or power? You can not tell, but the urge to drink it is great. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a shield for 6 turns blocking several instances of damage of the following types: 3 lightning, 4 physical, 4 mind, 4 light It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / rune ; tier 3 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: 6 Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Inflicts 788.33 temporal damage. If your target survives, it will be sent 4 turns into the future. It will also lower your paradox by 25 (if you have any). Note that messing with the spacetime continuum may have unforeseen consequences. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() biting gale rune (damage 159; dur 4; cd 22) Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 22 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to direct a cone of chilling stormwind doing 158.61 cold damage. The storm will soak enemies hit reducing their resistance to stuns by 50% then attempt to freeze them for 4 turns. These effects can be resisted but not saved against. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to direct a cone of chilling stormwind doing 310.55 cold damage. The storm will soak enemies hit reducing their resistance to stuns by 50% then attempt to freeze them for 4 turns. These effects can be resisted but not saved against. Its effects scale with your Cunning stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() blink rune (range 8; phase 26; cd 19) Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: 8 Cooldown: 19 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport up to 8 spaces within line of sight. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 3 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 26%, your defense is increased by 26 and all your resistances by 26%. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: 7 Cooldown: 17 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport up to 7 spaces within line of sight. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 3 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 21%, your defense is increased by 21 and all your resistances by 21%. Its effects scale with your Cunning stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: 7 Cooldown: 11 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport up to 7 spaces within line of sight. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 3 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 23%, your defense is increased by 23 and all your resistances by 23%. Its effects scale with your Magic stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() manasurge rune (regen 1439% over 10 turns; mana 72; cd 17) Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 17 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 1439% for 10 turns (538 total) and instantly restoring 72 mana. Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 1387% for 10 turns (518 total) and instantly restoring 69 mana. Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 15 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to instantly dissipate the energy of your ailments, cleansing all cross tier effects and 1 physical, mental, and magical effect. You use the dissipated energy to create a shield lasting 3 turns and blocking 208 damage per debuff cleansed (not counting cross-tier ones). If there were only cross-tier effects to cleanse, no shield is created and the rune goes on a 75% reduced cooldown. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to instantly dissipate the energy of your ailments, cleansing all cross tier effects and 1 physical, mental, and magical effect. You use the dissipated energy to create a shield lasting 3 turns and blocking 175 damage per debuff cleansed (not counting cross-tier ones). If there were only cross-tier effects to cleanse, no shield is created and the rune goes on a 75% reduced cooldown. Its effects scale with your Constitution stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 19 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to instantly dissipate the energy of your ailments, cleansing all cross tier effects and 1 physical, mental, and magical effect. You use the dissipated energy to create a shield lasting 3 turns and blocking 182 damage per debuff cleansed (not counting cross-tier ones). If there were only cross-tier effects to cleanse, no shield is created and the rune goes on a 75% reduced cooldown. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 560 damage for 5 turns. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 13 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to summon a protective storm around you for 4 turns. While active the storm will completely block all damage over 19 up to 4 times. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 13 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to summon a protective storm around you for 4 turns. While active the storm will completely block all damage over 50 up to 6 times. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 15 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to summon a protective storm around you for 4 turns. While active the storm will completely block all damage over 83 up to 9 times. Its effects scale with your Willpower stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport randomly in a range of 165 with a minimum range of 15. Its effects scale with your Dexterity stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [already known tinker] It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / scroll It can be used to open the seal and read the message. Magical scrolls can have wildly different effects! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / tome It can be used to learn the ancient secrets. This huge book is covered in slowly shifting patterns of ice. Yet they do not harm you. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: scroll / tome It can be used to learn the ancient secrets. This huge book is covered in searing flames. Yet they do not harm you. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -7% Changes resistances: +3% temporal / +6% blight / +6% fire / +18% mind / +6% nature Changes damage: +9% mind Talent masteries: +0.31 Steamtech / Physics +0.25 Psionic / Absorption Spell save: +3 (+1 eff.) Confusion immunity: +32% Life regen: +3.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +18 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +16 Defense: +14 (+3 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce armor by 19% Changes stats: +15 Lck / +5 Con Changes resistances: +6% temporal Changes damage: +9% temporal Critical mult.: +19.00% Physical save: +20 (+5 eff.) Life regen: +8.00 Maximum life: +67.00 Defense after a teleport: +15 Resist all after a teleport: +15% New effects duration reduction after a teleport: +15% Reduce all damage from unseen attackers: 10% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes resistances: +24% lightning / +3% light / +18% blight / +30% nature / +3% mind Changes resistances penetration: +5% mind Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Poison immunity: +34% Disease immunity: +26% Confusion immunity: +19% Stun/Freeze immunity: +41% Mindpower: +11 (+2 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +6 (+2 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Changes stats: +5 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +5 Wil Changes resistances: +10% mind / +5% arcane Critical mult.: +10.00% Confusion immunity: +42% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Con Changes resistances: +27% mind / +12% cold Changes resistances penetration: +15% temporal Talent masteries: +0.40 Cunning / Scoundrel +0.40 Psionic / Absorption Confusion immunity: +43% Defense after a teleport: +15 Resist all after a teleport: +15% New effects duration reduction after a teleport: +15% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to slow global speed by 90% Changes stats: +1 Wil / +3 Mag Changes resistances penetration: +10% nature Changes damage: +15% mind Talent masteries: +0.21 Cunning / Poisons +0.24 Steamtech / Chemistry +0.24 Psionic / Discharge Critical mult.: +10.00% Mana each turn: +0.37 Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +4 Maximum mana: +30.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +6 Con Changes resistances: +9% light / +6% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +20% lightning Physical save: +66 (+17 eff.) Spell save: +53 (+11 eff.) Mental save: +40 (+10 eff.) Life regen: +7.00 Maximum life: +73.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Cun / -5 Wil Changes resistances: +15% blight / +15% darkness / +15% acid Physical save: +15 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +15 (+4 eff.) Mental save: -7 (-2 eff.) Maximum life: +20.00 Try to not die... This strange creature seems to melt around your neck, keeping its mouth open just wide enough so that its teeth do not touch you. You suspect that in the case your head somehow goes missing, the creature is going to make itself at home in your neck stump. |
![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Defense: +15 (+4 eff.) Fatigue: -20% Maximum encumbrance: +20 Movement speed: +25% Slows Projectiles: +15% Avoid Pressure Traps: The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure. The weight of the world seems a little lighter with this amulet around your neck. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +4 Wil / +3 Cun Changes resistances: +20% fire / -20% cold Changes damage: +10% fire / -5% cold Damage affinity(heal): +30% fire Blindness immunity: +40% Spellpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +8% Talent on hit(spell): Volcano (10% chance level 3). A choker made of pure flame, casting forever shifting patterns around the neck of its wearer. Its fire seems to not harm the wearer. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 10 cold Changes resistances: +25% cold Changes damage: +12% cold Talent granted: +2 Shivgoroth Form Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% Spellpower: +12 (+1 eff.) Ice block penetration: +20% Gives all your cold damage a 20% chance to freeze the target. This impossibly cold chain of frost-coated metal radiates a strange and imposing aura. |
![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +8 (+1 eff.) Armour: +6 Defense: +7 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: -5% Changes stats: +7 Dex / +4 Mag / +1 Wil / +11 Cun / +6 Con Changes resistances cap: +5% all Changes resistances penetration: +20% cold Changes damage: +6% cold / +8% physical Physical save: +13 (+4 eff.) Life regen: +3.00 Stamina each turn: +0.70 Movement speed: +10% Combat speed: +10% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage when hit (Melee): 6 cold Changes stats: +8 Str / +8 Dex / +11 Wil Changes resistances: +9% mind / +3% cold Changes damage: +9% mind / +3% cold Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Cut immunity: +80% Confusion immunity: +14% Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Healing mod.: +22% It can be used to activate talent Heal, placing all other charms into a 28 cooldown : Effective talent level: 2.0 Power cost: 28 out of 35/35. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a nature gift Description: Imbues your body with natural energies, healing for 610 life. The life healed will increase with your Mindpower. Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Grinorin the Galeraptor Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Defense: +26 (+6 eff.) Changes stats: +10 Dex Changes resistances: +2% physical / +30% light / +30% darkness Changes resistances cap: +7% all Changes resistances penetration: +5% lightning Physical save: +33 (+9 eff.) Blindness immunity: +47% Disease immunity: +23% Silence immunity: +10% Disarm immunity: +23% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit) Changes stats: +7 Str / +5 Wil Changes resistances: +11% physical Reduces incoming crit damage: 5.00% Mental save: +12 (+3 eff.) Blindness immunity: +10% Confusion immunity: +32% Knockback immunity: +20% Stamina each turn: +1.00 Mindpower: +13 (+2 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Effects when hit in melee: * 30% chance to blind Changes resistances: +25% light Changes damage: +12% light Light radius: +1 It can be used to create a reflective shield (50% reflection rate, 292 strength, based on Magic) for 5 turns Activation costs 19 power out of 24/24. Said to have been created by a powerful mage after his home was destroyed by a mob following the Spellblaze. Though he fled, his possessions were crushed, burned, and smashed. When he returned to the ruins, he made this amulet from the remains of his shattered mirror. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Changes stats: +2 Str / +5 Dex / +7 Wil / +4 Con Changes resistances: +1% physical Physical save: +25 (+7 eff.) Blindness immunity: +29% Life regen: +10.00 Maximum life: +55.00 Infravision radius: +8 Sight radius: +2 See invisible: +11 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 5 % chance of confusion Damage when hit (Melee): 5 % chance of confusion Changes resistances: -10% mind Changes resistances penetration: +20% mind Changes damage: +25% mind Mental save: +35 (+9 eff.) Confusion immunity: -100% Mindpower: +8 (+1 eff.) Talent on hit(mindpower): Sunder Mind (8% chance level 1). A deep red light glows from within this damaged amulet of black stone. When you touch it, you can hear voices whispering within your mind. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% darkness Talent mastery: +0.20 Corruption / Black-magic Blindness immunity: +100% Only die when reaching: -100.00 life Infravision radius: +6 Shadow Power: +5 Grants spellpower equal to your Shadow Power. "Lock your soul away, and death will never reach you." |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Changes stats: +6 Str / +4 Wil Changes resistances: +17% light / +26% darkness Mental save: +11 (+3 eff.) Blindness immunity: +31% Confusion immunity: +21% Psi when hit: +0.28 Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +1.00 Mindpower: +9 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +6% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: -25% light Changes resistances cap: -25% light Change telepathy range by : +10 Grants telepathy: Horror Blindness immunity: +100% Confusion immunity: +50% Infravision radius: +3 Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Arcane Eye (costing 48 power out of 60/60) : Effective talent level: 2.6 Power cost: 48 out of 60/60. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Summons an ethereal magical eye at the designated location that lasts for 17 turns. The eye cannot be seen or attacked by other creatures, and possesses magical vision that allows it to see any creature in a 6 range around it. It does not require light to do so, but it cannot see through walls. Casting the eye does not take a turn. Only one arcane eye can exist at any given time. At level 4, if cast on a creature it will follow it until it expires, or until the creature dies. At level 5, it will place a magical marker on the creatures, negating invisibility and stealth effects. Someone has strung a thick black cord through this large bloodshot eyeball, allowing it to be worn around the neck, should you so choose. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -5% Damage when hit (Melee): 2 temporal Changes stats: +3 Con Changes resistances: +9% nature / +3% temporal Physical save: +26 (+7 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) Life regen: +6.00 Maximum life: +36.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes resistances: +20% temporal Changes resistances cap: +5% temporal Changes damage: +10% temporal Lowers spell cool-downs by: 10% Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Time Stop (costing 40 power out of 80/80) : Effective talent level: 1.3 Power cost: 40 out of 80/80. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Gain 1 turns. During this time your damage will be reduced by 100%. This small broken hourglass hangs from a thin gold chain. The glass is cracked and the sand has long since escaped. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +20% mind Changes damage: +10% blight / +11% fire Critical mult.: +17.00% Confusion immunity: +33% Spellpower: +11 (+1 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +6 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit) Changes resistances: +12% acid / +10% fire / +15% cold Changes resistances penetration: +10% acid Changes damage: +6% physical Cut immunity: +50% Combat speed: +10% Healing mod.: +13% It can be used to activate talent Heal, placing all other charms into a 28 cooldown : Effective talent level: 2.0 Power cost: 28 out of 35/35. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a nature gift Description: Imbues your body with natural energies, healing for 610 life. The life healed will increase with your Mindpower. Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +18% fire / +22% cold Talent mastery: +0.38 Psionic / Feedback Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 13 light / 8 darkness Effects when hit in melee: * 15% chance to reduce damage dealt by 47% * 9% chance to blind Changes damage: +9% light / +10% darkness Physical save: +19 (+5 eff.) Spell save: +15 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +18 (+5 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Damage when hit (Melee): 2 arcane Changes stats: +6 Con Changes resistances: +3% blight / +14% light / +14% darkness / +5% arcane Physical save: +15 (+4 eff.) Blindness immunity: +25% Life regen: +5.00 Maximum life: +76.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 2 light Changes stats: +4 Dex / +3 Mag / +1 Wil / +2 Con Changes resistances: +3% light Changes damage: +6% light Physical save: +7 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) Confusion immunity: +10% Life regen: +5.00 Maximum life: +37.00 Mindpower: +6 (+1 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +9 Str / +5 Dex / +1 Wil Talent masteries: +0.26 Psionic / Mentalism +0.30 Psionic / Feedback Vim when firing critical spell: +2.00 Maximum vim: +40.00 Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Con Physical save: +13 (+4 eff.) Blindness immunity: +12% Life regen: +6.00 Maximum life: +52.00 Infravision radius: +6 Sight radius: +2 See invisible: +10 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +16 (+4 eff.) Armour: +7 Defense: +29 (+7 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Dex / +15 Lck / +1 Con Changes resistances: +25% lightning Changes resistances cap: +5% all Changes damage: +15% physical Critical mult.: +10.00% Reduces incoming crit damage: 5.00% Physical save: +27 (+7 eff.) Stun/Freeze immunity: +34% Stamina each turn: +1.00 Only die when reaching: -20.00 life Reduce all damage from unseen attackers: 18% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +5 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce armor by 19% Changes stats: +7 Cun / +3 Wil Changes resistances: +18% acid / +5% arcane Changes damage: +3% arcane / +9% physical Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) Confusion immunity: +20% Mindpower: +12 (+2 eff.) Combat speed: +10% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes resistances: +37% blight / +9% cold / +32% nature / +6% arcane Physical save: +25 (+7 eff.) Spell save: +25 (+6 eff.) Mental save: +22 (+6 eff.) Blindness immunity: +26% Poison immunity: +50% Disease immunity: +50% Mindpower: +5 (+1 eff.) Infravision radius: +10 Sight radius: +2 See invisible: +15 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +20 Defense: +21 (+5 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Con Changes resistances: +9% acid / +12% cold Changes resistances cap: +12% all Changes resistances penetration: +5% acid Physical save: +62 (+16 eff.) Knockback immunity: +20% Life regen: +15.31 Maximum life: +78.00 Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() wanderer's voratun amulet Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -9% Changes stats: +8 Dex / +8 Cun / +8 Con Life regen: +4.00 Stamina each turn: +1.00 Movement speed: +10% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -7% Changes stats: +7 Dex / +6 Cun / +7 Con Talent masteries: +0.40 Technique / Conditioning +0.40 Psionic / Absorption Life regen: +4.00 Stamina each turn: +0.70 Movement speed: +10% Amulets make your neck look great! |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: jewelry / orb It can be used to activate a portal Activation costs 8 power out of 30/30. The orb projects images of distant places, some that seem not to be of this world, switching rapidly. If used near a portal, it could probably activate it. |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Defense: +6 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 10 arcane resource burn Changes stats: +3 Cun / +3 Str Changes resistances: +3% darkness / +6% light / +3% nature / +12% mind Changes damage: +12% mind Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -5% Mental save: -7 (-2 eff.) You heal for 2.5% of the damage you deal. Healing during current combat: 0.00 You won the Ring of Blood trial, and this is your reward. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +7 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +4 Dex / +1 Mag / +5 Wil / +11 Cun Changes resistances: +20% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +10% blight Changes damage: +10% darkness Spell save: +9 (+2 eff.) Maximum mana: +20.00 Maximum vim: +20.00 Mindpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +29 (+5 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 * 20% chance to slow global speed by 90% * 20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 47% Changes stats: +18 Str / +15 Con Changes resistances: +36% lightning Changes resistances penetration: +5% darkness / +10% nature Changes damage: +18% lightning / +9% darkness Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +14 Changes stats: +7 Str Changes resistances: +28% acid Changes resistances penetration: +20% darkness / +10% mind Changes damage: +14% acid / +3% darkness / +9% mind Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) Confusion immunity: +33% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +16 Defense: +17 (+4 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 10 darkness Changes resistances: +15% blight / +15% nature / +6% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +15% blight / +10% temporal Changes damage: +9% blight Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) Poison immunity: +24% Disease immunity: +30% Confusion immunity: +43% It can be used to activate talent Disengage, placing all other charms into a 8 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.2 Power cost: 8 out of 10/10. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Jump back up to 5 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way. You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see). After moving, you gain 172% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any). The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +6 Cun / +6 Mag Changes resistances penetration: +25% lightning / +25% fire / +25% arcane / +25% cold Changes damage: +25% lightning / +25% fire / +25% arcane / +25% cold All your damage is converted and split into arcane, fire, cold and lightning. This ring shines with many colors. |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +13 (+2 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 19% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Melee): 33 physical Effects on ranged hit: * 20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Ranged): 35 physical Changes stats: +9 Str / +12 Cun / +10 Con Changes damage: +6% light / +12% mind Mental save: +12 (+3 eff.) Disarm immunity: +33% Pinning immunity: +50% Knockback immunity: +41% Equilibrium when hit: +0.12 Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +3.00 Maximum life: +44.00 Maximum hate: +15.00 Maximum psi: +30.00 Light radius: +1 It can be used to activate talent Bleeding Edge, placing all other charms into a 16 cooldown : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 16 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Lashes at the target, doing 171% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target will bleed for 322% weapon damage over 7 turns, and all healing will be reduced by 69%. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +13 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +12 Str / +3 Dex / +7 Mag / +2 Wil / +3 Cun / +12 Con Spell save: +31 (+7 eff.) Maximum stamina: +37.00 Light radius: +3 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +23 (+5 eff.) Defense: +21 (+5 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Cun Changes resistances: +9% nature / +3% temporal Changes resistances penetration: +5% physical Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +12 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +11 (+3 eff.) Only die when reaching: -80.00 life Movement speed: +16% Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Blinding Speed, placing all other charms into a 32 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.9 Power cost: 32 out of 40/40. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Through rigorous training, you have learned to focus your actions for a short while, increasing your speed by 35% for 5 turns. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 15 temporal Changes resistances: +15% temporal Changes damage: +15% temporal / +10% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Chronomancy / Timetravel Talent cooldown: Time Skip (-1 turn) Spellpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): +10 Talent on hit(spell): Rethread (10% chance level 2). It can be used to attempt to inflict 69.36 temporal damage (based on Spellpower and Paradox, if any) on foes in a radius 2 ball out to range 5 (chance depends on rank, summons are always affected), removing any that survive from time for up to 2 turn(s) Activation costs 26 power out of 32/32. The chronomancer known as Solith was renowned across all of Eyal. He always seemed to catch his enemies alone. In the case of opponents who weren't alone, he had to improvise. |
![]() Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +5 (+1 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +7.0% Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 14% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Melee): 7 physical Effects on ranged hit: * 13% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Ranged): 29 physical Changes stats: +5 Cun Changes resistances: +12% blight / +10% nature / +28% acid Changes damage: +14% acid Critical mult.: +5.00% Physical save: +3 (+1 eff.) Poison immunity: +22% Disease immunity: +19% Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +3.00 Only die when reaching: -20.00 life Maximum hate: +10.00 It can be used to activate talent Bleeding Edge, placing all other charms into a 16 cooldown : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 16 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Lashes at the target, doing 171% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target will bleed for 322% weapon damage over 7 turns, and all healing will be reduced by 69%. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +18 (+4 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 4 darkness Changes stats: +9 Dex Changes resistances: +5% arcane Changes resistances penetration: +10% darkness / +5% arcane Changes damage: +24% darkness Blindness immunity: +70% Infravision radius: +8 See stealth: +25 See invisible: +24 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Cun Changes resistances: +24% fire Changes damage: +12% fire Disarm immunity: +54% Pinning immunity: +55% Knockback immunity: +53% Equilibrium when hit: +0.08 Maximum life: +51.00 Spellpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +17 Armour: +6 Defense: +17 (+4 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 23% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Damage when hit (Melee): 6 blight Changes resistances: +40% nature Changes damage: +20% nature Spell save: +12 (+3 eff.) Disarm immunity: +60% Pinning immunity: +50% Knockback immunity: +60% Maximum life: +40.00 It can be used to activate talent Disengage, placing all other charms into a 8 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.2 Power cost: 8 out of 10/10. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Jump back up to 5 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way. You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see). After moving, you gain 172% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any). The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Changes resistances penetration: +25% mind / +5% fire Disarm immunity: +53% Pinning immunity: +48% Knockback immunity: +66% Life regen: +9.00 Maximum life: +119.00 Healing mod.: +12% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes stats: +4 Str / +8 Wil Changes resistances: +5% physical Changes damage: +5% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Psionic / Blade defense Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Knockback immunity: +100% This double-helical ring seems resistant to attempts to move it. Wearing it seems to extend this property to your entire body. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +20 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +3 Damage when hit (Melee): 2 cold Changes stats: +10 Dex Changes resistances: +9% blight / +3% cold / +11% nature Critical mult.: +10.00% Poison immunity: +23% Disease immunity: +23% Disarm immunity: +36% Pinning immunity: +46% Knockback immunity: +34% Stamina each turn: +3.00 Maximum life: +42.00 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Lck Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Only die when reaching: -100.00 life Will bring you back from death, but only once! This ring is imbued with powers from beyond the grave. It is said that those who wear it may find a new path when all other roads turn dim. |
![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Physical power: +10 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Con Talent category bonus: +0.30 Technique A blade-edged ring that radiates power. As you put it on, strange thoughts of pain and destruction come to your mind. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Wil / +6 Con Changes resistances: +10% nature / +25% cold Changes damage: +15% cold Talent mastery: +0.20 Wild-gift / Rain Maximum mana: +20.00 Maximum stamina: +20.00 Maximum psi: +20.00 Maximum air capacity: +50.00 It can be used to summon a radius 4 tidal wave that expands slowly over 7 turns, dealing 29.53 cold and 34.63 physical damage (based on Willpower) each turn, knocking opponents back, and lowering their stun resistance Activation costs 48 power out of 60/60. This azure ring seems to be always moist to the touch. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: It can be used to re-generate the item with random stats. Can only be done three levels after the last reroll. Cannot be unequipped unless a reroll is available, or you are level 50 Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. "This isn't what I wished for!" - Howar Muransk, Cornac demonologist. This band of gothic obsidian menaces with an embossed image of a grinning skull. It beckons you to tempt fate and put it on. Do you? |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con When first worn the ring attunes to you, letting you choose a prodigy it will forever grant while worn (can not be changed once chosen, re-wear it to select again if you refused to choose at first). A writhing mass of tentacles roughtly warped into the form of a ring. A dark malovelant power emanates from it. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +9 (+2 eff.) Armour penetration: +7 Physical power: +7 (+1 eff.) Defense: +8 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +8 Str / +1 Dex / +5 Con Changes resistances: +22% cold Changes damage: +3% acid / +11% cold See invisible: +6 It can be used to activate talent Disengage, placing all other charms into a 8 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.2 Power cost: 8 out of 10/10. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Jump back up to 5 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way. You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see). After moving, you gain 172% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any). The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +8 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +7 Str / +7 Con Silence immunity: +50% Mana each turn: +0.27 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Changes resistances: +10% nature / +11% blight Changes damage: +10% all Poison immunity: +16% Disease immunity: +16% Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +5% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +20 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Dex / +3 Mag / +4 Cun / +2 Con Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +8 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) Blindness immunity: +26% Spellpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Infravision radius: +3 See stealth: +8 See invisible: +13 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +5 (+1 eff.) Defense: +8 (+2 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Melee): 14 physical Effects on ranged hit: * 13% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage (Ranged): 16 physical Changes stats: +1 Str / +4 Wil / +3 Cun Changes resistances: +3% blight / +3% fire / +12% nature Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +2.00 Maximum hate: +8.00 Movement speed: +12% Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Bleeding Edge, placing all other charms into a 16 cooldown : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 16 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Lashes at the target, doing 171% weapon damage. If the attack hits, the target will bleed for 322% weapon damage over 7 turns, and all healing will be reduced by 69%. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() marksman's voratun ring of warding Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +16 (+4 eff.) Changes stats: +8 Dex Changes resistances: +24% acid / +30% fire / +26% lightning / +30% cold Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -4% Changes resistances: +11% physical Changes damage: +11% physical Maximum encumbrance: +20 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Changes resistances: +32% acid Changes damage: +16% acid / +6% all Spellpower: +18 (+2 eff.) Mindpower: +19 (+3 eff.) Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +13 (+3 eff.) Defense: +11 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +7 Cun / +6 Wil Mindpower: +11 (+2 eff.) Movement speed: +22% Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Blinding Speed, placing all other charms into a 32 cooldown : Effective talent level: 2.6 Power cost: 32 out of 40/40. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Through rigorous training, you have learned to focus your actions for a short while, increasing your speed by 27% for 5 turns. Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +12 (+3 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 4 lightning Changes stats: +6 Dex Changes resistances: +12% temporal Changes resistances penetration: +20% temporal Silence immunity: +43% Stun/Freeze immunity: +32% Life regen: +6.00 Mana each turn: +0.27 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce armor by 19% Changes stats: +2 Str / +2 Wil / +6 Con Changes resistances: +30% lightning Changes damage: +15% lightning Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +17 (+4 eff.) Teleport immunity: +20% Maximum stamina: +25.00 Healing mod.: +10% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +10% blight / +32% fire / +13% nature Changes damage: +16% fire Poison immunity: +26% Disease immunity: +26% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +21% acid / +21% lightning / +9% blight / +29% fire / +10% nature / +22% cold Poison immunity: +27% Disease immunity: +11% Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() voratun ring 'Glaciercrack' Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Armour: +10 Changes stats: +3 Str / +7 Dex / +10 Mag / +10 Cun Changes resistances: +28% acid / +30% fire / +28% lightning / +29% cold Changes resistances penetration: +10% cold Changes damage: +6% physical Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +20 (+5 eff.) Stamina each turn: +3.00 Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +23% acid / +28% fire / +23% lightning / +25% cold Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: -10% Effects on melee hit: * 24 arcane resource burn Changes stats: +1 Str / +16 Wil / +15 Cun / +8 Con Changes resistances: +9% cold / +6% arcane / +12% nature Changes resistances penetration: +10% mind Maximum encumbrance: +38 Physical save: +16 (+4 eff.) Mindpower: +35 (+5 eff.) Rings make your fingers look great! |
![]() Corruptionwitch (216% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 216% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +28 darkness / +8 nature Damage against: +28% Living When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +56 (+11 eff.) Armour penetration: +21 Armour: +4 Changes stats: +10 Dex Changes resistances: +2% physical Changes resistances penetration: +21% physical Changes damage: +3% blight / +3% arcane Mana when firing critical spell: +2.26 Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +2 Maximum mana: +60.00 Combat speed: +10% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 214% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Projects up to 3 attacks dealing 30% weapon damage to other random targets in range 7 as mind damage (1/turn) On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (Melee): +20 nature When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +17.0% Damage when hit (Melee): 4 light Changes stats: +17 Con / +10 Wil Changes resistances: +6% light Changes resistances penetration: +10% light Changes damage: +6% light Maximum life: +72.00 Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() Yvynor (214% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 215% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 42% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): +34% Damage (Melee): +28 blight When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +21 Con / +20 Wil Changes resistances: +12% mind Changes damage: +12% mind Vim when firing critical spell: +2.26 Maximum life: +154.00 Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() balanced stralite battleaxe of crippling (206% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Strength 35 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 207% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +7.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +16 (+4 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +14.0% Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Disarm immunity: +52% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() balanced voratun battleaxe of corruption (215% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 215% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Curse of Defenselessness (20% chance level 5). When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +20 (+4 eff.) Defense: +17 (+4 eff.) Disarm immunity: +59% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() elemental voratun battleaxe of the mystic (213% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 214% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Create an explosion dealing 17 cold damage (1/turn) When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +16 Mag / +14 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +41% cold Changes damage: +28% cold Spellpower: +17 (+2 eff.) Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Projects up to 3 attacks dealing 30% weapon damage to other random targets in range 7 as mind damage (1/turn) When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +14 Str / +12 Dex / +12 Mag / +12 Wil / +9 Cun / +12 Con Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() hateful voratun battleaxe of phasing (216% power, 37 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +37 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): +24% Damage (Melee): +21 darkness Damage against: +20% Living Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() manaburning voratun battleaxe of crippling (216% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 216% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 26 arcane resource burn On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +14.0% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() manaburning voratun battleaxe of crippling (216% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 23 arcane resource burn On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +19.0% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() steel battleaxe of rage (186% power, 2 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 2 It must be held with both hands. Power: 186% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +14 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +7 Str Changes damage: +12% physical Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() stormbringer's steel battleaxe (185% power, 2 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 2 It must be held with both hands. Power: 185% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 2) on crit: +23 lightning / +19 cold When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +17% lightning / +14% cold Movement speed: +39% Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() truestriking dwarven-steel battleaxe of corruption (194% power, 2 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 3 It must be held with both hands. Power: 194% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +6.5% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Curse of Defenselessness (20% chance level 3). When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +24 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +16 Changes resistances penetration: +13% physical Massive two-handed battleaxes. |
![]() Requires: - Cunning 38 Infused by nature 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 84% Wil, 74% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +12 Crit. chance: +22.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Poisonous Bite (20% chance level 3). On weapon crit: * inflicts spydric poison dealing 200 damage over 3 turns and pinning the target Damage conversion: 30% darkness When wielded/worn: Armour: +15 Changes stats: +8 Cun / +4 Dex Changes damage: +30% nature / +20% darkness Talent granted: +5 Toxic Death Poison immunity: +100% Light radius: -2 This obsidian-crafted, curved blade is studded with the deadly fangs of the Ungolmor. It seems to drain light from the world around it. |
![]() balanced steel dagger of erosion (176% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 16 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 2 Power: 177% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +10 nature When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +8 (+2 eff.) Defense: +9 (+2 eff.) Disarm immunity: +26% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() enhanced dwarven-steel dagger of erosion (183% power, 7 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 24 Infused by nature 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 3 Power: 183% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +7 Crit. chance: +6.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +13 nature When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Str / +8 Dex / +6 Mag / +9 Wil / +6 Cun / +8 Con Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() flaming voratun dagger of daylight (199% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 200% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +15 light Damage (radius 1) on hit: +11 fire Damage against: +22% Undead Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() inquisitor's voratun dagger of torment (200% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Infused by arcane disrupting forces Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 200% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns On weapon crit: * Deals 181 Manaburn damage and puts 1 random spell talent on cooldown for 8 turns (checks Confusion immunity) Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() plaguebringer's voratun dagger of massacre (210% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 210% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Epidemic (20% chance level 5). On weapon hit: * 13% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Damage (Melee): +19 blight When wielded/worn: Disease immunity: +35% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 35 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 4 Power: 194% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Projects up to 3 attacks dealing 30% weapon damage to other random targets in range 7 as mind damage (1/turn) When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +13 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Dex Combat speed: +10% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() stormbringer's iron dagger of shearing (174% power, 5 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 11 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 1 Power: 174% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 2) on crit: +10 lightning / +12 cold When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +9 (+2 eff.) Armour penetration: +6 Changes resistances penetration: +9% lightning / +9% cold / +7% all Movement speed: +26% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() stralite dagger of evisceration (191% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 35 Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 4 Power: 191% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Physical power: +11 (+2 eff.) Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() truestriking stralite dagger of enduring (190% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 35 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 4 Power: 190% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +16 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +13 Changes stats: +9 Con / +10 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +9% physical Maximum life: +51.00 Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() truestriking voratun dagger of massacre (212% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 213% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +18 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Changes resistances penetration: +12% physical Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 200% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 199% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
![]() voratun dagger of ruin (200% power, 9 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.3x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Dagger Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +11 Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Critical mult.: +10.00% Sharp, short and deadly. |
Molten Hammer (228% power, 4 apr) Molten Hammer (228% power, 4 apr)Requires: - Magic 30 - Strength 10 Powered by arcane forces Powered by unknown forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 228% Range: 1.5x Uses stats: 189% Wil, 10% Mag, 10% Con Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon crits: Raise Volcano (10% chance level 4). On weapon hit: * splashes up to 5 nearby enemies with lava Damage (Melee): +20 fire / +20 physical When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +30% fire / +30% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Celestial / Kolal Spellpower: +35 (+4 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +15% The end of the hammer is still glowing. It's said the volcanoes of the Daikara first erupted when this hammer was thrown down into the mountain range by the gods. It doesn't fit right in your hands, but it's very easy to lift. |
![]() Relgomadur the voratun greatmaul (223% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 223% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +26 darkness Damage against: +28% Living When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +70 (+13 eff.) Armour penetration: +13 Changes stats: +14 Str / +4 Mag / +2 Con Changes resistances: +6% lightning / +6% arcane Changes resistances penetration: +16% all Changes damage: +20% physical Spell save: +9 (+2 eff.) Light radius: +3 Massive two-handed mauls. |
![]() arcing voratun greatmaul of shearing (223% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 224% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 25% chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing 17 damage When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +24 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +20 Changes resistances penetration: +14% all Massive two-handed mauls. |
![]() hateful voratun greatmaul of corruption (224% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 224% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Curse of Vulnerability (20% chance level 5). Damage (Melee): +26 darkness Damage against: +17% Living Massive two-handed mauls. |
![]() balanced voratun greatsword of amnesia (219% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 220% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 50% chance to put 1 talent on cooldown for 8 turns (checks Confusion immunity) When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Defense: +13 (+3 eff.) Disarm immunity: +53% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() balanced voratun greatsword of massacre (230% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 231% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Defense: +17 (+4 eff.) Disarm immunity: +56% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() chilling voratun greatsword of rage (219% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 220% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +35 cold When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +31 (+7 eff.) Changes stats: +12 Str Changes damage: +20% physical Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() enhanced dwarven-steel greatsword of erosion (198% power, 2 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 3 It must be held with both hands. Power: 199% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +20 nature When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +9 Str / +10 Dex / +6 Mag / +12 Wil / +9 Cun / +12 Con Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() enhanced iron greatsword of massacre (189% power, 1 apr) Requires: - Strength 11 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Power: 190% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Str / +7 Dex / +7 Mag / +7 Wil / +7 Cun / +7 Con Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() flaming steel greatsword of massacre (200% power, 2 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 2 It must be held with both hands. Power: 201% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 1) on hit: +16 fire Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() flaming voratun greatsword of ruin (217% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 218% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 1) on hit: +14 fire When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +17 Physical crit. chance: +20.0% Critical mult.: +44.00% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() quick voratun greatsword of paradox (217% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +28 temporal When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +26 (+6 eff.) Changes stats: +7 Dex Changes resistances: +23% temporal Combat speed: +10% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() truestriking voratun greatsword of erosion (217% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +17 nature When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +27 (+6 eff.) Armour penetration: +17 Changes resistances penetration: +19% physical Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() voratun greatsword of crippling (217% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +17.0% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() warbringer's voratun greatsword of enduring (216% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Physical power: +17 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +17 Con / +16 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +16% physical Disarm immunity: +25% Maximum life: +93.00 Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() Issirach the Venomglory Requires: - Dexterity 35 - Talent Shoot Infused by nature Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +9 Damage (Ranged): +12 temporal When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +32 (+7 eff.) Armour penetration: +20 Damage when hit (Melee): 11 temporal Changes stats: +17 Wil / +29 Con Changes resistances: +6% nature Changes resistances penetration: +15% all Changes damage: +12% nature Talent mastery: +0.30 Wild-gift / Fungus Maximum life: +123.00 It can be used to regenerate 306 life over 5 turns Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 16 turns. Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
![]() Requires: - Magic 30 - Dexterity 30 - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces 4.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 When this weapon hits: Chain Lightning (12% chance level 3). When wielded/worn: Defense: +30 (+7 eff.) Damage (Ranged): 75 lightning Changes stats: +10 Dex / +10 Mag Changes resistances: +20% lightning Changes damage: +25% lightning Talent masteries: +0.50 Spell / Storm +0.50 Spell / Air +0.20 Spell / Wild magic Spellpower: +30 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +10% Movement speed: +30% Automatically fires lightning bolts every game turn at nearby enemies dealing 111 to 222 lightning damage based on Magic with a chance to inflict Daze. This dragonbone longbow is enhanced with bands of steel, which arc with intense lightning. Bolts travel up and down the string, ignorant of you. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
![]() steady dragonbone longbow of enduring Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Infused by nature Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +23 (+5 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Changes stats: +23 Con / +20 Wil Maximum life: +56.00 Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
![]() swiftstrike elven-wood longbow of piercing Requires: - Dexterity 35 - Talent Shoot Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longbow ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +9 Travel speed: +200% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +23 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +18 Changes stats: +9 Cun Changes resistances penetration: +14% all Combat speed: +10% Longbows are used to shoot arrows at your foes. |
![]() Skyblast the voratun longsword (215% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 215% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +8 cold When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +20 (+4 eff.) Physical power: +15 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +10 Str / +7 Con Changes resistances: +18% acid Changes resistances penetration: +14% physical Changes damage: +21% lightning / +15% physical / +3% cold / +3% acid Disarm immunity: +35% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 40 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 208% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +20 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage conversion: 50% darkness When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Str / +8 Mag Changes resistances: +18% darkness / +12% blight Changes resistances penetration: +5% all Changes damage: +25% darkness Shadow Power: +5 Increases all damage penetration by 1% for each point of your Shadow Power. "All the better to pierce the heart of the world." |
![]() Requires: - Strength 35 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +10 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Create a Winter Storm that gradually expands (from radius 1 to radius 4), dealing 129.82 cold damage (based on Strength) to your enemies each turn and slowing their ability to act by 20%. Subsequent melee strikes will relocate the storm on top of your target and increase its duration. Damage (Melee): +25 ice When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 40 ice Changes resistances: +25% cold Changes damage: +20% cold Ice block penetration: +35% No Winter Storm Active It can be used to precipitate ice walls (lasting 10 turns) within your Winter Storm's area Activation costs 24 power out of 40/40. The air seems to freeze around the blade of this sword, draining all heat from the area. It is said the Conclave created this weapon for their warmaster during the dark times of the first allure war. |
![]() acidic dwarven-steel longsword of evisceration (185% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 3 Power: 186% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Physical power: +7 (+1 eff.) Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() acidic voratun longsword of massacre (213% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 213% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() balanced voratun longsword of erosion (203% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 203% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +15 nature When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +6 (+2 eff.) Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Disarm immunity: +42% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() chilling voratun longsword of vileness (204% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 205% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 23% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Damage (Melee): +14 blight / +30 cold Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 24 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 3 Power: 187% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Projects up to 1 attacks dealing 30% weapon damage to other random targets in range 7 as mind damage (1/turn) * Create an explosion dealing 17 fire damage (1/turn) When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +14% fire Changes damage: +10% fire Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() hateful stralite longsword of massacre (204% power, 5 apr) Requires: - Strength 35 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 4 Power: 204% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +10 darkness Damage against: +11% Living Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() truestriking steel longsword (179% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 2 Power: 180% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +11 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +8 Changes resistances penetration: +9% physical Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() voratun longsword of rage (202% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +24 (+5 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Str Changes damage: +13% physical Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() warbringer's voratun longsword (203% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 203% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances penetration: +10% physical Disarm immunity: +29% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() warbringer's voratun longsword of erosion (202% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 5 Power: 203% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +19 nature When wielded/worn: Physical power: +13 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances penetration: +10% physical Disarm immunity: +26% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Willpower 30 - Strength 50 Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5 Power: 210% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 1) on hit: +50 lightning / +50 physical Damage (radius 2) on crit: +100 lightning / +100 physical When wielded/worn: Talent masteries: +0.20 Wild-gift / Thunder +0.20 Wild-gift / Supercell It can be used to perform a melee strike against a target at up to range 10 for an automatic critical hit as lightning damage Activation costs 48 power out of 60/60. Tremendous power is concentrated in this heavy mace. Just dropping it can knock down nearby walls. |
![]() acidic dwarven-steel mace of ruin (189% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 3 Power: 189% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +10 Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Critical mult.: +18.00% Blunt and deadly. |
![]() balanced voratun mace of massacre (212% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5 Power: 213% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +13 (+3 eff.) Defense: +15 (+4 eff.) Disarm immunity: +41% Blunt and deadly. |
![]() caustic steel mace of massacre (185% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 2 Power: 185% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +1.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 2) on crit: +20 acid / +11 nature When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +9 Changes resistances penetration: +12% acid / +12% nature Blunt and deadly. |
![]() enhanced voratun mace of massacre (213% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5 Power: 214% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +12 Str / +9 Dex / +13 Mag / +13 Wil / +11 Cun / +11 Con Blunt and deadly. |
![]() hateful voratun mace of crippling (204% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5 Power: 205% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (Melee): +11 darkness Damage against: +20% Living When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +15.0% Blunt and deadly. |
![]() truestriking dwarven-steel mace of massacre (200% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 3 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +11 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +7 Changes resistances penetration: +11% physical Blunt and deadly. |
![]() voratun mace of crippling (204% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5 Power: 204% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +15.0% Blunt and deadly. |
![]() Blastvagrant the living mindstar (114% power, 40 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 114% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (radius 1) on hit: +8 lightning / +12 mind When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 14 fire Changes stats: +10 Cun Changes resistances: +9% lightning / +20% fire / +24% mind Changes resistances penetration: +10% mind / +15% fire Changes damage: +3% lightning / +20% fire / +21% mind Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Critical mult.: +25.00% Mental save: +7 (+2 eff.) Psi each turn: +1.20 Maximum psi: +50.00 Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Global speed: +9% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 124% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 100% Wil, 20% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Wil Changes resistances: +25% blight / +15% nature Changes resistances penetration: +20% nature / +10% acid Changes damage: +20% nature / +10% acid Talent mastery: +0.10 Wild-gift / Mindstar mastery Talent granted: +3 Ooze Spit Mindpower: +18 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +9% It can be used to activate talent Slime Wave (costing 24 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 3.0 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: A wall of slime oozes out from the caster with radius 1, increasing once every two turns to a maximum eventual radius of 9, doing 171.88 slime damage for 17 turns. The damage and duration will increase with your Mindpower. This smooth green crystal flows with a light green slime in its core. Droplets occasionally form on its surface, tufts of grass growing quickly on the ground where they fall. |
![]() Saloritta the Smoldermaster (116% power, 40 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 116% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +23 light / +20 fire Damage (radius 1) on hit: +8 fire When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +25% mind / +9% fire Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +6.00 Psi when firing a critical mind attack: +11.00 Mindpower: +23 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +23% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() dreamer's living mindstar (113% power, 40 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 113% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% mind Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mental save: +7 (+2 eff.) Psi each turn: +1.10 Maximum psi: +25.00 Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() dreamer's living mindstar of life (115% power, 40 apr, mind damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 115% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Mind Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +17% mind Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Life regen: +1.60 Psi each turn: +1.00 Maximum life: +46.00 Maximum psi: +31.00 Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() epiphanous vined mindstar of gales (87% power, 18 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 16 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 2 Power: 87% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Defense: +14 (+3 eff.) Changes damage: +8% lightning / +8% cold / +11% mind / +8% physical Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Pinning immunity: +23% Psi when firing a critical mind attack: +3.00 Mindpower: +6 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() harmonious living mindstar (112% power, 40 apr, mind damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 112% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Mind Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +9% nature Changes resistances penetration: +8% nature Changes damage: +10% nature Talent mastery: +0.20 Wild-gift / Harmony Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() horrifying mossy mindstar of sand (77% power, 12 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 11 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 1 Power: 77% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +12 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 6 physical / 5 mind / 6 darkness Changes resistances: +6% physical Changes resistances penetration: +7% physical Changes damage: +6% physical / +4% mind / +4% darkness Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mindpower: +2 (+0 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +1% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() living mindstar of flames (113% power, 40 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 113% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 12 fire Changes resistances: +16% fire Changes resistances penetration: +14% fire Changes damage: +20% fire Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Global speed: +6% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() living mindstar of gales (116% power, 40 apr, mind damage) Requires: - Willpower 48 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 5 Power: 116% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Mind Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +40 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Defense: +25 (+6 eff.) Changes damage: +13% lightning / +16% cold / +7% physical Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Pinning immunity: +37% Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() nature's pulsing mindstar of flames (108% power, 32 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 35 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 4 Power: 108% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +32 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 9 fire Changes resistances: +8% blight / +17% fire Changes resistances penetration: +13% fire Changes damage: +9% nature / +16% fire Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Disease immunity: +22% Mindpower: +8 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +4% Global speed: +6% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() projecting pulsing mindstar (107% power, 32 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 35 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 4 Power: 107% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +32 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +19% lightning / +11% fire / +15% cold Talent masteries: +0.20 Psionic / Focus +0.20 Psionic / Projection Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mindpower: +8 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +4% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() wyrm's vined mindstar (85% power, 18 apr, nature damage) Requires: - Willpower 16 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / mindstar ; tier 2 Power: 85% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 30% Cun Damage type: Nature Mastery: Psiblades Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 5 lightning / 5 physical / 5 fire / 5 acid / 5 cold Changes resistances: +5% lightning / +5% physical / +4% cold / +4% fire / +5% acid Talent granted: +1 Attune Mindstar Mindpower: +4 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +2% Mindstars are natural products. Natural gems covered in living matter, they are used to focus the mental powers of all nature defenders and psionics. Using mindstars in the offhand does not incur the normal offhand damage penalty. |
![]() Belydawyn the Shimmerravager Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 On weapon hit: * 10% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Damage (Ranged): +4 lightning / +12 blight / +20 cold / +8 arcane Damage (radius 2) on crit: +8 lightning When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +24 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +14 Physical power: +14 (+2 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 2 lightning / 4 blight Changes stats: +5 Str Changes resistances: +3% blight Changes resistances penetration: +14% all Changes damage: +9% arcane / +15% cold Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() halfling drakeskin leather sling of cold Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Damage (Ranged): +11 cold When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +19% cold / +19% physical Talents cooldown: Fragmentation Shot (-2 turns) Pin Down (-1 turn) Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() mighty drakeskin leather sling of cold Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Damage (Ranged): +6 cold When wielded/worn: Physical power: +13 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Str Changes damage: +18% cold Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() mighty drakeskin leather sling of fire Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Damage (Ranged): +17 fire When wielded/worn: Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Str Changes damage: +9% fire Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() steady rough leather sling of true flight Requires: - Dexterity 11 - Talent Shoot Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 1 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +14 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +10.0% Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() Requires: - Magic 40 Powered by unknown forces 7.00 Encumbrance. [Godslayer] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 217% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 130% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Arcane Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Accuracy: +30 Armour Penetration: +60 Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Mag / +10 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +30% lightning / +30% fire / +30% arcane / +30% cold Changes damage: +60% lightning / +60% fire / +60% arcane / +60% cold Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Maximum mana: +100.00 Maximum pos.energy: +50.00 Maximum neg.energy: +50.00 Spellpower: +48 (+5 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +15% Allows you to speak and read the old Sher'Tul language. It can be used to absorb the essence (ignoring resistance and bypassing most defenses) of a target in range 8, draining 30% of its life and increasing your own damage by 30% for 7 turns Activation costs 158 power out of 62/200. Carved with runes of power, this staff seems to have been made long ago, yet it bears no signs of tarnish. Light around it seems to dim and you can feel its tremendous power simply by touching it. The Sorcerers seem to have awakened its power. "And lo they came to Amakthel himself, and thousands were killed in the assault on his throne, and three of the Godslayers were broken beneath his feet. But Falion with his dying breath pierced the great god on his knee with the icy sword Arkil, and seeing his opportunity Caldizar, leader of the Godslayers, advanced with the Staff of Absorption and struck a terrifying blow against Amakthel. So fell the greatest of the gods by the hands of his own children, and his face was forced into the dust." |
![]() Poltergeist's Arthikath the dragonbone magestaff (193% power, 6 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +1.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +9.0% Physical power: +15 (+2 eff.) Defense: +30 (+7 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 2 arcane Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +12 Con Changes resistances: +6% acid / +15% fire Changes damage: +15% arcane / +30% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Life regen: +2.00 Only die when reaching: -20.00 life Spellpower: +33 (+4 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +9% Light radius: +5 Healing mod.: +30% It can be used to activate talent Illuminate, placing all other charms into a 5 cooldown : Effective talent level: 1.3 Power cost: 5 out of 6/6. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Creates a globe of pure light within a radius of 6 that illuminates the area and deals 78.90 damage to all creatures. At level 3, it also blinds all who see it (except the caster) for 3 turns. Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() Poltergeist's dragonbone starstaff 'Aereldir' (193% power, 6 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Defense: +55 (+12 eff.) Damage (Melee): 35 fire Changes resistances: +5% arcane / +12% light Changes damage: +30% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Critical mult.: +40.00% Physical save: +16 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Cut immunity: +24% Spellpower: +31 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +20% See invisible: +20 Damage Shield penetration: +30% Damage Shield Power: +19% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff It is part of a set of items. Power: 165% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Mag Changes damage: +20% acid / +20% cold Critical mult.: +20.00% Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Confusion immunity: +20% Maximum mana: +50.00 Spell crit. chance: +8% The bottom part of Telos' broken staff. |
![]() Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 2.50 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It is part of a set of items. Power: 197% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 100% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Wil Changes damage: +35% arcane Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Spellpower: +30 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +15% The top part of Telos' broken staff. |
![]() cruel dragonbone vilestaff of fate (193% power, 6 apr, blight element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +30% blight Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Critical mult.: +15.00% Physical save: +13 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +12 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +24% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() cruel elven-wood vilestaff of might (188% power, 5 apr, blight element) Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 189% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +25% blight Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Critical mult.: +18.00% Spellpower: +12 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +26% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() dragonbone magestaff of channeling (193% power, 6 apr, lightning element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +30% lightning Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Mana each turn: +0.31 Spellpower: +27 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% It can be used to channel mana (increasing mana regeneration by 2000% for 5 turns) Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 24 turns. Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() dragonbone starstaff of channeling (193% power, 6 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +30% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Mana each turn: +0.40 Spellpower: +29 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% It can be used to channel mana (increasing mana regeneration by 2000% for 5 turns) Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 24 turns. Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() dragonbone vilestaff of wizardry (193% power, 6 apr, fire element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +4 Wil Changes damage: +30% fire Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Maximum mana: +84.00 Spellpower: +21 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() earthen dragonbone starstaff of wizardry (193% power, 6 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Armour: +9 Armour Hardiness: +12% Changes stats: +6 Mag / +5 Wil Changes damage: +30% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) Maximum mana: +49.00 Spellpower: +23 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() ethereal dragonbone starstaff of fate (193% power, 6 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Defense: +25 (+6 eff.) Changes damage: +30% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +15 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +11 (+3 eff.) Spellpower: +23 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +11% Damage Shield penetration: +25% Damage Shield Power: +15% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() ethereal yew starstaff of fate (184% power, 4 apr, temporal element) Requires: - Magic 24 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3 It must be held with both hands. Power: 184% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Defense: +16 (+4 eff.) Changes damage: +20% temporal Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +9% Damage Shield penetration: +20% Damage Shield Power: +10% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() infernal elven-wood starstaff of might (188% power, 5 apr, physical element) Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 189% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 29 fire Changes damage: +25% physical Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Critical mult.: +29.00% Spellpower: +19 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +16% See invisible: +13 Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() lifebinding elven-wood starstaff of wizardry (188% power, 5 apr, light element) Requires: - Magic 35 Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 189% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +6 Con Changes damage: +25% light Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Life regen: +1.30 Maximum mana: +64.00 Spellpower: +26 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +4% Healing mod.: +26% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() lifebinding yew magestaff of protection (184% power, 4 apr, arcane element) Requires: - Magic 24 Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3 It must be held with both hands. Power: 184% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances: +10% arcane Changes damage: +20% arcane Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Life regen: +1.40 Spellpower: +14 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +3% Healing mod.: +18% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() magelord's dragonbone vilestaff of breaching (193% power, 6 apr, darkness element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +12.0% Damage (Melee): 40 arcane Changes resistances penetration: +15% darkness Changes damage: +30% darkness Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Maximum mana: +120.00 Spellpower: +23 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() magewarrior's short dragonbone magestaff of the prodigy (193% power, 6 apr, lightning element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +1.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +13 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +9.0% Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +20 Mag / +16 Wil / +18 Cun Changes damage: +30% lightning Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +8 Spellpower: +24 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +8% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() potent dragonbone magestaff of fate (202% power, 6 apr, arcane element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 202% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +41% arcane Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Physical save: +14 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +12 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +14 (+4 eff.) Spellpower: +19 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +12% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() shimmering dragonbone vilestaff of protection (193% power, 6 apr, fire element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% fire Changes damage: +30% fire Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Mana each turn: +0.32 Maximum mana: +77.00 Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() surging dragonbone starstaff of power (193% power, 6 apr, darkness element) Requires: - Magic 48 Powered by arcane forces 5.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5 It must be held with both hands. Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 80% Mag, 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Staff Mastery Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +30% darkness Talent granted: +1 Command Staff Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +9 Spellpower: +30 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art. |
![]() enhanced voratun steamgun of lightning Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Travel speed: +600% Damage (Ranged): +6 lightning Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Str / +10 Dex / +13 Mag / +9 Wil / +12 Cun / +10 Con Changes damage: +19% lightning Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() enhanced voratun steamgun of tinkering (+7) Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Travel speed: +600% Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Str / +12 Dex / +12 Mag / +11 Wil / +14 Cun / +6 Con Steampower: +12 (+3 eff.) Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() gunslinger's stralite steamgun of true flight Requires: - Dexterity 35 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 4 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +12 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Travel speed: +600% Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +12 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +10.0% Changes damage: +15% physical Talents cooldown: Trick Shot (-2 turns) Strafe (-2 turns) Double Shots (-2 turns) Steampower: +12 (+3 eff.) Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() mighty dwarven-steel steamgun of tinkering (+4) Requires: - Dexterity 24 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 3 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +9 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +8 Travel speed: +600% Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Physical power: +8 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +4 Cun / +4 Str Steampower: +10 (+2 eff.) Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() steady stralite steamgun of recursion Requires: - Dexterity 35 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 4 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +12 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +9 When this weapon hits: Shoot (10% chance level 1). Travel speed: +600% Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +12 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() stormbringer's dwarven-steel steamgun Requires: - Dexterity 24 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 3 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +9 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +8 Travel speed: +600% Damage (radius 2) on crit: +24 lightning / +26 cold Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +14% lightning / +12% cold Movement speed: +38% Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() strafer's voratun steamgun of enduring Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Travel speed: +600% Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +12 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +13 Con / +13 Wil Talent cooldown: Strafe (-2 turns) Maximum life: +79.00 Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() swiftstrike voratun steamgun of life draining Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 Travel speed: +800% Damage (Ranged): +25 draining blight Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Cun Combat speed: +10% Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() voratun steamgun 'Growthking' Requires: - Dexterity 48 - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 5 Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +10 When this weapon hits: Arcane Vortex (10% chance level 5). On weapon hit: * 10% chance to slow global speed by 90% Travel speed: +600% Damage (Ranged): +8 nature Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +7.0% Changes stats: +7 Mag Changes resistances: +9% nature Changes resistances penetration: +25% physical / +5% nature / +20% arcane Changes damage: +14% arcane / +12% light Spellpower: +13 (+1 eff.) Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() balanced voratun steamsaw of enduring (201% power, 0 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +100 Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +11 (+3 eff.) Armour: +6 Defense: +21 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +15 Con / +10 Wil Talent granted: +3 Block Disarm immunity: +42% Maximum life: +80.00 Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
![]() swashbuckler's voratun steamsaw of mind resistance (+17%) (202% power, 0 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 - Talent Steam Pool Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +96 Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +8 (+2 eff.) Armour: +6 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +7 Str / +10 Dex Changes resistances: +17% mind Talent granted: +3 Block Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
![]() truestriking voratun steamsaw of corruption (201% power, 0 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +88 When this weapon hits: Curse of Defenselessness (20% chance level 5). Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +25 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Armour: +6 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances penetration: +13% physical Talent granted: +3 Block Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
![]() voratun steamsaw of enduring (201% power, 0 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +90 Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +13 Con / +8 Wil Talent granted: +3 Block Maximum life: +77.00 Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
![]() voratun steamsaw of torment (203% power, 0 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 - Talent Steam Pool Infused by psionic forces Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 5 Power: 203% Range: 1.5x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +96 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Talent granted: +3 Block Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
![]() Requires: - Strength 35 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / trident ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 202% Range: 1.6x Uses stat: 189% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Exotic Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +13 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% A two-handed massive trident. Tridents require the exotic weapons mastery talent to use correctly. |
![]() Bloomwyrd (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 20% chance to slow global speed by 90% * 35% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (Melee): +18 mind Damage (radius 2) on crit: +89 fire When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +15.0% Changes stats: +7 Cun / +6 Wil Changes resistances: +6% blight / +3% mind Changes resistances penetration: +24% fire Spell save: +12 (+3 eff.) Poison immunity: +23% Teleport immunity: +10% Maximum life: +80.00 Global speed: +9% One-handed war axes. |
![]() Hanakalthosta the voratun waraxe (202% power, 31 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +31 Crit. chance: +12.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): +19% Damage (Melee): +30 cold Damage (radius 1) on hit: +20 fire When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +3 Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Physical power: +10 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +3 Dex / +2 Con Physical save: +6 (+2 eff.) One-handed war axes. |
![]() Tidewilder the voratun waraxe (201% power, 10 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +10 Crit. chance: +9.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 10% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 Damage (Melee): +16 physical / +20 nature When wielded/worn: Physical power: +15 (+2 eff.) Damage when hit (Melee): 8 physical Changes stats: +7 Con Changes resistances: +6% cold Changes resistances penetration: +15% physical Disarm immunity: +31% One-handed war axes. |
![]() acidic voratun waraxe of crippling (200% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 200% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +13.0% One-handed war axes. |
![]() chilling voratun waraxe of shearing (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +21 cold When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +12 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +9 Changes resistances penetration: +10% all One-handed war axes. |
![]() elemental voratun waraxe of shearing (202% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Create an explosion dealing 17 lightning damage (1/turn) When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +25 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +7 Changes resistances penetration: +22% lightning / +13% all Changes damage: +20% lightning One-handed war axes. |
![]() enhanced voratun waraxe of disruption (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * Cause the target to have a 10% chance to fail spellcasting and 10% chance to lose a magical sustain each turn, stacking up to 50% Damage against: +30% Unnatural When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Str / +10 Dex / +10 Mag / +9 Wil / +11 Cun / +10 Con One-handed war axes. |
![]() flaming steel waraxe of crippling (179% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 2 Power: 179% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +4.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (radius 1) on hit: +8 fire When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +8.0% One-handed war axes. |
![]() hateful steel waraxe of corruption (175% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Strength 16 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 2 Power: 175% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +4.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Curse of Impotence (20% chance level 2). Damage (Melee): +9 darkness Damage against: +11% Living One-handed war axes. |
![]() hateful stralite waraxe of shearing (196% power, 5 apr) Requires: - Strength 35 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 4 Power: 196% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +6.5% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +16 darkness Damage against: +14% Living When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +11 Changes resistances penetration: +12% all One-handed war axes. |
![]() stormbringer's dwarven-steel waraxe of amnesia (181% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 3 Power: 182% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 50% chance to put 1 talent on cooldown for 8 turns (checks Confusion immunity) Damage (radius 2) on crit: +29 lightning / +23 cold When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +17% lightning / +13% cold Movement speed: +37% One-handed war axes. |
![]() stormbringer's voratun waraxe of crippling (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (radius 2) on crit: +32 lightning / +26 cold When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +11.0% Changes resistances penetration: +15% lightning / +20% cold Movement speed: +48% One-handed war axes. |
![]() truestriking dwarven-steel waraxe of massacre (194% power, 4 apr) Requires: - Strength 24 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 3 Power: 195% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +4.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +14 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +10 Changes resistances penetration: +7% physical One-handed war axes. |
![]() truestriking voratun waraxe (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 202% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +21 (+5 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Changes resistances penetration: +11% physical One-handed war axes. |
![]() voratun waraxe 'Voidterror' (200% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% On weapon hit: * 23 arcane resource burn * 23% chance to reduce damage dealt by 47% On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +15.0% Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to slow global speed by 90% Changes stats: +22 Str / +25 Dex / +21 Mag / +26 Wil / +26 Cun / +26 Con Changes resistances: +6% arcane / +18% acid One-handed war axes. |
![]() warbringer's voratun waraxe of corruption (201% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5 Power: 201% Range: 1.4x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Curse of Impotence (20% chance level 5). When wielded/worn: Physical power: +8 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances penetration: +14% physical Disarm immunity: +24% One-handed war axes. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 15 Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / whip ; tier 3 Power: 183% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 60% Wil, 97% Cun Damage type: Mind Mastery: Exotic Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon. Armour Penetration: +7 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 125% On weapon crit: * Try to fry your enemies brain (25% chance to brainlock) When wielded/worn: Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +3% It can be used to strike all targets in a line (for 100%% weapon damage as mind) out to range 4 Activation costs 8 power out of 10/10. A small mindstar rests at top of this handle. As you touch it, a translucent cord appears, flicking with your will. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 40 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / whip ; tier 4 It must be held with both hands. Power: 214% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 152% Wil, 50% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Exotic Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +7 Crit. chance: +14.0% Attack speed: 125% When this weapon hits: Lightning Breath (10% chance level 3). When this weapon hits: Poison Breath (10% chance level 3). When this weapon hits: Acid Breath (10% chance level 3). On weapon hit: * hit up to two adjacent enemies When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +12% acid / +12% nature / +12% lightning This three-headed stralite flail strikes with the power of a hydra. With each attack it lashes out, hitting everyone around you. |
![]() Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Ranged Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Changes stats: +12 Dex / +10 Cun / +8 Lck Deflect projectiles away: +15% Slows Projectiles: +30% Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Evasion (costing 24 power out of 30/30) : Effective talent level: 6.4 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Your quick wit and reflexes allow you to anticipate attacks against you, granting you a 39% chance to evade melee and ranged attacks and 70 increased defense for 4 turns. The chance to evade and defense bonus increase with your Dexterity. Said to have belonged to a master of avoiding attacks, this gilded steel emblem symbolizes his talent. |
![]() Infused by nature 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Con / +5 Wil Changes resistances: +15% lightning / +15% temporal / +15% light / +15% fire / +15% nature / +15% acid / +10% physical / +15% blight / +15% cold / +10% arcane / +15% darkness Physical save: +15 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +15 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) Confusion immunity: +20% A pristine belt of purest white leather with a runed voratun buckle. The ravages of neither time nor the elements have touched it. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Fatigue: +5% Changes resistances: +30% lightning Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% Taking lightning damage or making critical hits builds 2 energy charges, which give you +5% lightning damage and +1 to all stats. The charges decay at a rate of 1 per turn. Max 10 charges. A fine mesh of metal threads held together by a sturdy chain. Sparks dance across it. |
![]() Strikepyre the drakeskin leather belt Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / belt ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Wil Changes resistances: +27% acid / +15% light / +9% cold / +15% darkness / +9% lightning Changes damage: +6% lightning / +6% cold Mental save: +14 (+4 eff.) Maximum life: +183.00 Maximum mana: +80.00 Maximum stamina: +65.00 Maximum hate: +17.00 Maximum psi: +39.00 Maximum vim: +36.00 Maximum pos.energy: +40.00 Maximum neg.energy: +39.00 Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): +20 A belt that goes around your waist. |
![]() Alagas the elven-silk cloak (3 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +15 Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +1 Cun / +2 Con Changes resistances penetration: +15% arcane Changes damage: +15% arcane Critical mult.: +60.00% Stealth bonus: +14 Spell save: +14 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +21 (+5 eff.) Equilibrium when hit: +0.12 Psi when hit: +0.12 Only die when reaching: -60.00 life Maximum mana: +100.00 Maximum stamina: +33.94 Spellpower: +8 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +6% A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Cun / +5 Wil Changes resistances: +15% mind Talent masteries: +0.10 Psionic / Dreaming +0.10 Psionic / Slumber Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mindpower: +6 (+1 eff.) The wearer is asleep. Lucid Dreamer: This item allows the wearer to act while sleeping. It can be used to activate talent Slumber (costing 8 power out of 25/25) : Effective talent level: 3.9 Power cost: 8 out of 25/25. Range: 7 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a mind power Description: Puts the target into a deep sleep for 4 turns, rendering it unable to act. Every 139 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn. When Slumber ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 20% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect. The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower. Touching this cloak of otherworldly fabric makes you feel both drowsy yet completely aware. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +10.0% Defense: +14 (+3 eff.) Damage (Melee): 30 mind / 30 darkness Damage when hit (Melee): 30 mind / 30 darkness Changes stats: +4 Dex / +8 Wil / +6 Cun Changes resistances: +10% darkness / +10% mind Changes damage: +4% all Talent masteries: +0.30 Cursed / Gloom +0.30 Cursed / Darkness Talent granted: +5 Dark Vision Stealth bonus: +12 Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Hate per kill: +5.00 Mindpower: +20 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +10% Talent on hit(mindpower): Creeping Darkness (10% chance level 3). Forget the moons, the starry sky, The warm and greeting sheen of sun, The rays of light will never reach inside, The heart which wishes that it be unseen. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +5 (+1 eff.) Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Cun Talent granted: +1 Rocket Dash Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Movement speed: +10% Avoid Pressure Traps: The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure. Finally. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Mag / +6 Wil / +10 Lck Changes resistances: +20% temporal Changes resistances cap: +10% temporal Changes damage: +10% temporal Talent masteries: +0.10 Chronomancy / Timeline Threading +0.10 Chronomancy / Chronomancy +0.10 Spell / Divination Physical save: +20 (+5 eff.) Spell save: +20 (+5 eff.) Mental save: +20 (+5 eff.) Confusion immunity: +40% Spellpower: +8 (+1 eff.) It can be used to activate talent See the Threads (costing 40 power out of 50/50) : Effective talent level: 1.3 Power cost: 40 out of 50/50. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: You peer into three possible futures, allowing you to explore each for 2 turns. When the effect expires, you'll choose which of the three futures becomes your present. If you know Foresight you'll gain additional defense and chance to shrug off critical hits (equal to your Foresight values) while See the Threads is active. This spell splits the timeline. Attempting to use another spell that also splits the timeline while this effect is active will be unsuccessful. If you die in any thread you'll revert the timeline to the point when you first cast the spell and the effect will end. This spell may only be used once per zone level. Untouched by the ravages of time, this fine spun white cloak appears to be crafted of an otherworldly material that shifts and shimmers in the light. |
![]() elven-silk cloak of the voidstalker (3 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloak ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Changes resistances: +29% darkness / +28% temporal Defense after a teleport: +19 Resist all after a teleport: +14% New effects duration reduction after a teleport: +28% It can be used to blink randomly (up to range 8) within 2 spaces of a target hostile creature Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 8 turns. A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
![]() Poralewen the Abyssvice (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 23% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit) Changes stats: +1 Cun / +20 Con Changes resistances: +37% lightning / +15% all Changes damage: +25% lightning / +15% fire / +57% nature Poison immunity: +100% Disease immunity: +93% Equilibrium when hit: +0.20 Mental crit. chance: +4% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() ancient cashmere robe of the mind (+18%) (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +6 Mag Changes resistances: +18% mind / +11% all Changes resistances penetration: +9% temporal / +8% physical Changes damage: +20% temporal / +18% mind / +14% physical Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): +12 A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() ancient elven-silk robe (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Mag Changes resistances: +15% all Changes resistances penetration: +11% temporal / +15% physical Changes damage: +30% temporal / +20% physical Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): +14 A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() dispeller's elven-silk robe (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +10% lightning / +10% darkness / +11% light / +10% blight / +10% fire / +11% cold / +15% all Physical save: +17 (+5 eff.) Spell save: +28 (+6 eff.) Mental save: +20 (+5 eff.) A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() dreamer's elven-silk robe of Linaniil (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +14% darkness / +19% mind / +15% all Physical save: +18 (+5 eff.) Spell save: +18 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +38 (+9 eff.) Mana each turn: +0.29 Maximum mana: +69.00 Spellpower: +24 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +12% The wearer is asleep. Lucid Dreamer: This item allows the wearer to act while sleeping. A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() focusing elven-silk robe of power (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Mag / +7 Wil Changes resistances: +15% all Changes damage: +16% all Mana each turn: +0.31 Psi each turn: +0.33 Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() focusing silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Mag / +7 Wil Changes resistances: +13% blight / +13% all Life regen: +4.70 Mana each turn: +0.33 Psi each turn: +0.29 Maximum life: +76.00 Healing mod.: +26% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() linen robe of Angolwen (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Mag / +3 Wil Changes resistances: +7% all Silence immunity: +26% Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +3 Spellpower: +8 (+1 eff.) A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() mindwoven elven-silk robe of Linaniil (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +15% all Mental save: +29 (+7 eff.) Mana each turn: +0.32 Maximum mana: +82.00 Spellpower: +28 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +15% Mindpower: +4 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +4% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() mindwoven elven-silk robe of alchemy (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +16% acid / +18% physical / +19% fire / +17% cold / +15% all Changes damage: +21% acid / +25% physical / +19% fire / +23% cold Talent cooldown: Refit Golem (-5 turns) Mental save: +25 (+6 eff.) Mindpower: +5 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() mindwoven elven-silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +17% blight / +15% all Mental save: +27 (+7 eff.) Life regen: +4.60 Maximum life: +87.00 Mindpower: +6 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% Healing mod.: +21% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() shimmering elven-silk robe of alchemy (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +17% acid / +17% physical / +16% fire / +17% cold / +15% all Changes damage: +18% acid / +16% physical / +20% fire / +30% arcane / +13% cold Talent cooldown: Refit Golem (-4 turns) Maximum mana: +76.00 A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +13% blight / +13% all Life regen: +4.60 Maximum life: +80.00 Healing mod.: +25% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() stargazer's elven-silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Cun Changes resistances: +20% blight / +15% all Changes damage: +25% light / +24% darkness Life regen: +4.20 Maximum life: +100.00 Spellpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +9% Healing mod.: +23% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() stormwoven elven-silk robe (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +6 Str / +8 Mag / +7 Wil Changes resistances: +11% lightning / +13% cold / +15% all Changes damage: +23% lightning / +18% physical / +20% cold A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() tormentor's elven-silk robe of darkness (+30%) (0 def, 0 armour) Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Cun Changes resistances: +30% darkness / +15% all Changes damage: +20% darkness Critical mult.: +18.00% Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +4.00 Psi when firing a critical mind attack: +5.00 A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() verdant elven-silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +10 Con Changes resistances: +15% blight / +15% all Changes damage: +29% nature Poison immunity: +40% Disease immunity: +46% Life regen: +4.20 Maximum life: +79.00 Healing mod.: +27% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() verdant elven-silk robe of life (0 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances: +16% blight / +15% all Changes damage: +19% nature Poison immunity: +48% Disease immunity: +41% Life regen: +4.30 Maximum life: +80.00 Healing mod.: +25% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() verdant elven-silk robe of protection (4 def, 3 armour) Infused by nature Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Defense: +4 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +7 Con Changes resistances: +15% all Changes damage: +22% nature Physical save: +22 (+6 eff.) Poison immunity: +48% Disease immunity: +28% A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
![]() Harirain the Coalblood (0 def, 14 armour) Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +13 Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Physical power: +6 (+1 eff.) Armour: +14 Damage when hit (Melee): 4 darkness / 6 blight Changes stats: +3 Str / +4 Con Changes resistances: +3% darkness Reduces incoming crit damage: 5.00% Spellpower: +12 (+1 eff.) Infravision radius: +3 A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +20 Changes stats: +4 Dex / +4 Wil Changes resistances: +9% acid / +10% fire / +9% lightning / +15% cold Changes damage: +6% light Reduces incoming crit damage: 15.00% Silence immunity: +33% Confusion immunity: +46% Stun/Freeze immunity: +28% Infravision radius: +2 See invisible: +3 A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +11 Fatigue: +4% Damage when hit (Melee): 4 cold Changes stats: +2 Mag / +1 Wil Changes resistances: +14% lightning / +20% temporal Spell save: +6 (+2 eff.) Silence immunity: +50% Confusion immunity: +50% Stun/Freeze immunity: +50% Maximum mana: +20.00 Maximum vim: +30.00 Infravision radius: +2 Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / feet ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +3% Changes stats: +8 Cun / +8 Dex Pinning immunity: +100% Knockback immunity: -100% Steampower: +5 (+1 eff.) You move 3 spaces at once. Accurately? Less so. |
![]() eldritch pair of iron boots (0 def, 3 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Fatigue: +2% Changes stats: +2 Mag / +2 Wil Mana each turn: +0.20 Maximum mana: +25.00 Spell crit. chance: +2% Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
![]() insulating pair of drakeskin leather boots of force (0 def, 5 armour) Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +14 (+2 eff.) Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +11% fire / +11% cold Spellpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mindpower: +12 (+2 eff.) A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() pair of hardened leather boots of invasion (0 def, 3 armour) Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +3.0% Physical power: +5 (+1 eff.) Armour: +3 Changes resistances penetration: +10% physical A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() restorative pair of voratun boots of rushing (0 def, 5 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Fatigue: +4% Changes stats: +3 Str / +4 Con Life regen: +2.00 Healing mod.: +17% It can be used to activate talent Rush, placing all other charms into a 20 cooldown : Effective talent level: 1.3 Power cost: 20 out of 25/25. Range: 6 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Rush toward a target enemy with incredible speed and perform a melee attack for 120% weapon damage that can daze the target for 3 turns if it hits. You must rush from at least 2 tiles away. Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
![]() scholar's pair of dwarven-steel boots of spellbinding (0 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Fatigue: +3% Changes stats: +4 Mag Spellpower: +9 (+1 eff.) Lowers spell cool-downs by: 10% Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
![]() traveler's pair of voratun boots of tirelessness (0 def, 5 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Fatigue: -6% Maximum encumbrance: +39 Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Stamina each turn: +0.60 Maximum stamina: +27.00 Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
![]() wanderer's pair of drakeskin leather boots (0 def, 5 armour) Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes stats: +4 Cun / +4 Con Physical save: +22 (+6 eff.) Mental save: +19 (+5 eff.) A pair of boots made of leather. |
![]() alchemist's dwarven-steel gauntlets (0 def, 2 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Powered by arcane forces 1.50 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Fatigue: +3% Damage (Melee): 6 acid / 6 fire / 3 cold / 6 lightning Changes stats: +4 Mag / +4 Wil When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 183% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +9 Crit. chance: +8.0% Attack speed: 100% Damage (Melee): +11 ice / +11 fire / +11 acid / +11 lightning Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm. |
![]() heroic hardened leather gloves of dexterity (+4) (0 def, 7 armour) Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +10 (+2 eff.) Armour: +7 Changes stats: +4 Dex Mental save: +9 (+2 eff.) Maximum life: +61.00 When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 187% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy: +12 Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +10.0% Attack speed: 125% When this weapon hits: Battle Shout (10% chance level 3). Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
![]() heroic rough leather gloves of magic (+3) (0 def, 5 armour) Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes stats: +3 Mag Changes damage: +4% arcane Mental save: +7 (+2 eff.) Maximum life: +46.00 When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 176% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy: +5 Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +1.0% Attack speed: 125% When this weapon hits: Battle Shout (10% chance level 1). Damage (Melee): +7 arcane Damage (radius 2) on crit: +7 arcane Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
![]() heroic voratun gauntlets of dexterity (+6) (0 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Crafted by a master 1.50 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Armour: +8 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +6 Dex Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Maximum life: +65.00 When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 200% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Accuracy: +19 Armour Penetration: +15 Crit. chance: +18.0% Attack speed: 100% When this weapon hits: Battle Shout (10% chance level 5). Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm. |
![]() scouring hardened leather gloves of dexterity (+4) (0 def, 2 armour) Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +17 (+4 eff.) Armour: +2 Effects when hit in melee: * 24 arcane resource burn Changes stats: +4 Dex Spell save: +17 (+4 eff.) When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 182% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy: +8 Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +11.0% Attack speed: 125% On weapon hit: * 24 arcane resource burn Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
![]() steady drakeskin leather gloves of archery (0 def, 3 armour) Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Armour penetration: +12 Armour: +3 Changes stats: +7 Cun / +5 Dex Physical save: +7 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Disarm immunity: +47% When used to modify unarmed attacks: Power: 192% Range: 1.1x Uses stats: 90% Wil, 90% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Accuracy: +16 Armour Penetration: +14 Crit. chance: +5.0% Attack speed: 125% When this weapon hits: Perfect Control (10% chance level 5). When this weapon hits: Perfect Strike (15% chance level 5). It can be used to activate talent Steady Shot, placing all other charms into a 16 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.9 Power cost: 16 out of 20/20. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Fire a steady shot, doing 171% damage with a 28% chance to mark the target. If Steady Shot is not on cooldown, this talent will automatically replace your normal attacks (and trigger the cooldown). Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Fatigue: +3% Changes stats: +6 Dex / +2 Wil Changes resistances: +11% cold / +15% mind / +18% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +15% arcane / +20% blight Allows you to breathe in: water Mental save: +13 (+3 eff.) Confusion immunity: +30% Mana when firing critical spell: +1.00 Spellpower: +5 (+0 eff.) Infravision radius: +3 Damage Shield penetration: +20% A hat made of leather. Very stylish. |
![]() Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +20 (+4 eff.) Armour penetration: +15 Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +20 Cun Changes resistances: +20% fire Talent masteries: +0.20 Steamtech / Physics +0.20 Steamtech / Chemistry Blindness immunity: +100% Infravision radius: +3 Sight radius: +1 Steampower: +5 (+1 eff.) Steam crit. chance: +5% No self respecting craftsman would be caught without them! |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +5% Damage (Melee): 10 acid / 10 fire / 10 lightning / 10 cold Changes stats: +10 Mag / +10 Wil Changes resistances: +25% acid / +25% fire / +25% cold / +25% lightning Changes damage: +25% acid / +25% fire / +25% cold / +25% lightning Spellpower: +15 (+2 eff.) Mindpower: +15 (+2 eff.) This jeweled crown shimmers with colors. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +7 (+2 eff.) Changes resistances: +15% mind Changes resistances cap: +10% mind Changes resistances penetration: +10% mind Mental save: +25 (+6 eff.) Confusion immunity: +40% Psi when firing a critical mind attack: +6.00 Maximum psi: +50.00 Mindpower: +20 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +9% Infravision radius: +5 It can be used to reveal the surrounding area (range 20) Activation costs 24 power out of 30/30. This white cap is plain and dull, but as the light reflects off of its surface, you see images of faraway corners of the world in the sheen." |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +6 Wil / +6 Mag Talent masteries: +0.20 Spellweaving / Warpweaving +0.20 Spellweaving / Shieldweaving +0.20 Spellweaving / Spellweaving mastery +0.20 Spellweaving / Spellweaver +0.20 Spell / Divination Blindness immunity: +100% Light radius: +2 Your damage is increased by 10% against targets revealed by your Arcane Eyes. Additionally, your Spellweaving modifier is globally increased by 7.5% Talent on hit(spell): Arcane Eye (100% chance level 5). A pair of glasses stolen from the from the near legendary Spellweaver Professor Hundredeyes. Attempts to steal further pairs were made after students tried to make a game of stealing from the expert of Arcane Eyes, but no other attempt has ever been successful. |
![]() Turilaldir the dwarven-steel helm (0 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +5 (+1 eff.) Armour: +4 Fatigue: +4% Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Con Changes resistances: +11% acid / +9% temporal / +10% lightning / +11% fire / +11% nature / +11% cold Changes damage: +6% temporal Critical mult.: +15.00% Spell save: +8 (+2 eff.) Psi when hit: +0.08 Maximum life: +82.00 Mental crit. chance: +6% Healing mod.: +15% A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces Powered by steamtech 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +20 (+4 eff.) Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +10 Cun Blindness immunity: +100% It can be used to see everything. EVERYTHING. For 5 turns, anyway Activation costs 24 power out of 30/30. How do these even work? |
![]() bladed rough leather cap of strength (+8) (0 def, 1 armour) Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Fatigue: +1% Changes stats: +8 Str It can be used to activate talent Skullcracker, placing all other charms into a 16 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.9 Power cost: 16 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: You smack your forehead against your enemy's head (or whatever sensitive part you can find), causing 982.9 Physical damage. If the attack hits, the target is confused (46% effect) for 5 turns. Damage done increases with the quality of your headgear, your Strength, and your physical damage bonuses. Confusion power increases with your Dexterity, and chance increases with Accuracy. A cap made of leather. |
![]() elven-silk wizard hat of knowledge (3 def, 0 armour) Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +6 Cun / +5 Wil Mindpower: +5 (+1 eff.) A pointy cloth hat, very wizardly... |
![]() fearwoven elven-silk wizard hat of nature (+18%) (3 def, 0 armour) Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Changes resistances: +18% physical / +15% darkness / +25% nature Changes damage: +16% physical / +17% darkness / +17% nature Maximum hate: +15.00 Mindpower: +9 (+1 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +4% A pointy cloth hat, very wizardly... |
![]() insulating drakeskin leather hat of blood magic (0 def, 5 armour) Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +6 Mag / +7 Wil Changes resistances: +11% fire / +14% cold Changes damage: +13% blight / +19% arcane Spell crit. chance: +4% A hat made of leather. Very stylish. |
![]() leafwalker's voratun helm of fortune (0 def, 5 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Armour: +5 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +15 Lck Changes resistances: +9% nature Spell save: +8 (+2 eff.) Maximum life: +97.00 Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +6% Healing mod.: +20% A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
![]() voratun helm of ire (0 def, 5 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +4 Str / +5 Con Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +12 (+3 eff.) It can be used to activate talent Battle Cry, placing all other charms into a 23 cooldown : Effective talent level: 2.6 Power cost: 23 out of 28/28. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Your battle cry shatters the will of your foes within a radius of 5, lowering their Defense by 18 for 7 turns, making them easier to hit. All evasion and concealment bonuses are also disabled. The chance to hit increases with your Physical Power. A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
![]() warlord's voratun helm (0 def, 5 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +11 (+2 eff.) Armour: +5 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +6 Str / +6 Wil Changes resistances: +8% physical Physical save: +14 (+4 eff.) A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
![]() Emelutta (5 def, 16 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +5 (+1 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +9.0% Physical power: +20 (+3 eff.) Armour: +16 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Damage (Melee): 23 acid / 23 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 15 acid / 16 fire Changes stats: +12 Str / +10 Mag / +19 Wil / +8 Cun / +2 Con Changes resistances: +20% lightning / +25% fire / +30% acid Changes damage: +12% physical Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +25 (+6 eff.) Maximum vim: +50.00 Spellpower: +24 (+3 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +10% Mindpower: +22 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +10% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() Hanudunahor the Dusklady (5 def, 30 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Physical power: +10 (+1 eff.) Armour: +30 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Damage (Melee): 23 acid / 23 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 13 acid / 16 fire / 4 darkness Changes stats: +5 Str / +7 Dex / +9 Wil / +9 Cun Changes resistances: +30% acid / +33% fire Mental save: +25 (+6 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() dwarven-steel mail armour of implacability (3 def, 15 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 28 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +15 Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +6% Physical save: +11 (+3 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() enlightening iron mail armour of resilience (2 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 14 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Cun / +4 Wil Mental save: +12 (+3 eff.) Maximum life: +28.00 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() enlightening steel mail armour of implacability (2 def, 12 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 20 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +6% Changes stats: +5 Cun / +5 Wil Physical save: +9 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() enlightening voratun mail armour of natural resilience (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by arcane disrupting forces Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +7 Cun / +9 Wil Changes resistances: +17% nature / +16% blight Reduced damage from: +13% Unnatural Mental save: +25 (+6 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() fearforged voratun mail armour of Eyal (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +26% Changes stats: +9 Con Changes resistances: +12% fire / -15% light / +13% darkness Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +7 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Life regen: +11.00 Maximum life: +79.00 Healing mod.: +17% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() fearforged voratun mail armour of spell shielding (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +24% Changes stats: +8 Con Changes resistances: -19% light / +12% fire / +14% darkness / +8% arcane Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +30 (+7 eff.) Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() fortifying stralite mail armour (4 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 38 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +4 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Str / +5 Con Maximum life: +62.00 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() fortifying voratun mail armour (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +5 Str / +7 Con Maximum life: +88.00 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() fortifying voratun mail armour of Eyal (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +5 Str / +6 Con Life regen: +5.00 Maximum life: +153.00 Healing mod.: +17% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() impenetrable voratun mail armour of Eyal (5 def, 26 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +26 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Life regen: +8.00 Maximum life: +47.00 Healing mod.: +18% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() impenetrable voratun mail armour of fire resistance (5 def, 30 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +30 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances: +30% fire A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() iron mail armour of thunder (2 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 14 Powered by arcane forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Physical power: +13 (+2 eff.) Armour: +4 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Mag / +4 Wil Changes resistances: +11% lightning Spellpower: +12 (+1 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +5% Mindpower: +12 (+2 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +5% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() prismatic iron mail armour of command (9 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 14 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +9 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +2 Cun Changes resistances: +12% light / +12% darkness Mental save: +13 (+3 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() radiant dwarven-steel mail armour of command (12 def, 16 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 28 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +16 Defense: +12 (+3 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Cun / +4 Wil Changes resistances: +22% blight / +22% darkness Mental save: +19 (+5 eff.) Light radius: +2 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() radiant steel mail armour of lightning resistance (2 def, 6 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 20 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +3 Wil Changes resistances: +18% blight / +16% darkness / +21% lightning Light radius: +2 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() radiant voratun mail armour (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Wil Changes resistances: +26% blight / +20% darkness Light radius: +2 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() radiant voratun mail armour of acid resistance (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +3 Wil Changes resistances: +29% blight / +24% darkness / +26% acid Light radius: +1 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() rejuvenating dwarven-steel mail armour of lightning resistance (3 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 28 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances: +22% lightning Life regen: +4.50 Stamina each turn: +1.20 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() rejuvenating steel mail armour of lightning resistance (2 def, 6 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 20 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances: +20% lightning Life regen: +4.00 Stamina each turn: +1.00 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() rejuvenating voratun mail armour of acid resistance (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances: +29% acid Life regen: +8.00 Stamina each turn: +1.90 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() rejuvenating voratun mail armour of clarity (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes resistances: +7% mind Mental save: +19 (+5 eff.) Life regen: +5.60 Stamina each turn: +2.50 A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() searing stralite mail armour of command (16 def, 15 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 38 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +15 Defense: +16 (+4 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Damage (Melee): 15 acid / 20 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 15 acid / 14 fire Changes stats: +4 Cun Changes resistances: +24% acid / +26% fire Mental save: +14 (+4 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() steel mail armour of implacability (2 def, 12 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 20 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Fatigue: +6% Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() stralite mail armour of Eyal (4 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 38 Infused by nature 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +4 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Life regen: +5.00 Maximum life: +32.00 Healing mod.: +16% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() stralite mail armour of command (13 def, 17 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 38 Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +17 Defense: +13 (+3 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Cun Mental save: +19 (+5 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() voratun mail armour of command (17 def, 18 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Infused by psionic forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +18 Defense: +17 (+4 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +4 Cun Mental save: +16 (+4 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() voratun mail armour of delving (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +8 Str Changes resistances: +19% darkness / +13% physical Light radius: +2 It can be used to activate talent Track, placing all other charms into a 24 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.2 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Sense foes around you in a radius of 26 for 6 turns. The radius will increase with your Cunning. A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() voratun mail armour of implacability (5 def, 19 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Crafted by a master 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +19 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +4% Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() voratun mail armour of thunder (5 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 48 Powered by arcane forces 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +8.0% Physical power: +21 (+3 eff.) Armour: +10 Defense: +5 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +12% Changes stats: +10 Str / +9 Mag / +8 Wil Changes resistances: +18% lightning Spellpower: +18 (+2 eff.) Spell crit. chance: +10% Mindpower: +25 (+4 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +9% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() cleansing drakeskin leather armour of Eyal (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +17% nature / +17% blight Life regen: +10.00 Maximum life: +60.00 Healing mod.: +19% A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() drakeskin leather armour of natural resilience (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by arcane disrupting forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +16% nature / +17% blight Reduced damage from: +15% Unnatural A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() drakeskin leather armour of the deep (20 def, 10 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by nature 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +14% acid / +10% cold Allows you to breathe in: water A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() duelist's reinforced leather armour of the deep (18 def, 19 armour) Requires: - Strength 18 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +19 Defense: +18 (+4 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +7 Cun / +7 Dex Changes resistances: +10% acid / +9% cold Allows you to breathe in: water A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() enlightening reinforced leather armour of the wind (23 def, 7 armour) Requires: - Strength 18 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Physical crit. chance: +9.0% Armour: +7 Defense: +23 (+6 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +7 Cun / +7 Wil Mental save: +18 (+5 eff.) Stamina each turn: +1.30 Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Second Wind, placing all other charms into a 28 cooldown : Effective talent level: 6.5 Power cost: 28 out of 35/35. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Take a deep breath to recover 345 stamina. The stamina recovery improves with your Strength and Willpower. A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() multi-hued cured leather armour of lightning resistance (6 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Strength 14 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Defense: +6 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +7% Changes resistances: +8% acid / +11% physical / +10% cold / +28% lightning / +10% fire Mindpower: +8 (+1 eff.) A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() multi-hued drakeskin leather armour (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by nature 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +14% acid / +15% physical / +11% cold / +18% lightning / +18% fire Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() prismatic drakeskin leather armour of acid resistance (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +21% acid / +17% light / +18% darkness A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() reinforced leather armour 'Dayblack' (12 def, 33 armour) Requires: - Strength 18 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / light ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +33 Defense: +12 (+3 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +5 Dex Changes resistances: +24% lightning / +26% cold / +6% arcane / +24% acid Changes resistances penetration: +10% light Allows you to breathe in: water A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() reinforced leather armour of command (23 def, 14 armour) Requires: - Strength 18 Infused by psionic forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +14 Defense: +23 (+6 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +5 Cun Mental save: +18 (+5 eff.) A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() rejuvenating drakeskin leather armour of Eyal (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by nature 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Life regen: +11.40 Stamina each turn: +2.10 Maximum life: +71.00 Healing mod.: +17% A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() rejuvenating drakeskin leather armour of natural resilience (20 def, 8 armour) Requires: - Strength 20 Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +18% nature / +17% blight Reduced damage from: +12% Unnatural Life regen: +7.30 Stamina each turn: +2.10 A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() rejuvenating hardened leather armour of command (20 def, 11 armour) Requires: - Strength 16 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +11 Defense: +20 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +3 Cun Mental save: +17 (+4 eff.) Life regen: +5.60 Stamina each turn: +1.30 A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() rejuvenating reinforced leather armour of fire resistance (12 def, 7 armour) Requires: - Strength 18 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +7 Defense: +12 (+3 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +22% fire Life regen: +5.10 Stamina each turn: +2.10 A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() searing cured leather armour (6 def, 4 armour) Requires: - Strength 14 Powered by arcane forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Defense: +6 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +7% Damage (Melee): 14 acid / 12 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 11 acid / 12 fire Changes resistances: +14% acid / +12% fire A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() searing hardened leather armour of the wind (19 def, 6 armour) Requires: - Strength 16 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +11 Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Armour: +6 Defense: +19 (+5 eff.) Fatigue: +8% Damage (Melee): 16 acid / 14 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 13 acid / 11 fire Changes resistances: +16% acid / +16% fire Stamina each turn: +1.00 Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Second Wind, placing all other charms into a 28 cooldown : Effective talent level: 6.5 Power cost: 28 out of 35/35. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Take a deep breath to recover 345 stamina. The stamina recovery improves with your Strength and Willpower. A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() volcanic rough leather armour of clarity (3 def, 9 armour) Requires: - Strength 10 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 9.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / light ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +9 Defense: +3 (+1 eff.) Fatigue: +6% Damage (Melee): 6 fire Damage (Ranged): 6 fire Changes resistances: +12% fire / +6% mind / +14% physical Mental save: +13 (+3 eff.) A suit of armour made of leather. |
![]() impenetrable voratun plate armour of Eyal (0 def, 25 armour) Requires: - Massive armour training - Strength 60 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +25 Fatigue: +22% Life regen: +11.00 Maximum life: +67.00 Healing mod.: +17% A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
![]() rejuvenating voratun plate armour of cold resistance (0 def, 16 armour) Requires: - Massive armour training - Strength 60 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +16 Fatigue: +22% Changes resistances: +30% cold Life regen: +7.30 Stamina each turn: +2.00 A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
![]() voratun plate armour 'Flamequill' (0 def, 16 armour) Requires: - Massive armour training - Strength 60 Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / massive ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +16 Fatigue: +22% Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 9 Changes stats: +17 Str / +7 Con Changes resistances: +24% physical / +20% darkness / +3% blight / +18% fire / +12% mind Changes damage: +9% blight Physical save: +25 (+7 eff.) Maximum life: +99.00 Light radius: +2 It can be used to activate talent Track, placing all other charms into a 24 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.2 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Sense foes around you in a radius of 26 for 6 turns. The radius will increase with your Cunning. A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
![]() Miresnake (0 def, 10 armour, 222% power, 243.75483399594 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 222% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +244 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Effects on melee hit: * 25 arcane resource burn Damage (Melee): 19 acid / 25 nature Effects when hit in melee: * 13 arcane resource burn On shield block: * Cause enemies within radius 6 to bleed for 352 physical damage over 5 turns (1/turn) Changes stats: +6 Con Changes resistances: +44% acid / +24% lightning / +13% cold / +18% nature / +13% fire Changes resistances penetration: +10% nature / +10% physical Talent granted: +1 Block Only die when reaching: -20.00 life Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() acidic voratun shield of mind resistance (+20%) (0 def, 10 armour, 219% power, 205 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 219% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +205 On weapon hit: * 19% chance to reduce armor by 19% When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Damage (Melee): 8 acid Damage when hit (Melee): 10 acid Changes resistances: +20% mind Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() corrosive stralite shield of cold resistance (+15%) (0 def, 8 armour, 203% power, 141 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 204% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +141 Damage (Melee): +16 acid When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Fatigue: +8% Effects when hit in melee: * 18% chance to reduce armor by 19% Changes stats: +5 Con Changes resistances: +15% acid / +22% cold Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() coruscating voratun shield (0 def, 10 armour, 222% power, 205 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Powered by arcane forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 222% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +205 Damage (Melee): +14 fire When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Damage when hit (Melee): 19 fire Changes stats: +5 Str Changes resistances: +20% fire Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() coruscating voratun shield of crushing (0 def, 10 armour, 229% power, 185 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 229% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +185 On weapon crit: * Smash the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (Melee): +17 fire When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +12.0% Physical power: +10 (+1 eff.) Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Damage when hit (Melee): 15 fire Changes stats: +5 Str Changes resistances: +17% fire Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() crackling stralite shield (0 def, 8 armour, 208% power, 136.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Powered by arcane forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 208% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +136 Damage (Melee): +14 lightning When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Fatigue: +8% Damage when hit (Melee): 5 lightning Changes stats: +4 Dex Changes resistances: +17% lightning Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() crackling voratun shield (0 def, 10 armour, 222% power, 207.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Powered by arcane forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 223% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +208 Damage (Melee): +20 lightning When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Damage when hit (Melee): 23 lightning Changes stats: +4 Dex Changes resistances: +17% lightning Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() dwarven-steel shield of earthen fury (0 def, 13 armour, 191% power, 76 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 24 Infused by nature 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 3 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 191% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +3.5% Block value: +76 On weapon hit: * Deal physical damage equal to your armor (182) When wielded/worn: Armour: +13 Fatigue: +8% Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() dwarven-steel shield of patience (0 def, 6 armour, 193% power, 81.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 24 Powered by arcane forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 3 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 193% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +3.5% Block value: +82 When wielded/worn: Armour: +6 Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +15% temporal Talent granted: +1 Block Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Temporal Shield, placing all other charms into a 24 cooldown : Effective talent level: 2.6 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar Description: This intricate spell instantly erects a time shield around the caster, preventing any incoming damage and sending it forward in time. Once either the maximum damage (179) is absorbed, or the time runs out (7 turns), the stored damage will return as a temporal restoration field over time (5 turns). Each turn the restoration field is active, you get healed for 10% of the absorbed damage (Aegis Shielding talent affects the percentage). The shield's max absorption will increase with your Spellpower. Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() exposing voratun shield of resilience (0 def, 10 armour, 222% power, 192 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 222% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +192 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Effects on melee hit: * 10% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Effects when hit in melee: * 27% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Talent granted: +1 Block Maximum life: +73.00 Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() flaming stralite shield of fire resistance (+22%) (0 def, 8 armour, 207% power, 137.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 207% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +138 Damage (radius 1) on hit: +16 fire When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Fatigue: +8% Damage (Melee): 8 fire Damage when hit (Melee): 10 fire Changes resistances: +22% fire Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() iron shield of resistance (0 def, 2 armour, 173% power, 23 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 11 Infused by nature 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 1 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 174% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +2.5% Block value: +23 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Fatigue: +8% Changes resistances: +7% acid / +7% fire / +7% lightning / +7% cold Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() shocking voratun shield of lightning resistance (+24%) (0 def, 10 armour, 224% power, 193 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Infused by nature Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 224% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +193 When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Damage (Melee): 29 lightning Damage when hit (Melee): 16 lightning Changes resistances: +24% lightning Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() stralite shield of the stars (0 def, 8 armour, 206% power, 137.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Powered by arcane forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 206% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +138 Damage (Melee): +16 light / +16 darkness When wielded/worn: Armour: +8 Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +3 Cun / +3 Mag Changes resistances: +16% light / +16% darkness Changes damage: +16% light / +17% darkness Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() swashbuckler's stralite shield (0 def, 8 armour, 206% power, 148.5 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 35 Crafted by a master 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 4 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 206% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +4.5% Block value: +148 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +15 (+3 eff.) Armour: +8 Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +9 Str / +2 Dex Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() windwalling voratun shield (0 def, 10 armour, 220% power, 211 block) Requires: - Shield usage training - Cunning 48 Infused by psionic forces 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 5 When used to attack (with talents): Power: 220% Range: 1.2x Uses stat: 164% Wil Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +5.0% Block value: +211 Damage (Melee): +25 physical When wielded/worn: Armour: +10 Fatigue: +8% Changes stats: +5 Wil Changes resistances: +19% physical Talent granted: +1 Block Slows Projectiles: +31% Bonus block near projectiles: +89 Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 30 - Dexterity 20 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 223% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 127% Wil, 62% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +100 Crit. chance: +10.0% Capacity: 14 25% of all damage splashes in a radius of 1 around the target. These titanic double-helical arrows seem to have been designed more for knocking down towers than for use in regular combat. They'll no doubt make short work of most foes. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 24 Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 4 Power: 188% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 122% Wil, 75% Cun Damage type: Mind Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +8 Crit. chance: +2.0% Capacity: 20 On weapon crit: * dominate the target Powerful telepathic forces emanate from the arrows of this quiver. The tips appear dull, but touching them causes you intense pain. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 224% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 87% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +44.0% Capacity: 20 On weapon hit: * 20 arcane resource burn * 20% chance to slow global speed by 90% * 20% chance to reduce armor by 19% * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Damage (Ranged): +41 physical Arrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 32 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 206% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 40% Mag, 87% Cun Damage type: Temporal darkness Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +120 Crit. chance: +6.0% When this weapon hits: Spatial Tether (15% chance level 1). When this weapon hits: Dimensional Anchor (15% chance level 1). An endless supply of arrows lay within this deep black quiver. Tiny white lights dot its surface. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 226% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 87% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +20.0% Capacity: 20 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Damage (Ranged): +50 physical / +16 mind / +39 cold Damage (radius 1) on hit: +16 mind Damage (radius 2) on crit: +12 mind Arrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death. |
![]() barbed quiver of dragonbone arrows (23/24, 227% power, 18 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 227% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 87% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +26.0% Capacity: 24 On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Arrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death. |
![]() barbed quiver of dragonbone arrows of crippling (21/21, 226% power, 18 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 5 Power: 226% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 87% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +18 Crit. chance: +38.0% Capacity: 21 On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Arrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death. |
![]() thought-forged quiver of ash arrows of torment (16/17, 186% power, 7 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 16 Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / arrow ; tier 2 Power: 186% Range: 1.4x Uses stats: 102% Wil, 87% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +7 Crit. chance: +1.5% Capacity: 17 Turns elapse between self-loadings: 6 On weapon hit: * 30% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 * 20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns Damage (Ranged): +15 mind Arrows are used with bows to pierce your foes to death. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con Latent Damage Type: Acid Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: alchemist-gem / black ; tier 1 When used as an alchemist bomb: Bomb damage +5% Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con Latent Damage Type: Acid Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Changes resistances: +2% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +2 Changes resistances: +2% all Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Defense: +6 (+1 eff.) Physical save: +6 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +6 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +6 (+1 eff.) Physical save: +6 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +6 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +6 (+2 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Defense: +8 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +8 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +8 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +8 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +8 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +8 (+2 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / blue ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Defense: +4 (+1 eff.) Physical save: +4 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +4 (+1 eff.) Mental save: +4 (+1 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +4 (+1 eff.) Physical save: +4 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +4 (+1 eff.) Mental save: +4 (+1 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Lightning Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() dream-smith's voratun pickaxe (dig speed 12 turns) Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: tool / digger ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Str Changes damage: +13% mind / +12% fire Mental save: +12 (+3 eff.) When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +6 Physical power: +7 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Str Changes resistances: +6% acid / +15% temporal / +9% darkness / +12% nature Changes damage: +9% mind / +6% fire Damage affinity(heal): +15% darkness Critical mult.: +16.00% Mental save: +9 (+2 eff.) Infravision radius: +6 When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 47% Changes stats: +2 Str Changes resistances: +9% darkness Changes resistances penetration: +20% mind Damage affinity(heal): +15% darkness Mental save: +9 (+2 eff.) Maximum life: +28.00 Maximum stamina: +20.00 Maximum hate: +6.00 Infravision radius: +8 When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() soldier's voratun pickaxe (dig speed 12 turns) Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: tool / digger ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Defense: +7 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +3 Str Changes resistances: +10% physical When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Str Changes resistances: +9% blight / +6% fire Changes damage: +10% mind / +13% fire Mental save: +14 (+4 eff.) Disease immunity: +20% Silence immunity: +10% Confusion immunity: +20% Maximum life: +76.00 Maximum stamina: +46.00 When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig Allows you to dig a wall, remove a tree, create ways. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: misc / egg When carried: Light radius: -2 It can be used to summon up to 2 spiders Activation costs 64 power out of 100/100. Dry and dusty to the touch, it still seems to retain some shadow of life. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tome / forbidden ; tier 2 It can be used to read the book. The story of Grung, a halfling separated from his tribe that is just trying to survive while a terrible war, very long ago, rages on. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tome / forbidden ; tier 4 It can be used to read the book. A gross tome of lost knowledge. Even touching it makes you feel sick. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tome / forbidden It can be used to read the book. The cover of this tome is old and withered. As you hold it, you get the impression of many things. Despair, misery, desperation and hopelessness all assail you at once. Something about the book also promises great power, but at what cost? |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tome / forbidden It can be used to read the book. The tome in front of you seems to be as much made of dreamstuff as it is from leather and parchment. Crystalline shards dance underneath its surface, giving you an impression of a world altering itself to the tune of some indiscernable logic. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Changes resistances: +3% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +3 Changes resistances: +3% all Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Changes resistances: +4% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +4 Changes resistances: +4% all Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+1 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+1 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +2 (+0 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+1 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+1 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+1 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes resistances penetration: +10% all When used to imbue an object: Accuracy: +10 (+2 eff.) Changes resistances penetration: +10% all Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces Powered by unknown forces Powered by steamtech 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / injector ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con Activating this item is instant. It can be used to Gain a random beneficial effect Activation costs 24 power out of 30/30. A hypospray full of ...something. There is no telling what you're injecting yourself with. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / injector ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Defense: +12 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Cun Physical save: +15 (+4 eff.) Spell save: +15 (+4 eff.) Mental save: +15 (+4 eff.) Activating this item is instant. It can be used to inject yourself with painkillers, reducing all incoming damage by 5. Stacks up to 5 times. When the effect ends, lose 5% of your max life per stack Activation costs 4 power out of 20/20. This injecting unit is complemented by a belt of tiny vials, containing some sickly yellow liquid. The papers describe the contents as 'invigorating' and 'increasing the combat potency.' |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 8 lightning / 15 fire Changes stats: +5 Mag Changes resistances: +10% darkness / +10% fire Changes resistances penetration: +5% lightning Changes damage: +8% light / +6% lightning Damage affinity(heal): +5% light Spellpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Light radius: +8 It can be used to activate talent Sun Flare, placing all other charms into a 24 cooldown : Effective talent level: 3.9 Power cost: 24 out of 30/30. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Invokes the Sun to cause a flare within radius 4, blinding your foes for 4 turns and lighting up the area. All enemies affected will also burn for 17.65 fire damage instantly, and 17.65 more per turn for 4 turns. (88.25 total). At talent level 3 you gain 13% light, darkness, and fire resistance for 4 turns. The damage done and resistances will increase with your Spellpower. A normal brass lantern, enhanced by alchemy to make it brighter. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +7 (+1 eff.) Damage (Melee): 20 darkness Changes stats: +5 Mag Changes resistances: +30% light Changes resistances cap: +10% light Talent masteries: +0.20 Cunning / Stealth +0.20 Cursed / Darkness Light radius: -1000 Infravision radius: +7 The heart seems to absorb light when you deal darkness damage. Standing on unlit tiles, you feel stronger. Talent on hit(spell): Invoke Darkness (15% chance level 4). This dark red heart still beats despite being separated from its owner. It also snuffs out any light source that comes near it. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite When wielded/worn: Physical power: +12 (+2 eff.) Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con / -5 Lck Allows you to breathe in: water Spellpower: +12 (+1 eff.) Light radius: +6 It can be used to activate talent Tidal Wave (costing 64 power out of 150/150) : Effective talent level: 5.2 Power cost: 64 out of 150/150. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: A wall of water rushes out from the caster with an initial radius of 1, increasing by 1 per turn to a maximum radius of 3, doing 13.26 cold damage and 15.55 physical damage to all inside, as well as knocking back targets each turn. The tidal wave lasts for 4 turns. All creatures hit gain the wet effect, which reduces their stun/freeze immunity by half and interacts with other cold spells. The damage and duration will increase with your Spellpower. Thousands of years spent inside the temple of creation have infused this pearl with the fury of rushing water. It pulses light. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Physical crit. chance: +6.0% Physical power: +10 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 59 Damage when hit (Melee): 30 fire Changes stats: +9 Wil Changes resistances: +10% fire Changes resistances penetration: +11% all Critical mult.: +40.00% Maximum psi: +30.00 Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Light radius: +8 Made by the Dwarves, this lantern provides light in the darkest recesses of the earth. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Damage against: +25% Horror Reduced damage from: +25% Horror Light radius: +7 See stealth: +35 See invisible: +35 Sometimes reveals the hidden truths you'd rather not see. The "lantern" appears to be a glowing shard of a glass-like substance. Despite how bright it is, its light deeply disturbs you. It illuminates everything in its wake, including things which you would rather not see. Part of you wants to throw it away, but another part wants to know the unearthly truths it will reveal to you. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: lite / lite ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +2 Infravision radius: +7 It can be used to cleanse your mind of up to 5 (based on Magic) detrimental mental effects Activation costs 32 power out of 60/60. This phial seems filled with darkness, yet it cleanses your thoughts. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / misc ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 25 physical bleed Damage when hit (Melee): 25 physical bleed Changes resistances: +15% temporal Changes damage: +10% temporal / +5% physical Talent masteries: +0.20 Psionic / Blade bending +0.20 Psionic / Blade defense +0.20 Psionic / Blade offense Spellpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Mindpower: +10 (+1 eff.) Activating this item is instant. It can be used to activate talent Animate Blade (costing 12 power out of 25/25) : Effective talent level: 5.0 Power cost: 12 out of 25/25. Range: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Is: a spell Description: Open a hole in space, summoning an animated blade for 15 turns. Upon defeat, Ak'Gishil collapsed into this tiny rift. How it remains stable, you are unsure. If you focus, you think you can call forth a sword from it. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag Changes damage: +20% arcane / +20% blight (The created item can be activated to recover the Focus.) Latent Damage Type: Arcane It can be used to combine with a weapon (makes a non enchanted weapon into an artifact) Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. This crystal radiates the power of the Spellblaze itself. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane Casts lasers on spellcast when worn or imbued. When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane Latent Damage Type: Lightning Talent on hit(spell): Eye Beam (10% chance level 2). This cracked gemstone looks faded with age. It appears to have once been the eye of a golem. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 5 It is part of a set of items. When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con Changes resistances: +30% mind Confusion immunity: +30% Fear immunity: +30% Light radius: +2 When carried: Light radius: +2 When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con Changes resistances: +30% mind Confusion immunity: +30% Fear immunity: +30% Light radius: +2 Latent Damage Type: Blight It can be used to combine with a staff Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. A closer look at this pure white crystal reveals that it is really a plethora of colors swirling and scintillating. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Cun It can be used to use the orb Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. This orb is warm to the touch. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Mag It can be used to use the orb Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. Flames swirl on the icy surface of this orb. |
Orb of Communication Orb of CommunicationPowered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb Activating this item is instant. It can be used to speak with someone Activation costs 1 power out of 128/128. This orb can be used to speak with someone far away. It is even capable of teleporting small objects back and forth. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Str It can be used to use the orb Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. Visions of death and destruction fill your mind as you lift this orb. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: Changes stats: +6 Dex It can be used to use the orb Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. Dark visions fill your mind as you lift the orb. It is cold to the touch. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: tinker / power When carried: It can be used to melt all the items in the APE at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. The APE is a multifunction tinker toolbox. It can store temporarily any amount of items and when requested melt them down using metallurgic and chemical processes. The metals are melted into lumps of ore to server for the creation of tinkers. Any remains are melted and turned into valuable materials. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / red ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +25 Con Changes resistances: +10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness Reduces incoming crit damage: 23.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +25 Con Changes resistances: +10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness Reduces incoming crit damage: 23.00% Latent Damage Type: Fire A piece of the scorched wood taken from the remains of Snaproot. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / red ; tier 5 When carried: Damage when hit (Melee): 25 fire Spellpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Fire Dull red runes are etched all over this blackened skull. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: alchemist-gem / red ; tier 5 When used as an alchemist bomb: Life regen 10% of max life Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +60% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +60% Latent Damage Type: Fire Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Changes damage: +10% all Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +5% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +5.0% Changes damage: +10% all Spell crit. chance: +5% Mental crit. chance: +5% Latent Damage Type: Fire Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +3.0% Changes damage: +6% all Spell crit. chance: +3% Mental crit. chance: +3% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +3.0% Changes damage: +6% all Spell crit. chance: +3% Mental crit. chance: +3% Latent Damage Type: Fire Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / red ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con Latent Damage Type: Fire Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / rod ; tier 2 When carried: Light radius: -1 It can be used to temporarily causes the target to receive entropic backlash from any healing they receive for 6 turns up to 121% of the healing done. This effect scales with your Magic stat. Activation costs 60 power out of 75/75. This rod seems to make light die around it. You feel tired just looking at it. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: charm / rod It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns Activation costs 160 power out of 400/400. This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / rod It can be used to shoot a bolt of spydric poison out to range 8, dealing 746.73 nature damage (based on Magic) over 6 turns while rendering the target unable to move Activation costs 20 power out of 25/25. This rod carved out of a giant spider fang continuously drips venom. |
amazing fiery salve [power 54] amazing fiery salve [power 54]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to remove 3 magical effects and grants a fiery aura (54% fire, light and lightning affinity) Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 20 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing frost salve [power 54] amazing frost salve [power 54]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to remove 3 physical effects and grants a frost aura (54% cold, darkness and nature affinity) Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 20 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing healing salve [power 772] amazing healing salve [power 772]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. It can be used to heal 772 Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 12 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing healing salve [power 772] amazing healing salve [power 772]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. It can be used to heal 772 Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 12 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing pain suppressor salve [power 676] amazing pain suppressor salve [power 676]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to let you fight up to -676 life and reduces all damage by 27% for 7 turns (takes no time to activate) Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 8 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing unstoppable force salve [power 214] amazing unstoppable force salve [power 214]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to increases all saves by 214 and healing factor by half Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 15 turns. Medical salve. |
amazing water salve [power 54] amazing water salve [power 54]Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 5 Using medical injector with 238% efficiency and 64% cooldown modifier. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to remove 3 mental effects and grants a water aura (54% blight, mind and acid affinity). Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 20 turns. Medical salve. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 221% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +24 Crit. chance: +18.0% Capacity: 22 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 28 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 4 Travel speed: +404% Damage (Ranged): +39 physical When wielded/worn: Ammo reloads per turn: +4 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 28 Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: ammo / shot ; tier 4 Power: 200% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 50% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Crit. chance: +10.0% Capacity: 20 On weapon hit: * 50% chance to reload 1 ammo Damage (Ranged): +25 mind / +30 mind slow You find yourself constantly fighting an urge to handle this strange pouch of shot. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 211% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Capacity: 23 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage * 20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns Damage (Ranged): +8 blight / +33 fire / +12 lightning / +16 physical Damage (radius 1) on hit: +8 cold Damage (radius 2) on crit: +8 lightning / +12 fire / +20 cold Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() arcing pouch of stralite shots of accuracy (21/21, 205% power, 5 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 35 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 4 Power: 206% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Accuracy: +17 Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +5.5% Capacity: 21 On weapon hit: * 25% chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing 17 damage Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() barbed pouch of voratun shots (22/22, 221% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 221% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +19.0% Capacity: 22 On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 35 Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 4 Power: 206% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +5.5% Capacity: 22 On weapon hit: * 11% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit) * Create an explosion dealing 19 lightning damage (1/turn) Damage (Ranged): +13 temporal Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 213% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +22.0% Capacity: 22 On weapon hit: * Create an explosion dealing 18 fire damage (1/turn) On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() high-capacity pouch of voratun shots of accuracy (56/56, 214% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 215% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Accuracy: +25 Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Capacity: 56 When wielded/worn: Ammo reloads per turn: +4 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() pouch of dwarven-steel shots of crippling (22/22, 195% power, 3 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 24 Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 3 Power: 196% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +15.0% Capacity: 22 On weapon crit: * Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30% Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: - Dexterity 48 Crafted by a master Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 230% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +21.0% Capacity: 22 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage On weapon crit: * Wound the target dealing 352 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50% Travel speed: +200% Damage (Ranged): +13 physical Damage (radius 2) on crit: +20 physical When wielded/worn: Ammo reloads per turn: +4 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() pouch of voratun shots of grasping (23/23, 213% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Infused by nature 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 214% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Capacity: 23 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to create vines that bind the target to the ground dealing 423 nature damage and pinning them for 3 turns Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() psychokinetic pouch of stralite shots of grasping (19/19, 204% power, 5 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 35 Infused by nature Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 4 Power: 204% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +5.5% Capacity: 19 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to create vines that bind the target to the ground dealing 423 nature damage and pinning them for 3 turns * 20% chance to knock the target back 3 spaces and deal 423 physical damage Damage (Ranged): +29 physical Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() self-loading pouch of voratun shots of accuracy (23/23, 214% power, 6 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 215% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Accuracy: +20 Armour Penetration: +6 Crit. chance: +7.0% Capacity: 23 Turns elapse between self-loadings: 2 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() sentry's pouch of voratun shots of torment (51/51, 219% power, 15 apr) Requires: - Dexterity 48 Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 5 Power: 219% Range: 1.2x Uses stats: 40% Wil, 137% Cun Damage type: Physical Mastery: Sling Supremacy Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +15 Crit. chance: +7.0% Capacity: 51 Turns elapse between self-loadings: 3 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Silence immunity: +50% Returns 5 air each turn. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Poison immunity: +70% Disease immunity: +70% Cut immunity: +70% Life regen: +10.00 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Antimagic Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Changes damage: +20% darkness Light radius: -4 Infravision radius: +8 See invisible: +8 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Explosive Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Flare Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Infravision radius: +8 Sight radius: +2 See stealth: +20 See invisible: +20 Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Hook Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Magnetic Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Solid Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Voltaic Shell Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals acid damage that also reduces armour. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals acid damage that also reduces armour. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Changes damage: +25% darkness Light radius: -5 Infravision radius: +10 See invisible: +10 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Changes resistances: +25% light / +25% fire Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Accuracy: +25 (+5 eff.) Light radius: +7 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals fire damage and ignites the ground. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals fire damage and ignites the ground. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 On critical strikes generates a 3 tiles lightning beam. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Mana each turn: +5.00 Mana regeneration, on spell hit 25%% chances to cast lightning. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Mana each turn: +5.00 Mana regeneration, on spell hit 25%% chances to cast lightning. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals stacking poison damage. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals stacking poison damage. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Changes resistances: +50% acid 50% chance to avoid a detrimental acid subtype effect. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Damage (radius 1) on hit: +90 20% chance of physical repulsion Strikes can trigger a thunderclap that damages and repel foes. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Damage (radius 1) on hit: +90 20% chance of physical repulsion Strikes can trigger a thunderclap that damages and repel foes. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Infects targets with a stat reducing disease. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Infects targets with a stat reducing disease. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals cold damage and slows. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals cold damage and slows. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Armour: +4 Armour Hardiness: +20% Fatigue: +2% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Changes stats: +8 Str / +8 Dex / +8 Mag / +8 Wil / +8 Cun / +8 Con Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Damage when hit (Melee): 20 lightning Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +4 Rocket Boots Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 4 When attach to an other item: Armour: +16 Fatigue: +1% Damage when hit (Melee): 40 physical Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Armour: +5 Armour Hardiness: +20% Fatigue: +1% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Fatigue: -20% Maximum encumbrance: +50 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Slows Projectiles: +25% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Spring Grapple Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Changes resistances: +30% lightning Stun/Freeze immunity: +50% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Changes resistances: +30% lightning Stun/Freeze immunity: +50% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Hand Cannon Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Physical save: +15 (+4 eff.) Pinning immunity: +25% Knockback immunity: +25% Teleport immunity: +100% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Armour Penetration: +20 Crit. chance: +20.0% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Armour Penetration: +20 Crit. chance: +20.0% Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Project Saw Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals lightning damage and drains resources. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 Deals lightning damage and drains resources. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Shocking Touch Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Power: 165% Range: 1.1x Uses stat: 40% Wil Damage type: Physical Damage against: +35% Undead / +35% Demon / +35% Horror Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Armour: +20 Fatigue: +1% Damage when hit (Melee): 50 physical Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Armour: +20 Fatigue: +1% Damage when hit (Melee): 50 physical Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Toxic Cannister Launcher Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Viral Needlegun Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 5 When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +5 Voltaic Sentry Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! |
![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: misc / tool ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +8 Cun Changes resistances: +15% lightning Changes damage: +15% lightning Physical save: +18 (+5 eff.) This strange device appears to be entirely mechanical in nature, but you cannot understand how any of the components are supposed to work. There does appear to be some sort of metallic grid in its side which sometimes emits strange noises. |
![]() Shiverwinnow the voratun torque of gale force [power 410] (12 cooldown) Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 4 cold Changes stats: +4 Cun / +7 Dex Reduces incoming crit damage: 15.00% Light radius: +2 See invisible: +3 It can be used to project a gust of wind in a cone knocking all creatures back 13 spaces and dealing 641 physical damage Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 12 turns. When used: * Increase all damage penetration by 30% for 2 turns. * Reduce 3 talent cooldowns by 2. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Physical power: +3 (+0 eff.) Changes stats: +5 Wil Changes resistances: +5% physical Changes damage: +6% physical Talent mastery: +0.20 Psionic / Blade bending Physical save: +12 (+3 eff.) Mindpower: +3 (+0 eff.) It can be used to activate talent Psionic Pull (costing 15 power out of 35/35) : Effective talent level: 3.0 Power cost: 15 out of 35/35. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Pull all foes toward you in radius 5 while dealing 228 physical damage. The damage will increase with your mindpower. This heavy torque appears to draw nearby matter towards it. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Cun Changes damage: +10% mind / +10% lightning Your mind is attuned to electricity. Any lightning damage you do that is more than 10% of the victim's maximum life will attempt to brainlock the target. Upon taking lightning damage >10% of your max life, your mind fires back, dealing 30% of the original damage as mind and trying to brainlock the target. Upon taking mind damage >10% of your max life, you reflexively trigger the jolt, sending an arc of dazing lightning toward the target (damage based on mindpower). This item can have up to 2 charges, with each charge having 4 turn cooldown. This torque feels tingly to the touch, but seems to enhance your thinking. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce damage dealt by 47% Changes resistances: +6% cold Changes resistances penetration: +20% darkness Changes damage: +3% darkness It can be used to remove 1 confusion or silence effect and prevent the application of 3 detrimental mental effects for 5 turns Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 20 turns. When used: * Reduce fatigue by 38% for 2 turns. * Increase all damage penetration by 13% for 2 turns. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 4 lightning Changes resistances: +6% lightning Changes resistances penetration: +25% lightning Changes damage: +6% lightning It can be used to blast the opponent's mind dealing 504 mind damage and silencing them for 4 turns Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 12 turns. When used: * Reduce fatigue by 24% for 2 turns. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / torque ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 4 arcane Changes resistances: +5% arcane / +9% temporal Changes damage: +3% temporal It can be used to setup a psionic shield, reducing all damage taken by 137 for 5 turns Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 20 turns. When used: * Heal for 62. * Increase all damage penetration by 19% for 2 turns. * Cleanse 3 total effects of type disease, wound, or poison. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +4 Str Changes resistances penetration: +15% blight Spell save: +3 (+1 eff.) Maximum stamina: +20.00 Defense after a teleport: +15 Resist all after a teleport: +15% New effects duration reduction after a teleport: +15% It can be used to summon a resilient tentacle up to 5 spaces away for 9 turns. Each turn the tentacle will strike a random enemy in range 3 dealing physical damage and attempting to pin them. (Tentacle Stats) Life: 968 Base Damage: 411 Armor: 48 All Resist: 21 Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 20 turns. When used: * Increase all damage penetration by 23% for 2 turns. * Increase all damage by 28% for 2 turns. Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str Changes resistances: +10% nature Changes damage: +5% physical Talent granted: +1 Battle Trance Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Life regen: +0.15 Healing mod.: +10% This wooden cup seems perpetually filled with a thick sap-like substance. Tasting it is exhilarating, and you feel intensely aware when you do so. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: charm / totem ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +7 Wil / +6 Con Changes resistances: +20% blight / +20% nature Changes damage: +20% nature Talent masteries: +0.10 Wild-gift / Call of the wild +0.20 Wild-gift / Bark +0.10 Wild-gift / Harmony +0.20 Wild-gift / Botany Mindpower: +7 (+1 eff.) Healing mod.: +25% Heals all nearby living creatures by 5 points each turn. Activating this item is instant. It can be used to take root increasing health by 300, armor by 20, and armor hardiness by 20%% but rooting you in place for 4 turns Activation costs 8 power out of 15/15. This small tree-shaped totem is imbued with powerful healing energies. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 2 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Changes damage: +4% all Spell crit. chance: +2% Mental crit. chance: +2% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Changes damage: +4% all Spell crit. chance: +2% Mental crit. chance: +2% Latent Damage Type: Arcane Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() dragonbone wand of conjuration 'Tidehunger' [power 460] (12 cooldown) Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Random Unique] Type: charm / wand ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Damage when hit (Melee): 6 fire Changes resistances: +9% blight / +6% cold Changes resistances penetration: +5% blight Changes damage: +12% fire / +3% cold It can be used to fire a magical bolt dealing 673 acid damage Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 12 turns. When used: * Increase the duration of 2 beneficial effects by 3. * Reduce fatigue by 42% for 2 turns. * Cleanse 3 total effects of type disease, wound, or poison. Magical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / white ; tier 3 When carried: Light radius: +1 Latent Damage Type: Light It can be used to map surroundings within range 20 Activation costs 24 power out of 30/30. The first Halfling mages during the Age of Allure discovered how to capture the Sunlight and infuse gems with it. This star is the culmination of their craft. Light radiates from its ever-shifting yellow surface. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: gem / white When carried: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con / +10 Lck Changes resistances: +7% all Changes damage: +7% all Stun/Freeze immunity: +100% Light radius: +1 A pearl, three times the size of a normal pearl, that glitters in infinite colours, with slight patterns ever shifting away. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con Latent Damage Type: Cold Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +10 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +10 (+3 eff.) Spell save: +10 (+3 eff.) Mental save: +10 (+3 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Cold Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 5 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +5% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +5% all Latent Damage Type: Cold Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 3 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +30% Latent Damage Type: Cold Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 4 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +4.0% Changes damage: +8% all Spell crit. chance: +4% Mental crit. chance: +4% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +4.0% Changes damage: +8% all Spell crit. chance: +4% Mental crit. chance: +4% Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +4 Infravision radius: +4 When used to imbue an object: Light radius: +4 Infravision radius: +4 Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Changes resistances: +1% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +1 Changes resistances: +1% all Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Well done! You have won the Tales of Maj'Eyal: The Age of Ascendancy
The Sorcerers are dead, and the Orc Pride lies in ruins, thanks to your efforts.
You have prevented the portal to the Void from opening and thus stopped the Creator from bringing about the end of the world.
The orc presence in the Far East has greatly been diminished by the loss of their leaders and the destruction of the Sorcerers. The free people of the Sunwall will be able to prosper and thrive on this land.
Maj'Eyal will once more know peace. Most of its inhabitants will never know they even were on the verge of destruction, but then this is what being a true hero means: to do the right thing even though nobody will know about it.
You may continue playing and enjoy the rest of the world.
After your victory you came back to Last Hope and reunited with Melinda, who after many years remains free of demonic corruption.
You lived together and led a happy life. Melinda even learned a few adventurer's tricks and you both traveled Eyal, making new legends.
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 43
43rd Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:28 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
8th Allure 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:30 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 43
39th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 08:37 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 14
17th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:34 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 47
28th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 16:16 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
63rd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 04:38 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
76th Haze 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:43 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 47
26th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 04:48 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 33
36th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:39 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 49
46th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 22:58 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 10
10th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:25 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 47
42nd Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:26 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 32
35th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:38 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
1st Allure 124th year of Ascendancy at 09:22 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 30
34th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 00:02 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 34
58th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:24 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 25
25th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:59 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
5th Decay 123rd year of Ascendancy at 23:19 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 48
35th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 14:13 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
74th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 08:47 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 47
40th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 16:45 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
8th Allure 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:03 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
63rd Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 05:11 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 10
1st Mirth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:45 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 20
22nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:21 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 30
33rd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 22:44 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 40
24th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 09:49 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
59th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 06:47 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
4th Decay 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:37 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
1st Allure 124th year of Ascendancy at 01:17 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
78th Dusk 123rd year of Ascendancy at 07:43 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
4th Decay 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:22 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
68th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 21:17 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 37
67th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 08:05 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 18
22nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 16:51 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 47
45th Pyre 123rd year of Ascendancy at 20:29 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
1st Allure 124th year of Ascendancy at 09:20 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 41
27th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 21:15 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
8th Allure 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:30 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 7
77th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 20:54 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
8th Allure 123rd year of Ascendancy at 11:30 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 34
54th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 15:55 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
1st Allure 124th year of Ascendancy at 09:22 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 38
8th Allure 123rd year of Ascendancy at 06:20 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 10
78th Dusk 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:10 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 50
37th Haze 123rd year of Ascendancy at 02:52 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 24
25th Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 10:51 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 18
22nd Haze 122nd year of Ascendancy at 13:39 see stats
By Gabyer the Iron Gnome Adventurer level 42
38th Regrowth 123rd year of Ascendancy at 19:03 see stats
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Ran for 2 turns (stop reason: interesting terrain).
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
There is no portal to activate here.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.
Thought-forged warrior receives 6 healing.
Gabyer receives 7 healing.