Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.5.5 |
Addons | Gnome 1.2.5Let there be Gnomes! Addon-content: 1. New subrace: Gnomes (included: own starter-zone and quest) 2. Additional zones and quests: About Gnomes: Gnomes are distant relatives of Halflings, albeit a tad smaller in stature and much weaker physique. In the world of Maj_Eyal, not much is known about them for simple reasons: they usually don't leave home to go on adventures, much less to take part in heroic endeavours. People commonly mistake Gnomes for extraordinary small and malformed Halflings, even if that is far from being the truth. The existence of Gnomes as a proper subspecies has passed history unnoticed for centuries, while they lived peacefully, silent and hidden within Halfling society, dedicating their lives to the study of the physical, magical and historical dimensions of Maj'Eyal. In theory, however, gnomes make great adventurers. While they lack any of those physical attributes, that are commonly associated with a lifestyle dedicated to performing heroic deeds, they got the ability to gain advanced knowledge about almost anything related to skillful adventuring. They start their career with two instead of just one racial talent trees and are able to learn new talent types not available to their choosen class. As a result, they make for very flexible game play, but they are challenged by a low life-rating. --- Major Revamp as of 20.12.2014 --- ! ! ! ! ! No compatibility with older versions ! ! ! ! ! Gnomes now offer a truly experimental game experience. Gnomes get two racial trees: - one tree allows them to learn just about any talents associated to different meta themes (they can learn one type each of these groups: technique/cunning, spell/celestial/chronomancy, psionic/wild-gifts, cursed/corruption). - the other tree provides general offensive and defensive benefits as well as resource (stamina, mana, psi, equilibrium) regeneration. As a result, playing as a gnome makes it possible to spice up just about any class with new talent combinations normaly only experienced when playing the Adventurer class. Additonaly, gnomes still start with their Gnomish Pocket Encyclopedia - an item, which at level 30 allows them to pick one further talent type from about just any category (excluding stone wardens talents). Specifics - Stats and Racial Talents: Stat modifiers: -4 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -6 Constitution, +1 Magic, +0 Willpower, +6 Cunning, +0 Luck Update (24.01.2015): - added a visual distinction between generic and class trees in the dialogues where you choose which talent-type to learn Ignore Campaign/Difficulty Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for campaigns and difficulty levels, allowing characters to play campaigns and difficulty levels that you haven't unlocked. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Deceiver class 1.3.1New release! Now in a playable state! New trees: Additional skills: Mesmer 1.2.5A magical class based on creating and shattering illusions. Infinite500 v2.5ga: Revised high level play for ToME 1.4.8Version 3.0: Compatible with ToME 1.5.0 This addon supports game play for character levels higher than 50, primarily for the infinite dungeon (I.D.). This implements a number of subtle changes, rescaling game mechanics and balance for character levels above 50 in the Maj'Eyal, Infinite, and Arena campaigns for ToME. The intent is to make it possible (though certainly not easy) to reach level 500 of the Infinite Dungeon. This is not a nerf or a buff to game difficulty per se, but, rather, an extension of the well-balanced game play from the Maj'Eyal campaign to higher levels. Some talents and status effects have been adjusted to accommodate the higher character levels possible. You can see a summary of these by checking the "Infinite500" tab in Game Options. Once a character enters the I.D., the level 50 cap is removed and normal stats-per-level progression is enabled from level 51 onward. The limit on how high primary stats may be trained is removed (limited by character level as normal) and dependent computed value limits are also appropriately increased. No additional Prodigies are gained automatically after level 50. (Note that additional category points and (rarely) Prodigies can be gained by completing I.D. challenges.) Talent mastery levels can be improved more than once, and talent levels are unlearnable as normal in the I.D. NPC levels in the I.D. have been adjusted to be compatible with higher game difficulty settings. Most monsters and bosses from the Maj'Eyal campaign are imported into the I.D. along with their respective unique drops. Traps have been added back to the I.D. Isolated shops can appear randomly in the I.D. There is guaranteed to be at least one shop on level 1, and they become more common for the first few levels, and then more rare with depth. Random escorts may be randomly generated on each level in the I.D. unless a challenge has been started, until the normal number (9) have been attempted. The lichform quest is completed in the I.D. with a new random drop instead of automatically being completed at the appropriate step. There is a new greater vault in the I.D. that affects this quest. The Corruption/Hexes tree can be learned from a new random drop. Most major events from the Maj'Eyal campaign are enabled in the I.D., and there is a new event that can award the cursed-aura tree. Undead characters starting in the I.D. begin with an artefact cloak. This is similar to the Cloak of Deception, but its stats scale with character level and it can spawn randomly for other characters. This addon incorporates some modified game mechanics: Modified checkHit and checkHitOld functions are employed that allow for wider level differences between opponents (see http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=35229). Things planned for the future: scaling of world artefacts with character level, map effects with dungeon level. CORE CODE CHANGES Engine: TOME Module: Other addons that affect these files might not be compatible. Troll Race. 1.3.0This addon adds Trolls as a playable race to the game. Trolls possess the Trollblood talent, which grants them high life-regeneration, but makes them vulnerable to fire. Race Stats: Str = 3 Mag = -3 Will = -2 Dex = -1 Con = 5 Liferating = 18 Exp-Penalty = 1.4 (Trolls aren't known for learning things fast) Size = Big (Increases with your racial abilites) Fear Immune Talents Trollblood(Passive): Life-regen, but fire-vulnerability. Scales with size. Scent(Active): Reveals the map around you, gives you a speedboost. Resilience of the Trolls(Passive): Increases saves and size category. Scales with size. Song of the Trolls(Active): AOE-damage with stun-chance. Scales with size. Increases size category. I hope you enjoy this! I would be very happy to receive some criticism :) If you got something to mention about balancing issues or if you find some errors, just tell me, i'll update this frequently. New Gem Types 1.4.2Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! Constitution Viability Buff Addon 1.4.6Constitution now grants: Highblade Class 1.3.1Adds the Highblade class, a very focused arcane blade-style class, using primarily cold and lightning magic, alongside wind. Contains several blatant references. Embers With All Races 1.4.4Adds all races available in the Arena campaign to the Orcs campaign. You will still need to have a race unlocked in order to play it in the Orcs campaign. This should work for all DLC races and most addon races, assuming they are not implemented in an unusual way and their addon weight is lower than that of this addon (200000). Gem Chest 1.5.3Extract Gems is now automatically used in the TransmoChest without needing an upgrade. CHANGES IN 1.1 CHANGES IN 1.1.1 Generic Ranged Training 1.4.0Adds a generic ranged training tree to the game. Archers start with it unlocked, all other classes can purchase it from an archery trainer in Elvala. Basic Ranged Mastery applies to all ranged weapons, but is weaker than more specialized masteries to compensate. Odyssey of The Summoner 1.4.8This is a highly extensive "unofficial DLC" that takes the summonable creatures from the Summoner class and turns them into fully-talented, highly-comprehensive classes with their story and unique events.
Details: Expanded Details: Hybrid Class Pack 1.4.6Adds a number of hybridized classes. Currently only remixes existing classes and talents. Playable Naloren Race 1.4.8Adds two races, one class, a new town, and a new low level dungeon. Completing a quest to explore the new dungeon unlocks purchasable perks in the town. This quest is the starting quest for the added races, but anyone can access an alternate version of the quest with the same rewards. Look toward the coast east of Last Hope to get started. Available perks (cost varies): Gain the ability to invest in Heavy Armour Training and equip mail(heavy) armor by meeting the requirement with the highest of Constitution and Dexterity (or Strength, as usual). Gain bonus attack and movement speeds and a chance to evade incoming damage while wearing mail(heavy) armor. These values scale with Dex and Con, respectively. Learn (locked or unlocked) a new Psionic/Mindstar combat talent tree. Similar to Wild-Gift/Mindstar mastery, this tree also has a Psiblades sustain. Once learned, you can also pay to boost mastery (as with Mindstar mastery from Zigur). --- Psionic/Mindstar combat: Psiblades: Mind Thorns: Mind Storm: Psionic Balance: --- Races: The Naloren are elven race with an affinity for water who are adept with mail armor, whips and tridents. They are also known for their bountiful spirit and superb flexibility. Spirit of the Tides: Spirited Combat: Cleansing Water: Whitewater: Stats: + 4 Con, +4 Dex, -1 Cun, -1 Str, -1 Mag, +10 life rating, 10% increased global speed, 15% xp penalty. The Freeks are a tribe of Yeeks who broke free from The Way. They are still strong psionics, but their minds have been irreparably shattered. Talents: Unbound Mind: Partition: Hasty: Schism: Stats: --- Added a new Psionic subclass: the Psion. Talents: Survival Psi-Casting Telekinetic Crush: Deal physical damage and stun. Active Aura damage is added to the attack at 3 times the usual power. Stimulation: Increase Con based on combined Wil and Cun. Guiding Star: Puncture: Psionic Striking Kinetic Blast: Deal physical damage and pin. Frozen targets take extra damage and both hits bypass the ice block. Thermal Blast: Deal fire damage and cold damage and freeze. If target is pinned, pull in nearby enemies and freeze them to the ground for a few turns. Charged Blast: Psi Weaving: Altered Talents Quick as Thought: Mindhook: Resonant Focus: Frenzied Focus: Transcendent Telekinesis: Transcendent Electrokinesis: Static Net: Transcendent Pyrokinesis: --- Full details in the forum: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=45418&p=208951#p208951. Possessed Class Add on 1.4.9Adds the Afflicted Class, Possessed. Myth's Minimalist UI 1.3.1This addon changes several user interface elements to provide a more open and cleaner overall appearance.
+++ This addon only works for new characters, unless you edit your save file+++ Instructions for save file editing: Locate your save folder - (Generally in C:\users\*username*) ( The name of you save folder inside your *username* directory is T-Engine ) BACKUP YOUR T-Engine folder TO A SAFE LOCATION - ( You can copy and paste it on your desktop ) Inside your *username* directory, open your T-Engine folder Locate the line that looks like the following: Add inside the { } the following 'myth-minimalist-ui' so that it now looks like: ( Keep in mind the above will look different based on what addons you have installed ) Save your desc.lua and exit the file. Tempus Fugit 1.3.1Time is a mystery to all... Adds a new ChronoRogue class, the Anarchist. Also reduces the paradox costs of Temporal Warden sustains. Current unique categories: Most of these talents will scale with your Paradox, so keep it as high as possible. Living Paradox Temporal Theft Temporal Thuggery Impossible Magic - high level Twisted Fate - high level astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.4.0A combination of all my celestial addons; Firmamancer, Primal Chosen, Trench Strider, Radiant, the Empyreal fork, and the newly added Bloodtide Cultist. Arcanum Class Pack 1.4.8Primary Features: Arcanist Features: Elementist Features: Enchanter Features: Archmage Features: Alchemist Features: ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.4.0Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Customized Xorn Race 1.2.5Xorns, four armed creatures of earth.
This is a personalized version of Trea’s Xorn Race mod. It doubles the number of ring/glove slots. It also doubles life gain from constitution. The Ruined 1.5.3Adds the Ruined, an afflicted subclass. Ruined are spell casters that have been twisted by the curse. Generous Levels 1.5.5Is more generous with talents, types and stat points for each level gained. Midnight 1.4.8Adds two new shadowy Celestial classes. Now with a new starting zone: Save the Sunwall crops from a worm infestation. Currently there are nine new categories. It also grants Sun and Glyphs to Sun Paladin at 1.3 mastery. Mage Knight 1.1.5Adds the Mage Knight metaclass, and its six sub-classes. Forum discussion thread: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=48329 Phoenix Knight: Powerful warriors who blast their foes with solar fire while calling healing light upon their allies. Their solar fire attacks will strike as either fire or light damage, whichever will hit their target the hardest, and their potent healing and cleansing abilities make them tough opponents to bring down. Mind Knight: Psionic warriors who strengthen their mental abilities by tapping into their inner magic. Adept at telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, they are mobile scouts who can quickly get a lay of the land and sow chaos among their foes with physical and mental debilitations, or even outright compulsions. Storm Knight: Swift skirmishers who rely on extreme mobility and powerful lightning magic to strike their foes down and avoid reprisals. Extremely fast and difficult to pin down, they can cast entire enemy units into disarray with their wealth of area attacks. All mage knights can cast while they fight, but experienced storm knights are also able to fight while they move. Earth Knight: The heaviest of infantry, earth knights hammer their foes with physical and natural forces while shielding themselves with the power of the earth. Highly resilient in the face of any attack, earth knights provide a slow and steady offense supported by powerful gemstone shields and the endurance of a living mountain. Sea Knight: Healers first, fighters second, battle mages a somewhat distant third, while sea knights lack the raw offensive power of other mage knights, they make up for it with amazing personal defense and recovery abilities. And though their attacks may be individually weak, like the sea itself, they are able to wear down even the strongest defenses eventually, eroding their opponents away with gradually strengthening spells, making them terrors in a battle of attrition. Mana Knight: Experimenting pioneers who do amazing things with raw magical energy. They have the most conventional magical training of the mage knights, even if they sometimes put it to unconventional use. Their arcane attacks can overwhelm the powers of other spellcasters, and while they lack the scope of power of full-fledged archmages, they are masters of the fundamentals of the various arcane schools. nsrr's Exotic Weapons 1.4.8Adds more Whips and Tridents to the game. Formerly, this was part of my Naloren Race add-on. Tridents are unchanged, aside from rarity. Credits: I borrowed the whip graphic from grayswandir's Weapon Pack add-on, and bits of code for adding exotics to shops and the rand art merchant from HousePet's Midnight add-on. Playable Wight Race 1.4.9Adds High Wights as a playable race: tough, psionic undead who arise naturally yet stand outside the natural order. Also adds Forest Wights as a playable race: undead with a connection to fire, light, and nature. Models by Rexorcorum. Better Item Description 1.5.5This addon makes items description easier to read and determine on a glance it's usefulness Most important thing to remember it's not recommended to use this mod if you'r new to the game Draconians 1.3.1Adds Draconians as playable race, with their own starting area. This addon was updated and forked by Aura of the Dawn, in the absence of ajfluffy. Second branch, due to upload system differences requring a new shortname. VampireLord 1.5.3VampireLord class Walk the path of a true vampire lord ! Feast upon your prey, thus increasing your blood pool, drag their corps in you shadow, later you can extract blood from those, event get stats and talent points from them. feedback and comment are welcomed on the relater forum thread changelog v a3.0: (we hunger update) + missing updates -manipulation implemented (a rip-off form the gloom talent tree with a necrotic aura twist -added talent tree spell/animous -added talent tree cursed/fear -shadowrift implemented (a rip-off from shadowwraith tree at the expanse of blood) -adding of hunger ... every x turn a percentage of your blood will be conssumed to sustain you hunger -tweaked other things v a2.6: -fixed onTakeHit superload (thanks to StarKeep) v a2.5: -re-ajusted "sadism" talents cost v a2.4: -fixed exangation dialogue box resolve v a2.3: -preUseTalent and postUseTalent should work well now! v a2.2: -fix of misstyping (preUseTalent) v a2.1: -fixed talents requirement and order for "sadism" talent tree. v a2.0: -talent tree "sadism" unleached !!! v a0.3: -prevented summons to be added to corpse pool (need to be tested) v a0.2: -spellcheck v a0.1: -the backbone are stuffed implemented: blood pool: a resource that add to life, as long as you have blood in your blood pool damage dealt to you will apply on your blood pool instead of your life. sanguinism talent tree - Feast: - Empowerment: - Exsanguation: - Blood Bound: x decrease with talent level while percentage increase. sadism talent tree: -tribute: pay a percentage of your max health to inflict to the target damage based on his max health. -stupeffy: pay a percentage of your max health to cause an aoe that hav a chance to inflict fear to all creature in it plus minorely damaging them. -blood river: pay a percentage of your max blood to cause a large blight aoe that heal you of a percentage of the damage inflicted with it. -pike jungle: pay a percentage of your max health to cause a small pinnig aoe that deal medium phisical damage =Extra Dungeons 1.4.8In general, this mod is for people (like me) who like to do everything in a game. Visit all the dungeons, kill all the bosses, preferably get all the artifacts. By allowing all characters to visit some more restricted dungeons, we can make that a little easier. This mod is not intended to be lore-friendly, but I may make a lore-friendlier version in the future. (As it stands you can visit Irkkk as a halfling and the Yeek don't care. I may change that.) Current mod features: Stoneshaper 1.5.0Adds the Stoneshaper, a wild caster. Stoneshapers manipulate terrain, creating or destroying it at need, and have been known to forge formidable weapons from stone. Playable Mummy Race 1.4.8Adds Mummies as a new type of undead that cripple their enemies and overcome any obstacle. Embalming increases Strength and Willpower Mummies begin in their own starter zone, a low-level dungeon reminiscent of both the Blighted Scar and the Elven Ruins. Mummies are initially locked, and unlock by defeating the Mummy Lord Doctornull's Class Pack 1.4.2This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. Steel Drakes 1.4.0Adds the Steel Drake category for wyrmics, and eventually also adds Steel Drakes. Turtle race 1.3.1This addon is home to bonus races, objects, and even a custom zone, for all your turtle pleasures. Races; Objects; Zones; Enemies; Tinker Tinkering 1.3.0A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:
Alternate Talent Requirements 1.5.0Changes some talent categories to base their stat requirements on your highest stat from a given subset. These talents require the greater of Strength or Dexterity: These talents require the greater of Strength or Magic: These talents require the greater of Strength or Willpower: Phantom Subrace 1.2.5Adds the Phantom subrace, focusing on speed. Deathknight 1.4.4Adds the Deathknight class. See forum thread for details. Spellsword 1.5.3This addon grew out of an attempt to rework the Arcane Blade base class from the TOME module way back in beta. Previous versions can be found under the "Arcane Blade Rework" addon. I got sufficient positive feedback, and it was a sufficient departure from the original class, that it was decided to split it off to its own class, while letting the Arcane Blade be updated by others. The class revolves around melee spells, utilizing a mixture of stamina and mana require skills. Probably the most unique feature are the elemental stances, only which one of is active at a time, and which are activated by using the basic elemental strikes. Possessor Bonus Class 1.5.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Multi-Class Challenge 1.4.8Allows the player to pick multiple classes, turning all enemies into Randbosses as a counter-measure. In order to activate this addon, check your Game Options for a new tab. Haunted class 1.1.5Haunted: an unarmed hate-based warrior Inferno Race Pack 1.4.0Adds a collection of my races. Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Harbinger 1.5.5 Faerie Race 1.5.2This addon adds in a Faerie, or Fey, race into ToME. This addon was originally created by Kaballah, but he hasn't been online in over a year. --- The Fey are an incredibly quick and agile race, however they are incredibly fragile. Fey stats: Fey skills: -Flight -Fey Luck -Fey Speed -Fey Dust --- Dark Faeries are Faeries that have given up much of their natural agility and defense in exchange for bonus offensive potency. Dark Fey stats: Dark Fey skills: -Powers of the Dark -Fey Clone -Vision of the Shadows -Feyd to Black Prowler Class 1.4.8Adds the Prowler subclass, a hybrid Wilder that uses stealth and mobility to take down their foes. Uses a combination of standard Rogue and Wilder talents, four new Wild-Gift trees and two new Technique trees. Prowlers are wild-rogues that focus on agile melee combat with psiblades or daggers and use their strong will to augment their abilities and call nature to their bidding. Embers of Rage 1.5.0Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.5.5Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. v3.5.0 *** FOR ToME v1.6.5 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Bonus Escorts 1.3.1Adds Wilder and Psion escorts. Forgeknight 1.2.5The basic idea behind the class of the Forge Knight is that of armor and weapon crafting. While item manipulation is already part of the game in form of some talents like Stone Alchemy's Imbue item or Finer energy manipulations' Reshape Weapon/Armour, class talents of the Forge Knight go one step further and allow the recreation of a piece of armour (body, helm, shield) or weapon (metallic, non-archery). The underlying crafting process is pretty simple: an existing item is being used as raw material for the creation of a new item of the same basic type and subtype. The original item is being consumed during the crafting process. Crafted items are initially basic items (white display colour) enhanced by certain bonuses like combat damage or armour and defense values. The development of passive talents allows for a broader spectrum of enhancements on the crafted weapon. Eventually, a Forge Knight learns to craft items with innate extra properties, like a developed ego (green/blue/violett display-colours) and powerful talents, which the Forge Knight gains access to while wielding the crafted item . In addition to two talent types dedicated to crafting (weapons, armours), the Forge Knight gets two additional unique talent types (class, generic) covering combat and passives, as well as several talent types from those normally available to members of the warrior classtree. The class idea was partly inspired by the concept of the Enchanter class in Arcanum from House Pet, which I had alot of fun with, and the desire to build a variation of a smith-class, which doesn't exist so far in Maj'Eyal. Addendum: - Fixed compatibility with grayswandirs weapons pack: alternative damage modificators are now enhanced too. Reduced Abuse: - any antimagic item that is being used for forging will result in forged items with an antimagic powersource Revision: - removed access to regular shield/dualwielding/2handed-talent-trees from the Forge Knight Refine & Restore: - Refine Items: Learning or putting a point into the talents "Armour Forging" or "Weapon Forging" gives access to a skill, that lets you upgrade your forged items towards your current skill level in the different talents of the forge group. Only properties that were put onto a forged item via the forge-skill previously will be affected and only items that have been forged after this patch can be refined. Forbid Nature / Arcane: - If you are too distant to nature (e.g. undead), you won't forge items which grant you wild-gift-talents anymore (unless you forge items powered by antimagic forces). Refinement Fix: - Fixed an issue, where after refining an equiped weapon or armor some properties (like resists) wouldn't be registered properly Small Fix (15.01.2015): Fix weapons_of_projection (24.01.2015): Dremling Horror Race 1.5.2There aren't enough subtypes of dwarf so here are some Horrible dwarves. Boneling Talent Tree 1.4.8Adds in the Boneling tree for Corrupters and Reavers. Summon forth a swarm of self-replicating(and self-destructive) Boneling minions. Carve two Bonelings from target foe's body, dealing Moderate Physical damage. Bonelings are weak melee attackers. Whenever they land an attack on a foe, they spawn another Boneling, up to a maximum which scales with TL and Willpower. - Splinter Overload target Boneling with extra Vim, causing it to explode for High Physical damage in a small radius. The primary explosion can hurt friendlies. Additionally, upon learning this talent, any Bonelings that die via any means explode for Minor Physical damage in a radius of 1. The secondary explosion does not hurt friendlies.- Collar Bone Must target foe that is surrounded by at least 2 Bonelings. All adjacent Bonelings sacrifice themselves to attach to target foe, reducing their damage dealt for 5 turns by a Moderate value. - Rough Ribbed You have learnt to intwine yourself with your Bonelings. Blood Knight Class 1.1.5Contains a new melee class - the Blood Knight Details & discussion here: Items Vault 1.5.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Primal Chosen Class 1.4.0Adds the Primal Chosen class, a celestial brawler that wields temporal and darkness damage, before slowly discovering a talent for chronomancy. This addon is now DEPRECATED and will cause bugs. Instead, please use the Celestial Oddities pack! Acid Trees for Archmage 1.4.0Adds two acid trees for Archmages, allowing them to deal acid damage. Compatible with Arcanum. Anguished 1.4.8Adds the Anguished Class with 7 new talent trees and a new elf race; the Soulless. More info on the forums. Also, the file size is really large because Zerru gave me icons that were 512x512. And I'm too lazy to scale them down. Adventurer Plus Addon 1.4.0Simple addon that adds a buffed adventurer class - now with Cursed Aura. Not that it needs it, haha. Edit: I was informed that since the class sets 'default' celestial energies to 20, it gets messed up if you have positive regen for one of them. This is most likely to occur with Liches. Therefore, if you're using them, use the newer version, which removes the default celestial stuff. Instrinsic Deception - No Cloak Needed 1.5.5UPDATE 1.0.2: Fixed issue with escorts not appearing. Fix applies to new characters only. ADDON DETAILS: Fork of kvaak's Uncloak of Inconvenience Addon, so only the faction gets changed to Allied Kingdoms, and the rest of the data (including starting inscriptions) is left unchanged. This enables Undead Tinkers in Maj'Eyal campaign to have the correct starting inscriptions. There is now no Cloak of Deception, existing or needed. Use this instead of the Uncloak of Inconvenience addon. Version 1.0.1 also makes sure that new undead characters are addressed as human by the NPCs that address you by race. With this addon active, all new characters that have the undead attribute will be addressed as human, even Whitehooves from Embers Races in Maj'Eyal Campaign addon: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/orcsallraces BASE GAME AND ADDON NOTE: I have discovered that because the check in the default 1.5.5 ToME game for Zigur patrols and betraying to Zigur doesn't check whether the player is undead, that Undead Tinkers start friendly to Zigur and can betray to Zigur until they get some spells or runes. However, the appearance of the Zigur town IS dependent on not being undead, so it is not possible to become anti-magic. Also, undead in Maj'Eyal campaign properly can't use infusions or nature powers, so that part is working as intended. So this addon is fine, it's just that the base 1.5.5 game currently doesn't make Zigur hostile and betraying to Zigur impossible merely because you're undead (read: have arcane aura that can be detected by Zigur). It requires you to have spells or runes, which Undead non-tinkers have, but Undead Tinkers only have neutral Steamtech implants or generators. To properly play an Undead Tinker in Maj'Eyal campaign (with or without addons, as this is the same even with only official game and DLC), I suggest that you do not betray to Zigur and don't use arcane disrupting gear (which should disrupt the normal actions of an undead, but doesn't currently in 1.5.5). ADDON PRIORITY (Load order): 1000 These game files are OVERLOADED (replaced with an edited version when the addon is running): So any mod that doesn't touch these overloaded files should be compatible. This function is SUPERLOADED to insert the fake_race and fake_subrace properties (which shouldn't affect anything else apart from making NPCs address you as human): A 'ToME:load' HOOK applies the faction change for the undead player to Allied Kingdoms. Adventurer Buff Addon 1.4.6Gives Adventurers 3 more Category Points at creation, from 7 to 10. Credit for the original code goes to SirSlush. Witherer Class 1.3.1The Witherer is a Corruptor that focusses on slowly killing their enemies. Viper Class 1.4.0Adds the Viper class, an archer wilder who possesses great speed and access to nature damage. Stunt's Tweaks 1.3.1Small tweaks and changes. Current changes: Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.5.0Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Verdant Class Pack 1.4.8Content is modular and various sections can be disabled via the options. Primary Features Druid Info Zigur: Categories: Werebeast Info Categories: Woodsman Info Categories: Summoner Info Two new summonable critters and revised summoning categories. New Categories: Wyrmic Info New Categories: Talent changes: |
Campaign | Orcs |
Mode | Normal Adventure |
Sex | Male |
Race | Whitehoof |
Class | Marauder |
Level / Exp | 1 / 11% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by steam giant gunslinger at level 1 on the 10th Retaking 124th year of Ascendancy at 16:01 0 / 1 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 19 (base 14) |
Dexterity | 14 (base 15) |
Constitution | 12 (base 10) |
Magic | 14 (base 10) |
Willpower | 7 (base 10) |
Cunning | 14 (base 13) |
Life | 110/110 |
Stamina | 94/94 |
Healing Factor | 1.01 |
Regeneration | 0.3535 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | -66.666666666667% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 2 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 11 |
Accuracy | 20 |
Crit Chance | 5% |
APR | 5 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | 8 |
Accuracy | 20 |
Crit Chance | 5% |
APR | 5 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 14 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 10 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 5 (30%) |
Defense | 2 |
Ranged Defense | 2 |
Fatigue | 11 |
Physical Save | 10 |
Spell Save | 7 |
Mental Save | 7 |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Silence Resistance | 50% |
Poison Resistance | 100% |
Bleed Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (2/3)
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: Heat BeamUse mode: Activated Range: 8 Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to fire a beam of heat, doing 40.00 fire damage over 5 turns The intensity of the heat will also remove one random detrimental physical effect from you. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ShieldingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 130 damage for 5 turns. |
Class Talents
Technique / Duelist | 1.20 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat veteran | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Dual techniques | 1.20 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Dirty fighting | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat techniques | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Throwing knives | 1.20 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Race / Whitehooves | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Survival | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Conditioning | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Mobility | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Thuggery | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
detrimental effect | There is no gravity here; you float in the air. Movement is three times as slow, and any melee or archery blows have a chance to knockback. Maximum encumbrance is greatly increased. Zero Gravity |
To win the war you must help the Pride by striking a blow to the giant's morale and supply lines. Of Steamwork and Pain* You must assault the Vaporous Emporium to crush the morale of the Atmos tribe! * You must explore the Yeti Cave and destroy the patriarch! | active |
Main armor | ![]() 9.0 T1 light armor [Normal] While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +2 Defense +1 (+1 eff.) Fatigue +6% A suit of armour made of leather. |
In main hand | ![]() 1.0 T1 dagger 1H weapon [Normal] Power 9.5 - 12.4 Physical Uses 45% Str, 45% Dex Acc+ +0.5% APR / acc Apr +5 Crit +4.0% Atk.spd 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
In off hand | ![]() 1.0 T1 dagger 1H weapon [Normal] Power 10.0 - 13.0 Physical Uses 45% Str, 45% Dex Acc+ +0.5% APR / acc Apr +5 Crit +4.0% Atk.spd 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
On head | ![]() 3.0 T1 head armor [Normal] While equipped: ----- def ----- Armour +3 Fatigue +5% A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
Light source | ![]() 2.0 T1 lite [Normal] While equipped: ---------- misc Light +2 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
![]() 0.1 T1 rune scroll [Normal] Arcane When inscribed on your body: Level 0.0 Use mode Activated Range melee/personal Cooldown 7 Travel.spd instantaneous Usage Speed Spell (100% of a turn) Is a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport randomly in a range of 10. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 5 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 15%, your defense is increased by 15 and all your resistances by 15%. Inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand ability. |
![]() 3.0 T1 longsword 1H weapon [Normal] Power 12.5 - 17.5 Physical Uses 100% Str Acc+ +0.4% crit.pwr / acc Apr +2 Crit +2.5% Atk.spd 100% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() 12.0 T2 massive armor Reqs Str 22 Heavy Armour Training 3 [Unique] Master/Steamtech While equipped: Stats +3 Dex +3 Con dps ---------- Steampwr +10 (+8 eff.) ----- def ----- Armour +10 Defense +4 (+4 eff.) Fatigue +22% Resists +15% cold +10% fire Heal.mod +30% Cleanse up to 3 poisons or wounds detrimental effects. Uses 12 power out of 20/20 This thick sealed armor utilizes a ventilation system to heal your wounds using a heated mist. |
![]() 0.0 power tinker [Plot Item] Steamtech While carried: Melt all the items in the APE at once (also done automatically when you change level). Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000 The APE is a multifunction tinker toolbox. It can store temporarily any amount of items and when requested melt them down using metallurgic and chemical processes. The metals are melted into lumps of ore to server for the creation of tinkers. Any remains are melted and turned into valuable materials. |
White Marauder misses Steam giant gunslinger.
White Marauder hits Steam giant gunslinger for 9 physical damage.
White Marauder hits Steam giant gunslinger for 8 physical, 7 physical (15 total damage).
Steam giant gunslinger is not stunned anymore.
Steam giant gunslinger strafes with his steamguns!
Steam giant gunslinger strafes with his steamguns!
White Marauder is recovering from the damage!
Steam giant gunslinger's Strafe hits White Marauder for 20 physical damage.
Steam giant gunslinger's Strafe hits White Marauder for (4 parried), 15 physical, 5 fire (21 total damage).
White Marauder hits Steam giant gunslinger for 10 physical, 6 physical (16 total damage).
Steam giant gunslinger shoots!
Steam giant gunslinger shoots!
White Marauder receives 17 healing.
Steam giant gunslinger's Shoot hits White Marauder for 18 physical damage.
Steam giant gunslinger's Shoot hits White Marauder for 21 physical, 5 fire (27 total damage).
White Marauder hits Steam giant gunslinger for 7 physical, 6 physical (13 total damage).
Steam giant gunslinger reloads.
Steam giant gunslinger hits White Marauder for 10 physical damage.
White Marauder the level 1 whitehoof marauder was struck to death by a steam giant gunslinger on level 1 of Vaporous Emporium.
You have no more lives left.
White Marauder has finished recovering.
You enter a zero gravity zone, beware!
From the brink of death you seem to be yanked to another plane.
Saving game...
Steam giant gunslinger killed White Marauder!
Saving done.