Addons: zizzo

Addons: zizzo

T-Engine allows all game modules to support addons and zizzo is taking full advantage of them to allow players to customize their game.

How to install

To install an addon you simply have to download the .teaa file and place it in your game's game/addons/ folder, unless the addon explicitly gives special install instructions.

How to create new addons

See addon uploading page of the wiki.

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NameGame Version RequiredGameUpdatedDownloadUser Rating
Examine Floor Stack
map menu stack floor ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Worm that Walks as Fast as You
fortress worm that walks cults
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Visible Cloud Caller
lightning cloud caller
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Tooltip Cleanup
ui Inventory tooltip
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Timed Rest
rest ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Time Shield Tracking
time shield ui
1.3.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Tier-1 Short Circuit Option
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Slightly More Adventurous
talents Adventurer
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Self-Portrait Over Grass
customization cosmetic
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Ruined Cave Floor Sort
drop ruined cave orcs
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Roguelike Keybindings
roguelike keybindings movement ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Roguelike Chat Guard
chat roguelike ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Retro Kit
gloves dispersion torques psychoportation
1.6.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Plot Disarming
notes ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Drake-Infused Forgiveness
drake-infused blood talents krog cults
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Displacement Tracking
displacement shield ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Classic Talents
disruption shield awesome toss talents
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Classic Berzerker Remix
Class berserker
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Auto-usable Wards
wards ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Melinda on the Map
kryl-faijan Events
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Lumberjack on the Map
Events lumberjack
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Let There Be Light
illumination light Stores
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Interact with the Worm
ui worm that walks friend of the worm demented
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks ago
Interact with the Mech
Steamtech mecharachnid ui
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet
Herald of the Herald
cults nihil herald of oblivion
1.7.0T.o.M.E4 years 8 weeks agono rating yet