Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.6 |
Addons | Bear Race 1.7.6Mod that allows you to play as an adventurer who somehow ended up with humanlike intelligence, but the body of a bear. Bears are an unusual adventurer species. They are unable to use most equipment (hat, lite, amulet, cape and tool only), but are very strong, fast and tough and have a rather powerful racial talent tree. Racial talents Interact with the Worm 1.7.0Adds new talent Interact with the Worm, allowing Writhing Ones from the Forbidden Cults DLC using the Demented/Friend of the Worm talent tree to manipulate their worm that walks' equipment and talents (and name) in a more convenient manner similar to Alchemists' Interact with the Golem talent. Schematics of Ascendancy 1.7.4Allows schematic-only artifacts from EoR to be learned AoA or Infinite Dungeon. Each one is unlocked randomly by defeating bosses (not elite bosses) above level 20. Troll Race. 1.7.2This addon adds Trolls as a playable race to the game. Trolls possess the Trollblood talent, which grants them high life-regeneration, but makes them vulnerable to fire. Race Stats: Str = 3 Mag = -3 Will = -2 Dex = -1 Con = 5 Liferating = 18 Exp-Penalty = 1.4 (Trolls aren't known for learning things fast) Size = Big (Increases with your racial abilites) Fear Immune Talents Trollblood(Passive): Life-regen, but fire-vulnerability. Scales with size. Scent(Active): Reveals the map around you, gives you a speedboost. Resilience of the Trolls(Passive): Increases saves and size category. Scales with size. Song of the Trolls(Active): AOE-damage with stun-chance. Scales with size. Increases size category. I hope you enjoy this! I would be very happy to receive some criticism :) If you got something to mention about balancing issues or if you find some errors, just tell me, i'll update this frequently. Rod of Dissipation 1.7.0Modifies the Storming the City quest to change its reward item to a Rod of Dissipation, essentially identical in functionality to the original Rune of Dissipation but not requiring an inscription slot Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Draconians 1.7.2Adds Draconians as playable race. This version of the addon is tweaked to allow Defiler classes. Attempting to fix for 1.7 by removing the dracolich function, as I'm not well enough versed in coding to make it compatible. Danger Alert 1.7.6Add a display of estimated threats in monster's tooltip. Tinker Tinkering 1.7.0A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:
Actually Useful Artifact Steamguns 1.3.0Increase the range of artifact steamguns to at least the range of an ordinary steamgun of the same tier. Frequently Asked Questions: Tinker Cave for Everyone 1.7.0Places the entrance to the tinker cave from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) on the world map for all characters in the Age of Ascendancy campaign, without requiring that the character be playing a Tinker class or rescue a tinker escort. Tinker Gem Flexibility 1.7.0Modifies certain tinker recipes from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) to require a different gem type as ingredient for different tinker tiers, rather than requiring the same gem type for all tiers. Affected recipes:
Frequently Asked Questions: Celestial Evolution and Buff Pack 1.7.4Evolutions for Celestials, as well as buffs for their talents. Anorithil: Adds Blessed by the Light Evolution - Gain access to Energies, Radiance, and Sun talent groups - Celestial/Light, Suncloak talents become instant (Even though they do not display that way.) Avatar of a Distant Sun: (base game Sun Paladin Evolution) - Adds innate Light and Physical penetration. - Celestial/Light, Suncloak talents are instant. (Even though they do not display that way.) Sun Paladin: Righteous Strength now gives +1 size category at level 5. Fallen: - Your attacks bypass bleed resists. - Brutalize now hits around the user, and inflicts stun and confusion. - Increase damage of Darkside and Dark Sun talents. - Devourer Stance is now instant. - Splatter Sigils also restores hate. THANK YOU: This is a fork of Aeternis' original mod! Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Race: Leprechaun 1.7.4Adds leprechauns as a new race. They are especially lucky and cunning magical halflings. Stat modifiers: -3 Strength, +3 Magic, +3 Cunning, and +10 Luck Racial talent tree: https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-leprechaun Changelog Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Thalore scaling tweak 1.7.0Changes Gift of the Woods to scale with the highest of willpower and dexterity and Nature's Pride to scale with the highest of willpower and strength. I did this, because I felt like there was very little use for thalore outside of willpower classes. Do whatever you want with it. More Sounds 1.7.6This addon adds new sounds to the game, such as on some talents that don't have an associated sound, and on infliction of certain status effects. Currently adds new sounds to the following: [Status Effects] [Infusions/Runes] [Other] More will be added as I play more. All sounds are fully original and created by me. Race: Tinkerer 1.7.5Adds Tinkerer as a new Human subrace. Tinkerers are identical to Cornacs, except they begin with Steamtech/Physics and Steamtech/Chemistry instead of an additional category point. I made this race because I wanted a consistent way to obtain tinkers with any non-tinker class, without relying on the tinker escort. The Tinkerer is intended to be a balanced and viable alternative to the Cornac race within the official "Maj'Eyal: The Age of Ascendancy" campaign. When used with a tinker class, this race only grants an additional starting talent point to both Physics/Smith and to Chemistry/Therapeutics. Feel free to extend/modify this addon as you wish! My further ideas for this race or a similar one would be to add the Engineering and Blacksmith categories as racial talent trees, but adjust their mastery and unlock status based on whether the character is a tinker class or not. ---Changelog--- Embers races rebalance 1.7.0Note: if you want to play EOR races in Maj'Eyal you need to download nsrr's addon: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/orcsallraces Rebalances Embers of Rage races Yeti: Orc: Whitehoof: I don't know how balanced this is Edit 1: I forgot to add some things to the description Nargol 1.7.4Adds the Nargol as a playable Halfling subrace. Studious to a fault, yet racist to the core, the Nargol empire once dominated Maj'Eyal. Though their superiority complex has been much humbled by the Age of Pyre, their brilliant inquisitive minds have not. Nargol may take any combination of any four talents in their race tree, with more talents being unlocked later. 1. Concentrate: select a non-instant, non-fixed-cooldown talent. That talent will always be cast at effective level 4, but its cooldown will increase proportionally with how many levels this talent is effectively adding. If your selected talent has an effective level over 4, its cooldown will be reduced instead. 1. Space Out: each talent cast will increase your negative life slightly. 2. Recompose: select an activated talent that has a cooldown. If you are affected by any non-other debuffs, using that talent will reduce the duration of each by a percent of that talent's cooldown, spread out across all debuffs affecting you and with a minimum of 1. 3. Practice: select an activated talent with less than 10 turns of cooldown that does not change the world in a permanent way and does not have a fixed cooldown. Each time you kill a creature that is worth experience, the raw level and mastery of this talent will increase to a cap. 4. Hyperfixate: instant sustain. Each turn your talent cooldowns are halved at the cost of burning away your life. In addition, they have a secondary "Imperialist" tree unlocked by wearing the Crown of Command, then unlocking it with a category point: Acid Trees for Archmage 1.7.0Adds two acid trees for Archmages, allowing them to deal acid damage. Compatible with Arcanum. Water Purification 1.7.0Fixes a bug in the Lost Knowledge quest, restoring the intended effect that the poison water in the Valley of the Moon will be purified to regular water when the quest is successfully completed. [NOTE: We anticipate that the relevant bug will be fixed in a future game release, at which time this addon will be officially deprecated.] Font of Sacrifice to the Rescue 1.7.0Makes the Font of Sacrifice from the Forbidden Cults DLC (required) available as a reward for rescuing the lost merchant. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Escorts Enhanced 1.7.0Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Eoland's Vampire Race 1.7.4This is my own spin on a vampire race. It has some large benefits but also some very strong drawbacks. Staff Infusion 1.7.0Modifies the Command Staff talent, allowing you to link your staff's damage element to your currently active alchemy infusion. Merchant on the Map 1.7.0Places the Lost Merchant event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map; they can be used together or separately. Doctornull's Classes Reloaded 1.7.4Contains some new hybrid classes: Ascetic, Blood Mage, Creep, Flenser, Striker, Gravitic Infantry, Storm Warden, Transcendent Fist, Vector, and a few others. Details & discussion here:http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=38670 Yakri: I'm making a couple changes suggested in the mod thread, and testing for errors/incompatibilities in current version of TOME. All credit goes to Null, and FailPail for creating the creepfix. Changes: Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.7.0Arranges for various sequential lore to be learned in sequence, independent of the order of lore object discovery. Frequently Asked Questions:
Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0Adds a collection of my races. Traps in Other Campaigns 1.7.0Makes various special traps that can be obtained by discovery in the main Age of Ascendancy campaign also available in other campaigns. Currently supported:
As in the main campaign, traps will only be made available to characters that know the Cunning/Trapping talent category. No Prodigy Requirements 1.7.4Prodigies have minimal requirements - usually none. Arcanum Class Pack 1.7.3Primary Features: Arcanist Features: Elementist Features: Enchanter Features: Archmage Features: Alchemist Features: Rebalancing 1.3.0Places a significant damage malus on certain bosses that became absurdly over-deadly with the changes in versions 1.6 and 1.7. Affected bosses:
Mr Frog VFX Pack 1.7.0Replaces a number of visual effects with (hopefully) nicer versions. Shader support recommended. Overwrites some talent code in a minimally-invasive manner. Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.7.2Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. v3.5.0 *** FOR ToME v1.6.5 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Better Sandworm Lair 1.5.10This addon aims to make Sandworm Lair less terrible. It does so by doing four things: Enabling natural tunnels, disabling burrowers, replacing the walls with their stable counterparts, and removing the alt version. These changes are accomplished by overloading the zone and npc files with edits and commented out sections. Please consider checking out the following addons that are probably better at dealing with the annoyance offered by SWL: codyfun123's "Sandworm Lair Tweaks" Updates: 1.0.1 Free Respec 1.7.2Allow trial and error for character building without restarting new game while minimizing inbalance. You can respec stats, talents, categories and prodigies freely at any time. Based on Full Respecialization. Fix the Error for prodigies learning introduced v1.7. Warning: Weight: 100 Superload: Auto-usable Wards 1.7.0Modifies objects that confer the Ward talent to provide two separate talents: an instant-use, no-cooldown talent Choose Ward and the original talent, renamed Apply Ward, which now activates the ward type selected via Choose Ward. The author is assured that this arrangement will make wards easier to use with the game's auto-use functionality. Items Vault 1.7.6Donators/Buyers bonus! Stone Redone! 1.7.0Makes a number of changes/improvements to the Earth and Stone spell trees to bring their combined utility/power level more in line with their elemental counterpoints, integrating them better with each other and (hopefully!) providing a more sensible, unified package for the three classes that share them. Changes from basegame: Body of Stone has been significantly buffed to bring it up to par with its counterparts in the other advanced elemental trees as a spell that expands the earth spell family's functionality into a new playstyle -- that of a stationary "artillery" that trades mobility for field control and durability: Crystalline Focus's save bonus has been replaced with an additional chance for all damaging Earth, Stone, and Eldritch Stone spells to stun targets; combined with Earthen Missiles' and Earthquake's multihit (the latter of which has the bonus added to its native stun chance) and Body of Stone's cooldown reduction, earth mages can now repeatedly stun vulnerable enemies, impairing their damage and talent cooldowns. This also aids their utility for Stone Warden and Arcane Blade, for whom the damage from Earth spells falls off quickly compared to weapon damage. Mudslide can now be aimed at yourself for a radial attack that pulls enemies in, making the talent more desirable for Stone Warden and Arcane Blade (particularly in conjunction with Body of Stone which would otherwise prevent them from engaging foes in melee). Stone Skin's cooldown reduction is now compatible with Stone Spikes, similarly to Crystalline Focus and Body of Stone. This addon hard-overloads the entire data files for the Earth, Stone, and Eldritch Stone talents, and so will almost certainly be incompatible with addons that make changes to the aforementioned. Q.U.I.C.K. Campaign 1.7.6Operation Q.U.I.C.K.: Quickly Untying "Inconvenient" Chronological Knots Adds a fast play campaign with a Point Zero themed quest line that sends the player to a series of dungeon-portions from the standard AoA campaign. Players will adventure through ~8 shortened zones, starting with teir 1 dungeons and progressing all the way through to the finale at High Peak. The campaign is broken into 8 segments, with a reward before each. These bonuses largely offer rewards that could be gained from optional quests in AoA. You will also have a chance to shop after each segment, and this version of Point Zero has greatly expanded and improved shopping opportunities. There is also an NPC that can create randarts with one ego of your choice, for a price. See the forum thread for more details: https://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=55067 Faster Run/Rest/Explore 1.0.6Important: this addon will have no effect if left unconfigured! Please read the description! Recommended settings:hit escape -> video options
Description:Enables faster run/resting by use of FPS dividers. These dividers simply divide the game's requested FPS by their respective values while resting or running. After starting a new game or loading a saved character, configure this addon by hitting escape -> video options. Setting these dividers to something greater than one can substantially reduce the amount of time required to finish resting/running on older computers. Just be careful when resting on an escort mission... Changelog:See the forum discussion for the changelog. Recaiden's Undead Racepack 1.7.0This is a compilation of my undead race addons. This will always be the most up-to-date version. Mummy Wight And adds a new prodigy for any undead: Dreadmaster Chinese translation by gooder1029 Mage Knight 1.7.0Adds the Mage Knight metaclass, and its six sub-classes. Forum discussion thread: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=48329 Phoenix Knight: Powerful warriors who blast their foes with solar fire while calling healing light upon their allies. Their solar fire attacks will strike as either fire or light damage, whichever will hit their target the hardest, and their potent healing and cleansing abilities make them tough opponents to bring down. Mind Knight: Psionic warriors who strengthen their mental abilities by tapping into their inner magic. Adept at telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, they are mobile scouts who can quickly get a lay of the land and sow chaos among their foes with physical and mental debilitations, or even outright compulsions. Storm Knight: Swift skirmishers who rely on extreme mobility and powerful lightning magic to strike their foes down and avoid reprisals. Extremely fast and difficult to pin down, they can cast entire enemy units into disarray with their wealth of area attacks. All mage knights can cast while they fight, but experienced storm knights are also able to fight while they move. Earth Knight: The heaviest of infantry, earth knights hammer their foes with physical and natural forces while shielding themselves with the power of the earth. Highly resilient in the face of any attack, earth knights provide a slow and steady offense supported by powerful gemstone shields and the endurance of a living mountain. Sea Knight: Healers first, fighters second, battle mages a somewhat distant third, while sea knights lack the raw offensive power of other mage knights, they make up for it with amazing personal defense and recovery abilities. And though their attacks may be individually weak, like the sea itself, they are able to wear down even the strongest defenses eventually, eroding their opponents away with gradually strengthening spells, making them terrors in a battle of attrition. Mana Knight: Experimenting pioneers who do amazing things with raw magical energy. They have the most conventional magical training of the mage knights, even if they sometimes put it to unconventional use. Their arcane attacks can overwhelm the powers of other spellcasters, and while they lack the scope of power of full-fledged archmages, they are masters of the fundamentals of the various arcane schools. Faetouched Collection 1.7.0In the realm of Titania, the Midsummer Queen, there live the Faeries, mystical beings as graceful as they are fickle. Drama and mayhem spring forth wherever they walk, and those whose lives they touch are forever changed, their fates intertwined with that of the mysterious Faesong. Luminously-beautiful and deadly, those who learn to ride its mercurial ebbs and flows shall wield power far beyond mortal magic. New paths opened by the Fae currently include: Charmed (class): Ordinary creatures drawn haplessly into the faeries' mischief. Adapt to their capricious will and unleash havoc upon the battlefield in a chaotic flash of mist-woven steel! Wood Sprite (race): Eyal-born faeries of wood and wind, mischievous and mobile. Unburdened by heavy armour, fly circles around your witless adversaries before sending them peacefully to their graves in a gentle Midsummer Dream! Moonchild (class): Unfortunate souls infused with the faeries' magic from birth, bent by its will as they bend it to theirs. Shattered between Spring's slothful light and Autumn's merciless chill, find peace within your broken halves to dominate any who oppose you with peerlessly destructive and illusive magic! Fetch (race): Wretched imitations of mortals created by and for the faeries' fancy, forever yearning to be whole. Shatter your body and soul to shift your identity and avoid danger, and mimic the talents of others to make yourself at last complete! Additionally includes a new starting scenario with original art, music, and dialogue, 7 new artifacts, 6 new enemy mobs, and an unlockable Fae-Drake category for Wyrmic. The realm of the Fae is ever-changing, and new paths may yet open in the future! Look not with your eyes, adventurer. The beauty you see hides terror beyond reckoning. Spell Merchants 1.7.6
Spawns 12 Merchants around the map that will sell Talents - Class, Stat, Category & Prodigy points! A Master jeweler that will Imbue all items! 3 Unique Dungeons and 8 Unique Bosses!
There are 14 talent trees (273 talents) available for purchase:Celestial, Chronomancy, Corruptions, Cunning, Cursed, Gifts, Psionic, Spells, Techniques, Demented, Steamtech, Annihilator & Technomancer!
4 character point types:Stat, Class, Category & Prodigy points for sale!
Master jeweler:Imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you [strike] want [/strike] can afford!
New Dungeons:3 new dungeons have been added to the world map [with more to come] (Blood Soaked Ruins, Infested Ruins & Road to Derth) these dungeons will have unique boss and lore spawns. Sludgenest and Noxious Caldera will now spawn on the world map at level 1.
New Bosses:There are 8 new bosses/mini bosses that will spawn in the new dungeons (With custom sprites). Battle against powerful [spoiler]vampires, werewolves and wererats[/spoiler] in your journey to glory! Bosses drop gold on death *They will also spawn in Infinite Dungeon*
1. Please note you will need to start a new game for the new Merchants/ Dungeons to appear.2. Dialog to purchase spells wont appear unless you have the required amount of gold. 3. DLC is NOT required to play this addon Talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.
4. Will CONFLICT with any mods that change the world map file The only currently known conflicting mod is \"EXTRA DUNGEONS\"Note: Since Waladil will no longer be updating "Extra Dungeons" I decided to add Caldera and Sludgenest to the world map. If you like this addon please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button! I've currently spent 300+ hrs making this mod. Positive acknowledgement is much appreciated! If you dislike the mod please comment so I can understand why and possibly make improvements. Any and all bug reports and new suggestions are appreciated, this mod is where it's at thanks to community feedback!
Thank you for trying Spell Merchants, I hope you enjoy my mod :)
My other addons:
Godmode Merchant
Infinite Dungeon Merchants***It is recommended that you deactivate 'Infinite Dungeon' Merchants if playing the Spell Merchants version! If you choose to ignore this warning, you will die... alot!*** If you like this addon please consider rating it :) Use Alchemist Gems From Inventory 1.7.0Allows you to configure talents that use alchemist gems to prompt for gems to use from inventory instead of your wielded gems, via the "Prompt for alchemist gems to use with this talent" option on the right-click talent binding menu or the Talents dialog. Affected talents are:
Hiveminder Class 1.7.0Adds Hiveminders, an insect-themed wilder class, as a birth option. Hiveminders are a melee class specialising in dual-wielded daggers or psiblades. They command their vast hivemind to lend them potent support and utility powers which make up for their lacking offense. Hiveminder talent trees include: Hivemind: Resonate your mind with your insects to enhance your perception and enthrall enemies! Hiveminders also have access to the Combat Training, Lethality, Call of the Wild, and Mindstar Mastery generic trees by default, and can additionally unlock the Fungus and Mobility trees through levelling up. Power is a subtle thing, adventurer. The smallest of factors can make the greatest of differences. Playable Wight Race 1.7.4Adds High Wights as a playable race: tough, psionic undead who arise naturally yet stand outside the natural order. Also adds Forest Wights as a playable race: undead with a connection to fire, light, and nature. Models by Rexorcorum. Spookier Scarier Skeletons 1.7.0Revamps skeleton racials to give them more varied utility and unique gameplay, bringing them more in line with ghouls: - The first talent, Skeleton, now grants enhanced Movement Speed and Accuracy starting from talent level 3 (not applicable to necromancer summons). Fly fast from death's jaws, little bones! New SFX have additionally been added to Bone Armour and Re-Assemble. Step fast and light, adventurer; the dust of the grave yet stirs, and its envy of the living grows ever more keen. Deathknight 1.7.4Adds the Deathknight class. See forum thread for details. Gnomes 1.7.2Adds gnomes as a new race. They are a distant relative to dwarves and know the location of the Iron Council. Garden Gnomes have nature skills, but are not necessarily antimagic. https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-gnomes All gnomes get: -- Generic Trees: These trees add a huge amount of survivability. -- Generic Trees: -- Generic Trees: -- Generic trees: -- Stat modifiers: +4 Cunning Generic Trees: They also start with the steam resource, a steam generator implant, and medical injector implants in inventory if you want to go that route. -- Stat modifiers: +2 Cunning, +2 Strength Generic Trees: -- Class Trees: Generic Trees: All skill trees are are locked and have x1.00 multiplier (instead of x1.30). --Starting points --Level up points But wait, there's more! In addition to the normal golem slots of MAINHAND, OFFHAND, BODY, and 2 GEM slots, gnomish alchemist golems also get LITE, HEAD, CLOAK, HANDS, BELT, and FEET slots. Additionally for tinker gnomes: -- A good amount of the gnomish alchemist golem changes were inspired by the "Golem - The Ironbreaker" addon. The intent with the golems is to have a fun variant and potentially more useful in the mid and late game, and it fits with the gnome theme of cunning and tools. I'm aware there is another addon named "Let there be gnomes" which was last updated in 2015, but this addon has nothing to do with it. Having never tried that addon I have no idea if there would be compatibility issues if you loaded them both (if you even could load a race addon that hasn't been updated in 6 years /shrug). -- |
Campaign | quick |
Mode | Normal Adventure |
Sex | Male |
Race | Forestwight |
Class | Deathknight |
Level / Exp | 1 / 41% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by forest troll at level 1 on the 42nd Quantumnal 1337th year of Ascendancy at 12:33 0 / 2Killed by Oldese at level 1 on the 42nd Quantumnal 1337th year of Ascendancy at 12:40 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 14 (base 14) |
Dexterity | 10 (base 10) |
Constitution | 18 (base 10) |
Magic | 18 (base 15) |
Willpower | 15 (base 10) |
Cunning | 10 (base 10) |
Life | 130/130 |
Mana | 125/125 |
Soul | 10/10 |
Healing Factor | 1.0711363549267 |
Regeneration | 0.26778408873168 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | -66.666666666667% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 11 |
Accuracy | 6 |
Crit Chance | 4% |
APR | 1 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 18 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 14 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 8.5966893384618 (61.410666539719%) |
Defense | 4 |
Ranged Defense | 4 |
Fatigue | 12 |
Physical Save | 12 |
Spell Save | 12 |
Mental Save | 9 |
Defense: Resistances
Light | + 10%( 70%) |
Temporal | -5%( 70%) |
Blight | -10%( 70%) |
Physical | + 10%( 70%) |
Nature | + 10%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Fear Resistance | 100% |
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Poison Resistance | 100% |
Confusion Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ShieldingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 130 damage for 5 turns. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: Shatter AfflictionsUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 18 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to instantly dissipate the energy of your ailments, cleansing all cross tier effects and 1 physical, mental, and magical effect. You use the dissipated energy to create a shield lasting 3 turns and blocking 50 damage per debuff cleansed (not counting cross-tier ones). If there were only cross-tier effects to cleanse, no shield is created and the rune goes on a 75% reduced cooldown. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ManasurgeUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 15 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 820% for 10 turns (41 total) and instantly restoring 41 mana. Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn. |
Class Talents
Spell / Dread | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Desecration | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Necrotic might | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Undeath | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Soul | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Cunning / Survival | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Undead / Forest Wight | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Soulforge | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Reaping | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.10 |
| 0/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
The Keepers of Reality brought you to Point Zero, and unintentionally erased your memory, but they promise to set you right again... after you help with a 'brief operation'. Operation: Q.U.I.C.K.Seems they 'just' need you to shut down some anomalies... shouldn't take too long? | active |
Light source | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: lite / lite ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +3 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
Main armor | ![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 14 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% A suit of armour made of mail. |
In main hand | ![]() Requires: - Strength 11 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 15.0 - 24.0 Uses stat: 120% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() Requires: - Strength 11 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 15.4 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Shield usage training - Strength 11 7.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / shield ; tier 1 When used to attack (with talents): Base power: 9.0 - 10.8 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%) Crit. chance: +2.5% Block value: +24 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Fatigue: +8% Talent granted: +1 Block Handheld deflection devices. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: 4 Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to teleport up to 4 spaces within line of sight. Afterwards you stay out of phase for 3 turns. In this state all new negative status effects duration is reduced by 12%, your defense is increased by 12 and all your resistances by 12%. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
By Oldese the Forestwight Deathknight level 1
42nd Quantumnal 1337th year of Ascendancy at 12:40 see stats
Forest troll hits Oldese for 14 physical damage.
Forest troll misses Oldese.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 14 physical damage.
Forest troll misses Oldese.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 14 physical damage.
Forest troll misses Oldese.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 14 physical damage.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 15 physical damage.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 13 physical damage.
Forest troll misses Oldese.
Forest troll hits Oldese for 15 physical damage.
Oldese the level 1 forestwight deathknight was maimed to death by a forest troll on level 2 of Trollmire.
You have no more lives left.
You enter a zero gravity zone, beware!
From the brink of death you seem to be yanked to another plane.
Forest troll killed Oldese!
Saving game...
Saving done.
Personal New Achievement: Utterly Destroyed!
QUICK Campaign Zones
QUICK Campaign Perks
1: Rune: Blink