Corrupted Skeleton Nexus fork
Fork of Femme_Fatale's Corrupted Skeleton addon and Mr Frog's Spookier Scrarier Skeletons addons.
I simply added Mr Frog's SFX to Femme_Fatale's buffed talents and merged the re-assemble changes (no longer gives an extra live, now scales with with dexterity and max life and has Mr Frog's negative life and debuff shortening effect).
It' my first addon that's more than just changing 1 line of code, so idk if it's stable. If any of the original authors want this removed please message me on discord @Nexus6744
This addon is probably kinda overpowered, but it also buffs NPC skeletons, so I'd recommend disabling it if you're not playing as a skeleton
Links to original addons:
Corrupted Skeleton
A few changes to skelly I thought would make it actually interesting to pick for some classes as it previously was easily the worst race because it didn't cover any of the weaknesses or encourage any synergies with any class. These changes make Skeleton focused a lot more on being a tank, which its talents originally hinted at.
The first talent now gives a massive amount of physical saves that scale with constitution. This replaces the duration reduction of the third talent. The duration reduction is largely a useless stat if you can't get it to 100% reduction as debuffs are either "I don't care about this" or "I want this gone immediately." Immunities have typically always been the go to. Most classes have their immunites or debuff clears as their third or final talent, so putting this as the first talent gives some incentive to use this over Shalore.
Originally it was going to be full physical debuff immunity like with Spine of the World but after some deliberation I figured this was too good. I kind of like the saves here as a way to demonstrate just how much is needed to be good. The numbers for this are chosen that provided you put in significant investment, it should provide excellent returns such that it's the only source of physical save needed on difficulties of insane or lower.
The third talent now gives you the Corruption/Bone tree. This here because I thought this would be fun, and thematic.
I got a bit of feedback that people wanted a mobility tree on Skeleton, but honestly I feel like that removes one of the interesting weaknesses of the class, that you are forced to use blink rune for mobility. This drawback provides some interesting decisions in what to select for your race and I think it should remain to encourage strategic building.
Also: Reassemble now scales with Constitution. Both Bone Armour and Reassemble's descriptions have been updated to fully detail the things they scale with. They previously did not mention that they scale with your max HP.
Classes that would be good with this skelly rework: Classes without a lot of defenses, classes with a lot of mobility, classes with the Corruption/Bone tree, classes that don't need to focus on 3 non-Constitution stats.
Update 1.2.0
The first talent and Reassemble both used to scale with Constitution but considering no classes use Con and you still want Magic for Bone Shield scaling and to make Bone Grab work, changing the Con scaling to Dexterity make the race pair better with more classes, since many triple stat using weapon classes utilize Dex.
Also I fixed a couple of bugs. Learning the Bone talents now correctly gives the Vim resource bar and puts them on your hotbar automatically.
In vanilla, the end fight at the Maj'Eyal campaign is either almost impossible or laughably easy due to three factors.
1.Freeze has extremely odd scaling, getting extremely high damage at talent levels and cooldown reductions that aren't available to the player. Elandar can crit for 7k damage with it, and has a very high level of cold damage penetration
2.Invisibility has a 70% damage reduction attached to it, and Elandar has a high chance of rolling this.
3.Disruption shield's new style isn't balanced around Elite Boss values, meaning it can ALSO hit for values >7k dmg.
All of these aside from change issue 2 WILL be changed in the next boss. This patch aims to introduce similar changes to the ones planned. I'm not copying the code straight up as I'm not sure if DG would frown on that,
but the principles will be there.
It will also disable the invisibility spell from NPCs - a 70% damage reduction means it would only ever be useful on debuff enemies, but those sort of enemies are naturally invisible without it.
Adds a new class, the Steam-Chemist (A tinker who picked up alchemy) also attempts to revise alchemist with some quality of life and balance changes.
They're tinkers who have started dabbling in alchemy - but their dual focus has resulted in lesser skill. Less skillfully assembled machinery can sometimes be even more dangerous, though.
They have a golem, but no advanced golemancy, access to staff training, but no channel staff and no natural mana regen. What they have is lots, and lots of explosions.
One new talent tree : Shrapnel
Steampowered Bombardment : version of throw bomb that scales with steampower and alchemist gem power
Shrapnel infusion : results in bombs causing bleed damage, +phys dmg, +phys penetration
Sonic Boom : An aoe cone physical damage confusion skill
Rocket Powered Leap : a leap that attempts to attack in an aoe, if it hits, causes massive bleed damage
In addition, they have access to many steam categories.
Alch revision description :
Buffs Alchemist talents and aims to reduce the irritation of the gem ammo management system. Idea is to make mana the limiting factor of alchemists,
rather than alchemist gems. Idea is to make alchemist a short to mid ranged class with high burst and mana problems, but decent tankiness. Their golem can lock people into place for them to wail on,
and they have some other talents to help if someone does get into melee range (shortrange aoe stuns, ranged knockbacks, etc.)
Gem quality contributes more to bomb damage
At talent level > 7 throw bomb and steam bombardment now reduce their CD by 1 (this means an extra cat point in their respective categories results in 3 CD)
Arcanum compatibility update
Explosion expert no longer increase the damage of throw bomb. Instead, throw bomb's damage has been somewhat normalized - it should deal a bit more damage than the average explosion bomb, but won't have quite the same ceiling.
Explosion expert now increases the AOE and mana cost of throw bomb. It will still increase contained explosion's damage bonus. This damage bonus has been rescaled a bit to be more valuable at lower levels.
Balance changes:
Throw bomb, steam bombardment, explosion expert nerfed
Defensive posture should scale better with talent level.
Fire infusion damage changed a bit, same for shrapnel. Now deals 25% of bomb damage over 3 turns.
Gems are no longer overloaded.
Steamcoil re-enabled (it's a tinker, a version of mana coil that gives some steam regen and can attach to steam staves).
Generic steamstaves modifiers changed to .6/.8 instead of .8/.8
Fixed command staff not having elements. Unfortunately, had to disable steam coil as a short term fix.
Also lowered modifiers on steamstaves and artifacts, as they were slightly too high
0.9.9 :
Fixed thunderclap consuming gems.
Fire infusion changed :
deals 100% damage, then 1/6 of that damage every turn for three turns (this means that fire infusion now deals the most damage of any infusion, in order to make up for it having the least utility)
(just an FYI, Shrapnel infusion does deal more damage : Shrapnel infusion deals 100% damage, then 1/5 of that damage every turn for four turns).
Steampowered bombardment now deals fireburner damage (the same as fire infusion, but no bonus pen or bonus damage) by default, and is unaffected by infusions other than shrapnel infusion (which no longer affects throw bomb).
0.7.0 -
Refit golem now only heals to 40% instead of 50% hp if golem is dead.
Fire infusion damage now a bit more frontloaded (deals 75% of damage initially, rather than 50%).
Alchemist Protection now only buffs elemental resistance (5% per raw level), friendly fire is no longer enabled by default.
Mana cost of throw bomb now scales with points in explosion expert (10 + 6 per rawlevel)
Overall :
-Gems no longer consumed by talents
-All infusions now have 4 CD to make them viable to switch between in combat
-Infusions give damage pen to their respective damage types in addition to their damage boost
-Alchemist talents no longer deal friendly fire
-Throw bomb, channel staff, refit golem have higher mana costs (35, 6, 30)
-To make throw bomb's damage scaling smoother gems now give these bonusese to damage of throw bomb per tier :
+ 20%, +35%, +50%, +65%, +70%, with bomb
Gems such as diamonds which gave a +% modifier now have that added directly to their power :
So a diamond now increases bomb power by 95% exactly, and other tier 5 by +70% exactly.
Totally revised Explosion Expert, based largely on Minmay's version of the spell
Alchemist :
(I used minmay's revamped alchemist as a base for these class starting changes)
Willpower/Con bonuses swapped
Liferating changed from -1 to 0
Weapons Training known from start
Golem :
-Now has head slot.
Unfortunately, to remove a helm you have to equip another helm. I'm working on this.
-Golem gains a class talent point every other level instead of every 3
-Boosted weapon damage on pound
-Pound is now a melee ability
-Pound can now be used in melee range
-Knockback, Crush can now be used in melee range
-Golem gains 1 generic every 10th level and has access to combat training from the start. Note : points in golem power and
resilience automatically give points in these areas, though this is hidden in normal ToME.
Explosion tree:
-Alchemist protection now only grants extra elemental damage, friendly fire is gone from alchemist talents by default.
-Explosion Expert totally revamped (thanks to minmay for permission to use parts of her code) . It now will tell you how much extra damage is going to be dealt in the tooltip given while aiming the bomb.
-Explosion expert now grants up to 6 radius, and can grant 7 (and some more bonus damage) with an extra category point.
Shockwave bomb replaced with Contained explosion which functions exactly as throw bomb dealing a maximum amount of explosion expert damage to a single tile. Range scales with talent level. Skill has extremely high mana cost (100), but with a single point is almost certainly the most damaging skill in the game.
Living Lightning has 15 CD and somewhat increased damage
Acid :
-Boosted max damage on caustic mire
-Boosted damage on Caustic Golem
Fire Alchemy:
-Body of fire deals MUCH more damage, but drains MUCH more mana, though its sustain cost is reduced to 75
-Now only targets 1 creature
-Body of Fire has 15 CD instead of 40
-Body of fire now grants fire affinity instead of resistance
-Boosted max damage on Flash Freeze (250->320)
-Greatly increased max armor granted for Golem on Ice Armor
-Changed frost infusion to no longer freeze. Instead, it applies a 20% slow. This is to let cold be used as a more reliable damage source
Golemancy :
-Refit golem when golem is dead cast time reduced to 1 resting turn (requires player to be out of line of sight of enemies, meaning Smoke Bomb has a purpose)
-Golem is revived at 40% instead of 33% max hp
Advanced Golemancy:
Greatly increased runic golem regen rate
Staff Combat :
Tree reworked
Channel staff is now a built in attack that costs no talent points and deals 100% weapon damage with a +20% magic modifier.
New talent takes the second spot in the tree :
Desperate Blast - In desperate times, you can overload your channel staff with five times as much mana. This will increase the damage and cause the spell to knockback, but changes the damage to a physical type, and decreases the range.
Blunt thrust is the third item in the tree, and never misses from talent level 1.
Defensive posture is fourth in the tree, with a lowered cap (now scales from 9 armor/defense at level 1 to 18 at level 5).
Stone Alchemy :
-Stone touch starts at range 3 and beams from talent level 1
Warning : Still needs balancing
Revised Alchemist
Alch revision description :
Buffs Alchemist talents and aims to reduce the irritation of the gem ammo management system, with some other quality of life changes. Idea is to make mana the limiting factor of alchemists,
rather than alchemist gems. Alchemist will become a mid ranged class with high burst and mana problems, but decent tankiness. Their golem can lock people into place for them to whale on,
and they have some other talents to help if someone does get into melee range (shortrange aoe stuns, ranged knockbacks, etc.). They are much better at dealing with armed attackers
than with spellcasters.
Overall :
-Gems no longer consumed by talents
-Throw bomb CD decreased to 2. At talent level 6, it goes to 1, and at talent level 7, it goes to 0.
-All infusions now have 4 CD to make them viable to switch between in combat
-Infusions give damage pen to their respective damage types in addition to their damage boost
-Alchemist talents no longer deal friendly fire
-Throw bomb and refit golem have higher mana costs (35, 6, 30)
-Refit golem takes 4 turns instead of 15 if golem is dead
-Throw bomb CD decreased to 2. At talent level 6, it goes to 1, and at talent level 7, it goes to 0.
-To make throw bomb's damage scaling smoother gems now give these bonusese to damage of throw bomb per tier :
t5 does +125% damage, t4 +112.5%, t3 +75%, t2 +37.5%)
-Gems such as diamonds which gave a +% modifier now have that added directly to their power :
So a diamond now increases bomb power by 150% exactly, and other tier 5 by +125% exactly.
Alchemist :
Willpower/Con bonuses swapped
Liferating changed from -1 to 0
Weapons Training known from start
Golem :
-Now has head slot.
Unfortunately, to remove a helm you have to equip another helm. I'm working on this.
-Golem gains a class talent point every other level instead of every 3
-Boosted weapon damage on pound
-Pound is now a melee ability
-Pound can now be used in melee range
-Knockback, Crush can now be used in melee range
-Golem gains 1 generic every 10th level and has access to combat training from the start. Note : points in golem power and
resilience automatically give points in these areas, though this is hidden in normal ToME.
-Increased golem life rating
-Higher combat-techique mastery.
-Slightly increase golem's base phys power and moderately increase base accuracy (it still can't hit most things in high peak).
-Golem now gets 3 stat points per level.
Explosion tree:
-Alchemist protection now only grants extra elemental damage resist, friendly fire is gone from alchemist talents by default.
-Alchemist Protection element resist% now scales with talent level and gives 1.25 mana regen per raw talent level.
-Explosion expert now grants up to 6 radius, and can grant 7 (and some more bonus damage) with an extra category point.
Shockwave bomb replaced with Contained explosion which is a bomb explosion compressed to a single tile. Range scales with talent level.
Damage is always at least 130% of throw bomb, and can scale up to 250%.
Skill has extremely high mana cost (100)
Note : This skill cannot crit.
Living Lightning has 15 CD and somewhat increased damage
Acid :
-Boosted max damage on caustic mire
-Boosted damage on Caustic Golem
Fire Alchemy:
-Body of fire deals MUCH more damage, but drains MUCH more mana, though its sustain cost is reduced to 75
-Now only targets 1 creature
-Body of Fire has 15 CD instead of 40
-Body of fire now grants fire affinity instead of resistance
-Boosted max damage on Flash Freeze (250->320)
-Greatly increased max armor granted for Golem on Ice Armor
-Changed frost infusion to no longer freeze. Instead, it applies a 20% slow. This is to let cold be used as a more reliable damage source
Golemancy :
-Refit golem when golem is dead cast time reduced to 4 resting turn (requires player to be out of line of sight of enemies, meaning Smoke Bomb has a purpose)
-Golem is revived at 40% instead of 33% max hp
Advanced Golemancy:
Greatly increased runic golem regen rate
Staff Combat :
Tree reworked
Channel staff is now a built in attack that costs no talent points and deals 100% weapon damage with a +20% magic modifier.
New talent takes the second spot in the tree :
Desperate Blast - In desperate times, you can overload your channel staff with five times as much mana. This will increase the damage and cause the spell to knockback, but changes the damage to a physical type, and decreases the range.
Blunt thrust is the third item in the tree, and never misses from talent level 1.
Defensive posture is fourth in the tree.
New tree :
Gives arcane infusion for throw bomb and a valuable flat armor reduction spell based off gem power.
Stone Alchemy :
-Stone touch starts at range 3 and beams from talent level 1
Updated init.lua and hopefully works with steam.
Alchemist Protection element resist% now scales with talent level and gives 1.25 mana regen per raw talent level - lower levels are better, higher levels are about the same.
Contained Explosion deals at least 130% of throw bomb damage always
Contained Explosion mana cost now scales with explosion expert level, same as throw bomb.
Contained explosion range increased
Contained explosion can no longer crit (exponential scaling is bad)
Increased golem life rating, combat-techique mastery.
Slightly increase golem's base phys power and moderately increase base accuracy (it still can't hit most things in high peak).
Golem now gets 3 stat points per level.
Throw bomb CD decreased to 2. At talent level 6, it goes to 1, and at talent level 7, it goes to 0.
To compensate, mana cost increased to 30, and Explosion Expert mana penalty also increased.
A very minor increase on the contribution from gems to bomb damage (currently t3 gems give more than I want and t5 less than I want)
Defensive posture no longer affects hardiness, instead only increases the base values given from vanilla for defense and armor.
Bug fixes (channel staff is now innate to staff-combat tree rather than learned at birth)
Jeweled armor takes bomb power % increases from gems into account for its values (diamonds now give best value but no bonuses)
Jeweled armor CD decreased from 20 to 18, and duration cap increased from 9 to 10.
Reduced arcane resist % on jeweled armor (now 7% rather than 20% per level)
Disabled smoke bomb changes, as they no longer functioned correctly.
Increased lower end of bomb damage, but greatly reduced upper end. This should let it scale more sanely with alchemist gems throughout the game.
The tool tip now displays the correct damage amount on throw bomb when infusions are active.
Throw bomb and steampowered bombardment will now damage the AAD, giving alchemists an additional useful prodigy. Note: The AAD can damage the golem.
Explosion expert now only adds 4 mana per level to throw bomb's mana cost. (This means that bombs now have a 30 mana cost at max EE)
Smoke bomb now has a static 30 mana cost, and duration of burn increase scales up from 2->4 at raw tlevel 4.
Throw bomb/steampowered bombardment formula rescaled a bit : t1 gems now contribute no additional damage, while stronger gems contribute more (specifically, t5 does +125% damage, t4 +112.5%, t3 +75%, t2 +37.5%)
At talent level > 7 throw bomb and steam bombardment now reduce their CD by 1 (this means an extra cat point in their respective categories results in 3 CD)
Gem quality contributes more to bomb damage
At talent level > 7 throw bomb and steam bombardment now reduce their CD by 1 (this means an extra cat point in their respective categories results in 3 CD)
Explosion expert no longer increase the damage of throw bomb. Instead, throw bomb's damage has been somewhat normalized - it should deal a bit more damage than the average explosion bomb, but won't have quite the same ceiling.
Explosion expert now increases the AOE and mana cost of throw bomb. It will still increase contained explosion's damage bonus. This damage bonus has been rescaled a bit to be more valuable at lower levels.
Fire infusion damage changed a bit, now deals 25% of bomb damage over 3 turns.
No more gem overloading
Body of fire bug fixed, hopefully
Bugfix - Thunderclap no longer consumes gems.
Throw Bomb spellpower scaling slightly weakened
Updated for parity with steamchemist add-on balance changes and bugfixes
Bug fixes and balance changes:
Contained explosion mana cost now decreases with additional points, and it notes that it will add an additional 10% damage multiplier.
Throw Bomb scales less with spellpower, though still more than other spells (1.35 instead of 1.65 multiplier).
Body of fire AI fixed – would pop up bugs continously and do nothing before
Fire infusion changed :
deals 100% damage, then 1/6 of that damage every turn for three turns (this means that fire infusion now deals the most damage of any infusion, in order to make up for it having the least utility)
0.7.0 -
Refit golem now only heals to 40% instead of 50% hp if golem is dead.
Fire infusion damage now a bit more frontloaded (deals 75% of damage initially, rather than 50%).
Alchemist Protection now only buffs elemental resistance (5% per raw level), friendly fire is no longer enabled by default.
Mana cost of throw bomb now scales with points in explosion expert (10 + 6 per rawlevel)
Minor tweaks :
Caustic golem can now proc twice per round, though the chance is low.
New locked tree : Jewelcraft. A tree that enables an arcane damage throw bomb infusion and a powerful flat damage reduction ability that is further improved by other abilities in the tree.
"Aether Infusion"
You infuse your gems with mystical aether, a technique taught in Angolwen to those few alchemists who have visited. Your thrown bombs deal arcane damage which may disarm.
All arcane damage you do is increased by %d%%, and arcane damage penetration increased by %d%%. As alchemists were not raised in Angolwen, their mastery over arcane elements results in less damage penetration than other infusions.
"Jeweled Armor"
Use your gem to focus energy through mystical symbols on your body, creating ethereal jeweled armor. The resulting energies will protect you. Reduces all damage taken by %d for %d turns. Damage reduction scales with the quality of the wielded gem, and is equal to 1.5 times gem power.
"Gem Mastery"
Enable your gem armor to utilize the effects of gems. When damage is taken, beneficial effects of gem will occur on each instance of damage, up to %d times per turn. Beneficial effects are found on Spinel, Aquamarine, Garnet, and Bloodstone. Note : Garnet and Bloodstone have lower overall power than other gems of their tier. (The number of times the effect can occur per turn are equal to the raw talent level of gem mastery)
"Aether Embrace"
Your jewel armor synchronizes your with the aether existing around you, rather than merely your physical existence. Increases Arcane resistance by (Raw talent level*20) and Arcane resistance cap by (raw talent level * 3) while jeweled armor is active. Learning this talent exposes you to the void of space.
0.5.0 -
Staff combat tree reworked :
Channel staff is now a built in attack that costs no talent points and deals 100% weapon damage with a +20% magic modifier.
Staff mastery is moved to the first position in the staff combat tree.
New talent takes the second spot in the tree :
Desperate Blast - In desperate times, you can overload your channel staff with five times as much mana. This will increase the damage and cause the spell to knockback, but changes the damage to a physical type, and decreases the range.
Blunt thrust is the third item in the tree, and never misses from talent level 1.
Defensive posture is fourth in the tree, with a lowered cap (now scales from 9 armor/defense at level 1 to 18 at level 5).
Full Changes
Alchemist :
(I used minmay's revamped alchemist as a base for these class starting changes)
Willpower/Con bonuses swapped
Liferating changed from -1 to 0
Weapons Training known from start
Golem :
-Now has head slot.
Unfortunately, to remove a helm you have to equip another helm. I'm working on this.
-Golem gains a class talent point every other level instead of every 3
-Boosted weapon damage on pound
-Pound is now a melee ability
-Pound can now be used in melee range
-Knockback, Crush can now be used in melee range
-Golem gains 1 generic every 10th level and has access to combat training from the start. Note : points in golem power and
resilience automatically give points in these areas, though this is hidden in normal ToME.
Explosion tree:
-Alchemist protection now uses talent level rather than raw talent level - getting some more class point freedom.
-This means that 4/5 gives the necessary bonus 5/5 gives a bit more oomph (extra 4% resist elements)
-Explosion Expert totally revamped (thanks to minmay for permission to use parts of his code) . It now will tell you how much extra damage is going to be dealt in the tooltip given while aiming the bomb.
-Explosion expert can now correctly grants 6 radius, and can grant 7 (and some more bonus damage) with an extra category point.
Shockwave bomb replaced with Contained explosion which functions exactly as throw bomb dealing a maximum amount of explosion expert damage to a single tile. Range scales with talent level. Skill has extremely high mana cost (100), but with a single point is almost certainly the most damaging skill in the game.
Living Lightning has 15 CD and somewhat increased damage
Acid :
-Boosted max damage on caustic mire
-Boosted damage on Caustic Golem
Fire Alchemy:
-Body of fire deals MUCH more damage, but drains MUCH more mana, though its sustain cost is reduced to 75
-Now only targets 1 creature
-Body of Fire has 15 CD instead of 40
-Body of fire now grants fire affinity instead of resistance
-Boosted max damage on Flash Freeze (250->320)
-Greatly increased max armor granted for Golem on Ice Armor
-Changed frost infusion to no longer freeze. Instead, it applies a 20% slow. This is to let cold be used as a more reliable damage source
Golemancy :
-Refit golem when golem is dead cast time reduced to 1 resting turn (requires player to be out of line of sight of enemies, meaning Smoke Bomb has a purpose)
-Golem is revived at 50% instead of 33% max hp
Advanced Golemancy:
Greatly increased runic golem regen rate
Staff Combat :
Tree reworked
Channel staff is now a built in attack that costs no talent points and deals 100% weapon damage with a +20% magic modifier.
Staff mastery is moved to the first position in the staff combat tree.
New talent takes the second spot in the tree :
Desperate Blast - In desperate times, you can overload your channel staff with five times as much mana. This will increase the damage and cause the spell to knockback, but changes the damage to a physical type, and decreases the range.
Blunt thrust is the third item in the tree, and never misses from talent level 1.
Defensive posture is fourth in the tree, with a lowered cap (now scales from 9 armor/defense at level 1 to 18 at level 5).
Stone Alchemy :
-Stone touch starts at range 3 and beams from talent level 1
Warning : Still needs balancing
Rogue Mobility
Adds the Mobility Generic Tree to:
- Rogues (Locked, 1.3 mastery)
- Skirmishers (Unlocked, 1.1 mastery)
Race Rebalancing Addon aka RACISM
Rebalancing Almost Completely Inferior and Superior Mooks aka RACISM!
Changes various Race's starting attributes in order to attempt to even stuff out.
List of changes, though I could have missed some stuff:
Yeeks no longer need to breathe and have +2 Life per level.
Skeletons have 10% less of an EXP penalty and have +2 Constitution at the start.
Ghouls no longer have the 20% Speed Penalty, they also have more breath.
Swapped Thalore and Shalore EXP penalty so Thalore have 25% and Shalore have 35%.
I have left various comments noting my changes so you can see them during Character Creation.
Anti-Stun Addon
Nerfs the debilitating effects of Stun to make it less cancerous.
Stunning now has these effects:
All damage done is reduced by 60%
Up to three random talents are put on a TWO turn cooldown (Up from one)
Stunning NO LONGER has these effects:
Movement speed is reduced by 50%
No talents come off cooldown for the duration.
Half-Finished Bone Giant Nerf
Modifies the Half-Finished Bone Giant undead starting dungeon boss to be less overpowered:
- Level range reduced from 7-infinity to 4-5.
- Dexterity reduced from 52 to 24.
Faction Allies for Final Fight
Allows you to choose one faction ally for the final battle, for added variety.