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File:Bard 128 bg.png

Metaclass Mage
Locked No
Starting Life 120
Life Rating +0
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 0
Magic +5
Willpower 0
Cunning 0


Venerated for their knowledge, feared for their curses, bards are more likely to be seen decorating the court of a king than on adventure. Still, every once in a while the desire to experience first-hand the stuff of legend and myth overtakes one, and he begins traveling. A bard's single most important stat is Magic.

Starting Equipment

  • Iron Dagger
  • Rough Leather Armor

Starting Talents

  • Rush
  • Dirty Fighting
  • Armour Training
  • Heightened Senses

Talent Categories

Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Techniques Combat Techniques 1.3 No Rush Precise Strikes Perfect Strike Blinding Speed
Techniques Kennings 1.3 No Lex Gundobad Arcane Body Tvíkent Elder Edda
Chronomancy Speed Control 1.0 No Celerity Time Dilation Haste Time Stop
Spell Enhancement 1.3 No Fiery Hands Earthen Barrier Shock Hands Inner Power
Spell Meta 1.1 No Disperse Magic Spellcraft Quicken Spells Metaflow
Spell Temporal 1.0 No Congeal Time Time Shield Time Prison Essence of Speed
Spell Phantasm 1.3 No Illuminate Blur Sight Phantasmal Shield Invisibility
Cunning Stealth 1.1 Yes Stealth Shadowstrike Hide in Plain Sight Unseen Actions
Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Techniques Acrobatics 1.1 No Vault Tumble Trained Reactions Superb Agility
Cunning Survival 1.1 No Heightened Senses Charm Mastery Piercing Sight Evasion
Spell Aegis 1.1 No Arcane Reconstruction Shielding Arcane Shield Aegis
Celestial Chants 1.3 No Chant of Fortitude Chant of Fortress Chant of Resistance Chant of Light
Celestial Hymns 1.3 No Hymn of Shadows Hymn of Detection Hymn of Perseverance Hymn of Moonlight
Chronomancy Chronomancy 1.0 Yes Precognition Foresight Contingency See the Threads
Chronomancy Fate Weaving 1.0 Yes Spin Fate Seal Fate Fateweaver Webs of Fate


See Rogue Strategy Guides.

You can also see the Rogue general notes, but they may be out of date.


Classes with a non-white background need to be unlocked or may have other requirements
Warrior Rogue Mage Afflicted Defiler Celestial Wilder Chronomancer Psionic Adventurer Tinker Demented
Bulwark Rogue Alchemist Cursed Reaver Anorithil Summoner Paradox Mage Mindslayer Adventurer Sawbutcher Writhing One
Berserker Shadowblade Archmage Doomed Corruptor Sun Paladin Wyrmic Temporal Warden Solipsist Wanderer Gunslinger Cultist of Entropy
Archer Marauder Necromancer Doombringer Stone Warden Possessor Psyshot
Arcane Blade Skirmisher Demonologist Oozemancer Annihilator



File:Pirate 128 bg.png

Metaclass Rogue
Locked No
Starting Life 120
Life Rating +2
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 0
Magic 0
Willpower 0
Cunning +5


Pirates are the scoundrels of the sea. They are melee fighters who use maneuverability, misdirection, and cunning to exploit enemy weaknesses. While almost anyone can be a pirate, true pirates loosely follow a traditional path set forth by Mercredi, legendary Pirate Queen. Their single most important stat is Cunning.

Starting Equipment

  • Iron Cutlass
  • Rough Leather Armor

Starting Talents

  • Rush
  • Dirty Fighting
  • Armour Training
  • Heightened Senses

Talent Categories

Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Techniques Combat Techniques 1.3 No Rush Precise Strikes Perfect Strike Blinding Speed
Techniques Shield Offense 1.0 No Shield Pummel Riposte Shield Slam Assault
Cunning Piracy 1.3 No Nautical Combat Swashbuckling Scurvy Naval Bombardment
Cunning Stealth 1.3 No Stealth Shadowstrike Hide in Plain Sight Unseen Actions
Cunning Dirty Fighting 1.3 No Dirty Fighting Backstab Switch Place Cripple
Cunning Tactical 1.0 No Tactical Expert Counter Attack Set Up Exploit Weakness
Cunning Lethality 1.3 Yes Lethality Deadly Strikes Willful Combat Snap
Techniques Combat Veteran 1.0 Yes Quick Recovery Fast Metabolism Spell Shield Unending Frenzy
Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Techniques Acrobatics 1.3 No Vault Tumble Trained Reactions Superb Agility
Techniques Combat Training 1.3 No Thick Skin Armour Training Combat Accuracy Weapons Mastery
Cunning Survival 1.3 No Heightened Senses Charm Mastery Piercing Sight Evasion
Cursed Cursed Aura 0.8 Yes * Defiling Touch Dark Gifts Ruined Earth Cursed Sentry
Cunning Scoundrel 1.0 Yes Lacerating Strikes Scoundrel's Strategies Nimble Movements Misdirection
Techniques Field Control 1.3 Yes Disengage Track Heave Slow Motion

(*) The Cursed Aura generic tree is optional. You can choose to unlock it when you pick up your first item. This choice will only be presented once to any character. See Cursed Aura Effects for complete details on how Cursed Aura works.


See Rogue Strategy Guides.

You can also see the Rogue general notes, but they may be out of date.



File:Seer 128 bg.png

Metaclass Mage
Locked Yes
Starting Life 90
Life Rating -1
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity +3
Constitution 0
Magic +3
Willpower +3
Cunning +3


The Seer is a type of wizard that specializes in divination and misdirection. Generally thought cowardly and unfocused, they nevertheless have certain advantages over the more orthodox Archmages. Their lower destructive potential is made up for by drawing upon multiple resources and different traditions of magic. The successful Seer is one who manages to rotate through different *types* of magical or physical techniques to keep their foes off-balance as they whittle them down.

Starting Equipment

  • Elm Staff
  • Linen Robe
  • Manasurge Rune (Increases mana regeneration by 820% for 10 turns and instantly restores 41 mana, 15 turn cooldown)

Starting Talents

Talent Categories

Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Spell Arcane 1.0 No Arcane Power Manathrust Arcane Vortex Disruption Shield
Chronomancy Speed Control 1.1 No Celerity Time Dilation Haste Time Stop
Chronomancy Time Travel 1.1 No Temporal Bolt Time Skip Temporal Reprieve Echoes from the Past
Psionic Slumber 1.1 No Slumber Restless Night Sandman Dreamscape
Spell Phantasm 1.3 No Illuminate Blur Sight Phantasmal Shield Invisibility
Spell Meta 1.3 Yes Disperse Magic Spellcraft Quicken Spells Metaflow
Cunning Stealth 1.3 Yes Stealth Shadowstrike Hide in Plain Sight Unseen Actions
Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Spell Aegis 1.1 No Arcane Reconstruction Shielding Arcane Shield Aegis
Spell Conveyance 1.1 No Phase Door Teleport Displacement Shield Probability Travel
Chronomancy Chronomancy 1.1 No Precognition Foresight Contingency See the Threads
Spell Divination 1.3 No Arcane Eye Keen Senses Vision Premonition
Techniques Mobility 1.3 No Disengage Evasion Tumble Trained Reactions
Cunning Survival 1.3 No Heightened Senses Device Mastery Track Danger Sense


Classes with a non-white background need to be unlocked or may have other requirements
Warrior Rogue Mage Afflicted Defiler Celestial Wilder Chronomancer Psionic Adventurer Tinker Demented
Bulwark Rogue Alchemist Cursed Reaver Anorithil Summoner Paradox Mage Mindslayer Adventurer Sawbutcher Writhing One
Berserker Shadowblade Archmage Doomed Corruptor Sun Paladin Wyrmic Temporal Warden Solipsist Wanderer Gunslinger Cultist of Entropy
Archer Marauder Necromancer Doombringer Stone Warden Possessor Psyshot
Arcane Blade Skirmisher Demonologist Oozemancer Annihilator