
Spell Merchants quickfix-fix

Short Name: 

Pushes two merchants little aside so that they wont spawn on top of extra dungeons when unlocked and fixes Lost Merchant dungeon spawn level

Spell Merchants quickfix

Short Name: 

Pushes two merchants little aside so that they wont spawn on top of extra dungeons when unlocked

Summoner Plus

Short Name: 

Summon's talent works correct, improve many talent be useful with a new tree, wild summon be controlled, phys fire cold can choice be main damage, manbe nature(I'm unsure)...magic power also a choice.

I did it because i know the usually playing method, refresh 4 fire dragon can clear everything before last boss, and last 3phys summon over it. No choice so.

Summoner Plus

Short Name: 

Improve many talent be useful with a new tree, wild summon be controlled,phys fire cold can choice be main damage, manbe nature(I'm unsure)...magic power also a choice.

Infinite Dungeon Merchants

Short Name: 

4 NPCs will now spawn in Infinite Dungeon that can sell spells trees, stat points, sub stats & can imbue items for you.

There are 19 talent trees (249 talents) available for purchase:
Archmage, Alchemist, Necromancy, Chronomancy, Psionic, Celestial, Anorithil, Oozemancer, Berserker, Rouge, Archer, Arcane Blade, Summoner, Wyrmic, StoneWarden, Corruptor, Cursed, Demented & Steamtech!

Can increase your stats and sub stats:
(STR/DEX/MAG/WIL/CUN/CON and phys/mag/ment resistance and criticals)

Imbue items:
imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you want can afford!

The NPCs that spawn are: Adriel, Sun Paladin, Zemek & Gurock. They are broken down into catagories Adriel=nature SunPaladin=combat Zemek=spells Gurock=tinkerer.

      • DLC is NOT required to play this addon, talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.

IMPORTANT: I am unable to respond to comments on this site as my comments keep getting blocked as spam! If you have issues/bugs/requests you will need to post your comment on the STEAM Workshop addon page here: So I can see/respond to you there. Its free to make a Steam account!

  • WARNING* This addon is NOT compatible with the story mode, it won't crash the game or anything but will turn some factions hostile. If you want to buy spells in the main story you can *Disable* this mod -in game- ("Main menu" > "addons") and install my addon below!
  • EDIT* The Npc AkaviriBlade was added to prevent players from making it too far in to the storymode just to encounter a hostile faction preventing you from completing the game! There is no reason what so ever why you would even want to play the storymode with this addon... If you want to buy spells in storymode then disable this addon and download my other addon "Spell Merchants"...

If you are interested in a main story mode version you can get it here:

Big thanks to hunter on for testing features and giving feedback! This addon would not have been possible without him!

Spell Merchants

Short Name: 

Spawns 12 Merchants around the map that will sell Talents - Class, Stat, Category & Prodigy points! A Master jeweler that will Imbue all items! 3 Unique Dungeons and 8 Unique Bosses!

There are 14 talent trees (273 talents) available for purchase:

Celestial, Chronomancy, Corruptions, Cunning, Cursed, Gifts, Psionic, Spells, Techniques, Demented, Steamtech, Annihilator & Technomancer!

4 character point types:

Stat, Class, Category & Prodigy points for sale!

Master jeweler:

Imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you [strike] want [/strike] can afford!

New Dungeons:

3 new dungeons have been added to the world map [with more to come] (Blood Soaked Ruins, Infested Ruins & Road to Derth) these dungeons will have unique boss and lore spawns. Sludgenest and Noxious Caldera will now spawn on the world map at level 1.

New Bosses:

There are 8 new bosses/mini bosses that will spawn in the new dungeons (With custom sprites). Battle against powerful [spoiler]vampires, werewolves and wererats[/spoiler] in your journey to glory! Bosses drop gold on death *They will also spawn in Infinite Dungeon*

1. Please note you will need to start a new game for the new Merchants/ Dungeons to appear.

2. Dialog to purchase spells wont appear unless you have the required amount of gold.

3. DLC is NOT required to play this addon

Talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.

4. Will CONFLICT with any mods that change the world map file The only currently known conflicting mod is \"EXTRA DUNGEONS\"

Note: Since Waladil will no longer be updating "Extra Dungeons" I decided to add Caldera and Sludgenest to the world map.

If you like this addon please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button! I've currently spent 300+ hrs making this mod. Positive acknowledgement is much appreciated! If you dislike the mod please comment so I can understand why and possibly make improvements. Any and all bug reports and new suggestions are appreciated, this mod is where it's at thanks to community feedback!

Thank you for trying Spell Merchants, I hope you enjoy my mod :)

My other addons:

Godmode Merchant

Infinite Dungeon Merchants

***It is recommended that you deactivate 'Infinite Dungeon' Merchants if playing the Spell Merchants version! If you choose to ignore this warning, you will die... alot!***

If you like this addon please consider rating it :)

Frozen Summoner AI

Short Name: 

Obsoletion notice:
Frozen Summoner AI was designed for 1.5.10. This addon is not needed if you are playing on version 1.6, as the official game includes changes which makes this redundant.


Short Name: 


This addon adds the Shaman as a playable class. Shamans are masters of elemental magic attacks, mindpower based summons, or good old fashioned melee weapons.

Shamans use both their weapon sets and are encouraged to switch during the battle to adapt to every situation.

They start with the Shaman's Path talent, a passive that gives them bonus adapted to their weapon sets of choice.

6 unique class trees (3 locked) :
- Elemental Magic and High Elemental Magic: Mana based spells with a cold and lightning thematic.
- Natural Warrior and Greater Natural Warrior: Stamina based 2h trees with a nature thematic.
- Spirits and Spirit Master: Equilibrium trees based on 2 permanent summons, a nature one and a cold one.

2 unique generic trees :
- Fetishes : Lasting AoE with animal thematics (blinding hawk, stunning bear, etc...).
- Totems : short duration summons with powerful buff/debuff AoE.

With the exception of 4 talents, Shaman talents can appear on NPC.


This is my first addon and first coding project, I can promise I tested this addon as best I could, but that does not mean it is without bugs. Please report any bugs you find and I will endeavor to fix them ;)

If possible, please take discussions and bugs report to the forum thread I will make.


Nefigah for loving the Shaman idea and helping me more than a little with the coding.

Chewbacca for testing Shaman maybe more than me.

Micbran for correcting my bad english.

Rexorcorum for the pretty awesome spirits and totems tiles.

Orange because his name is lucky :frog: :robot:. for all the icons.

In advance, whoever tries this out and gives me feedback so I can continue to improve it !


1.0.8 : - updated bark armor and yeti totem description to fit new crit shrug behavior (main game 1.6 changes)
- fixed a bug where enemies would keep summoning more and more spirits
- fixed a bug where enemies did not benefit from water/moss strength

1.0.7 : - nerfed snake/boar fetishes damage (turns out reapplying DoT so much gives way too big numbers)
- fixed bear fetish desc, the initial hit is low and the following is high, not the other way around. Damage also nerfed.
- fixed a bug when spirits tried to summon while surrounded by impassable terrain

1.0.6 : - nerfed bark armor shield at low TL/STR
- removed damage bonus from spirit blade (moss)
- water vortex cd reduced by 1 (7 --> 6)
- both spirits are now available at level 1
- willpower requirements for spirits are upped (similar to weapon mastery requirement)
- bark spit/ice shards cd upped by 1 (4 --> 5)
- bark spit/ice shards damage nerfed at low TL
- changed spirit bump damage to be based on level instead of TL
- elemental spirit path rescaled due to spirit's damage nerf. Treshold is lower but it now shields for 100% of the damage (instead of 50%)
- prevented turning on moss/water spirit on world map as it was breaking spirit creation
- updated some talent arts
- added a line to shaman's path description to tell you which path you're on (or warn you if you aren't on any)

1.0.5 : - Added an option for legacy spirit tiles due to popular request. Found under Game Options --> Shaman, enabling will display old spirit tiles (need to resummon the spirits)

1.0.4 : - Fixed fetish targeting not working if you aimed beyond their range
- Fixed a bug where Nature's Fist was taking 2 turns
- Isolate and Nature's Fist now have an unarmed strike followed by a weaker melee strike if the unarmed strike hits
- Earth Spirit --> Moss Spirit to make nature theme clearer
- Renamed Focus Lightning to Lightning Rod, renamed Lightning Rod to Lightning Assault. Updated talent art
- Removed snake/bear interaction in the relevant fetishes
- Bear Fetish now disarms instead of stun
- Boar Fetish properly checks cut immunity
- Review Thunder to a smoother scaling curve
- Nerfed Bone totem (50% --> 33% chance to protect)
- Buffed Yeti Totem (now grants armor on top of the ice retal)
- All advanced path capstone are now fixed CD
- Wave of Steel is now weapon speed
- Rejuvenating Strike now has scaling damage
- Fixed totem bonus not refreshing properly on spirits
- Spread Elemental Spirits bonuses across the whole High Elemental tree
- Renamed Ethereal Form to spirit form, it now tp to the closest available spot when the buff end while you're in a wall rather than a random spot in range 50
- Corrected a couple typos
- Shaman works properly in other campaigns than AoA

1.0.3 : - Elemental Spirits description fixed (was incorrectly stating it used raw levels)
- Spirits don't get infinite armor from sandworm totem anymore (oops)
- Bear Fetish no longer AoE stun on use but instead deals damage and shred armor. The lasting effect is still damage + stun
- Spirit Rage now always teleports the spirits if you're wearing mindstars
- Updated totems descriptions to match fetishes (putting other talents on cooldown)
- Updated totems descriptions to reflect how their life scale
- Spirits no longer count toward Blighted Summoning as they don't interact with it

1.0.2 : - Last tiles added, say hello to the new spirits !
- Improved descriptions : added Lightning Rod total damage, added fetishes AoE duration, clarified that the bonus for getting a totem to 5/5 is always on, sandworm and wyrm totem explain their power scaling.
- Manasurge rune is now in inventory rather than inscribed, say hello to Zigur more easily.
- Shaman's Path is now an active that you can use for an instant weapon switch !
- Improved Lightning Body evasion bonus.

1.0.1 : tiles added for Wyrm totem and Bones totem. Shaman path correctly given to everyone at birth. Updated shaman path description to reflect the scaling.

Class: Astromancer

Short Name: 

A new class, a Celestial summoner who draws on the powers of Shandral's other planets to call up elementals.
Their basic trees summon and support Fire, Ice, and Lightning Elementals, as well as providing utility effects.
Their unlockable advanced trees rain down Meteors and twist Time Elementals into being.
They start with Chants, and a new tree in the vein of chants and hymns. They can unlock Celestial Light.

Their main resource is negative energy, which they generate by summoning and some other spells, and spent by others.

This mod should be compatible with just about everything.

  • data/talents/uber/mag to support Blighted Summoning
  • mod/class/interface/combat.lua to support Glacial Path's speed boost.

Sounds remixed from samples by Mike Koenig under CC-BY 3.0

Warlock Class

Short Name: 

Warlocks are masters of the demonic arts. Clothed in cloth, they excel in using curses, firing bolts of fire or shadow, and summoning demons to help them in combat. Warlocks, while being excellent spell casters, also excel in providing quirky buffs and utility.

A warlock has very powerful abilities that, if used correctly, make them a very formidable opponent. Using their curses in combination with direct damage spells and fears, Warlocks wreak havoc and destruction.

The class is in an alpha stage but is playable.

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