Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.4 |
Addons | 'Purists' Breeding Pits Restoration Project 1.2.3Restores the orc breeding pits cut content to the game. This is the original completely unaltered orc breeding pits, just as objectionable as it was in version 1.1.3, before any changes were made. You have been WARNED. Do not complain about the potentially objectionable content. Ignore Campaign/Difficulty Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for campaigns and difficulty levels, allowing characters to play campaigns and difficulty levels that you haven't unlocked. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Interact with the Worm 1.7.0Adds new talent Interact with the Worm, allowing Writhing Ones from the Forbidden Cults DLC using the Demented/Friend of the Worm talent tree to manipulate their worm that walks' equipment and talents (and name) in a more convenient manner similar to Alchemists' Interact with the Golem talent. Retro Kit 1.6.0Re-adds various useful 1.5-vintage items that were removed in the 1.6 game release. Currently supports:
Juggernaut Evolution for Bulwark 1.6.7Adds a new class evolution for Bulwark, the Juggernaut. As a Juggernaut, the Bulwark gains the ability to equip shields in the off hand and main hand simultaneously and Weapons Mastery will apply to shields. While equipped with two shields: - You may use Rush while sustaining Last Stand. Stalker Evolution for Rogue 1.6.7Adds Stalker as a new class evolution prodigy for Rogue. While wearing no heavy armor (including helms, boots and gloves) and wielding no weapons: Wanderer pick 1 in 3 talent choice 1.7.4Wanderer now choose one in three random talent trees instead. New Gem Types 1.5.10Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! Chaotic Race 1.2.2Adds the chaotic human subrace, which get a random talent on every levelup. Also has the following option under Gameplay: Extra Chaotic: This affects who gets random talents on levelup: Plenum Tooltip Custom Edit 1.7.4Plenum ToolTip Custom Edit: Enhanced Plenum tooltip display for ToME version 0.3 for ToME 1.6.1 This addon replaces the normal tooltip for actors in TOME with a more detailed description of monster abilities and characteristics. It adds to the standard tooltip detailed information on speed, main-hand, off-hand, and ranged damage, and damage modifiers and extra crit power, including damage penetration and damage affinities, plus retaliation damage, depending on what options are selected (from a tab in Game Options menu). This makes it much easier to inspect multiple monsters and quickly identify the most threatening. By holding a meta-key (ctrl, alt, or shift) and hovering the mouse over a monster, information on its status immunities and talents is displayed. In addition, information on temporary terrain features (like smoke and darkness) and map effects (from spells and the like) will be displayed in the terrain tooltip if the appropriate options are enabled. This addon is originally developed by Hachem_Muche and continued by sSs1897. version changes: version 2.7 for ToME 1.5.0: -- updated for cold flames custom edit version 0.1 for ToME 1.6.1: version 0.2: version 0.3: version 0.4: Training fix for staff combat and mindstar mastery 1.0.4This add-on updates the staff combat trainer in Angolwen and the mindstar mastery trainer in Zigur to work with unlocked categories from escorts without penalizing the player, adjusts training costs, and provides an enhanced training option. At these trainers you can If you have revealed the talent category from an escort and unlock it with the trainer, the mastery will be improved to 1.1, and can be enhanced further to 1.3. It overloads the files mod.data.chats.angolwen-staves-store.lua and mod.data.chats.zigur-mindstar-store.lua Steel Monk Evolution for Brawler 1.7.0Adds a new class evolution for Brawler, the Steel Monk. As a Steel Monk, the Brawler can wield a weapon in their hands while still making unarmed attacks. While wielding a weapon, they can gain Greatest Weapon Focus, causing them to follow up their unarmed attacks with weapon attacks and parrying the attacks of their enemies. Taking this prodigy will refund any points in Weapon Mastery, then grant you Weapon Mastery based on your Unarmed Mastery. Unlock Exotic Mastery 1.3.1Are you tired of needing to rescue a Warrior escort before you can train Exotic Mastery? Then this is the addon for you! This addon gives access to the Exotic Weapons Mastery talent by default so it can be trained on any character with Technique/Combat Training. It should be compatible will all other addons. Interact with Sidekicks 1.7.0Provides an interface to interact with party members similar to the Interact with the Golem talent, by which yo ucan alter their equipment or spend their talent points. Also adds additional functionality like applying a rune or infusion directly to a party member, or managing its talent point plan in conjunction with the Talent Point Planner addon. The interaction dialog is bound to Alt-Shift-I by default, and can also be accessed by right-clicking on a suitable party member on the map or via the "Interact with Party Members" action on the main game menu. (NOTE: If you are using this addon in conjunction with the Talent Point Planner addon, you will need to upgrade the latter to release 10.8.3 or higher for compatibility. Similarly, if you are using this addon with the ZOmnibus Addon Pack or ZOmnibus Lite, you will need to upgrade it to release 17.2.3 or higher for compatibility.) Verbose Enemies 1.3.1Makes the monsters of Eyal somewhat more talkative...and prone to insulting you. Featuring taunts from Gaslamp Games' roguelike Dungeons of Dredmor! Also now featuring the EXTENSIVE taunt collection from the iconic Dredmor mod, Death By A Thousand Taunts. This mod was created by Deeborm, and is only included with their approval. Three cheers for Deeborm! Relive your dredmor adventures in the world of Eyal. You can also add your own taunts! To do this create a file named verbose_user_defined_taunts.cfg and place it in your settings folder where it can be friends with all the other .cfg files. Inside this file put: All taunts (base Dredmor taunts, Deeborm's extended dredmor taunts, and custom taunts) can be toggled from the in-game settings, in the Misc tab. Exotic Weapons Highest Stat Only 1.7.0Changes Exotic Weapons Mastery to use the highest of strength or dexterity, since the two weapons that use Exotic only use one stat each. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Escorts Enhanced 1.7.0Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Modest Auto-accept target 1.7.2Base Game's Auto-accept target is too aggressive for me. Prevent some Talents from Auto-accept target. This addon ignores Auto-accept target setting. Github: https://github.com/h-youhei/tome-modest-auto-accept Weight: 99 SuperLoad: Quick Dig Targeting 1.7.2Dig will automatically target when pressing a direction key instead of requiring a confirmation. Weight: 100 Superload: Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0Includes 4 new Class Evolutions:
Isn't Zephyr already a class? Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.7.0Arranges for various sequential lore to be learned in sequence, independent of the order of lore object discovery. Frequently Asked Questions:
Customizable LevelUp 1.7.2Provides an in-game menu to customize what, if any, additional benefits your character gains when leveling up. You can access these settings by going to the SparkLevel tab in the Game Options. Changelog 1.0.1 - 2020-12-31 1.0.2 - 2021-01-02 1.0.3 - 2021-01-02 AmmoAsKnife 1.7.2throwing knife will use equiped ammo stat if talent level is not less than material level Lumberjack on the Map 1.7.0Places the Cursed Village event on the map as a lumberjack NPC rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map and Merchant on the Map; they can be used together or separately. Die in Obscurity 1.3.0Adds an option to the Online tab that can disable the broadcasting of death messages. Additionally, can suppress death messages for characters under a specific level. Tomes of Knowledge 1.2.4Do you dislike it, when your escortees die on harder difficulties at the zone in, without you being able to help them? Do you sometimes feel as if money was worth little to nothing in Maj'Eyal? If so, this addon might help you. The library of Last Hope now sells seven Tomes with on-use-rewards, that mirror those of seven escort-types. The library of Elvala sells two (very expensive) tomes, that lead to even greater rewards after using them. Fixed: talent types are now known, but not learned ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Showing Items Tier in Inventory 1.7.2This addon add a column to inventory which show items Tier and allows sorting to show higher Tier first There is an option under "Game Setting"->UI->Sort Items by Tier by default items which is going to be transmo- and of type scroll (rune,infusion..), tinker or other without Tier specified will be placed at the top of the inventory to avoid occasional transmo of valuables This mod is safe to use without starting new game (new) Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Barbarian Evolution for Berserker 1.7.2Adds a new class evolution for Berserker, the Barbarian. As a Barbarian, the Berserker loses the ability to equip body armor, but gains the ability to wield a two-handed weapon in their off-hand. Additionally, they will unlock Technique/Duelist and Technique/Dual Weapons at 1.0 mastery. Finally, each turn the Barbian attacks a foe, they will automatically eneter a blocking stance to deflect damage with their weapons, potentially setting up deadly counter-strikes. Post Effects fixes 1.7.2The addon improves gamefield view during different post effects Here is details about what been changed: Turn Separators v2 1.6.0Description I just fixed OoDChecker. This was good idea with update mod in a time, but ... Original Turn Separators mod by Codefly Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Это моя улучшенная версия оригинального мода. Убрана проверка версии клиента. Замечали когда-нибудь, что новые строки в журнале битвы не всегда соответствуют концу своего хода? Этот мод помещает "------" между строками хода, что бы можно было легче визуально отделить минувшую очередь действий. Мод по прежнему добавляет разделитель между игровыми ходами для большей наглядности. Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Let There Be Light 1.7.0Adds guaranteed sources of room-lighting to stores in Angolwen and Zigur, including new torques of illumination. Fixed bonus dungeons trigger 1.6.5Make sure that ALL the dungeons will appear in your game. Cultists Event Chance 1.7.2increase chance to encounter Shasshhiy'Kaish in Daikara, for lazy unlock doom elf Annoying Sounds Fix 1.7.2This game is filled with super loud sounds that are played far too frequently. This mod should fix that. Steam Civilian Massacre 1.1.5Creates an event where you can invade a civilian shelter of steam giants, for fun and profit. Diversity Mod 1.5.10Allows usage of all races in all campaigns. This includes addon and DLC races. Should remain compatible with future updates and DLC, the transition from 1.4.9 to 1.5.10 did not require any changes, and I doubt any future transitions will. Currently includes support for: ShowEnemy 1.6.6修改了自动探索时,敌人的提示粒子效果,修改了敌人边框(游戏中需要开启)和血条(血条在下方)。 machine translation: Interact with the Mech 1.7.0Adds new talent Interact with the Mech, allowing Annihilators from the Embers of Rage DLC using the Steamtech/Mecharachnid talent tree to manipulate their mecharachnid's equipment and talents (and name) in a more convenient manner similar to Alchemists' Interact with the Golem talent. Nekarcos's Quality of Life 03: Summoning Timer 1.4.8This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay. Nekarcos's Quality of Life 04: Healing Reduction (v2) 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Adept Passive Fix 1.7.0Request from Zeyphor on the Discord. Fixes the Adept bug by forcibly recalculating all your talent passives when you learn it. Sholtar 1.5.5Sholtar have no racial talents of their own; instead, the four slots can be used to learn talents from defeated enemies (of a high enough rank). In this manner, the Sholtar can improve nearly any class by adding abilities from other calsses, or even talents that are normally exclusive to NPCs. --- The Sholtar were once a great nation, with many vasts cities in the southeastern regions of Maj'Eyal. In spite of the harsh, dry terrain they inhabitied, or perhaps because of it, they were a people of great ingenuity and adaptability. The Cataclysm which tore the world apart centuries ago swept nearly all of the Sholtar lands into the murky depths, and all but erased their people from the face of Eyal. While very few survived, those who did fought for survival with all of the wit and grit that was their birthright. An already adaptable people grew to become even more adaptable through neccessity, and it has become their greatest strength. Sholtar are able to learn abilities by carefully studying others, and, regardless of their class, they can always improve by incorporating the talents of others into thier skill set. Clean UI 1.7.2Replaces default interface styles with cleaner versions to enhance readability. First release focuses primarily on replacing everything related to the default interface styles in the base game. Future releases will enhance individual styles and take care of minor tweaks. Content consists of only graphic assets to try and have the highest possible compatibility with future patches. Beyond the Flesh Tweak 1.4.9Tweaks beyond the flesh so that each time the talent is activated a check will be made to determine if using 'psi-combat' stats (wil/cun) will be more or less effective for your currently conventionally wielded weapons. If these stats would be worse, the 'use_psi_combat' value is not set for the player, allowing them to use the sustain while using the normal stats for weapons. Mostly useful for Adventurer builds. As of the first version, only checks the mainhand or ammo if you're wielding a ranged weapon, mostly ignores the accuracy issue (save for a single check if you have a staff in your mainhand), also effects the psi focus weapon, and any and all support for shields, unarmed attacks, and talents such as Strength of Purpose or Lethality is entirely incidental. See the forum thread for a list of known issues, mostly just those listed above. As of NSRR Betterment Version 1, most of that's fixed to one degree or another. Check thread for details, or don't and just know it's working better now. Special credit to forum user/addon maker nsrr, who probably deserves more credit for the contents of this addon than I do. Auto Talent Assistant 1.7.4Chinese tutorial End-game video Simple example video The interface description is a little bit more detailed Update: V2.2.0 v2.0.5 The content of this update is still in the video link, starting from p23 Nur Kit 1.7.0Places guaranteed water-breathing equipment in Last Hope's lost merchant store and makes it available via an NPC in Irkkk. In the Embers of Rage DLC, also places similar gear in various stores in Kruk Pride. In the Hammer of Urh'Rok campaign, places water-breathing gear in Lake of Nur. Melinda on the Map 1.7.0Places the Sect of Kryl-Feijan event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. Nekarcos's Quality of Life 06: Turn Delay 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Actually Usable Bathe in Light 1.7.0Modifies Celestials' Bathe in Light talent to affect only the caster and actors not hostile to the caster. Early steamtech access 1.6.6Early steamtech access to tinker stuff for all. TS Inventory Squelching 1.5.10Clear up inventory clutter and focus on the items that matter. This addon allows you to hide items that aren't any use to your character so you can carefully inspect those that do, and suffer from less inventory fatigue over the course of a playthrough. This addon adds an extra dialog which is opened using Ctrl+D by default. The options should be fairly self-explanatory and mostly cover squelching individual item types, along with a few options useful to antimagic and undead characters, as well as the ability to squelch the mostly useless white items. Note that these options are tied to your character, so you'll need to set this up for each character you create. It also only applies to the transmogrification chest tab in your inventory; squelched items get their own special tab due to a variety of technical details. Items will be shown when they are picked up in the log, and artifacts will still show their lore popups. Squelched items will also be transmogrified when you leave the level, as normal. Directly copied from yrriban's addon, but updated to work for characters with Tinkers and with a few more squelching options. Tinker Tinkering 1.7.0A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:
Actually Useful Artifact Steamguns 1.3.0Increase the range of artifact steamguns to at least the range of an ordinary steamgun of the same tier. Frequently Asked Questions: Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Improved player targetting 1.2.0Player's targetting improvements. Weekly Adventurer 1.5.7Adds the Weekly Adventurer class, used in the Weekly Adventurer Challenge. Featuring talent trees generously submitted by the following authors: minmay== Harbinger == ( https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/harbinger ) Wild Gift / Blaze Wild Gift / Blizzard Wild Gift / Cyclone Wild Gift / Endurance Wild Gift / Rain Wild Gift / Supercell Wild Gift / Thunder == Zephyr == ( https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/zephyr-class ) Spell / Air Archery Spell / Storm Archery Spell / Swiftness Spell / Wild Magic nsrr== White Monk == ( https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/whitemonk ) Technique / Agile Combatant Technique / Black Belt Technique / Fending Technique / Martial Arts Technique / Mending Technique / Transcending Changelog1.0.2: 1.0.0: Expanded Shop Inventory 1.3.0Significantly increases the number of items available for purchase in all shops, and allows some higher-quality items. Players can set the number of items with the new option appearing in the 'Game Options/Gameplay' tab. Random Adventurer 1.5.5Adds the Random Adventurer class. Changelog1.0.0: Necro Escort 1.7.2Adds a necromancer escort. Nekarcos's Effect Display QD Acid Fix 1.7.4This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
QD Acid Fix: Simply removes the handling for Acid effects, which breaks occasionally (but permanently). All credit for the add-on to Nekarcos, this is just a quick and dirty fix for convience -- nsrr Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Nekarcos's Quality of Life 05: Various (Fatal) Warnings 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Improved Enemy UI 1.7.21. improve the default shockbolt of enemy, making them brighter and easier to find. Items Vault 1.7.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Sidekick Level Catch-up 1.6.0Modifies various player sidekicks (Alchemists' golem, Writhing Ones' worm that walks from the Forbidden Cults DLC, Annihilators' mecharachnid from the Embers of Rage DLC) to synchronize their level with the player's level every time they are re-added to map, in case the player gained a level while the sidekick dead. (Disclaimer: The failure of sidekicks to do this in the base game is believed to be a bug; if said bug is fixed in a future version, this addon will be officially deprecated.) Schematic Recycling 1.6.6Undoes a small change in release 1.1.5 of the Embers of Rage DLC, allowing schematics to once again be transmogrified via the Transmogrification Chest or melted down in the Automated Portable Extractor. New Alchemist 1.7.2Full remake of Alchemist and gems: Changes for gems: Remake of Golem: Improved Combat Text v2 1.6.0Description Original Improved Combat Text mod by Codefly This addon replaces ToME's floating combat text: Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Upd: Я просто исправил ошибки чекера. Мод корректно работает на новых версиях игры. Этот аддон заменяет всплывающий текст боя в игре: Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Kruk Pride Tool Shop 1.5.0Adds a store to Kruk Pride in the Embers of Rage DLC selling pickaxes and lanterns, similar to the Survival Supplies shop in Derth.. NPC Forgiveness 2.5 1.5.0This addon adjusts the way friendly NPC's react to hostile actions by the player. In most cases, the personal reaction of an NPC to the player (friendly/neutral/hostile) will slowly recover (by 10% each turn, minimum 1 point) back to it's default value over time. If the player doesn't further aggravate the NPC, it will eventually become neutral/friendly again. (Though it will still probably have the player targeted, depending on its ai settings which are not addressed in this addon.) The exception is if the player kills another friendly NPC within LOS, which will result in the NPC becoming permanently hostile to the player in most cases. Putting a detrimental status effect on the NPC will create a -25 (negative) reaction to the player (in addition to the penalties from any damage caused). Files affected: Which Items Are Restocked In Store 1.7.2Highlight restocked items in store. This addon is compatible with Store Wish List. Weight: 100 Superload: Digesting for One Thousand Turn 1.7.2有没有觉得苦痛者的吞噬敌人后消化的太快了? 本mod将需要消化的时间延长了20倍, 从而尽情享受偷(吞)技能的乐趣吧: Infinite Alchemy 1.2.5Adds an alchemy table to the Infinite Dungeon, that appears with roughly a 50% chance at each floor. Here you are allowed to brew potions (similar to those achievable from the alchemical brotherhood) and transmute items into artifacts (rewards and costs are somewhat similar to the quest-mechant from Last Hope, though there is a price-scale). Depending on what you pay for, transmuted items keep their item tier (option: lesser) get a bonus of one (option: greater) or two (option: superior) item tiers. When transmuting tier 5 (option: greater) or tier 4 and higher (option: superior) items, these become extraordinarily powerful. Version 1.1 Brewing potions additionally consumes gold now (starts at 0, +125 / created potion) Merchant on the Map 1.7.0Places the Lost Merchant event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map; they can be used together or separately. Item Description filter 1.7.4An item description filter. Can hide undesired properties in item description. Ctrl + Shift+ Alt + F to open configuration dialog. Knight Evolution for Bulwark 1.7.4Adds a new class evolution for Bulwark, the Knight.
As a knight, you learn how to protect the Weaks and defeat the Evils.
You gain:
Spirit Horse Talent - Sustain. Gain shield and movement speed while active.
Spirit Horse Category
- Lance Charge: Charge toward target location and gain speed buff. Damage increases with movement speed.
- Knight's vow: Passively increases defensive stats and regenerate stamina on blocking.
- Tactical retreat: Retreat and gain movement speed
- Hammer and Anvil: Deal massive damage if target knocked back to wall. Damage increases with movement speed.
Knight Training Category
- Grand strategy: Gain wild speed on active.
- Tower of steel: Gain pin resist and physical damage increase if you wear heavy armor.
- Well fitted: Gain defensive stats if you wear heavy armor.
- Chivalry: More damage on counterstrike.
Proper Possession 1.7.0
Frequently Asked Questions: Improved Stores - fix 1.5.5Adds a store in Last Hope selling lanterns and pickaxes, several additional stores to improve gear diversity, and improves the quality of infusion and rune stores. This is a tweak to Improved Stores by Razakai ( https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/improvedstores ) to make it minimally invasive. It should be compatible with just about anything that modifies Last Hope or stores. Better Item Description 1.7.2This addon makes items description easier to read and determine on a glance it's usefulness Most important thing to remember it's not recommended to use this mod if you'r new to the game Faster Run/Rest/Explore 1.0.6Important: this addon will have no effect if left unconfigured! Please read the description! Recommended settings:hit escape -> video options
Description:Enables faster run/resting by use of FPS dividers. These dividers simply divide the game's requested FPS by their respective values while resting or running. After starting a new game or loading a saved character, configure this addon by hitting escape -> video options. Setting these dividers to something greater than one can substantially reduce the amount of time required to finish resting/running on older computers. Just be careful when resting on an escort mission... Changelog:See the forum discussion for the changelog. Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.7.2Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. v3.5.0 *** FOR ToME v1.6.5 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Easy Map v2 1.6.0Description Original Easy Map mod by Codefly This addon replaces ToME's map display with one that's more in-line with other games. You can drag the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and left-click to set the currently viewed area (instead of accidentally traveling there, which can still be done via right-click menu). It also shows the viewport rectangle on the map, and if your computer is powerful enough, you can even show the actual terrain instead of the confusing color blocks, or make the walls red to easily find paths you have yet to explore. The player and zone exits are also displayed as icons on the map. Additionally, if you travel via the map and stop unexpectedly (i.e., you ran into your golem), a friendly dialog will pop up asking if you'd like to continue to your destination. Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Обновление: Я просто пофиксил чекер версии мода и убрал всплывающее окошко о новой версии игры и изменил цвет легенды на черный Мод заменяет карту игры на нечто более схожее с другими играми. Вы можете перемещать карту мышкой, приближать или отдалять карту колесиком и устанавливать текущий обзор левым кликом мыши (вместо того, что бы случайно переместиться туда, как было ранее). Карат способна отображать реальную местность ландшафта и окрашивать непроходимые места в красный цвет, что бы проще найти дорогу. Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Free Respec 1.7.2Allow trial and error for character building without restarting new game while minimizing inbalance. You can respec stats, talents, categories and prodigies freely at any time. Based on Full Respecialization. Fix the Error for prodigies learning introduced v1.7. Warning: Weight: 100 Superload: Ring Soul 1.7.2An Ring in bag when birth, there is a soul in the ring, you can talk with the soul This is a Chinese mod, will add english translation recently welcome any suggestions The main idea and code is from https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4420255944?red_tag=1967259920 Thanks to QAZ823005978 v1.8 v1.4.2 Done v1.3.2 v1.3 v1.2 v1.1及 之前 TODO LIST Faster ToME4 1.7.3Makes ToME4 run faster: 1. Add cache for particle & shader effects, thus reduce the delay of IO & parsing lua files, especially when there are many mobs around. It is compatible with 1.7.4. Quick Tour of Maj'Eyal 1.7.2Gives you the Quick Tour version of the Age of Ascendency campaign. Similar to Quickband for Angband. Shortens the Majeyal campaign by turning a lot of 3 level dungeons into 1 level dungeons, and 4 level dungeons into 2 level dungeons. Also gives around 2.5x XP & gold to compensate. Dreadfell goes from 9->5 levels, High Peak from 10->4. Adds 2 swap meet vendors to let you roll for extra level-appropriate items. One in Last Hope (Dala), and one in Gates of the Morning (the NPC that gives the Spider quest, after finishing that quest). Adds tab to the Game Options Menu to customize many options: including xp & gold multiplier, swap meet vendor prices & quality, and which levels to cut out of which zones (in nauseating detail). Character progression is intended to match that of regular play. In normal difficulty, you should reach T2 dungeons around lvl 10, the Master around lvl 30, and High Peak around lvl 50. The mod is still in alpha. Let me know of any bugs or balance issues. ---- New version (0.1.0) adds: Randomized mode: in this mode, the addon randomly adds back some of the missing levels so that every run is different. Select "Maj'Eyal: AoA (Random)" campaign at character creation for this mode. This mode will automatically calculate gold & xp multipliers to try to keep your progression balanced (which you can further tweak in the Game Options). Proportionally increased drops from elites & randbosses. Intended to further match progression of normal play. T1 dungeons can be now ransacked by other adventurers. Every time you enter a T1 dungeon, there's a 50% chance, another T1 dungeon is ransacked by other adventurers. You're not the only one looking to make their way in the world. (This feature is intended to force you to move onto T2 without doing all the T1 dungeons so that your starts aren't always going through the same zones. Note if you don't like this feature, you can turn it off in the Game Options.) Superloads: Overloads: Shield Tactics - New Bulwark Talent Category 1.5.10Adds the 'Technique/Shield tactics' talent tree as a new generic category available to Bulwarks. Starts locked at 1.3 mastery, and requires Con. 1)Tempered Will: 2)Relentless Retaliation: 3)Tactical Defense: 4)Reflexive Block: Staff Bonk Sound 1.7.2Adds a wooden bonk sound to all melee hits from a staff. ---Changelog Ruined Cave Floor Sort 1.7.0Modifies Embers of Rage's Ruined Cave to sort items dropped on the floor, similar to the Sher'Tul Fortress storage room. Weapon Schematics for Tinkers at Birth 1.5.5Adds class-appropriate weapon schematics to the birth definition of Tinker classes. Requires Embers of Rage DLC. Based on a suggestion by Mel. Logical Alchemists 1.5.10Makes alchemists focus on creating elixirs that you are not currently helping them with. Always Transmogrify 1.6.0Removes the transmogrify confirmation dialogue box and additionally allows tagged objects to be transmogrified. Loot Expansion 1.7.4Aadd-on that expands on the available Egos and Semi-Random Artifacts available. Introduces all sorts of new Effects and Talents used with both! For example: Spellslinger - A Passive that increases Spellpower per visible enemy in a range of 2 - Rolls on Hats Nether Resonance - A Passive found on the Semi-Random Artifact 'Netheric Diadem' that increases Light resist by half of Magic stat and Nature resist by half of Willpower stat. Combust - Found on 'Pyrophage' items, if you hit a burning enemy, cause an aoe of fire damage and gain a temporary life-regen buff. Mystical Recovery - Found on shields, when blocking, 20% chance to lower the cooldown of a random spell-type talent based on item level. All That Glitters - Activated talent found on Rings, gives you a temporary buff to Spellpower based on how much money you have. This is only a small sampling of new additions among the 10 semi-random Artifacts and 100+ Egos. There are still many more of both to come and I will be posting a full breakdown of all the new components soon. At this time, many of the added Egos are Greater, so they will only appear on blue or purple items. Designed to be compatible with other addons, please report any possible collision issues. In the meantime, please check it out and post any questions, concerns, or tuning feedback. Google Doc Summary at - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBu4F1tmKSRLjLqZl2Eu2lvp4wFZfdILJc-jAW5lttI/edit?usp=sharing ----Icons are edited versions from the existing game or from https://game-icons.net/--- Opague Tooltips 1.5.5Tired of messy looking tooltips, or squinting when trying to read them? Squint no more!! This mod removes the transparency of the tooltips, making them easier to read! Steamsaw Mastery added to Weapon Mastery 1.7.2Simply makes Steamsaw Mastery attach to Weapon Mastery talent. Doesn't say so in talent, but you'll see the power rise when you take it if you want to confirm. Lets non-Butchers enjoy Steamsaws. Softcore Death 1.6.0Allows you to move to a more forgiving permadeath setting when you die. If you are in Roguelike, you can switch to Adventure and carry on from the Eidolon plane. When you switch to Adventure, you have the same amount of bonus lives you would have had if you had been playing Adventure the whole time (minus the one you just lost). New in 1.2.0 - If you are a donator, you can give yourself more adventure mode lives. You will only earn Exploration achievements from then on, but enemies will recover when you die, letting you retry fights as many times as you want. Every time you use this addon, DarkGod cries a single tear Somebody shut that dog up 1.0.5Removes certain ambient sound effects: EquipDoll - Clean Item Names 1.7.2Makes clearer view of EuipDoll by replacing item egos list with actual name, and tuning a font a bit |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Insane Adventure |
Sex | Female |
Race | Dwarf |
Class | Bulwark |
Level / Exp | 12 / 63% |
Size | 中等 |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by Bill the Stone Troll at level 12 on the 29 沃瑞钽月 122 year of Ascendancy at 07:28 3 / 2Killed by Innadnn at level 12 on the 29 沃瑞钽月 122 year of Ascendancy at 07:33 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 45 (base 33) |
Dexterity | 18 (base 12) |
Constitution | 36 (base 24) |
Magic | 8 (base 10) |
Willpower | 26 (base 10) |
Cunning | 15 (base 10) |
Life | 495/495 |
Stamina | 173/173 |
Equilibrium | 0 |
Healing Factor | 1.1979202340232 |
Regeneration | 4.3934287323623 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | -66.666666666667% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 5 |
Infravision | 5 |
See Stealth | 18.097534654637 |
See Invisible | 18.097534654637 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 50 |
Accuracy | 44 |
Crit Chance | 14% |
APR | 4 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | |
Accuracy | |
Crit Chance | |
APR | |
Speed |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 4 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 23 |
Crit Chance | 2% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
暗影 | +6% |
精神 | +3% |
时空 | +2% |
枯萎 | +11% |
寒冷 | +21% |
物理 | +3% |
All | 0% |
火焰 | +11% |
Offense: Damage Penetration
寒冷 | +5% |
闪电 | +5% |
枯萎 | +15% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 26.522593642275 (62.32946707186%) |
Defense | 22 |
Ranged Defense | 22 |
Fatigue | 29 |
Physical Save | 28 |
Spell Save | 15 |
Mental Save | 22 |
Defense: Resistances
All | + 7%( 70%) |
酸性 | + 22%( 70%) |
闪电 | + 12%( 70%) |
寒冷 | + 23%( 70%) |
物理 | + 17%( 70%) |
自然 | + 17%( 70%) |
火焰 | + 36%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Infusions | 有效技能等级:1.0 纹身:回复使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:10 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:标准(100%回合) 是:自然力量 介绍:激活纹身治疗你自己 100 生命值,持续 5 回合。 |
Infusions | 有效技能等级:1.0 纹身:狂暴使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:14 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:自然力量 介绍:激活纹身解除你随机一个 物理 效果并减少所有伤害 14% 持续 4 回合。 同时除去对应类型的越层效果(失去平衡、法术冲击和思维封锁)。 |
Infusions | 有效技能等级:1.0 纹身:治疗使用模式:主动技能 使用范围:近战/单体 冷却时间:12 飞行速度:瞬间 使用速度:瞬间(0%回合) 是:自然力量 介绍:激活纹身立即治疗你 50 生命值,然后去除一个流血、毒素和疾病效果。 |
Class Talents
格斗 / 盾牌防御 | 1.30 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 盾牌攻击 | 1.30 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 战斗经验 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 战争策略 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 战斗技巧 | 1.30 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
灵巧 / 生存 | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / Shield tactics | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 战斗训练 | 1.30 |
| 2/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
种族技能 / 矮人 | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
格斗 / 体质强化 | 1.30 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
你从瑞库纳逃了出来,你觉得你的心脏狂跳不止,你对财富和力量的渴望增加了十倍~ 地下吞噬者也许是你开始冒险生涯的时候了,在钢铁王座山脉的深处有个无尽深渊地下城。 那里已被尘封已久,但是还是不断有冒险者前去寻找财宝。 据你所知没有一个人能活着回来,不过你从瑞库纳幸存了下来,你比较牛 X。 | 正在进行 |
你成功地将受伤的先知护送到了巨魔沼泽的第2层的召回传送门。 护送:受伤的先知 (巨魔沼泽的第2层)作为奖励,你提升了 技能 自然之触 (+1 等级). | 结束 |
你未能保护落单的炼金术师,他被巨大捕蝇草杀死了。 护送:落单的炼金术师 (巨魔沼泽的第3层) | 失败 |
你是被指派到瑞库纳王国去调查情况的一个矮人小分队的一员。 瑞库纳沦陷了!当你到达那里时,你受到了大量有组织的强力兽人的阻击。 你队伍中大多数人被杀死,现在你和诺尔甘 ( 除你以外的唯一幸存者 ) 必须赶紧突围回到钢铁议会去汇报这里的情况。 不惜一切代价冲出去。 | 结束 |
你被一个盗贼邀请,证明你作为一个斗士的能力,以获得进入竞技场的资格。 竞技场代理人 | 结束 |
是时候去一些新的地方探索一下了——那些黑暗、被遗忘和危险的地方。 进入黑暗在德斯镇东南方向是古老森林。 在德斯镇西面是迷宫。 在德斯镇远一点的西面,靠近海岸的地方是沙虫巢穴。 在自然精灵树林的东部边境那里是岱卡拉。 * 你应当探索古老森林,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索迷宫,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索沙虫洞穴,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! * 你应当探索岱卡拉,查清那里潜伏的危险,并获得那里的宝藏! | 正在进行 |
你已经找到了所有有关秘密财宝的线索,在食人魔沼泽第三层应该能找到一条通往那里的路。 隐藏的财宝注意:看样子那里非常危险。 | 正在进行 |
在手上 | ![]() 1.0 T1 手部 护甲 [Rare] 灵能系 While equipped: dps ---------- Melee+ 4精神 4时空 Dmg.mod +2%时空 +3%精神 +21%寒冷 Melee Ret 4闪电 ----- def ----- 护甲值 +1 Resists +3%闪电 +3%寒冷 Mind.save +6 (+3 eff.) Unarmed combat: Power 93% Range: 1.1x Uses 40%灵巧, 40%敏捷, 40%力量 Dmg 物理 Acc+ +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) Acc +6 Apr +1 Crit +1.0% Atk.spd 100% Dmg.conv 10%精神 10%时空 轻便的手套不仅不影响手指的活动,还会多多少少保护手的安全。 |
在头上 | ![]() 3.0 T5 头部 护甲 Reqs 重甲训练 [Ego] Master While equipped: Stats +2 力量 ----- def ----- 护甲值 +5 Fatigue +5% 一顶巨大的头盔可以保护你的整个头部。不过,空气流通和较差的视野是一个问题。 |
主护甲 | ![]() 14.0 T1 重甲 护甲 Reqs 重甲训练 [Ego] Disrupt/Master While equipped: ----- def ----- 护甲值 +4 Defense +2 (+1 eff.) Fatigue +12% Resists +16%酸性 +11%物理 +11%自然 D.Red.from +5% 动物 一套由金属环扣做成的锁甲。 |
在手指上 | ![]() 0.1 T1 戒指 首饰 [Ego] Nature While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +11%火焰 ----- def ----- Resists +22%火焰 戒指让你的手指更加美丽! |
在腰间 | ![]() 1.0 T1 腰带 护甲 [Rare] 灵能系 While equipped: Stats +1 力量 dps ---------- Phys.crit +1.0% Mind.pwr +3 (+2 eff.) ----- def ----- Defense +5 (+2 eff.) Phys.save +3 (+2 eff.) Mind.save +5 (+3 eff.) ---------- misc Stam/turn +3.00 一条可以围住腰的皮带。 |
在脚上 | ![]() 2.0 T1 脚部 护甲 [Rare] Master While equipped: Stats +3 意志 dps ---------- Dmg.mod +3%物理 Acc +15 (+5 eff.) ----- def ----- 护甲值 +3 Defense +3 (+1 eff.) ---------- misc Infravis +2 闪避: (Instant) Puts all charms on 30 cooldown Level 2.0 Pwr.cost 30,总计30/30. Range 近战/单体 Travel.spd 瞬间 介绍:你的战斗技巧和反射神经让你能迅速躲闪攻击,获得 17% 几率躲闪近战与远程攻击,闪避值增加 7 ,持续 4 回合。 躲闪几率和闪避加成受敏捷加成。 一双用皮做的靴子。 |
在主手 | ![]() 3.0 T1 战斧 武器 [史诗级物品] Arcane Power 120% Range: 1.4x Uses 100%力量 Dmg 物理 Mastery 武器掌握 Acc+ +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) Apr +4 Crit +12.0% Atk.spd 100% HP.leech +10% Dmg.conv 25%枯萎 While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +8%枯萎 一把小巧而锋利的斧头,斧柄由打磨过的骨头制成。这把斧头打破了许多头骨,并被染成了鲜红色。 |
工具 | ![]() 2.0 T5 项圈 护符 [随机史诗级物品] 灵能系 While equipped: dps ---------- Dmg.mod +3%枯萎 Res.pen +15%枯萎 +5%寒冷 冲击敌人精神,造成 386 精神伤害并沉默4回合 Puts all charms on 15 cooldown 100% to 获得10%几率躲闪武器攻击,持续2回合. 100% to 解除至多2项疾病、伤口或毒素效果. 100% to 在2回合内减少20%疲劳. 项圈是由强大的精神能量制造而成,用来储存灵能。 |
在脖子上 | ![]() 0.1 T1 项链 首饰 [Ego] Nature While equipped: Stats +2 体质 项链让你的脖子更加美丽! |
斗篷 | ![]() 2.0 T1 斗篷 护甲 [Rare] 灵能系 While equipped: Stats +3 敏捷 +5 意志 +2 体质 dps ---------- Dmg.mod +6%暗影 Res.pen +5%闪电 ----- def ----- Defense +1 (+0 eff.) Resists +3%闪电 Crit.dmg- 22.00% ---------- misc Talents +2 Glorious Presence Glorious Presence: When you fail a save against a detrimental effect, your glorious presence grants you a 25.0% chance for an additional save against it and 20.5 bonus armor for 2 turns. (Based on your Constitution and Willpower) 可以当做外衣穿的宽松布外套,它甚至允许你在里面穿上厚重的金属盔甲。 |
在副手 | ![]() 7.0 T1 护盾 护甲 Reqs 盾牌使用训练 [史诗级物品] Nature When used to Attack: Power 117% Range: 1.4x Uses 140%力量 Dmg 物理 Acc+ +2.0% 触发伤害(最大200%) Crit +2.0% Block +48 Melee+ +10寒冷 While equipped: dps ---------- 盾牌格挡时: * 30% 几率朝目标喷射4格锥形冰冷的水流。 ----- def ----- 护甲值 +8 Defense +8 (+4 eff.) Fatigue +12% Resists +15%寒冷 +10%火焰 ---------- misc Max.Air +20.00 Talents +1 格挡 On block: 30% 几率朝目标喷射4格锥形冰冷的水流。 用大块的珊瑚制成,源自大海深处。 |
光源 | ![]() 2.0 T1 光照 [Ego] Nature/Master While equipped: ----- def ----- Max.HP +41.00 ---------- misc Light +5 一个有引线的黄铜容器,上面覆盖有一张纸防止灯油溅出来。它有一只把手,可以提着。 |
![]() 4.0 T1 长弓 武器 Reqs 射击 [史诗级物品] Master Acc+ +0.2% 暴击率(最大25%) Atk.spd 105% Range +9 While equipped: Stats +3 敏捷 dps ---------- Phys.crit +5.0% Dmg.mod +5%物理 Acc +12 (+4 eff.) 这把做工精良的弓相传由一位不知名的大师打造。当你拉动弓弦时,你能感受到这把弓蕴藏着难以置信的力量。 |
![]() 7.0 T1 护盾 护甲 Reqs 盾牌使用训练 [Normal] When used to Attack: Power 93% Range: 1.2x Uses 100%力量 Dmg 物理 Acc+ +2.0% 触发伤害(最大200%) Crit +2.5% Block +17 While equipped: ----- def ----- 护甲值 +2 Fatigue +8% ---------- misc Talents +1 格挡 手持防护装备。 |
![]() Demonic Soul 0.0 T3 恶魔 杂项 [传说级物品] Arcane 15% chances once per turn, when you deal damage to do a burst of fire damage in radius 1 equal to your spellpower A tiny, jagged gem, dredged up from the very core of Mal'Rok, the homeworld of demons. It still burns with the fires of the Spellblaze that blew it apart. |
![]() 0.0 戒指 杂项 [史诗级物品] Unknown While carried: Stats +0 幸运 ---------- misc Steam/turn +0.50 Mana/turn +0.30 与戒指中的灵魂交谈. Uses 1 power out of 1/1 戒指中好像囚禁了一个古老的灵魂。 |
![]() 1.0 水晶球 [剧情物品] Unknown While carried: 这个球是半身人先知埃莉萨给你的,它会自动为你鉴定装备。 |
![]() 2.0 夏·图尔 盒子 [剧情物品] Unknown While carried: 立即转化盒子中的所有物品(当你切换地图时也会自动转化). Uses 0 power out of 1000/1000 这只宝箱是某个夏·图尔古代建筑的延伸,任何扔在里面的物品会被自动传送到那个地方,进行处理并摧毁,从里面提取能量。 这个过程的副产物是黄金,因为没有用,所以被自动传送给你。 当你有这只箱子时,所有你经过地面上的物品会被自动捡起,并且当你离开地下城时会自动交易成金币。 如果你想保留物品,只需要从宝箱里把它移到包裹中。在宝箱中的物品不会增加你的负重。 |
![]() 2.0 魔杖 护符 [剧情物品] Unknown 传送至世界地图(等待40回合). Uses 202 power out of 400/400 这个法杖通体用沃瑞钽打造,充满了可以撕裂空间的奥术能量。你以前曾听说过此类物品。它们对于冒险者的快速旅行非常有帮助。 |
![]() 2.0 T1 项圈 护符 [Ego] 灵能系 Teleport randomly (rad 22) Puts all charms on 30 cooldown 项圈是由强大的精神能量制造而成,用来储存灵能。 |
0]山岭巨魔击中Innadnn造成23 物理伤害。
0]近战报复击中山岭巨魔造成4 闪电伤害。
1]岩石巨魔比尔击中Innadnn造成107 物理伤害。
1]近战报复击中岩石巨魔比尔造成3 闪电伤害。
10]Innadnn击中山岭巨魔造成11 枯萎, 32 物理, 1 精神, 3 时空 (48合计伤害).
0]山岭巨魔击中Innadnn造成12 物理伤害。
0]近战报复击中山岭巨魔造成4 闪电伤害。
1]Innadnn击中山岭巨魔造成14 枯萎, 42 物理, 4 精神, 3 时空 (65合计伤害).
1]岩石巨魔比尔击中Innadnn造成182 物理伤害。
1]近战报复击中岩石巨魔比尔造成3 闪电伤害。
1]玩家Innadnn等级12矮人盾战士流血过多而死,杀死他(她)的是岩石巨魔比尔 并被煮成汤,死在第4层,巨魔沼泽。
0]技能 活力 已经可以使用。
1]个人新成就:完全毁灭 (疯狂难度 (冒险模式))!