Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.6.7 |
Addons | Ignore Campaign/Difficulty Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for campaigns and difficulty levels, allowing characters to play campaigns and difficulty levels that you haven't unlocked. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Parasite-in-Pocket 1.6.0Description: [A necklace appear in inventory like a gray unidentified 'a necklace with fangs'. To use this mod start a new game, with a newly activated race and die. After death - when given two options, choose "a) ...want to live". And don't forget to equip Fanged Collar before dying. Availible in following game modes: Infinity Dungeons, Arena, Maj'Eyal main campaign, Orcs campaign. -------------Required The Forbidden Cults DLC---------------- Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание: Этот мод добавляет предмет Fanged Collar в инвентарь вновь созданного героя. Теперь вы можете начать выращивать своего паразита с ранних уровней. [Ожерелье появится в инвентаре, как серый неопознанный предмет 'a necklace with fangs'. Для активации новой Расы необходимо надеть его и умереть. А после смерти ответить: "a)... Я хочу жить" Не забудьте Экипировать его перед смертью! Доступно во всех режимах: Infinity Dungeons, Arena, Maj'Eyal main comany, Orcs company. -------------Требуется The Forbidden Cult DLC! ---------------- Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Less Tedious Osmosis Shield 1.5.10QoL improvements for Demonologist. Changes Osmosis Shield to only drain Vim on turns when regeneration occurs. Banished 1.6.7Adds the Banished, an afflicted class that pours its hate into its arrows and shadowy powers. Ghost Race 1.2.3Adds in a new Undead race, Ghost. Ghosts have a life rating lower than that of yeeks, but ghosts make up for this by sharing damage with their mana pool. Original Class idea and design by Faeryan Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.6.7Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
The Burning Coals 1.4.9This addon is yet another OP human subrace, it features strong fire and light based racial talents, extra quests, dungeons, and items that give more character building points. Credits: there are two lore images in the addon that I got from Deviant-Art, the author URL is this: http://nicholaskay.deviantart.com/ All other new art was based on existing Shockbolt's art, or made by myself using GIMP and Krita. The addon is "complete", but I want to add more quests and some other stuff later. changelog 1.1.0 The objective of this version is fix gameplay, there was several problems that weren't found during test with DevMode tools, and also due to blind good luck during testing.
changelog 1.1.1 Just a hotfix, to fix two bugs.
changelog 1.1.2 Hotfix again!
Embers With All Races 1.5.10Adds all races available in the Arena campaign to the Orcs campaign. You will still need to have a race unlocked in order to play it in the Orcs campaign. This should work for all DLC races and most addon races, assuming they are not implemented in an unusual way and their addon weight is lower than that of this addon (200000). Ghoul MultiFork - Neg. Healing Mod Instead of Neg. Speed, also Ghoul Buff + Ghouls Dont Breathe Tinker Fix 1.5.5Replaces the Ghoul Global Speed Penalty of the default 1.5.5 game with a starting healing mod of 51% (compared to normal). Also includes Ghouls Don't Breathe features (thanks blortad) with an added fix I made so tinker inscriptions (Embers of Rage DLC feature unlocked in original campaign) don't get overwritten. Ghoul Buff (thanks StarKeep and of course DarkGod) is included in its entirety: Ghoul Buff: Ghoul MultiFork general details: NOT COMPATIBLE WITH: Race Rebalancing Addon aka RACISM, Ghoul Buff addon, Ghouls Dont Breathe addon, Ghoul Global Speed Tweak addon because they change similar things. ADDON PRIORITY (Load order): 1000 This addon OVERLOADS the Ghoul racial skills file to add the 1% healing mod bonus per level and incorporate the Ghoul Buff features: This addon also uses a 'ToME:load' HOOK to change the default ghoul global speed to 100%, to remove the requirement for ghouls to breathe, to set the basic healing factor, and to change the character creation text. Demon Seed Details 1.4.6This addon is for all you Demonologists out there. Further modifies demon seed names in your inventory to include details about each seed's mods and stats. No more manually tagging hundreds of seeds! I don't do this LUA/addon stuff too often so please forgive any bugs. Currently, switching invenotry tabs for example will remove the details from the seed names. To fix it just close your inventory and open it again. Class: Fallen 1.6.0Fallen has been added to the base game as an evolution for Sun Paladins This addon contains the original version, a base class afflicted/celestial hybrid. Fallen are unlocked alongside Sun Paladins. Please report any bugs on the forum thread. This class is originally inspired by the enemies John and Aluin, Afflicted Sun Paladins. Fallen have a mix of old and new trees. Celestial Combat Celestial Light Grove Keeper 1.6.7Adds the Grove Keeper, a Wilder subclass. The Grove Keeper is pirmarily a mindpower-caster with limited summoning ability, but has the option to mix slings, or one-handed weapons and unarmed attacks, into their skill set. They are also able to become proficient with mindstars and focus wholly on mind-casting. Includes advanced class categories favoring either weapon-hybrid or mind-casting play style, with the advanced hybrid tree working equally well for ranged or melee. Full details in the forum. Lunar Cultist 1.2.5Adds a new Afflicted Subclass proficient in the Cursed Talent Trees Darkness, Force of Will, Gloom, Cursed Form and Dark Sustenance and the Corruption Talent Trees Vim, Doom Covenant, Black Magic and Curses. They also possess the Cunning Talent Trees Stealth and Survival. This Addon requires ASHES OF URH'ROK to be enabled in the Addons Menu. THIS ADDON DOESN'T GRANT YOU ANY FILE FROM ASHES OF URH'ROK! It's only a Subclass. Forbidden Cults 1.6.7Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Escorts Enhanced 1.3.1Various enhancements to escort quest NPCs: Negative Talent Levels 1.6.7 Fallen Meditant class 1.6.0Adds the Fallen Meditant class. The Fallen was once a monk; training in a natural combat style upon a mountain. They have been cast down. Galvanic Alchemancer 1.5.9Adds a new subclass for tinkers. Galvanic Alchemancers bridge the gap between the roles of Alchemist and Tinker. Due to the nature of their art, Galvanic Alchemancers learn alchemy and magic that is associated with lightning, though they can study other fields as well. Schrödinger's Lore (Mark 2) 1.3.0Arranges for various sequential lore to be learned in sequence, independent of the order of lore object discovery. Frequently Asked Questions:
Kruk Pride Tool Shop 1.5.0Adds a store to Kruk Pride in the Embers of Rage DLC selling pickaxes and lanterns, similar to the Survival Supplies shop in Derth.. Arcanum Class Pack 1.6.7Primary Features: Arcanist Features: Elementist Features: Enchanter Features: Archmage Features: Alchemist Features: Spell Blade Class 1.5.10Adds a new class into the game, a mage warrior hybrid. There can never be enough hybrid classes, right? The Spell Blade is a warrior that uses magic in order to enforce their attacks with destructive spells. v2.0 is a revamped version and is incompatible with old save files (too many talents were changed to work in a different way). Contains 6 new categories. Midnight 1.6.7Adds two new shadowy Celestial classes. Now with a new starting zone: Save the Sunwall crops from a worm infestation. Currently there are nine new categories. It also grants Sun and Glyphs to Sun Paladin at 1.3 mastery. Bristlebarb 1.6.7DescriptionThis addon adds the Bristlebarb as a playable class. Bristlebarbs use no weapons but are covered in a living bramble that they can control. They use a special resource : thorns. 5 unique class trees (1 locked) : 1 Unique generic tree (locked) : Bristlebarbs can not appear on NPC. DisclaimerPlease report any bugs you find and I will endeavor to fix them ;) If possible, please take discussions and bugs report to the forum thread : http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&p=239099 Creditshttp://game-icons.net/ for all the talent and effect icons. https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-2 for the class icon and a couple others. In advance, whoever tries this out and gives me feedback so I can continue to improve it ! Changelog1.0.0 : 0.10.2 : 0.10.1 : 0.10.0 : 0.9.4 : 0.9.3 : 0.9.2 : 0.9.1 : Select your Escorts 1.6.0Allows you to choose which escorts you will encounter at the start of the game. There is an option to choose a random escort in case you just wanted to guarantee some unlocks before continuing with the base game's behavior. Note: You're only supposed to be able to choose the lost tinker once. (Must have the Embers of Rage DLC and unlocked by playing in the Orcs campaign) To reach me faster, please leave a message on the Steam Workshop page. I don't get notifications on te4.org so I may take longer to reply. Animist 1.6.0Adds the Animist class, a wielder of the elemental spirits. Rage Quit 1.5.0Adds a suitably spleen-venting option to the Eidolon plane death chat, and an "Exit game" option to the death dialog. Eternal Darkness 1.5.0Adds many new spells for Necromancer and modifies many existing spells, effects and minions. See thread for full details. Race: Wight 1.6.0Adds Wights as a playable type of undead. Part of Recaiden's Undead Race Pack Blast enemies with elemental power. Wights begin in a tiny starting zone of their own. Wights are unlocked by completing the ancient battleground event. There are other wight addons: But they weren't quite what I was looking for. Please report any problems or comments in the forum thread below. Glutton 1.2.3Gluttons are cursed with insatiable Hunger, which they use as a resource. It increases over time, and gives benefits and penalties depending on the current amount they have. They can Devour creatures, which they can then Digest to gain bonuses, sometimes permanent, including stat points and even talents. Since Gluttons can gain stat points from Devouring creatures, they gain no stat points per level. Since they can gain talents as well, they start with few categories. This is the basic class concept, and I hope you have fun with it. Disclaimer: the Glutton is very unbalanced right now (hence the alpha status). I welcome and encourage any feedback. Thanks to all of #tome for their help. Special thanks to FlarePusher and Draknodred for helping me flesh out the class concept and for developing talent ideas, and to natev for a lot of help but especially for letting me build off his resource code. Dark Priest 1.4.8Adds the Dark Priest, a mage subclass. Even in an age of supposed prosperity, there are many who lose their lives in vain. Those who tend the wounded, returned home from battle or adventure, are highly skilled in the arts of healing, many using arcane techniques. But there are some who have seen too much. They have formed a brotherhood of those who have accepted the Dark Truth. Eyal has but one true God, and He demands sacrifices. The Dark Priest and his brethren tap into arcane energies to deliver the bad word unto all the people of Maj'Eyal. They manipulate darkness and life energy to convey their message of doom and despair. When that doesn't work, carrying a big stick helps, too. Dark Priests use Magic and Cunning as their primary stats. They focus on Darkness and Arcane spells, and are proficient in staff combat, as well. They also have command of a unique kind of magic, Unhealing. Unhealing is negative healing and such functions differently than damage. It will not be affected by any type of damage mitigation and will be increased by the target's healing modifier. Miscellaneous QOL Pack 1.6.0 Qlass Pack 1.6.7Adds several new classes and races: - Moon Fox race: Race that can radically transform class and generic talents by attaching tails to them. This addon also makes a couple other changes to make the Zephyr class work: Other than that, the addon tries not to affect existing classes/races/talents. The new classes won't appear on enemies or Adventurers. You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below. Weight: 134953 ===== Credits ===== Sounds: ===== Changelog ===== 1.1.0: 1.0.1: 1.0.0: Doctornull's Class Pack 1.5.10This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. A Little Darkness for Demonologists 1.5.10This addon is meant to make demon seed and demon blade deal at least Monsters tiles set 1.5.10Description Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Этот аддон позволит вам играть за Существо. Добавляет дополнительный сет тайлов, состоящий из слизней, шмелей, варгов, кошачьих и призраков в меню 'Custom tiles' Не меняет ветки скиллов или характеристики! Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Discordant class (and others) 1.6.71) Add Discordant as playable psionic subclass. A psionic tank with death radius around them (think of Mindrot, but less sucky). Wins battle through attrition, melts trash mobs just by standing. Can also spam tele-frags if you feel like it. 2) Add Kudzu as playable wilder subclass. Invasive, annoying, and hard to get rid of. Master of crowd controls and area denials. Cover the world with fungus, lichens, moss, and kudzus. 3) Add Scorpion as playable rogue subclass. Stealthy brawler with poison fist. Pull in your enemy and dethrone them with chain of combos. 4) Add Critic as playable afflicted subclass. High-risk, high-reward, critical-centric class that use feedback pool as life. Overpower your enemy with overwhelming amount of Gestures, or die from receiving too much criticism. 5) Add Colossus as playable race. Artificial giant constructed by dwarves to guard their gold, has some non-living characteristics. Starts on Reknor (dwarf start). A durable race with some drawbacks. Also like gold. - This is a practice addon intended for personal use, but thank you if you decided to check it out anyway. Creditshttp://game-icons.net/ Changelog1.0.0: - Initial release Curse Levels 1.3.0Adds game options related to equipment curses and cursed auras from the Defiling Touch talent:
Also adds a tooltip to Defiling Touch's Cursed Aura Selection dialog, showing the effect of each curse if you select it. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite. Spellsword 1.5.3This addon grew out of an attempt to rework the Arcane Blade base class from the TOME module way back in beta. Previous versions can be found under the "Arcane Blade Rework" addon. I got sufficient positive feedback, and it was a sufficient departure from the original class, that it was decided to split it off to its own class, while letting the Arcane Blade be updated by others. The class revolves around melee spells, utilizing a mixture of stamina and mana require skills. Probably the most unique feature are the elemental stances, only which one of is active at a time, and which are activated by using the basic elemental strikes. Glutton Additions 1.5.10Adds to glutton class, reorders class generics, and mods glutton talents. Requires orcs dlc for new steam resource. Requires Glutton mod https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/glutton. Easy Map v2 1.6.0Description Original Easy Map mod by Codefly This addon replaces ToME's map display with one that's more in-line with other games. You can drag the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and left-click to set the currently viewed area (instead of accidentally traveling there, which can still be done via right-click menu). It also shows the viewport rectangle on the map, and if your computer is powerful enough, you can even show the actual terrain instead of the confusing color blocks, or make the walls red to easily find paths you have yet to explore. The player and zone exits are also displayed as icons on the map. Additionally, if you travel via the map and stop unexpectedly (i.e., you ran into your golem), a friendly dialog will pop up asking if you'd like to continue to your destination. Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Обновление: Я просто пофиксил чекер версии мода и убрал всплывающее окошко о новой версии игры и изменил цвет легенды на черный Мод заменяет карту игры на нечто более схожее с другими играми. Вы можете перемещать карту мышкой, приближать или отдалять карту колесиком и устанавливать текущий обзор левым кликом мыши (вместо того, что бы случайно переместиться туда, как было ранее). Карат способна отображать реальную местность ландшафта и окрашивать непроходимые места в красный цвет, что бы проще найти дорогу. Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Sun-Mage 1.2.4Adds a new Celestial subclass proficient in the Celestial Talent Trees Sunlight, Radiance, Light and Chants and the Spell Talent Trees Phantasm, Fire, Wildfire and Divination Inferno Race Patch for ID and Arena 1.5.5A patch to allow races added by the Inferno Race Pack addon to be created in the Arena and Infinite Dungeon. Requires astralInferno's Inferno Race Pack (or one of the addons which adds these races seperately) to have any effect. Heartstalker - Psionic Class 1.6.7Adds Heartstalker, a psionic class themed around the subconscious, as a birth option. Heartstalkers are a stealth-oriented class that start with twin daggers. Confounding foes's perceptions with their strange psychic power, they weaken their victims from afar, unseen and untouchable, before drawing in close for the kill when they feel the time is right. Take care, however, for though your mind is a potent shield against hostile intent, the physical flesh it guards is exceedingly frail. Heartstalker talent trees include: Perception: Turn aside prying eyes to hide your presence! All that we know of ourselves and others is merely a facade; the truth of the mind and the world sleeps where it cannot see. Hiveminder Class 1.6.7Adds Hiveminders, an insect-themed wilder class, as a birth option. Hiveminders are a melee class specialising in dual-wielded daggers or psiblades. They command their vast hivemind to lend them potent support and utility powers which make up for their lacking offense. Hiveminder talent trees include: Hivemind: Resonate your mind with your insects to enhance your perception and enthrall enemies! Hiveminders also have access to the Combat Training, Lethality, Call of the Wild, and Mindstar Mastery generic trees by default, and can additionally unlock the Fungus and Mobility trees through levelling up. Power is a subtle thing, adventurer. The smallest of factors can make the greatest of differences. Egress Artifact Codes 1.5.10Forbidden Cults tweak that adds lore drops containing the random artifact codes that exist for the Occult Egress. This doesn't give you any more artifacts than you would normally get, but makes them easier to find. Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.1.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Steam Witch 1.5.10Adds the Steam Witch, a Tinker sub-class. The Steam Witch was born into time magic but found the ordered ways of the Wardens boring and struck out to find a path of their own. Travelling through time and space they found an affinity for technology and integrated their time magic with steam mechanisms. Steam Witches are a ranged attack and spell casting class. Their tl;dr description is ‘magical Psyshot’. Class highlights: Mystic Combat: Steam Witches fight with a steamgun in one hand and a dagger in other, projecting ranged dagger attacks when attacking with the steamgun. Successful dagger attacks will trigger additional effects based on a selected Touch ability (possible magical attack, magic enhancement, or lifesteal regeneration).
Requires Embers of Rage to play. Link to forum: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=49638 Much More Adventurous 1.6.6Gives adventurers every talent tree in the game. This includes things like object talents, talents from summons (golem, mecharachnid, etc), npc only talents (horrors, soul eater, etc), talents mostly removed from the game (old paradox mage and archer talents, etc), partially implemented talents (like the unavailable celestial class), and hidden talents not normally available on their own (individual poisons, traps, hymns, etc). Many of these are very unbalanced, and while I have removed every buggy talent I could find, combining talents that aren't normally available together on the player may cause a bad reaction. If you find something like this please let me know, I'm doing my best to modify every talent that needs it to work properly on the player. Unlocked Adventurer 1.5.10This unlocks various(all?) talents trees at x1.3 for Adventurers, including possessor, stone warden and cursed/cursed aura. This addon REQUIRES possessors to be enabled, meaning you must be a donator, and logged in. Embers of Rage 1.6.7Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Undead Verdant Fix 1.4.0Stops Verdant overwriting Undead drake aspect because I'm impatient. Possessor Bonus Class 1.6.6Donators/Buyers bonus! Gemblade 1.6.7Adds the Gemblade class, a (mostly) melee psionic who focuses their energies through a gem wielded in their offhand. White Monk 1.6.0Adds the White Monk, a warrior subclass. The White Monk wields no arms, instead using intense focus and training to turn their body into a weapon. They fend off enemy blows with their immense willpower and can preform healing and regenerative rites. Primary stats are Dexterity and Willpower. White Monks have the unique ability to project unarmed melee attacks at a distance, with talents that allow them to strike many targets in a area, as well. White Monks have a base damage modifier for hand gear of 60% Dex and 60% Wil, and gain some of the same benefits to unarmed attacks as Brawlers. Includes seven new talent trees and incorporates a few existing trees from Warrior and Rogue classes. Rending - Attack your foes from afar and sap their energy. Mending - Heal and cleanse yourself and even prepare a rite that can ward off death itself. Fending (generic) - Ward off enemy assaults, directing some damage to your stamina pool. Agile Combatant - Move across the battlefield with unmatched agility. Martial Arts - Master the art of unarmed fighting and gain bonus strikes from your attacks. Black Belt (locked) - Learn advanced fighting techniques to cripple your foes and react with finely honed reflexes. Transcending(locked) - Directly manipulate your foes' spirits to sap their energy and learn to project your spirit to assail all nearby foes. Follow one of the Six Ways with a set of class evolutions for the White Monk: Way of the Rushing Bull Way of the Flying Arrow Way of the Open Palm Way of the Arcane Flow Way of the Transcendent Spirit Way of the Hidden Viper Full details in the forum thread. Items Vault 1.6.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Tinker Tooltips 1.5.5Changes the descriptions of the six talents used in making tinkers to show the levels required to make each object. I was sick of looking them up. I'm not sure what's going on with the double-rectangle symbols showing up on newlines in the descriptions, if anyone knows a way to remedy it let me know. Mucus Sustain 1.5.10Changes the Oozemancer class talent 'Mucus' to a sustain. Proper Possession 1.5.0
Frequently Asked Questions: Point Credits 1.6.0Allows you to spend an unlimited amount of class, generic, stat, category and prodigy points by digging into negative values, as deep as you want to. This addon presents an unique approach to the "I want more (insert type here) points for my character!" problem. Instead of simply adding +N more points to spend each level, it allows you to use as many points as you wish - you'll simply go into negative values if you don't have any points at the moment, effectively "loaning" them. From whom? For what fee? What's the due date? Who knows! Maybe the Eidolon's feeling like doing some commerce, or maybe the divines are smiling at you! All that matters is that all those points are yours to spend *now*! If you want, you can get those elusive talents up to survive in early game and compensate for them later as you level up, eventually balancing out... or get yourself all these cool talents you really wanted to have and learn than the build of your dream will forever be short of 24 generics, 6 class points, inscription and a prodigy. :> No actual penalties for loaning the points are implemented or intended to be implemented. Design premisesWhile there's already a lot of addons that grant characters more points, they are often found suffering from some significant flaws - like surplus points dangling when all desired talents have already been developed, or still insufficient amount of points despite all the extra ones, or an uneven point gain curve when one's struggling with point deficit in the early game but has a large surplus of unused points in the late game, or the difficulty to gauge the unbalanceness of the current build at a given moment of time... and so on. With point loaning, however, you can have as many or as few extra points as you wish, and always know how strongly you deviate from the intended game balance curve. I love this particular approach, and it is my hope that it will appeal to many other players, as well. :> Compatibility
Moon-Mage 1.2.5Adds a new celestial subclass proficient in the Celestial Talent Trees Moonlight, Star Fury, Light and Hymns and the Spell Talent Trees Phantasm, Water, Nightfall and Divination. Faerie Race 1.5.2This addon adds in a Faerie, or Fey, race into ToME. This addon was originally created by Kaballah, but he hasn't been online in over a year. --- The Fey are an incredibly quick and agile race, however they are incredibly fragile. Fey stats: Fey skills: -Flight -Fey Luck -Fey Speed -Fey Dust --- Dark Faeries are Faeries that have given up much of their natural agility and defense in exchange for bonus offensive potency. Dark Fey stats: Dark Fey skills: -Powers of the Dark -Fey Clone -Vision of the Shadows -Feyd to Black Instrinsic Deception - No Cloak Required 1.5.5UPDATE 1.0.2: Fixed issue with escorts not appearing. Fix applies to new characters only. ADDON DETAILS: Fork of kvaak's Uncloak of Inconvenience Addon, so only the faction gets changed to Allied Kingdoms, and the rest of the data (including starting inscriptions) is left unchanged. This enables Undead Tinkers in Maj'Eyal campaign to have the correct starting inscriptions. There is now no Cloak of Deception, existing or needed. Use this instead of the Uncloak of Inconvenience addon. Version 1.0.1 also makes sure that new undead characters are addressed as human by the NPCs that address you by race. With this addon active, all new characters that have the undead attribute will be addressed as human, even Whitehooves from Embers Races in Maj'Eyal Campaign addon: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/orcsallraces BASE GAME AND ADDON NOTE: I have discovered that because the check in the default 1.5.5 ToME game for Zigur patrols and betraying to Zigur doesn't check whether the player is undead, that Undead Tinkers start friendly to Zigur and can betray to Zigur until they get some spells or runes. However, the appearance of the Zigur town IS dependent on not being undead, so it is not possible to become anti-magic. Also, undead in Maj'Eyal campaign properly can't use infusions or nature powers, so that part is working as intended. So this addon is fine, it's just that the base 1.5.5 game currently doesn't make Zigur hostile and betraying to Zigur impossible merely because you're undead (read: have arcane aura that can be detected by Zigur). It requires you to have spells or runes, which Undead non-tinkers have, but Undead Tinkers only have neutral Steamtech implants or generators. To properly play an Undead Tinker in Maj'Eyal campaign (with or without addons, as this is the same even with only official game and DLC), I suggest that you do not betray to Zigur and don't use arcane disrupting gear (which should disrupt the normal actions of an undead, but doesn't currently in 1.5.5). ADDON PRIORITY (Load order): 1000 These game files are OVERLOADED (replaced with an edited version when the addon is running): So any mod that doesn't touch these overloaded files should be compatible. This function is SUPERLOADED to insert the fake_race and fake_subrace properties (which shouldn't affect anything else apart from making NPCs address you as human): A 'ToME:load' HOOK applies the faction change for the undead player to Allied Kingdoms. Demon Seeds Plus 1.5.0Gives some unused demon seeds (Khulmanar, Walrog) new skills and adds new unique seeds (Draebor, Lithfengel, Shasshhiy'Kaish, Kryl-Feijan, Corrupted Daleach). If any of the abovementioned demons appears somewhere they shouldn't, please report it in the form thread. Changelog: Infinite Cat Points 1.4.0One Cat Point per level. Tinker Tinkering 1.5.0A collection of small quality-of life tweaks for tinker-using characters in the Embers of Rage DLC. Notable changes:
Abomination Race 1.4.9Adds the undead abomination race. Abominations are the hideous result of callous necromancers fusing several dead bodies or loose appendages into one single being. They can augment themselves by assimilating more body parts to their being, even in the heat of battle. Abominations may grow considerably in size after being created and while such extra size may benefit them, growing too large slows them down. Their multitude of body parts makes them hardy and difficult to stun and their multitude of heads make their vision difficult to impair, however the vast amount of minds combined can make them more susceptible to confusion effects They have access to special abomination talents, that improve as they grow in size and constitution. Sungun Class + Equipment 1.6.0This Addon creates the Sungun class and adds Solar Guns for it to use, along with many talents - all based on the Boktai series of games for the Gameboy Advance. Changes & Features: + Solar Guns & Solar Batteries are created, and drop in the world. +Sungun is an available class under the Celestial class set. + A Lens Talent Tree is available to swap damage type. +An Explosives Talent Tree is available to deal with groups of foes. + Solar Spells, inspired directly by Boktai, are available for use in a Talent Tree. +Darkness Spells, inspired directly by Boktai, are available for use in a Talent Tree. + Multiple new Talents are created, including some of the ones listed above. -Dual-gunning with Solar Guns has been removed. Knives are starting equipment for a reason. Current missing features: Hate Tweak 1.2.5Changes the Hate resource to always rest to at least 25 once a battle has ended. |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Normal Exploration |
Sex | Male |
Race | Dwarf |
Class | Adventurer |
Level / Exp | 9 / 98% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by orc soldier at level 1 on the 16th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 12:49 / 11Killed by orc warrior at level 1 on the 16th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 17:26 Killed by Brotoq the Reaver at level 3 on the 19th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 06:14 Killed by brecklorn at level 5 on the 20th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 05:56 Killed by brecklorn at level 5 on the 20th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:57 Killed by shadow at level 5 on the 21st Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 03:47 Killed by war hound at level 7 on the 11st Profit 122nd year of Ascendancy at 11:58 Killed by Marcibmir the halfling at level 7 on the 11st Profit 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:51 Killed by Ganondorf Dragmire at level 9 on the 15th Wealth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 07:50 Killed by Tarraraj the krog at level 9 on the 26th Wealth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:13 Killed by Ganondorf Dragmire at level 9 on the 26th Wealth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:18 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 26 (base 22) |
Dexterity | 12 (base 14) |
Constitution | 19 (base 13) |
Magic | 26 (base 26) |
Willpower | 17 (base 12) |
Cunning | 14 (base 12) |
Mana | 183/183 |
Vim | 211/211 |
Life | 336/336 |
Steam | 100/100 |
Stamina | 152/152 |
Paradox | 320 |
Healing Factor | 1.0714285714285 |
Regeneration | 0.26785714285713 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | -66.666666666667% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 20 |
Accuracy | 32 |
Crit Chance | 17% |
APR | 19 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | 8 |
Accuracy | 32 |
Crit Chance | 6% |
APR | 15 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 23 |
Crit Chance | 3% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 17 |
Crit Chance | 3% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Damage Bonus
Blight | +13% |
Acid | +9% |
Fire | +3% |
Offense: Damage Penetration
Temporal | +5% |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 29.551211628464 (74.117647058824%) |
Defense | 17 |
Ranged Defense | 17 |
Fatigue | 34 |
Physical Save | 16 |
Spell Save | 15 |
Mental Save | 11 |
Defense: Resistances
Acid | + 9%( 70%) |
Light | + 3%( 70%) |
Cold | + 10%( 70%) |
Fire | + 11%( 70%) |
All | 0%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Disarm Resistance | 20% |
Pinning Resistance | 20% |
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Knockback Resistance | 21% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Implants | Effective talent level: 1.0 Implant: Steam GeneratorUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 25 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 6.0 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 30 steam. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 14% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: HealingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 50 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. |
Class Talents
Corruption / Scourge | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Spell / Other | 1.20 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/1 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/1 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Demonic pact | 1.20 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Shadowflame | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Chronomancy / Stasis | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Sanguisuge | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Shield offense | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Plague | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Race / Dwarf | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Corruption / Demonic strength | 1.00 |
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Chronomancy / Other | 1.00 |
Corruption / Torment | 1.00 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.00 |
| 0/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 3/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
detrimental effect | There is no gravity here; you float in the air. Movement is three times as slow, and any melee or archery blows have a chance to knockback. Maximum encumbrance is greatly increased. Zero Gravity |
You met a novice mage who was tasked to collect an arcane powered artifact. An apprentice taskHe asked for your help, should you collect some that you do not need. * Collect an artifact arcane powered item. | done |
Your escape from Reknor got your heart pounding and your desire for wealth and power increased tenfold. From bellow, it devoursMaybe it is time for you to start an adventurer's career. Deep below the Iron Throne mountains lies the Deep Bellow. It has been long sealed away but still, from time to time adventurers go there looking for wealth. None that you know of has come back yet, but you did survive Reknor. You are great. | done |
You have found all the clues leading to the hidden treasure. There should be a way on the third level of the Trollmire. Hidden treasureIt looks extremely dangerous, however - beware. | active |
It is time to explore some new places -- dark, forgotten and dangerous ones. Into the darknessThe Old Forest is just south-east of the town of Derth. The Maze is west of Derth. The Sandworm Lair is to the far west of Derth, near the sea. The Daikara is on the eastern borders of the Thaloren forest. * You must explore the Old Forest and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Maze and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Sandworm Lair and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the Daikara and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! | active |
You were part of a group of dwarves sent to investigate the situation of the kingdom of Reknor. Reknor is lost!When you arrived there you found nothing but orcs, well organized and very powerful. Most of your team was killed there and now you and Norgan (the sole survivor besides you) must hurry back to the Iron Council to bring the news. Let nothing stop you. | done |
You were asked to prove your worth as a fighter by a rogue, in order to participate in the arena The agent of the arena | done |
You met a half-mad lumberjack fleeing a small village, rambling about an untold horror lurking there, slaughtering people. The beast within | active |
On feet | ![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / feet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Fatigue: +2% Stamina each turn: +0.40 Maximum stamina: +11.00 Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm. |
Light source | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: lite / lite ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +3 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
On head | ![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / head ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +3 Fatigue: +5% Changes stats: +3 Con A large helmet that can protect the entire head. Ventilation and bad vision can be a problem, however. |
On hands | ![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training 1.50 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Fatigue: +1% When used to modify unarmed attacks: Base power: 11.0 - 15.4 Uses stats: 40% Dex, 40% Str, 40% Cun Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Crit. chance: +2.0% Attack speed: 83% Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm. |
Tool | ![]() Powered by unknown forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: tool / digger ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour penetration: +15 Damage when hit (Melee): 10 draining blight Changes damage: +5% blight When carried: Talent granted: +1 Dig A huge tooth taken from the Mouth, in the Deep Bellow. |
On fingers | ![]() Crafted by a master 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +4 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Cun Disarm immunity: +20% Pinning immunity: +20% Knockback immunity: +21% Maximum life: +20.00 Rings can have magical properties. |
Around neck | ![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +11% fire / +10% cold Amulets can have magical properties. |
In main hand | ![]() Requires: Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 1 Base power: 20.0 - 28.0 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +12.0% Attack speed: 100% Lifesteal (this weapon only): +10% Damage conversion: 25% blight When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +8% blight Talent granted: +1 Flame Bolts A small but sharp axe, with a handle made of polished bone. The blade has chopped through the skulls of many, and has been stained a deep crimson. |
Around waist | ![]() Crafted by a master 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / belt ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +8 (+5 eff.) Changes resistances: +3% light / +9% acid Changes damage: +9% acid / +3% fire Stealth bonus: +6 A belt that goes around your waist. |
In off hand | ![]() Requires: - Talent Steam Pool Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamsaw ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 16.5 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical bleed Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% Block value: +13 Attacks use: 1.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +4% Damage (Melee): 5 cold Damage when hit (Melee): 2 ice Talent granted: +1 Block Maximum life: +41.00 Steamsaws use steam pressure to rotate a serrated metal blade at high speed. Those struck suffer severe lacerations and bleed for 10% of the damage done per turn for 5 turns (stacking). They can be wielded in the main or off hand. Vrmmmmm! |
Cloak | ![]() Powered by arcane forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloak ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +1 (+1 eff.) Effects on melee hit: * 20% chance to reduce armor by 23% * 10% chance to gain 10% of a turn (3/turn limit) Changes stats: +2 Mag / +2 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +5% temporal Defense after a teleport: +10 Resist all after a teleport: +10% New effects duration reduction after a teleport: +10% A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Main armor | ![]() Requires: - Massive armour training Crafted by a master 17.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / massive ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +12 Fatigue: +22% A suit of armour made of metal plates. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 80% efficiency and cooldown mod of 89%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 80% efficiency and cooldown mod of 97%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 1 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Medical injector allows using therapeutics with 82% efficiency and cooldown mod of 50%. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 31 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 4.5 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 22 steam. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / implant ; tier 1 When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 24 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: Steam generator that permanently creates 5.7 steam per turn. Can be activated for an instant burst of 28 steam. Its effects scale with your Strength stat. It can be used to implant on your skin.. Steamtech implants can be grafted on the users skin.. |
![]() Infused by nature 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / infusion When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 11 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to increase movement speed by 400% for 1 game turn. You gain 100% stun, daze, and pin immunity during the effect. Any actions other than movement will cancel the effect. Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the infusion. Natural infusions may be grafted onto your body, granting you an on-demand nature talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell and usable during Aether Avatar Description: Activate the rune to unleash a manasurge upon yourself, increasing mana regeneration by 770% for 10 turns (38 total) and instantly restoring 38 mana. Also when resting your mana will regenerate at 0.5 per turn. Its effects scale with your Magic stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / rune When inscribed on your body: Effective talent level: 0.0 Use mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 16 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 94 damage for 3 turns. Its effects scale with your Cunning stat. It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune. Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [can be learnt] A special shot that explodes on impact. Requires talents: - Explosives (1) Requires ingredients: - stack of herbs (viperweed) (1) - lump of iron (1) Example Item: crude explosive shell Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 1 Attach on item worn on slot 'quiver' When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +1 Explosive Shell Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Activated Steam cost: 5 Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Steamtech (100% of a turn) Is: a steamtech power Description: You fire a special explosive shot with your steamgun(s) at a spot within range. When each shot reaches its target, it does normal steamgun damage and explodes within radius 1, which does 58.30 physical damage. This talent does not use ammo as it is the ammo. Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [can be learnt] So much more convenient than a lantern on your waist. Requires talents: - Explosives (1) Requires ingredients: - stack of herbs (viperweed) (1) - lump of iron (1) Example Item: crude head lamp Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: tinker / steamtech ; tier 1 Attach on item worn on slot 'head' When attach to an other item: Accuracy: +1 (+1 eff.) Light radius: +3 Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power! It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Create Tinker 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: scroll / schematic ; tier 1 [can be learnt] A powerful healing salve. To be used with the medical injector implant. Requires talents: - Therapeutics (2) Requires ingredients: - length of troll intestine (1) - stack of herbs (viperweed) (4) Example Item: simple healing salve [power 110] Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: misc / salve ; tier 1 No medical injector available, values are indicative only. It can be used to heal 110 Activation puts Talent Medical Injector on cooldown for 15 turns. Medical salve. It can be used to learn how to build this tinker. Schematics are used by tinkers to learn how to build new constructs. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: scroll / tome Entitles the weilder to one free course at the Angolwen Academy. (Surrender token before commencing study. No refunds for failing courses. Academy not responsible for applicant death, dismemberment, or crippling lifelong injury. Conditions apply.) |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Damage (Melee): 5 mind Damage (Ranged): 5 mind Mindpower: +5 (+4 eff.) See stealth: +10 See invisible: +10 Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties. These opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows. If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see... |
![]() Powered by arcane forces Infused by psionic forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +2 Cun / +2 Mag Change telepathy range by : +1 Talent mastery: +0.20 Spell / Divination Infravision radius: +1 See stealth: +3 See invisible: +3 This small iron ring seems exceptionally shiny and in focus. |
![]() 0.10 Encumbrance. Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1 Rings can have magical properties. |
![]() Bill's Tree Trunk (30-51 power, 7 apr) Requires: Crafted by a master 5.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 30.0 - 51.0 Uses stat: 130% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +7 Crit. chance: +1.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: It can be used to activate talent Shattering Blow (costing 20 power out of 20/20) : Effective talent level: 2.0 Power cost: 20 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Hits the target with your weapon, doing 124% damage. If the attack hits, the target's armour and saves are reduced by 11 for 6 turns. Also if the target is protected by a temporary damage shield there is 60% chance to shatter it. Armor reduction chance increases with your Physical Power. This is a big, nasty-looking tree trunk that Bill the Troll used as a weapon. It could still serve this purpose, should you be strong enough to wield it! |
![]() Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 15.4 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 1 Base power: 12.0 - 16.8 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 15.4 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / longsword ; tier 1 Base power: 12.0 - 16.8 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% When wielded/worn: Sharp, long, and deadly. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 1 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +6 Damage (Ranged): +6 acid When wielded/worn: Physical power: +6 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Str Changes damage: +10% acid Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / sling ; tier 1 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +6 Slings are used to hurl stones or metal shots at your foes. |
flame lens timeworn solar gun of acid flame lens timeworn solar gun of acidRequires: - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 1 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 Shots beam through all targets. Damage (Ranged): +5 acid When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +9% acid / +5% fire A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
frost lens traditional solar gun of dampening frost lens traditional solar gun of dampeningRequires: - Talent Shoot Infused by nature Infused by arcane disrupting forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 2 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +8 Shots beam through all targets. When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +8% acid / +8% lightning / +8% cold / +8% fire / +3% all Changes damage: +5% cold Spell save: +5 (+5 eff.) A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
timeworn solar gun timeworn solar gunRequires: - Talent Shoot 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 1 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 Shots beam through all targets. A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
timeworn solar gun 'Starbreak' timeworn solar gun 'Starbreak'Requires: - Talent Shoot Infused by nature 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 1 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 Shots beam through all targets. Damage (Ranged): +8 acid When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +3 Con Changes resistances: +9% acid Changes damage: +5% darkness / +3% light A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
timeworn solar gun of acid timeworn solar gun of acidRequires: - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 1 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 Shots beam through all targets. Damage (Ranged): +6 acid When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +9% acid A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
timeworn solar gun of lightning timeworn solar gun of lightningRequires: - Talent Shoot Powered by arcane forces 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / solargun ; tier 1 Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +7 Shots beam through all targets. Damage (Ranged): +7 lightning When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +9% lightning A compact gun that conducts solar energies. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 2 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Attack speed: 100% Dam. multiplier: 125% Firing range: +7 Travel speed: +300% Damage conversion: 80% fire burn Attacks use: 2.0 Steam It can be used to activate talent Flare (costing 20 power out of 20/20) : Effective talent level: 3.0 Power cost: 20 out of 20/20. Range: melee/personal Travel Speed: instantaneous Description: Fire a shot at the target tile that blinds enemies for 3 turns, marks them for 2 turns and illuminates the area within radius 2 for 5 turns. Enemies within the illuminated area lose 7 defence and stealth power and cannot benefit from concealment. The status chance increases with your Accuracy, and the defense reduction with your Dexterity. An odd, stubby gun with a large, red barrel. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 1 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +6 Travel speed: +600% Damage (Ranged): +5 fire Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Physical power: +6 (+3 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Str Changes damage: +8% fire Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Infused by nature Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 1 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +6 When this weapon hits: Overgrowth (10% chance level 1). Travel speed: +600% Damage (Ranged): +6 acid Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Changes damage: +8% acid Life regen: +0.60 Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() Requires: - Talent Shoot - Talent Steam Pool Powered by arcane forces Crafted by a master Powered by steamtech 4.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 1 Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +3 Attack speed: 100% Firing range: +6 Travel speed: +600% Damage (Ranged): +5 fire Attacks use: 2.0 Steam When wielded/worn: Accuracy: +5 (+3 eff.) Physical crit. chance: +2.0% Changes damage: +8% fire Steamguns use bursts of steam directly injected in the barrel to propel metal shots with great force. |
![]() Requires: Powered by arcane forces 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 15.4 Uses stat: 100% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +2 Crit. chance: +3.5% Attack speed: 100% On weapon crit: * Splash the target with acid dealing 60 damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by 8 Damage (Melee): +5 temporal When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +5% temporal One-handed war axes. |
![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training Infused by arcane disrupting forces Crafted by a master 1.50 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / hands ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +2 Defense: +1 (+1 eff.) Changes stats: +2 Cun / +2 Wil Changes resistances penetration: +5% nature Changes damage: +5% nature Spell save: +4 (+4 eff.) Maximum life: +20.00 Mindpower: +4 (+3 eff.) Mental crit. chance: +3% When used to modify unarmed attacks: Base power: 13.0 - 18.2 Uses stats: 40% Cun, 40% Dex, 40% Str Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +4 Crit. chance: +3.0% Attack speed: 83% Damage (Melee): +10 silence Can't be worn by those with arcane powers. It can be used to destroy an arcane item (of a higher tier than the gauntlets) Activation costs 1 power out of 150/150. These once brilliant voratun gauntlets have fallen into a deep decay. Originally used in the spellhunt, they were often used to destroy arcane artifacts, curing the world of their influence. |
timeworn solar battery 'Kytar'(25/25, 18.5-22.2 power, 1 apr) timeworn solar battery 'Kytar'(25/25, 18.5-22.2 power, 1 apr)Requires: Crafted by a master 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / battery ; tier 1 Base power: 18.5 - 22.2 Uses stats: 70% Mag, 50% Dex Damage type: Bright light Mastery: Solargun Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.3% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +2.0% Capacity: 25 Damage (radius 2) on crit: +8 acid When wielded/worn: Ammo reloads per turn: +4 Batteries are used to power Solar Guns. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con When used to imbue an object: Changes stats: +1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con Latent Damage Type: Acid Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: seed / demon ; tier 1 Attach on item worn on slot 'mainhand' When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +1 Corrosive Slashes Effective talent level: 1.0 Use mode: Sustained Sustain vim cost: 5 Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: You cover your weapon in acid, turning all melee damage into acid. All melee attacks also gain 15 armor penetration.Demon status: alive (100% life). The seed of a demon. |
![]() Powered by arcane forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: seed / demon ; tier 1 Attach on item worn on slot 'mainhand' When attach to an other item: Talent granted: +2 Corrosive Slashes Effective talent level: 2.0 Use mode: Sustained Sustain vim cost: 5 Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: You cover your weapon in acid, turning all melee damage into acid. All melee attacks also gain 32 armor penetration.Demon status: alive (100% life). The seed of a demon. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / green ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+2 eff.) When used to imbue an object: Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Physical save: +2 (+2 eff.) Spell save: +2 (+2 eff.) Mental save: +2 (+2 eff.) Latent Damage Type: Nature Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
![]() Powered by steamtech 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: tinker / power When carried: It can be used to melt all the items in the APE at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. The APE is a multifunction tinker toolbox. It can store temporarily any amount of items and when requested melt them down using metallurgic and chemical processes. The metals are melted into lumps of ore to server for the creation of tinkers. Any remains are melted and turned into valuable materials. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: charm / rod It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns Activation costs 202 power out of 400/400. This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself. You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() Requires: Infused by nature Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 1 Base power: 15.0 - 18.0 Uses stats: 50% Cun, 70% Dex Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +4.0% Capacity: 40 On weapon hit: * 20% chance to create an air burst in radius 3 knocking enemies back 2 spaces and dealing 60 physical damage Travel speed: +200% When wielded/worn: Ammo reloads per turn: +1 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 1 Base power: 14.5 - 17.4 Uses stats: 50% Cun, 70% Dex Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +4.0% Capacity: 17 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Requires: Crafted by a master 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: ammo / shot ; tier 1 Base power: 13.5 - 16.2 Uses stats: 50% Cun, 70% Dex Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% base dam (max 20%) Accuracy: +6 Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +4.0% Capacity: 16 Shots are used with slings to pummel your foes to death. |
![]() Infused by psionic forces 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / torque ; tier 1 It can be used to project a gust of wind in a cone knocking enemies back 7 spaces and dealing 110 physical damage Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 15 turns. Torques are made by powerful psionics to store psionic powers. |
![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / totem ; tier 1 It can be used to summon a resilient tentacle up to 5 spaces away for 3 turns. Each turn the tentacle will strike a random enemy in range 3 dealing physical damage and attempting to pin them. (Tentacle Stats) Life: 200 Base Damage: 103 Armor: 0 All Resist: 2 Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 25 turns. When used: * Heal for 36. Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% When used to imbue an object: Physical crit. chance: +1.0% Changes damage: +2% all Spell crit. chance: +1% Mental crit. chance: +1% Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +4 Infravision radius: +4 When used to imbue an object: Light radius: +4 Infravision radius: +4 Latent Damage Type: Light Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
By Ganondorf Dragmire the Dwarf Adventurer level 5
19th Voratun 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:54 see stats
By Ganondorf Dragmire the Dwarf Adventurer level 7
13rd Profit 122nd year of Ascendancy at 14:22 see stats
By Ganondorf Dragmire the Dwarf Adventurer level 7
7th Profit 122nd year of Ascendancy at 06:34 see stats
By Ganondorf Dragmire the Dwarf Adventurer level 9
26th Wealth 122nd year of Ascendancy at 09:18 see stats
Tarraraj the krog's Steady Shot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 44 physical, 9 cold (53 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog shoots!
Tarraraj the krog's Shoot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 27 physical, 9 cold (36 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog shoots!
Tarraraj the krog's Shoot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 20 physical, 9 cold (29 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog uses Steady Shot.
Tarraraj the krog's Steady Shot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 43 physical, 9 cold (52 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog uses Headshot.
Tarraraj the krog's Headshot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 48 physical, 9 cold (57 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog uses Volley.
Tarraraj the krog's Volley hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 24 physical, 9 cold (33 total damage).
Tarraraj the krog uses Steady Shot.
Tarraraj the krog's Steady Shot hits Ganondorf Dragmire for 46 physical damage.
Ganondorf Dragmire the level 9 dwarf adventurer was maimed to death by Tarraraj the krog on level 1 of Ambush!.
Ganondorf Dragmire deactivates Carbon Spikes.
Ganondorf Dragmire deactivates Ruin.
You enter a zero gravity zone, beware!
From the brink of death you seem to be yanked to another plane.
Tarraraj the krog's Steady Shot killed Ganondorf Dragmire!
Saving game...
Saving done.
Personal New Achievement: Utterly Destroyed (Exploration mode)!