Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.6 |
Addons | Adventurous Arcane Combat 1.4.0Modifies Arcane Combat to function with all bolt/beam spells. Except Temporal Bolt. Juggernaut Evolution for Bulwark 1.6.7Adds a new class evolution for Bulwark, the Juggernaut. As a Juggernaut, the Bulwark gains the ability to equip shields in the off hand and main hand simultaneously and Weapons Mastery will apply to shields. While equipped with two shields: - You may use Rush while sustaining Last Stand. Audiomancy 1.7.4Version 1.2.1 released Jan 16, 2023; see change notes. Audiomancy is an audio enhancement for ToME that does not affect music. It started with the High Quality Sounds mod (thanks to Gurkoz), but it does a bit more than replace sounds. It enhances the code introducing random variance, layering, and new trigger points. Weapon types (sword, great axe, mace, sling, bows, etc.) have distinct sounds in combat, along with NPC types having different impact sounds. Many weapons have distinct critical hit sounds as well. Ranged weapons have separated attack and hit sounds. Melee and ranged talents you would have expected to produce sound before likely will with this mod. Multiple hits trigger multiple sounds, e.g. the Volley talent. There is still more to do, especially in terms of providing distinct sound effects for various game mechanics and talents, but the code as-is will affect almost every sound played in the game while adding more. I attempted to maximize compatibility, replacing a single function and using superloading and hooking for the rest. Feel free to reach out to me with any issues you discover or ideas/suggestions you may have on Steam or at theclawhorn@protonmail.com. Credits: https://pastebin.com/xirEZ2FY Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805820365 PS: Somehow the website tags got duplicated and I'm unable to edit them. Version 1.2.1: Version 1.2.0: Version 1.1.0: Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Class: Wisp 1.7.0A new class, a psionic archer who starts with the powers of hypnosis, light telekinesis, and control over fabric. Class Talents Generic Talents There is also an evolution prodigy for this class, Incarnate Storm. Incompatible with https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/mv-greenwatch Shimmer Pack: Plumpkin Daper 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! EquipDoll - Clean Item Names 1.7.2Makes clearer view of EuipDoll by replacing item egos list with actual name, and tuning a font a bit Everyone Options 1.4.5Starts characters off with category points instead of categories known. Tinker Cave for Everyone 1.7.0Places the entrance to the tinker cave from the Embers of Rage DLC (required) on the world map for all characters in the Age of Ascendancy campaign, without requiring that the character be playing a Tinker class or rescue a tinker escort. Class: Astromancer 1.7.0A new class, a Celestial summoner who draws on the powers of Shandral's other planets to call up elementals. Their main resource is negative energy, which they generate by summoning and some other spells, and spent by others. This mod should be compatible with just about everything.
Sounds remixed from samples by Mike Koenig under CC-BY 3.0 Stoneblade Evolution for Arcane Blade 1.7.4Adds a new class evolution for Arcane Blade, the Stoneblade. Wielded two-handed weapons will use the increased procs damage accuracy bonus To unlock the evolution, defeat Harkor'Zun as an Arcane Blade. Learning the Prodigy requires that you know Body of Stone and have at least 25 Magic and Strength. High Guard 1.7.0Adds the High Guard, a mage subclass. The High Guard is a melee fighter with mid-range spells who can wield any staff in one hand and favors shields in the offhand. Unique Talents: Spell/Battlemage Spell/Magical Assualt Spell/Phasing Spell/Battle Channeling Spell/Sorcerous Might (high level) Spell/Mage Adept (high level) Spell/Medic (generic) Base Talents: Technique/Combat Training (1.3) See the forum thread full talent details. Talent icons from https://game-icons.net Wild Sacrifice 1.7.0Modifies the Font of Sacrifice from the Forbidden Cults DLC (required), giving it the extra ability to modify wild infusions in the player's inventory. Wild infusions that remove a single type of effect can be changed to another type for 500 gold, or have a second type added for 1000 gold; wild infusions that remove two types of effects can have one of them changed for 500 gold. Alternate Merchants 1.7.0Adds the forge-giant item crafting system from Hammer of Urh'Rok to Age of Ascendancy. Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
UI Pack: Plumpkins! 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Fashionista 1.5.0The donator fortress mirror feature remembers item graphics not only for worn items, but also for transmogrified items. Naloren Pack 1.7.4Adds two races, one class, a new town, and a new low level dungeon. Completing a quest to explore the new dungeon unlocks purchasable perks in the town. This quest is the starting quest for the added races, but anyone can access an alternate version of the quest with the same rewards. Look toward the coast east of Last Hope to get started. Available perks (cost varies): Gain the ability to invest in Heavy Armour Training and equip mail(heavy) armor by meeting the requirement with the highest of Constitution and Dexterity (or Strength, as usual). Gain bonus attack and movement speeds and a chance to evade incoming damage while wearing mail(heavy) armor. These values scale with Dex and Con, respectively. Learn (locked or unlocked) a new Psionic/Mindstar combat talent tree. Similar to Wild-Gift/Mindstar mastery, this tree also has a Psiblades sustain. Once learned, you can also pay to boost mastery (as with Mindstar mastery from Zigur). --- Psionic/Mindstar combat: Psiblades: Mind Thorns: Mind Storm: Psionic Balance: --- Races: The Naloren are elven race with an affinity for water who are adept with mail armor, whips and tridents. They are also known for their bountiful spirit and superb flexibility. Spirit of the Tides: Spirited Combat: Cleansing Water: Whitewater: Stats: + 4 Con, +4 Dex, -1 Cun, -1 Str, -1 Mag, +10 life rating, 10% increased global speed, 15% xp penalty. The Freeks are a tribe of Yeeks who broke free from The Way. They are still strong psionics, but their minds have been irreparably shattered. Talents: Unbound Mind: Partition: Hasty: Schism: Stats: --- Added a new Psionic subclass: the Psion. Talents: Survival Psi-Casting Telekinetic Crush: Deal physical damage and stun. Active Aura damage is added to the attack at 3 times the usual power. Stimulation: Increase Con based on combined Wil and Cun. Guiding Star: Puncture: Psionic Striking Kinetic Blast: Deal physical damage and pin. Frozen targets take extra damage and both hits bypass the ice block. Thermal Blast: Deal fire damage and cold damage and freeze. If target is pinned, pull in nearby enemies and freeze them to the ground for a few turns. Charged Blast: Psi Weaving: Altered Talents Quick as Thought: Mindhook: Resonant Focus: Frenzied Focus: Transcendent Telekinesis: Transcendent Electrokinesis: Static Net: Transcendent Pyrokinesis: --- Full details in the forum: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=45418&p=208951#p208951. Race: Doomling 1.7.0This addon requires the Ashes of Urh'Rok DLC to function. Adds the race of Doomlings, demon-corrupted halflings, wielding destructive corrupted versions of the original halfling talents. Doomlings begin in the Searing Halls, and thus can get kidnapped by demons at high level. Racial Abilities
Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0Includes 4 new Class Evolutions:
Isn't Zephyr already a class? Nekarcos's Quality of Life 07: Visible Size Categories 1.0.0This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Lumberjack on the Map 1.7.0Places the Cursed Village event on the map as a lumberjack NPC rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map and Merchant on the Map; they can be used together or separately. Start Selector 1.5.5Allows characters created in the AoA campaign to access special starting zones normally restricted by race and/or class. After the character is created and the level-up screen closed, a dialog will offer the option to transfer to one of the following starting zones (and gain associated quests, etc): Sunwall. (Celestial Human/Elf Start) Notes: Quickshot and Munitions Expert Evolutions for Archer 1.7.6Adds two class evolutions for Archer, the Quickshot and the Munitions Expert. As a Quickshot, the Archer gains the ability to equip a second quiver/pouch in the tool slot and has a 50% chance on archery hit to trigger a shot using ammo from your tool slot. As a Munitions Expert, the Archer gains the Munitions talent tree unlocked at 1.3 mastery. Provides three munitions sustains to enhance your shots with fire, poison, or piercing capabilities. Fine Tune Mindstars 1.7.4Alters the Attune Mindstars talent effect. This addon will alter Attune Mindstars to allow you to choose any basic damage type (physical, arcane, fire, cold, nature, blight, mind, temporal, light, darkness, acid, lightning) for your mindstars damage type. Mindstars that do not teach Attune Mindstar (i.e. fixedart mindstars) will not be affected. Additionally, Attune Mindstars will also affect any telekinetically-wielded mindstars. Nekarcos's Quality of Life 01: Effect Display 1.7.5This is a stand-alone Quality of Life pack that improves some minor things about ToME gameplay.
Barbarian Evolution for Berserker 1.7.2Adds a new class evolution for Berserker, the Barbarian. As a Barbarian, the Berserker loses the ability to equip body armor, but gains the ability to wield a two-handed weapon in their off-hand. Additionally, they will unlock Technique/Duelist and Technique/Dual Weapons at 1.0 mastery. Finally, each turn the Barbian attacks a foe, they will automatically eneter a blocking stance to deflect damage with their weapons, potentially setting up deadly counter-strikes. Post Effects fixes 1.7.2The addon improves gamefield view during different post effects Here is details about what been changed: Shimmer Pack: Iron Throne Couture 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Recaiden's Undead Racepack 1.7.0This is a compilation of my undead race addons. This will always be the most up-to-date version. Mummy Wight And adds a new prodigy for any undead: Dreadmaster Chinese translation by gooder1029 Select your Escorts 1.7.0Allows you to choose which escorts you will encounter at the start of the game. There is an option to choose a random escort in case you just wanted to guarantee some unlocks before continuing with the base game's behavior. Note: You're only supposed to be able to choose the lost tinker once. (Must have the Embers of Rage DLC and unlocked by playing in the Orcs campaign) To reach me faster, please leave a message on the Steam Workshop page. I don't get notifications on te4.org so I may take longer to reply. Spell Merchants 1.7.6
Spawns 12 Merchants around the map that will sell Talents - Class, Stat, Category & Prodigy points! A Master jeweler that will Imbue all items! 3 Unique Dungeons and 8 Unique Bosses!
There are 14 talent trees (273 talents) available for purchase:Celestial, Chronomancy, Corruptions, Cunning, Cursed, Gifts, Psionic, Spells, Techniques, Demented, Steamtech, Annihilator & Technomancer!
4 character point types:Stat, Class, Category & Prodigy points for sale!
Master jeweler:Imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you [strike] want [/strike] can afford!
New Dungeons:3 new dungeons have been added to the world map [with more to come] (Blood Soaked Ruins, Infested Ruins & Road to Derth) these dungeons will have unique boss and lore spawns. Sludgenest and Noxious Caldera will now spawn on the world map at level 1.
New Bosses:There are 8 new bosses/mini bosses that will spawn in the new dungeons (With custom sprites). Battle against powerful [spoiler]vampires, werewolves and wererats[/spoiler] in your journey to glory! Bosses drop gold on death *They will also spawn in Infinite Dungeon*
1. Please note you will need to start a new game for the new Merchants/ Dungeons to appear.2. Dialog to purchase spells wont appear unless you have the required amount of gold. 3. DLC is NOT required to play this addon Talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.
4. Will CONFLICT with any mods that change the world map file The only currently known conflicting mod is \"EXTRA DUNGEONS\"Note: Since Waladil will no longer be updating "Extra Dungeons" I decided to add Caldera and Sludgenest to the world map. If you like this addon please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button! I've currently spent 300+ hrs making this mod. Positive acknowledgement is much appreciated! If you dislike the mod please comment so I can understand why and possibly make improvements. Any and all bug reports and new suggestions are appreciated, this mod is where it's at thanks to community feedback!
Thank you for trying Spell Merchants, I hope you enjoy my mod :)
My other addons:
If you like this addon please consider rating it :) No Talent Stat Requirements 1.7.6Removes talent stat requirements Tougher Escorts 1.7.4Sets escorts HP to 1000 and life regen to 100. This mod is not intended to be balanced and will make the game easier. Use at your own discretion. Two-Handed Dual-Wielding Counts 1.7.0If you are wielding a two-handed weapon in mainhand and another weapon in offhand (via Ogres' Grisly Constitution talent or various addons), arranges for your melee weapon damage to be recorded as both two-handed weapon damage and dual-wielded weapon damage for purposes of satisfying prodigy requirements (notably Windblade). Melinda on the Map 1.7.0Places the Sect of Kryl-Feijan event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. Ogres Look Like Krogs (and vice versa) 1.7.0Swaps the cosmetic character customization options for Ogres and Krogs from the Forbidden Cults DLC (required). Teleport: Krhjkjkfy Unspelled 1.5.10Changes 'Teleport: Kroshkkur' to not be a spell, allowing Drem (who would not be barred for any other reason) to enter Zigur. It can still be silenced. Bikini Colors 1.7.0Modifies the Customize section of the character creation dialog to provide several color options under the "Special | Bikini / Mankini" section. Frequently Asked Questions: Godfeaster on the Map 1.7.0Places the Godfeaster on the map instead of as a random encounter, and warns you about not being able to rod out. Essentially a copy-paste of Melinda on the Map. Stalker Evolution for Rogue 1.6.7Adds Stalker as a new class evolution prodigy for Rogue. While wearing no heavy armor (including helms, boots and gloves) and wielding no weapons: New Gem Types 1.5.10Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! Umbral Incantor Evolution for Shadowblade 1.7.6Adds a new evolution for Shadowblades, the Umbral Incantor. As an Umbral Incantor, the Shadowblade will regenerate 1 mana per turn and gain several bonuses to their talents if they are equipped with a staff: - Shadow Combat: the damage will also be triggered when you cast Channel Staff, and when triggered this way can be a spell critical Incantor of Flame 1.7.4Adds the Incantor of Flame, a mage subclass. The Incantor of Flame is a Fire-focused caster and melee shield fighter. Their primary stats are Magic and Strength. Generic: Class: Combat Techniques -Locked- Talent icons from https://game-icons.net Frost Invoker 1.7.6Adds the Frost Invoker, a mage subclass. The Frost Invoker is a Cold-focused caster and unarmed fighter. Their primary stats are Magic and Dexterity. Generic: Frozen Core: Unarmed training with 40/80 Mag/Dex dam mods, and utility. Class: Hail: Offensive spells which can reduce the cd of Artic talents. Locked: Blizzard: Defense and debuffs focused on a single AoE spell. Talent icons from https://game-icons.net Sholtar 1.5.5Sholtar have no racial talents of their own; instead, the four slots can be used to learn talents from defeated enemies (of a high enough rank). In this manner, the Sholtar can improve nearly any class by adding abilities from other calsses, or even talents that are normally exclusive to NPCs. --- The Sholtar were once a great nation, with many vasts cities in the southeastern regions of Maj'Eyal. In spite of the harsh, dry terrain they inhabitied, or perhaps because of it, they were a people of great ingenuity and adaptability. The Cataclysm which tore the world apart centuries ago swept nearly all of the Sholtar lands into the murky depths, and all but erased their people from the face of Eyal. While very few survived, those who did fought for survival with all of the wit and grit that was their birthright. An already adaptable people grew to become even more adaptable through neccessity, and it has become their greatest strength. Sholtar are able to learn abilities by carefully studying others, and, regardless of their class, they can always improve by incorporating the talents of others into thier skill set. nsrr's Exotic Weapons 1.4.8Adds more Whips and Tridents to the game. Formerly, this was part of my Naloren Race add-on. Tridents are unchanged, aside from rarity. Credits: I borrowed the whip graphic from grayswandir's Weapon Pack add-on, and bits of code for adding exotics to shops and the rand art merchant from HousePet's Midnight add-on. Font of Sacrifice to the Rescue 1.7.0Makes the Font of Sacrifice from the Forbidden Cults DLC (required) available as a reward for rescuing the lost merchant. Slightly More Adventurous 1.7.0Allows Adventurer characters to use some talent trees from addon-provided classes that would otherwise be inaccessible. More specifically: Adventurers typically are allowed to use talent trees for classes added by addons, unless those classes are flagged as not for use on random bosses. This addon bypasses that check, making talent trees from classes so flagged available to Adventurers. Inferno Race Pack 1.7.0Adds a collection of my races. Logical Alchemists 1.5.10Makes alchemists focus on creating elixirs that you are not currently helping them with. Merchant on the Map 1.7.0Places the Lost Merchant event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. A companion piece to Melinda on the Map; they can be used together or separately. ZOmnibus Addon Pack 1.7.4Combines several smaller utility addons, both for convenience and potentially reduced resource usage on smaller machines. Includes the following addons:
A superset of ZOmnibus Lite. Frequently Asked Questions: Visibly Distinct Subvaults 1.7.0Changes the appearance of the entrance to "sub-vaults" in the Orc Prides and High Peak to be different from the stairs down to the next level, to avoid confusion. White Monk 1.7.6Adds the White Monk, a warrior subclass. The White Monk wields no arms, instead using intense focus and training to turn their body into a weapon. They fend off enemy blows with their immense willpower and can preform healing and regenerative rites. Primary stats are Dexterity and Willpower. White Monks have the unique ability to project unarmed melee attacks at a distance, with talents that allow them to strike many targets in a area, as well. White Monks have a base damage modifier for hand gear of 60% Dex and 60% Wil, and gain some of the same benefits to unarmed attacks as Brawlers. Includes seven new talent trees and incorporates a few existing trees from Warrior and Rogue classes. Rending - Attack your foes from afar and sap their energy. Mending - Heal and cleanse yourself and even prepare a rite that can ward off death itself. Fending (generic) - Ward off enemy assaults, directing some damage to your stamina pool. Agile Combatant - Move across the battlefield with unmatched agility. Martial Arts - Master the art of unarmed fighting and gain bonus strikes from your attacks. Black Belt (locked) - Learn advanced fighting techniques to cripple your foes and react with finely honed reflexes. Transcending(locked) - Directly manipulate your foes' spirits to sap their energy and learn to project your spirit to assail all nearby foes. Follow one of the Six Ways with a set of class evolutions for the White Monk: Way of the Rushing Bull Way of the Flying Arrow Way of the Open Palm Way of the Arcane Flow Way of the Transcendent Spirit Way of the Hidden Viper Full details in the forum thread. Class: Demolisher 1.7.6A new tinker class, the Demolisher. This addon requires the Embers of Rage DLC to function. Demolishers are designed to be a sort of Steam-Caster, using bombs, drones, and their steam-buggy to destroy their enemies rather than weapons. New Talents: Advanced Talents: Generic Talents: With new graphics by ToME artist rexorcorum Automatic Talent Gambits 1.7.4Allows customization of automatic talent usage in the style of FF XII gambits. Version 1.4.0 includes the following fixes and improvements: Egress Artifact Codes 1.5.10Forbidden Cults tweak that adds lore drops containing the random artifact codes that exist for the Occult Egress. This doesn't give you any more artifacts than you would normally get, but makes them easier to find. Ignore Race/Class Locks 1.7.0Modifies the character creation dialog to bypass the lock check for races and classes, allowing characters to be created using locked races and classes. Doesn't actually unlock anything. Frequently Asked Questions: Generous Levels 1.5.5Is more generous with talents, types and stat points for each level gained. Midnight 1.6.7Adds two new shadowy Celestial classes. Now with a new starting zone: Save the Sunwall crops from a worm infestation. Currently there are nine new categories. It also grants Sun and Glyphs to Sun Paladin at 1.3 mastery. Rebalancing 1.3.0Places a significant damage malus on certain bosses that became absurdly over-deadly with the changes in versions 1.6 and 1.7. Affected bosses:
Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Class: Fallen 1.7.0Fallen has been added to the base game as an evolution for Sun Paladins This addon contains the original version, a base class afflicted/celestial hybrid. Fallen are unlocked alongside Sun Paladins. Please report any bugs on the forum thread. This class is originally inspired by the enemies John and Aluin, Afflicted Sun Paladins. Fallen have a mix of old and new trees. Celestial Combat Celestial Light Visibly Distinct Shadow Crypt 1.7.0Changes the appearance of the entrance to the Shadow Crypt in the far east to be different from the entrances to the Orc Prides, to avoid entering the wrong zone by mistake. Easy Map v2 1.6.0Description Original Easy Map mod by Codefly This addon replaces ToME's map display with one that's more in-line with other games. You can drag the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and left-click to set the currently viewed area (instead of accidentally traveling there, which can still be done via right-click menu). It also shows the viewport rectangle on the map, and if your computer is powerful enough, you can even show the actual terrain instead of the confusing color blocks, or make the walls red to easily find paths you have yet to explore. The player and zone exits are also displayed as icons on the map. Additionally, if you travel via the map and stop unexpectedly (i.e., you ran into your golem), a friendly dialog will pop up asking if you'd like to continue to your destination. Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание Обновление: Я просто пофиксил чекер версии мода и убрал всплывающее окошко о новой версии игры и изменил цвет легенды на черный Мод заменяет карту игры на нечто более схожее с другими играми. Вы можете перемещать карту мышкой, приближать или отдалять карту колесиком и устанавливать текущий обзор левым кликом мыши (вместо того, что бы случайно переместиться туда, как было ранее). Карат способна отображать реальную местность ландшафта и окрашивать непроходимые места в красный цвет, что бы проще найти дорогу. Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Mindslinger 1.6.2Adds the Mindslinger as a new, Yeek-only, Psionic subclass. New Talents: Psionic/Mindslinger: Psionic/Force: Psionic/Charge: More details in the forum thread. Icons from game-icons.net No More Level Ten Warnings 1.7.0Removes the "only offers talents at level 10" warning, allowing you to spend category points in advance. Skirmisher Evolutions 1.7.4Adds the following evolutions: Mudsligner: Fateslinger: Fearslinger: Blightslinger: Crystalslinger: Battle Skirmisher: Sunslinger: Dreamslinger: Note: Age of Ascendancy specific requirements are waived in other campaigns. Vor'tep 1.6.7Adds the Vor'tep as a new Giant sub-race, a breed of altered trolls. Get it right here or on the Steam Workshop. Vor'tep have a life rating of 13 and an experience penalty of 15% and start with +3STR, +3WIL, +3CON,+3MAG, -2DEX, and -2CUN. Vor'tep posses the strength and will to wield any one-handed weapon in their offhand innately. Vor'tep have the following racial talents: Trollkin Fortitude Trollblood Blood Rush Internal Inscription Talent icons from game-icons.net. Expanded Shop Inventory 1.7.4Significantly increases the number of items available for purchase in all shops, and allows some higher-quality items. Players can set the number of items with the new option appearing in the 'Game Options/Gameplay' tab. Class: Martyr 1.7.0A new demented class, the Martyr. This addon requires the Forbidden Cults DLC to function. Unlike the magical folk of the Hidden Sanctuary, Martyrs' Insanity manifests in mental powers. New Talents: Advanced Talents: Old Talents: Korean Translation by khelerd https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/kotr-martyr is included Escort Rescheduling 1.7.0Slightly adjust the random level selection for escort quests to avoid levels with zone bosses. Parasite Tweak 1.7.6Tweaks the Parasite resurrection to modify the current player doll (equip slot loadout) instead of switching to a fixed doll, making it play nicer with other doll modifications (such as from the excellent Weaver class addon). Savage Evolution for Cursed 1.7.6Forgo arms to ravage your foes with fist and claw. Class: Shining One 1.7.0A new demented class, the Shining One. This addon requires the Forbidden Cults DLC to function. Celestial Spellcasters who have been overcome with madness and become more and more like unto Luminous Horrors. Shining One talents do not appear on enemies. Old Talents: New Talents: Advanced Talents: Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0This adds three new classes, two of which are loosely based on the Headless Horror, plus a mini-adventurer that gets talents from all three. Hekatonkhieres are spell-using melee combatants who mix armed and unarmed attacks while accompanied by their eldritch Wandering Eyes. New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: By special request: New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: Kharybdians are ocean mages who mix attack spells, summons, and a precise sense of timing. New Talents Advanced Talents Generic Talents Old Talents: Tinker vs. Tinker 1.7.0Enemies can only spawn as steamclasses if you have tinkers yourself. Walking Armory Evolution for Marauder 1.7.6Adds a new evolution for Marauders, the Walking Armory. Throw caution (and your equipment) to the wind, and become a truly formidable menace on the battlefield. You can equip mainhand weapons in your tool and lite slot. You can equip offhand weapons in your head, cloak, belt and feet slots. When you land an attack with the weapon in your mainhand slot, you will follow up with an attack from weapons in your tool and lite slots dealing 100% damage. When you land an attack with the weapon in your offhand slot, you will follow up with an attack from weapons in your head, cloak, belt and feet slots dealing 100% damage (offhand damage penalty applies). Less Weird 1.7.0Places a special object on level 3 of Lake of Nur that will help you in your fight with the Weirdling Beast. Shimmer Pack: Pyromania 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Insane Roguelike |
Sex | Female |
Race | Lunar |
Class | Fallen |
Level / Exp | 1 / 0% |
Size | big |
Lifes / Deaths | no deaths recorded / 0 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 17 (base 15) |
Dexterity | 11 (base 10) |
Constitution | 10 (base 10) |
Magic | 12 (base 12) |
Willpower | 12 (base 12) |
Cunning | 11 (base 10) |
Life | 110/110 |
Positive | 50/50 |
Hate | 100/100 |
Healing Factor | 1 |
Regeneration | 0.25 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 28 |
Accuracy | 21 |
Crit Chance | 3% |
APR | 1 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 12 |
Crit Chance | 1% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 12 |
Crit Chance | 1% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 0 (30%) |
Defense | 0 |
Ranged Defense | 0 |
Fatigue | 0 |
Physical Save | 9 |
Spell Save | 8 |
Mental Save | 8 |
Defense: Resistances
All | + 7%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (2/3)
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 14% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. |
Runes | Effective talent level: 1.0 Rune: ShieldingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a spell Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing at most 100 damage for 5 turns. |
Class Talents
Generic Talents
Most of the soldiers are out in skirmishes with the hated Orcs, as a green recruit you must stay in the relative safety of the Sunwall. Holding the FortThough you itch to fight Orcs, you have been assigned two mundane tasks instead. * Vermin are eating the crops in the Sunwall Orchards. * Exterminate them or we will all go hungry. * The shadows that were summoned to hide the Midnight Training Camp are restless and becoming aggressive. * Quell them and seek out the cause. | active |
Light source | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: lite / lite ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +3 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
Main armor | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: armor / cloth ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +7% all You have never taken it off. Revealing, pink, fun. If you never take it off and win you will gain a neat achievement and bragging rights! |
In main hand | ![]() Requires: - Strength 11 3.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 1 It must be held with both hands. Base power: 16.5 - 26.4 Uses stat: 120% Str Damage type: Physical Mastery: Weapons Mastery Accuracy bonus: +0.4% crit mult (max 40%) Armour Penetration: +1 Crit. chance: +2.5% Attack speed: 100% Massive two-handed swords. |
![]() Requires: - Heavy armour training - Strength 14 14.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / heavy ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +4 Defense: +2 (+2 eff.) Fatigue: +12% A suit of armour made of mail. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
Mirror of Reflection (Portable) Mirror of Reflection (Portable)Powered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: mirror / mirror It can be used to change your appearance Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. A strange mirror, the reflection inside seems somehow .. off, as if showing what could be instead of what is. |
Character control switched to player.
You feel a thrill of terror and your heart begins to pound in your chest. You feel terribly threatened upon entering this area.
Slice wears (replacing iron mail armour (2 def, 4 armour)): Bikini (0 def, 0 armour).
Accepted quest 'Holding the Fort'! (Press 'j' to see the quest log)
Showing small healthbars and tactical borders.
Lore found: Bikini
You can read all your collected lore in the game menu, by pressing Escape.
Saving done.
Saving game...
Saving done.