Addons: Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy

Addons: Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy

T-Engine allows all game modules to support addons and Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy is taking full advantage of them to allow players to customize their game.

How to install

To install an addon you simply have to download the .teaa file and place it in your game's game/addons/ folder, unless the addon explicitly gives special install instructions.

How to create new addons

See addon uploading page of the wiki.

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NameGame Version RequiredUpdatedAuthorDownloadUser Rating
Mr Frog VFX Pack Lite
mr frog tweak graphics
1.7.01 year 11 weeks agoPusheenno rating yet
Generous Levels Kobblin Version
talents categories stats generics prodigies levelup
1.7.61 year 11 weeks agoKobblin
Free Respec But Only Stats and Talents
respec stats talents
1.7.41 year 12 weeks agoKobblinno rating yet
Recalling Home
rod of recall orcs hammer of urh'rok
1.7.01 year 12 weeks agozizzono rating yet
Damblis Race
damblis glamour glamor mindpower human race
1.7.61 year 12 weeks agonsrrno rating yet
Custom Difficulty
madness insane nightmare easy difficulty
1.7.61 year 12 weeks agoRecaiden
Stealth Transmo
stealth rod of recall transmogrification chest
1.7.01 year 13 weeks agozizzo
Non-Orcs Start in Yeti Caves
start starting yeti whitehoof
1.7.01 year 13 weeks agozizzono rating yet
Modified Item Descriptions
Interface item description better tooltip
1.7.61 year 13 weeks agoyutio888
Display terrain effects
qol ui tooltip
1.7.41 year 13 weeks agoPusheenno rating yet
Mr Frog VFX Pack
graphics tweak mr frog
1.7.01 year 13 weeks agoMr Frog
Proper Possession Plus
possessor possessor
1.6.11 year 13 weeks agokishkumano rating yet
Berserker gets thuggery
1.7.61 year 13 weeks agoKobblinno rating yet
Hoardling Ascendant race
dwarf dragon infinite wyrmic
1.7.61 year 13 weeks agoastralinferno
Talent Level Cap Remover
caps cap
1.7.61 year 13 weeks agoDragonfabrino rating yet
Highlight Antimagic Disruptors
ui equipdoll Equipment antimagic arcane disrupting
1.7.01 year 14 weeks agozizzo
Fix demon seed savefile issue
demonseed savefile
1.7.61 year 14 weeks agoyutio888no rating yet
Visibly Distinct Subvaults
prides high peak sub-vault
1.7.01 year 15 weeks agozizzo
Turn Log Separator
1.7.61 year 15 weeks agoyutio888
Flyers Control
1.7.61 year 16 weeks agoyutio888no rating yet
Auto Loot Transmo Translated
item filter improve
1.7.41 year 16 weeks agoyutio888
Modified Chinese Translation
1.7.61 year 16 weeks agoyutio888
New Alchemist
1.7.61 year 17 weeks agoyutio888
Fallen Meditant class
afflicted brawler Wilder equilibrium hate
1.6.01 year 17 weeks agoastralinferno
Shader Control
visual translate
1.7.61 year 18 weeks agoyutio888