Game | Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy 1.7.4 |
Addons | Infinite Demon Seeds Levelup 1.7.4Allows demon seeds to levelup up to level 1000. Parasite-in-Pocket 1.5.10Description: [A necklace appear in inventory like a gray unidentified 'a necklace with fangs'. To use this mod start a new game, with a newly activated race and die. After death - when given two options, choose "a) ...want to live". And don't forget to equip Fanged Collar before dying. Availible in following game modes: Infinity Dungeons, Arena, Maj'Eyal main campaign, Orcs campaign. -------------Required The Forbidden Cults DLC---------------- Installation: Remove: or make it easy in game: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: РУС ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Описание: Этот мод добавляет предмет Fanged Collar в инвентарь вновь созданного героя. Теперь вы можете начать выращивать своего паразита с ранних уровней. [Ожерелье появится в инвентаре, как серый неопознанный предмет 'a necklace with fangs'. Для активации новой Расы необходимо надеть его и умереть. А после смерти ответить: "a)... Я хочу жить" Не забудьте Экипировать его перед смертью! Доступно во всех режимах: Infinity Dungeons, Arena, Maj'Eyal main comany, Orcs company. -------------Требуется The Forbidden Cult DLC! ---------------- Установка: Удаление: или в игре: Bonus Escorts 1.3.1Adds Wilder and Psion escorts. Shaman 1.6.7DescriptionThis addon adds the Shaman as a playable class. Shamans are masters of elemental magic attacks, mindpower based summons, or good old fashioned melee weapons. Shamans use both their weapon sets and are encouraged to switch during the battle to adapt to every situation. They start with the Shaman's Path talent, a passive that gives them bonus adapted to their weapon sets of choice. 6 unique class trees (3 locked) : 2 unique generic trees : With the exception of 4 talents, Shaman talents can appear on NPC. DisclaimerThis is my first addon and first coding project, I can promise I tested this addon as best I could, but that does not mean it is without bugs. Please report any bugs you find and I will endeavor to fix them ;) If possible, please take discussions and bugs report to the forum thread I will make. CreditsNefigah for loving the Shaman idea and helping me more than a little with the coding. Chewbacca for testing Shaman maybe more than me. Micbran for correcting my bad english. Rexorcorum for the pretty awesome spirits and totems tiles. Orange because his name is lucky :frog: :robot:. http://game-icons.net/ for all the icons. In advance, whoever tries this out and gives me feedback so I can continue to improve it ! Changelog1.0.8 : - updated bark armor and yeti totem description to fit new crit shrug behavior (main game 1.6 changes) 1.0.7 : - nerfed snake/boar fetishes damage (turns out reapplying DoT so much gives way too big numbers) 1.0.6 : - nerfed bark armor shield at low TL/STR 1.0.5 : - Added an option for legacy spirit tiles due to popular request. Found under Game Options --> Shaman, enabling will display old spirit tiles (need to resummon the spirits) 1.0.4 : - Fixed fetish targeting not working if you aimed beyond their range 1.0.3 : - Elemental Spirits description fixed (was incorrectly stating it used raw levels) 1.0.2 : - Last tiles added, say hello to the new spirits ! 1.0.1 : tiles added for Wyrm totem and Bones totem. Shaman path correctly given to everyone at birth. Updated shaman path description to reflect the scaling. The Crucible 1.3.1As I'm bad at descriptions, heres the in-game description that you'll get whenever you want to forge an item for more information; This process will transplant all egos from the 2 altars on the outside, onto the center item. This process will use Fortress energy. (Ranged weapons of any sort (including ammo) is not recommended, but not disallowed. Use at your own risk.) Ashes of Urh'Rok 1.7.4Official Expansion!Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of "demons", sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?
Verdant Class Pack 1.7.2Content is modular and various sections can be disabled via the options. Primary Features Druid Info Zigur: Categories: Werebeast Info Categories: Woodsman Info Categories: Summoner Info Two new summonable critters and revised summoning categories. New Categories: Wyrmic Info New Categories: Talent changes: Chaotic Race 1.2.2Adds the chaotic human subrace, which get a random talent on every levelup. Also has the following option under Gameplay: Extra Chaotic: This affects who gets random talents on levelup: Emblazoned 1.3.0Adds additional fire and darkness trees for defiler classes, and the emblazoned class, who uses a mixture of them and Uhr'rok talents. Shimmer Pack: Plumpkin Daper 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Class: Astromancer 1.7.0A new class, a Celestial summoner who draws on the powers of Shandral's other planets to call up elementals. Their main resource is negative energy, which they generate by summoning and some other spells, and spent by others. This mod should be compatible with just about everything.
Sounds remixed from samples by Mike Koenig under CC-BY 3.0 Void Scholar - Celestial Class 1.7.0Adds the Void Scholar, a twisted Celestial class themed around cosmic expansion and the emptiness of space, featuring a unique starting scenario. Void Scholars are dedicated spellcasters with poor durability, but many ways to negate damage and debilitate foes. Their spells are ineffective against nearby targets, but grow incredibly potent when cast at a distance -- strike from the depths of infinity, where no eyes or blades can reach! They use a unique resource called "Void Energy" that is built up by casting certain spells and quickly disperses when out of combat, requiring careful management to retain momentum. Unique talent trees: All things come to an end, adventurer. Those who place themselves above the slow march of the cosmos should take heed not to stand upon nothing. Wraith Race 1.2.5Adds a new race for the undead: Wraiths. Wraiths are incorporeal creatures born of evil and darkness. Features custom racial talents. Outlander 1.7.4Adds Outlander as a playable human subrace, he has VERY UNIQUE talents. v1.0.10: now it costs 100% - 20% current xp if you want to learn a talent from an enemy. Dread Necromancer 1.6.7The Dread Necromancer is a complete reimagining of Necromancer - while it shares many of the themes and names, and has a few talents retained, it's effectively an entirely new take on the class. See the forum thread for full details. No Item Decay 1.3.1 Class: Shining One 1.7.0A new demented class, the Shining One. This addon requires the Forbidden Cults DLC to function. Celestial Spellcasters who have been overcome with madness and become more and more like unto Luminous Horrors. Shining One talents do not appear on enemies. Old Talents: New Talents: Advanced Talents: Root's Classes 1.7.0Contains several classes developed by Root of All Things, including:
* Seaward Charge - Charrrrge!: Rush to the target spot. If targeting a creature, strike them with your sword. If targeting an empty spot, shoot the nearest foe. * Seaward Charge - X Marks the Spot: Periodically mark a tile within range while in combat. Reaching this tile grants a boost to your attack and steam speed for several turns. * Seaward Charge - Storm Voyage: Foes that damage you are marked, granting you vision of them. Movement towards marked foes refunds energy. * Seaward Charge - Pirate's Wrath: A long cooldown buff that grants critical hit multiplier.
* Crewmates - Mechaparrot: You're accompanied by a robotic parrot who periodically harries nearby foes, blinding them and disrupting their talents. * Crewmates - Roboswabby: You summon a robotic deckhand who taunts nearby enemies. * Crewmates - Autobosun: Your first mate disciplines those who strike you. Attacks that deal a percentage of your life or more summon him assault your foes. * Crewmates - No Surrender: Your Roboswabby and Autobosun now explode when killed, based on the total damage they took.
* Boarding Party - Ship's Armory: Your Roboswabby and Autobosun are now armed with steamguns in addition to their melee weapons, and know Roaring Powder and Steel and Shot. * Boarding Party - Mass Charrrrge!: Whenever you Charrrrge!, your Roboswabby and Autobosun jump with you, before attacking nearby enemies. * Boarding Party - Parrot of Ill Omen: Your Mechaparrot curses those it strikes, causing them to hurt themselves when they fail to use talents. * Boarding Party - Shipboard Melee: Your attacks and those of your Roboswabby, and Autobosun mark foes. Attacking already marked foes stuns the target.
Runed Shields 1.7.4Adds the 'Runed Shield' ego for shields, which grants a chance to cast spells on block. This can only trigger once per turn. Protos race 0.2 1.3.5Protos race. Unlock Exotic Mastery 1.3.1Are you tired of needing to rescue a Warrior escort before you can train Exotic Mastery? Then this is the addon for you! This addon gives access to the Exotic Weapons Mastery talent by default so it can be trained on any character with Technique/Combat Training. It should be compatible will all other addons. Banished 1.7.2Adds the Banished, an afflicted class that pours its hate into its arrows and shadowy powers. Adventurer Plus Addon 1.4.0Simple addon that adds a buffed adventurer class - now with Cursed Aura. Not that it needs it, haha. Edit: I was informed that since the class sets 'default' celestial energies to 20, it gets messed up if you have positive regen for one of them. This is most likely to occur with Liches. Therefore, if you're using them, use the newer version, which removes the default celestial stuff. Grove Keeper 1.7.2Adds the Grove Keeper, a Wilder subclass. The Grove Keeper is pirmarily a mindpower-caster with limited summoning ability, but has the option to mix slings, or one-handed weapons and unarmed attacks, into their skill set. They are also able to become proficient with mindstars and focus wholly on mind-casting. Includes advanced class categories favoring either weapon-hybrid or mind-casting play style, with the advanced hybrid tree working equally well for ranged or melee. Full details in the forum. New Gem Types 1.5.10Adds several new gem types and attempts to fill in some gaps in Tiered gem colors; also adds the Crystal race. This is a continuation of jayseesee's original addon. It's my hope that the gems in this release are balanced, consistent across tiers, and useful to a variety of different characters. Also hopefully all the Crystal's balance issues have been worked out: it should be an interesting tactical challenge to make best use of its unique mobility, find the right time to exploit its Runic Saturation status clear Stasis talent, and optimal self-imbued gemstone for each dungeon. As always, please let me know if you find any issues in terms of bugs, game mechanics, or interface! Sun Paladin + Evolution Buff Pack 1.7.4Buffs talents for Sun Paladins, as well as their evolutions. Sun Paladin
Avatar of a Distant Sun
Class: Spellweaver 1.7.4Adds the Spellweaver, a Mage subclass who creates custom spells with Spellweaving components. Note: If you need to make a bug report, please use the forum thread: https://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=53519 Forbidden Cults 1.7.4Official Expansion!Not all adventurers seek fortune, not all that defend the world have good deeds in mind. Forbidden Cults is a big expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal to let you explore the horrors that lurk beneath the surface, to delve in long lost knowledge and lore and as usual to die a lot!
Both those classes use a new resource called Insanity that gradually makes you both more chaotic and powerful as it fills up.
Schizophrenic Class 1.7.4Adds the Schizophrenic class. Heartstalker - Psionic Class 1.7.0Adds Heartstalker, a psionic class themed around the subconscious, as a birth option. Heartstalkers are a stealth-oriented class that start with twin daggers. Confounding foes's perceptions with their strange psychic power, they weaken their victims from afar, unseen and untouchable, before drawing in close for the kill when they feel the time is right. Take care, however, for though your mind is a potent shield against hostile intent, the physical flesh it guards is exceedingly frail. Heartstalker talent trees include: Perception: Turn aside prying eyes to hide your presence! All that we know of ourselves and others is merely a facade; the truth of the mind and the world sleeps where it cannot see. Playable Naloren Race 1.7.4Adds two races, one class, a new town, and a new low level dungeon. Completing a quest to explore the new dungeon unlocks purchasable perks in the town. This quest is the starting quest for the added races, but anyone can access an alternate version of the quest with the same rewards. Look toward the coast east of Last Hope to get started. Available perks (cost varies): Gain the ability to invest in Heavy Armour Training and equip mail(heavy) armor by meeting the requirement with the highest of Constitution and Dexterity (or Strength, as usual). Gain bonus attack and movement speeds and a chance to evade incoming damage while wearing mail(heavy) armor. These values scale with Dex and Con, respectively. Learn (locked or unlocked) a new Psionic/Mindstar combat talent tree. Similar to Wild-Gift/Mindstar mastery, this tree also has a Psiblades sustain. Once learned, you can also pay to boost mastery (as with Mindstar mastery from Zigur). --- Psionic/Mindstar combat: Psiblades: Mind Thorns: Mind Storm: Psionic Balance: --- Races: The Naloren are elven race with an affinity for water who are adept with mail armor, whips and tridents. They are also known for their bountiful spirit and superb flexibility. Spirit of the Tides: Spirited Combat: Cleansing Water: Whitewater: Stats: + 4 Con, +4 Dex, -1 Cun, -1 Str, -1 Mag, +10 life rating, 10% increased global speed, 15% xp penalty. The Freeks are a tribe of Yeeks who broke free from The Way. They are still strong psionics, but their minds have been irreparably shattered. Talents: Unbound Mind: Partition: Hasty: Schism: Stats: --- Added a new Psionic subclass: the Psion. Talents: Survival Psi-Casting Telekinetic Crush: Deal physical damage and stun. Active Aura damage is added to the attack at 3 times the usual power. Stimulation: Increase Con based on combined Wil and Cun. Guiding Star: Puncture: Psionic Striking Kinetic Blast: Deal physical damage and pin. Frozen targets take extra damage and both hits bypass the ice block. Thermal Blast: Deal fire damage and cold damage and freeze. If target is pinned, pull in nearby enemies and freeze them to the ground for a few turns. Charged Blast: Psi Weaving: Altered Talents Quick as Thought: Mindhook: Resonant Focus: Frenzied Focus: Transcendent Telekinesis: Transcendent Electrokinesis: Static Net: Transcendent Pyrokinesis: --- Full details in the forum: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=45418&p=208951#p208951. Tentacle Gnomes 1.7.2An update to dao's "Let there be gnomes" to account for the addition of demented talents in Forbidden Cults. Also adds compatibility with Mr Frog's Faetouched (faerie) and HousePet's Verdant (wild-curse). Demented talents can be learned from Depravity and Corruption, faerie talents from the Supernatural, and wild-curse talents from Mind and Nature. Right now, the categories show up as options regardless of which DLC/addons you have. A more elegant coder could have avoided this, but as this does not cause any errors, explosions, or horrors, I'd say it's good enough for me. I am also considering allowing Gnomes to learn Stone Warden talents, once I figure out how to do that. https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/let-there-be-gnomes Recaiden's Evolution Prodigies 1.7.0Includes 4 new Class Evolutions:
Isn't Zephyr already a class? Inventory Filter 1.3.0This addon allows to filter inventory by some text from the description of items. Right click on a tab in the inventory and type a text in the popup dialog. For example, filter "Rings and Amulets" with "lightning" to find any jewelry Dungeon Spawn 1.7.4Places unplayable staring dugeons on map. Allowing all 4 extra dungeons. Unlocking Yeek island. And lasty placing all extra cities on map. Revised Short Staves 1.4.6Opt-in Adventurers Parties 1.1.0Presents a dialog when you attack or are attacked by an adventurers party or hostile ziguranth patrol on the world map, prompting you to either evade or fight. The behavior of this dialog can be controlled by the "Adventurers party response strategy" options under Game Options in the <Esc> menu, allowing you to specify "always evade" or "never evade" as the default behavior. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Wretched Talent Tree 1.3.0Adds the Wretched talent tree for Defilers, allowing them to deal acid damage. Second talent is mildly bugged, third talent is mildly UP due to lack of code knowledge, fourth talent is more UP and likes using the second talent. astralInferno's Celestial Oddities 1.7.0A combination of all my celestial addons; Firmamancer, Primal Chosen, Trench Strider, Radiant, the Empyreal fork, and the newly added Bloodtide Cultist. Dance of the Edge 1.7.4Introduces the Blade Dancer, a dual-wielding Warrior subclass whose style revolves around shifting between different forms ("dances") in order to prevail in any combat situation. Each dance is quite powerful, becoming more so with more Talent Point investment, but only a limited number of dances can be active at once. The Blade Dancer's key trait is flexibility. There are myriad ways to build this character, all of them with great potential for entertaining gameplay. Class Features:Eight New Talent Trees - Five core dances: Dance of the Moons, Storm, Torrent, Mountain, and Leaf. Each dance improves aspects of your character, as well as granting access to powerful techniques while active. Spread your talent points across multiple dances, or focus on just one or two. Other Talent trees allow you to improve your dances or even mesh them together into deadly combinations. Unique starting Area - Human, Elf, Halfling, and Dwarf Blade Dancers will start in a new, unique starting area, with a couple of novel critters and a new boss at the end. Class-Specific Quest - Upon finishing their starting area, Human, Elf, Halfling, and Dwarf Blade Dancers will gain access to a class-specific sidequest that runs parallel to the main game. Completing this quest grants access to a nice peice of equipment. Auto-Scumming - Many of the dances raise your core stats while active. To keep the player from constantly ducking in and out of menus, stat requirements for gear and talent-learning will automatically adjust to accomodate those dances that are learned, but currently inactive. Other Addon Features:New Bosses - Not every Blade Dancer is a hero. A handful of renegades roam Maj'Eyal, looking to ruin someone's day... New Boss Artifacts - ...at least those renegade Blade Dancers carry some decent gear with them. QuickTome: Orb of Communication 1.3.1 Class: Martyr 1.7.0A new demented class, the Martyr. This addon requires the Forbidden Cults DLC to function. Unlike the magical folk of the Hidden Sanctuary, Martyrs' Insanity manifests in mental powers. New Talents: Advanced Talents: Old Talents: Korean Translation by khelerd https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/kotr-martyr is included Starting Prodigy Remixed 1.0.4Prodigies have no level requirements and lessened stat requirements - and all characters start with one. Evoker 1.7.2This adds a new Evoker class which is both corrupted and cursed (though it shows up under Defilers). They are a magic class that does blight damage and evokes a demon to serve you. It is possible for you and your demons to help or hurt each other with some spells and skills. Learning how to work with and around your minions will be key. NOTE: This addon requires that you have the Ashes DLC active. https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-evoker ---Generic talents -Cursed/Diabolical: Demonic Pulse: Demon Portal: Speed Demon: Abyssal Shield: ---Class talents -Corruption/Demon Summons: Summon Demon: Demon Unity: Flame Fury: Improved Summoning: ---Changelog v1.1.0 v1.2.0 v1.2.1 v1.2.2 v1.2.3 v1.2.4 v1.2.5 Items Vault 1.7.0Donators/Buyers bonus! Possess Everyone 1.7.0This mod should allow you to possess all ranks. At the highest level of the Possess talent, it enables you to possess any rank of enemy, including Elite Bosses. I recommend the excellent Proper Possession, as well. Half-Cost Category Mastery 1.3.1 Embers of Rage 1.7.4Official Expansion!One year has passed since the one the Orcs call the "Scourge from the West" came and single-handedly crushed the Orc Prides of Grushnak, Vor, Gorbat, and Rak'Shor. The Allied Kingdoms, now linked by farportal to their distant, long-lost Sunwall allies, have helped them conquer most of Var'Eyal. The few remnants of the ravaged Prides are caged... but one Pride remains. Kruk Pride, isolated on an island, is the last orcish settlement that stands; they, too, face their impending doom. The Sunwall has blockaded the only exit point from the island, and now, the technologically advanced civilization of Steam Giants have come down from the mountains to take their homeland with machines and weaponry unlike anything else on Eyal. Kruk Pride has reverse-engineered their technology before; their only hope is to do it again and rise up against the Pride's foes. Features:
Cornac Rectification 1.5.10The Cornac talent category point isn't something they gain over the other races. They just don't auto-spend it on a racial talent category because they don't have one. Now Cornac's can actually have more talent categories than anyone else. Shimmer Pack: Iron Throne Couture 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Eoland's Vampire Race 1.7.4This is my own spin on a vampire race. It has some large benefits but also some very strong drawbacks. Dark Priest 1.4.8Adds the Dark Priest, a mage subclass. Even in an age of supposed prosperity, there are many who lose their lives in vain. Those who tend the wounded, returned home from battle or adventure, are highly skilled in the arts of healing, many using arcane techniques. But there are some who have seen too much. They have formed a brotherhood of those who have accepted the Dark Truth. Eyal has but one true God, and He demands sacrifices. The Dark Priest and his brethren tap into arcane energies to deliver the bad word unto all the people of Maj'Eyal. They manipulate darkness and life energy to convey their message of doom and despair. When that doesn't work, carrying a big stick helps, too. Dark Priests use Magic and Cunning as their primary stats. They focus on Darkness and Arcane spells, and are proficient in staff combat, as well. They also have command of a unique kind of magic, Unhealing. Unhealing is negative healing and such functions differently than damage. It will not be affected by any type of damage mitigation and will be increased by the target's healing modifier. Infinite Levelup 1.7.2Make players can level up like in infinite dungeon. Spell Merchants 1.7.5
Spawns 12 Merchants around the map that will sell Talents - Class, Stat, Category & Prodigy points! A Master jeweler that will Imbue all items! 3 Unique Dungeons and 8 Unique Bosses!
There are 14 talent trees (273 talents) available for purchase:Celestial, Chronomancy, Corruptions, Cunning, Cursed, Gifts, Psionic, Spells, Techniques, Demented, Steamtech, Annihilator & Technomancer!
4 character point types:Stat, Class, Category & Prodigy points for sale!
Master jeweler:Imbue (ANY) jewelry, armor & weapons that are in the game including rares/epics/uniques! And imbue them as many times with as many different gems as you [strike] want [/strike] can afford!
New Dungeons:3 new dungeons have been added to the world map [with more to come] (Blood Soaked Ruins, Infested Ruins & Road to Derth) these dungeons will have unique boss and lore spawns. Sludgenest and Noxious Caldera will now spawn on the world map at level 1.
New Bosses:There are 8 new bosses/mini bosses that will spawn in the new dungeons (With custom sprites). Battle against powerful [spoiler]vampires, werewolves and wererats[/spoiler] in your journey to glory! Bosses drop gold on death *They will also spawn in Infinite Dungeon*
1. Please note you will need to start a new game for the new Merchants/ Dungeons to appear.2. Dialog to purchase spells wont appear unless you have the required amount of gold. 3. DLC is NOT required to play this addon Talents that require a dlc will be clearly noted next to the talent, if you don't own a dlc and try to purchase a dlc talent the gold will be removed but the talent wont be acquired.
4. Will CONFLICT with any mods that change the world map file The only currently known conflicting mod is \"EXTRA DUNGEONS\"Note: Since Waladil will no longer be updating "Extra Dungeons" I decided to add Caldera and Sludgenest to the world map. If you like this addon please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button! I've currently spent 300+ hrs making this mod. Positive acknowledgement is much appreciated! If you dislike the mod please comment so I can understand why and possibly make improvements. Any and all bug reports and new suggestions are appreciated, this mod is where it's at thanks to community feedback!
Thank you for trying Spell Merchants, I hope you enjoy my mod :)
My other addons:
If you like this addon please consider rating it :) Race: Battleborn 1.7.4Adds battleborns as a new subrace. They are combat centric humans. Stat modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Magic, +2 Willpower, and +2 Cunning. Life Rating: 12 Experience Penalty: 10% Racial talent tree: The Unstoppable Fighter - Passively increases immunities to stun, confusion, pin, fear, silence. The Savvy Fighter - Passively increases critical chance, critical power, Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Faster Stronger Better - Passively increases Global speed, Physical speed, movement speed and all damage done. ---Changelog Merchant Rerolls 1.3.1This addon adds the ability to 'reroll' a merchant item. More specifically, this allows you to spend 400 gold if you get an item that you don't like, to gain a brand new one. Be warned that once an item is gone, it will forever be gone, and you will never get it back. Necromancy+ 1.7.2Features: Spell/Charnel - class category available to Necromancer only. Tweaked Categories: Spell/Advanced Necrotic Minions Spell/Necrotic Minions Spell/Necrosis Spell/Shades Tweaked the talent levels granted by Blighted Summoning. Also adds in a new class called the Spiritmancer: The dead do not always rest easy, even free from fell influences. Categories: Karma Life Giver Ghosts Dawn Justice Recaiden's Undead Racepack 1.7.0This is a compilation of my undead race addons. This will always be the most up-to-date version. Mummy Wight And adds a new prodigy for any undead: Dreadmaster Chinese translation by gooder1029 Loot Expansion 1.7.4Aadd-on that expands on the available Egos and Semi-Random Artifacts available. Introduces all sorts of new Effects and Talents used with both! For example: Spellslinger - A Passive that increases Spellpower per visible enemy in a range of 2 - Rolls on Hats Nether Resonance - A Passive found on the Semi-Random Artifact 'Netheric Diadem' that increases Light resist by half of Magic stat and Nature resist by half of Willpower stat. Combust - Found on 'Pyrophage' items, if you hit a burning enemy, cause an aoe of fire damage and gain a temporary life-regen buff. Mystical Recovery - Found on shields, when blocking, 20% chance to lower the cooldown of a random spell-type talent based on item level. All That Glitters - Activated talent found on Rings, gives you a temporary buff to Spellpower based on how much money you have. This is only a small sampling of new additions among the 10 semi-random Artifacts and 100+ Egos. There are still many more of both to come and I will be posting a full breakdown of all the new components soon. At this time, many of the added Egos are Greater, so they will only appear on blue or purple items. Designed to be compatible with other addons, please report any possible collision issues. In the meantime, please check it out and post any questions, concerns, or tuning feedback. Google Doc Summary at - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBu4F1tmKSRLjLqZl2Eu2lvp4wFZfdILJc-jAW5lttI/edit?usp=sharing ----Icons are edited versions from the existing game or from https://game-icons.net/--- Escort Shush 1.7.4Makes the "wait a few turns" party command last 100 turns instead of 6-10. Morvarc'h's Improved Escorts 1.7.4Improvements to the escort system. Adds a bunch of new types of escorts, and increases the power and number of options for existing escorts. Additionally learning new categories unlocks them by default, or can improve your mastery if you already know them. Discordant class (and friends) - enemy edition 1.6.7This is a fork of Rukaneo's Discordant and Friends, itself a fork of Vectorinox's Discordant and Friends. This fork removes the brakes on the original addon by allowing enemies to get all non-customer classes from this addon, and marks some of the most egregiously broken (on enemies) talents as enemy-unusable. Each class should now be a challenge to work around on enemies, rather than being literally unkillable (notably primitive and discordant). ----------- Original from VectorinoxDescriptionsAdd Discordant as playable psionic subclass. A psionic tank with death radius around them (think of Mindrot, but less sucky). Wins battle through attrition, melts trash mobs just by standing. Can also spam tele-frags if you feel like it. Add Kudzu as playable wilder subclass. Invasive, annoying, and hard to get rid of. Master of crowd controls and area denials. Cover the world with fungus, lichens, moss, and kudzus. Add Scorpion as playable rogue subclass. Stealthy brawler with poison fist. Pull in your enemy and dethrone them with chain of combos. Add Critic as playable afflicted subclass. High-risk, high-reward, critical-centric class that use feedback pool as life. Overpower your enemy with overwhelming amount of Gestures, or die from receiving too much criticism. Add Colossus as playable race. Artificial giant constructed by dwarves, has the same start location as dwarf. Durable race with some drawbacks. Also like gold. This is a practice addon intended for personal use, but thank you if you decided to check it out anyway. Bonus class: Primitive, master of bump-attack *joke class* ------------- [ Creditshttp://game-icons.net/ Changelog1.0.0:- Initial release Sholtar 1.5.5Sholtar have no racial talents of their own; instead, the four slots can be used to learn talents from defeated enemies (of a high enough rank). In this manner, the Sholtar can improve nearly any class by adding abilities from other calsses, or even talents that are normally exclusive to NPCs. --- The Sholtar were once a great nation, with many vasts cities in the southeastern regions of Maj'Eyal. In spite of the harsh, dry terrain they inhabitied, or perhaps because of it, they were a people of great ingenuity and adaptability. The Cataclysm which tore the world apart centuries ago swept nearly all of the Sholtar lands into the murky depths, and all but erased their people from the face of Eyal. While very few survived, those who did fought for survival with all of the wit and grit that was their birthright. An already adaptable people grew to become even more adaptable through neccessity, and it has become their greatest strength. Sholtar are able to learn abilities by carefully studying others, and, regardless of their class, they can always improve by incorporating the talents of others into thier skill set. Quantum Slider 1.7.4Adds a new race: the Vorloth. Vorloths are not from Eyal, they are from planet Luxam. Adds a new Chronomancer subclass, the Quantum Slider. The class has a very unique way of gameplay: you should run & teleport as fast and as many times as you just can. Quantum Slider has only the Spellbinding (locked) tree from the original chronomancy trees. Their new, unique trees are: - starting unlocked class trees - Quantum Theory - for paradox management and unique mobility benefits (defense & utility) - locked higher (from lvl 10) class trees - Paradox Mysticism - overcharged by speed causes very dangerous electrical properties... cook your enemies while running fast! - starting unlocked generic trees - Prajna - extended senses and enlightenment (tracking, other vision effects, immunities & buff) Paths - contains 8 individual "MINI-PRODIGIES" (specializations) - locked generic trees - Quantum Fusion - enhance your spellcasting (damage enhancement, buffs & debuff) Quantum Sliders also have a Class Evolution, the: Táltos. The addon also contains new effects and new damage types for the class. The possible power level is higher than with a paradox mage. Slider is a very strong class if it's played in a simple way, but the more complex Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Hybrid Class Pack 1.4.6Adds a number of hybridized classes. Currently only remixes existing classes and talents. Inferno Forger 1.6.7Adds the Inferno Forger, a tinker class. As steamtech swept over Maj'Eyal, some mages adapted to it. Similar to Psyshots, these so-called Inferno Forgers use steampower to enhance their own powers - in this case, fire magic. Possessor Bonus Class 1.7.4Donators/Buyers bonus! Calligrapher 1.7.4Adds the Calligrapher, a short-ranged mage class that uses ceaseless aggression and high mobility to debilitate their enemies in a whirl of bloodied ink. Planned changes: I like to think that I've been fairly thorough in playtesting, but there are probably still bugs and exploits lurking. Undead Heritage 1.3.0Makes undead more powerful by allowing them to stack their original racial traits onto themselves. This addon is now DEPRECATED and might cause bugs. Instead, please use the Inferno Race Pack! Additional Boss Pack 1.6.6More Boss! Resourceful Wanderers 1.7.4Help Wanderers make use of trees which are otherwise hard or impossible to use due to:
Any time a category or tree is learned which is dependant on something specific that you don't already have, one or multiple 'Wanderer' trees will be granted locked as well. These trees are usually at x0.8 mastery, and can have less or more than 4 talents, learnable out-of-order. Wanderer trees can be removed under certain conditions, and this will fully refund category and talent points. The exact conditions are detailed in each tree's description. Every Wanderer now knows the Shoot talent from the get-go, and starts with iron mail armour in addition to everything else. Anguished 1.4.8Adds the Anguished Class with 7 new talent trees and a new elf race; the Soulless. More info on the forums. Also, the file size is really large because Zerru gave me icons that were 512x512. And I'm too lazy to scale them down. Extra Dungeons 1.6.7In general, this mod is for people (like me) who like to do everything in a game. Visit all the dungeons, kill all the bosses, preferably get all the artifacts. By allowing all characters to visit some more restricted dungeons, we can make that a little easier. This mod is not intended to be lore-friendly, but I may make a lore-friendlier version in the future. (As it stands you can visit Irkkk as a halfling and the Yeek don't care. I may change that.) Current mod features: Stoneshaper 1.5.0Adds the Stoneshaper, a wild caster. Stoneshapers manipulate terrain, creating or destroying it at need, and have been known to forge formidable weapons from stone. Class: Hekatonkheire 1.7.0This adds three new classes, two of which are loosely based on the Headless Horror, plus a mini-adventurer that gets talents from all three. Hekatonkhieres are spell-using melee combatants who mix armed and unarmed attacks while accompanied by their eldritch Wandering Eyes. New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: By special request: New Talents Advanced Talents Old Talents: Kharybdians are ocean mages who mix attack spells, summons, and a precise sense of timing. New Talents Advanced Talents Generic Talents Old Talents: Doctornull's Class Pack 1.5.10This pack compiles several classes, with an emphasis on hybrid design. Not all classes are complete: the ones which I'm not satisfied with are marked as either INCOMPLETE or "in BETA". The classes included in this pack are: (BETA) Shield Hero is an Adventurer who starts with heavy armor and a shield. Not very exciting unless you were annoyed about not being able to equip your Adventurer's shield right away. (INCOMPLETE) The Flux Marauder is a Paradox thug, stealing time from his enemies. x (Removed): The human-only Embers of Gerlyk are fire-using magical martial artists. Removed pending new content / 1.6 features. Rage Mage class 1.7.0Adds the Rage Mage class. The Rage Mage is an arcane/temporal caster that, when injured, gets too mad to cast and starts punching things. Revised Staff Combat 1.7.4Overloads Spell/Staff Combat to make some of it more useful. Phantom Warrior Class 1.7.0Introduce Phantom Warrior, a two-handed chronomancy class. Class trees: Generic trees: Known problems: This class is originally inspired by Phantom Lancer from Dota 2. Class: Bombardier 1.7.4A new Bombardier class which is a variant of the Alchemist. Bombardiers forgo using a golem in order to focus more on the effects of their bombs and their own combat viability. [Github](https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-bombardier) - No golem. Generic talents - technique/combat-training Class talents - cunning/tactical Changelog Schematics of Ascendancy 1.7.4Allows schematic-only artifacts from EoR to be learned AoA or Infinite Dungeon. Each one is unlocked randomly by defeating bosses (not elite bosses) above level 20. Illim race 1.2.3This addon adds an Illim race, an otherworldly explorers whose native world died from old age before their kind did. Dread Knight Class 1.2.3Dread Knight. More tactically focused than Cursed. Think Gabranth from FFXII meets Hannibal of Carthage. Melinda on the Map - Bamboo Edition 1.7.0Places the Sect of Kryl-Feijan event on the map as a zone entrance rather than an undetectable encounter. This fork marks the sect as encountered so it works with improved recall. Archreaver 1.3.1Adds a new class-the Archreaver-that is a combination of Archmage and Reaver. The archreaver has 4 unique talent trees as well as a couple vanilla talent trees. More info at the forum thread. Arena to Infinite Dungeon 1.5.2Shoves you into the Infinite Dungeon after winning The Arena. It gives you a Transmog chest, and unlocks leveling, worry not. Slightly More Adventurous 1.7.0Allows Adventurer characters to use some talent trees from addon-provided classes that would otherwise be inaccessible. More specifically: Adventurers typically are allowed to use talent trees for classes added by addons, unless those classes are flagged as not for use on random bosses. This addon bypasses that check, making talent trees from classes so flagged available to Adventurers. Bastion 1.5.10A complete rework for Bulwark. Exotic Weapon Master 1.4.3Let your character to be an exotic weapon master: - Allows training of Exotic Weapon Mastery - Gives out more exotic weapons - The Library in Last Hope now sells exotic weapons This addon "borrows" something from two existing addons: - grayswandir's More Exotic Weapons http://te4.org/games/addons/tome/more-exotic-weapons - Effigy's Unlock Exotic Mastery http://te4.org/games/addons/tome/unlock-exotic Thanks to you guys. Prodigious Progress 1.7.0Include information in certain prodigies' requirement descriptions about how much progress you've made thereto. Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. Dreamasaur 1.0.1Adds the Dreamasaur race, a dinosaur dreaming of a strange fantasy world. Consumes dreams to gain new abilities. This mod is mainly for personal use. No attempt has been made to achieve balance. If an @ symbol appears behind the character tile, you can download this: Put it in your custom tiles directory (win10 default: C:\Users\YourUserName\T-Engine\4.0\tome\data\gfx\custom-tiles) and select it at character creation. It is literally the exact same file but for some reason it works from the custom directory and not from the actual addon folder I guess. Infinite Mastery 1.7.4Increases the mastery value increase to 0.4, and removes the 1 increase limit. Originally made by jojolagger, I only bumped up addon weight so it can work with my addon collection with online profile on. Troll Race. 1.3.0This addon adds Trolls as a playable race to the game. Trolls possess the Trollblood talent, which grants them high life-regeneration, but makes them vulnerable to fire. Race Stats: Str = 3 Mag = -3 Will = -2 Dex = -1 Con = 5 Liferating = 18 Exp-Penalty = 1.4 (Trolls aren't known for learning things fast) Size = Big (Increases with your racial abilites) Fear Immune Talents Trollblood(Passive): Life-regen, but fire-vulnerability. Scales with size. Scent(Active): Reveals the map around you, gives you a speedboost. Resilience of the Trolls(Passive): Increases saves and size category. Scales with size. Song of the Trolls(Active): AOE-damage with stun-chance. Scales with size. Increases size category. I hope you enjoy this! I would be very happy to receive some criticism :) If you got something to mention about balancing issues or if you find some errors, just tell me, i'll update this frequently. The Burning Coals 1.4.9This was created by Speeder, who has not played in 5+ years under that name. This addon is yet another OP human subrace, it features strong fire and light based racial talents, extra quests, dungeons, and items that give more character building points. The difference between this addon and the one uploaded by speeder is the racial passive on speeder's was set to reduce life reduction each talent point instead of the advertised fire damage, I removed the life regeneration reduction and re-enabled the fire damage. I did this because this race would have amazing synergy with The Shining One demented class and I wanted to do a playthrough like that. Playable Wight Race 1.7.4Adds High Wights as a playable race: tough, psionic undead who arise naturally yet stand outside the natural order. Also adds Forest Wights as a playable race: undead with a connection to fire, light, and nature. Models by Rexorcorum. Crossbows Fork 1.3.3Adds Crossbows and Bolts. Both require Strength to equip. Crossbows use Bow mastery and should work with talents that require a bow. Bolts do less damage than Arrows but have slightly more crit and much higher APR. Bolts have 70% Str 30% Dex modifier. Bolts also have smaller quivers. Crossbows fire slower than Longbows and have an APR accurcy bonus rather tha a crit bonus. Crossbows pick up Longbow egos and Bolts pick up Ammo egos. They will drop from NPCs and be availabe from merchants. Steamshaper Subclass 1.5.3Adds the Steamshaper, a Tinker Subclass. "Powerful psionics are able to enter a gestalt with steam generators and technology to enhance their own mental prowess.", ["steamtech/chemistry"] Timeshaper Class 1.7.4Timeshapers are a variant of Paradox Mage that start off weaker on offence, but stronger on defence. Mirrorblade 1.7.2Adds the Mirrorblade, a chronomancer that calls upon his temporal twin. Unlike Temporal Wardens, Mirrorblades train exclusively with melee weapons, and only ever call upon one other timeline for aid. However, this specialized training has resulted in an extremely effective paired combat style. Race: Wrathwrought 1.7.4Adds wrathwrought as a new subrace. They are psionic focused humans. Stat modifiers: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +0 Constitution, +0 Magic, +4 Willpower, and +3 Cunning. Life Rating: 12 Experience Penalty: 10% Racial talent tree: Unstoppable Wrath - Passively increases immunities to stun, confusion, pin, fear, silence. The Savvy Fighter - Passively increases critical chance, critical power, Armor Penetration and Accuracy. Faster Stronger Better - Passively increases Global speed, Physical speed, movement speed and all damage done. ---Changelog Proper Possession 1.7.0
Frequently Asked Questions: Angelus Errare 1.4.6Increases the chance for special farportal events after winning the game. Eases access to the eidolon plane for roguelike winners. Gladiator 1.5.10Adds the Gladiator, a warrior subclass. Gladiators are weapons experts and can wield one-handed weapons in either hand with ease, however they are also proficient with two-handed weapons and shields. Trapmaker Class 1.7.4Adds the Trapmaker class. Hedgeknight Class 1.3.1"The Heart of the Gloom... such a strange place. Yet many whisper of mysterious powers, only waiting to be grabbed by adventurers.", More 1H Staves 1.7.2Adds more 1H staves with more variety to the game. 1H staves are so hard to find because in the base game there are only 2 egos that make a staff 1H. https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-more1hstaves ---Changelog Improved Auto-explore and Rest 1.7.2Quality of Life improvements for resting and auto-exploring. v3.5.0 *** FOR ToME v1.6.5 *** It is recommended to turn off Marson's Rest and Auto-Explore as well as C.Lowe's Rest Tweaks if using. This addon is meant to include all of them. Latest Update Notes: Existing Features: Determines how auto-explore and running respond to telepathy, including mouse moves. Regardless of the setting, hostiles seen via telepathy will not halt resting or the Rod of Recall, nor trigger automated talents. Unique or powerful monsters (rank > 3) will always trigger a halt to running when they are spotted via telepathy for any mode except 'Original'. Available modes: • 'Always Viligant' always stops running when a hostile creature is seen via telepathy. • 'Original' is standard ToME auto-explore behavior, which ignores telepathy when running or auto-exploring. • Compatible with ToME v1.6.0 Notes: • Telepathy will not prevent auto-exploring the way normal sight will. If a halt is triggered by telepathy, hitting auto-explore again will move you at least one more square in the direction of the auto-explore path. If in 'Always Viligant' mode and a hostile is within telepathic sight (but not normal sight), you will auto-explore in 1 square per keypress increments. Infinite Farportal 1.1.3"Weeks ago, you arrived into the Shertul Fortress, following the collapse of Nur right behind you. Weeks later, as the town is coming together, you hear a loud growling sound coming from the south. Alongside the only possibilty of escaping from this place... Steeling your resolve, you have choosen to explore the portal, and look for a way out." --- In this addon, you attempt to complete the farportal as many times as possible. You are given access to a town in the north. In the Town, you can find a multitude of shops, and a Merchant. He can craft you tier 1-5 artifacts, for fair(or so he says) prices, to offer you a boost when you find yourself struggling. Lastly, and most dangerously, you can ask him to break 'Seals' of the Farportal, which will directly summon Farportal Bosses into the fortress. Additionally, you gain 10% of your current gold every time you complete a farportal, alongside an experience boost. --- Dive into the Infinite Farportal, and pray, or you will never again see the light of day. Hiveminder Class 1.7.0Adds Hiveminders, an insect-themed wilder class, as a birth option. Hiveminders are a melee class specialising in dual-wielded daggers or psiblades. They command their vast hivemind to lend them potent support and utility powers which make up for their lacking offense. Hiveminder talent trees include: Hivemind: Resonate your mind with your insects to enhance your perception and enthrall enemies! Hiveminders also have access to the Combat Training, Lethality, Call of the Wild, and Mindstar Mastery generic trees by default, and can additionally unlock the Fungus and Mobility trees through levelling up. Power is a subtle thing, adventurer. The smallest of factors can make the greatest of differences. Exotic randarts 1.4.6Allows you to purchase Trident and Whip randarts from the lost merchant at Last Hope. Relies on having a separate addon for defining tiered whips, such as http://te4.org/games/addons/tome/exotic-weapon-master. Orc Breeding Pits Full 1.7.4UI Pack: Plumpkins! 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! Sungun Class + Equipment 1.6.0This Addon creates the Sungun class and adds Solar Guns for it to use, along with many talents - all based on the Boktai series of games for the Gameboy Advance. Changes & Features: + Solar Guns & Solar Batteries are created, and drop in the world. +Sungun is an available class under the Celestial class set. + A Lens Talent Tree is available to swap damage type. +An Explosives Talent Tree is available to deal with groups of foes. + Solar Spells, inspired directly by Boktai, are available for use in a Talent Tree. +Darkness Spells, inspired directly by Boktai, are available for use in a Talent Tree. + Multiple new Talents are created, including some of the ones listed above. -Dual-gunning with Solar Guns has been removed. Knives are starting equipment for a reason. Current missing features: Expanded Shop Inventory 1.7.4Significantly increases the number of items available for purchase in all shops, and allows some higher-quality items. Players can set the number of items with the new option appearing in the 'Game Options/Gameplay' tab. Start Selector 1.5.5Allows characters created in the AoA campaign to access special starting zones normally restricted by race and/or class. After the character is created and the level-up screen closed, a dialog will offer the option to transfer to one of the following starting zones (and gain associated quests, etc): Sunwall. (Celestial Human/Elf Start) Notes: Prowler Class 1.5.10Adds the Prowler subclass, a hybrid Wilder that uses stealth and mobility to take down their foes. Uses a combination of standard Rogue and Wilder talents, four new Wild-Gift trees and two new Technique trees. Prowlers are wild-rogues that focus on agile melee combat with psiblades or daggers and use their strong will to augment their abilities and call nature to their bidding. Logical Alchemists 1.5.10Makes alchemists focus on creating elixirs that you are not currently helping them with. Earth Mage 1.7.2Adds the Earth Mage as a mage class that combines earth magics with wild gifts. Mana and equilibrium are their resources and their most important stat is Magic followed by Willpower and Constitution. https://github.com/Werekracken/tome-earthmage -- generic -- class Spell / Lapidary: Living Stone - Sustained Liquefaction - Activated Rejuvenation - Activated Cleansing Crystals - Activated ---Changelog v1.0.1 Zilquish Race 1.7.0Adds the Zilquish race, an artificial lifeform created by necromancers based on the accidental birth of the first skeletal ooze. They're tough, and can use natural talents. Comes with one secret unlockable feature, and one less secret unlockable feature! They will be added to the racepack on its next update, but for now here they are alone. This addon is now DEPRECATED and might cause bugs. Instead, please use the Inferno Race Pack! Witherer Class 1.5.10The Witherer is a Corruptor that focusses on slowly killing their enemies. Movarc'h's Improved Escorts - Bamboo + CH Edition 1.7.4Improvements to the escort system. Adds a bunch of new types of escorts, and increases the power and number of options for existing escorts. Additionally learning new categories unlocks them by default, or can improve your mastery if you already know them. Also gives escorts 1000 base Life and 100 base life regen so they don't die from a sneeze. This is a fork of Movarc'h's Impoved Escorts by mannendake. Credit to Disnag for necromancer escort and Movarc'h for the base addon. Also credits to Bamboo's fork. Abomination Race 1.4.9Adds the undead abomination race. Abominations are the hideous result of callous necromancers fusing several dead bodies or loose appendages into one single being. They can augment themselves by assimilating more body parts to their being, even in the heat of battle. Abominations may grow considerably in size after being created and while such extra size may benefit them, growing too large slows them down. Their multitude of body parts makes them hardy and difficult to stun and their multitude of heads make their vision difficult to impair, however the vast amount of minds combined can make them more susceptible to confusion effects They have access to special abomination talents, that improve as they grow in size and constitution. Class: Wisp 1.7.0A new class, a psionic archer who starts with the powers of hypnosis, light telekinesis, and control over fabric. Class Talents Generic Talents There is also an evolution prodigy for this class, Incarnate Storm. Incompatible with https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/mv-greenwatch Shimmer Pack: Pyromania 1.6.0Cosmetic pack! |
Campaign | Maj'Eyal |
Mode | Insane Roguelike |
Sex | Male |
Race | Outlander |
Class | Prototype Hero |
Level / Exp | 4 / 35% |
Size | medium |
Lifes / Deaths | Killed by Belema the weaver hatchling at level 4 on the 77th Pyre 122nd year of Ascendancy at 19:00 / 1 |
Primary Stats
Strength | 10 (base 12) |
Dexterity | 14 (base 16) |
Constitution | 10 (base 12) |
Magic | 10 (base 12) |
Willpower | 18 (base 20) |
Cunning | 10 (base 12) |
Life | -6/135 |
Paradox | 364 |
Stamina | 122/129 |
Equilibrium | 24 |
Healing Factor | 1.0000003099961 |
Regeneration | 0.25000007749904 |
Mental | 0% |
Attack | 0% |
Movement | 0% |
Spell | 0% |
Global | +100% |
Sight | 10 |
Lite | 3 |
Offense: Mainhand
Damage | 7 |
Accuracy | 33 |
Crit Chance | 7% |
APR | 5 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Offhand
Damage | 4 |
Accuracy | 33 |
Crit Chance | 7% |
APR | 5 |
Speed | 1.00 |
Offense: Spell
Spellpower | 10 |
Crit Chance | 4% |
Speed | 1 |
Offense: Mind
Mindpower | 16 |
Crit Chance | 4% |
Speed | 1 |
Defense: Base
Armour (hardiness) | 1 (30%) |
Defense | 7 |
Ranged Defense | 7 |
Fatigue | 0 |
Physical Save | 8 |
Spell Save | 11 |
Mental Save | 11 |
Defense: Resistances
All | + 7%( 70%) |
Defense: Immunities
Instadeath Resistance | 100% |
Inscriptions (3/3)
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: RegenerationUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 10 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Standard (100% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to heal yourself for 100 life over 5 turns. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: WildUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 14 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to cure yourself of one random physical effect and reduce all damage taken by 14% for 4 turns. Also removes cross-tier effects of the affected types for free. |
Infusions | Effective talent level: 1.0 Infusion: HealingUse mode: Activated Range: melee/personal Cooldown: 12 Travel Speed: instantaneous Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn) Is: a nature gift Description: Activate the infusion to instantly heal yourself for 50 then cleanse 1 wound, poison, and disease effect. |
Class Talents
Wild-gift / Stalker | 5.30 |
| 4/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Generic Talents
Race / Outlander | 1.80 |
| 5/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Technique / Combat training | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 2/5 |
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
The unhallowed morass is the name of the 'zone' surrounding Point Zero. Future EchoesThe temporal spiders that inhabit it are growing restless and started attacking at random. You need to investigate what is going on. * You must explore the morass. | active |
Explore the caves below the ruins of Kor'Pul and the Trollmire in search of treasure and glory! Of trolls and damp caves* You must explore the Trollmire and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! * You must explore the ruins of Kor'Pul and find out what lurks there and what treasures are to be gained! | active |
Tool | ![]() Infused by nature 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: charm / totem ; tier 1 It can be used to summon a resilient tentacle up to 5 spaces away for 4 turns. Each turn the tentacle will strike a random enemy in range 3 dealing physical damage and attempting to pin them. (Tentacle Stats) Life: 220 Base Damage: 100 Armor: 1 All Resist: 0 Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 25 turns. When used: * Gain a 10% chance to evade weapon attacks for 2 turns. Natural totems are made by powerful wilders to store nature power. |
On hands | ![]() 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / hands ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +1 Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats. Light gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat. |
Main armor | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloth ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances: +7% all A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted. |
In main hand | ![]() Requires: - Dexterity 11 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 1 Base power: 10.0 - 13.0 Uses stats: 50% Str, 50% Dex Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.0% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
In off hand | ![]() Requires: - Dexterity 11 1.00 Encumbrance. Type: weapon / dagger ; tier 1 Base power: 11.0 - 14.3 Uses stats: 50% Str, 50% Dex Damage type: Physical Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%) Armour Penetration: +5 Crit. chance: +4.0% Attack speed: 100% Sharp, short and deadly. |
Cloak | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: armor / cloak ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Defense: +1 (+1 eff.) A cloth coat typically worn as a loose outer garment. It is spacious enough to be worn even over bulky metal armour. |
Light source | ![]() 2.00 Encumbrance. Type: lite / lite ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Light radius: +3 A brass container with a wick emerging from it, protected from draughts by a sheet of greased paper. It can be carried by a handle. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 0.10 Encumbrance. [Unique] Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2 |
2 nuummite 2 nuummite0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / black ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Stun/Freeze immunity: +20% When used to imbue an object: Stun/Freeze immunity: +20% Latent Damage Type: Darkness Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Mirror of Reflection (Portable) Mirror of Reflection (Portable)Powered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: mirror / mirror It can be used to change your appearance Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. A strange mirror, the reflection inside seems somehow .. off, as if showing what could be instead of what is. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 0.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb It can be used to speak with someone Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1. This orb can be used to speak with someone far away. It is even capable of teleporting small objects back and forth. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 1.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: orb / orb When carried: This orb will automatically identify items you find. |
![]() Powered by unknown forces 2.00 Encumbrance. [Plot Item] Type: chest / sher'tul When carried: It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level) Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000. This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy. The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you. When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level. Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them. Items in the chest will not encumber you. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / violet ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Changes resistances penetration: +2% all Critical mult.: +2.00% When used to imbue an object: Changes resistances penetration: +2% all Critical mult.: +2.00% Latent Damage Type: Arcane Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
![]() 0.00 Encumbrance. Type: gem / white ; tier 1 When wielded/worn: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +1% all When used to imbue an object: Armour: +5 Changes resistances: +1% all Latent Damage Type: Cold Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals. |
Weaver hatchling misses Rinari.
Weaver hatchling casts Dimensional Step.
Weaver hatchling emerges from a space-time rift!
Wasting from Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 3 temporal damage.
Ivota the weaver hatchling casts Dimensional Step.
Ivota the weaver hatchling emerges from a space-time rift!
Belema the weaver hatchling shoves Weaver hatchling aside.
Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 2 temporal damage.
Ivota the weaver hatchling misses Rinari.
Ivota the weaver hatchling's light area effect hits Rinari for 8 light damage.
Rinari hits Weaver hatchling for 6 physical, 4 physical (10 total damage).
Porobeth the orb spinner shoots!
Rinari stops regenerating health quickly.
Wasting from Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 4 temporal damage.
Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 2 temporal damage.
Belema the weaver hatchling shoves Weaver hatchling aside.
Weaver hatchling retunes the fabric of spacetime.
Weaver hatchling retunes the fabric of spacetime.
Ivota the weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 6 physical damage.
Porobeth the orb spinner's Shoot hits Rinari for 10 physical, 3 lightning, 2 blight (16 total damage).
Ivota the weaver hatchling's light area effect hits Rinari for 8 light damage.
Rinari retunes the fabric of spacetime.
Porobeth the orb spinner shoots!
Rinari is not silenced anymore.
Wasting from Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 4 temporal damage.
Weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 2 temporal damage.
Belema the weaver hatchling hits Rinari for 10 physical damage.
Rinari the level 4 outlander prototype hero was squished to death by Belema the weaver hatchling on level 3 of Unhallowed Morass.